Democracy Lab

Democracy Lab

Reinventing citizen democracy in the age of platform capitalism


Formal and informal organizing is intrinsically linked with the ideas, practices, institutions, and technologies of democracy. In a time of “polycrisis”, the failing trust in political institutions, and the rise of digital platforms, this project targets the emerging academic and institutional focus on the need for democratic innovation. The Democracy Lab is based on our long-term interest in the varieties, problems, and possibilities of socio-technical organization in diverse contexts (e.g. Braa, Sahay and Monteiro 2004, 2023; Røyrvik 2011, 2021, 2023).

Contemporary varieties of democratic societies have in various degrees been characterized by notions such as “the post-political” (Žižek 1999) and “post-democracy” (Crouch 2004) – signaling a crisis of democracy also in western liberal societies like the USA (Wolin 2008; Gilens and Page 2014). This reflects a sense that democratic politics proper in the meaning of both direct, participative, and representative power of and for the people, has been drawn back, retracted, and contracted. The post-political is defined by the broad-based rise of experts (Žižek 1999) and various forms of technocratic modes of control and “governance-beyond-the-state” (Swyngedouw 2005), characterized by different “control hybrids” and analyzed by concepts such “devolved democracy”, “managed democracy” (Courpasson 2000, Clegg and Courpasson 2004; Clegg et al. 2011) and “surveillance capitalism” (Zuboff 2019) where the rise of digital platforms is central to the analysis of democracy and political economy.

These tendencies are also very much present in Norwegian society. The Norwegian “Makt og demokratiutredningen” (Østerud et al. 2003) found that representative democratic government has been weakened in every part of the system by economic interests and power, and by processes of “legalization” and “mediatization” of politics, creating a “directed democracy and society” (“regissert samfunn”). “Democracy” has arguably been a key concept both in the overarching system logic of Norwegian social “democratic capitalism” (Sejersted 1993; Byrkjeflot et al. 2001; Røyrvik 2011) and in the “Norwegian model” of organization and work life (e.g. Emery and Thorsrud 1976; Levin et al. 2012; Bugnum et al. 2015; Røyrvik 2023). However, the core democratic premise of the model is being challenged and undermined on all levels (e.g. Falkum 2022; Røyrvik 2017).   

On this background there is currently a growing literature on the needs and actual development of democratic innovation (Smith 2009, 2021; Escobar and Elstub 2019; Bua and Bussu 2023), involving among other things a revival (Graeber & Wengrow 2021) of various forms of participative democracy (Reybrouck 2016), including deliberative public assemblies and citizen panels (Dryzek 2019; Curato 2021; Frank 2021), and the use of participative, democratic digital platforms such as Decidim (Barandiaran et al. 2024; Borge et al. 2022) – being used in several countries including in Spain and Norway. This project is part of this movement and investigates and problematizes the crisis of democracy and the emergence of democratic innovation in a variety of contexts and cases.

Symbolising various directions for democracy. PhotoSymbolising threats and hopes for democracy. Photo

The Democracy Lab draws inspiration from relevant cases from diverse empirical domains, such as participatory democracy and the cooperative economy, including examples such as Decidim Barcelona, Can Batlló, El Poblet, and housing cooperatives.

The Democracy Lab engages with Norwegian KS (Kommunenes interesse- og arbeidsgiverorganisasjon), Trondheim municipality and other Norwegian municipalities in their various and emerging efforts related to democratic innovations, including experiments with public assemblies, citizen panels, and implementation of the democratic digital platform Decidim. The project is moreover comparative in scope and will involve numerous comparative case studies and ethnographic studies on democratic challenges and reinvention across countries, including collaboration with national and international scholars on these topics.

Democracy Lab seeks to promote, give visibility to and analyze a variety of bottom-up, activist-oriented ways democracy is attempted reinvented in Norway and in selected countries. We are particularly interested in understanding the sustainability of such efforts over time.


Barandiaran, Xabier E., Antonio Calleja-López, Arnau Monterde, and Carol Romero. 2024. Decidim, a Technopolitical Network for Participatory Democracy: Philosophy, Practice and Autonomy of a Collective Platform in the Age of Digital Intelligence. Springer Nature.

Borge, R., Balcells, J., and Padró-Solanet, A., 2022. “Democratic Disruption or Continuity? Analysis of the Decidim Platform in Catalan Municipalities». American Behavioral Scientist, 67(7), 926-939.

Braa, J., Monteiro, E. and Sahay, S., 2004. "Networks of action: sustainable health information systems across developing countries." MIS Quarterly, 28(3), 337-362.

Braa, J., Sahay, S. and Monteiro, E., 2023. "Design Theory for Societal Digital Transformation: The Case of Digital Global Health", Journal of the Association of the IS, 24(6), 1645-1669. DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00816.

Bungum, B., Forseth, U., Kvande, E. (Eds). 2019. Den norske modellen: internasjonalisering som utfordring og vitalisering. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Bua, Adrian and S. Bussu (Eds.). 2023. Participatory Governance: Social Movements and the Reinvention of Democratic Innovation. Routledge.

Byrkjeflot, H., S. Myklebust, C. Myrvang, and F. Sejersted, eds. 2001. The Democratic Challenge to Capitalism: Management and Democracy in the Nordic Countries. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Curato, Nicole et al. 2021. Deliberative Mini-Publics: Core Design Features. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

Clegg, Stewart and David Courpasson. 2004. "Political Hybrids: Tocquevillean Views on Project Organizations." Journal of Management Studies, (41)4, 525-47.

Clegg, Stewart, Martin Harris & Harro Höpfl. 2011. Managing Modernity. Beyond Bureaucracy? Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Courpasson, David. 2000. "Managerial Strategies of Domination: Power in Soft Bureaucracies." Organization Studies, 21(1), 141-61.

Crouch, Colin. 2004. Post-Democracy. Polity Press.

Dryzek, John S. et al. 2019. "The Crisis of Democracy and the Science of Deliberation." Science, 363(6432), 1144–46.

Emery, F., and Thorsrud, E. 1976. Democracy at Work. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff.

Falkum, E. 2020. Makt og opposisjon i arbeidslivet. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Gilens, M., and Page, B. I. 2014. "Testing theories of American politics: Elites, interest groups, and average citizens." Perspectives on Politics, 12(3), 564-581.

Graeber, David, og David Wengrow. 2022. The dawn of everything. A new history of humanity. New York: Farrar, Straus og Giroux.

Frank, Jason. 2021. The democratic sublime: On aesthetics and popular assembly. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Levin, M., Nilssen, T., Ravn, J. E., Øyum, L. 2012. Demokrati i arbeidslivet – den norske samarbeidsmodellen som konkurransefortrinn. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Reybrouck, David van. 2016. Against elections: The case for democracy. Random House.

Røyrvik, Emil A. 2011. The Allure of Capitalism. An Ethnography of Management and the Global Economy in Crisis. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Røyrvik, E.A. 2023. "Traveling, translation, transformation: On social responsibility and the Nordic model in China." In Knudsen, S (Ed.) Corporate social responsibility and the paradoxes of state capitalism: Ethnographies of Norwegian energy and extraction businesses abroad, pp. 137-162. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Røyrvik, E.A. 2021. “Sacralizing finance, sacrificing society.” In Larsen, T., Rapport, N., Ram, K., Porter, T., Blim, M. (Eds.), Objectifiation and standardization. On the limits and effects of ritually fixing and measuring life, pp. 25-58. Durham: Carolina Academic Press.

Sejersted, F. 1993. Demokratisk kapitalisme. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

Smith, G. 2009. Democratic innovations: Designing institutions for citizen participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Smith, G. 2021. Can democracy safeguard the future? Polity Press.

Swyngedouw, Erik (2005): “Governance Innovation and the Citizen: The Janus Face of Governance-beyond-the-State”, Urban Studies, 42(11), 1991-2006.

Wolin, Sheldon S. 2008. Democracy Inc. Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press.

Žižek, Slavoj. 1999. The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology. London: Verso.

Zuboff, Shoshana. 2019. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. PublicAffairs.

Østerud, Ø., Engelstad, F., Selle, P. 2003. Makten og demokratiet. Oslo: Gyldendal.






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