Tu Dac Ho
I am a senior member of IEEE and have been an associate professor at the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology (IIK) of NTNU since 2023 and at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) since 2019. I received my MSc and PhD degrees from Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, in 2005 and 2011, respectively, with a focus on wireless communications. Previously, I served as an Assistant Professor at Waseda University (2011–2012), a postdoctoral fellow at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2012–2014), and a senior researcher at SINTEF Norway (2014–2018).
My research interests extend beyond new communication protocols, secured IoT, cognitive radio, and energy harvesting (EH). I have actively participated in and led several scientific projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council and EU Horizon, with a focus on using ML/AI for next-generation wireless communications and networks (6G and B6G), as well as applications of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in these systems. Additionally, I have served as a committee member and reviewer for numerous journals, including those from IEEE, Elsevier, Wiley, IET, IEICE, and AIAA, as well as flagship conferences such as IEEE GLOBECOM, ICC, and WCNC. I have authored approximately 60 international peer-reviewed publications and book chapters. Furthermore, I am an Editorial Board Member at Modern Subsea Engineering and Technology.
Regarding my current research involvement, I am an active member of several ongoing projects:
Small Satellite Strategy Project at UiT (2022-2028): This project focuses on small satellite development and strategy (more information is available on UiT’s project page).
FRIPRO Project in Space Debris Detection and Monitoring (2023-2028): In collaboration with other researchers, we aim to address space debris challenges. You can find additional details about this project here.
EU Project on Autonomous Energy Harvesting Technology and Sensor Data Networks (2023-2027): As the Norwegian Principal Investigator (PI), I lead research efforts in developing autonomous energy harvesting technology and sensor networks for new IoT applications in cold regions. The project has a budget of approximately 2 million Euros. More information is available on the UiT Research Group’s page.
Japan-Norway Research Collaboration Project (2024-2029): I am also a co-PI in a newly granted project funded by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). This collaboration involves top teams from various institutions, including the University of Houston (U.S.A.), Queen’s University Belfast (UK), Memorial University in Newfoundland (Canada), Charles Sturt University (Australia), and Norwegian universities (NTNU & UiT). Our research spans interdisciplinary topics and aims to foster innovative solutions.
Research on Sensing, Actuation, Communication, and Intelligent Signal Processing Infrastructure for Ambien Intelligence
QDebris - CubeSat Formation for Space Debris Characterization
Student Satellite
Submitted articles (updated August 2024):
1. Two papers were PRESENTED at the IEEE ICCE Conference in Danang, Vietnam (July-August 2024)
a. Hieu V. Nguyen et al. "Joint Latency Minimization and Power Allocation for MEC-Enabled MU-MISO Networks".
b. Nguyen Phuong Tu et al. "A Flexible Residual Neural Network for Rician Noise Removal in MR Images".
2. Two papers were ACCEPTED at the PIMRC conference in Valencia, Spain (Sept. 2-6):
a. Selma Yahia et al. "Dynamic 3D UAV Placement Optimization: Improved Bonobo Optimizer for Enhanced Coverage and Communication".
b. Joy Dutta et al. "Advanced eHealth With Explainable AI: Secured by Blockchain With AI-Empowered Block Sensitivity for Adaptive Authentication".
3. Aicha Meghraoui et al. "Secure Vehicular Visible Light Communications via STAR-RIS: Secrecy Capacity Evaluation" PRESENTED at Meditcom 2nd International Workshop on Advanced & Lightweight Security Solutions for 6G Systems (July 2024).
4. Sicong Li et al. "Optimizing mmWave UAV Networks: Mobility-Aware Deployment and Resource Allocation", ACCEPTED to IEEE VTC Fall 2024 (WKS: Empowered Ambient Intelligence: Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities (6G-EmAI)) in Washington (Oct. 2024)
5. Kd M Raziul Islam et al. "A Low-Profile Metasurface Absorber for Ultra-Wideband and Polarization-Insensitive Performance in X- and Ku-Bands", SUBMITTED to IEEE WCNC (2025)
6. Nguyen Quoc Long et al. "Deep Learning for Outage Probability Minimization in Secure NOMA Energy Harvesting UAV IoT Networks", PUBLISHED in Springer Mobile Networks and Applications Journal (May 2024) (IF 3): DOI: Link to the paper
7. Van Nhan Vo et al. "Performance Optimization for Hybrid TS/PS SWIPT UAV in Cooperative NOMA IoT Networks ", PUBLISHED in Alexandria Engineering Journal (IF 6.2) (July 29th 2024): DOI: Link to the paper
8. Van Nhan Vo et al. "Deep Learning-Driven Throughput Maximization in Covert Communication for UAV-RIS Cognitive Systems", SUBMITTED to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IF 7.7).
9. Xiaolun Xu et al. "Towards future Vessel Traffic Service: A centralized optimization-based approach for multi-vessel collision avoidance", SUBMITTED to IEEE Access (July 2024) (IF 3.9).
Vo, Van Nhan;
Dang, Viet-Hung;
Tran, Hung;
Tran, Duc-Dung;
Chatzinotas, Symeon;
Quoc, Hai Le.
Performance optimization for hybrid TS/PS SWIPT UAV in cooperative NOMA IoT networks.
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Academic article
Long, Nguyen Quoc;
Dang, Viet-Hung;
Nguyen, Nhu Gia;
Nguyen, Thanh Trong;
Ho, Tu Dac;
Tran, Hung.
Deep Learning for Outage Probability Minimization in Secure NOMA Energy Harvesting UAV IoT Networks.
Mobile Networks and Applications
Academic article
Pottoo, Sahil Nazir;
Ellingsen, Pål Gunnar;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Experimental Investigation of Free Space Optical Channel Performance in the Arctic Weather.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Refas, Souad;
Acheli, Dalila;
Yahia, Selma;
Meraihi, Yassine;
Ramdane-Cherif, Amar;
Van, Nhan Vo.
Performance Analysis of Bidirectional Multi-Hop Vehicle-to-Vehicle Visible Light Communication.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Aicha, Meghraoui;
L. Tayebi, Mohamed;
Besseghier, Mokhtar;
Selma, Yahia;
Hossien, B. Eldeeb;
Vo, Van Nhan.
Is Visible Light Communications Suitable for Using in Lane-Changing Maneuvers?.
Proceedings (International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications)
Academic article
Souad, Refas;
Acheli, Dalila;
Yahia, Selma;
Meraihi, Yassine;
B. Eldeeb, Hossien;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Analysis of Communication Distance and Energy Harvesting for Vehicular VLC Using Commercial Taillights
5th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI)
Academic article
Selma, Yahia;
Meraihi, Yassine;
Taleb, Sylia Mekhmoukh;
Mirjalili, Seyedali;
Ramdane-Cherif, Amar;
Ho, Tu Dac.
An Enhanced Aquila-Based Resource Allocation for Efficient Indoor IoT Visible Light Communication.
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications workshops
Academic article
Selma, Yahia;
Yassine, Meraihi;
Ho, Tu Dac;
Hossien, B. Eldeeb.
Performance Enhancement of Vehicular VLC Using Spherical Detector and Efficient Lens Design.
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
Academic article
Hossien, B. Eldeeb;
Mohammed, Elamassie;
Sami, Muhaidat;
Murat, Uysal;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Performance Investigation of Streetlight-to-Vehicle Visible Light Communication.
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)
Academic article
Vo, Van Nhan;
Viet Hung, Dang;
Tran, Hung;
Ha, Dac-Binh;
Le, Cong;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Secondary Network Throughput Optimization of NOMA Cognitive Radio Networks Under Power and Secure Constraints.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Yahia, Selma;
Meraihi, Yassine;
Amar, Ramdane-Cherif;
Ho, Tu Dac;
Eldeeb, Hossien.
Enhancement of Vehicular Visible Light Communication Using Spherical Detector and Custom Lens Combinations.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Souad, Refas;
Selma, Yahia;
Dalila, Acheli;
Yassine, Meraihi;
Hossien, B. Eldeeb;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Analysis of Communication Distance and Energy Harvesting for Vehicular VLC based on Commercial Taillights .
5th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI)
Academic article
Ho, Tu Dac;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Path planning for UAV harvesting information from dynamical wireless sensor nodes at sea.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Tu Dac.
Performance evaluations for opportunistic data acquisitions from sparse and drifting wireless sensor networks with a UAV.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vo, Nhan-Van;
Vu, Ha-Le;
Nguyen, Quoc Long;
Tran, Hung;
Dang, Viet-Hung;
Le, Cong.
Protection Solution for an EH IoT Networks Under a Cooperative UAV Eavesdropper and Malicious Jammer Attack.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dang, Viet-Hung;
Nguyen, Le-Mai-Duyen;
Vo, Van Nhan;
Tran, Hung;
Ho, Tu Dac;
Chakchai, So-In.
Throughput Optimization for Noma Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio With Multi-UAV-Assisted Relaying Under Security Constraints.
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN)
Academic article
Pottoo, Sahil Nazir;
Ellingsen, Pål Gunnar;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Evaluations of UAV-enabled FSO Communications in the Arctic.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ekaputri, Januarti Jaya;
Fujiyama, Chikako;
Chijiwa, Nobuhiro;
Ho, Tu Dac;
Nguyen, Hung Thanh.
Improving Geopolymer Characteristics with Addition of Poly-Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) Fibers.
Dimensi Teknik Sipil
Academic article
Ho, Tu Dac;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
PSO and Kalman Filter-Based Node Motion Prediction for Data
Collection from Ocean Wireless Sensors Network with UAV.
IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics
Academic article
Fjørtoft, Kay Endre;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Communications and navigation challenges in the High North.
Ho, Tu Dac;
Fjørtoft, Kay Endre.
OMAE2017-61211 Communications Challenges in the Arctic: Oil and Gas Operations Perspective
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Sujit, P.B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sousa, Joao Borges.
Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network and UAV Data Acquisition.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Rødseth, Ørnulf Jan;
Kvamstad, Beate;
Ho, Tu Dac.
In-situ Performance Analysis of Satellite Communication in the High North.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Sujit, P.B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sousa, João.
Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Relay and Particle Swarm Optimization Path Planning for UAV and Wireless Sensor Network.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAVs Trajectory Planning by Distributed MPC under Radio Communication Path Loss Constraints.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Heuristic Algorithm and Cooperative Relay for Energy Efficient Data Collection with a UAV and WSN.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Sujit, P.B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sousa, João.
Cluster-Based Communication Topology Selection and UAV Path Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Shimamoto, S;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal Relay Path Selection and Cooperative Communication Protocol for a Swarm of UAVs.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Vo, Van Nhan;
Dang, Viet-Hung;
Tran, Hung;
Tran, Duc-Dung;
Chatzinotas, Symeon;
Quoc, Hai Le.
Performance optimization for hybrid TS/PS SWIPT UAV in cooperative NOMA IoT networks.
Alexandria Engineering Journal
Academic article
Long, Nguyen Quoc;
Dang, Viet-Hung;
Nguyen, Nhu Gia;
Nguyen, Thanh Trong;
Ho, Tu Dac;
Tran, Hung.
Deep Learning for Outage Probability Minimization in Secure NOMA Energy Harvesting UAV IoT Networks.
Mobile Networks and Applications
Academic article
Pottoo, Sahil Nazir;
Ellingsen, Pål Gunnar;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Experimental Investigation of Free Space Optical Channel Performance in the Arctic Weather.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Refas, Souad;
Acheli, Dalila;
Yahia, Selma;
Meraihi, Yassine;
Ramdane-Cherif, Amar;
Van, Nhan Vo.
Performance Analysis of Bidirectional Multi-Hop Vehicle-to-Vehicle Visible Light Communication.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Aicha, Meghraoui;
L. Tayebi, Mohamed;
Besseghier, Mokhtar;
Selma, Yahia;
Hossien, B. Eldeeb;
Vo, Van Nhan.
Is Visible Light Communications Suitable for Using in Lane-Changing Maneuvers?.
Proceedings (International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications)
Academic article
Souad, Refas;
Acheli, Dalila;
Yahia, Selma;
Meraihi, Yassine;
B. Eldeeb, Hossien;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Analysis of Communication Distance and Energy Harvesting for Vehicular VLC Using Commercial Taillights
5th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI)
Academic article
Selma, Yahia;
Meraihi, Yassine;
Taleb, Sylia Mekhmoukh;
Mirjalili, Seyedali;
Ramdane-Cherif, Amar;
Ho, Tu Dac.
An Enhanced Aquila-Based Resource Allocation for Efficient Indoor IoT Visible Light Communication.
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications workshops
Academic article
Selma, Yahia;
Yassine, Meraihi;
Ho, Tu Dac;
Hossien, B. Eldeeb.
Performance Enhancement of Vehicular VLC Using Spherical Detector and Efficient Lens Design.
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference
Academic article
Hossien, B. Eldeeb;
Mohammed, Elamassie;
Sami, Muhaidat;
Murat, Uysal;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Performance Investigation of Streetlight-to-Vehicle Visible Light Communication.
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC)
Academic article
Vo, Van Nhan;
Viet Hung, Dang;
Tran, Hung;
Ha, Dac-Binh;
Le, Cong;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Secondary Network Throughput Optimization of NOMA Cognitive Radio Networks Under Power and Secure Constraints.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Yahia, Selma;
Meraihi, Yassine;
Amar, Ramdane-Cherif;
Ho, Tu Dac;
Eldeeb, Hossien.
Enhancement of Vehicular Visible Light Communication Using Spherical Detector and Custom Lens Combinations.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Souad, Refas;
Selma, Yahia;
Dalila, Acheli;
Yassine, Meraihi;
Hossien, B. Eldeeb;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Analysis of Communication Distance and Energy Harvesting for Vehicular VLC based on Commercial Taillights .
5th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI)
Academic article
Dang, Viet-Hung;
Nguyen, Le-Mai-Duyen;
Vo, Van Nhan;
Tran, Hung;
Ho, Tu Dac;
Chakchai, So-In.
Throughput Optimization for Noma Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio With Multi-UAV-Assisted Relaying Under Security Constraints.
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN)
Academic article
Ekaputri, Januarti Jaya;
Fujiyama, Chikako;
Chijiwa, Nobuhiro;
Ho, Tu Dac;
Nguyen, Hung Thanh.
Improving Geopolymer Characteristics with Addition of Poly-Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) Fibers.
Dimensi Teknik Sipil
Academic article
Ho, Tu Dac;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
PSO and Kalman Filter-Based Node Motion Prediction for Data
Collection from Ocean Wireless Sensors Network with UAV.
IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics
Academic article
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Sujit, P.B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sousa, Joao Borges.
Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network and UAV Data Acquisition.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Grancharova, Alexandra;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
UAVs Trajectory Planning by Distributed MPC under Radio Communication Path Loss Constraints.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Part of book/report
Ho, Tu Dac;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Path planning for UAV harvesting information from dynamical wireless sensor nodes at sea.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Tu Dac.
Performance evaluations for opportunistic data acquisitions from sparse and drifting wireless sensor networks with a UAV.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vo, Nhan-Van;
Vu, Ha-Le;
Nguyen, Quoc Long;
Tran, Hung;
Dang, Viet-Hung;
Le, Cong.
Protection Solution for an EH IoT Networks Under a Cooperative UAV Eavesdropper and Malicious Jammer Attack.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Pottoo, Sahil Nazir;
Ellingsen, Pål Gunnar;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Evaluations of UAV-enabled FSO Communications in the Arctic.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fjørtoft, Kay Endre;
Ho, Tu Dac.
Communications and navigation challenges in the High North.
Ho, Tu Dac;
Fjørtoft, Kay Endre.
OMAE2017-61211 Communications Challenges in the Arctic: Oil and Gas Operations Perspective
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rødseth, Ørnulf Jan;
Kvamstad, Beate;
Ho, Tu Dac.
In-situ Performance Analysis of Satellite Communication in the High North.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Sujit, P.B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sousa, João.
Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Relay and Particle Swarm Optimization Path Planning for UAV and Wireless Sensor Network.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Heuristic Algorithm and Cooperative Relay for Energy Efficient Data Collection with a UAV and WSN.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Sujit, P.B.;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Sousa, João.
Cluster-Based Communication Topology Selection and UAV Path Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ho, Dac-Tu;
Grøtli, Esten Ingar;
Shimamoto, S;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Optimal Relay Path Selection and Cooperative Communication Protocol for a Swarm of UAVs.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
LectureHo, Tu Dac. (2024) Integrating UAVs into 5G/6G Networks and IoT Applications: Energy Efficiency and Network Performance. Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) - ASPIRE project Keio University, Japan , Keio University - Yokohama Japan 2024-03-08 - 2024-03-08
Academic lectureJoy, Dutta; Hossien, Eldeeb; Ho, Tu Dac. (2024) Advanced eHealth with Explainable AI: Secured by Blockchain with AI-Empowered Block Sensitivity for Adaptive Authentication. IEEE 2024 IEEE 35th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) , Valencia 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-05
Academic lectureSicong, Li; Kazutoshi, Yoshii; Shigeru, Shimamoto; Ho, Tu Dac. (2024) Optimizing mmWave UAV Networks: Mobility-Aware Deployment and Resource Allocation. IEEE 2024 IEEE 100th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall) , Washington DC 2024-10-07 - 2024-10-10
Academic lectureSelma, Yahia; Sylia Mekhmoukh, Taleb; Valeria, Loscri; Amylia Ait, Saadi; Ho, Tu Dac; Van Nhan, Vo. (2024) Dynamic 3D UAV Placement Optimization: Improved Bonobo Optimizer for Enhanced Coverage and Communication. IEEE 2024 IEEE 35th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) , Valencia 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-05
Academic lectureAicha, Meghraoui; Mohamed L., Tayebi; Mokhtar, Besseghier; Ho, Tu Dac. (2024) Secure Vehicular Visible Light Communications via STAR-RIS: Secrecy Capacity Evaluation. IEEE 2024 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom) , Madrid 2024-07-08 - 2024-07-11
Academic lecturePhuong Tu, Nguyen; Khoa Phan, Tran Dang; Ho, Tu Dac; Thi Minh Hanh, Tran. (2024) A Flexible Residual Neural Network for Rician Noise Removal in MR Images. IEEE 2024 Tenth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE) , Danang 2024-07-31 - 2024-08-02
Academic lectureVan Hieu, Nguyen; Thi Phuong Mai, Le; Ho, Tu Dac; Tuan Viet, Pham; Hung, Nguyen-Le. (2024) Joint Latency Minimization and Power Allocation for MEC-Enabled MU-MISO Networks. IEEE 2024 Tenth International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE) , Danang 2024-07-31 - 2024-08-02
Academic lectureJoy, Dutta; Hossien, Eldeeb; Ho, Tu Dac. (2024) Transforming Future Healthcare with loMT and Edge Computing: An Ethical and Transparent Approach to Predictive eHealth . Waseda University Global Information and Telecommunication Workshop (GITW) , Tokyo 2024-12-20 - 2024-12-21
Academic lectureSelma, Yahia; Hossien, Eldeeb; Ho, Tu Dac. (2024) UAV Placement: An Improved Bonobo Optimizer for Enhanced Coverage and Communication. Waseda University Global Information and Telecommunication Workshop (GITW) , Tokyo 2024-12-20 - 2024-12-21
Academic lectureSicong, Li; Ho, Tu Dac; Shigeru, Shimamoto. (2024) DRL-based dynamic UAV multi-cell resource allocation optimization . Waseda University Global Information and Telecommunication Workshop (GITW) , Tokyo 2024-12-20 - 2024-12-21
Academic lectureLong, Nguyen Quoc; Van, Nhan Vo; Ho, Tu Dac. (2024) Throughput Maximization For UAV-RIS NOMA Cognitive Systems in Disaster Communications. IEEE IEEE RIVF , Danang 2024-12-21 -
Academic lectureHo, Tu Dac; Selma, Yahia; B. Eldeeb, Hossien. (2023) Optimal 3D UAV Deployment for Enhanced Coverage and Reliability of 5G Wireless Communication: An Enhanced Meta-Heuristic Approach. Waseda University Global Information and Telecommunication Workshop (GITW) , Tokyo 2023-12-16 - 2023-12-17
Academic lectureSelma, Yahia; Meraihi, Yassine; Ramdane- Cherif, Amar; B. Eldeeb, Hossien; Muhaidat, Sami; Ho, Tu Dac. (2023) Capacity Maximization for V2I-VLC System with Angular Diversity Receiver . IEEE 2023 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom) , Dubrovnik 2023-09-04 - 2023-09-07
Academic lectureSouad, Refas; Yahia, Selma; B. Eldeeb, Hossien; Ho, Tu Dac. (2023) Expanding the Reach of Vehicle/to/Vehicle Visible Light Communication through Bidirectional Multi/hop Relay System. Waseda University Global Information and Telecommunication Workshop (GITW) , Tokyo 2023-12-16 - 2023-12-17
LecturePottoo, Sahil Nazir; Ho, Tu Dac; Ellingsen, Pål Gunnar. (2022) Laser Beam Propagation Evaluation in the Arctic Weather . GITI, Waseda University, Japan Global information and Telecommunication Workshop GITW 2022 , Tokyo, Japan 2022-12-17 - 2022-12-17
LectureEldeeb, Hossien; Ho, Tu Dac. (2022) On the Performance of Streetlight-to-Vehicle VLC: Impact of Transceiver and System Parameters. Global information and Telecommunication Institute Waseda University , Tokyo 2022-12-17 -
Academic lectureHo, Tu Dac; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2021) PSO and Kalman Filter-Based Node Motion Prediction for Data Collection from Ocean Wireless Sensors Network with UAV. IEEE Consumer Electronics Society , Digital 2021-01-10 - 2021-01-12
Academic lectureHo, Tu Dac; Hagaseth, Marianne; Rialland, Agathe Isabelle; Rødseth, Ørnulf Jan; Criado, Ruben Gonzalez; Ziaragkas, Georgios. (2018) Internet of Things at Sea: Using AIS and VHF over Satellite in Remote Areas. 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 2018-04-16 - 2018-04-19
Academic lectureHo, Tu Dac; Fjørtoft, Kay Endre. (2017) OMAE2017-61211 Communications Challenges in the Arctic: Oil and Gas Operations Perspective . NTNU, SINTEF Ocean, ASME OMAE 2017 , Trondheim 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-30
Academic lectureFjørtoft, Kay Endre; Ho, Tu Dac; Berglund, Robin; Saarentaus, Miranda. (2017) Communication possibilities and limitations in the High North. Arctic Shipping Forum Arctic Shipping 2017 , Helsinki 2017-04-25 - 2017-04-27
Academic lectureHo, Dac-Tu; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Sujit, P.B.; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sousa, João. (2013) Performance Evaluation of Cooperative Relay and Particle Swarm Optimization Path Planning for UAV and Wireless Sensor Network. IEEE IEEE Globecom 2013 Workshop - Wireless Networking and Control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles , Atlanta 2013-12-08 - 2013-12-13
Academic lectureHo, Dac-Tu; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Sujit, P.B.; Johansen, Tor Arne; Sousa, João. (2013) Cluster-Based Communication Topology Selection and UAV Path Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE International conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems , Atlanta, US 2013-05-28 - 2013-05-31
Academic lectureHo, Dac-Tu; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2013) Heuristic Algorithm and Cooperative Relay for Energy Efficient Data Collection with a UAV and WSN. IEEE International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications , Ho Chi Minh 2013-01-21 - 2013-01-24
Academic lectureHO, Dac-Tu; Grøtli, Esten Ingar; Shimamoto, S; Johansen, Tor Arne. (2012) Optimal Relay Path Selection and Cooperative Communication Protocol for a Swarm of UAVs. The 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Networking & Control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles: Architectures, Protocols and Applications (GC'12 Workshop - Wi-UAV) 2012-12-07 - 2012-12-07