Wafa Pathan
I am a PhD candidate in the section of English and Foreign Languages at the Department of Teacher Education. My doctoral project “Affect, Identity and Trauma in Contemporary Family Film” aims to study the correlation of affect, identity and intergenerational trauma narrative in children’s latest animated English movies produced by Disney and Pixar. The project is focused on understanding how these movies communicate child agency to end the legacy of intergenerational trauma and the affordances they carry for developing children’s emotional, linguistic and critical literacies. The project is in cooperation with the research group CLEAR: Children’s Literature Education and Research and it is supervised by Dr Jade Dillon and Dr Alyssa Lowery.
Prior to working at NTNU, I worked as a foreign language teacher as a Fulbright scholar at the University of Oregon, USA and have served at a few Pakistani universities as a Lecturer of English, linguistics and literature for five years. In my academic background, I hold a BS in English Literature, a Master in Applied Linguistics and an International Master in Children’s Literature, Media & Culture. In my Master's thesis, I examined award-winning refugee-themed picturebooks published since 2011 and their utilization in developing children’s critical literacies. The thesis also contained an artistic element of creating a picturebook in collaboration with Julia Cardinale (illustrator & researcher) to incorporate the themes of authenticity, agency, historical narrative and diverse representation of refugees.
Association for Research on Children’s Literature in English in Norway
International Research Society for Children’s Literature
Pathan, W. (2017). Content Analysis of English Textbooks of Secondary Education. Pakistan Journal of Society, Education, and Language (PJSEL), 3(2), 32-49.
Pathan, Wafa.
Recommended Reads: Children in Zones of Conflict (The Journey by Francesca Sanna).
Children's Literature in English Language Education (CLELEjournal )
Book review
Lowery, Alyssa Christine Magee;
Bland, Janice Mary;
Minslow, Sarah;
Verma, Bakhti;
Pathan, Wafa.
Recommended Reads: Children in Zones of Conflict.
Children's Literature in English Language Education (CLELEjournal )
Journal publications
Pathan, Wafa.
Recommended Reads: Children in Zones of Conflict (The Journey by Francesca Sanna).
Children's Literature in English Language Education (CLELEjournal )
Book review
Lowery, Alyssa Christine Magee;
Bland, Janice Mary;
Minslow, Sarah;
Verma, Bakhti;
Pathan, Wafa.
Recommended Reads: Children in Zones of Conflict.
Children's Literature in English Language Education (CLELEjournal )
Margaret Wild: HCAA Nominee by IBBY UK
Recommended Reads: Children in Zones of Conflict
PosterPathan, Wafa. (2024) “Stories matter initiative, 2020”: Disney & Pixar diversifying children’s films via the stories of Migration. IBBY IBBY 39th International Congress , Trieste 2024-08-28 - 2024-09-01
Academic lecturePathan, Wafa. (2024) Disney and Pixar on Diverse Intergenerational Trauma Narratives: An educational tool to foster children's critical multicultural education. University of Antwerp Antwerp Summer School 2024-07-03 -
Academic lecturePathan, Wafa. (2024) Disney and Pixar on Diverse Intergenerational Trauma Narratives: A source of multiculturalism in EFL classrooms. Nord University Reading for in-depth English Learning: Texts in and beyond the classroom , Bodø 2024-05-06 - 2024-05-08
Academic lecturePathan, Wafa. (2024) Problematizing the act of 'giving voice': how we position refugee children in books and within our society? . Norwegian University of Science and Technology MGLU4106 - Literature from the English-speaking World in the Classroom (1-7): Theoretical and Didactical Perspectives , Trondheim 2024-03-22 -
Academic lecturePathan, Wafa. (2024) Disney and Pixar on Diverse Intergenerational Trauma Narratives . Norwegian University of Science and Technology DAGSSEMINAR OM BARNELITTERATUR , Trondheim 2024-05-28 -
Academic lecturePathan, Wafa. (2023) Bilingual Picturebooks as “Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Doors” . Norwegian University of Science and Technology MGLU2105 - English 1 (1-7) subject 2 , Trondheim 2023-09-06 -
Academic lecturePathan, Wafa. (2023) Mahol Sahelian: “A Pakistani Gendered Trilogy on Climate Change”. The University of California, Santa Barbara & Stanford University, USA The 26th Biennial International Research Society for Children's Literature (IRSCL) 2023 Congress: Ecologies of Childhood. , Digital 2023-08-12 - 2023-08-17
Academic lecturePathan, Wafa. (2021) Lali’s two-flavoured ice cream - Picturebook. University of British Columbia Fresh from the Fight: Heroes, Tricksters, & Villains in Children's YA Literature and Culture! , Vancouver (Digital) 2021-07-02 - 2021-07-04
Academic lecturePathan, Wafa; Memon, Shumaila. (2017) Urdu sexist jokes as a representation of Pakistani women . The University of Sindh The First National Conference on Language and Literature , Jamshoro 2017-11-09 - 2017-11-10
Academic lecturePathan, Wafa. (2016) Minority Rights and Secondary English Books of Baluchistan. University of Education The 4th International Conference, Education in Pakistan: Connecting Research and Practice Across Contexts , Lahore 2016-03-24 - 2016-03-26
Academic lecturePathan, Wafa. (2015) English Language Learning Strategies and their Applicability in Pakistani Context . kinnaird College The 1st International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan , Lahore 2015-10-07 - 2015-10-09
Academic lecturePathan, Wafa. (2015) Critical Discourse Analyses of a Political Speech. International Linguistics Conference , Azad Jammu Kashmir 2015-05-04 - 2015-05-05
Academic lecturePathan, Wafa. (2015) Zeenat: A Feminist Study of a Classic Young Adult Novel. Air University Emerging Trends of Researching Language, Linguistics & Literature , Islamabad 2015-12-15 - 2015-12-16