Operation Room Laboratory

Operation Room Laboratory

surgeons operating on an artificial knee, in a lab. photo

An "operation"on an artificial knee in the lab. Photo: Lars Bugge/NTNU

The new operation room facilities (OR Lab) was opened in August 2023.

OR lab will facilitate solutions for the operating room of the future, with new research and innovation on energy efficient indoor environment control technologies.

About OR-Lab

The OR lab is engaged to develop new solutions for the following challenges:

  • Reduce the risk of postoperative infections from airborne particles in hospitals
  • Very high energy consumption for indoor environment control in operating rooms
  • Very high indoor air quality requirements


My PhD: Energy and surgery

My PhD: Energy and surgery

"The purpose of my PhD project is to explore energy-efficient distribution methods for indoor environment control and airflow, which enables a safe surgical microenvironment in operating rooms."

- Yang Bi, PhD candidate

Read the whole blog entry of PhD Candidate Yang Bi (in Norwegian).

Visiting Address:

Visiting Address:

Varmetekniske laboratorier

Kolbjørn Hejes v. 1B

7034 Trondheim

Operating Room of the Future (FOR)

Operating Room of the Future (FOR)

The OR Lab is part of Operating Room of the Future (FOR), an arena for research and development. FOR is a collaboration between St. Olavs Hospital and NTNU. 

grey logo with white text. illustration

Human - Centric Indoor Climate for Healthcare Facilities (HumanIC)

Research project

Human - Centric Indoor Climate for Healthcare Facilities (HumanIC)