
TDMA5002 - Business Models


Examination arrangement

Examination arrangement: School exam
Grade: Letter grades

Evaluation Weighting Duration Grade deviation Examination aids
School exam 100/100 4 hours E

Course content

In order to contribute to business development in an organization or company, it is absolutely essential that you have knowledge and understanding of the market and business models. In order to extract the full effect of a company's introduction and investment in digitization and digital transformation, one will greatly benefit from knowledge of business models and the elements that make up a business model. This subject will make the student better able to see the various elements that must be in place for the company to succeed in developing new and innovative business models. Through the subject, the student will learn the Business Model Canvas, different patterns for business models, design techniques for developing business models, as well as strategies for developing new and innovative business models. After completing the course, the student should also be able to take part in the development of new business models.

Learning outcome

After completing the course, the following overall learning outcomes must be achieved:


Students must:

  • Be able to explain in detail what a business model is, and be able to explain why different companies in different industries need different business models.
  • Be able to describe Osterwalder's Canvas model
  • Be able to describe different patterns and strategies for developing business models.
  • Be able to explain the importance of a focus on the market and market understanding in the development of a business model.
  • Be able to understand the opportunities digitization and digital transformation provide in relation to new and innovative business models.
  • Be able to account for the interaction between a business model and the environment.


Students must:

  • Be able to use relevant theory and knowledge within digitization and digital transformation in the work of creating new and innovative business models.
  • Be able to identify the most important elements of a business model.
  • Be able to use various design techniques to create new and innovative business models.

General competence

Students must:

  • Be able to identify and document strengths and weaknesses with existing business models.
  • Be able to contribute to continuous maintenance of business models.

Learning methods and activities

Various forms of work and learning activities will be used with a combination of lectures, project work and student presentation.

Compulsory assignments

  • Further information in the course description

Further on evaluation

REQUIREMENTS FOR STUDENT WORK (compulsory assignment): Participation in a minimum of 75% of the learning activities. The activities are announced at the start of the course. In special cases where 75% participation is not satisfied, the student can enter into an agreement with the course coordinator (emneansvarlig) about alternative learning activities. Three compulsory tasks performed in groups of up to 4 people. These must be approved in order to present themselves for assessment.

ASSESSMENT: Individual written exam with a duration of four hours. No aids allowed.

Re-sit exam: March, re-sit exam can be changed to an oral exam

Specific conditions

Admission to a programme of study is required:
Digital Transformation (ITMAIKTSA)

Required previous knowledge

The course is reserved for students admitted to the Master's Degree Program in Digital Transformation.

Course materials

Curriculum literature is determined at the start of the course.

More on the course



Version: A
Credits:  7.5 SP
Study level: Second degree level


Term no.: 1
Teaching semester:  AUTUMN 2024

Language of instruction: Norwegian

Location: Trondheim

Subject area(s)
Contact information
Course coordinator: Lecturer(s):

Department with academic responsibility
Department of Computer Science


Examination arrangement: School exam

Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
Autumn ORD School exam 100/100 E 2024-11-26 09:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
SL310 blå sone Sluppenvegen 14 14
Spring UTS School exam 100/100 E 2025-03-10 09:00 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
SL410 orange sone Sluppenvegen 14 1
  • * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.

For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"

More on examinations at NTNU