Dance Studies

Dance Studies


Research within dance studies is wide-ranging, and encompasses historical studies of Norwegian as well as international dance, analyses of movement and dance, sociocultural studies, anthropological and ethnological studies, philosophical and phenomenological perspectives, and studies of health and pedagogy.

The research is strongly inspired and informed by dance practices. Its goal is to examine the different sides of dance with an open and investigative view. The role of dance and its significance both as social and aesthetic expression is in focus. Additionally dance studies have a strong awareness of and interest in the health benefits of dance.

Dance Studies at NTNU has taken upon ourselves a particular responsibility for research into Norwegian dance - both the social/folk aspect and scenic dance. Dance Studies have had, and continues to have, a close cooperation with the Norwegian foundation for folk music and folk dance (web page in Norwegian). Shared use and research into archival materials from Norwegian folk dance has been a priority area.

Dance Studies work closely with Norwegian and Nordic research groups, among others Dance in Nordic Spaces and Performance between Dilettantism and Performing Arts (pAarts). Dance Studies cooperates with Music Technology at NTNU and the University of Oslo in use of new technology within motion analysis, especially through the software "Motion Capture". Dance Studies has software for technological motion analysis at our dance studio.