
ISA2500 - Multidisciplinary Collaboration and innovation


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: Home examination
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
Home examination 100/100 3 days A

Course content

In the course, the students will gain knowledge of interprofessional collaboration and professional ethics and be introduced to innovative tools for developing new measures and services for children and young people. The students will work with various forms of interprofessional collaboration focusing on child welfare. The students will get experiences discussing their professional roles and the roles of others in interprofessional collaboration.

Learning outcome

Knowledge - Students has knowledge

  • about the social responsibility to one's own profession
  • about professional ethics
  • about the power perspective and the inequality perspective
  • about multidisciplinary collaboration and the interaction between the different sectors
  • about innovation and innovation processes
  • about theories of organization and management
  • about interprofessional collaboration about vulnuable children
  • about children and adults' digital everyday life

Skills - Students can:

  • reflect on one's own competence in teamwork and team competence
  • view interdisciplinary collaboration critically
  • communicate their own professional competence
  • show leadership and collaboration skills
  • contribute to innovative processes for child welfare development
  • reflect on dilemmas in one's mandate and role of their own profession as a helper, administrator, and gatekeeper
  • use digital tools and relevant technology, both at the individual and system level

General knowledge - Students:

  • understand both one's own and others' roles in interprofessional collaboration
  • can reflect on various aspects of power in the role as a helper
  • can reflect critically on one's own role and responsibility in an organizational context
  • have knowledge of how digital solutions structure the professional judgment of the professional

Learning methods and activities

Lectures, seminars, group work and self-study.

Compulsory assignments

  • child's best interests
  • Multidiciplinary clinical education
  • Multidisciplinary mapping

Further on evaluation

All compulsory activities must be approved in order to take the exam.

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required:
Social Education and Child Welfare (HSGBVB) - some programmes
Social Work (HSGSOB) - some programmes

Required previous knowledge

Completed and passed the 1. and 2. Academic year, as well as BBV2500 or BSA2500.

The course has study rights requirements. This means that the course is reserved for students admitted to the programs Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Child Protection and Child Welfare at NTNU.

Course materials

Will be published on Blackboard at the start of the course

More on the course



Version: 1
Credits:  15.0 SP
Study level: Third-year courses, level III


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  SPRING 2025

Language of instruction: Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
Contact information
Course coordinator: Lecturer(s):

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Social Work


Examination arrangement: Home examination

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Spring ORD Home examination 100/100 A





Room Building Number of candidates
Summer UTS Home examination 100/100 A INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU