Course - Master Thesis in Architecture - AAR4990
AAR4990 - Master Thesis in Architecture
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Master thesis
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Grade deviation | Examination aids |
Master thesis | 100/100 |
Learning outcome
KNOWLEDGE The candidate... - has advanced knowledge of architecture as a field of knowledge; its theory and history as well as its technical, scientific, social and cultural basis, and can apply this knowledge in her own architectural work. - has advanced aesthetic and practical understanding (tacit knowledge), and is able to apply this knowledge in her own architectural work. - has advanced experiential knowledge of the relationship between architectural representations at different levels of abstraction, and concrete built architecture, cities and towns that are in use over time. SKILLS The candidate... - is able to give form to architecture and/or cities/towns at an international architectural level through artistic and scientific investigations, concept development, and architectural design in relevant formats and/or through architectural knowledge theory. - is thoroughly trained in the use of architectural methods, tools and expressions, and can apply these in architectural design, urban design and/or research, in a targeted, professional and experimental manner. - is able to critically assess and recognise quality in architectural works, cities, projects and urban plans, including in her own work, and make use of such assessments in her own architectural work. GENERAL COMPETENCE The candidate... - takes independent responsibility for her own learning and professional development, and is able to apply her knowledge in new fields. - is able to reflect critically and ethically on her own architectural work, create new frameworks for understanding, and depart from conventions after critical consideration. - is able to communicate architectural work, including her own and others work, to specialists as well as to the general public, at a professional level and in an academic context. - relates her professional competence and involvement to key societal issues.
Learning methods and activities
The master thesis accounts for 30 SP and is executed normally in 10. semester (AAR4990, term 2). Information on the implementation of the master thesis and preparations for this, is done in the previous semester. Therefore, the candidate must register for AAR4990 (term 1) in the semester before they will deliver the master thesis.
The master's thesis can be done: 1) Individually 2) In groups of two students with individual assessment 3) In groups of two students with a common assessment. All students have the right to complete the Master's thesis individually. In the assignment type 2, each student's contribution needs to be clearly identifiable. Students are allowed to choose assignment type 2 or 3 provided that they themselves organize the group and that the supervisor for the group approves this. All candidates are required to submit a master thesis agreement before starting the master project. In the case of a group assignment, the partnership will noted in this agreement.
Requirements for submitted material and sensor guidance can be found on Blackboard as pdf "Diploma Handbook". It is expected that both master's students, the department head of IAP, supervisors and invited examiners have read the handbook for diploma.
Further on evaluation
The candidate's work is presented to two examiners (of which at least one is external) through a physical material consisting of posters, physical scale models, process booklets, etc. It is open for work to be done in digital format (eg, for example, a website) in cases where this is appropriate. The candidate presents the material orally to the examiners. The candidate's presentation of the work is given within a framework of 30 minutes. A further 30 min (45 minutes for pair projects) is then used to discuss the work with the examiner to clarify the quality of the work and the candidate's professional maturity. After the presentation and interview session is completed a censors will set a grade in a separate meeting.
Grades are based on the project presentation and delivered materials.
Retake exams will be held in the next ordinary exam period.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Architecture (MAAR)
Architecture (MAAR2)
Required previous knowledge
Minimum one design studio (15 ects) must be included in the courses taken in the 5th year. In the 9th semester, students must have passed a compulsory theory and method subject in preparation for the master's thesis. The main rule is that all required courses must be passed. Students can apply for approval of a maximum of one course (7.5 ects) outstanding. The prerequisite is that the remaining course is not considered essential for the completion of the master's thesis. 12 weeks of mandatory work experience must be approved.
Version: 1
30.0 SP
Study level: Second degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Term no.: 2
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Term no.: 2
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Language of instruction: -
Location: Trondheim
- Architecture
Department with academic responsibility
Faculty of Architecture and Design
Examination arrangement: Master thesis
- Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Master thesis
12:00 -
Room Building Number of candidates -
Master thesis
12:00 -
Room Building Number of candidates
- * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.
For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"