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Library building on the medical campus. Photo
Photo: Nils Kristian Eikeland/NTNU

Welcome to

The Medicine and Health Library

The library offers services within health and medicine subjects to students and staff at Campus Øya; NTNU and St.Olavs Hospital. We can help you with literature, courses, guidance and workspaces – whether you are a student, researcher or clinician. The library is located in the Knowledge Center at the heart of Trondheim’s hospital area, Øya.

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The library offers

Subject pages for medicine and health

Custom tailored information, news and subject resources for medicine, nursing and healthcare – all in one place! ​​​​​​​


Books, journals, encyclopedia, anatomy models.


Group rooms, reading and working stations, PC, printing.

Events and exhibitions

Fagsnakk, seminars, debates, book presentations, exhibitions.

Borrow from the library

Information about borrowing, library card, borrowing rules and prices.

UB Opening hours

Opening hours

The Medicine and Health Library

Big building. Photo

The Medicine and Health Library

Kunnskapssenteret, St. Olavs Hospital

Opening hours: Monday–Sunday 6–24 (with card)
Library staff present: Monday–Thursday 10–18 / Friday 10–15

OBS! Friday 17th January: Unstaffed 10–12 due to general meeting

Use your St. Olavs card for access outside of staffed opening hours.


Mini calevent portlet

Courses and events
