NTNU Energy Team low and middle income countries
NTNU Energy Team Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC)
NTNU has a strong tradition of collaborating with universities in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) in the field of energy technology. Team LMIC brings together experts from various disciplines, departments, and faculties at NTNU, all working on global energy issues from different perspectives. The team serves as a platform for sharing knowledge, fostering new joint initiatives, and acting as a point of contact for external partners interested in connecting with NTNU researchers on global energy topics.
A key priority in NTNU’s International Action Plan is collaboration with LMICs, which aligns with NTNU's broader commitment to contributing to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Access to affordable and renewable energy is increasingly recognized as essential for improving living conditions in these countries.
NTNU Energy has launched initiatives to explore synergies between ongoing projects in Africa, primarily funded by Norhed II and Erasmus+. They aim to involve additional stakeholders, such as the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Research Council of Norway, Innovation Norway, and the Norwegian-African Business Association, to expand energy-related collaboration across education, research, innovation, and sustainable development.
Read more about NTNU’s collaboration with LMIC in this report.