Course - Recourses for work inclusion - PSY6014
PSY6014 - Recourses for work inclusion
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Assignment
Grade: Passed / Not Passed
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Grade deviation | Examination aids |
Assignment | 100/100 |
Course content
The course disseminates relational theory and system competence that is relevant for work inclusion and for practical work with work inclusion. A systemic understanding of work inclusion means decentralizing problems and solutions from the individual to look at the social, cultural and physical realities that affect individuals' opportunities for work inclusion. In order for such work to have the intended effect, interactional and systemic competence is a prerequisite. In accordance with that, the course will place great emphasis on both knowledge of and experience with interaction models, from individual to system level. Emphasis will be placed on how to work both with individual adaptation and holistic and systemic approaches.
The course will address recent, relevant theory and empirical evidence on the importance of individual and systemic adaptation for the effect of work-inclusive interventions and give the opportunity to apply this locally in the individual's work situation. The course has a broad perspective and covers both work-oriented rehabilitation and other types of rehabilitation that are relevant for work inclusion and interventions to mobilize residual work-capacity can also be included in the course. The course will also address contextual conditions and prerequisites for work-inclusive interventions to be successful. The course will emphasize a broad approach to work inclusion. Central to the theoretical basis is an assumption that work inclusion is also about empowerment, belief in mastery, a sense of community, belonging, and faith in the future, as well as inclusion in local communities and society at large. Particular emphasis will be placed on the resources of individuals, local communities and systems in such work.
Learning outcome
The students will get:
• Knowledge of relevant theory and empirical work within work inclusion/ work-oriented measures
• Knowledge of the most important working methods and interventions used in the field of practice with special emphasis on Norwegian conditions
• Knowledge of practical experiences and "best practice" within methods for work inclusion/ work-oriented measures
• Knowledge of methods to assess the quality in the evaluation of interventions
• Knowledge of societal and political framework conditions and the importance of the socio-political environment for successful inclusion
• Advanced knowledge around relationship- and interaction skills as well as resource-strengthening work with individuals in work-oriented measures or rehabilitation
• Knowledge of the importance of attitudes and stigma in professional systems offering help
The students should be able to:
• Analyze existing theories, methods and interpretations within the subject area and work independently with practical and theoretical problem solving related to relational and interactional skills as well as with resource-strengthening work.
• Use relevant methods for professional development in work inclusion in an independent manner. They must be able to carry out an independent, limited development project under supervision.
• Analyze and relate critically to various sources of information and use these to structure and formulate professional reasoning related to one's own work.
• Analyze and relate critically to various sources of information (public investigations, international and national research, media) and apply these in academic reasoning and discussions.
The students should be able to
• Analyze relevant professional, practical and research ethical issues and apply their knowledge and skills in new areas to carry out advanced tasks and projects in their work.
• Convey extensive independent work and master relational, collaborative, and resource-strengthening work in their work.
• Communicate about professional issues, analyzes, and conclusions within the subject area, both with specialists and to the public, and be able to contribute to new thinking and innovation processes in their work.
• Reflect on one's own practice and use new tools in a development project and a term paper that addresses one or more relevant issues in one's work.
Learning methods and activities
Lectures, seminars and group work with an emphasis on critical reflection on one's own and others' practice, intervention methods and forms of evaluation.
Further on evaluation
Term paper
The term paper is preferably written in collaboration with one's own workplace and based on data that is either collected in connection with the work or that is available from one's own employer. The term paper provides specialization within the student's current field of work.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Continuing Education at Department of Psychology (IPSEVU)
Continuing education at Department of Psychology at master level (IPSEVUM)
Required previous knowledge
Bachelor's degree in health, community/social work or pedagogy/educational sciences, or other bachelor's degrees that are relevant (for example background in administration).
Version: 1
15.0 SP
Study level: Further education, higher degree level
Term no.: 1
Teaching semester: AUTUMN 2024
Term no.: 2
Teaching semester: SPRING 2025
Language of instruction: Norwegian
Location: Trondheim
- Psychology
Department with academic responsibility
Department of Psychology
Department with administrative responsibility
Section for quality in education and learning environment
Examination arrangement: Assignment
- Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
14:00 -
Room Building Number of candidates -
14:00 -
Room Building Number of candidates
- * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.
For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"