About us

About us

Academic and professional communication is a central and demanding part of one’s professional career – and in preparing for it. Our knowledge society demands high-quality professional dissemination and interprofessional collaboration. Professionals need to be proficient in both oral and written communication, both in their own field of expertise and across fields.

The Centre for Academic and Professional Communication (SEKOM) addresses the communicative challenges students, employees and managers encounter in their professional practices. The centre aims to produce and communicate research-based knowledge about professional and interprofessional communication.

The centre is affiliated with the Section for Applied Linguistics at the Department of Language and Literature.

The centre has two main areas of focus:

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About us

Email: sekom@isl.ntnu.no


Phone: (+47) 73 59 64 25

Dragvoll universitetssenter
Building 5, level 5

Postal adress
Centre for Academic and Professional Communication
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Department of Language and Literature
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway