Citizen-driven innovation

Citizen-driven innovation

Photocollage: Hand with mobilephone


Creative forms of collaboration can provide the basis for exploring and solving society's hidden, interlinked problems. This increases the likelihood of a more sustainable development of the overall society/system, and might also increase everyone's well-being and happiness. Therefore, systems thinking and innovated values and attitudes supported by appropriate forms of education might open suitable paths through the crisis.



HEIDI aims to improve the ability of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to support community driven knowledge enhancement and action, and promote their role in social change by enhancing staff and student expertise in community problem solving during the pandemic.

Link: HEIDI project.


Hands-on workshops with Digital tools and VR technology adopted to the levels of the participant in collaboration with GLAm professionals in archives or museum curators, artists through social campaign marketing apps for promoting local products by the women associations or craft artists and artists or other professionals.

Examples workshops or events

Digital Museum

Title: Digital Museum
Article by Europeana on the projects
Type: database project
Result: Desktop research
Description: Museums contain extensive and exciting collections. Traditionally, only selected objects from these collections have been displayed as part of exhibitions and in books. This means that there are large parts of museums’ collections that have seldom – or never – been made available for viewing by an interested public.
The objective of DigitaltMuseum is that museums’ collections should be made available to anybody who is interested, regardless of time or place. It is hoped that it will now be easier for these collections to be used for image searching, in-depth research, studies, education and for the mutual development of knowledge. DigitaltMuseum is available for Norway and Sweden


Type: Hands On Workshop
Institution: Melina Dobreva, Sofia University,
Year: 2021
Result: Ongoing
Description: An event co organised with UCL Qatar students presenting the international work on innovation labs in GLAM institutions exploring how museums in Zambia can innovate with their digital collections. The digital divide results in many deficits in access to knowledge due to missing, or the very slow adoption of, modern technology. In the cultural heritage domain, the digital divide results in the lack of exposure of digital content which exists but is not made available online. There are various explanations why this is the case – ranging from lack of suitable infrastructure for digital asset management to inadequate or missing policies for user engagement with the digital content.


Type: Digital Workshop
Year: 2020
Result: Ongoing
Description: A project aiming at disseminating to the public at large the activities related to the craft of engraving and printmaking by means of an Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) system. The final platform will constitute not only a means for communicating and promoting such activities, but also an interactive learning tool to be used in vocational courses.MICA, funded by TIM Foundation in the framework of the call “Invisible Assets, Places and Mastery of Artisan Tradition”, aims at recovering and preserving an “invisible cultural heritage”.
Craft works evolved through thousands of years; they were always perceived as populations’ pride, cultural symbol and historic heritage, but today are at risk of being lost forever. As a sort of modern-day “David versus Goliath” story, AMICA project has designed a bridge between arts and technology, to preserve and transmit artisanal knowledge, creating a platform for digital tools based on virtual reality technologies.

Kudujate koopiaklubi

Title:Kudujate koopiaklubi
Type: Digital Workshop and Hands on workshop
Institution: Kudujate Kopiaklubi
Year: 2020
Result: Ongoing
Description: Kudujate koopiaklubi (Knitters' Replica Club), Estonia, is a volunteer-based heritage knitting community for knitters who are interested in traditional knitting skills and culture. They have face-to-face meetings but also virtual social media group meetings (especially during the pandemic periods). Through different projects, they have done exhibitions together but also knitted replicas of a very rare type of gloves and mittens to support a local heritage culture center with proceeds from their auction sales. The gloves have been turned into a virtual phenomenon


 Blue square with yellow stars. Text: Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

This project has been funded with the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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