Hilde Johnsen Venvik
Professor Hilde J. Venvik is since 2015 Director of iCSI – industrial Catalysis Science and Innovation, a Centre for Research-based Innovation (SFI) granted by the Research Council of Norway for a period of 8 years. iCSI involves the industrial partners Yara, KA Rasmussen, Dynea, Inovyn, and Haldor Topsøe, with SINTEF and the University of Oslo as research partners in addition to NTNU. The total budget is ~20 mill €. 15 PhD candidates and 7 postdoctoral fellows will be trained within the joint industrial, academic and institute research of iCSI.
Hilde Venvik is part of the Catalysis group at the Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU, the largest catalysis group in Norway and the main arena for education of PhD’s and MSc’s for Norwegian industry and research organizations. As of 2015 the group consists of five Faculty members (Edd A. Blekkan, De Chen, Magnus Rønning, Hilde Venvik, Yia Yang), ~20 PhD students and ~5 postdoctoral fellows. The group is an integrated NTNU/SINTEF research laboratory where NTNU-staff collaborate and share facilities with ~10 permanent researchers employed by SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Process Chemistry Department. This collaboration is institutionalized through the KINCAT Gemini centre (NTNU/SINTEF twin research centre). Together with the catalysis groups at the University of Oslo and SINTEF, the group was part of a Centre for Research-based Innovation (Innovative Natural Gas Processes and Products – inGAP) during 2007-2015
Hilde Venvik was NTNU Director of the Gas Technology Centre NTNU-SINTEF (GTS) from 2010 to 2015. GTS was established in 2003 to exploit the multidisciplinary synergism of NTNU and SINTEF’s expertise in gas technology with Statoil (now Equinor) as strategic partner.
Venvik has published ~ 80 scientific journal paper and has an h-index of 27 (ISI-WebOfKnowledge, Scopus). In addition come some book chapters, reports and popular science contributions. She has given or contributed to > 100 scientific presentations at international conferences and work-shops. 8 PhD degrees have been completed with Venvik as the main supervisor (Astrid Lervik Mejdell, Fatemeh Hayer, Daham Gunawardana, Nicla Vicinanza, Farbod Dadgar, Marie Døvre Strømsheim, Xiaoyang Guo, Stine Lervold), 7 as secondary supervisor, and Venvik has supervised 38 master students in chemical process technology and nanotechnology.
Research areas:
- Industrial and environmental catalysis; oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde over Ag-based catalysts, selective catalytic reduction, oxidation of hydrocarbons.
- Catalysis for conversion of natural gas and biomass to fuels and chemicals, including hydrogen.
- New catalytic reactor concepts for process intensification and control, i.e. monoliths, microstructured and membrane reactors.
- Catalytic phenomena important to metal dusting corrosion, e.g. carbon formation from CO.
- Surface science by combined experimental (scanning probe techniques, surface spectroscopy and electron diffraction and electron microscopy) and theoretical/modelling (density functional theory) approaches. Adsorption and reaction phenomena on metals (Ag, Co, Pd, …), related to (1-4 above), are of particular interest.
Lervold, Stine;
Lødeng, Rune;
Yang, Jia;
Skjelstad, Johan;
Bingen, Kristin;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Partial oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde in an annular reactor.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Guo, Xiaoyang;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Inhibition of metal dusting corrosion on Fe-based alloy by combined near surface severe plastic deformation (NS-SPD) and thermochemical treatment.
Corrosion Science
Academic article
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Mahmoodinia, Mehdi;
Boix, Virgínia;
Knudsen, Jan;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Segregation dynamics of a Pd-Ag surface during CO oxidation investigated by NAP-XPS.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Herron, Jeffrey A.;
Mavrikakis, Manos;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Pd3Ag(111) as a Model System for Hydrogen Separation Membranes: Combined Effects of CO Adsorption and Surface Termination on the Activation of Molecular Hydrogen.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Bjørkan, Hilde;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Johannessen, Tue;
Holmen, Anders.
Water–Gas Shift Activity of Pt Catalysts Prepared by Different Methods.
Academic article
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Weststrate, C. J.;
Borg, Anne;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
CO-Induced Surface Reconstruction of the Co(11–20) Surface—A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Investigation.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Guo, Xiaoyang;
Vanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Ma, Jianyu;
Panditha Vidana, Daham Sanjaya Gunawardana;
Walmsley, John.
Effects of metal dusting relevant exposures of alloy 601 surfaces on carbon formation and oxide development.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Lervold, Stine;
Arnesen, Kamilla;
Beck, Nikolas;
Lødeng, Rune;
Yang, Jia;
Bingen, Kristin.
Morphology and Activity of Electrolytic Silver Catalyst for Partial Oxidation of Methanol to Formaldehyde Under Different Exposures and Oxidation Reactions.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Myrstad, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Pfeifer, Peter.
Modelling and simulation of a single slit micro packed bed reactor for methanol synthesis.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Brandin, Jan;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
The effect of aerosol-deposited ash components on a cobalt-based Fischer–Tropsch catalyst.
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis
Academic article
Weststrate, Kees-Jan;
Mahmoodinia, Mehdi;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Niemantsverdriet, Hans.
Interaction of hydrogen with flat (0001) and corrugated (11–20) and (10–12) cobalt surfaces: Insights from experiment and theory.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Li, Zheshen;
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Guo, Xiaoyang.
Effects of K adsorption on the CO-induced restructuring of Co(11-20).
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Vicinanza, Nicla;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Peters, Thijs;
Bredesen, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
New insight to the effects of heat treatment in air on the permeation properties of thin Pd77%Ag23% membranes.
Academic article
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Brandin, Jan;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis—Investigation of the deactivation of a Co catalyst by exposure to aerosol particles of potassium salt.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Academic article
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Brandin, Jan;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Deactivation of Co-based Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst by Aerosol Deposition of Potassium Salts.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De;
Rytter, Erling;
Akporiaye, Duncan.
NGCS 11 Tromsø - 11th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium.
Catalysis Today
Dadgar, Farbod;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Pfeifer, Peter.
Application of hot-wire anemometry for experimental investigation of flow distribution in micro-packed bed reactors for synthesis gas conversion.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Knudsen, Jan;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Sørvik, Linn Cecilie;
Guo, Xiaoyang;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Near Ambient Pressure XPS Investigation of CO Oxidation Over Pd3Au(100).
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Yang, Jia.
Catalysis in microstructured reactors - Short review on smallscale syngas production and further conversion into methanol, DME and Fischer-Tropsch products.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Dadgar, Farbod;
Myrstad, Rune;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Catalyst Deactivation During One-Step Dimethyl Ether Synthesis from Synthesis Gas.
Catalysis Letters
Academic article
Guo, Xiaoyang;
Panditha Vidana, Daham Sanjaya Gunawardana;
Chen, De;
Vanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John.
Investigation of metal dusting corrosion process over UNS N08800 alloy.
International Corrosion Conference Series
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Lødeng, Rune.
Feil om katalysatorer.
Dagens næringsliv
Reader opinion piece
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Walmsley, John Charles;
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Myrstad, Rune;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Pd/CeO2 catalysts as powder in a fixed-bed reactor and as coating in a stacked foil microreactor for the methanol synthesis.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Van der Bossche, Maxime;
Knudsen, Jan;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Gustafson, Johan;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Reversed Hysteresis during CO Oxidation over Pd75Ag25(100).
ACS Catalysis
Academic article
Dadgar, Farbod;
Myrstad, Rune;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Direct dimethyl ether synthesis from synthesis gas: The influence of methanol dehydration on methanol synthesis reaction.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Rytter, Erling;
Souskova, Katerina;
Lundgren, Mathias Kristoffer;
Ge, Wei;
Nannestad, Åsne Daling;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Process concepts to produce syngas for Fischer-Tropsch fuels by solar thermochemical splitting of water and/or CO2.
Fuel processing technology
Academic article
Vicinanza, Nicla;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Næss, Live Nova;
Peters, Thijs;
Bredesen, Rune;
Borg, Anne.
Thickness dependent effects of solubility and surface phenomena on the hydrogen transport properties of sputtered Pd77%Ag23% thin film membranes.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Gustafson, Johan;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Blomberg, Sara;
Lundgren, Edvin.
H2 reduction of surface oxides on Pd-based membrane model systems - The case of Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100).
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Montebelli, A;
Visconti, CG;
Groppi, G;
Tronconi, E;
Kohler, S;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Washcoating and chemical testing of a commercial Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst for the methanol synthesis over copper open-cell foams.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Panditha Vidana, Daham Sanjaya Gunawardana;
Nguyen, Thoa Thi Minh;
Walmsley, John;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Initiation of Metal Dusting Corrosion in Conversion of Natural Gas to Syngas Studied under Industrially Relevant Conditions.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Zhu, Jun;
Chen, De.
Monolithic, microchannel and carbon nanofibers/carbon felt reactors for syngas conversion by Fischer-Tropsch syntehesis.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Myrstad, Rune;
Holmen, Anders;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Characteristics of integrated micro packed bed reactor-heat exchanger configurations in the direct synthesis of dimethyl ether.
Chemical Engineering and Processing
Academic article
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Dadgar, Farbod;
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Myrstad, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Analysis of External and Internal Mass Transfer at Low Reynolds Numbers in a Multiple-Slit Packed Bed Microstructured Reactor for Synthesis of Methanol from Syngas.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Panditha Vidana, Daham S G;
Walmsley, John;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Metal dusting corrosion initiation in conversion of natural gas to synthesis gas.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Herron, Jeffrey A.;
Mavrikakis, Manos;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Adsorbate-induced segregation in a PdAg membrane model system: Pd3Ag(111).
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Myrstad, Rune;
Holmen, Anders;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Synthesis of dimethyl ether from syngas in a microchannel reactor-Simulation and experimental study.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Bredesen, Rune;
Peters, Thijs;
Stange, Marit Synnøve Sæverud;
Vicinanza, Nicla;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Palladium-based Membranes in Hydrogen Production.
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Myrstad, Rune;
Holmen, Anders;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Modeling and Simulation of an Integrated Micro Packed Bed Reactor-Heat Exchanger Configuration for Direct Dimethyl Ether Synthesis.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Yang, Jia;
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Myrstad, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Studies of Macroporous Structured Alumina Based Cobalt Catalsts for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis.
Catalysis Letters
Academic article
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Catalysis for Clean Energy Preface.
Topics in catalysis
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Myrstad, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Pfeifer, Peter.
Characteristics of an Integrated Micro Packed Bed Reactor-Heat Exchanger for methanol synthesis from syngas.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Myrstad, Rune;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Preparation and performance of Cu-based monoliths for methanol synthesis.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Myrstad, Rune;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Performance of a multi-slit packed bed microstructured reactor in hte synthesis of methanol: Comparison with a laboratory fixed-bed reactor.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Chen, De;
Peters, Thijs A.;
Bredesen, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
The effect of heat treatment in air on CO inhibition of a ~3ųm Pd-Ag (23 wt.%) membrane.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Stange, Marit;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John C.
Surface characterization of Pd/Ag23 wt% membranes after different thermal treatments.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Bakhtiary, Hamidreza Davijany;
Myrstad, Rune;
Thormann, Janina;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Preparation and Performance of a Catalyst-Coated Stacked Foil Microreactor for the Methanol Synthesis.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Jøndahl, Mari;
Peters, Thijs A.;
Bredesen, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Experimental investigation of a microchannel membrane configuration with a 1.4 μm Pd/Ag23wt% membrane - effects of flow and pressure.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Peters, Thijs A.;
Stange, Marit;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Bredesen, Rune.
Performance and application of thin Pd-alloy hydrogen separation membranes in different configurations.
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
Academic article
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Jøndahl, Mari;
Peters, TA;
Bredesen, R;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Effects of CO and CO2 on hydrogen permeation through a similar to 3 mu m Pd/Ag 23 wt.% membrane employed in a microchannel membrane configuration.
Separation and Purification Technology
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John C;
Stange, M;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Mathiesen, Ragnvald.
Microstructural studies of self-supported (1.5-10 mu m) Pd/23 wt% Ag hydrogen separation membranes subjected to different heat treatments.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Stange, Marit;
Walmsley, John C;
Holmestad, Randi;
Bredesen, Rune.
Effects of thermal activation on hydrogen permeation properties of thin, self-supported Pd/Ag membranes.
Separation and Purification Technology
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Selected papers from the EUROPACAT VIII Hydrogen Society Session, Turku, Finland, 26-31 August 2007 Preface.
Catalysis Today
Huber, Florian;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Rønning, Magnus;
Walmsley, John C;
Holmen, Anders.
Preparation and characterization of nanocrystalline, high-surface area Cu-Ce-Zr mixed oxide catalysts from homogeneous co-precipitation.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic literature review
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Walmsley, John C;
Bredesen, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Microstructural characterization of self-supported 1.6µm Pd/Ag membranes.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Bichon, P;
Haugom, G;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Steam reforming of ethanol over supported Co and Ni catalysts.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Huber, Florian;
Walmsley, John C.;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
The effect of platinum in Cu-Ce-Zr and Cu-Zn-Al mixed oxide catalysts for water-gas shift.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Enger, Bjørn Christian;
Walmsley, John C.;
Bjørgum, Erlend;
Lødeng, Rune;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Schubert, Klaus.
Performance and SEM characterization of Rh impregnated microchannel reactors in the catalytic partial oxidation of methane and propane.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
12th nordic symposium on catalysis, Trondheim, Norway, MAy 28-30, 2006 - Preface.
Topics in catalysis
Huber, Florian;
Yu, Zhixin;
Walmsley, John C;
Chen, De;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Nanocrystalline Cu-Ce-Zr mixed oxide catalysts for water-gas shift: Carbon nanofibers as dispersing agent for the mixed oxide particles.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Academic article
Huber, Florian;
Meland, Hilde;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Comparison of Cu-Ce-Zr and Cu-Zn-Al mixed oxide catalysts for water-gas shift.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Walmsley, John;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Holmestad, Randi.
Studies of self-supported 1,6 μm Pd/23 wt.% Ag membranes during and after hydrogen production in a catalytic membrane reactor.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Huber, Florian;
Yu, Zhixin;
Lögdberg, Sara;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Remarks on the passivation of reduced Cu-, Ni-, Fe-, Co-based catalysts.
Catalysis Letters
Academic article
Meland, Hilde;
Johannessen, Tue;
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Preparation of low temperature water-gas shift catalysts by flame spray pyrolysis.
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Highly active Cu-based catalysts on carbon nanofibers for isopropanol dehydrogenation.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Huber, Florian;
Meland, Hilde;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders.
Relating catalyst structure and composition to the water�gas shift activity of Cu�Zn-based mixed-oxide catalysts.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Silberova, Bozena;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Production of Hydrogen by short contact time partial oxidation and oxidative steam reforming of propane.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Aartun, Ingrid;
Silberova, Bozena;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Pfeifer, P;
Gorke, O;
Schubert, K.
Hydrogen production from propane in Rh-impregnated metallic microchannel reactors and alumina foams.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Aartun, Ingrid;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Görke, Oliver;
Schubert, Klaus.
Temperature profiles and residence time effects during catalytic partial oxidation and oxidative steam reforming of propane in metallic microchannel reactors.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Aartun, Ingrid;
Gjervan, T;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Gorke, O;
Pfeifer, P;
Fathi, Marcus.
Catalytic conversion of propane to hydrogen in microstructured reactors.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Kildemo, Morten;
Hansteen, Fredrik;
Worren, Turid.
Chemisorption and decomposition of acetylene on Co(1120).
Surface Science
Academic article
Berg, Cecilie;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Strisland, Frode;
Ramstad, Audun;
Borg, Anne.
Nucleation and growth of Au overlayers on Pt(100)-hex-R0.7%0 studied by STM and photoelectron spectroscopy.
Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Borg, Anne;
Berg, Cecilie.
Formation of the CO-induced (3x1) surface structure on Co (11#-20) studied by STM.
Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Berg, Cecilie;
Borg, Anne.
CO adsorption on Co(1012) : a STM study.
Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Borg, Anne.
The (2x5) carbon overlayer structure on Co(11#-20) studied by STM.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
Academic article
Journal publications
Lervold, Stine;
Lødeng, Rune;
Yang, Jia;
Skjelstad, Johan;
Bingen, Kristin;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Partial oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde in an annular reactor.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Guo, Xiaoyang;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Inhibition of metal dusting corrosion on Fe-based alloy by combined near surface severe plastic deformation (NS-SPD) and thermochemical treatment.
Corrosion Science
Academic article
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Mahmoodinia, Mehdi;
Boix, Virgínia;
Knudsen, Jan;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Segregation dynamics of a Pd-Ag surface during CO oxidation investigated by NAP-XPS.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Herron, Jeffrey A.;
Mavrikakis, Manos;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Pd3Ag(111) as a Model System for Hydrogen Separation Membranes: Combined Effects of CO Adsorption and Surface Termination on the Activation of Molecular Hydrogen.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Bjørkan, Hilde;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Johannessen, Tue;
Holmen, Anders.
Water–Gas Shift Activity of Pt Catalysts Prepared by Different Methods.
Academic article
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Weststrate, C. J.;
Borg, Anne;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
CO-Induced Surface Reconstruction of the Co(11–20) Surface—A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Investigation.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Guo, Xiaoyang;
Vanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Ma, Jianyu;
Panditha Vidana, Daham Sanjaya Gunawardana;
Walmsley, John.
Effects of metal dusting relevant exposures of alloy 601 surfaces on carbon formation and oxide development.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Lervold, Stine;
Arnesen, Kamilla;
Beck, Nikolas;
Lødeng, Rune;
Yang, Jia;
Bingen, Kristin.
Morphology and Activity of Electrolytic Silver Catalyst for Partial Oxidation of Methanol to Formaldehyde Under Different Exposures and Oxidation Reactions.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Myrstad, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Pfeifer, Peter.
Modelling and simulation of a single slit micro packed bed reactor for methanol synthesis.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Brandin, Jan;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
The effect of aerosol-deposited ash components on a cobalt-based Fischer–Tropsch catalyst.
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis
Academic article
Weststrate, Kees-Jan;
Mahmoodinia, Mehdi;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Niemantsverdriet, Hans.
Interaction of hydrogen with flat (0001) and corrugated (11–20) and (10–12) cobalt surfaces: Insights from experiment and theory.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Li, Zheshen;
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Guo, Xiaoyang.
Effects of K adsorption on the CO-induced restructuring of Co(11-20).
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Vicinanza, Nicla;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Peters, Thijs;
Bredesen, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
New insight to the effects of heat treatment in air on the permeation properties of thin Pd77%Ag23% membranes.
Academic article
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Brandin, Jan;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis—Investigation of the deactivation of a Co catalyst by exposure to aerosol particles of potassium salt.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Academic article
Gavrilovic, Ljubisa;
Brandin, Jan;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Deactivation of Co-based Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst by Aerosol Deposition of Potassium Salts.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De;
Rytter, Erling;
Akporiaye, Duncan.
NGCS 11 Tromsø - 11th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium.
Catalysis Today
Dadgar, Farbod;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Pfeifer, Peter.
Application of hot-wire anemometry for experimental investigation of flow distribution in micro-packed bed reactors for synthesis gas conversion.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Strømsheim, Marie Døvre;
Knudsen, Jan;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Sørvik, Linn Cecilie;
Guo, Xiaoyang;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Near Ambient Pressure XPS Investigation of CO Oxidation Over Pd3Au(100).
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Yang, Jia.
Catalysis in microstructured reactors - Short review on smallscale syngas production and further conversion into methanol, DME and Fischer-Tropsch products.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Dadgar, Farbod;
Myrstad, Rune;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Catalyst Deactivation During One-Step Dimethyl Ether Synthesis from Synthesis Gas.
Catalysis Letters
Academic article
Guo, Xiaoyang;
Panditha Vidana, Daham Sanjaya Gunawardana;
Chen, De;
Vanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John.
Investigation of metal dusting corrosion process over UNS N08800 alloy.
International Corrosion Conference Series
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Lødeng, Rune.
Feil om katalysatorer.
Dagens næringsliv
Reader opinion piece
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Walmsley, John Charles;
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Myrstad, Rune;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Pd/CeO2 catalysts as powder in a fixed-bed reactor and as coating in a stacked foil microreactor for the methanol synthesis.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Van der Bossche, Maxime;
Knudsen, Jan;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Gustafson, Johan;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Reversed Hysteresis during CO Oxidation over Pd75Ag25(100).
ACS Catalysis
Academic article
Dadgar, Farbod;
Myrstad, Rune;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Direct dimethyl ether synthesis from synthesis gas: The influence of methanol dehydration on methanol synthesis reaction.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Rytter, Erling;
Souskova, Katerina;
Lundgren, Mathias Kristoffer;
Ge, Wei;
Nannestad, Åsne Daling;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Process concepts to produce syngas for Fischer-Tropsch fuels by solar thermochemical splitting of water and/or CO2.
Fuel processing technology
Academic article
Vicinanza, Nicla;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Næss, Live Nova;
Peters, Thijs;
Bredesen, Rune;
Borg, Anne.
Thickness dependent effects of solubility and surface phenomena on the hydrogen transport properties of sputtered Pd77%Ag23% thin film membranes.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Fernandes, Vasco Rafael P;
Gustafson, Johan;
Farstad, Mari Helene;
Walle, Lars Erik;
Blomberg, Sara;
Lundgren, Edvin.
H2 reduction of surface oxides on Pd-based membrane model systems - The case of Pd(100) and Pd75Ag25(100).
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Montebelli, A;
Visconti, CG;
Groppi, G;
Tronconi, E;
Kohler, S;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Washcoating and chemical testing of a commercial Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst for the methanol synthesis over copper open-cell foams.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Panditha Vidana, Daham Sanjaya Gunawardana;
Nguyen, Thoa Thi Minh;
Walmsley, John;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Initiation of Metal Dusting Corrosion in Conversion of Natural Gas to Syngas Studied under Industrially Relevant Conditions.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Holmen, Anders;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Myrstad, Rune;
Zhu, Jun;
Chen, De.
Monolithic, microchannel and carbon nanofibers/carbon felt reactors for syngas conversion by Fischer-Tropsch syntehesis.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Myrstad, Rune;
Holmen, Anders;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Characteristics of integrated micro packed bed reactor-heat exchanger configurations in the direct synthesis of dimethyl ether.
Chemical Engineering and Processing
Academic article
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Dadgar, Farbod;
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Myrstad, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Analysis of External and Internal Mass Transfer at Low Reynolds Numbers in a Multiple-Slit Packed Bed Microstructured Reactor for Synthesis of Methanol from Syngas.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Panditha Vidana, Daham S G;
Walmsley, John;
Holmen, Anders;
Chen, De;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Metal dusting corrosion initiation in conversion of natural gas to synthesis gas.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Herron, Jeffrey A.;
Mavrikakis, Manos;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Adsorbate-induced segregation in a PdAg membrane model system: Pd3Ag(111).
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Myrstad, Rune;
Holmen, Anders;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Synthesis of dimethyl ether from syngas in a microchannel reactor-Simulation and experimental study.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Myrstad, Rune;
Holmen, Anders;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Modeling and Simulation of an Integrated Micro Packed Bed Reactor-Heat Exchanger Configuration for Direct Dimethyl Ether Synthesis.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Yang, Jia;
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Myrstad, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Studies of Macroporous Structured Alumina Based Cobalt Catalsts for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis.
Catalysis Letters
Academic article
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Catalysis for Clean Energy Preface.
Topics in catalysis
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Myrstad, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Pfeifer, Peter.
Characteristics of an Integrated Micro Packed Bed Reactor-Heat Exchanger for methanol synthesis from syngas.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Myrstad, Rune;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Preparation and performance of Cu-based monoliths for methanol synthesis.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Bakhtiary Davijany, Hamidreza;
Hayer, Fatemeh;
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Myrstad, Rune;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Performance of a multi-slit packed bed microstructured reactor in hte synthesis of methanol: Comparison with a laboratory fixed-bed reactor.
Chemical Engineering Science (CES)
Academic article
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Chen, De;
Peters, Thijs A.;
Bredesen, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
The effect of heat treatment in air on CO inhibition of a ~3ųm Pd-Ag (23 wt.%) membrane.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Stange, Marit;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John C.
Surface characterization of Pd/Ag23 wt% membranes after different thermal treatments.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Phan, Xuyen Kim;
Bakhtiary, Hamidreza Davijany;
Myrstad, Rune;
Thormann, Janina;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Preparation and Performance of a Catalyst-Coated Stacked Foil Microreactor for the Methanol Synthesis.
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Academic article
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Jøndahl, Mari;
Peters, Thijs A.;
Bredesen, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Experimental investigation of a microchannel membrane configuration with a 1.4 μm Pd/Ag23wt% membrane - effects of flow and pressure.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Peters, Thijs A.;
Stange, Marit;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Bredesen, Rune.
Performance and application of thin Pd-alloy hydrogen separation membranes in different configurations.
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
Academic article
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Jøndahl, Mari;
Peters, TA;
Bredesen, R;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Effects of CO and CO2 on hydrogen permeation through a similar to 3 mu m Pd/Ag 23 wt.% membrane employed in a microchannel membrane configuration.
Separation and Purification Technology
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John C;
Stange, M;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Mathiesen, Ragnvald.
Microstructural studies of self-supported (1.5-10 mu m) Pd/23 wt% Ag hydrogen separation membranes subjected to different heat treatments.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Stange, Marit;
Walmsley, John C;
Holmestad, Randi;
Bredesen, Rune.
Effects of thermal activation on hydrogen permeation properties of thin, self-supported Pd/Ag membranes.
Separation and Purification Technology
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Selected papers from the EUROPACAT VIII Hydrogen Society Session, Turku, Finland, 26-31 August 2007 Preface.
Catalysis Today
Huber, Florian;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Rønning, Magnus;
Walmsley, John C;
Holmen, Anders.
Preparation and characterization of nanocrystalline, high-surface area Cu-Ce-Zr mixed oxide catalysts from homogeneous co-precipitation.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic literature review
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Walmsley, John C;
Bredesen, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Microstructural characterization of self-supported 1.6µm Pd/Ag membranes.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Bichon, P;
Haugom, G;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders;
Blekkan, Edd Anders.
Steam reforming of ethanol over supported Co and Ni catalysts.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Huber, Florian;
Walmsley, John C.;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
The effect of platinum in Cu-Ce-Zr and Cu-Zn-Al mixed oxide catalysts for water-gas shift.
Applied Catalysis A : General
Academic article
Enger, Bjørn Christian;
Walmsley, John C.;
Bjørgum, Erlend;
Lødeng, Rune;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Schubert, Klaus.
Performance and SEM characterization of Rh impregnated microchannel reactors in the catalytic partial oxidation of methane and propane.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
12th nordic symposium on catalysis, Trondheim, Norway, MAy 28-30, 2006 - Preface.
Topics in catalysis
Huber, Florian;
Yu, Zhixin;
Walmsley, John C;
Chen, De;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Nanocrystalline Cu-Ce-Zr mixed oxide catalysts for water-gas shift: Carbon nanofibers as dispersing agent for the mixed oxide particles.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
Academic article
Huber, Florian;
Meland, Hilde;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Comparison of Cu-Ce-Zr and Cu-Zn-Al mixed oxide catalysts for water-gas shift.
Topics in catalysis
Academic article
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Walmsley, John;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Holmestad, Randi.
Studies of self-supported 1,6 μm Pd/23 wt.% Ag membranes during and after hydrogen production in a catalytic membrane reactor.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Huber, Florian;
Yu, Zhixin;
Lögdberg, Sara;
Rønning, Magnus;
Chen, De;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Remarks on the passivation of reduced Cu-, Ni-, Fe-, Co-based catalysts.
Catalysis Letters
Academic article
Meland, Hilde;
Johannessen, Tue;
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Rønning, Magnus;
Holmen, Anders.
Preparation of low temperature water-gas shift catalysts by flame spray pyrolysis.
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Academic article
Kvande, Ingvar;
Chen, De;
Rønning, Magnus;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Highly active Cu-based catalysts on carbon nanofibers for isopropanol dehydrogenation.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Rønning, Magnus;
Huber, Florian;
Meland, Hilde;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Chen, De;
Holmen, Anders.
Relating catalyst structure and composition to the water�gas shift activity of Cu�Zn-based mixed-oxide catalysts.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Silberova, Bozena;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders.
Production of Hydrogen by short contact time partial oxidation and oxidative steam reforming of propane.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Aartun, Ingrid;
Silberova, Bozena;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Pfeifer, P;
Gorke, O;
Schubert, K.
Hydrogen production from propane in Rh-impregnated metallic microchannel reactors and alumina foams.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Aartun, Ingrid;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Holmen, Anders;
Pfeifer, Peter;
Görke, Oliver;
Schubert, Klaus.
Temperature profiles and residence time effects during catalytic partial oxidation and oxidative steam reforming of propane in metallic microchannel reactors.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Aartun, Ingrid;
Gjervan, T;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Gorke, O;
Pfeifer, P;
Fathi, Marcus.
Catalytic conversion of propane to hydrogen in microstructured reactors.
Chemical Engineering Journal
Academic article
Ramsvik, Trond;
Borg, Anne;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Kildemo, Morten;
Hansteen, Fredrik;
Worren, Turid.
Chemisorption and decomposition of acetylene on Co(1120).
Surface Science
Academic article
Berg, Cecilie;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Strisland, Frode;
Ramstad, Audun;
Borg, Anne.
Nucleation and growth of Au overlayers on Pt(100)-hex-R0.7%0 studied by STM and photoelectron spectroscopy.
Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Borg, Anne;
Berg, Cecilie.
Formation of the CO-induced (3x1) surface structure on Co (11#-20) studied by STM.
Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Berg, Cecilie;
Borg, Anne.
CO adsorption on Co(1012) : a STM study.
Surface Science
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Borg, Anne.
The (2x5) carbon overlayer structure on Co(11#-20) studied by STM.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
Academic article
Part of book/report
Bredesen, Rune;
Peters, Thijs;
Stange, Marit Synnøve Sæverud;
Vicinanza, Nicla;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Palladium-based Membranes in Hydrogen Production.
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- KP8132 - Anvendt heterogen katalyse
- TKP4110 - Kjemisk reaksjonsteknikk
- TKP4580 - Kjemisk prosessteknologi, fordypningsprosjekt
- TKP4581 - Kjemisk prosessteknologi, fordypningsprosjekt
- TKP4570 - Nanoteknologi, fordypningsprosjekt
- TKP4905 - Nanoteknologi, masteroppgave
- TKP4150 - Industriell kjemi og raffinering
- TKP4515 - Katalyse, fordypningsemne
- TKP4190 - Fabrikasjon og anvendelse av nanomaterialer
Academic lectureVenvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2021) Methanol partial oxidation to formaldehyde (MTF) over silver – new kinetic and structural insights. Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry m f LIII POLISH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON CATALYSIS 22-24.09.2021 , Kraków 2021-09-22 - 2021-09-24
Academic lectureVenvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2021) LINXS THEME NEW MATERIALS: Thermal Catalysis. LINXS - LUND INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED NEUTRON AND X-RAY SCIENCE LINXS Catalysis Workshop , Lund 2021-10-28 - 2021-10-28
Academic lectureVenvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2019) iCSI – industrial Catalysis Science and Innovation for a competitive and sustainable process industry. Universitetet i Oslo Operando Surface Catalysis meeting (OPSCAT) , Oslo 2019-01-29 - 2019-02-01
Academic lectureGuo, Xiaoyang; Vanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.; Vullum, Per Erik; Ma, Jianyu; Gunawardana, Daham; Walmsley, John. (2019) The initial stage of Metal Dusting Corrosion of Inconel 601 – effects of exposure conditions and near-surface structure and composition. 12th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium - NGCS12 , San Antonio, Texas 2019-06-02 - 2019-06-06
Academic lectureVenvik, Hilde Johnsen; Strømsheim, Marie Døvre; Farstad, Mari Helene; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Mahmoodinia, Mehdi; Weststrate, Kees-Jan. (2019) CO and H2 Adsorption on Co(11-20) - a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Investigation. 12th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium - NGCS12 , San Antonio, Texas 2019-06-02 - 2019-06-06
Academic lectureVenvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2018) Pd alloy and cobalt single crystal surfaces as catalytic model systems. iNANO, Aarhus University Seminar at iNANO, Aarhus University , Aarhus 2018-06-06 - 2018-06-06
Academic lectureVenvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2018) iCSI – industrial Catalysis Science and Innovation – a Centre for Research-based Innovation (SFI). Norsk Kjemisk Selskap Norsk Kjemisk Selskap - Det 21. Landsmøte i kjemi - Faggruppe for katalyse , Lillestrøm 2018-10-16 - 2018-10-17
Academic lectureTysseland, Amalie; Vanhaecke, Estelle Marie M.; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Blekkan, Edd Anders; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2018) New approaches to the investigation of carbon formation in the Direct Synthesis of Methylchlorosilanes. Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XIV 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-14
LectureVenvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2018) iCSI – industrial Catalysis Science and Innovation for a competitive and sustainable process industry, a Centre for Research-based innovation granted by the Research Council of Norway for the period 2015-2022. Dynea 1st Silver Formaldehyde Conference , Kazincbarcika 2018-01-16 - 2018-01-18
InterviewVenvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2011) NTNU kvinner vinner. Dagens næringsliv, journalist Stig Tore Laugen Dagens næringsliv, journalist Stig Tore Laugen [Newspaper] 2011-03-08