Vedran Zerjav
Vedran Zerjav is a Professor of Project Management at the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. His areas of teaching and research expertise include strategic, operational and value considerations in project-based organising with the empirical focus is on urban infrastructure and innovation settings. He is primarily a qualitative researcher with a keen interest in hybrid and novel methodologies for project studies.
Originally trained as a civil engineer and with a PhD on interdisciplinary design in the context of infrastructure project management, Professor Zerjav's academic and advisory work has straddled domains of engineering and management. Through his academic career, he has acquired extensive international experience having studied or worked in the UK (UCL), US (Stanford and Harvard), the Netherlands, (University of Twente), Austria (Vienna University of Technology) and Croatia (University of Zagreb).
Professor Zerjav joined NTNU from the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment in UCL where he held several academic appointments and taught subjects focused on managing projects and programmes in the context of built environment infrastructure. He also ran several externally funded projects: for example the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Project Management Institute (PMI) as well as major players in the UK urban infrastructure industry.
Professor Zerjav is an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Project Management, currently the most highly ranked academic publication outlet for research on projects (from 2023 elevated to Level 2 in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers). He is also an Editorial Board Member for other key research journals on projects and their management: the Project Management Journal and Project Leadership and Society.
He is active in industry and policy facing work having led and participated in projects leading to a co-authored book published by Wiley Blackwell and a white paper on the future of the project profession sponsored and published by the Project Management Institute, a large professional body with over 600,000 global members and over 300 local chapters internationally.
I am committed to impact-driven, interdisciplinary, and collaborative research on and around project-based organisational forms and businesses. As an empirical researcher I looked at a variety of settings (aviation, rail, healthcare, water, technology development) and scales of implementation (medium-sized projects to major projects and programmes) of urban infrastructure. The main problems surrounding the design, engineering and construction of urban infrastructure are complex and located at the interface of policy decisions, organisational fields, professional practices, and experiences of users. Solutions to such wicked problems can only be implemented once the social and cross-disciplinary aspects of the problem have been adequately explored and understood. For this reason, I am integrating the philosophy of engineering problem-solving with interdisciplinary social science research designs to understand complex phenomena of for example, innovation, capabilities, transitions, and leadership in engineering and infrastructure implementation in urban and built environment settings. I have been a Principal Investigator for an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Future Leaders project and for a Project Management Institute (PMI) research grant.
I am a keen supporter of engaged scholarship whereby researchers collaborate with industry and policy practitioners on their problems. Some of previous industry collaborations include London Heathrow, Transport for London (TfL), London Crossrail, Anglian Water, Environment Agency, Highways England, Arup and the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat. Some examples of industry and policy-facing work are (1) the Project Management Institute (PMI) report on the future of the project profession in relation to climate action (2) a practitioner handbook on project benefit realisation published by Wiley (3) collaboration on a policy contribution for the UK National Infrastructure Commission on impacts of historic shocks on infrastructure demand. As part of the high-impact Project X research initiative, I chaired a session on Project Capabilities in collaboration with the Infrastructure and Projects Authority experts and a group of Project X researchers. Our PMI-sponsored webinar on Climate Change and the Evolution of the Project Management Profession (with Dr Efrosyni Konstantinou, Dr Jenny McArthur and Rob Leslie-Carter) has achieved about 46.000 views by the community of project management professionals worldwide.
Other research-related roles and achievements:
- 2020 Ray Levitt Young Scholar Award by the Engineering Projeft Organisation Society (EPOS)
- Associate Editor (AE) in the International Journal of Project Management, published by Elsevier. IJPM is the most highly ranked journal publishing project management scholarship.
List of Publications
A. Scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals
A1 Lead- and sole-authored
1. Zerjav, V., (2021). Why Do Business Organizations Participate in Projects? Toward a Typology of Project Value Domains. Project Management Journal, 52, 287-297.
2. Zerjav, V., McArthur, J., Edkins, A., 2021. The multiplicity of value in the front-end of projects: The case of London transportation infrastructure. International Journal of Project Management, 39, 507-519.
3. Zerjav, V., Edkins, A. and Davies, A. (2018) Project Capabilities for Operational Outcomes in Inter-Organisational Settings: The Case of London Heathrow Terminal 2. International Journal of Project Management, 36(3), 444-59.
4. Zerjav, V. (2015). Design boundary dynamics in infrastructure projects: Issues of resource allocation, path dependency and problem-solving. International Journal of Project Management, 33(8), 1768-1779
5. Zerjav, V., Hartmann, T. and van Amstel, F. M. C. (2014). A Leadership-as-practice perspective on design inarchitecture, engineering and construction projects: Interaction analysis of a collaborative workshop. EngineeringProject Organization Journal, 4(4), 209-21
6. Zerjav, V., Hartmann, T. and Achammer, C. (2013). “Managing the Process of Interdisciplinary Design:Identifying, Enforcing, and Anticipating Decision-making Frames.” Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 9(2), 121- 133.
7. Zerjav, V., Hartmann, T. and Javernick-Will, A. (2012). “Internal Governance of Design and Engineering: The Caseof the Multinational Firm.” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 38(1), 135-143.
A2 Co-authored
8. Tekic, A., Zerjav, V., Tekic, Z., (2022). Evolution of project studies through the lens of engaged scholarship: a longitudinal bibliometric analysis. Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Project Management.
9. Gasparro, K., Zerjav, V., Konstantinou, E., Casady, C.B., (2022). Vanguard Projects as Intermediation Spaces in Sustainability Transitions. Project Management Journal, 53, 196-210.
10. Stordy, J., Zerjav, V., Kanjanabootra, S., (2021). Owner capabilities in the project society: The setting of project-supported organisations. Project Leadership and Society, 100024.
11. Avanzi, P., Zerjav, V., (2020). Caught in a crossfire: Front-end decision-making in airport expansion programmes. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 8 (2020), 100222.
12. Xu, J., Smyth, H., Zerjav, V., (2021). Towards the dynamics of trust in the relationship between project-based firms and suppliers. International Journal of Project Management, 39, 32-44.
13. Chan, P., Dossick, C., Hacker, M., Hartmann, T., Javernick-Will, A., Mahalingam, A., Zerjav, V., (2020). Journal Reviews and Revisions: Advice from an Early Career Panel Discussion. The Engineering Project Organization Journal.
14. Hartmann, T., olde Scholtenhuis, L., Zerjav, V. and Champlin, C. (2015) Mindfully implementing simulation tools for supporting pragmatic design inquiries. Engineering Project Organization Journal, 5(1), 4-13.
15. van Amstel, F.M.C., Zerjav, V., Hartmann, T., van der Voort, M.C. and Dewulf, G.P.M.R. (2015) Expanding the representation of user activities. Building Research & Information, 43(2), 144-59.
16. van Amstel, F. M., Zerjav, V., Hartmann, T., Dewulf, G. P., & van der Voort, M. C. (2016). Expensive or expansive? Learning the value of boundary crossing in design projects. Engineering Project Organization Journal 6(1), 15-29
A2 Special Issue Editorials
17. Drouin, N., Zerjav, V., Sankaran, S., & Caron, M.A. (forthcoming 2022). Rethinking Infrastructure Projects for the New Normal. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.
18. Locatelli, G., Zerjav, V., & Klein, G. (2020). Project Transitions—Navigating Across Strategy, Delivery, Use, and Decommissioning. Project Management Journal, 51(5), 467–473.
19. Kaminsky, J., & Zerjav, V., (2016). Special Issue Editorial Volume 6, Issue 2, Engineering Project Organization Journal, 6:2-4, 62-63.
B. Books
20. Young, R., Zerjav, V., 2021. Project Benefit Realisation and Project Management. Wiley.
C. Industry and policy-facing publications
21. Zerjav, V., Konstantinou, E., (2021). Extending Project Practices for the Future of the Profession: Final report for the research project P3M implementation framework for Grand Challenges Policies. Project Management Institute.
22. McArthur, J., Smeds, E., Zerjav, V., (2021). The Impact of Historic Shocks on Infrastructure Demand(commissioned as part of the evidence base for the work on Behaviour Change and Infrastructure Beyond Covid-19). National Infrastructure Commission, London UK.
23. Zerjav, V. and Vine, R. (2018) How Can We Evaluate an Infrastructure Project’s Success—or Failure? BRINK - The Digital News Service of the Marsh & McLennan Insights, 4 December 2018
24. Hilteva, R., Lovell, K., McArthur, J., Smith, H. and Zerjav, V. (2016) Emerging Approaches and Issues in Regulation and Governance of Infrastructure Based Services. ICIF White Paper Collection. London, UK: International Centre for Infrastructure Futures
D. Academic conference articles with presentations
25. Zerjav, V., Stjerne, I., Søderlund, J., Gonzales Avila, N., 2021. Everybody’s Darling? Twists and turns in identity work in temporary organisations, Proceedings of the 37th Colloquium of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), 8-10 July 2021, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
26. Zerjav, V., Konstantinou, E., 2021. Strategic Project Practices: Discursive Adoption of Sustainable Development Goals in Project-based Organisations, Proceedings of the 2021 EURAM Annual Conference, European Academy of Management (EURAM), 16-18 June 2021, Montreal, Canada.
27. Avanzi, P., Zerjav, V., 2020. Decision-Making in Major Projects Initiation: The Setting of Three European Airport Expansion Projects, Proceedings of the 2020 EURAM Annual Conference, European Academy of Management (EURAM), 4-6 December 2020, Dublin.
28. Bloomfield, K., Zerjav, V., Lewis, M., Edkins, A., (2020). The Role and Recognition of the Gestation Phase in Temporary Organisatons, Proceedings of the 36th Colloquium of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), 2-4 July 2020, Hamburg, Germany.
29. Çidik, M.S., Zerjav, V. and Papagiannopoulou, V. (2019) The Practice of ‘Managing as Designing’. 2019 Academy for Design Innovation Management Conference: Research Perspectives in the Era of Transformations, 19-21 June 2019, London, UK.
30. Zerjav, V. (2019) Not Quite What It Seems: On the Curious Case of Project Theory and Why We (Don’t) Need One. Proceedings of the 35th EGOS Colloquium, European Group for Organizational Studies, Edinburgh, UK, 4-6 July 2019.
31. Dei, E., Zerjav, V. and Boon-Casady, C. (2019) Absorptive Capacity in Innovative Mega-Projects: The Case of Thames Tideway Tunnel. Proceedings of the 2019 EURAM Annual Conference, European Academy of Management, Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 June 2019.
32. Gasparro, K., Zerjav, V. and Konstantinou, E. (2019) Project Intermediation: The Critical Role of Negotiating Socio-Technical Regimes and Technological Niches to Achieve Climate Change Policies. Working Paper Series, Proceedings of the EPOC 2019 Conference, Engineering Project Organization Society, 25-27 June 2019, Vail, Colorado, US.
33. Konstantinou, E., Zerjav, V., Kanjanabootra, S., Teerikangas, S., Hellström, M., Thuesen, C., Geraldi, J., Cornfield, K., Edkins, A., Nicholls, D. and Morris, P. (2019) Evidence-Based Interventions and Strategies for the Grand Challenges Approach: The Need for Judgement Working Paper Series, Proceedings of the EPOC 2019 Conference, Engineering Project Organization Society, 25-27 June 2019, Vail, Colorado, US.
34. Vinci, F., Zerjav, V. and Davies, A. (2019) Inter-Organisational Capabilities: Review and Research Agenda. 10th Project Business Workshop, June 7-8, 2019, Otaniemi, Finland.
35. McArthur, J., Zerjav, V. and Edkins, A. (2019) A Rhetorical Question? Exploring the Concept of Value in Megaprojects Initiation. 10th Project Business Workshop, June 7-8, 2019, Otaniemi, Finland.
36. Gasparro, K. and Zerjav, V. (2018) From Policy Projects to Projects Policy: Using QCA for Evaluating Infrastructure Projects. International QCA Paper Development Workshop, 27 November 2018, ETH Zurich.
37. Brady, T., Zerjav, V., Vine, R., Pantelias, A. and Kiamehr, M. (2018) Connecting the Dots in Infrastructure Development and Management: The Africa Agenda for New Innovation. 1st Conference Proceedings of Infrastructure Development for Africa (IDFA) Conference 2018, Dubai, 25-27th August 2018.
38. Zerjav, V., Nussbaum, T. and Whyte, J. (2018) Transition from Project to Operation in Infrastructure Megaprojects: Coordination by Mutual Adjustment Proceedings of the 34th EGOS Colloquium, European Group for Organizational Studies, Tallinn, Estonia, 5-7 July 2018.
39. Zerjav, V., Vinci, F. and Baddeley, M. (2018) Business Ecosystems through Project-Based Repeat Partnerships: Evidence from the UK Water Industry. Proceedings of the 34th EGOS Colloquium, European Group for Organizational Studies, Tallinn, Estonia, 5-7 July 2018.
40. Vinci, F., Zerjav, V. and Davies, A. (2018) Project Capabilities and Leadership: A Mixed- Methods Systematic Literature Review. Working Paper Series, Proceedings of the EPOC 2018 Conference, Engineering Project Organization Society, Brijuni, Croatia, June 25-27, 2018.
41. Zerjav, V., Edkins, A., Lewis, M. and Spencer, F. (2018) The Hinterlands of Project Management? Project Bookends and the (Neglected) Role of Boundary Organising. Working Paper Series, Proceedings of the EPOC 2018 Conference, Engineering Project Organization Society, Brijuni, Croatia, June 25-27, 2018.
42. Gradillas-Garcia, M. and Zerjav, V. (2018) Innovation in the Business of Infrastructure: The Case of Transport for London’s Future Ticketing Programme. 9th Project Business Workshop, 1-2 June, 2018, Leeds, UK.
43. Zerjav, V. (2017) Understanding Mechanisms of Value Creation and Capture in Infrastructure Projects. International QCA Young Researcher Workshop, 12 December 2017, Zurich.
44. Zerjav, V. and Chojnowska, M. (2017) Controls, Empowerment, and Incentives: Leadership Precursors for Business Innovation in Project-Based Industries. 2017 International Research Network on Organising by Projects (IRNOP) conference: Adapting in Project Management, Boston University June 12-15, 2017, Boston, US.
45. McArthur, J., Zerjav, V. and Edkins, A. (2017) Strategic Value Creation in Infrastructure Projects: Decision-Makers’ Perspectives on Urban Transportation Developments. Working Paper Series, Proceedings of the 15th Engineering Project Organization Conference and 5th International Megaprojects Workshop, Stanford Sierra Camp, California June 5-7, 2017.
46. Zerjav, V. (2017) Technology, Business, or Resource? Towards an Architecture of Value Creation in Infrastructure Projects. Working Paper Series, Proceedings of the 15th Engineering Project Organization Conference and 5th International Megaprojects Workshop, Stanford Sierra Camp, California June 5-7, 2017.
47. Zerjav, V., Davies, A. and Edkins, A. (2016) Nothing New on T2: Exploring the Learning Role of Megaprojects for Infrastructure Services Provision. 4th International Mega-Projects Workshop: Theory Meets Practice, LUISS Business School, 18-20 May 2016.
48. Barde, T., Pantelias, A. and Zerjav, V. (2016) Assessment of Airport Performance in India. RICS COBRA, Toronto, Canada, 19-22 Sep 2016.
49. Zerjav, V., Edkins, A., Davies, A. and Jones, P. (2015) Painting the Picture of Performance and Success in the Operational Delivery of Heathrow Airport Terminal 2. Working Paper Series, Proceedings of the 13th Engineering Project Organization Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2015.
50. Zerjav, V. (2015) Towards 4th Generation Planning and Design Strategies for Infrastructure Service Provision. Proceedings of the 22nd Industriebau Seminar: Integrated Planning for Industrial Building 4.0, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, 1-3 July 2015.
51. Zerjav, V., Davies, A. and Edkins, A. (2015) Walking the Tightrope of Operational Delivery: Organising the Transition between Projects and Business-as-Usual Operations. Proceedings of the 2015 International Research Network on Organising by Projects (IRNOP) Conference, London UK, June 2015.
52. Zerjav, V., Edkins, A., Davies, A. and Jones, P. (2014) Building Progressive Confidence: The Transition from Project to Operational Opening in the Case of a Major New International Airport Terminal. Proceedings of the 2014 International Symposium for Next Generation Infrastructure (ISNGI), IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, 30 Sept- 1 Oct 2014.
53. Edkins, A. and Zerjav, V. (2014) A Policy Program on Infrastructure Interdependencies: Implications for Front-End Project Management and Opportunities for Research. Working Paper Series, Proceedings of the 12th Engineering Project Organization Conference, Devil’s Thumb Ranch, Colorado July 29-31, 2014.
54. Zerjav, V., Hartmann, T. and Dewulf, G. (2014) Epistemic Features of Representational Artifacts in Cross-Disciplinary Design Practices: A Location Planning Workshop for an Outpatient Center. Working Paper Series, Proceedings of the 12th Engineering Project Organization Conference, Devil’s Thumb Ranch, Colorado July 29-31, 2014.
55. Zerjav, V, Hartmann, T. and van Amstel, F. (2013) Problem- and Solution-based Leadership: A Study of Collaborative Design Workshops for a Diagnostic Center. In: Working Paper Series: Proceedings of the 2013 Engineering Project Organization Conference, Denver, USA
56. Zerjav, V. and Hartmann, T. (2012) Integration and The Hold-Up Problem In The Design Organization For Engineering Projects. In: Working Paper Series: Proceedings of the 2012 Engineering Project Organization Conference, Rheden, The Netherlands.
57. Zerjav, V., Hartmann, T. and Achammer, C. (2011) Conceptualizing Design Management for Construction Projects: Bridging the Gaps between Urban Planning, Architectural, and Engineering Design. In: Architectural Management in the Digital Arena, Vienna, Austria. International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction.
58. Zerjav, V., Hartmann, T. and Boes, H. (2011). The Management of Requirements in Supply Chains of Construction Design: What Causes Uncertainty in Integrated Design Approaches. Management and Innovation for a Sustainable Built Environment, Amsterdam. International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction.
59. Zerjav, V. and Hartmann, T. (2011). Dynamics of Complexity in Project Organizing: Evidence from Construction Infrastructure Design." EURAM 2011 Conference - Management Culture in the 21st Century, Tallinn, Estonia. European Academy of Management.
60. Zerjav, V. and Kovacic, I. (2011). Regional Building Stocks and Organizations: A Theoretical Justification for a Regional Body of Knowledge. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Organization, Technology and Management in Construction, Šibenik, Croatia.
61. Zerjav, V. and Izetbegovic, J. (2011). Organizing a Doctoral Research Project in the Field of Engineering Management as an International Collaborative Network. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Organization, Technology and Management in Construction, Šibenik, Croatia
62. Zerjav, V., and Hartmann, T. (2010). Integrating Engineering Design through Temporal Coordination. Working Paper Series: Proceedings of the 2010 Engineering Project Organization Conference, South Lake Tahoe, California, USA.
63. Zerjav, V., and Javernick-Will, A. (2009) Motivators and Critical Factors for Worksharing in Design and Engineering Networks. In: Conference Proceedings: LEAD 2009 - Global Governance in Project Organizations, Lake Tahoe, California, USA.
64. Zerjav,. V. and Javernick-Will, A. (2009). Identifying Key Characteristics of Distributed Design and Engineering Work Through Exploratory Research. Proceedings of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Doctoral Workshop. Liverpool, UK.
65. Zerjav V. and Ceric, A. (2009). Structuring Communication within Construction Projects - A Communication Breakdown Structure. Proceedings of the 25th ARCOM Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK.
66. Zerjav, V., Izetbegovic, J. and Bezak, S. (2009). Application of Chronometric Measurement and Simulation Systems for Better Planning and More Productive Execution of Construction Projects in Croatia. Fifth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-V), Istanbul, Turkey.
67. Zerjav, V., Izetbegovic, J., Linaric, Z. (2008). Open Source Collaborative Tools for Managing Projects in Small and Medium Enterprises. PM-04 - 4th SCPM & 1st IPMA/MedNet Conference “Project Management Advances, Training & Certification in the Mediterranean”, Chios, Greece.
68. Zerjav, V., Izetbegovic, J., Linaric, Z. (2008). A Discrete Event Simulation Model of a Construction Site: A Teaching Experience. 8th International Conference of Organisation, Technology and Management in Construction, Umag, Croatia.
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot;
Klakegg, Ole Jonny;
Langlo, Jan Alexander;
Zerjav, Vedran.
Veikart for innføring av porteføljestyring i kommunal sektor. Rapport utviklet for kommunene Levanger, Steinkjer, Trondheim og Verdal.
Zerjav, Vedran;
Martinsuo, Miia;
Huemann, Martina.
Developing new knowledge: A virtual collection of project management review articles.
International Journal of Project Management
Gasparro, Kate;
Zerjav, Vedran;
Konstantinou, Efrosyni;
Casady, Carter B..
Vanguard Projects as Intermediation Spaces in Sustainability Transitions.
Project Management Journal
Academic article
Drouin, Nathalie;
Zerjav, Vedran;
Sankaran, Shankar;
Caron, Marie-Andree.
Rethinking Infrastructure Projects for the New Normal.
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
Tekic, Anja;
Zerjav, Vedran;
Tekic, Zeljko.
Evolution of project studies through the lens of engaged scholarship: A longitudinal bibliometric analysis.
International Journal of Project Management
Academic literature review
Zerjav, Vedran.
Why Do Business Organizations Participate in Projects.
Project Management Journal
Academic article
Zerjav, Vedran;
McArthur, Jenny;
Edkins, Andrew.
The multiplicity of value in the front-end of projects: The case of London transportation infrastructure.
International Journal of Project Management
Academic article
Xu, Jing;
Smyth, Hedley;
Zerjav, Vedran.
Towards the dynamics of trust in the relationship between project-based firms and suppliers.
International Journal of Project Management
Academic article
Stordy, John;
Zerjav, Vedran;
Kanjanabootra, Sittimont.
Owner capabilities in the project society: The setting of project-supported organisations.
Project Leadership and Society (PLS)
Academic article
Avanzi, Pierpaolo;
Zerjav, Vedran.
Caught in a crossfire: Front-end decision-making in airport expansion programmes.
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP)
Academic article
Locatelli, Giorgio;
Zerjav, Vedran;
Klein, Gary.
Project Transitions—Navigating Across Strategy, Delivery, Use, and Decommissioning.
Project Management Journal
Chan, Paul;
Dossick, Carrie;
Hacker, Miriam;
Hartmann, Timo;
Javernuck-Will, Amy;
Mahalingam, Ashwin.
Journal Reviews and Revisions: Advice from an Early Career Panel Discussion.
Engineering Project Organization Journal
Zerjav, Vedran;
Davies, Andrew;
Edkins, Andrew.
Project capabilities for operational outcomes in inter-organisational settings: The case of London Heathrow Terminal 2.
International Journal of Project Management
Academic article
Zerjav, Vedran.
Design boundary dynamics in infrastructure projects: Issues of resource allocation, path dependency and problem-solving.
International Journal of Project Management
Academic article
Hartmann, Timo;
olde Scholtenhuis, Leon;
Zerjav, Vedran;
Champlin, Carissa.
Mindfully implementing simulation tools for supporting pragmatic design inquiries.
Engineering Project Organization Journal
Academic article
Zerjav, Vedran;
van Amstel, Frederick;
Hartmann, Timo.
A leadership-as-practice perspective on design in architecture, engineering and construction projects: interaction analysis of a collaborative workshop.
Engineering Project Organization Journal
Academic article
Zerjav, Vedran;
Hartmann, Timo;
Achammer, Christoph.
Managing the process of interdisciplinary design: identifying, enforcing, and anticipating decision-making frames.
Architectural Engineering and Design Management
Academic article
Zerjav, Vedran;
Hartmann, Timo;
Javernick-Will, Amy.
Internal Governance of Design and Engineering: The Case of the Multinational Firm.
Journal of construction engineering and management
Academic article
Journal publications
Zerjav, Vedran;
Martinsuo, Miia;
Huemann, Martina.
Developing new knowledge: A virtual collection of project management review articles.
International Journal of Project Management
Gasparro, Kate;
Zerjav, Vedran;
Konstantinou, Efrosyni;
Casady, Carter B..
Vanguard Projects as Intermediation Spaces in Sustainability Transitions.
Project Management Journal
Academic article
Drouin, Nathalie;
Zerjav, Vedran;
Sankaran, Shankar;
Caron, Marie-Andree.
Rethinking Infrastructure Projects for the New Normal.
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
Tekic, Anja;
Zerjav, Vedran;
Tekic, Zeljko.
Evolution of project studies through the lens of engaged scholarship: A longitudinal bibliometric analysis.
International Journal of Project Management
Academic literature review
Zerjav, Vedran.
Why Do Business Organizations Participate in Projects.
Project Management Journal
Academic article
Zerjav, Vedran;
McArthur, Jenny;
Edkins, Andrew.
The multiplicity of value in the front-end of projects: The case of London transportation infrastructure.
International Journal of Project Management
Academic article
Xu, Jing;
Smyth, Hedley;
Zerjav, Vedran.
Towards the dynamics of trust in the relationship between project-based firms and suppliers.
International Journal of Project Management
Academic article
Stordy, John;
Zerjav, Vedran;
Kanjanabootra, Sittimont.
Owner capabilities in the project society: The setting of project-supported organisations.
Project Leadership and Society (PLS)
Academic article
Avanzi, Pierpaolo;
Zerjav, Vedran.
Caught in a crossfire: Front-end decision-making in airport expansion programmes.
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP)
Academic article
Locatelli, Giorgio;
Zerjav, Vedran;
Klein, Gary.
Project Transitions—Navigating Across Strategy, Delivery, Use, and Decommissioning.
Project Management Journal
Chan, Paul;
Dossick, Carrie;
Hacker, Miriam;
Hartmann, Timo;
Javernuck-Will, Amy;
Mahalingam, Ashwin.
Journal Reviews and Revisions: Advice from an Early Career Panel Discussion.
Engineering Project Organization Journal
Zerjav, Vedran;
Davies, Andrew;
Edkins, Andrew.
Project capabilities for operational outcomes in inter-organisational settings: The case of London Heathrow Terminal 2.
International Journal of Project Management
Academic article
Zerjav, Vedran.
Design boundary dynamics in infrastructure projects: Issues of resource allocation, path dependency and problem-solving.
International Journal of Project Management
Academic article
Hartmann, Timo;
olde Scholtenhuis, Leon;
Zerjav, Vedran;
Champlin, Carissa.
Mindfully implementing simulation tools for supporting pragmatic design inquiries.
Engineering Project Organization Journal
Academic article
Zerjav, Vedran;
van Amstel, Frederick;
Hartmann, Timo.
A leadership-as-practice perspective on design in architecture, engineering and construction projects: interaction analysis of a collaborative workshop.
Engineering Project Organization Journal
Academic article
Zerjav, Vedran;
Hartmann, Timo;
Achammer, Christoph.
Managing the process of interdisciplinary design: identifying, enforcing, and anticipating decision-making frames.
Architectural Engineering and Design Management
Academic article
Zerjav, Vedran;
Hartmann, Timo;
Javernick-Will, Amy.
Internal Governance of Design and Engineering: The Case of the Multinational Firm.
Journal of construction engineering and management
Academic article
Andersen, Bjørn Sørskot;
Klakegg, Ole Jonny;
Langlo, Jan Alexander;
Zerjav, Vedran.
Veikart for innføring av porteføljestyring i kommunal sektor. Rapport utviklet for kommunene Levanger, Steinkjer, Trondheim og Verdal.