


Early Stage Researchers will take part in a number of network wide technical/scientific events in the form workshops/summer schools. These are typically 3-5 days long to provide ESRs with specialist training in the scientific areas underpinning the research topics in ANNULIGhT. The purpose is to provide ESRs with the necessary theoretical and technical background to achieve their research aims and provide multi-disciplinary scientific training and increase understanding between specialisms.

ESRs will also receive complementary and transferable skills training to enhance the career prospects and broaden their skill base. The training programme makes use of unique resources at TUM drawing expertise from several institutions that are part of or affiliated with TUM, in particular UnternehmerTUM Centre for Innovation and Business Creation at TUM and The TUM Graduate School.


Training events:


Workshop 6  (optional) - Application of Machine Learning on CFD of
combustion dynamics (led by MAGISTER ITN)


This workshop was hosted by the MAGISTER ITN but ANNULGhT ESRs were invited
to take part. It consisted of a series of online lectures on the topic of Machine Learning
applied to CFD of Combustion Dynamics.


Workshop 5 - Flame Transfer Functions: theory, analysis and application


Career development (CV, etc.), General knowledge in a research field, Technical research skills


Workshop 4 - ANNULIGHT Spring School on Adjoints in Thermoacoustics

Date: 28th March to 3rd April 2020

Venue: Montestigliano, Italy


The ESRs was trained on the use of adjoint methods applied to thermoacoustics. The course started with a brief introduction to adjoint methods in eigenvalue problems and then moved on to adjoints of simple thermoacoustic models. Examples of adjoints in other fields was given. For continuous adjoints, the Lagrangian Optimization framework for continuous adjoints was used. For discrete adjoints, usually matrix transposes was sufficient, but automatic differentiation of code was also described. Different types of eigenvalues was introduced, together with the adjoint methods appropriate to each. All subjects was illustrated with sample code in Matlab (or Octave) and Python3.

The programme can be found here: Workshop 4 programme (pdf)


Workshop 3 - Time Management and Entrepreneurship

Date: 2nd to 6th September 2019

Venue: TUM, Garching Campus, Munich, Germany


ESRs attended a week-long workshop where they received training in concepts and methodologies for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Time Management. The training courses were structured as a hands-on, interactive workshop setting. The ESRs worked in groups learning how to make pitches, give presentations and participated in brainstorming sessions to learn about and absorb relevant concepts.


Workshop 2 - Numerical methods for Large Eddy Simulation

Date: 8th to 12th April 2019

Venue: CERFACS (Le Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique), Toulouse, France


ESRs attended a week-long course introducing them to the fundamental principles of Large-Scale Simulations for compressive reactive two-phase flows. A variety of topics including numerical methods, boundary conditions, closure models etc. were covered. ESRs were also shown how to use the AVBP LES via tutorials supervised by experts.

The programme can be found here: Workshop 2 programme (pdf)


Workshop 1 - Summer school on thermoacoustics and combustion dynamics

Date: 24th to 28th Sep 2018

Venue: Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom


A week-long introductory course covering the basic theory of thermoacoustic instability during a week- long series of lectures, worked examples and hands-on examples. ESRs will also visit Rolls Royce PLC in Derby to gain a better understanding of the relevance between academia and industrial collaboration.

The programme can be found here: Workshop 1 programme (pdf)