Addressing the need for R&I solutions for clean and sustainable oceans and cities

New Horizons:
Can a mission-driven R&I approach deliver a sustainable Europe?


Speakers and contributors

Speakers and contributors

Speakers include representatives from the European Commission, researchers, and industry representatives.

Kathrine Angell-Hansen

Kathrine Angell-Hansen

Strategic director at JPI Oceans

Kathrine Angell-Hansen is strategic director at JPI Oceans

Judith Borsboom-van Beurden

Judith Borsboom-van Beurden

Senior Researcher Smart Sustainable Cities, Department of Architecture and Planning, NTNU

Judith Borsboom-van Beurden is Senior Researcher Smart Sustainable Cities, Department of Architecture and Planning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Anne Borg

Anne Borg

Professor and Acting Rector, NTNU

Anne Borg is professor and acting rector at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Massimo Busuoli

Massimo Busuoli 

Head of Brussels Office, NTNU

Massimo Busuoli is Head of Brussels Office, Norwegian Univeristy of Science and Technology

Siri Granum Carson

Siri Granum Carson

Associate Professor, Programme for Applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, NTNU

Siri Granum Carson is Associate Professor, Programme for Applied Ethics, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Paul Cartuyvels

Paul Cartuyvels

ECTP European Construction Technology Platform, Member of Praesidium; BOUYGUES Europe, EU Affairs Director

Paul Cartuyvels is ECTP European Construction Technology Platform, Member of Praesidium; BOUYGUES Europe, EU Affairs Director,

Maria Da Graça Carvalho

Maria Da Graça Carvalho

Member of the European Parliament

Maria Da Graça Carvalho is Member of the European Parliament

Anne Corval

Anne Corval

Advisor to the Deputy Director for Science at CNRS, Coordinator of the CNRS Ocean Task Force

Anne Corval is advisor to the Deputy Director for Science at CNRS, Coordinator of the CNRS Ocean Task Force

Saïd El Khadraoui

Saïd El Khadraoui

Adviser, EPSC European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission

Saïd El Khadraoui is adviser at the EPSC European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission

Emmanuel Forest

Emmanuel Forest

Member of the Mission Board for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, Executive Vice-President European and Institutional Affairs, Bouygues Group, and Chairman of ECTAs Board

Emmanuel Forest is Member of the Mission Board for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, Executive Vice-President European and Institutional Affairs, Bouygues Group, and Chairman of ECTAs Board

Bjarne Foss

Bjarne Foss

Professor and Pro-Rector for Research, NTNU

Bjarne Foss is professor and pro-rector for research at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Maria Azucena Gutierrez Gonzalez

Maria Azucena Gutierrez Gonzalez

Coordinator, NTNU Oceans

Maria Azucena Gutierrez Gonzalez is coordinator of the strategic research area Oceans at the Norwegian University of Sience and Technology.

Sieglinde Gruber

Sieglinde Gruber

Head of unit Healthy Oceans and Seas

Sieglinde Gruber is head of unit Healthy Oceans and Seas DG RTD European Commission

Margareth Hagen

Margareth Hagen

Pro-rector and professor of italian literature at the University of Bergen

Margareth Hagen is professor and pro-rector, the rector’s elected deputy, with particular responsibility for the development of the university’s research activities.

Gesine Meissner

Gesine Meissner

Member of Mission Board for Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters

Gesine Meissner is Member of Mission Board for Healthy Oceans, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters and former MEP and Chair of SEARICA Intergroup

Sóley Morthens

Sóley Morthens

Research and Development Director, Marine and Freshwater Research Institute

Sóley Morthens is Research and Development Director, Marine and Freshwater Research Institute

Simon Pickard

Simon Pickard

Network Director, Science Business

Simon Pickard leads on network engagement and development for Science|Business.

Maurizio Ribera d'Alcala

Maurizio Ribera d'Alcala

Department of Integrative Marine Ecology, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn

Maurizio Ribera d'Alcala is at the Department of Integrative Marine Ecology, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn

Anne-Catherine Rota

Anne-Catherine Rota

Higher Education and Research, Elsevier

Anne-Catherine Rota is at Higher Education and Research, Elsevier

Mari Sanden

Mari Sanden

PhD Candidate, Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, NTNU

Mari Sanden is a PhD Candidate at Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Ingrid Schjølberg

Ingrid Schjølberg

Professor, director of NTNU Oceans and dean at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, NTNU

Ingrid Schjølberg is dean at the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, professor in marine cybernetics and director of NTNU Oceans at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Florian Schneider

Florian Schneider

Head of department, Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, NTNU

Florian Schneider is Head of department, Trondheim Academy of Fine Art, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Corinna Schrum

Corinna Schrum

Director of the Institute of Coastal Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Centre for Materials and Coastal Research

Corinna Schrum is Director of the Institute of Coastal Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Centre for Materials and Coastal Research

Carl Fredrik Lutken Shetelig

Carl Fredrik Lutken Shetelig

Professor and Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Design, NTNU

Carl Fredrik Lutken Shetelig is Professor and Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Haitze Siemers

Haitze Siemers

Head of Unit, Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency - New energy technologies, innovation and clean coal, DG ENER, European Commission

Haitze Siemers is Head of Unit, Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency - New energy technologies, innovation and clean coal, DG ENER, European Commission

Nina Sindre

Nina Sindre

Coordinator of International Affairs, NTNU

Nina Sindre is Coordinator of International Affairs, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Mario Sprovieri

Mario Sprovieri

Director of Institute for the Study of Anthropic Impacts and Sustainability in Marine Environment

Mario Sprovieri is director of the National Council of Research, Institute for the Study of Anthropic Impacts and Sustainability in Marine Environment

Renzo Tomellini

Renzo Tomellini

Head of Unit, Policy & Programming Centre - Horizon Strategic Planning & Programming, DG RTD, European Commission

Renzo Tomellini is Head of Unit, Policy & Programming Centre - Horizon Strategic Planning & Programming (Co-design & Co-creation), DG RTD, European Commission

Kurt Vandenberghe

Kurt Vandenberghe

Director, Policy Development and Coordination, DG RTD – European Commission

Kurt Vandenberghe is Director for Policy Development and Coordination at the European Commission's DG Research and Innovation.

Han Vandevyvere

Han Vandevyvere

Senior researcher and Project manager, EnergyVille

Han Vandevyvere is Senior researcher and Project manager, EnergyVille

Marco Weydert

Marco Weydert

Marine Resources Unit, Healthy Planet Directorate, DG RTD, European Commission

Marco Weydert is at the Marine Resources Unit, Healthy Planet Directorate, DG RTD, European Commission

Annemie Wyckmans

Annemie Wyckmans

Professor and head of Smart Sustainable Cities, NTNU

Annemie Wyckmans is professor and leads NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Design.