Addressing the need for R&I solutions for clean and sustainable oceans and cities

New Horizons:
Can a mission-driven R&I approach deliver a sustainable Europe?

Programme at a glance

Programme at a glance

08:00–09:00  Registration, coffee and networking

09:00–10:00  Plenary session 1

10:15–12:45  Breakout sessions:

  • Towards a Horizon Europe Mission on Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters
  • Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities: Reframing Urgencies towards a Horizon Europe Mission and Partnership

12:45–13:45  Networking lunch

14:00–16:00  Plenary session 2



Date: Thursday, 10 October 2019, 08:00–16:00

Venue: Hilton Hotel, Brussels

Chair: Nina Sindre, Coordinator of International Affairs, NTNU

08:00–09:00  Registration, coffee and networking

09:00–10:00  Plenary Session 1

Sustainable Europe: the future role of R&I

09:00–09:15  Opening remarks 
Anne Borg, Professor and Acting Rector, NTNU

09:20–09:40  Opening keynote: The European Green Deal: a Catalyst for Systemic Change?

Saïd El Khadraoui, Adviser, EPSC European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission
The European Green Deal – a Catalyst for Systemic Change? (pdf)

09:45–10:00  Short talks and plenary Q&A
Moderator: Massimo Busuoli, Head of Brussels Office, NTNU

10:00–10:15  Break, refreshments and networking

10:15–12:45  Breakout sessions

The two sessions will be based on 10 recommendations on the shape of the missions within the specific fields prepared by established European working groups.

Each session will have a panel debate with panelists from the EC and the Mission Boards and representatives from research centers or other stakeholders.

Breakout session 1: Healthy oceans

Moderator: Massimo Busuoli, Head of NTNU Brussels Office

10:15–12:45  Towards a Horizon Europe Mission on Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters

Breakout session 2: Climate Neutral and Smart Cities

Moderator: Annemie Wyckmans, Professor and Head of Smart Sustainable Cities, NTNU

10:15–12:45  Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities: Reframing Urgencies towards a Horizon Europe Mission and Partnership

12:45–13:45  Networking lunch

14:00–16:00  Plenary session 2

Quo vadis?  Charting the course ahead for Horizon missions

14:00–14:30  Taking stock: Highlights & recommendations from the breakout sessions 
Annemie Wyckmans, Professor and Head of Smart Sustainable Cities, NTNU

Siri Granum Carson, Associate Professor, Programme for Applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, NTNU


14:30–14:45  Strategic planning: Key insights from the European Research & Innovation Days
Renzo Tomellini, Head of Horizon Strategic Planning  & Programming (Co-Design & Co-Creation) Unit and Acting Head of Missions & Partnerships Unit, DG RTD European Commission

14:50–15:45  Mission launch: Priorities and ambitions for the Mission Boards

Moderator: Simon Pickard, Network Director, Science Business


Renzo Tomellini, Head of Horizon Strategic Planning  & Programming (Co-Design & Co-Creation) Unit and Acting Head of Missions & Partnerships Unit, DG RTD European Commission

Gesine Meissner, Member of Mission Board for Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters and former MEP and Chair of SEARICA Intergroup 

Emmanuel Forest, Member of the Mission Board for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, Executive Vice-President European and Institutional Affairs, Bouygues Group, and Chairman of ECTAs Board

Margareth Hagen, Professor and Pro-Rector, University of Bergen

Bjarne Foss, Professor and Pro-Rector for Research, NTNU

15:50–16:00   Closing Keynote
Maria de Graca Carvalho, TBC

16:05–16:15   Conclusions 
Anne Borg, Professor and Acting Rector, NTNU