Thomas Erich Zinner
Short bio
Thomas Zinner is with IIK since August 2019. Before, he was visiting professor and head of the FG INET at TU Berlin and head of the research group on "Next Generation Networks" at the chair of Communication Networks at the University of Würzburg. He received his diploma in 2006 and his Ph.D. in 2012, both from University of Würzburg. His research interests cover the performance evaluation of emerging network architecture concepts like SDN/NFV as well as QoE-centric network and service management approaches.
- Head of Networking Group@IIK, (2021 - current)
- Professor at Department of Information Security and Communication Technology (IIK), NTNU (2022 - )
- Associate Professor at Department of Information Security and Communication Technology (IIK), NTNU (2019 - 2022)
- Visiting Professor, Head of research group INET, TU Berlin (2018 - 2019)
- Research Scientist, Head of research group Next Generation Networks, Chair of Communication Networks, University of Würzburg (2013 - 2018)
In the past decade the Internet changed completely the communications world, the information society as well as the daily life of most people. The Internet offers an increasing diversity of distributed applications and services over various media, and enables new markets and Internet economy.
My area of expertise is centered around the network eco-system with emphasis on network and service management. I am particularly interested in understanding the technologies, architectures and protocols connecting the Internet, the applications and services running on top of it, and through my research, I aim to further advance existing technologies and mechanisms.
In this context, I emphasise system design, performance evaluation and optimization for evolving network and application paradigms, particularly software-based networking, relevant Internet applications like adaptive video streaming and cooperative management approaches for networks and applications.
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Civelek, Tugce Erkilic;
Iera, Antonio;
Corujo, Daniel;
Karetsos, George T.;
Guerzoni, Riccardo.
Native Support of AI Applications in 6G Mobile Networks Via an Intelligent User Plane.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Raffeck, Simon;
Grøsvik, Sebastian Gilje;
Lange, Stanislav;
Hossfeld, Tobias;
Zinner, Thomas;
Geissler, Stefan.
Parameterizing 5G New Radio: A Comparative Measurement Study on Throughput and Delay.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Zerihun, Tesfaye Amare;
Khalili, Mohammad;
Hoidalen, Hans Kristian;
Zinner, Thomas.
Line protection systems with 5G communication.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Spina, Mattia Giovanni;
Lebron, Darwin Victoriano Soto;
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Guerzoni, Riccardo;
Trivisonno, Riccardo;
Iera, Antonio.
In-Network Computing and Split-AI in 6G: Enablers and Proof-of-Concept Studies.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Raffeck, Simon;
Grøsvik, Sebastian Gilje;
Lange, Stanislav;
Hossfeld, Tobias;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Geissler, Stefan.
Parameterizing 5G New Radio: A Comparative Measurement Study on Throughput and Delay.
International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM)
Academic article
Lønsethagen, Håkon;
Lange, Stanislav;
Zinner, Thomas;
Øverby, Harald;
Contreras, Luis M.;
Ciulli, Nicola.
Toward Smart Public Interconnected Networks and Services — Approaching the Stumbling Blocks.
IEEE Communications Magazine
Academic article
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Trivisonno, Riccardo;
Lange, Stanislav;
Civelek, Tugce Erkilic;
Corujo, Daniel;
Guerzoni, Riccardo.
An Intelligent User Plane to Support In-Network Computing in 6G Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Marquezan, Clarissa Cassales;
Trivisonno, Riccardo;
Nakajima, Shinichi;
Barriac, Vincent;
Zinner, Thomas.
ML-based QoE Estimation in 5G Networks Using Different Regression Techniques.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Academic article
De Moor, Katrien;
Fiedler, Markus;
Raake, Alexander;
Jhunjhunwala, Ashok;
Gnanasekaran, Vahiny;
Subramanian, Sruti.
Towards the design and evaluation of more sustainable multimedia experiences: which role can QoE research play?.
SIGMM Records
Academic article
Gajic, Marija;
Bosk, Marcin;
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Lange, Stanislav;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Demonstrating QoE-aware 5G Network Slicing Emulated with HTB in OMNeT++.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lange, Stanislav;
Gajic, Marija;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Pajo, Jane Frances;
Lønsethagen, Håkon;
Xie, Min.
Towards assessing effects of isolation on determinism in multi-application scenarios.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schembra, Giovanni;
Kellerer, Wolfgang;
Jacquenet, Christian;
Kamiyama, Noriaki;
Martini, Barbara;
Pasquini, Rafael.
Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Smart Management of Future Softwarized Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Academic literature review
Lange, Stanislav;
Pajo, Jane Frances;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Lønsethagen, Håkon;
Xie, Min.
QoS-Aware Inter-Domain Connectivity: Control Plane Design and Operational Considerations.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mostafaei, Habib;
Smaragdakis, Georgios;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Feldmann, Anja.
Delay-Resistant Geo-Distributed Analytics.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Academic article
Kellerer, Wolfgang;
Schembra, Giovanni;
Hwang, Jinho;
Kamiyama, Noriaki;
Kang, Joon-Myung;
Martini, Barbara.
Guest Editors Introduction: Special Issue on Advanced Management of Softwarized Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Academic literature review
Vilalta, Ricard;
Munoz, Raul;
Cassellas, Ramon;
Martinez, Ricardo;
Lopez, Victor;
González de Dios, Oscar.
TeraFlow: Secured Autonomic Traffic Management for a Tera of SDN flows.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bosk, Marcin;
Gajic, Marija;
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Lange, Stanislav;
Trivisonno, Riccardo;
Marquezan, Clarissa.
Using 5G QoS Mechanisms to Achieve QoE-Aware Resource Allocation.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bosk, Marcin;
Gajic, Marija;
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Lange, Stanislav;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
HTBQueue: A Hierarchical Token Bucket Implementation for the OMNeT++/INET Framework.
Academic article
Lange, Stanislav;
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Gajic, Marija;
Zinner, Thomas;
Kraemer, Frank Alexander.
AI in 5G Networks: Challenges and Use Cases.
John Wiley & Sons
Geissler, Stefan;
Lange, Stanislav;
Linguaglossa, Leonardo;
Rossi, Dario;
Zinner, Thomas;
Hossfeld, Tobias.
Discrete-Time Modeling of NFV Accelerators that Exploit Batched Processing.
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems
Academic article
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Marquezan, Clarissa Cassales;
Trivisonno, Riccardo;
Nakajima, Shinichi;
Zinner, Thomas.
Accuracy vs. Cost Trade-off for Machine Learning Based QoE Estimation in 5G Networks.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shukla, Apoorv;
Fathalli, Seifeddine;
Zinner, Thomas;
Hecker, Artur;
Schmid, Stefan.
P4Consist: Towards Consistent P4 SDNs .
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Academic article
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Zinner, Thomas.
Linking QoE and Performance Models for DASH-based Video Streaming.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Enghardt, Theresa;
Zinner, Thomas;
Feldmann, Anja.
Using informed access network selection to improve HTTP adaptive streaming performance.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Hainke, Nick;
Zinner, Thomas;
Sieber, Christian;
Robitza, Werner;
Raake, Alexander.
Comparing fixed and variable segment durations for adaptive video streaming: a holistic analysis.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Apoorv, Shukla;
S. Jawad, Saidi;
Stefan, Schmid;
Marco, Canini;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Feldmann, Anja.
Towards Consistent SDNS: A Case for Network State Fuzzing.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Academic article
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Breitbach, Paula;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Computing QoE-Relevant Adaptive Video Streaming Metrics Using Discrete-Time Analysis.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Enghardt, Theresa;
Tiesel, Philipp;
Zinner, Thomas;
Feldmann, Anja.
Informed Access Network Selection: The Benefits of Socket Intents for Web Performance.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Enghardt, Theresa;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Feldmann, Anja.
Web performance pitfalls.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alissa, Ali;
Bentaleb, Abdelhak;
Barakabitze, Alcardo;
Ghita, Bogdan V.;
Zinner, Thomas.
Bandwidth Prediction Schemes for Defining Bitrate Levels in SDN-enabled Adaptive Streaming.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Marquezan, Clarissa;
Bosk, Marcin;
Liu, Huiran;
Trivisonno, Riccardo;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Estimating Video Streaming QoE in the 5G Architecture Using Machine Learning.
ACM Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lange, Stanislav;
Linguaglossa, Leonardo;
Geissler, Stefan;
Rossi, Dario;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Discrete-Time Modeling of NFV Accelerators that Exploit Batched Processing.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kellerer, Wolfgang;
Chemouil, Prosper;
Kamiyama, Noriaki;
Martini, Barbara;
Pasquini, Rafael;
Schembra, Giovanni.
Guest editorial: Special issue on latest developments for the management of softwarized networks.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Gray, Nicolas;
Grigorjew, Alexej;
Hossfeld, Tobias;
Apoorv, Shukla;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Highlighting the Gap Between Expected and Actual Behavior in P4-enabled Networks.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Geissler, Stefan;
Herrnleben, Stefan;
Bauer, Robert;
Grigorjew, Alexej;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Jarschel, Michael.
The Power of Composition: Abstracting a Multi-Device SDN Data Path Through a Single API.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Academic article
Linguaglossa, Leonardo;
Lange, Stanislav;
Pontarelli, Salvatore;
Rétvári, Gábor;
Rossi, Dario;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Survey of Performance Acceleration Techniques for Network Function Virtualization.
Proceedings of the IEEE
Academic article
Bruschi, Roberto;
Ciucu, Florin;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Application Areas and Fundamental Challenges in Network Functions Virtualization.
Computer Networks
Al-Issa, Ali;
Bentaleb, Abdelhak;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Mkwawa, Is-Haka;
Ghita, Bogdan V..
BBGDASH: A Max-Min Bounded Bitrate Guidance for SDN Enabled Adaptive Video Streaming.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Geissler, Stefan;
Lange, Stanislav;
Wamser, Florian;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Hossfeld, Tobias.
KOMon—Kernel-based Online Monitoring of VNF Packet Processing Times.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Breitbach, Paula;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Rost, Matthias.
Modeling Adaptive Video Streaming Using Discrete-Time Analysis.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Raffeck, Simon;
Grøsvik, Sebastian Gilje;
Lange, Stanislav;
Hossfeld, Tobias;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Geissler, Stefan.
Parameterizing 5G New Radio: A Comparative Measurement Study on Throughput and Delay.
International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM)
Academic article
Lønsethagen, Håkon;
Lange, Stanislav;
Zinner, Thomas;
Øverby, Harald;
Contreras, Luis M.;
Ciulli, Nicola.
Toward Smart Public Interconnected Networks and Services — Approaching the Stumbling Blocks.
IEEE Communications Magazine
Academic article
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Marquezan, Clarissa Cassales;
Trivisonno, Riccardo;
Nakajima, Shinichi;
Barriac, Vincent;
Zinner, Thomas.
ML-based QoE Estimation in 5G Networks Using Different Regression Techniques.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Academic article
De Moor, Katrien;
Fiedler, Markus;
Raake, Alexander;
Jhunjhunwala, Ashok;
Gnanasekaran, Vahiny;
Subramanian, Sruti.
Towards the design and evaluation of more sustainable multimedia experiences: which role can QoE research play?.
SIGMM Records
Academic article
Schembra, Giovanni;
Kellerer, Wolfgang;
Jacquenet, Christian;
Kamiyama, Noriaki;
Martini, Barbara;
Pasquini, Rafael.
Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Smart Management of Future Softwarized Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Academic literature review
Mostafaei, Habib;
Smaragdakis, Georgios;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Feldmann, Anja.
Delay-Resistant Geo-Distributed Analytics.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Academic article
Kellerer, Wolfgang;
Schembra, Giovanni;
Hwang, Jinho;
Kamiyama, Noriaki;
Kang, Joon-Myung;
Martini, Barbara.
Guest Editors Introduction: Special Issue on Advanced Management of Softwarized Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Academic literature review
Bosk, Marcin;
Gajic, Marija;
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Lange, Stanislav;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
HTBQueue: A Hierarchical Token Bucket Implementation for the OMNeT++/INET Framework.
Academic article
Geissler, Stefan;
Lange, Stanislav;
Linguaglossa, Leonardo;
Rossi, Dario;
Zinner, Thomas;
Hossfeld, Tobias.
Discrete-Time Modeling of NFV Accelerators that Exploit Batched Processing.
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems
Academic article
Shukla, Apoorv;
Fathalli, Seifeddine;
Zinner, Thomas;
Hecker, Artur;
Schmid, Stefan.
P4Consist: Towards Consistent P4 SDNs .
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
Academic article
Apoorv, Shukla;
S. Jawad, Saidi;
Stefan, Schmid;
Marco, Canini;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Feldmann, Anja.
Towards Consistent SDNS: A Case for Network State Fuzzing.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Academic article
Kellerer, Wolfgang;
Chemouil, Prosper;
Kamiyama, Noriaki;
Martini, Barbara;
Pasquini, Rafael;
Schembra, Giovanni.
Guest editorial: Special issue on latest developments for the management of softwarized networks.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Geissler, Stefan;
Herrnleben, Stefan;
Bauer, Robert;
Grigorjew, Alexej;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Jarschel, Michael.
The Power of Composition: Abstracting a Multi-Device SDN Data Path Through a Single API.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Academic article
Linguaglossa, Leonardo;
Lange, Stanislav;
Pontarelli, Salvatore;
Rétvári, Gábor;
Rossi, Dario;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Survey of Performance Acceleration Techniques for Network Function Virtualization.
Proceedings of the IEEE
Academic article
Bruschi, Roberto;
Ciucu, Florin;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Application Areas and Fundamental Challenges in Network Functions Virtualization.
Computer Networks
Part of book/report
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Civelek, Tugce Erkilic;
Iera, Antonio;
Corujo, Daniel;
Karetsos, George T.;
Guerzoni, Riccardo.
Native Support of AI Applications in 6G Mobile Networks Via an Intelligent User Plane.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Raffeck, Simon;
Grøsvik, Sebastian Gilje;
Lange, Stanislav;
Hossfeld, Tobias;
Zinner, Thomas;
Geissler, Stefan.
Parameterizing 5G New Radio: A Comparative Measurement Study on Throughput and Delay.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sanchez Acevedo, Santiago;
Zerihun, Tesfaye Amare;
Khalili, Mohammad;
Hoidalen, Hans Kristian;
Zinner, Thomas.
Line protection systems with 5G communication.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Spina, Mattia Giovanni;
Lebron, Darwin Victoriano Soto;
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Guerzoni, Riccardo;
Trivisonno, Riccardo;
Iera, Antonio.
In-Network Computing and Split-AI in 6G: Enablers and Proof-of-Concept Studies.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Trivisonno, Riccardo;
Lange, Stanislav;
Civelek, Tugce Erkilic;
Corujo, Daniel;
Guerzoni, Riccardo.
An Intelligent User Plane to Support In-Network Computing in 6G Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gajic, Marija;
Bosk, Marcin;
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Lange, Stanislav;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Demonstrating QoE-aware 5G Network Slicing Emulated with HTB in OMNeT++.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lange, Stanislav;
Gajic, Marija;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Pajo, Jane Frances;
Lønsethagen, Håkon;
Xie, Min.
Towards assessing effects of isolation on determinism in multi-application scenarios.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lange, Stanislav;
Pajo, Jane Frances;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Lønsethagen, Håkon;
Xie, Min.
QoS-Aware Inter-Domain Connectivity: Control Plane Design and Operational Considerations.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vilalta, Ricard;
Munoz, Raul;
Cassellas, Ramon;
Martinez, Ricardo;
Lopez, Victor;
González de Dios, Oscar.
TeraFlow: Secured Autonomic Traffic Management for a Tera of SDN flows.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bosk, Marcin;
Gajic, Marija;
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Lange, Stanislav;
Trivisonno, Riccardo;
Marquezan, Clarissa.
Using 5G QoS Mechanisms to Achieve QoE-Aware Resource Allocation.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lange, Stanislav;
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Gajic, Marija;
Zinner, Thomas;
Kraemer, Frank Alexander.
AI in 5G Networks: Challenges and Use Cases.
John Wiley & Sons
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Marquezan, Clarissa Cassales;
Trivisonno, Riccardo;
Nakajima, Shinichi;
Zinner, Thomas.
Accuracy vs. Cost Trade-off for Machine Learning Based QoE Estimation in 5G Networks.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Zinner, Thomas.
Linking QoE and Performance Models for DASH-based Video Streaming.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Enghardt, Theresa;
Zinner, Thomas;
Feldmann, Anja.
Using informed access network selection to improve HTTP adaptive streaming performance.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Hainke, Nick;
Zinner, Thomas;
Sieber, Christian;
Robitza, Werner;
Raake, Alexander.
Comparing fixed and variable segment durations for adaptive video streaming: a holistic analysis.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Breitbach, Paula;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Computing QoE-Relevant Adaptive Video Streaming Metrics Using Discrete-Time Analysis.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Enghardt, Theresa;
Tiesel, Philipp;
Zinner, Thomas;
Feldmann, Anja.
Informed Access Network Selection: The Benefits of Socket Intents for Web Performance.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Enghardt, Theresa;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Feldmann, Anja.
Web performance pitfalls.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alissa, Ali;
Bentaleb, Abdelhak;
Barakabitze, Alcardo;
Ghita, Bogdan V.;
Zinner, Thomas.
Bandwidth Prediction Schemes for Defining Bitrate Levels in SDN-enabled Adaptive Streaming.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Marquezan, Clarissa;
Bosk, Marcin;
Liu, Huiran;
Trivisonno, Riccardo;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Estimating Video Streaming QoE in the 5G Architecture Using Machine Learning.
ACM Digital Library
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lange, Stanislav;
Linguaglossa, Leonardo;
Geissler, Stefan;
Rossi, Dario;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Discrete-Time Modeling of NFV Accelerators that Exploit Batched Processing.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gray, Nicolas;
Grigorjew, Alexej;
Hossfeld, Tobias;
Apoorv, Shukla;
Zinner, Thomas Erich.
Highlighting the Gap Between Expected and Actual Behavior in P4-enabled Networks.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Al-Issa, Ali;
Bentaleb, Abdelhak;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Mkwawa, Is-Haka;
Ghita, Bogdan V..
BBGDASH: A Max-Min Bounded Bitrate Guidance for SDN Enabled Adaptive Video Streaming.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Geissler, Stefan;
Lange, Stanislav;
Wamser, Florian;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Hossfeld, Tobias.
KOMon—Kernel-based Online Monitoring of VNF Packet Processing Times.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Schwarzmann, Susanna;
Breitbach, Paula;
Zinner, Thomas Erich;
Rost, Matthias.
Modeling Adaptive Video Streaming Using Discrete-Time Analysis.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper