
FENG2314 - Energy Storage 2


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: School exam
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
School exam 100/100 4 hours D

Course content

  • Management and storage of heat, mechanical, and electrical energy.
  • Energy market, research, and application aspects (eg. Smart-grid, off-grid, Ragone plot, buffer concepts).
  • Thermal energy storage, heat reservoirs, phase transition utilization and chemically bound heat (eg. A district heating network, solar heat).
  • Mechanical energy storage: flywheel, pumps, turbines and heat recovery (eg air compression pump power, flywheels of various sizes).
  • Electrochemical storage of electrical energy: important battery technologies and hydrogen technologies (incl. Lead-acid batteries, various Li-ion batteries, various technologies for electrolysis of water, different hydrogen storage technologies, and various fuel cells).

Learning outcome

  • Knowledge : The candidate must understand - Concept and operation of available and relevant energy storage systems. - Comparison tools used in system evaluation. - Different needs within energy storage. - Cause and propagation of efficiency losses in various energy storage systems. - Manufacturing, testing and ageing of Li-ionbatteries, fuel cells and electrolysis cells.
  • Skills: The candidate is expected to be able to - explain the concept and operation of available and relevant energy storage systems. - calculate the efficiency of charging cycles for different energy storage systems. - design energy and power needs of simple hybrid systems based on output and energy capacity.
  • General competence : The candidate is expected to manage basic principles for accessible and relevant energy storage systems and quantitatively and qualitatively be able to compare these. - The candidate knows how to produce and test Li-ion battery cells, fuel cells and electrolysis cells.

Learning methods and activities

Compulsory lectures, compulsory tutorials, and compulsory laboratory exercises.

  • 1 mandatory laboratory exercise
  • 4 out of 6 tutorial exercises.

Exercises must be approved to admitted access to examination.

Compulsory assignments

  • Oblig

Further on evaluation

Examination is written 4 hour (digital exam) which counts 100%:

-Marks: Letters AF, where F is fail.

  • Permitted aids at the examination:

-No written or printed aids.

-Specific simple calculator: Casio fx-82ES PLUS, Casio fx-82EX, Citizen SR-270X, Citizen SR-270X College, Hewlett Packard HP30S. - Other permitted calculators: Casio FX9860GII, Casio FXCG20, Texas Instrument 84 Plus.

- Deferred exams are arranged in May/June, and the form of the exam can be changed from written to oral.

Required previous knowledge

  • Book "Engineering Energy Storage", Chapters 1-5 -
  • Distributed written academic materials on BlackBoard

-Review article on aging of battery

-Review article on battery production

-Review article on hydrogen production

-Review article on fuel cell and electrolyzer catalyst preparation

-Review article on platinum in the fuel cell auto sector

Credit reductions

Course code Reduction From To
FENA2314 7.5 AUTUMN 2019
FENT2314 7.5 AUTUMN 2019
TEP4320 2.5 AUTUMN 2024
More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Intermediate course, level II


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Language of instruction: English

Location: Gjøvik

Subject area(s)
  • Technological subjects
Contact information
Course coordinator:

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Energy and Process Engineering


Examination arrangement: School exam

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Autumn ORD School exam 100/100 D 2024-11-26 09:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
M433-Eksamensrom 4.etg Mustad, Inngang A 3
Spring UTS School exam 100/100 D 2025-06-04 09:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
S415 Smaragd 1
M433-Eksamensrom 4.etg Mustad, Inngang A 1
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU