Terese Løvås
Professor i Thermodynamikk og Forbrenning
Se ComKin Gruppeside for mer informasjon om forskning
Fagfelt / Arbeidsområde::
- Teoretisk og eksperimentell forskning innenfor forbrenning/gasifisering og alternative drivstoff (bio, hydrogen)
- Modellering av gassifiseringsprosesser av fast stoff biobrensle (reaktiv flerfasestrøm) for biodrivstoffproduksjon og varme/kraft produskjon.
- Leder Motor lab Institutt for Energi og Prosessteknikk
- Undervisning: Termodynamikk, Varme og Forbrenning
LowEmission senter, Partner/WP Leader. Norwegian Centre for innovation (SFI) on low emission technologies for off-shore industry. Funder Norwegian Research Council.
ACTIVATE, Partner/WP leader. Ammonia as carbon free fuel for internal combustion engine driven agricultural vehicle. Funding under the POLNOR 2019
AMAZE, Partner/WP leader. AMmoniA Zero Emission. Funder Funder Norwegian Research Council.
CAHEMA, Project owner/WP leader, Norwegian site. Concepts of Ammonia/Hydrogen Engines for Marine Application. Funder Nordic Energy Research.
Bio4Fuels, Partner/WP leader, Norwegian Centre for Sustainable Bio-based Fuels and Energy (FME)
- 2022 – Member for Board Directors, Combustion Institute
- 2019 – Joint Editor, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
- Churchill College, Cambridge University, Alumni Fellow in Engineering
- The Combustion Institute Scandinavian-Nordic Section
- Consortium On Computational Combustion For Engineering Applications
- Institute of Physics
Kort CV:
2009 -
Professor i Forbrenning og Termodynamikk, Department of Energy and Process engineering, NTNU, Norway
Pedersen, Krister Aaen;
Lewandowski, Michal Tadeusz;
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Løvås, Terese.
Identification of N2O formation in an ammonia/n-heptane dual-fueled compression ignition engine using numerical simulations.
Academic article
Konovalov, Dmytro;
Kobalava, Halina;
Radchenko, Mykola;
Løvås, Terese;
Pavlenko, Anatoliy;
Radchenko, Roman.
Experimental study of dispersed flow in the thermopressor of the intercooling system for marine and stationary power plants compressors.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences
Academic article
Zhang, Jingyuan;
Netzer, Corinna;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
A novel model for solid fuel combustion with particle migration.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Nadimi, Ebrahim;
Przybyła, Grzegorz;
Løvås, Terese;
Adamczyk, Wojciech.
Effects of biodiesel injector configuration and its injection timing on performance, combustion and emissions characteristics of liquid ammonia dual direct injection engine.
Journal of the Energy Institute
Academic article
Luu, Tien Duc;
Zhang, Jingyuan;
Gärtner, Jan W.;
Meng, Shiqi;
Kronenburg, Andreas;
Li, Tian.
Single particle conversion of woody biomass using fully-resolved and Euler–Lagrange coarse-graining approaches.
Academic article
Lewandowski, Michal Tadeusz;
Pedersen, Krister Aaen;
Løvås, Terese.
Evaluation of classical MILD combustion criteria for binary blends of ammonia, methane and hydrogen.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Emberson, David Robert;
Løvås, Terese.
Combustion of liquid ammonia and diesel in a compression ignition engine operated in high-pressure dual fuel mode.
Academic article
Scharl, Valentin;
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Emberson, David Robert;
Løvås, Terese.
Investigation of fuel temperature and injection timing effects on ammonia direct injection in an optical engine.
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science
Academic article
Nadimi, Ebrahim;
Przybyła, Grzegorz;
Løvås, Terese;
Peczkis, Grzegorz;
Adamczyk, Wojciech.
Experimental and numerical study on direct injection of liquid ammonia and its injection timing in an ammonia-biodiesel dual injection engine.
Academic article
Zhang, Jingyuan;
Li, Tian;
Ström, Henrik;
Wang, Boyao;
Løvås, Terese.
A novel coupling method for unresolved CFD-DEM modeling.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Kohansal, Komeil;
Sanchez, Eliana Lozano;
Khare, Shivang;
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Haider, Muhammad Salman;
Castello, Daniele.
Automotive sustainable diesel blendstock production through biocrude obtained from hydrothermal liquefaction of municipal solid waste.
Academic article
Proniewicz, Mateusz;
Petela, Karolina;
Szlȩk, Andrzej;
Przybyła, Grzegorz;
Nadimi, Ebrahim;
Ziółkowski, Łukasz.
Energy and Exergy Assessments of a Diesel-, Biodiesel-, and Ammonia-Fueled Compression Ignition Engine.
International Journal of Energy Research
Academic article
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Saanum, Inge;
Bratsberg, Stian Ranøyen;
Jørgensen, Patrick Heian;
Løvås, Terese;
Emberson, David Robert.
Enhanced Combustion by Photo Ignition of Carbon Nanotubes in a Constant Volume Chamber.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Gaucherand, Jessica;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Netzer, Corinna;
Løvås, Terese.
Modelling of a Solenoid Injector for Internal Combustion Engines and Simulation Using the Bond Graph Methodology.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Netzer, Corinna;
Guo, Ning;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Løvås, Terese.
Feedstock flexible numerical analysis of sewage sludge gasification.
Academic article
Lewandowski, Michal Tadeusz;
Pasternak, Michał;
Haugsvær, Morten;
Løvås, Terese.
Simulations of ammonia spray evaporation, cooling, mixture formation and combustion in a direct injection compression ignition engine.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Khare, Shivang;
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Kohansal, Komeil;
Haider, Muhammad Salman;
Castello, Daniele;
Pedersen, Thomas Helmer.
New Renewable Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) Biofuel: A Combustion and Emissions Study in an Optical Engine.
Academic article
Pedersen, Krister Aaen;
Lewandowski, Michal Tadeusz;
Netzer, Corinna;
Pasternak, Michal;
Løvås, Terese.
Ammonia in Dual-Fueled Internal Combustion Engines: Impact on NO<inf>x</inf>, N<inf>2</inf>O, and Soot Formation.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Netzer, Corinna;
Løvås, Terese.
Chemical Model for Thermal Treatment of Sewage Sludge.
Academic article
Wartha, Eva-Maria;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Karchniwy, Ewa Malgorzata;
Bösenhofer, Markus;
Harasek, Michael;
Løvås, Terese.
The effect of turbulence on the conversion of coal under blast furnace raceway conditions.
Academic article
Gaucherand, Jessica;
Netzer, Corinna;
Lewandowski, Michal;
Løvås, Terese.
Modelling of liquid injection of ammonia in a direct injector using Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulation.
Linköping University Electronic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Yu, Zidong;
Løvås, Terese;
Konovalov, Dmytro;
Trushliakov, Eugeniy;
Radchenko, Mykola;
Kobalava, Halina.
Investigation of Thermopressor with Incomplete Evaporation for Gas Turbine Intercooling Systems.
Academic article
Nadimi, Ebrahim;
Przybyła, Grzegorz;
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese;
Ziółkowski, Łukasz;
Adamczyk, Wojciech.
Effects of using ammonia as a primary fuel on engine performance and emissions in an ammonia/biodiesel dual-fuel CI engine.
International Journal of Energy Research
Academic article
Netzer, Corinna;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Surrogate Reaction Mechanism for Waste Incineration and Pollutant Formation.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Løvås, Terese;
Li, Tian;
Zhang, Jingyuan.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling for biomass and wate to energy production.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Emberson, David;
Sandquist, Judit;
Løvås, Terese;
Schönborn, Alessandro;
Saanum, Inge.
Varying Ignition Quality of a Fuel for a HCCI Engine Using a Photochemically-Controlled Additive: The Development of a ‘Smart’ Fuel.
Academic article
Zhang, Jingyuan;
Li, Tian;
Strøm, Henrik;
Løvås, Terese.
Computationally efficient coarse-graining XDEM/CFD modeling of fixed-bed combustion of biomass.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Yang, Miao;
Zhang, Jingyuan;
Zhong, Shenghui;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese;
Fatehi, Hesammedin.
CFD modeling of biomass combustion and gasification in fluidized bed reactors using a distribution kernel method.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Espekvist, Anna;
Li, Tian;
Glarborg, Peter;
Løvås, Terese;
Jensen, Peter Arendt.
Determination of zero dimensional, apparent devolatilization kinetics for biomass particles at suspension firing conditions.
Academic article
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Bugge, Mette;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Løvås, Terese;
Netzer, Corinna.
Enabling optimum Grate fired woody biomass and waste to energy plant operation through Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Lewandowski, Michal;
Netzer, Corinna;
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese.
Numerical investigation of glycerol/diesel emulsion combustion in compression ignition conditions using Stochastic Reactor Model.
Academic article
Emberson, David;
Wyndorps, Jan;
Ahmed, Ahfaz;
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Løvås, Terese.
Detailed examination of the combustion of diesel and glycerol emulsions in a compression ignition engine.
Academic article
Netzer, Corinna;
Ahmed, Ahfaz;
Gruber, Andrea;
Løvås, Terese.
Curvature effects on NO formation in wrinkled laminar ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air premixed flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Guo, Ning;
García Llamas, Ángel David;
Li, Tian;
Umeki, Kentaro;
Gebart, Rikard;
Løvås, Terese.
Computational fluid dynamic simulations of thermochemical conversion of pulverized biomass in a dilute flow using spheroidal approximation.
Academic article
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese.
Combustion and Soot Characteristics of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil Compression-Ignited Spray Flames.
Academic article
Leth-Espensen, Anna;
Li, Tian;
Glarborg, Peter;
Løvås, Terese;
Jensen, Peter Arendt.
The influence of size and morphology on devolatilization of biomass particles.
Academic article
Meraner, Christoph;
Li, Tian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
Effects of scaling laws on the combustion and NOx characteristics of hydrogen burners.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Lewandowski, Michal;
Netzer, Corinna;
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese.
Numerical investigation of optimal flow conditions in an optically accessed compression ignition engine.
Transportation Engineering
Academic article
Netzer, Corinna;
Li, Tian;
Seidel, Lars;
Mauss, Fabian;
Løvås, Terese.
Stochastic Reactor-Based Fuel Bed Model for Grate Furnaces.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Zhang, Jingyuan;
Li, Tian;
Strøm, Henrik;
Løvås, Terese.
Grid-independent Eulerian-Lagrangian approaches for simulations of solid fuel particle combustion.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
García Llamas, Ángel David;
Guo, Ning;
Li, Tian;
Gebart, Rikard;
Løvås, Terese;
Umeki, Kentaro.
Morphology and volume fraction of biomass particles in a jet flow during devolatilization.
Academic article
Grøvdal, Fredrik;
Sannan, Sigurd;
Meraner, Christoph;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Dimensional Decomposition of Turbulent Reacting Flows.
Flow Turbulence and Combustion
Academic article
Guo, Ning;
Li, Tian;
Zhao, Lihao;
Løvås, Terese.
Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of pulverized biomass jet using spheroidal particle approximation.
Academic article
Werle, Sebastian;
Tran, Khanh-Quang;
Magdziarz, Aneta;
Sobek, Szymon;
Pogrzeba, Marta;
Løvås, Terese.
Energy crops for sustainable phytoremediation – Fuel characterization.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Grøvdal, Fredrik;
Sannan, Sigurd;
Chen, Jyh-Yuan;
Løvås, Terese.
A Parametric Study of LEM3D Based on Comparison with a Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen Jet Flame in a Vitiated Co-Flow.
Combustion Science and Technology
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Løvås, Terese;
Glarborg, Peter.
Skeletal mechanisms for prediction of NOx emission in solid fuel combustion.
Academic article
Krivopolianskii, Vladimir;
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Emberson, David;
Ushakov, Sergey;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Løvås, Terese.
Experimental Study of Ignition Delay, Combustion, and NO Emission Characteristics of Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil.
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants
Academic article
Meraner, Christoph;
Li, Tian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
Combustion and NOx Emission Characteristics of a Bluff Body Hydrogen Burner.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Li, Tian;
Wang, Liang;
Bugge, Mette;
Løvås, Terese.
An evaluation of effects of fuel parameters and flue gas recirculation on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Emberson, David;
Rohani, Behzad;
Wang, Liang;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Løvås, Terese.
On soot sampling: Considerations when sampling for TEM imaging and differential mobility spectrometer.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Tomasgard, Asgeir;
Berstad, David Olsson;
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Karstad, Per Ivar;
Burheim, Odne Stokke;
Dawson, James.
Hydrogen i fremtidens lavkarbonsamfunn.
Center for Sustainable Energy Research (CenSES), NTNU
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese.
Diffuse Back-Illuminated Extinction Imaging of Soot: Effects of Beam Steering and Flame Luminosity.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Li, Tian;
Vantaggiato, Elettra;
Wang, Liang;
Bugge, Mette;
Løvås, Terese.
An evaluation of effects of operational parameters on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese.
Optical Measurements of In-Flame Soot in Compression-Ignited Methyl Ester Flames.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Thanh, Nguyen Cong;
Løvås, Terese;
Wang, Liang.
A thermogravimetric and kinetic study on devolatilization of biomass.
Masters thesis
Li, Tian;
Niu, Yanqing;
Wang, Liang;
Shaddix, Christopher;
Løvås, Terese.
High temperature gasification of high heating-rate chars using a flat-flame reactor.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Weber, Kathrin;
Heuer, Sebastian;
Quicker, Peter;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese;
Scherer, Viktor.
An Alternative Approach for the Estimation of Biochar Yields.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Grøvdal, Fredrik;
Sannan, Sigurd;
Chen, Jyh-Yuan;
Kerstein, Alan R;
Løvås, Terese.
Three-dimensional Linear Eddy Modeling of a Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen Jet Flame in a Vitiated Co-flow.
Flow Turbulence and Combustion
Academic article
Meraner, Christoph;
Li, Tian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
Cold flow characteristics of a novel bluff body hydrogen burner.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Niu, Yanqing;
Wang, Liang;
Løvås, Terese.
Gasification of High Heating-rate Biomass-derived Chars at Elevated Temperatures.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Keipi, Tiina;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese;
Tolvanen, Henrik;
Konttinen, Jukka.
Methane thermal decomposition in regenerative heat exchanger
reactor: Experimental and modeling study.
Academic article
Wang, Liang;
Maziarka, Przemysław;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Løvås, Terese;
Wadrzyk, Mariusz;
Sevault, Alexis.
Study of CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon produced at different conditions.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Krüger, Jonas;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Løvås, Terese.
Correlation effects between turbulence and the conversion rate of pulverized char particles.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Weber, Kathrin;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese;
Seidel, Lars;
Perlman, Cathleen;
Mauss, Fabian.
Stochastic reactor modeling of biomass pyrolysis and gasification.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
Academic article
Wang, Liang;
Li, Tian;
Várhegyi, Gábor;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Løvås, Terese.
CO2 gasification of chars prepared by fast and slow pyrolysis from wood and forest residue. A kinetic study.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Haugen, Nils Erland Leinebø;
Krüger, Jonas;
Mitra, Dhrubaditya;
Løvås, Terese.
The effect of turbulence on mass transfer rates of small inertial particles with surface reactions.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Løvås, Terese.
CFD Simulation of Devolatilization of Biomass with Shrinkage Effect.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Olszewski, Maciej;
Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Wang, Liang;
Løvås, Terese.
The techno-economics of biocarbon production processes under Norwegian conditions.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Krüger, Jonas;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Mitra, Dhrubaditya;
Løvås, Terese.
The effect of turbulent clustering on particle reactivity.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Tran, Quang Khanh;
Løvås, Terese;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli.
Hydrochar slurry fuels and high-grade activated carbon for electricity production and storage : conceptual process design and analysis.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Li, Tian;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Løvås, Terese.
CFD simulation of industrial-sized biomass furnace.
European biomass conference and exhibition proceedings
Academic article
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese;
Szczeciński, Mateusz;
Mazuro, Paweł.
Stochastic reactor model aiding experimental HCCI engine operating on surrogate bio-producer gas.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Dutka, Marcin Damian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
NOx emissions and turbulent flow field in a partially premixed bluff body burner with CH4 and H2 fuels.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Khalil, Roger Antoine;
Malik, Azhar;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Fossum, Morten;
Becidan, Michael.
Detailed operational mapping of a grate fired Biomass combustion plant for improved combustion process control.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Khalil, Roger Antoine;
Malik, Azhar;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Fossum, Morten;
Becidan, Michael.
Operational mapping of a grate fired biomass combustion plant for improved process control.
European biomass conference and exhibition proceedings
Academic article
Johannessen, Birgitte;
North, Andrew;
Dibble, Robert;
Løvås, Terese.
Experimental studies of autoignition events in unsteady hydrogen-air flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Wang, Liang;
Li, Tian;
Matas, Berta Güell;
Løvås, Terese;
Sandquist, Judit.
An SEM-EDX Study of Forest Residue Chars Produced at High Temperatures and High Heating Rate.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Dutka, Marcin Damian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
Emission characteristics of a novel low NOx burner fueled by hydrogen-rich mixtures with methane.
Journal of Power Technologies
Academic article
Dutka, Marcin Damian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
Investigations of air flow behavior past a conical bluff body using particle imaging velocimetry.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Gasification of Biomass for Second Generation Biofuel Production.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Ku, Xiaoke;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
CFD-DEM simulation of biomass gasification with steam in a fluidized BEd reactor.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Geier, Manfred;
Wang, Liang;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Matas, Berta Güell;
Løvås, Terese.
Effect of torrefaction on physical properties and conversion behavior of high heating rate char of forest residue.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Krüger, Jonas;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Løvås, Terese;
mitra, dhrubaditya.
A study on the coupling between isotropic turbulence and heterogeneous reactions.
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bugge, Mette;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Carlsson, Per;
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Løvås, Terese.
Numerical simulations of staged biomass grate fired combustion with an emphasis on NOx emissions.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Ku, Xiaoke;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Effects of Particle Shrinkage and Devolatilization Models on High-Temperature Biomass Pyrolysis and Gasification.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Ditaranto, Mario;
Li, Hailong;
Løvås, Terese.
Concept of hydrogen fired gas turbine cycle with exhaust gas recirculation: Assessment of combustion and emissions performance.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Academic article
Dutka, Marcin Damian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
Application of a Central Composite Design for the Study of NOx Emission Performance of a Low NOx Burner.
Academic article
Ku, Xiaoke;
Løvås, Terese;
van Sint Annaland, Martin;
Hagmeijer, Rob.
Effect of drag models on the accumulation of heavy particles in a circular bounded vortex flow.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Wang, Liang;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Matas, Berta Güell;
Løvås, Terese;
Shaddix, Christopher R..
Experimental and Modeling Study of the Effect of Torrefaction on the Rapid Devolatilization of Biomass.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Wang, Liang;
Vähä-Savo, NIklas;
Brink, Anders;
Løvås, Terese.
Characterisation of CO/NO/SO2 emission and ash-forming elements from the combustion and pyrolysis process.
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
Academic article
Ku, Xiaoke;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Eulerian–Lagrangian Simulation of Biomass Gasification Behavior in a High-Temperature Entrained-Flow Reactor.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Wang, Liang;
Løvås, Terese;
Houshfar, Ehsan.
Effect of Sewage Sludge Addition on Potassium Release and Ash Transformation during Wheat Straw Combustion.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Musinguzi, Wilson;
Okure, Mackay A.E.;
Sebbit, Adam;
Løvås, Terese;
De Silva, Izael.
Thermodynamic Modeling of Allothermal Steam Gasification in a Downdraft Fixed-Bed Gasifier.
Advanced Materials Research
Academic article
Bugge, Mette;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Løvås, Terese.
CFD simulations of staged biomass grate fired combustion with an emphasis on NOx emissions
Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum. Tagungsband
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ku, Xiaoke;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Influence of drag force correlations on periodic fluidization behavior in Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of a bubbling fluidized bed.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Wang, Liang;
Vähä-Savo, NIklas;
Brink, Anders;
Løvås, Terese.
Experimental Study of a Single Particle Reactor at Combustion and Pyrolysis Conditions.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Løvås, Terese;
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Bugge, Mette;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Automatic generation of kinetic skeletal mechanisms for biomass combustion.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Malik, Azhar;
Schramm, Jesper;
Nielsen, Claus;
Løvås, Terese.
Development of Surrogate for Fischer-Tropsch Biofuel and Reduced Mechanism for Combustion in Diesel Engine.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Diez, A;
Crookes, RJ;
Løvås, Terese.
Experimental studies of autoignition and soot formation of diesel surrogate fuels.
Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part D, journal of automobile engineering
Academic article
Kannan, Dhandapani;
Senthilkumar, Pachamuthu;
Nabi, Nurun;
Hustad, Johan Einar;
Løvås, Terese.
Theoretical and experimental investigation of diesel engine performance, combustion and emissions analysis fuelled with the blends of ethanol, diesel and jatropha methyl ester.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Glarborg, Peter;
Løvås, Terese.
Reduced chemical kinetics mechanisms for NOx emission prediction in biomass combustion.
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Løvås, Terese.
Experimental and Numerical Studies on Two-Stage Combustion of Biomass.
Doctoral dissertation
Musinguzi, Wilson;
Okure, Mackay A.E.;
Wang, Liang;
Sebbit, Adam;
Løvås, Terese.
Thermal characterization of Uganda's Acacia hockii, Combretum molle, Eucalyptus grandis and Terminalia glaucescens for gasification.
Biomass & Bioenergy
Academic article
Wang, Liang;
Løvås, Terese.
Effect of Additives in Reducing Ash Sintering and Slagging in Biomass Combustion Applications.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Kannan, Dhandapani;
Løvås, Terese;
Hustad, Johan Einar;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Nabi, Nurun.
Study of Second Generation Biofuels in Internal Combustion Engines.
Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Doctoral dissertation
Løvås, Terese.
Model Reduction Techniques for Chemical Mechanisms.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Khalil, Roger Antoine;
Løvås, Terese;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Enhanced NOx Reduction by Combined Staged Air and Flue Gas Recirculation in Biomass Grate Combustion.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Todorovic, Dusan;
Skreiberg, Alexandra;
Løvås, Terese;
Jovovic, Aleksandar.
NOx emission reduction by staged combustion in grate combustion of biomass fuels and fuel mixtures.
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Løvås, Terese;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Experimental investigation on NOx reduction by primary measures in biomass combustion: straw, peat, sewage sludge, forest residues and wood pellets.
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Sandquist, Judit;
Musinguzi, Wilson;
Khalil, Roger Antoine;
Becidan, Michael;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Combustion Properties of Norwegian Biomass: Wood Chips and Forest Residues.
Applied Mechanics and Materials
Academic article
Ku, Xiaoke;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Thermal Science
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Zhao, Lihao;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Andersson, Helge;
Løvås, Terese.
Numerical investigation of particles turbulent dispersion in channel flow.
Thermal Science
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Løvås, Terese;
Todorović, Dušan;
Sørum, Lars.
Effect of Excess Air Ratio and Temperature on NOx Emission from Grate Combustion of Biomass in the Staged Air Combustion Scenario.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Becidan, Michael;
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Khalil, Roger Antoine;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Løvås, Terese;
Sørum, Lars.
Optimal mixtures to reduce the formation of corrosive compounds during straw combustion: a thermodynamic analysis.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Khalil, Roger Antoine;
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Musinguzi, Wilson;
Becidan, Michael;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Goile, Franziska.
Experimental Investigation on Corrosion Abatement in Straw Combustion by Fuel Mixing.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Ali, Shaukat;
Vikhansky, Alexander;
Løvås, Terese.
Direct Quadrature Conditional Moment Closure for modeling of turbulent combustion.
Flow Turbulence and Combustion
Academic article
Malik, Nadeem;
Løvås, Terese;
Mauss, Fabian.
The effect of preferential diffusion in ethylene diffusion flames.
Flow Turbulence and Combustion
Academic article
Løvås, Terese.
Focus on production of second-generation bio-fuels and its influence on engine combustion and emissions: the Nordic Top-level Research Initiative project “BioEng”.
European Energy Innovation
Short communication
Johannessen, Birgitte;
Løvås, Terese;
Gruber, Andrea.
Modelling turbulent reactive flows for engineering applications.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løvås, Terese;
Navarro-Martinez, Salvador;
Rigopoulos, Stelios.
On adaptively reduced chemistry in large eddy simulations.
Symposium, International, on combustion
Academic article
Løvås, Terese;
Malik, Nadeem;
Mauss, Fabian.
Global Reaction Mechanism for Ethylene Flames with Preferential Diffusion.
Combustion Science and Technology
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Løvås, Terese;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Detailed chemical kinetics modelling of NOx reduction in combined staged fuel and staged air combustion of biomass.
European biomass conference and exhibition proceedings
Academic article
Løvås, Terese.
Automatic generation of skeletal mechanisms for ignition combustion based on level of importance analysis.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Journal publications
Pedersen, Krister Aaen;
Lewandowski, Michal Tadeusz;
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Løvås, Terese.
Identification of N2O formation in an ammonia/n-heptane dual-fueled compression ignition engine using numerical simulations.
Academic article
Konovalov, Dmytro;
Kobalava, Halina;
Radchenko, Mykola;
Løvås, Terese;
Pavlenko, Anatoliy;
Radchenko, Roman.
Experimental study of dispersed flow in the thermopressor of the intercooling system for marine and stationary power plants compressors.
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences
Academic article
Zhang, Jingyuan;
Netzer, Corinna;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
A novel model for solid fuel combustion with particle migration.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Nadimi, Ebrahim;
Przybyła, Grzegorz;
Løvås, Terese;
Adamczyk, Wojciech.
Effects of biodiesel injector configuration and its injection timing on performance, combustion and emissions characteristics of liquid ammonia dual direct injection engine.
Journal of the Energy Institute
Academic article
Luu, Tien Duc;
Zhang, Jingyuan;
Gärtner, Jan W.;
Meng, Shiqi;
Kronenburg, Andreas;
Li, Tian.
Single particle conversion of woody biomass using fully-resolved and Euler–Lagrange coarse-graining approaches.
Academic article
Lewandowski, Michal Tadeusz;
Pedersen, Krister Aaen;
Løvås, Terese.
Evaluation of classical MILD combustion criteria for binary blends of ammonia, methane and hydrogen.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Emberson, David Robert;
Løvås, Terese.
Combustion of liquid ammonia and diesel in a compression ignition engine operated in high-pressure dual fuel mode.
Academic article
Scharl, Valentin;
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Emberson, David Robert;
Løvås, Terese.
Investigation of fuel temperature and injection timing effects on ammonia direct injection in an optical engine.
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science
Academic article
Nadimi, Ebrahim;
Przybyła, Grzegorz;
Løvås, Terese;
Peczkis, Grzegorz;
Adamczyk, Wojciech.
Experimental and numerical study on direct injection of liquid ammonia and its injection timing in an ammonia-biodiesel dual injection engine.
Academic article
Zhang, Jingyuan;
Li, Tian;
Ström, Henrik;
Wang, Boyao;
Løvås, Terese.
A novel coupling method for unresolved CFD-DEM modeling.
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Academic article
Kohansal, Komeil;
Sanchez, Eliana Lozano;
Khare, Shivang;
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Haider, Muhammad Salman;
Castello, Daniele.
Automotive sustainable diesel blendstock production through biocrude obtained from hydrothermal liquefaction of municipal solid waste.
Academic article
Proniewicz, Mateusz;
Petela, Karolina;
Szlȩk, Andrzej;
Przybyła, Grzegorz;
Nadimi, Ebrahim;
Ziółkowski, Łukasz.
Energy and Exergy Assessments of a Diesel-, Biodiesel-, and Ammonia-Fueled Compression Ignition Engine.
International Journal of Energy Research
Academic article
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Saanum, Inge;
Bratsberg, Stian Ranøyen;
Jørgensen, Patrick Heian;
Løvås, Terese;
Emberson, David Robert.
Enhanced Combustion by Photo Ignition of Carbon Nanotubes in a Constant Volume Chamber.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Gaucherand, Jessica;
Pedersen, Eilif;
Netzer, Corinna;
Løvås, Terese.
Modelling of a Solenoid Injector for Internal Combustion Engines and Simulation Using the Bond Graph Methodology.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Netzer, Corinna;
Guo, Ning;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Løvås, Terese.
Feedstock flexible numerical analysis of sewage sludge gasification.
Academic article
Lewandowski, Michal Tadeusz;
Pasternak, Michał;
Haugsvær, Morten;
Løvås, Terese.
Simulations of ammonia spray evaporation, cooling, mixture formation and combustion in a direct injection compression ignition engine.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Khare, Shivang;
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Kohansal, Komeil;
Haider, Muhammad Salman;
Castello, Daniele;
Pedersen, Thomas Helmer.
New Renewable Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) Biofuel: A Combustion and Emissions Study in an Optical Engine.
Academic article
Pedersen, Krister Aaen;
Lewandowski, Michal Tadeusz;
Netzer, Corinna;
Pasternak, Michal;
Løvås, Terese.
Ammonia in Dual-Fueled Internal Combustion Engines: Impact on NO<inf>x</inf>, N<inf>2</inf>O, and Soot Formation.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Netzer, Corinna;
Løvås, Terese.
Chemical Model for Thermal Treatment of Sewage Sludge.
Academic article
Wartha, Eva-Maria;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Karchniwy, Ewa Malgorzata;
Bösenhofer, Markus;
Harasek, Michael;
Løvås, Terese.
The effect of turbulence on the conversion of coal under blast furnace raceway conditions.
Academic article
Yu, Zidong;
Løvås, Terese;
Konovalov, Dmytro;
Trushliakov, Eugeniy;
Radchenko, Mykola;
Kobalava, Halina.
Investigation of Thermopressor with Incomplete Evaporation for Gas Turbine Intercooling Systems.
Academic article
Nadimi, Ebrahim;
Przybyła, Grzegorz;
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese;
Ziółkowski, Łukasz;
Adamczyk, Wojciech.
Effects of using ammonia as a primary fuel on engine performance and emissions in an ammonia/biodiesel dual-fuel CI engine.
International Journal of Energy Research
Academic article
Netzer, Corinna;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Surrogate Reaction Mechanism for Waste Incineration and Pollutant Formation.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Emberson, David;
Sandquist, Judit;
Løvås, Terese;
Schönborn, Alessandro;
Saanum, Inge.
Varying Ignition Quality of a Fuel for a HCCI Engine Using a Photochemically-Controlled Additive: The Development of a ‘Smart’ Fuel.
Academic article
Zhang, Jingyuan;
Li, Tian;
Strøm, Henrik;
Løvås, Terese.
Computationally efficient coarse-graining XDEM/CFD modeling of fixed-bed combustion of biomass.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Yang, Miao;
Zhang, Jingyuan;
Zhong, Shenghui;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese;
Fatehi, Hesammedin.
CFD modeling of biomass combustion and gasification in fluidized bed reactors using a distribution kernel method.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Espekvist, Anna;
Li, Tian;
Glarborg, Peter;
Løvås, Terese;
Jensen, Peter Arendt.
Determination of zero dimensional, apparent devolatilization kinetics for biomass particles at suspension firing conditions.
Academic article
Lewandowski, Michal;
Netzer, Corinna;
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese.
Numerical investigation of glycerol/diesel emulsion combustion in compression ignition conditions using Stochastic Reactor Model.
Academic article
Emberson, David;
Wyndorps, Jan;
Ahmed, Ahfaz;
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Løvås, Terese.
Detailed examination of the combustion of diesel and glycerol emulsions in a compression ignition engine.
Academic article
Netzer, Corinna;
Ahmed, Ahfaz;
Gruber, Andrea;
Løvås, Terese.
Curvature effects on NO formation in wrinkled laminar ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air premixed flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Guo, Ning;
García Llamas, Ángel David;
Li, Tian;
Umeki, Kentaro;
Gebart, Rikard;
Løvås, Terese.
Computational fluid dynamic simulations of thermochemical conversion of pulverized biomass in a dilute flow using spheroidal approximation.
Academic article
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese.
Combustion and Soot Characteristics of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil Compression-Ignited Spray Flames.
Academic article
Leth-Espensen, Anna;
Li, Tian;
Glarborg, Peter;
Løvås, Terese;
Jensen, Peter Arendt.
The influence of size and morphology on devolatilization of biomass particles.
Academic article
Meraner, Christoph;
Li, Tian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
Effects of scaling laws on the combustion and NOx characteristics of hydrogen burners.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Lewandowski, Michal;
Netzer, Corinna;
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese.
Numerical investigation of optimal flow conditions in an optically accessed compression ignition engine.
Transportation Engineering
Academic article
Netzer, Corinna;
Li, Tian;
Seidel, Lars;
Mauss, Fabian;
Løvås, Terese.
Stochastic Reactor-Based Fuel Bed Model for Grate Furnaces.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Zhang, Jingyuan;
Li, Tian;
Strøm, Henrik;
Løvås, Terese.
Grid-independent Eulerian-Lagrangian approaches for simulations of solid fuel particle combustion.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
García Llamas, Ángel David;
Guo, Ning;
Li, Tian;
Gebart, Rikard;
Løvås, Terese;
Umeki, Kentaro.
Morphology and volume fraction of biomass particles in a jet flow during devolatilization.
Academic article
Grøvdal, Fredrik;
Sannan, Sigurd;
Meraner, Christoph;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Dimensional Decomposition of Turbulent Reacting Flows.
Flow Turbulence and Combustion
Academic article
Guo, Ning;
Li, Tian;
Zhao, Lihao;
Løvås, Terese.
Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of pulverized biomass jet using spheroidal particle approximation.
Academic article
Werle, Sebastian;
Tran, Khanh-Quang;
Magdziarz, Aneta;
Sobek, Szymon;
Pogrzeba, Marta;
Løvås, Terese.
Energy crops for sustainable phytoremediation – Fuel characterization.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Grøvdal, Fredrik;
Sannan, Sigurd;
Chen, Jyh-Yuan;
Løvås, Terese.
A Parametric Study of LEM3D Based on Comparison with a Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen Jet Flame in a Vitiated Co-Flow.
Combustion Science and Technology
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Løvås, Terese;
Glarborg, Peter.
Skeletal mechanisms for prediction of NOx emission in solid fuel combustion.
Academic article
Krivopolianskii, Vladimir;
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Emberson, David;
Ushakov, Sergey;
Æsøy, Vilmar;
Løvås, Terese.
Experimental Study of Ignition Delay, Combustion, and NO Emission Characteristics of Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil.
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants
Academic article
Meraner, Christoph;
Li, Tian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
Combustion and NOx Emission Characteristics of a Bluff Body Hydrogen Burner.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Li, Tian;
Wang, Liang;
Bugge, Mette;
Løvås, Terese.
An evaluation of effects of fuel parameters and flue gas recirculation on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Emberson, David;
Rohani, Behzad;
Wang, Liang;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Løvås, Terese.
On soot sampling: Considerations when sampling for TEM imaging and differential mobility spectrometer.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese.
Diffuse Back-Illuminated Extinction Imaging of Soot: Effects of Beam Steering and Flame Luminosity.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Li, Tian;
Vantaggiato, Elettra;
Wang, Liang;
Bugge, Mette;
Løvås, Terese.
An evaluation of effects of operational parameters on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires;
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese.
Optical Measurements of In-Flame Soot in Compression-Ignited Methyl Ester Flames.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Niu, Yanqing;
Wang, Liang;
Shaddix, Christopher;
Løvås, Terese.
High temperature gasification of high heating-rate chars using a flat-flame reactor.
Applied Energy
Academic article
Weber, Kathrin;
Heuer, Sebastian;
Quicker, Peter;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese;
Scherer, Viktor.
An Alternative Approach for the Estimation of Biochar Yields.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Grøvdal, Fredrik;
Sannan, Sigurd;
Chen, Jyh-Yuan;
Kerstein, Alan R;
Løvås, Terese.
Three-dimensional Linear Eddy Modeling of a Turbulent Lifted Hydrogen Jet Flame in a Vitiated Co-flow.
Flow Turbulence and Combustion
Academic article
Meraner, Christoph;
Li, Tian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
Cold flow characteristics of a novel bluff body hydrogen burner.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Niu, Yanqing;
Wang, Liang;
Løvås, Terese.
Gasification of High Heating-rate Biomass-derived Chars at Elevated Temperatures.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Keipi, Tiina;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese;
Tolvanen, Henrik;
Konttinen, Jukka.
Methane thermal decomposition in regenerative heat exchanger
reactor: Experimental and modeling study.
Academic article
Wang, Liang;
Maziarka, Przemysław;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Løvås, Terese;
Wadrzyk, Mariusz;
Sevault, Alexis.
Study of CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon produced at different conditions.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Krüger, Jonas;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Løvås, Terese.
Correlation effects between turbulence and the conversion rate of pulverized char particles.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Weber, Kathrin;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese;
Seidel, Lars;
Perlman, Cathleen;
Mauss, Fabian.
Stochastic reactor modeling of biomass pyrolysis and gasification.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
Academic article
Wang, Liang;
Li, Tian;
Várhegyi, Gábor;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Løvås, Terese.
CO2 gasification of chars prepared by fast and slow pyrolysis from wood and forest residue. A kinetic study.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Haugen, Nils Erland Leinebø;
Krüger, Jonas;
Mitra, Dhrubaditya;
Løvås, Terese.
The effect of turbulence on mass transfer rates of small inertial particles with surface reactions.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Løvås, Terese.
CFD Simulation of Devolatilization of Biomass with Shrinkage Effect.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Olszewski, Maciej;
Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Wang, Liang;
Løvås, Terese.
The techno-economics of biocarbon production processes under Norwegian conditions.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Krüger, Jonas;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Mitra, Dhrubaditya;
Løvås, Terese.
The effect of turbulent clustering on particle reactivity.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Løvås, Terese.
CFD simulation of industrial-sized biomass furnace.
European biomass conference and exhibition proceedings
Academic article
Emberson, David;
Løvås, Terese;
Szczeciński, Mateusz;
Mazuro, Paweł.
Stochastic reactor model aiding experimental HCCI engine operating on surrogate bio-producer gas.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Dutka, Marcin Damian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
NOx emissions and turbulent flow field in a partially premixed bluff body burner with CH4 and H2 fuels.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Khalil, Roger Antoine;
Malik, Azhar;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Fossum, Morten;
Becidan, Michael.
Detailed operational mapping of a grate fired Biomass combustion plant for improved combustion process control.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Khalil, Roger Antoine;
Malik, Azhar;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Fossum, Morten;
Becidan, Michael.
Operational mapping of a grate fired biomass combustion plant for improved process control.
European biomass conference and exhibition proceedings
Academic article
Johannessen, Birgitte;
North, Andrew;
Dibble, Robert;
Løvås, Terese.
Experimental studies of autoignition events in unsteady hydrogen-air flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Wang, Liang;
Li, Tian;
Matas, Berta Güell;
Løvås, Terese;
Sandquist, Judit.
An SEM-EDX Study of Forest Residue Chars Produced at High Temperatures and High Heating Rate.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Dutka, Marcin Damian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
Emission characteristics of a novel low NOx burner fueled by hydrogen-rich mixtures with methane.
Journal of Power Technologies
Academic article
Dutka, Marcin Damian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
Investigations of air flow behavior past a conical bluff body using particle imaging velocimetry.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Ku, Xiaoke;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
CFD-DEM simulation of biomass gasification with steam in a fluidized BEd reactor.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Geier, Manfred;
Wang, Liang;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Matas, Berta Güell;
Løvås, Terese.
Effect of torrefaction on physical properties and conversion behavior of high heating rate char of forest residue.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Bugge, Mette;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Carlsson, Per;
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Løvås, Terese.
Numerical simulations of staged biomass grate fired combustion with an emphasis on NOx emissions.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Ku, Xiaoke;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Effects of Particle Shrinkage and Devolatilization Models on High-Temperature Biomass Pyrolysis and Gasification.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Ditaranto, Mario;
Li, Hailong;
Løvås, Terese.
Concept of hydrogen fired gas turbine cycle with exhaust gas recirculation: Assessment of combustion and emissions performance.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Academic article
Dutka, Marcin Damian;
Ditaranto, Mario;
Løvås, Terese.
Application of a Central Composite Design for the Study of NOx Emission Performance of a Low NOx Burner.
Academic article
Ku, Xiaoke;
Løvås, Terese;
van Sint Annaland, Martin;
Hagmeijer, Rob.
Effect of drag models on the accumulation of heavy particles in a circular bounded vortex flow.
AIP Conference Proceedings
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Wang, Liang;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Matas, Berta Güell;
Løvås, Terese;
Shaddix, Christopher R..
Experimental and Modeling Study of the Effect of Torrefaction on the Rapid Devolatilization of Biomass.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Wang, Liang;
Vähä-Savo, NIklas;
Brink, Anders;
Løvås, Terese.
Characterisation of CO/NO/SO2 emission and ash-forming elements from the combustion and pyrolysis process.
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
Academic article
Ku, Xiaoke;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Eulerian–Lagrangian Simulation of Biomass Gasification Behavior in a High-Temperature Entrained-Flow Reactor.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Wang, Liang;
Løvås, Terese;
Houshfar, Ehsan.
Effect of Sewage Sludge Addition on Potassium Release and Ash Transformation during Wheat Straw Combustion.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Musinguzi, Wilson;
Okure, Mackay A.E.;
Sebbit, Adam;
Løvås, Terese;
De Silva, Izael.
Thermodynamic Modeling of Allothermal Steam Gasification in a Downdraft Fixed-Bed Gasifier.
Advanced Materials Research
Academic article
Bugge, Mette;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Løvås, Terese.
CFD simulations of staged biomass grate fired combustion with an emphasis on NOx emissions
Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum. Tagungsband
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ku, Xiaoke;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Influence of drag force correlations on periodic fluidization behavior in Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of a bubbling fluidized bed.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Wang, Liang;
Vähä-Savo, NIklas;
Brink, Anders;
Løvås, Terese.
Experimental Study of a Single Particle Reactor at Combustion and Pyrolysis Conditions.
Chemical Engineering Transactions
Academic article
Løvås, Terese;
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Bugge, Mette;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Automatic generation of kinetic skeletal mechanisms for biomass combustion.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Malik, Azhar;
Schramm, Jesper;
Nielsen, Claus;
Løvås, Terese.
Development of Surrogate for Fischer-Tropsch Biofuel and Reduced Mechanism for Combustion in Diesel Engine.
SAE technical paper series
Academic article
Diez, A;
Crookes, RJ;
Løvås, Terese.
Experimental studies of autoignition and soot formation of diesel surrogate fuels.
Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part D, journal of automobile engineering
Academic article
Kannan, Dhandapani;
Senthilkumar, Pachamuthu;
Nabi, Nurun;
Hustad, Johan Einar;
Løvås, Terese.
Theoretical and experimental investigation of diesel engine performance, combustion and emissions analysis fuelled with the blends of ethanol, diesel and jatropha methyl ester.
Energy Conversion and Management
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Glarborg, Peter;
Løvås, Terese.
Reduced chemical kinetics mechanisms for NOx emission prediction in biomass combustion.
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics
Academic article
Musinguzi, Wilson;
Okure, Mackay A.E.;
Wang, Liang;
Sebbit, Adam;
Løvås, Terese.
Thermal characterization of Uganda's Acacia hockii, Combretum molle, Eucalyptus grandis and Terminalia glaucescens for gasification.
Biomass & Bioenergy
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Khalil, Roger Antoine;
Løvås, Terese;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Enhanced NOx Reduction by Combined Staged Air and Flue Gas Recirculation in Biomass Grate Combustion.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Todorovic, Dusan;
Skreiberg, Alexandra;
Løvås, Terese;
Jovovic, Aleksandar.
NOx emission reduction by staged combustion in grate combustion of biomass fuels and fuel mixtures.
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Løvås, Terese;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Experimental investigation on NOx reduction by primary measures in biomass combustion: straw, peat, sewage sludge, forest residues and wood pellets.
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Sandquist, Judit;
Musinguzi, Wilson;
Khalil, Roger Antoine;
Becidan, Michael;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Combustion Properties of Norwegian Biomass: Wood Chips and Forest Residues.
Applied Mechanics and Materials
Academic article
Ku, Xiaoke;
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Thermal Science
Academic article
Li, Tian;
Zhao, Lihao;
Ku, Xiaoke;
Andersson, Helge;
Løvås, Terese.
Numerical investigation of particles turbulent dispersion in channel flow.
Thermal Science
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Løvås, Terese;
Todorović, Dušan;
Sørum, Lars.
Effect of Excess Air Ratio and Temperature on NOx Emission from Grate Combustion of Biomass in the Staged Air Combustion Scenario.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Becidan, Michael;
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Khalil, Roger Antoine;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Løvås, Terese;
Sørum, Lars.
Optimal mixtures to reduce the formation of corrosive compounds during straw combustion: a thermodynamic analysis.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Khalil, Roger Antoine;
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Musinguzi, Wilson;
Becidan, Michael;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Goile, Franziska.
Experimental Investigation on Corrosion Abatement in Straw Combustion by Fuel Mixing.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Ali, Shaukat;
Vikhansky, Alexander;
Løvås, Terese.
Direct Quadrature Conditional Moment Closure for modeling of turbulent combustion.
Flow Turbulence and Combustion
Academic article
Malik, Nadeem;
Løvås, Terese;
Mauss, Fabian.
The effect of preferential diffusion in ethylene diffusion flames.
Flow Turbulence and Combustion
Academic article
Løvås, Terese.
Focus on production of second-generation bio-fuels and its influence on engine combustion and emissions: the Nordic Top-level Research Initiative project “BioEng”.
European Energy Innovation
Short communication
Løvås, Terese;
Navarro-Martinez, Salvador;
Rigopoulos, Stelios.
On adaptively reduced chemistry in large eddy simulations.
Symposium, International, on combustion
Academic article
Løvås, Terese;
Malik, Nadeem;
Mauss, Fabian.
Global Reaction Mechanism for Ethylene Flames with Preferential Diffusion.
Combustion Science and Technology
Academic article
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Løvås, Terese;
Skreiberg, Øyvind.
Detailed chemical kinetics modelling of NOx reduction in combined staged fuel and staged air combustion of biomass.
European biomass conference and exhibition proceedings
Academic article
Løvås, Terese.
Automatic generation of skeletal mechanisms for ignition combustion based on level of importance analysis.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Part of book/report
Gaucherand, Jessica;
Netzer, Corinna;
Lewandowski, Michal;
Løvås, Terese.
Modelling of liquid injection of ammonia in a direct injector using Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulation.
Linköping University Electronic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tran, Quang Khanh;
Løvås, Terese;
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli.
Hydrochar slurry fuels and high-grade activated carbon for electricity production and storage : conceptual process design and analysis.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Krüger, Jonas;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Løvås, Terese;
mitra, dhrubaditya.
A study on the coupling between isotropic turbulence and heterogeneous reactions.
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løvås, Terese.
Model Reduction Techniques for Chemical Mechanisms.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Johannessen, Birgitte;
Løvås, Terese;
Gruber, Andrea.
Modelling turbulent reactive flows for engineering applications.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Løvås, Terese;
Li, Tian;
Zhang, Jingyuan.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling for biomass and wate to energy production.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Tomasgard, Asgeir;
Berstad, David Olsson;
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Karstad, Per Ivar;
Burheim, Odne Stokke;
Dawson, James.
Hydrogen i fremtidens lavkarbonsamfunn.
Center for Sustainable Energy Research (CenSES), NTNU
Thanh, Nguyen Cong;
Løvås, Terese;
Wang, Liang.
A thermogravimetric and kinetic study on devolatilization of biomass.
Masters thesis
Li, Tian;
Løvås, Terese.
Gasification of Biomass for Second Generation Biofuel Production.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Houshfar, Ehsan;
Løvås, Terese.
Experimental and Numerical Studies on Two-Stage Combustion of Biomass.
Doctoral dissertation
Wang, Liang;
Løvås, Terese.
Effect of Additives in Reducing Ash Sintering and Slagging in Biomass Combustion Applications.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Kannan, Dhandapani;
Løvås, Terese;
Hustad, Johan Einar;
Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle;
Nabi, Nurun.
Study of Second Generation Biofuels in Internal Combustion Engines.
Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Doctoral dissertation
Skreiberg, Øyvind;
Bugge, Mette;
Haugen, Nils Erland L;
Løvås, Terese;
Netzer, Corinna.
Enabling optimum Grate fired woody biomass and waste to energy plant operation through Computational Fluid Dynamics.
PosterBjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Løvås, Terese. (2024) An Experimental Investigation of Ammonia-nHeptane Spray Interaction under High Temperature and Pressure Conditions: Impact of Ambient Air Temperature and Pilot Injection. CI’s 40th International Symposium 2024-07-21 - 2024-07-26
PosterPedersen, Krister Aaen; Lewandowski, Michal Tadeusz; Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Løvås, Terese. (2024) Impact of Pilot Fuel Spray Orientation in a Dual-Fuel Ammonia-Diesel Engine. Universitat Politècnica de València Thiesel 2024 , Valencia, Spain 2024-09-10 - 2024-10-13
Academic lecturePedersen, Krister Aaen; Lewandowski, Michal Tadeusz; Netzer, Corinna; Løvås, Terese. (2023) The formation of hazardous gasses during ammonia combustion in the context of equivalence ratio and temperature diagrams. NTNU Nordic Flame Days 2023 , Trondheim 2023-11-28 - 2023-11-30
Academic lectureBjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Emberson, David Robert; Løvås, Terese. (2023) The effect of ammonia and diesel spray orientation on combustion characteristics and emissions in a CI engine. The Scandinavian-Nordic Section of the Combustion Institute Nordic Flame Days 2023 , Trondheim 2023-11-29 - 2023-11-30
LectureLewandowski, Michal Tadeusz; Pedersen, Krister Aaen; Haugsvær, Morten; Løvås, Terese. (2023) Physical and chemical aspects of direct injection of liquid ammonia on performance of CI engine. Université d'Orléans 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy , Orléans, France 2023-07-11 - 2023-07-13
PosterPedersen, Krister Aaen; Lewandowski, Michal Tadeusz; Løvås, Terese; Pasternak, Michal. (2023) Identification of N2O formation in an ammonia/n-heptane dual-fueled compression ignition engine using numerical simulations . CNRS UMR 6614 CORIA 11th European Combustion Meeting , Rouen 2023-04-26 - 2023-04-28
PosterLewandowski, Michal Tadeusz; Netzer, Corinna; Løvås, Terese. (2023) Reduction of ammonia/n-heptane detailed chemical kinetic mechanism for ICE conditions. CNRS UMR 6614 CORIA 11th European Combustion Meeting , Rouen 2023-04-26 - 2023-04-28
PosterZhang, Jingyuan; Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Netzer, Corinna; Løvås, Terese. (2023) Machine learning-assisted predictions of soot distributions from luminosity images for renewable fuels. Combustion Institute European Combustion Meeting , Rouen, Frankrike 2023-04-25 - 2023-04-28
PosterBjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Borsheim, Nina; Løvås, Terese. (2023) Momentum Flux Measurements of Liquid Injection of Ammonia using a GDI Injector. Combustion Institute European Combustion Meeting , Rouen, France 2023-04-25 - 2023-04-28
Academic lectureEmberson, David Robert; Løvås, Terese. (2023) Dual fuel combustion of ammonia and diesel in a CI engine by direct injection. University of Orleans 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy , Orleans, France 2023-07-11 - 2023-07-14
LectureLewandowski, Michal; Pasternak, Michal; Løvås, Terese. (2022) Simulations of ammonia spray evaporation, cooling and mixture formation in a direct injection compression ignition engine. 7th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering CPOTE 2022 , Warsaw 2022-09-20 - 2022-09-23
LecturePedersen, Krister Aaen; Lewandowski, Michal; Netzer, Corinna; Løvås, Terese; Pasternak, Michal. (2022) Numerical investigation of favorable injection strategies in an ammonia-diesel dual-fuel CI engine. Cardiff University School of Engineering 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy , Cardiff, UK 2022-09-01 - 2022-09-03
PosterLewandowski, Michal; Xue, Zhongye; Netzer, Corinna; Emberson, David; Løvås, Terese. (2022) Relation between MILD combustion and LTC strategies in diluted compression ignition conditions. 39th International Symposium on Combustion , Vancouver 2022-07-24 - 2022-07-29
PosterBjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Emberson, David; Løvås, Terese. (2022) Combustion of Ammonia and Biodiesel in a Compression Ignition Engine by Direct Injection. Combustion Institute 39th International Symposium on Combustion , Vancouver 2022-07-25 - 2022-07-29
LectureNetzer, Corinna; Guo, Ning; Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle; Løvås, Terese. (2022) Numerical Analysis of the Cold Gas Efficiency in Sewage Sludge Gasification. Cenertec - Center of Energy and Technology 13th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers , Algarve, Portugal 2022-04-19 - 2022-04-22
PosterKhare, Shivang; Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Kohansal, Komeil; Emberson, David Robert; Løvås, Terese; Pedersen, Thomas Helmer. (2022) Combustion and Emissions study of Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) Biofuel in Optical Engine. Bio4Fuels Days (Poster Presentation), Bergen, Norway , Bergen 2022-11-15 - 2022-11-16
PosterKhare, Shivang; Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Emberson, David Robert; Løvås, Terese. (2022) Experimental Study of Hydrothermal Lique-Faction (HTL) Biofuel in CI Engine. Norren Summer School (Poster Presentation), Asker, Norway 2022-06-13 - 2022-06-16
PosterLewandowski, Michal; Netzer, Corinna; Emberson, David; Løvås, Terese. (2021) Identification of combustion regimes in diluted compression ignition conditions. 10th European Combustion Meeting 2021-04-14 - 2021-04-15
PosterNetzer, Corinna; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2021) Nitrogen Oxide Prediction within a Woody Biomass Fuel Bed Using Detailed Chemistry. 10th European Combustion Meeting 2021-04-14 - 2021-04-15
PosterNetzer, Corinna; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2021) Numerical Analysis of Nitrogen Oxide Formation in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration. The Combustion Institute 38th International Symposium on Combustion 2021-01-24 - 2021-01-29
LectureLewandowski, Michal; Pasternak, Michal; Emberson, David; Netzer, Corinna; Løvås, Terese. (2021) Simulations of Direct Injection of Liquid Ammonia Spray in CI Engine. 2021 Global CONVERGE User Conference 2021-09-27 - 2021-09-30
LectureNetzer, Corinna; Waldner, Maurice H.; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2021) Numerical investigation on the release of chlorine and sulfur species from the fuel bed within a Waste-to-Energy plant. The Combustion Institute 30. Deutscher Flammentag , Hannover 2021-09-28 - 2021-09-29
Academic lectureWang, Boyao; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese; Wang, Liang; Skreiberg, Øyvind. (2021) CFD-DEM modelling of biomass pyrolysis using multi-component kinetics mechanism. Pyro conference series ePyro2021 , e-conference 2021-04-12 - 2021-04-13
PosterSkreiberg, Øyvind; Haugen, Nils Erland L; Bugge, Mette; Carlsson, Per; Netzer, Corinna; Li, Tian. (2021) Modelling of grate fired woody biomass and waste to energy plants - Status and further needs. EUBCE 29th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition , online 2021-04-26 - 2021-04-29
PosterKhare, Shivang; Lewandowski, Michał; Emberson, David Robert; Løvås, Terese. (2021) Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) Fuel Testing in CI Engine: Review & Research Direction. Bio4Fuels Days (Poster Presentation), Drammen, Norway 2021-11-15 - 2021-11-16
PosterKhare, Shivang; Xue, Zhongye; Emberson, David Robert; Løvås, Terese. (2021) Development of Experimental Setup of Ammonia Fuelled Compression Ignition Engine. 10th European Combustion Meeting, Napoli, Italy 2021-04-14 - 2021-04-15
Academic lectureZhang, Jingyuan; Li, Tian; Ström, Henrik; Løvås, Terese. (2019) Simulation of Thermally Thick Wood Particles Combustion with an Eulerian–Lagrangian Method. Seventeenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion 2019-05-06 - 2019-05-08
Academic lectureNetzer, Corinna; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese; Seidel, Lars; Mauss, Fabian. (2019) A Reactor Network Approach for Grate Combustion Plants based on Detailed Chemistry. Seventeenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion 2019-05-06 - 2019-05-08
Academic lectureSkreiberg, Øyvind; Li, Tian; Wang, Liang; Bugge, Mette; Løvås, Terese. (2019) An evaluation of effects of fuel parameters and flue gas recirculation on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations. AIDIC 14th International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering , Bologna, Italy 2019-05-26 - 2019-05-29
Academic lectureGuo, Ning; García Llamas, Ángel David; Li, Tian; Umeki, Kentaro; Gebart, Rikard; Løvås, Terese. (2019) Jet‐like force due to rapid moisture and volatile release during thermochemical conversion of biomass. Nordic Flame Days 2019 , Turku 2019-08-28 - 2019-08-29
PosterNetzer, Corinna; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese; Seidel, Lars; Mauss, Fabian. (2019) A Reactor Network Approach for Grate Fired Plants using Detailed Chemistry. 29. Deutscher Flammentag 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-18
Academic lectureLi, Tian; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Løvås, Terese; Glarborg, Peter. (2019) Reduced mechanisms for emission control in solid fuel combustion with SNCR. NTNU 7th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reactive Flow (IWMRRF) , Trondheim, Norway 2019-06-18 - 2019-06-21
Academic lectureLewandowski, Michal; Emberson, David; Netzer, Corinna; Ahmed, Ahfaz; Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Løvås, Terese. (2019) Numerical investigation of emissions from combustion of diesel fuels using Stochastic Reactor Model. XIII Modelling of Multiphase Flows in Thermo-Chemical Systems , Wiezyca 2019-06-13 - 2019-06-15
Academic lectureGuo, Ning; Llamas, Ángel David García; Li, Tian; Umeki, Kentaro; Gebart, Rikard; Løvås, Terese. (2019) CFD simulation of pulverized biomass conversion using spheroidal approximation. The Combustion Institute 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion , Aachen 2019-05-06 - 2019-05-08
PosterEmberson, David; Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Løvås, Terese. (2019) Detailed In-flame Soot Characteristics of Diesel, HVO and FAME using Extinction Imaging . Bio4Fuels Bio4Fuels Days , Gothenburg 2019-11-04 - 2019-11-06
LectureLewandowski, Michal; Wyndorps, Jan; Emberson, David; Netzer, Corinna; Ahmed, Ahfaz; Løvås, Terese. (2019) The effect of glycerol as a diesel fuel additive numerically investigated using Stochastic Reactor Model. XXIV International Symposium on Combustion Processes , Wroclaw 2019-09-23 - 2019-09-25
PosterLewandowski, Michal; Emberson, David; Netzer, Corinna; Ahmed, Ahfaz; Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Løvås, Terese. (2019) Numerical investigation of emissions from combustion of diesel fuels with glycerol addition using Stochastic Reactor Model . Building a Sustainable European Biofuel Industry , Gothenburg 2019-11-04 - 2019-11-06
Academic lectureWeber, Kathrin; Wang, Liang; Heuer, Sebastian; Scherer, Viktor; Li, Tian; Skreiberg, Øyvind. (2018) CO2 gasification of biomass chars derived from fast pyrolysis of birch bark and forest residues. Collaborative Research Center Oxyflame 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion , Bochum, Germany 2018-02-14 - 2018-02-15
Academic lectureWerle, Sebastian; Tran, Khanh-Quang; Magdziarz, Aneta; Sobek, Szymon; Pogrzeba, Marta; Løvås, Terese. (2018) Energy crops for sustainable phytoremediation – Fuel characterization. International Conference on Applied Energy , Hongkong 2018-08-22 - 2018-08-25
PosterSkreiberg, Øyvind; Li, Tian; Vantaggiato, Elettra; Wang, Liang; Bugge, Mette; Løvås, Terese. (2018) An evaluation of effects of operational parameters on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations. Applied Energy 10th International Conference on Applied Energy , Hong Kong, China 2018-08-22 - 2018-08-25
PosterBjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Emberson, David; Løvås, Terese. (2018) Detailed in-flame soot characteristics of Diesel, HVO and FAME using extinction imaging. Combustion Institute 37th International Symposium on Combustion , Dublin 2018-07-29 - 2018-08-03
PosterZhang, Jingyuan; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2018) Simulating thermochemical conversion of thermally thick wood particles with an Eulerian-Lagrangian method. 37th International Symposium on Combustion 2018-07-29 - 2018-08-03
PosterGuo, Ning; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2018) Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of thermochemical conversion of pulverized biomass particles using spheroid assumption. 37th International Symposium on Combustion 2018-07-29 - 2018-08-03
Academic lectureGuo, Ning; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2018) Eulerian-Lagrangian simulations of pulverized biomass injection in turbulent flows using spheroidal approximation. Collaborative Research Center Oxyflame 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion , Bochum, Germany 2018-02-14 - 2018-02-15
Academic lectureEmberson, David; Bjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Løvås, Terese. (2017) Arctic Biodiesel Performance and PM Number Emissions. JSME COMODIA 2017 , Okayama 2017-07-25 - 2017-07-28
LectureGuo, Ning; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2017) Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of Non-Spherical Biomass Particles in Turbulent Flow. Sixteenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion , Orlando, Florida 2017-04-03 - 2017-04-05
Academic lectureGrøvdal, Fredrik; Sannan, Sigurd; Kerstein, Alan R; Chen, J.Y.; Løvås, Terese. (2017) Three-dimensional Linear Eddy Modelling of a Turbulent Hydrogen Jet Flame in a Vitiated Co-flow. Siam Sixteenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion , Orlando, FL 2017-04-03 - 2017-04-05
Academic lectureGrøvdal, Fredrik; Sannan, Sigurd; Kerstein, Alan R; Chen, J.Y.; Løvås, Terese. (2017) Three-dimensional Linear Eddy Modelling of a Turbulent Hydrogen Jet Flame in a Vitiated Co-flow. Combustion Institute Tenth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium , Napoli 2017-09-17 - 2017-09-21
LectureGuo, Ning; Li, Tian; Zhao, Lihao; Løvås, Terese. (2017) Eulerian-Lagrangian simulations of spheroidal biomass particles in turbulent flows. Nordic Flame Days 2017 , Stockholm 2017-10-10 - 2017-10-11
Academic lectureWang, Liang; Maziarka, Przemysław; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Løvås, Terese; Wadrzyk, Mariusz; Sevault, Alexis. (2017) Study of CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon produced at different conditions. Applied Energy 9th International Conference on Applied Energy , Cardiff, UK 2017-08-21 - 2017-08-24
PosterWang, Liang; Maziarka, Przemysław; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Løvås, Terese; Wądrzyk, Mariusz. (2017) CO2 gasification reactivity of biocarbon produced at different conditions. EUBCE 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition , Stockholm, Sweden 2017-06-12 - 2017-06-15
Academic lectureLi, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2017) Eulerian–Lagrangian simulation of thermochemical degradation of thermally thick biomass particles. International Conference on Numerical Combustion 2017-04-03 - 2017-04-05
Academic lectureBjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Emberson, David; Løvås, Terese. (2017) Diffuse Back-illuminated Imaging of Soot in an Optical Reciprocating Rapid Compression Machine. Scandinavian-Nordic Section of the Combustion Institute Nordic Flame Days , Stockholm 2017-10-10 - 2017-11-11
PosterGrøvdal, Fredrik; Sannan, Sigurd; Kerstein, Alan R; Løvås, Terese. (2016) Three-Dimensional Linear Eddy Modelling of Combustion of Turbulent Hydrogen Flames. Combustion Institute The 36th International Symposium on Combustion , Seoul 2016-07-31 - 2016-08-05
Academic lectureTran, Quang Khanh; Løvås, Terese; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Kempegowda, Rajesh Shivanahalli. (2016) Hydrochar slurry fuels and high-grade activated carbon for electricity production and Storage - Conceptual process design and analysis. IEEE The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (ICSET 2016) , Hanoi, Vietnam 2016-11-14 - 2016-11-16
Academic lectureKrüger, Jonas; Haugen, Nils Erland L; Løvås, Terese. (2016) What is the effect of turbulence on the heterogeneous reaction rates in the high and low Damkohler regimes?. University of Udine ICMF 2016 International Conference on Multiphase Flow , Firenze, Italy 2016-05-22 - 2016-05-27
Academic lectureLi, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2016) Experimental study of char gasification at elevated temperatures with a particle-sizing pyrometer. Combustion Institute (Portuguese and Scandinavian-Nordic) Joint meeting of the Portuguese and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute , Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa 2016-11-17 - 2016-11-18
Academic lectureLi, Tian; Zhao, Lihao; Løvås, Terese. (2016) Large eddy simulation of ash deposition in wall-bounded turbulence. Combustion Institute (Portuguese and Scandinavian-Nordic) Joint meeting of the Portuguese and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute , Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa 2016-11-17 - 2016-11-18
PosterLi, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2016) Eulerian–Lagrangian simulation of thermochemical degradation of thermally thick biomass particles. The Combustion Institute The 36th International Symposium on Combustion , Seoul 2016-07-31 - 2016-08-25
PosterWeber, Kathrin Yvonne; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2016) Carbon Yield Predictions in Biochar Based on Stochastic Reactor Modelling. 24th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition , Amsterdam, the Netherlands 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09
LectureLi, Tian; Niu, Yanqing; Wang, Liang; Løvås, Terese. (2016) Gasification of high heating-rate biomass-derived chars at elevated temperatures. The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016 2016-10-08 - 2016-10-11
LectureLi, Tian; Ku, Xiaoke; Løvås, Terese. (2016) CFD simulation of devolatilization of biomass with shrinkage effect. The 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – ICAE2016 2016-10-08 - 2016-10-11
PosterBjørgen, Karl Oskar Pires; Emberson, David; Løvås, Terese. (2016) Combustion Characterization of Second-generation Biofuels for Arctic Conditions in Compression-ignition Engines. Combustion Institute 36th International Symposium on Combustion , Seoul 2016-07-31 - 2016-08-05
Academic lectureKhalil, Roger Antoine; Malik, Azhar; Ku, Xiaoke; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Fossum, Morten; Becidan, Michael. (2016) Operational Mapping of a Grate Fired Biomass Combustion Plant for Improved Process Control. 24th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition , Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09
PosterWeber, Kathrin; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese; Seidel, Lars; Perlman, Cathleen; Mauss, Fabian. (2016) Stochastic reactor modelling for biomass pyrolysis. Pyro 2016 (21st International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis) , Nancy, France 2016-05-09 - 2016-05-12
PosterLi, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2016) Eulerian–Lagrangian simulation of thermochemical degradation of thermally thick biomass particles. 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09
Academic lectureLi, Tian; Ku, Xiaoke; Løvås, Terese. (2016) CFD simulation of industrial-sized biomass furnace. 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09
Academic lectureKhalil, Roger Antoine; Malik, Azhar; Ku, Xiaoke; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Fossum, Morten; Becidan, Michael. (2016) Detailed Operational Mapping of a Grate Fired Biomass Combustion Plant for Improved Combustion Process Control. AIDIC IConBM 2016 , Giardini Naxos-Taormina, Sicily, Italy 2016-06-19 - 2016-06-22
Academic lectureLi, Tian; Ku, Xiaoke; Løvås, Terese. (2015) Effect of structural changes on devolatilization of biomass under high-temperature condition. Nordic Flame Days 2015 2015-10-06 - 2015-10-07
Academic lectureHaugen, Nils Erland L; Krüger, Jonas; Løvås, Terese; mitra, dhrubaditya. (2015) What is the effect of turbulence on heterogeneous combustion on particle surfaces?. International Symposium on Combustion Processes 2015-09-22 - 2015-09-25
Academic lectureKrüger, Jonas; Løvås, Terese; Haugen, Nils Erland L. (2015) Analyzing the performance of a reduced heterogeneous gasification mechanism. DTU Nordic Flame Days , Snekkersten 2015-10-06 - 2015-10-07
Academic lectureBugge, Mette; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Haugen, Nils Erland Leinebø; Carlsson, Per; Houshfar, Ehsan; Løvås, Terese. (2015) Numerical simulations of staged biomass grate fired combustion with an emphasis on NOx emissions. Applied Energy 7th International Conference on Applied Energy , Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 2015-03-28 - 2015-03-31
Academic lectureHaugen, Nils Erland L; Krüger, Jonas; Løvås, Terese; mitra, dhrubaditya. (2015) How important is turbulence for the rate of heterogeneous combustion of solid particles? . Nordita seminar 2015-03-04 - 2015-03-04
PosterDutka, Marcin Damian; Ditaranto, Mario; Løvås, Terese. (2015) PIV measurements of flow field in a partially premixed bluff body burner. 7th European Combustion Meeting , Budapest 2015-03-30 - 2015-04-02
Academic lectureKrüger, Jonas; Haugen, Nils Erland L; Løvås, Terese. (2015) A study on the coupling between isotropic turbulence and heterogeneous reactions. Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet 8th National Conference on Computational Mechanics , Trondheim 2015-05-18 - 2015-05-19
Academic lectureKrüger, Jonas; Løvås, Terese; Haugen, Nils Erland L. (2015) Comparison of reduced mechanisms for gasifying applications. Brandenburg University of Technology 5th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reacting Flows , Luebbenau 2015-06-28 - 2015-07-01
Academic lectureKrüger, Jonas; Løvås, Terese; Haugen, Nils Erland L. (2015) How does turbulent fluid motion influence heterogeneous combustion?. Laboratoire EM2C, CNRS and CentraleSupelec 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion , Avignon 2015-04-19 - 2015-04-22
Academic lectureKu, Xiaoke; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2015) Effect of particle shrinkage on the biomass pyrolysis behavior in a high-temperature entrained-flow reactor. 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion , Avignon 2015-04-19 - 2015-04-22
PosterDutka, Marcin Damian; Ditaranto, Mario; Løvås, Terese. (2015) Study of low NOx burner emission performance for combustion of hydrogen-rich mixtures with methane. 10th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers , Porto 2015-04-07 - 2015-04-10
InterviewLøvås, Terese; Mazuro, Paweł; Dutka, Marcin Damian; Skorstad, Sylwia. (2014) Polacy i Norwegowie Pracują Nad Silnikiem Przyszłości. www.nportal.no www.nportal.no [Internet] 2014-03-24
InterviewLøvås, Terese; Dutka, Marcin Damian; Snøfugl, Ingvil. (2014) Aksialmotor - Utvikler elbilmotor med teknologi fra andre verdenskrig. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Newspaper] 2014-05-21
InterviewLøvås, Terese; Dutka, Marcin Damian; Snøfugl, Ingvil. (2014) Utvikler elbilmotor med teknologi fra andre verdenskrig. e24.no e24.no [Internet] 2014-05-20
Academic lectureLi, Tian; Wang, Liang; Güell, Berta Matas; Løvås, Terese. (2014) Effect of torrefaction on rapid devolatilization of biomass. Joint meeting of the British and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute 2014-03-27 - 2014-03-28
PosterLi, Tian; Geier, Manfred; Wang, Liang; Ku, Xiaoke; Güell, Berta Matas; Løvås, Terese. (2014) Effect of torrefaction on physical properties and conversion behavior of high heating rate char of forest residue. The 35th International Symposium on Combustion , San Francisco 2014-08-03 - 2014-08-08
InterviewLøvås, Terese; Dutka, Marcin Damian; Snøfugl, Ingvil. (2014) Electric car axial engine development to become environmentally friendly alternative. www.enewswire.co.uk www.enewswire.co.uk [Internet] 2014-05-27
InterviewLøvås, Terese; Dutka, Marcin Damian; Snøfugl, Ingvil. (2014) Developing electric car engine using World War 2 technology. www.tujobs.com www.tujobs.com [Internet] 2014-05-25
Academic lectureDutka, Marcin Damian; Ditaranto, Mario; Løvås, Terese. (2014) Low NOx burner development for combustion of hydrogen-rich mixtures with methane. IEA Combustion 36th Task Leaders Meeting on Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction in Combustion , Stavanger 2014-06-09 - 2014-06-13
Academic lectureDutka, Marcin Damian; Ditaranto, Mario; Løvås, Terese. (2014) Low NOx burner development for combustion of hydrogen-rich mixtures with methane. Joint meeting of the British and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute , Cambridge 2014-03-27 - 2014-03-28
PosterKu, Xiaoke; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2014) Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of Biomass Gasification in a High-Temperature Entrained Flow Reactor: Effects of Biomass Type and Particle Size. The 35th International Symposium on Combustion , San Francisco 2014-08-03 - 2014-08-08
PosterDutka, Marcin Damian; Ditaranto, Mario; Løvås, Terese. (2014) Application of central composite design for the study of NOx emission performance of a low NOx burner. 35th International Symposium on Combustion , San Francisco, CA 2014-08-03 - 2014-08-08
Academic lectureKu, Xiaoke; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2014) CFD-DEM simulation of biomass gasification with steam in a fluidized bed reactor. Joint meeting of the British and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute , Cambridge 2014-03-27 - 2014-03-28
Academic lectureKu, Xiaoke; Løvås, Terese; van Sint Annaland, Martin; Hagmeijer, Rob. (2014) Effect of drag models on the accumulation of heavy particles in a circular bounded vortex flow. 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics , Rhodes 2014-09-22 - 2014-09-28
Academic lectureHaugen, Nils Erland L; Krüger, Jonas; Løvås, Terese; Mitchell, Reginald E.; Tilghman, Matthew B.. (2014) Transient simulations of biomass char gasification. DBFZ 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion , Leipzig 2014-09-30 - 2014-09-30
Academic lectureBugge, Mette; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Haugen, Nils Erland L; Houshfar, Ehsan; Løvås, Terese. (2014) CFD simulations of staged biomass grate fired combustion with an emphasis on NOx emissions. DBFZ 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion , Leipzig, Germany 2014-09-30 - 2014-09-30
Academic lectureBugge, Mette; Haugen, Nils Erland Leinebø; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Løvås, Terese; Houshfar, Ehsan. (2014) Numerical simulations of staged biomass grate fired combustion with an emphasis on NOx emissions. CenBio CenBio Days 2014 , Lillestrøm, Norway 2014-03-26 - 2014-03-28
Academic lectureKu, Xiaoke; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2013) Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of wood gasification in a high-temperature entrained flow reactor. 6th European Combustion Meeting , Lund 2013-06-25 - 2013-06-28
PosterDutka, Marcin Damian; Skarbø, Kjartan; Ditaranto, Mario; Løvås, Terese. (2013) Emission Characteristics of Hydrogen-Enriched Methane Fuelled Partially Premixed Bluff Body Burner. 6th European Combustion Meeting , Lund 2013-06-26 - 2013-06-28
PosterHoushfar, Ehsan; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Løvås, Terese. (2012) Modelling staged combustion of biomass with a reduced chemical kinetics mechanism: fuel rich condition. The Combustion Institute - Warsaw University of Technology 34th International Symposium on Combustion , Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland 2012-07-29 - 2012-08-03
Academic lectureLi, Tian; Zhao, Lihao; Ku, Xiaoke; Andersson, Helge; Løvås, Terese. (2012) Numerical investigation of particles turbulent dispersion in channel flow. 4th International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics 2012-10-27 - 2012-10-30
PosterLi, Tian; Ku, Xiaoke; Løvås, Terese. (2012) CFD modelling of soot formation in high-temperature lignocellulosic biomass entrained flow gasifier. The Combustion Institute 34th International Symposium on Combustion 2012-07-29 - 2012-08-03
PosterKu, Xiaoke; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2012) Euler-Lagrange simulation of biomass gasification in a high-temperature entrained flow reactor. The 34th International Symposium on Combustion , Warsaw 2012-07-29 - 2012-08-03
Academic lectureKu, Xiaoke; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese. (2012) Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of a bubbling fluidized bed reactor: Assessment of drag force correlations. 4th International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics , Suzhou 2012-10-27 - 2012-10-30
Academic lectureHoushfar, Ehsan; Løvås, Terese; Skreiberg, Øyvind. (2011) Two stage combustion of biomass and the effects on NOx emissions. Bioenergy Innovation Centre (CenBio) CenBio Days 2011 , Trondheim, Norway 2011-01-17 - 2011-01-18
Academic lectureHoushfar, Ehsan; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Glarborg, Peter; Løvås, Terese. (2011) A reduced chemical kinetics mechanism for NOx emission prediction in biomass combustion (extended abstract in conference proceedings). MIT, Department of Chemical Engineering 7th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics (ICCK 2011) , MIT, Cambridge, MA 2011-07-10 - 2011-07-14
Academic lectureHoushfar, Ehsan; Sandquist, Judit; Musinguzi, Wilson; Khalil, Roger Antoine; Becidan, Michael; Skreiberg, Øyvind. (2011) Combustion Properties of Norwegian Biomass: Wood Chips and Forest Residues. IACSIT, UPM and UiTM The 2011 International Conference on Power and Energy Engineering (ICPEE 2011) , Bangkok 2011-07-29 - 2011-07-31
PosterKannan, Dhandapani; Løvås, Terese. (2011) Investigation of Ethanol-Water Combustion Using Detailed Chemical Kinetics and Two-Zone Combustion Model On Spark Ignition Engine. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) The 7th International Conference on Chemical Kinetics (ICCK 2011) , Cambridge 2011-07-10 - 2011-07-14
Academic lectureHoushfar, Ehsan; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Løvås, Terese. (2011) NOx emission reduction by staged combustion in a grate fired multi-fuel reactor. The Scandinavian-Nordic Section of the Combustion Institute General Section Meeting of the Scandinavian-Nordic Section of the Combustion Institute , Trondheim, Norway 2011-11-28 - 2011-11-29
Academic lectureHoushfar, Ehsan; Løvås, Terese. (2010) Advanced characterization - NOx related issues. BIOENERGY 2020+ GmbH / Graz University of Technology ERANET Bioenergy Project - SciToBiCom Meeting , Technische Universität Graz, Inffeldgasse 21b, A - 8010 GRAZ 2010-10-11 - 2010-10-12
Academic lectureLøvås, Terese; Wang, Liang; Houshfar, Ehsan. (2010) Determination of release curves for alkali metals and heavy metals. BIOENERGY 2020+ GmbH / Graz University of Technology ERANET Bioenergy Project - SciToBiCom Meeting , Technische Universität Graz, Inffeldgasse 21b, A - 8010 GRAZ 2010-10-11 - 2010-10-12
Popular scientific lectureKannan, Dhandapani; Løvås, Terese. (2010) Investigation of Engine Performance and Combustion Efficiency of Diesel with Blends of Fischer-Tropsch Synthetic Diesel and Jatropha Methyl Ester. The Combustion Institute - Indian Section The 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion , Hyderabad 2010-12-10 - 2010-12-13
Academic lectureHoushfar, Ehsan; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Løvås, Terese. (2010) Emission Control through Primary Measures in Biomass Combustion. Centre for Renewable Energy (SFFE) Renewable Energy Research Conference 2010 , Trondheim, Norway 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-08
Academic lectureKannan, Dhandapani; Løvås, Terese. (2010) Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Performance Analysis on Diesel Engine Fuelled with Blends of Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) Synthetic Diesel and Jatropha Methyl Ester. The Renewable Energy Research Conference 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-07
PosterHoushfar, Ehsan; Løvås, Terese; Skreiberg, Øyvind. (2010) Detailed chemical kinetics modelling of NOx reduction in combined staged fuel and staged air combustion of biomass. ETA-Florence Renewable Energies and WIP Renewable Energies 18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition , Lyon 2010-05-03 - 2010-05-07
Academic lectureLøvås, Terese; Malik, Nadeem; Mauss, Fabian. (2009) Global reaction mechanism for ethylene flames with preferential diffusion. University of Minsk ICDERS , Minsk 2009-07-27 - 2009-07-31
Academic lectureLøvås, Terese. (2009) Reduction of Detailed Chemical Models with Controlled Uncertainty. Combustion Institute 6th U.S. National Combustion Meeting , Michigan 2009-05-17 - 2009-05-20
Academic lectureSheen, David A.; You, Xiaoqing; Wang, Hai; Løvås, Terese. (2009) Spectral Uncertainty Quantification, Propagation and Optimization of a Detailed Kinetic Model for Ethylene Combustion. Proc. Combust. Inst. 32 (2009) 535-542 2009-08-03 - 2009-08-08
Academic lectureRigopoulos, Stelios; Løvås, Terese. (2009) A LOI–RCCE methodology for reducing chemical kinetics, with application to laminar premixed flames. Proc. Combust. Inst. 32 (2009) 569–576 2009-08-03 - 2009-08-08