NTNU RE Research Group

Research – Department of Teacher Education

NTNU RE Research Group

Other projects

Other projects

The K in KRLE: Teaching Christianity between “Norwegianness” and interculturality. Ingvild Mestad, Nord-University.

But what do our students think? Conceptions of Religion among students in Norwegian upper secondary school. Adrian Johansen Rinde, University of Stavanger

Implementing RE-searchers in KRLE teacher education. Øyvind Soltun Andreassen, NTNU

Past PhDs

Continuity and change: Individualization processes in young Muslim women's knowledge acquisition and practice of Islam in Trondheim. 2020. ISBN 978-82-326-5090-3. (2020) Eriksen, Eli-Anne Vongraven.

Reading in Religious Education in secondary schools: Disciplinary reading, disciplinary literacy, and competences. (2019) Unstad, Lars

As you ask, so shall you receive an answer? An empirical study of writing in religious and life stance subjects. 2014. (Only in Norwegian). ISBN 978-82-471-4941-6. Doctoral theses at NTNU (15) (2014) Jørgensen, Camilla Stabel.

A comparative study of Religious Education in state schools in England and Norway, University of Warwick 2010. Bråten, Oddrun Marie Hovde Bråten. Revised and published as a book:  (2013) Towards a Methodology for Comparative studies in Religious Education. Münster: Waxman. ISBN 978-3-8309-2887-4

Prismet Vol 73 Nr. 1-2 (2022). Guest Editors: Camilla Stabel Jørgensen, Øyvind Soltun Andreassen.

Utforsking av religioner og livssyn med ulike metoder (Exploring religions and worldviews with different methods”: only in Norwegian).

Religion & Education: Vol 48, No 4. Guest Editors: Oddrun M.H. Bråten and Jonathan Doney (2021)

The Role of Space and Time: Comparative Methodologies for exploring how Religion in different contexts has impacted (religious-) education systems. 

Nordidactica Vol 5 Nr 2015:2 Guest Editor: Oddrun M. H. Bråten

This special issue focusing on research gives a comparative perspective on RE in the Nordic countries. It is a result of a cooperation between researchers from the Nordic countries and England following a symposium at the Nordic Conference of Religious Education (NCRE) in Reykjavik, Iceland, in June 2013.

Geir Skeie at the University of Stavanger is involved in two research projects with funding from The Research Council of Norway:

  1. Transloyalties in Citizenship Education  (TranCit). Ledes av VID Specialised University og tar opp medborgerskap og identiteter knyttet til  samfunnsfagundervisning i Norge og flere land i sørlige Afrika.
  2. Life skills in theory and practice. Knowledge base, perceptions and implementation of an interdisciplinary topic in Norwegian schools (LIFE). Ledes av UiS og forsker på teori og praksis knyttet til folkehelse og livsmestring i norsk skole, inkludert hva som skjer i fagundervisning.

Schools as arenas for religious change (SchoolRel)

Publications in DIN 2: 2019

Developing RE through community of practice (2015-2018)

The NTNU RE Research Group was founded based on the work in the Project, where we examined teaching practices and topics in Signposts: Policy and Practice for Teaching about Religions and non-religious world views in intercultural education (Jackson 2014). Partners: Professor Robert Jackson and Judith Everington, University of Warwick, Professor Geir Skeie and Dag Husebø, University of Stavanger, Professor Jenny Berglund, University of Stockholm.

KURLE: Mapping and developing RE in practice

Publication: RLE I Klemme: Ein studie av det erfarte RLE-faget (RE in a squeeze: A study of the experienced RE-subject) (2014), Fuglseth (red.) (only available in Norwegian). A group of researchers from institutions from Mid- to Northern Norway worked together with a survey and 12 case studies, in an exploratory project investigating RE teaching practices in schools.

SKRIV - Writing as a basic skill and challenge in all subjects (Jørgensen, Domaas)