
AE511516 - Management Accounting


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Written exam and longitudinal assessment
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
School exam 60/100 3 hours HJELPEMIDD
Longitunial assessment 40/100

Course content

  • Management accounting - an overview
  • Management accounting and decision making
  • Balanced scorecards and strategy maps
  • Costs, costing (absorption costing, activity based costing, TDABC, etc.) and profitability analyses (products, customers, etc.)
  • Measuring and managing process performance (technologies, "lean", "just in time", "kaizen costing", etc.)
  • Measuring and managing life-cycle costs ("target costing", life-cycle revenues, bechmarking, etc)
  • Management accounting and control systems
  • Budgets for planning and coordination
  • Financial Control Economic customer values - an introduction
  • Customer profitability accounting (and other market oriented accounts)
  • Customer profitability analysis
  • Customer equity (customer life-time value)
  • Other topics: - Costs of capital - Transfer pricing

Learning outcome


  • Be competent in terminology relating to this field of study.
  • Have research-based knowledge regarding the inclusion of information of market and competitive relations with respect to management accounting models.
  • Have in-depth knowledge regarding the subjects included in the topc list.


  • Be able to communicate problems, issues and analyses in the field, and draw conclusions.
  • Know how to use various management accounting tools when analyzing business problems.

General competence

  • Be able to address business problems that may arise by using the insight achieved in the course.
  • Be able to communicate problems, issues and analyses to other business economists and other actors in the private and public sector.

Learning methods and activities

Teaching and Pedagogical methods: Lectures, guest lectures, quizzes and discussions, tasks and exercises. Students have the responsibility to come well prepared to class and participate actively in classroom discussions. Students should be prepared to discuss suggested assignment solutions in class.

Mandatory Activities: Class attendance is mandatory. Students are expected to be present at every class including visiting speakers. Permission for absence for personal reasons may be granted. A student missing 20% of the course lectures (including external speakers) will fail the course. The students may establish student groups. The groups can be organised at semester start by students themselves or lecturer (random).

Mandatory attendance applies to all the lectures. However, during the first 3 lectures we can grant a grace period such that students can decide the major they want to pursue. In such a case students must send a request to the course responsible within the first week after the semester starts.

The course is given on campus and requires students to be physically present in the class. Digital sessions can take place at the discretion of the course responsible. The lectures will not be recorded.

Compulsory assignments

  • Mandatory attendance

Further on evaluation

Examination: Portfolio assessments counts for 40% of final grade and a three hours written school exam 60%. Number of group based assignments to be included in the portfolio will be given at the beginning of the semester. Students will have to pass both the portfolio and the written school exam in order to complete the course. Portfolio to be handed in via Inspera at specified date which will be announced later in the semester.

Resit examination: A resit exam on the written part will be held the following semester. If a student fail the portfolio but pass the written exam, the student must retake both examination parts in the next ordinary examination period. In case a student wants to improve the grade in the course, one must retake the whole course.

Note that attending lectures are mandatory and 80% attendance is needed in order to get access to the final written school exam.

Examination aids:

Dictionary and calculator.

Required previous knowledge

As for the study program / Bachelor in Business Administration or equivalent international degree.

Course materials

Atkinson, Anthony A., Kaplan, Robert S., Matsumura, Ella Mae Young, and S. Mark, Management Accounting: Information for Decision Making and Strategy Execution. Sixth Edition. Pearson Education Ltd., Harlow, England, 2012. ISBN-13: 978-1-292-16331-3. (ISBN 13: 978-0-273-76998-9.)

A new book will be evaluated sprint/summer 2023. The reason is that AMY is out of production.

Relevant journal articles (A)

More on the course

Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Second degree level


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Language of instruction: English

Location: Ålesund

Subject area(s)
  • Economics and Administration
Contact information
Course coordinator:

Department with academic responsibility
Department of International Business


Examination arrangement: Written exam and longitudinal assessment

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Autumn ORD School exam 60/100 HJELPEMIDD 2024-12-05 09:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
G326 Gnisten/Fagskolen 10
Autumn ORD Longitunial assessment 40/100





Room Building Number of candidates
Spring UTS School exam 60/100 HJELPEMIDD INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU