Course - Mechanics - MEKG1001
MEKG1001 - Mechanics
This course is no longer taught and is only available for examination.
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: School exam
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Grade deviation | Examination aids |
School exam | 100/100 | 5 hours | D |
Course content
STATICS: Statics basis. Forces and bending moment. Static equilibrium. Trusses and frames. Point loads and distributed loads. Statically determinate and indeterminate systems. Normal forces, shear forces and bending moment.
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS: Centroid of area and 2nd moment of area. Stresses and strains. Elasticity, plasticity and fracture. Stress analysis. Normal and shear stress. Deformations. Introduction to buckling and statically indeterminate systems.
Learning outcome
The course will provide the basis for more detailed and complex issues and calculations in topics coming later in the study. The course contributes to the D-string of the study program, i.e. digitalization/ digital competence, through use of calculation software in connection with compulsory activities.
The candidate should:
- be able to explain how forces and stresses work on structures and what is happening in the structure itself when it is loaded
- have a good knowledge of the simplified beam theory (Euler-Bernoulli) and know how it can be used in practical situations
- have a good knowledge of the basic relationship of the subject areas history, traditions, individuality and place in the society
- know research and development within the field of skills
The candidate should be able to:
- apply her/his knowledge in mechanics on simple practical tasks
- calculate reaction forces and other forces in simple truss and frame structures for different loadings
- calculate, draw and interpret diagrams for axial force, shear force and bending moment in simple constructions
- calculate normal stresses and shear stresses in different sections of structural elements
- calculate strains and displacements in different directions
- calculate principal stresses and principal strains
- use digital tools for calculations
General competence
The candidate should:
- have knowledge of relevant professional ethical issues
- have a good understanding of the relationship between the basic theory and the practical applications of the subject
- have a good knowledge of the principles of equilibrium and elasticity
- have basic understanding of structures
- have acquired a good academic basis and good understanding of mechanics for other subjects in the study to build upon
- have acquired an understanding of basic issues and be able to communicate these to others within their own fields of study
- understand the relationship between external loads on a construction and its material properties.
- be able to use physical insight to analyze and solve statics and strength of materials problems within the framework of the syllabus of the course
- use a basic relevant term and formula apertures
Learning methods and activities
Lectures, assignments and academic supervisions. The course is organized for web based students and lecture videos with theory and calculation examples will be put on the learning platform. Guidance is done through the learning platform, both synchronously using tools such as Collaborate, and asynchronously using "forum".
Further on evaluation
Re-sit exam in August. For the re-sit exam, the examination form may be changed from written to oral.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Civil Engineering - Engineering (BIBYGG)
Mechanical Engineering (BIMASKIN)
Course materials
- Kolbein Bell: Konstruksjonsmekanikk - Del 1: Likevektslære.
- Kolbein Bell: Konstruksjonsmekanikk - Del 2: Fasthetslære.
Credit reductions
Course code | Reduction | From | To |
MEKG1001F | 10.0 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
MEKT1001 | 10.0 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
MEKA1001 | 10.0 | AUTUMN 2019 | |
TMAS1001 | 8.0 | AUTUMN 2020 | |
VB6103 | 10.0 | AUTUMN 2020 | |
BYG2251 | 8.0 | AUTUMN 2020 | |
MEKT1101 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2023 | |
MEKT1201 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2023 | |
MEKG1101 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2023 | |
MEKA1101 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2023 | |
VB6046 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2024 |
Version: 1
10.0 SP
Study level: Foundation courses, level I
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Gjøvik
- Structural Engineering
- Machine Design
- Structural Mechanics
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering
Examination arrangement: School exam
- Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
- Spring ORD School exam 100/100 D 2025-05-23 09:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates S310 Smaragd 20 M438 Eksamensrom 4.etg, Inngang D Mustad, Inngang D 6
- * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.
For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"