Centre for Academic and Professional Communication (SEKOM) - Staff
Academic Staff
Academic Staff
Parichehr Afzali Stipendiat
+47-73559837 parichehr.afzali@ntnu.no -
Heidi Gilstad Associate Professor
+4790122653 heidi.gilstad@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Hana Gustafsson Associate Professor
+47-73413213 hana.gustafsson@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Kristin Halvorsen Professor
+47-73596350 +4748245135 kristin.halvorsen@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Gøril Thomassen Hammerstad Professor, head of Centre
+47-73596492 goril.thomassen@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Jeanette Hope
jeanette.hope@ntnu.no -
Cathrin Brøndbo Larsen
cathrin.b.larsen@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Rein Ove Sikveland Professor
+47-73591998 rein.o.sikveland@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Ingrid Stock Associate Professor
+47-73596694 +4790807321 ingrid.stock@ntnu.no Department of Education and Lifelong Learning -
Liv Bente Schellenberg Strømhaug
+4790662368 liv.b.s.stromhaug@ntnu.no
Affiliated staff
Nancy Lea Eik-Nes Associated Professor emerita
+47-73598147 +4795759616 nancy.lea.eik-nes@ntnu.no Department of Architecture and Planning -
Lars Sigfred Evensen Professor emeritus, Applied Linguistics
+4792627182 lars.evensen@ntnu.no -
Julie Feilberg
+47-73590871 julie.feilberg@ntnu.no -
Annjo Klungervik Greenall Professor
+4745484607 annjo.k.greenall@ntnu.no Department of Language and Literature -
Marit Olave Riis-Johansen Associate Professor
+47-73598330 +4790635509 marit.riis-johansen@ntnu.no Department of Teacher Education -
Silje Margrete Ohren Strand
silstr@oslomet.no Department of Language and Literature