Alexander Olsen
Alexander Olsen is the head of the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory (CNL), co-leader of the post traumatic headache research group at the Norwegian Centre for Headache Research (NorHEAD), and a Professor at the Department of Psychology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He is also a certified specialist in clinical neuropsychology, with a clinical position at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, St. Olavs Hospital, where he is working with neuropsychological assessments and clinical follow-up of patients with acquired brain injury. Alexander Olsen is the current president of the Norwegian Neuropsychological Society.
Howe, Emilie Isager;
Andelic, Nada;
Brunborg, Cathrine;
Zeldovich, Marina;
Helseth, Eirik;
Skandsen, Toril.
Frequency and predictors of headache in the first 12 months after traumatic brain injury: results from CENTER-TBI.
The Journal of Headache and Pain
Academic article
Giri, Samita;
Tronvik, Erling Andreas;
Dalen, Håvard;
Ellekjær, Hanne;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Olsen, Alexander.
Migraine and risk of atrial fibrillation: A 9-year follow-up based on the Trøndelag Health Study.
Academic article
Clarke, Gerard Janez;
Follestad, Turid;
Skandsen, Toril;
Zetterberg, Henrik;
Vik, Anne;
Blennow, Kaj.
Chronic immunosuppression across 12 months and high ability of acute and subacute CNS-injury biomarker concentrations to identify individuals with complicated mTBI on acute CT and MRI.
Journal of Neuroinflammation
Academic article
Kennedy, Eamonn;
Vadlamani, Shashank;
Lindsey, Hannah M.;
Lei, Pui-Wa;
Jo-Pugh, Mary;
Thompson, Paul M..
Bridging big data in the ENIGMA consortium to combine non-equivalent cognitive measures.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Caeyenberghs, Karen;
Imms, Phoebe;
Irimia, Andrei;
Monti, Martin M.;
Esopenko, Carrie;
de Souza, Nicola L..
ENIGMA's simple seven: Recommendations to enhance the reproducibility of resting-state fMRI in traumatic brain injury.
NeuroImage: Clinical
Academic literature review
Johansen, Truls Sveløkken;
Matre, Martin;
Løvstad, Marianne;
Lund, Anne;
Martinsen, Anne Catrine Trægde;
Olsen, Alexander.
Virtual reality as a method of cognitive training of processing speed, working memory, and sustained attention in persons with acquired brain injury: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L;
Vervoordt, Samantha;
Adamson, Maheen M;
Houshang, Amiri;
Bigler, Erin D;
Caeyenberghs, Karen.
Accelerated Aging after Traumatic Brain Injury: An ENIGMA Multi-Cohort Mega-Analysis.
Annals of Neurology
Academic article
Kennedy, Eamonn;
Liebel, Spencer W.;
Lindsey, Hannah M.;
Vadlamani, Shashank;
Lei, Pui-Wa;
Adamson, Maheen M..
Verbal Learning and Memory Deficits across Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Insights from an ENIGMA Mega Analysis.
Brain Sciences
Academic article
Giri, Samita;
Tronvik, Erling Andreas;
Dalen, Håvard;
Ellekjær, Hanne;
Olsen, Alexander;
Hagen, Knut.
Headache disorders and risk of stroke. A register-linked HUNT study.
Cephalalgia Reports
Academic article
Rauwenhoff, Johanne Catharina Charlotte;
Hagen, Roger;
Karaliute, Migle;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Solem, Stian.
Metacognitive Therapy for People Experiencing Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Preliminary Multiple Case-Series Study.
Neurotrauma Reports
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Cwiek, Andrew;
Dennis, Emily;
Hillary, Frank G..
Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Keleher, Finian;
Lindsey, Hannah;
Kerestes, Rebecca;
Amiri, Houshang;
Asarnow, Robert;
Babikian, Talin.
Multimodal Analysis of Secondary Cerebellar Alterations After Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury.
JAMA Network Open
Academic article
Matre, Martin;
Johansen, Truls Sveløkken;
Olsen, Alexander;
Tornås, Sveinung;
Martinsen, Anne Catrine Trægde;
Lund, Anne.
A protocol for the development and validation of a virtual reality-based clinical test of social cognition.
BMC Digital Health
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Stubberud, Anker;
Ingvaldsen, Sigrid Hegna;
Brenner, Eiliv;
Winnberg, Ingunn Grøntveit;
Olsen, Alexander;
Gravdahl, Gøril Bruvik.
Forecasting migraine with machine learning based on mobile phone diary and wearable data.
Academic article
Eriksen, Adrian Dybfest;
Olsen, Alexander;
Sigmundsson, Hermundur.
Exploring the relationships between visuospatial working memory, math, letter-sound knowledge, motor competence, and gender in first grade children: A correlational study.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Smevik, Hanne;
Habli, Sarah;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Evensmoen, Hallvard Røe;
Conde, Virginia.
Poorer sleep health is associated with altered brain activation during cognitive control processing in healthy adults.
Cerebral Cortex
Academic article
Gravråkmo, Sissel;
Henry, Lucy;
Olsen, Alexander;
Øie, Merete Glenne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ingul, Jo Magne.
Associations between intelligence, everyday executive functions, and symptoms of mental health problems in children and adolescents with mild intellectual disability.
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities (IJDD)
Academic article
Fure, Silje Christine Reistad;
Howe, Emilie;
Andelic, Nada;
Brunborg, Cathrine;
Olsen, Alexander;
Rike, Per-Ola.
Workplace Factors Associated With Return to Work After Mild-to-Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury.
The journal of head trauma rehabilitation
Academic article
Bickart, Kevin C.;
Olsen, Alexander;
Dennis, Emily L.;
Babikian, Talin;
Hoffman, Ann N.;
Snyder, Aliyah.
Frontoamygdala hyperconnectivity predicts affective dysregulation in adolescent moderate-severe TBI.
Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Dennis, Emily L.;
Stubberud, Jan Egil;
Hovenden, Elizabeth S.;
Solbakk, Anne-Kristin;
Endestad, Tor.
Regional brain volume prior to treatment is linked to outcome after cognitive rehabilitation in traumatic brain injury.
NeuroImage: Clinical
Academic article
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita;
Langvik, Eva ;
Olsen, Alexander;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild.
Predictors of insomnia symptoms in police employees: a longitudinal investigation and comparison of personality and psychosocial work factors.
Cogent Psychology
Academic article
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Labberton, Angela Susan;
Barra, Mathias;
Olsen, Alexander;
Thommessen, Bente;
Thomas, Owen Matthew Truscott.
Self-reported cognitive and psychiatric symptoms at 3 months predict single-item measures of fatigue and daytime sleep 12 months after ischemic stroke.
Frontiers in Neurology
Academic article
Gravråkmo, Sissel;
Olsen, Alexander;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ingul, Jo Magne;
Henry, Lucy;
Øie, Merete Glenne.
Associations between executive functions, intelligence and adaptive behaviour in children and adolescents with mild intellectual disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
Academic article
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Smevik, Hanne;
Stenberg, Jonas;
Follestad, Turid;
Vik, Anne;
Håberg, Asta.
Poor sleep quality is associated with greater negative consequences for cognitive control function and psychological health after mild traumatic brain injury than after orthopedic injury.
Academic article
Lauvsnes, Anders Dahlen Forsmo;
Langaas, Mette;
Olsen, Alexander;
Vassileva, Jasmin;
Spigset, Olav;
Gråwe, Rolf Wilhelm.
Adhd and mental health symptoms in the identification of young adults with increased risk of alcohol dependency in the general population—the hunt4 population study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Ingvaldsen, Sigrid Hegna;
Tronvik, Erling Andreas;
Brenner, Eiliv;
Winnberg, Ingunn;
Olsen, Alexander;
Gravdahl, Gøril Bruvik.
A biofeedback app for migraine: Development and usability study.
JMIR Formative Research
Academic article
Follesø, Hanna Størksen;
Austad, Sigrun Borgen;
Olsen, Alexander;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild.
The development, inter-rater agreement and performance of a hierarchical procedure for setting the rest-interval in actigraphy data.
Sleep Medicine
Academic article
Karaliute, Migle;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Smevik, Hanne;
Follestad, Turid;
Einarsen, Cathrine Elisabeth;
Vik, Anne.
Methodology Matters: Comparing Approaches for Defining Persistent Symptoms after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Neurotrauma Reports
Academic article
Fordal, Linda;
Stenberg, Jonas;
Iverson, Grant L.;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Karaliute, Migle;
Vik, Anne.
Trajectories of Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms and Factors Associated With Symptom Reporting After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Damanskyy, Yevhen;
Olsen, Alexander;
Hollup, Stig Arvid.
Prior Prognostic Expectations as a Potential Predictor in Neurofeedback Training.
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement
Academic article
Tahmasian, Masoud;
Aleman, André;
Andreassen, Ole;
Arab, Zahra;
Baillet, Marion;
Benedetti, Francesco.
ENIGMA-Sleep: Challenges, opportunities, and the road map.
Journal of Sleep Research
Academic literature review
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Langvik, Eva ;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Follesø, Hanna Størksen;
Austad, Sigrun Borgen.
High neuroticism is associated with reduced negative affect following sleep deprivation.
Personality and Individual Differences
Academic article
Fure, Silje Christine Reistad;
Howe, Emilie;
Spjelkavik, Øystein;
Røe, Cecilie;
Rike, Per-Ola;
Olsen, Alexander.
Post-concussion symptoms three months after mild-to-moderate TBI: characteristics of sick-listed patients referred to specialized treatment and consequences of intracranial injury.
Brain Injury
Academic article
Fure, Silje Christine Reistad;
Howe, Emilie;
Andelic, Nada;
Brunborg, Cathrine;
Sveen, Unni;
Røe, Cecilie.
Cognitive and vocational rehabilitation after mild-to-moderate traumatic brain injury: A randomised controlled trial.
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita;
Olsen, Alexander;
Langvik, Eva ;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild.
Associations between Sleep and Work-Related Cognitive and Emotional Functioning in Police Employees.
SH@W Safety and Health at Work
Academic article
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Gjestad, Elise Ødegård;
Ryum, Truls;
Olsen, Alexander;
Thommessen, Bente;
Indredavik, Bent.
The Relationship of Psychiatric Symptoms with Performance-Based and Self-Reported Cognitive Function After Ischemic Stroke.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L.;
Caeyenberghs, Karen;
Hoskinson, Kristen R;
Merkley, Tricia L;
Suskauer, Stacy J;
Asarnow, Robert F.
White Matter Disruption in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Results From ENIGMA Pediatric Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
Academic article
Thompson, Paul M.;
Jahanshad, Neda;
Ching, Christopher R.K.;
Salminen, Lauren E.;
Thomopoulos, Sophia I.;
Bright, Joanna.
ENIGMA and global neuroscience: A decade of large-scale studies of the brain in health and disease across more than 40 countries.
Translational Psychiatry
Academic literature review
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Karaliute, Migle;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Follestad, Turid;
Asarnow, Robert F.;
Vik, Anne.
The prevalence and stability of sleep-wake disturbance and fatigue throughout the first year after mild traumatic brain injury.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L.;
Caeyenberghs, Karen;
Asarnow, Robert F.;
Babikian, Talin;
Bartnik-Olson, Brenda L.;
Bigler, Erin D.
Challenges and opportunities for neuroimaging in young patients with traumatic brain injury: a coordinated effort towards advancing discovery from the ENIGMA pediatric moderate/severe TBI group.
Brain Imaging and Behavior
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L.;
Baron, David;
Bartnik-Olson, Brenda L.;
Caeyenberghs, Karen;
Esopenko, Carrie;
Hillary, Frank G..
ENIGMA brain injury: Framework, challenges, and opportunities.
Human Brain Mapping
Academic literature review
Stubberud, Anker;
Tronvik, Erling Andreas;
Olsen, Alexander;
Gravdahl, Gøril Bruvik;
Linde, Mattias.
Biofeedback Treatment App for Pediatric Migraine: Development and Usability Study.
Academic article
Vethe, Daniel;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Sand, Trond;
Olsen, Alexander.
The evening light environment in hospitals can be designed
to produce less disruptive effects on the circadian system and
improve sleep.
Academic article
Karlsen, Rune Hatlestad;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Stenberg, Jonas;
Lundervold, Astri J. ;
Olsen, Alexander;
Rautio, Ida.
Examining the Subacute Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Using a Traditional and Computerized Neuropsychological Test Battery.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Babikian, Talin;
Bigler, Erin D.;
Caeyenberghs, Karen;
Conde, Virginia;
Dams-O’Connor, Kristen.
Toward a global and reproducible science for brain imaging in neurotrauma: the ENIGMA adult moderate/severe traumatic brain injury working group.
Brain Imaging and Behavior
Academic article
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Dahlberg, Berit Johanna;
Tanum, Tiril Kristine;
Ringen, Heidi;
Karlsen, Håvard Rudi.
Mild to moderate partial sleep deprivation is associated with increased impulsivity and decreased positive affect in young adults.
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Skandsen, Toril.
Hjernerystelser kan gi langvarige søvnproblemer.
Aftenposten Viten
Popular scientific article
Skandsen, Toril;
Stenberg, Jonas;
Follestad, Turid;
Karaliute, Migle;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Einarsen, Cathrine Elisabeth.
Personal factors associated with postconcussion symptoms 3 months after mild traumatic brain injury.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Karlsen, Rune Hatlestad;
Karr, Justin E.;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Lundervold, Astri J. ;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Olsen, Alexander.
Examining 3-month test-retest reliability and reliable change using the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery.
Applied neuropsychology: Adult
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Babikian, Talin;
Dennis, Emily L.;
Ellis-Blied, Monica U.;
Giza, Christopher C.;
Marion, Sarah DeBoard.
Functional Brain Hyperactivations Are Linked to an Electrophysiological Measure of Slow Interhemispheric Transfer Time after Pediatric Moderate/Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Academic article
Stubberud, Anker;
Linde, Mattias;
Brenner, Eiliv;
Heier, Martin;
Olsen, Alexander;
Aamodt, Anne Hege.
Self-administered biofeedback treatment app for pediatric migraine: A randomized pilot study.
Brain and Behavior
Academic article
Stenberg, Jonas;
Håberg, Asta;
Follestad, Turid;
Olsen, Alexander;
Iverson, Grant L.;
Terry P., Douglas.
Cognitive Reserve Moderates Cognitive Outcome After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L.;
Caeyenberghs, Karen;
Babikian, Talin;
Olsen, Alexander;
Giza, Christopher C.;
Asarnow, Robert F..
ENIGMA pediatric msTBI: Preliminary results from meta-analysis of diffusion MRI.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Omland, Petter Moe;
Tronvik, Erling Andreas;
Olsen, Alexander;
Sand, Trond;
Linde, Mattias.
Wireless Surface Electromyography and Skin Temperature Sensors for Biofeedback Treatment of Headache: Validation Study with Stationary Control Equipment.
JMIR Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Hollund, Ingrid Marie Husby;
Olsen, Alexander;
Skranes, Jon Sverre;
Brubakk, Ann-Mari;
Håberg, Asta;
Eikenes, Live.
White matter alterations and their associations with motor function in young adults born preterm with very low birth weight.
NeuroImage: Clinical
Academic article
Grambaite, Ramune;
Sundby, Jørgen;
Lundervold, Astri;
Solbakk, Anne-Kristin;
Hessen, Erik;
Olsen, Alexander.
Undervisning i klinisk nevropsykologi på profesjonsstudiene i Norge.
Nevropsykologi : Medlemsblad for Norsk Nevropsykologisk Forening
Academic literature review
Dennis, Emily L.;
Babikian, Talin;
Alger, Jeffry;
Rashid, Faisal;
Villalon-Reina, Julio E.;
Jin, Yan.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of fiber tracts in children with traumatic brain injury: A combined MRS - Diffusion MRI study.
Human Brain Mapping
Academic article
Solheim, Brandy;
Olsen, Alexander;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Gradisar, Michael.
Cognitive performance in DSWPD patients upon awakening from habitual sleep compared with forced conventional sleep.
Journal of Sleep Research
Academic article
Babikian, Talin;
Alger, Jeffry R.;
Ellis-Blied, Monica U.;
Giza, Christopher C.;
Dennis, Emily;
Olsen, Alexander.
Whole Brain Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Determinants of Functional Outcomes in Pediatric Moderate/Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Academic article
Stenberg, Jonas;
Håberg, Asta;
Olsen, Alexander;
Follestad, Turid;
Iverson, Grant L.;
Saksvik, Simen Berg.
Cognitive Reserve and the Interaction between Premorbid IQ and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Stenberg, Jonas;
Håberg, Asta;
Olsen, Alexander;
Follestad, Turid;
Iverson, Grant L.;
Karaliute, Migle.
Neurocognitive Functioning after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Prospective Study Exploring Subgroups Reporting Symptoms.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Stubberud, Anker;
Omland, Petter Moe;
Tronvik, Erling Andreas;
Olsen, Alexander;
Sand, Trond;
Linde, Mattias.
Wireless Surface Electromyography and Skin Temperature Sensors for Biofeedback Treatment of Headache: Validation Study with Stationary Control Equipment.
JMIR Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L;
Rashid, Faisal;
Ellis, Monica U;
Babikian, Talin;
Vlasova, Roza M;
Villalon-Reina, Julio E.
Diverging white matter trajectories in children after traumatic brain injury.
Academic article
Bergersen, Kjersti;
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Tryti, Einar Aagaard;
Taylor, Solveig Isabel;
Olsen, Alexander.
A systematic literature review of psychotherapeutic treatment of prolonged symptoms after mild traumatic brain injury.
Brain Injury
Academic literature review
Karaliute, Migle;
Olsen, Alexander;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Einarsen, Cathrine Elisabeth;
Vik, Anne;
Håberg, Asta.
Post-concussive symptoms the first year after mild traumatic brain injury: Preliminary results from a large prospective cohort study.
Brain Injury
Wohlwend, Martin Rainer;
Olsen, Alexander;
Håberg, Asta;
Palmer, Helen.
Exercise Intensity-Dependent Effects on Cognitive Control Function during and after Acute Treadmill Running in Young Healthy Adults.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Dennis, Emily L;
Evensen, Kari Anne Indredavik;
Hollund, Ingrid Marie Husby;
Løhaugen, Gro;
Thompson, Paul M.
Preterm birth leads to hyper-reactive cognitive control processing and poor white matter organization in adulthood.
Academic article
Aasen, Ida Emilia Sareneva;
Håberg, Asta;
Olsen, Alexander;
Brubakk, Ann-Mari;
Evensen, Kari Anne Indredavik;
Sølsnes, Anne Elisabeth.
The relevance of the irrelevant: Attention and task-set adaptation in prematurely born adults.
Clinical Neurophysiology
Academic article
Ellis, Monica U.;
DeBoard Marion, Sarah;
McArthur, David L.;
Babikian, Talin;
Giza, Christopher;
Kernan, Claudia L..
The UCLA study of children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: Event-related potential measure of interhemispheric transfer time.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Academic article
Moen, Kent Gøran;
Vik, Anne;
Olsen, Alexander;
Skandsen, Toril;
Håberg, Asta;
Evensen, Kari Anne Indredavik.
Traumatic axonal injury: Relationships between lesions in the early phase and diffusion tensor imaging parameters in the chronic phase of traumatic brain injury.
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Academic article
Husby, Ingrid Marie;
Stray, Kaia Mølbach-Thellefsen;
Olsen, Alexander;
Lydersen, Stian;
Indredavik, Marit Sæbø;
Brubakk, Ann-Mari.
Long-term follow-up of mental health, health-related quality of life and associations with motor skills in young adults born preterm with very low birth weight.
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Academic article
Finnanger, Torun Gangaune;
Olsen, Alexander;
Skandsen, Toril;
Lydersen, Stian;
Vik, Anne;
Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik.
Life after adolescent and adult moderate and severe traumatic brain injury: self-reported executive, emotional, and behavioural function 2-5 years after injury.
Behavioural Neurology
Academic article
Brunner, Jan Ferenc;
Olsen, Alexander;
Aasen, Ida Emilia Sareneva;
Løhaugen, Gro;
Håberg, Asta;
Kropotov, Yury.
Neuropsychological parameters indexing executive processes are associated with independent components of ERPs.
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Brunner, Jan Ferenc;
Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik;
Finnanger, Torun Gangaune;
Vik, Anne;
Skandsen, Toril.
Altered Cognitive Control Activations after Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Their Relationship to Injury Severity and Everyday-Life function.
Cerebral Cortex
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L;
Ellis, Monica U;
Marion, Sarah D;
Jin, Yan;
Moran, Lisa;
Olsen, Alexander.
Callosal function in pediatric traumatic brain injury linked to disrupted white matter integrity.
Journal of Neuroscience
Academic article
Håberg, Asta;
Olsen, Alexander;
Moen, Kent Gøran;
Schirmer-Mikalsen, Kari;
Visser, E;
Finnanger, Torun Gangaune.
White matter microstructure in chronic moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: Impact of acute-phase injury-related variables and associations with outcome measures.
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Academic article
Moen, Kine Therese;
Jørgensen, Lone;
Olsen, Alexander;
Håberg, Asta;
Skandsen, Toril;
Vik, Anne.
High-level mobility in chronic traumatic brain injury and its relationship with clinical variables and magnetic resonance imaging findings in the acute phase.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Solheim, Brandy;
Langsrud, Knut;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Olsen, Alexander;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Sand, Trond.
Difficult morning awakening from rapid eye movement sleep and impaired cognitive function in delayed sleep phase disorder patients.
Sleep Medicine
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Håberg, Asta;
Landrø, Nils Inge.
Cognitive control function and moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury : functional and structural brain correlates.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (372)
Doctoral dissertation
Olsen, Alexander;
Brunner, Jan Ferenc;
Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik;
de Cisneros, Benjamín Garzón Jiménez;
Landrø, Nils Inge;
Håberg, Asta.
The Functional Topography and Temporal Dynamics of Overlapping and Distinct Brain Activations for Adaptive Task Control and Stable Task-set Maintenance during Performance of an fMRI-adapted Clinical Continuous Performance Test.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Academic article
Brunner, Jan Ferenc;
Hansen, Tor Ivar;
Olsen, Alexander;
Skandsen, Toril;
Håberg, Asta;
Kropotov, Yury.
Long-term test-retest reliability of the P3 No Go wave and two independent components decomposed from the P3 No Go wave in a visual Go/NoGo task.
International Journal of Psychophysiology
Academic article
Husby, Ingrid Marie;
Skranes, Jon;
Olsen, Alexander;
Brubakk, Ann-Mari;
Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik.
Motor skills at 23 years of age in young adults born preterm with very low birth weight.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Olsen, Alexander;
Hagen, Roger.
Fokus på forskning: Psykologforeningens hovedsatsningsområde 2013–2016.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Reader opinion piece
Brezova, Veronika;
Olsen, Alexander;
Skandsen, Toril;
Vik, Anne;
Håberg, Asta.
Longitudinal study of grey and white matter changes from the acute to the chronic phase following moderate to severe TBI: volume changes related to duration of post-traumatic amnesia.
Brain Injury
Gotaas, Gunnar;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Håberg, Asta;
Olsen, Alexander.
Depresjon blant pasienter med traumatisk hjerneskade i en norsk populasjon: forekomst og risikofaktorer.
NTNU trykk
Thesis at a second degree level
Evandt, Jorunn Kristiane Plambeck;
Håberg, Asta;
Olsen, Alexander.
Factor Analysis of Measures Computed form Data Collected by Means of Continous Performence Test Applied to Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury and Healthy Controls.
NTNU trykk
Masters thesis
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Olsen, Alexander;
Stokke, Ragnhild Klingenberg.
Fremdeles ubesvarte spørsmål.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Reader opinion piece
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Olsen, Alexander.
Profesjonen i endring: Når kjøttvekt blir dødvekt.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Reader opinion piece
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Olsen, Alexander.
Når kjøttvekt blir dødvekt.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Reader opinion piece
Olsen, Alexander;
Brunner, J;
Skandsen, Toril;
Berntsen, Erik Magnus;
Rasmussen, Inge Andre;
Håberg, Asta.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Løvstad, Marianne;
Holte, Ingvil;
Olsen, Alexander.
Koma og redusert bevissthet etter hjerneskade -Informasjonsbrosjyre for pårørende og omsorgsgivere.
Sunnaas sykehus
Book Translation
Journal publications
Howe, Emilie Isager;
Andelic, Nada;
Brunborg, Cathrine;
Zeldovich, Marina;
Helseth, Eirik;
Skandsen, Toril.
Frequency and predictors of headache in the first 12 months after traumatic brain injury: results from CENTER-TBI.
The Journal of Headache and Pain
Academic article
Giri, Samita;
Tronvik, Erling Andreas;
Dalen, Håvard;
Ellekjær, Hanne;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Olsen, Alexander.
Migraine and risk of atrial fibrillation: A 9-year follow-up based on the Trøndelag Health Study.
Academic article
Clarke, Gerard Janez;
Follestad, Turid;
Skandsen, Toril;
Zetterberg, Henrik;
Vik, Anne;
Blennow, Kaj.
Chronic immunosuppression across 12 months and high ability of acute and subacute CNS-injury biomarker concentrations to identify individuals with complicated mTBI on acute CT and MRI.
Journal of Neuroinflammation
Academic article
Kennedy, Eamonn;
Vadlamani, Shashank;
Lindsey, Hannah M.;
Lei, Pui-Wa;
Jo-Pugh, Mary;
Thompson, Paul M..
Bridging big data in the ENIGMA consortium to combine non-equivalent cognitive measures.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Caeyenberghs, Karen;
Imms, Phoebe;
Irimia, Andrei;
Monti, Martin M.;
Esopenko, Carrie;
de Souza, Nicola L..
ENIGMA's simple seven: Recommendations to enhance the reproducibility of resting-state fMRI in traumatic brain injury.
NeuroImage: Clinical
Academic literature review
Johansen, Truls Sveløkken;
Matre, Martin;
Løvstad, Marianne;
Lund, Anne;
Martinsen, Anne Catrine Trægde;
Olsen, Alexander.
Virtual reality as a method of cognitive training of processing speed, working memory, and sustained attention in persons with acquired brain injury: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L;
Vervoordt, Samantha;
Adamson, Maheen M;
Houshang, Amiri;
Bigler, Erin D;
Caeyenberghs, Karen.
Accelerated Aging after Traumatic Brain Injury: An ENIGMA Multi-Cohort Mega-Analysis.
Annals of Neurology
Academic article
Kennedy, Eamonn;
Liebel, Spencer W.;
Lindsey, Hannah M.;
Vadlamani, Shashank;
Lei, Pui-Wa;
Adamson, Maheen M..
Verbal Learning and Memory Deficits across Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Insights from an ENIGMA Mega Analysis.
Brain Sciences
Academic article
Giri, Samita;
Tronvik, Erling Andreas;
Dalen, Håvard;
Ellekjær, Hanne;
Olsen, Alexander;
Hagen, Knut.
Headache disorders and risk of stroke. A register-linked HUNT study.
Cephalalgia Reports
Academic article
Rauwenhoff, Johanne Catharina Charlotte;
Hagen, Roger;
Karaliute, Migle;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen;
Solem, Stian.
Metacognitive Therapy for People Experiencing Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Preliminary Multiple Case-Series Study.
Neurotrauma Reports
Academic article
Keleher, Finian;
Lindsey, Hannah;
Kerestes, Rebecca;
Amiri, Houshang;
Asarnow, Robert;
Babikian, Talin.
Multimodal Analysis of Secondary Cerebellar Alterations After Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury.
JAMA Network Open
Academic article
Matre, Martin;
Johansen, Truls Sveløkken;
Olsen, Alexander;
Tornås, Sveinung;
Martinsen, Anne Catrine Trægde;
Lund, Anne.
A protocol for the development and validation of a virtual reality-based clinical test of social cognition.
BMC Digital Health
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Stubberud, Anker;
Ingvaldsen, Sigrid Hegna;
Brenner, Eiliv;
Winnberg, Ingunn Grøntveit;
Olsen, Alexander;
Gravdahl, Gøril Bruvik.
Forecasting migraine with machine learning based on mobile phone diary and wearable data.
Academic article
Eriksen, Adrian Dybfest;
Olsen, Alexander;
Sigmundsson, Hermundur.
Exploring the relationships between visuospatial working memory, math, letter-sound knowledge, motor competence, and gender in first grade children: A correlational study.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Smevik, Hanne;
Habli, Sarah;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Evensmoen, Hallvard Røe;
Conde, Virginia.
Poorer sleep health is associated with altered brain activation during cognitive control processing in healthy adults.
Cerebral Cortex
Academic article
Gravråkmo, Sissel;
Henry, Lucy;
Olsen, Alexander;
Øie, Merete Glenne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ingul, Jo Magne.
Associations between intelligence, everyday executive functions, and symptoms of mental health problems in children and adolescents with mild intellectual disability.
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities (IJDD)
Academic article
Fure, Silje Christine Reistad;
Howe, Emilie;
Andelic, Nada;
Brunborg, Cathrine;
Olsen, Alexander;
Rike, Per-Ola.
Workplace Factors Associated With Return to Work After Mild-to-Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury.
The journal of head trauma rehabilitation
Academic article
Bickart, Kevin C.;
Olsen, Alexander;
Dennis, Emily L.;
Babikian, Talin;
Hoffman, Ann N.;
Snyder, Aliyah.
Frontoamygdala hyperconnectivity predicts affective dysregulation in adolescent moderate-severe TBI.
Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Dennis, Emily L.;
Stubberud, Jan Egil;
Hovenden, Elizabeth S.;
Solbakk, Anne-Kristin;
Endestad, Tor.
Regional brain volume prior to treatment is linked to outcome after cognitive rehabilitation in traumatic brain injury.
NeuroImage: Clinical
Academic article
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita;
Langvik, Eva ;
Olsen, Alexander;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild.
Predictors of insomnia symptoms in police employees: a longitudinal investigation and comparison of personality and psychosocial work factors.
Cogent Psychology
Academic article
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Labberton, Angela Susan;
Barra, Mathias;
Olsen, Alexander;
Thommessen, Bente;
Thomas, Owen Matthew Truscott.
Self-reported cognitive and psychiatric symptoms at 3 months predict single-item measures of fatigue and daytime sleep 12 months after ischemic stroke.
Frontiers in Neurology
Academic article
Gravråkmo, Sissel;
Olsen, Alexander;
Lydersen, Stian;
Ingul, Jo Magne;
Henry, Lucy;
Øie, Merete Glenne.
Associations between executive functions, intelligence and adaptive behaviour in children and adolescents with mild intellectual disability.
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
Academic article
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Smevik, Hanne;
Stenberg, Jonas;
Follestad, Turid;
Vik, Anne;
Håberg, Asta.
Poor sleep quality is associated with greater negative consequences for cognitive control function and psychological health after mild traumatic brain injury than after orthopedic injury.
Academic article
Lauvsnes, Anders Dahlen Forsmo;
Langaas, Mette;
Olsen, Alexander;
Vassileva, Jasmin;
Spigset, Olav;
Gråwe, Rolf Wilhelm.
Adhd and mental health symptoms in the identification of young adults with increased risk of alcohol dependency in the general population—the hunt4 population study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Ingvaldsen, Sigrid Hegna;
Tronvik, Erling Andreas;
Brenner, Eiliv;
Winnberg, Ingunn;
Olsen, Alexander;
Gravdahl, Gøril Bruvik.
A biofeedback app for migraine: Development and usability study.
JMIR Formative Research
Academic article
Follesø, Hanna Størksen;
Austad, Sigrun Borgen;
Olsen, Alexander;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild.
The development, inter-rater agreement and performance of a hierarchical procedure for setting the rest-interval in actigraphy data.
Sleep Medicine
Academic article
Karaliute, Migle;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Smevik, Hanne;
Follestad, Turid;
Einarsen, Cathrine Elisabeth;
Vik, Anne.
Methodology Matters: Comparing Approaches for Defining Persistent Symptoms after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Neurotrauma Reports
Academic article
Fordal, Linda;
Stenberg, Jonas;
Iverson, Grant L.;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Karaliute, Migle;
Vik, Anne.
Trajectories of Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms and Factors Associated With Symptom Reporting After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Damanskyy, Yevhen;
Olsen, Alexander;
Hollup, Stig Arvid.
Prior Prognostic Expectations as a Potential Predictor in Neurofeedback Training.
Journal of Cognitive Enhancement
Academic article
Tahmasian, Masoud;
Aleman, André;
Andreassen, Ole;
Arab, Zahra;
Baillet, Marion;
Benedetti, Francesco.
ENIGMA-Sleep: Challenges, opportunities, and the road map.
Journal of Sleep Research
Academic literature review
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Langvik, Eva ;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Follesø, Hanna Størksen;
Austad, Sigrun Borgen.
High neuroticism is associated with reduced negative affect following sleep deprivation.
Personality and Individual Differences
Academic article
Fure, Silje Christine Reistad;
Howe, Emilie;
Spjelkavik, Øystein;
Røe, Cecilie;
Rike, Per-Ola;
Olsen, Alexander.
Post-concussion symptoms three months after mild-to-moderate TBI: characteristics of sick-listed patients referred to specialized treatment and consequences of intracranial injury.
Brain Injury
Academic article
Fure, Silje Christine Reistad;
Howe, Emilie;
Andelic, Nada;
Brunborg, Cathrine;
Sveen, Unni;
Røe, Cecilie.
Cognitive and vocational rehabilitation after mild-to-moderate traumatic brain injury: A randomised controlled trial.
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita;
Olsen, Alexander;
Langvik, Eva ;
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild.
Associations between Sleep and Work-Related Cognitive and Emotional Functioning in Police Employees.
SH@W Safety and Health at Work
Academic article
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Gjestad, Elise Ødegård;
Ryum, Truls;
Olsen, Alexander;
Thommessen, Bente;
Indredavik, Bent.
The Relationship of Psychiatric Symptoms with Performance-Based and Self-Reported Cognitive Function After Ischemic Stroke.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L.;
Caeyenberghs, Karen;
Hoskinson, Kristen R;
Merkley, Tricia L;
Suskauer, Stacy J;
Asarnow, Robert F.
White Matter Disruption in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Results From ENIGMA Pediatric Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
Academic article
Thompson, Paul M.;
Jahanshad, Neda;
Ching, Christopher R.K.;
Salminen, Lauren E.;
Thomopoulos, Sophia I.;
Bright, Joanna.
ENIGMA and global neuroscience: A decade of large-scale studies of the brain in health and disease across more than 40 countries.
Translational Psychiatry
Academic literature review
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Karaliute, Migle;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Follestad, Turid;
Asarnow, Robert F.;
Vik, Anne.
The prevalence and stability of sleep-wake disturbance and fatigue throughout the first year after mild traumatic brain injury.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L.;
Caeyenberghs, Karen;
Asarnow, Robert F.;
Babikian, Talin;
Bartnik-Olson, Brenda L.;
Bigler, Erin D.
Challenges and opportunities for neuroimaging in young patients with traumatic brain injury: a coordinated effort towards advancing discovery from the ENIGMA pediatric moderate/severe TBI group.
Brain Imaging and Behavior
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L.;
Baron, David;
Bartnik-Olson, Brenda L.;
Caeyenberghs, Karen;
Esopenko, Carrie;
Hillary, Frank G..
ENIGMA brain injury: Framework, challenges, and opportunities.
Human Brain Mapping
Academic literature review
Stubberud, Anker;
Tronvik, Erling Andreas;
Olsen, Alexander;
Gravdahl, Gøril Bruvik;
Linde, Mattias.
Biofeedback Treatment App for Pediatric Migraine: Development and Usability Study.
Academic article
Vethe, Daniel;
Scott, Janine Linda;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Sand, Trond;
Olsen, Alexander.
The evening light environment in hospitals can be designed
to produce less disruptive effects on the circadian system and
improve sleep.
Academic article
Karlsen, Rune Hatlestad;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Stenberg, Jonas;
Lundervold, Astri J. ;
Olsen, Alexander;
Rautio, Ida.
Examining the Subacute Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Using a Traditional and Computerized Neuropsychological Test Battery.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Babikian, Talin;
Bigler, Erin D.;
Caeyenberghs, Karen;
Conde, Virginia;
Dams-O’Connor, Kristen.
Toward a global and reproducible science for brain imaging in neurotrauma: the ENIGMA adult moderate/severe traumatic brain injury working group.
Brain Imaging and Behavior
Academic article
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Dahlberg, Berit Johanna;
Tanum, Tiril Kristine;
Ringen, Heidi;
Karlsen, Håvard Rudi.
Mild to moderate partial sleep deprivation is associated with increased impulsivity and decreased positive affect in young adults.
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Skandsen, Toril.
Hjernerystelser kan gi langvarige søvnproblemer.
Aftenposten Viten
Popular scientific article
Skandsen, Toril;
Stenberg, Jonas;
Follestad, Turid;
Karaliute, Migle;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Einarsen, Cathrine Elisabeth.
Personal factors associated with postconcussion symptoms 3 months after mild traumatic brain injury.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Karlsen, Rune Hatlestad;
Karr, Justin E.;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Lundervold, Astri J. ;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Olsen, Alexander.
Examining 3-month test-retest reliability and reliable change using the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery.
Applied neuropsychology: Adult
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Babikian, Talin;
Dennis, Emily L.;
Ellis-Blied, Monica U.;
Giza, Christopher C.;
Marion, Sarah DeBoard.
Functional Brain Hyperactivations Are Linked to an Electrophysiological Measure of Slow Interhemispheric Transfer Time after Pediatric Moderate/Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Academic article
Stubberud, Anker;
Linde, Mattias;
Brenner, Eiliv;
Heier, Martin;
Olsen, Alexander;
Aamodt, Anne Hege.
Self-administered biofeedback treatment app for pediatric migraine: A randomized pilot study.
Brain and Behavior
Academic article
Stenberg, Jonas;
Håberg, Asta;
Follestad, Turid;
Olsen, Alexander;
Iverson, Grant L.;
Terry P., Douglas.
Cognitive Reserve Moderates Cognitive Outcome After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L.;
Caeyenberghs, Karen;
Babikian, Talin;
Olsen, Alexander;
Giza, Christopher C.;
Asarnow, Robert F..
ENIGMA pediatric msTBI: Preliminary results from meta-analysis of diffusion MRI.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering
Academic article
Omland, Petter Moe;
Tronvik, Erling Andreas;
Olsen, Alexander;
Sand, Trond;
Linde, Mattias.
Wireless Surface Electromyography and Skin Temperature Sensors for Biofeedback Treatment of Headache: Validation Study with Stationary Control Equipment.
JMIR Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Hollund, Ingrid Marie Husby;
Olsen, Alexander;
Skranes, Jon Sverre;
Brubakk, Ann-Mari;
Håberg, Asta;
Eikenes, Live.
White matter alterations and their associations with motor function in young adults born preterm with very low birth weight.
NeuroImage: Clinical
Academic article
Grambaite, Ramune;
Sundby, Jørgen;
Lundervold, Astri;
Solbakk, Anne-Kristin;
Hessen, Erik;
Olsen, Alexander.
Undervisning i klinisk nevropsykologi på profesjonsstudiene i Norge.
Nevropsykologi : Medlemsblad for Norsk Nevropsykologisk Forening
Academic literature review
Dennis, Emily L.;
Babikian, Talin;
Alger, Jeffry;
Rashid, Faisal;
Villalon-Reina, Julio E.;
Jin, Yan.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of fiber tracts in children with traumatic brain injury: A combined MRS - Diffusion MRI study.
Human Brain Mapping
Academic article
Solheim, Brandy;
Olsen, Alexander;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Langsrud, Knut;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Gradisar, Michael.
Cognitive performance in DSWPD patients upon awakening from habitual sleep compared with forced conventional sleep.
Journal of Sleep Research
Academic article
Babikian, Talin;
Alger, Jeffry R.;
Ellis-Blied, Monica U.;
Giza, Christopher C.;
Dennis, Emily;
Olsen, Alexander.
Whole Brain Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Determinants of Functional Outcomes in Pediatric Moderate/Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Academic article
Stenberg, Jonas;
Håberg, Asta;
Olsen, Alexander;
Follestad, Turid;
Iverson, Grant L.;
Saksvik, Simen Berg.
Cognitive Reserve and the Interaction between Premorbid IQ and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Stenberg, Jonas;
Håberg, Asta;
Olsen, Alexander;
Follestad, Turid;
Iverson, Grant L.;
Karaliute, Migle.
Neurocognitive Functioning after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Prospective Study Exploring Subgroups Reporting Symptoms.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Stubberud, Anker;
Omland, Petter Moe;
Tronvik, Erling Andreas;
Olsen, Alexander;
Sand, Trond;
Linde, Mattias.
Wireless Surface Electromyography and Skin Temperature Sensors for Biofeedback Treatment of Headache: Validation Study with Stationary Control Equipment.
JMIR Biomedical Engineering
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L;
Rashid, Faisal;
Ellis, Monica U;
Babikian, Talin;
Vlasova, Roza M;
Villalon-Reina, Julio E.
Diverging white matter trajectories in children after traumatic brain injury.
Academic article
Bergersen, Kjersti;
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Tryti, Einar Aagaard;
Taylor, Solveig Isabel;
Olsen, Alexander.
A systematic literature review of psychotherapeutic treatment of prolonged symptoms after mild traumatic brain injury.
Brain Injury
Academic literature review
Karaliute, Migle;
Olsen, Alexander;
Saksvik, Simen Berg;
Einarsen, Cathrine Elisabeth;
Vik, Anne;
Håberg, Asta.
Post-concussive symptoms the first year after mild traumatic brain injury: Preliminary results from a large prospective cohort study.
Brain Injury
Wohlwend, Martin Rainer;
Olsen, Alexander;
Håberg, Asta;
Palmer, Helen.
Exercise Intensity-Dependent Effects on Cognitive Control Function during and after Acute Treadmill Running in Young Healthy Adults.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Dennis, Emily L;
Evensen, Kari Anne Indredavik;
Hollund, Ingrid Marie Husby;
Løhaugen, Gro;
Thompson, Paul M.
Preterm birth leads to hyper-reactive cognitive control processing and poor white matter organization in adulthood.
Academic article
Aasen, Ida Emilia Sareneva;
Håberg, Asta;
Olsen, Alexander;
Brubakk, Ann-Mari;
Evensen, Kari Anne Indredavik;
Sølsnes, Anne Elisabeth.
The relevance of the irrelevant: Attention and task-set adaptation in prematurely born adults.
Clinical Neurophysiology
Academic article
Ellis, Monica U.;
DeBoard Marion, Sarah;
McArthur, David L.;
Babikian, Talin;
Giza, Christopher;
Kernan, Claudia L..
The UCLA study of children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: Event-related potential measure of interhemispheric transfer time.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Academic article
Moen, Kent Gøran;
Vik, Anne;
Olsen, Alexander;
Skandsen, Toril;
Håberg, Asta;
Evensen, Kari Anne Indredavik.
Traumatic axonal injury: Relationships between lesions in the early phase and diffusion tensor imaging parameters in the chronic phase of traumatic brain injury.
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Academic article
Husby, Ingrid Marie;
Stray, Kaia Mølbach-Thellefsen;
Olsen, Alexander;
Lydersen, Stian;
Indredavik, Marit Sæbø;
Brubakk, Ann-Mari.
Long-term follow-up of mental health, health-related quality of life and associations with motor skills in young adults born preterm with very low birth weight.
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Academic article
Finnanger, Torun Gangaune;
Olsen, Alexander;
Skandsen, Toril;
Lydersen, Stian;
Vik, Anne;
Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik.
Life after adolescent and adult moderate and severe traumatic brain injury: self-reported executive, emotional, and behavioural function 2-5 years after injury.
Behavioural Neurology
Academic article
Brunner, Jan Ferenc;
Olsen, Alexander;
Aasen, Ida Emilia Sareneva;
Løhaugen, Gro;
Håberg, Asta;
Kropotov, Yury.
Neuropsychological parameters indexing executive processes are associated with independent components of ERPs.
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Brunner, Jan Ferenc;
Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik;
Finnanger, Torun Gangaune;
Vik, Anne;
Skandsen, Toril.
Altered Cognitive Control Activations after Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Their Relationship to Injury Severity and Everyday-Life function.
Cerebral Cortex
Academic article
Dennis, Emily L;
Ellis, Monica U;
Marion, Sarah D;
Jin, Yan;
Moran, Lisa;
Olsen, Alexander.
Callosal function in pediatric traumatic brain injury linked to disrupted white matter integrity.
Journal of Neuroscience
Academic article
Håberg, Asta;
Olsen, Alexander;
Moen, Kent Gøran;
Schirmer-Mikalsen, Kari;
Visser, E;
Finnanger, Torun Gangaune.
White matter microstructure in chronic moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: Impact of acute-phase injury-related variables and associations with outcome measures.
Journal of Neuroscience Research
Academic article
Moen, Kine Therese;
Jørgensen, Lone;
Olsen, Alexander;
Håberg, Asta;
Skandsen, Toril;
Vik, Anne.
High-level mobility in chronic traumatic brain injury and its relationship with clinical variables and magnetic resonance imaging findings in the acute phase.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Solheim, Brandy;
Langsrud, Knut;
Kallestad, Håvard;
Olsen, Alexander;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Sand, Trond.
Difficult morning awakening from rapid eye movement sleep and impaired cognitive function in delayed sleep phase disorder patients.
Sleep Medicine
Academic article
Olsen, Alexander;
Brunner, Jan Ferenc;
Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik;
de Cisneros, Benjamín Garzón Jiménez;
Landrø, Nils Inge;
Håberg, Asta.
The Functional Topography and Temporal Dynamics of Overlapping and Distinct Brain Activations for Adaptive Task Control and Stable Task-set Maintenance during Performance of an fMRI-adapted Clinical Continuous Performance Test.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Academic article
Brunner, Jan Ferenc;
Hansen, Tor Ivar;
Olsen, Alexander;
Skandsen, Toril;
Håberg, Asta;
Kropotov, Yury.
Long-term test-retest reliability of the P3 No Go wave and two independent components decomposed from the P3 No Go wave in a visual Go/NoGo task.
International Journal of Psychophysiology
Academic article
Husby, Ingrid Marie;
Skranes, Jon;
Olsen, Alexander;
Brubakk, Ann-Mari;
Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik.
Motor skills at 23 years of age in young adults born preterm with very low birth weight.
Early Human Development
Academic article
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Johnson, Sverre Urnes;
Olsen, Alexander;
Hagen, Roger.
Fokus på forskning: Psykologforeningens hovedsatsningsområde 2013–2016.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Reader opinion piece
Brezova, Veronika;
Olsen, Alexander;
Skandsen, Toril;
Vik, Anne;
Håberg, Asta.
Longitudinal study of grey and white matter changes from the acute to the chronic phase following moderate to severe TBI: volume changes related to duration of post-traumatic amnesia.
Brain Injury
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Olsen, Alexander;
Stokke, Ragnhild Klingenberg.
Fremdeles ubesvarte spørsmål.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Reader opinion piece
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Olsen, Alexander.
Profesjonen i endring: Når kjøttvekt blir dødvekt.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Reader opinion piece
Halvorsen, Joar Øveraas;
Olsen, Alexander.
Når kjøttvekt blir dødvekt.
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet)
Reader opinion piece
Olsen, Alexander;
Brunner, J;
Skandsen, Toril;
Berntsen, Erik Magnus;
Rasmussen, Inge Andre;
Håberg, Asta.
Journal of Neurotrauma
Part of book/report
Olsen, Alexander;
Cwiek, Andrew;
Dennis, Emily;
Hillary, Frank G..
Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Olsen, Alexander;
Håberg, Asta;
Landrø, Nils Inge.
Cognitive control function and moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury : functional and structural brain correlates.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (372)
Doctoral dissertation
Gotaas, Gunnar;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Håberg, Asta;
Olsen, Alexander.
Depresjon blant pasienter med traumatisk hjerneskade i en norsk populasjon: forekomst og risikofaktorer.
NTNU trykk
Thesis at a second degree level
Evandt, Jorunn Kristiane Plambeck;
Håberg, Asta;
Olsen, Alexander.
Factor Analysis of Measures Computed form Data Collected by Means of Continous Performence Test Applied to Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury and Healthy Controls.
NTNU trykk
Masters thesis
Løvstad, Marianne;
Holte, Ingvil;
Olsen, Alexander.
Koma og redusert bevissthet etter hjerneskade -Informasjonsbrosjyre for pårørende og omsorgsgivere.
Sunnaas sykehus
Book Translation
LectureOlsen, Alexander. (2024) Langvarige plager etter hjernerystelse: posttraumatisk hodepine. Nansen Neuroscience Network Norsk aften EHC Rotterdam - Nansen Neuroscience Network , Rotterdam 2024-12-05 - 2024-12-05
PosterRauwenhoff, Johanne Catharina Charlotte; Spitz, Gershon; Olsen, Alexander. (2024) Depression after traumatic brain injury Exploring neuropathological mechanisms . Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology 2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureRauwenhoff, Johanne Catharina Charlotte; Hagen, Roger; Karaliute, Migle; Hjemdal, Odin; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Solem, Stian. (2024) Metacognitive therapy for people experiencing persistent post-concussion symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury . Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology 2024-08-27 - 2024-08-30
PosterFordal, Linda; Saksvik, Simen Berg; Olsen, Alexander; Iverson, Grant L.; Einarsen, Cathrine Elisabeth; Skandsen, Toril. (2023) Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients referred with persistent post-concussion symptoms after mild traumatic brain injury or minimal head injury. The Scandinavian Neurotrauma Committee (SNC) The Third Nordic Neurotrauma Conference , Lund 2023-11-27 - 2023-11-29
Programme participationOlsen, Alexander. (2023) God morgen Trøndelag: "God morgen Trøndelag vekker en søvnforsker". NRK NRK [Radio] 2023-09-29
LectureOlsen, Alexander; Storvig, Gøril; Zilkiqi, Edona; Habli, Sarah; Kallestad, Håvard; Rauwenhoff, Johanne. (2023) Hjernesnakk: Søvnens kraft. Hyfer Hjernesnakk: Søvnens kraft , Trondheim 2023-09-23 - 2023-09-23
PosterKliem, Elisabeth; Labberton, Angela Susan; Barra, Mathias; Gjestad, Elise Ødegård; Olsen, Alexander; Thommessen, Bente. (2022) Self-reported mental distress at 3 months predicts daytime sleep and fatigue 12 months after ischemic stroke: A structural equation modeling analysis. ESOC 2022 2022-05-04 - 2022-05-06
Popular scientific lectureTronvik, Erling Andreas; Olsen, Alexander; Tari, Atefe R; Heuch, Cathrine Ro; Thomlison, Jaya Syltern. (2022) Hjernehelse: Seaside chat NorHEAD and Kavli. NTNU og NorHEAD Hyfer - NTNUs kunnskapsfestival , Havet arena, Trondheim 2022-09-24 -
InterviewSkandsen, Toril; Olsen, Alexander; Stenberg, Jonas. (2020) Grethe (35) gløymde sykkelhjelm – no må ho leve med kronisk hovudverk. [Internet] 2020-07-22
PosterKliem, Elisabeth; Gjestad, Elise Ødegård; Ryum, Truls; Olsen, Alexander; Thommessen, Bente; Indredavik, Bent. (2020) Relations Between Psychiatric Symptoms, Performance-based and Self-Reported Cognitive Function After Stroke . ESO-WSO 2020 2020-11-07 - 2020-11-09
PosterKarlsen, Håvard Rudi; Langvik, Eva ; Olsen, Alexander; Saksvik, Simen Berg; Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild. (2019) Exploring the relationships between the facets of NEO-PI-3 and cognitive control functioning. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 26th annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society , San Francisco 2019-03-23 - 2019-03-26
PosterSaksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild; Saksvik, Simen Berg; Karlsen, Håvard Rudi; Langvik, Eva ; Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Olsen, Alexander. (2019) The effect of partial sleep deprivation on cognitive control functioning: The SLEEPIC study. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2019 Annual Meeting 2019-03-23 - 2019-03-26
PosterKliem, Elisabeth; Olsen, Alexander; Indredavik, Bent; Grambaite, Ramune. (2019) Cognitive and Emotional Functioning Post-Stroke - Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Evidence From Two Cohorts. 7th National PhD Conference in Neuroscience 2019-09-25 - 2019-09-27
PosterSaksvik, Simen Berg; Karaliute, Migle; Kallestad, Håvard; Karlsen, Rune Hatlestad; Follestad, Turid; Asarnow, Robert F.. (2018) The Prevalence and Stability of Sleep-Wake Disturbance and Fatigue Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Society for Neuroscience Neuroscience 2018 , San Diego, CA 2018-11-03 - 2018-11-07
PosterStenberg, Jonas; Håberg, Asta; Olsen, Alexander; Follestad, Turid; Iverson, Grant L.; Karaliute, Migle. (2018) Neurocognitive Functioning after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Prospective Study Exploring Subgroups Reporting Symptoms. The International and National Neurotrauma Societies The 3rd Joint Symposium of the International and National Neurotrauma Societies and AANS/CNS Section on Neurotrauma and Critical Care , Toronto 2018-08-11 - 2018-08-16
PosterStenberg, Jonas; Håberg, Asta; Olsen, Alexander; Follestad, Turid; Iverson, Grant L.; Saksvik, Simen Berg. (2018) Cognitive Reserve and the Interaction between Premorbid IQ and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. The International and National Neurotrauma Societies The 3rd Joint Symposium of the International and National Neurotrauma Societies and AANS/CNS Section on Neurotrauma and Critical Care , Toronto 2018-08-11 - 2018-08-16
LectureKaraliute, Migle; Saksvik, Simen Berg; Einarsen, Cathrine Elisabeth; Vik, Anne; Iverson, Grant L.; Skandsen, Toril. (2018) Methodology Matters: Comparing Approaches for Defining Persistent Symptoms Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. European Academy of Neurology 4th Congress of European Academy of Neurology , Lisbon 2018-06-16 - 2018-06-19
Academic lectureSaksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild; Langvik, Eva ; Saksvik, Simen Berg; Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Olsen, Alexander. (2018) Cognitive and affective functioning as a result of work onset after partial sleep deprivation: The SLEEPIC study. The 13th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-07
Academic lectureSaksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild; Langvik, Eva ; Saksvik, Simen Berg; Dahlgren, Johanna; Tanum, Tiril; Ringen, Heidi. (2018) Personality, sleep, and consequences of sleep deprivation: A multi-method approach . European conference on personality 2018-07-17 - 2018-07-21
PosterSaksvik, Simen Berg; Karaliute, Migle; Kallestad, Håvard; Karlsen, Rune Hatlestad; Skandsen, Toril; Olsen, Alexander. (2017) Sleep disturbances and fatigue predicts post-concussive symptoms 12 months after mild traumatic brain injury. International Brain Injury Association The International Brain Injury Association’s 12th World Congress on Brain Injury , New Orleans, Louisiana. 2017-03-29 - 2017-04-01
PosterHollund, Ingrid Marie Husby; Eikenes, Live; Olsen, Alexander; Skranes, Jon Sverre; Brubakk, Ann-Mari; Håberg, Asta. (2017) White matter alterations and associations with motor function in very low birth weight young adults. Society of Pediatric Research Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting 2017 , San Francisco, CA 2017-05-06 - 2017-05-09
Academic lectureKaraliute, Migle; Olsen, Alexander; Saksvik, Simen Berg; Einarsen, Cathrine Elisabeth; Vik, Anne; Håberg, Asta. (2017) Post-concussive symptoms the first year after mild traumatic brain injury: Preliminary results from a large prospective cohort study. Brain Injury Association The International Brain Injury Association’s 12th World Congress on Brain Injury , New Orleans, Louisiana 2017-03-29 - 2017-04-01
PosterSaksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild; Saksvik, Simen Berg; Langvik, Eva ; Olsen, Alexander. (2017) The effect of individual differences and partial sleep deprivation on cognitive and affective functioning: Preliminary results from the SLEEPIC Study . Nordic Sleep conference 2017-05-24 - 2017-05-26
PosterKaraliute, Migle; Skandsen, Toril; Eikenes, Live; Håberg, Asta; Olsen, Alexander. (2016) Recovery after mild TBI; advanced imaging, cognition, emotion and therapy. Norwegian Research School in Neuroscience NRSN The 4th National PhD Conference in Neuroscience , Hurdal 2016-09-21 - 2016-09-23
Academic lectureEvensen, Kari A. Indredavik; Husby, Ingrid Marie; Olsen, Alexander; Skranes, Jon Sverre; Brubakk, Ann-Mari; Håberg, Asta. (2015) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIFFUSION TENSOR IMAGING AND FINE MOTOR FUNCTION IN YOUNG ADULTS BORN WITH VERY LOW BIRTH WEIGHT. European Society for Neonatalogy/Pediatric Research 1st Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies (jENS) , Budapest 2015-09-16 - 2015-09-20
Academic lectureFinnanger, Torun Gangaune; Olsen, Alexander; Skandsen, Toril; Lydersen, Stian; Vik, Anne; Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik. (2014) Diffuse Axonal Injury on early MRI is associated with executive problems and emotional and behavioral symptoms 3-5 years after Traumatic Brain Injury. IBIA's Tenth World Congress on Brain Injury , San Francisco 2014-03-19 - 2014-03-21
Academic lectureFinnanger, Torun Gangaune; Olsen, Alexander; Skandsen, Toril; Lydersen, Stian; Vik, Anne; Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik. (2014) Can depressive symptoms and global function in the first year after Traumatic Brain Injury predict executive problems and emotional and behavioral symptoms 3-5 years post-injury?. IBIA's Tenth World Congress on Brain Injury , SanFrancisco 2014-03-19 - 2014-03-22
Academic lectureMoen, Kent Gøran; Vik, Anne; Olsen, Alexander; Skandsen, Toril; Håberg, Asta; Eikenes, Live. (2013) Traumatic axonal injury in moderate and severe head injury - relationship between conventional MRI findings in the acute phase and diffusion tensor imaging findings in the chronic phase. Scandinavian Neurosurgical Society SNS annual meeting 2013 , Reykjavik 2013-06-05 - 2013-06-08
PosterWohlwend, Martin; Olsen, Alexander; Håberg, Asta; Palmer, Helen. (2012) The effect of exercise on executive function - Investigating and alternative explanation for "Runner's High". The Physiological Society The Biomedical Basis of Elite Performance , London 2012-03-19 - 2012-03-21
PosterWohlwend, Martin; Hoad, Damon; Olsen, Alexander; Håberg, Asta; Palmer, Helen. (2012) Investigating the reticular-activating hypofrontality model of acute exercise with Conner´s Continuous Performance test in combination with treadmill running and transcranial direct current stimulation. Society for Neuroscience annual meeting 2012-10-13 - 2012-10-17
PosterHamborg, Inger Helene; Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik; Olsen, Alexander; Skranes, Jon; Brubakk, Ann-Mari; Vereijken, Beatrix. (2012) High level mobility in adults born with very low birth weight and adults with traumatic brain injury. Joint World Congress of Gait & Mental Function , Trondheim 2012-06-24 - 2012-06-28
PosterBrunner, Jan Ferenc; Hansen, Tor Ivar; Olsen, Alexander; Skandsen, Toril; Håberg, Asta; Kropotov, Yury. (2012) Longterm test-retest reliability of visual event related potentials in a two stimulius Go/NoGo task. International Neuropsychological Association International Neuropsychological Association Conference , Oslo 2012-06-27 - 2012-06-30
PosterMoen, Kent Gøran; Vik, Anne; Håberg, Asta; Olsen, Alexander; Skandsen, Toril; Eikenes, Live. (2012) Traumatic axonal injuries in patients with moderat to servere traumatic brain injury: The relationship between non-hemorrhagic MRI findings in early phase with diffusion tensor imaging findings in chronic phase. CNS annual, meeting , Illinois, Chicago 2012-10-06 - 2012-10-10
PosterWohlwend, Martin; Olsen, Alexander; Håberg, Asta; Palmer, Helen. (2012) Investigating the reticular-activating hypofrontality model of acute exercise with Conner´s Continuous Performance test in combination with treadmill running and transcranial direct current stimulation. Society for Neuroscience 2012-10-13 - 2012-10-17
PosterWohlwend, Martin; Olsen, Alexander; Håberg, Asta; Palmer, Helen. (2012) The effect of exercise on executive function – Investigating an alternative explanation for “Runner’s High”. The Physiological Society: The Biomedical Basis of Elite Performance (BBEP) 2012-03-19 - 2012-03-21
PosterBrezova, Veronika; Olsen, Alexander; Skandsen, Toril; Vik, Anne; Håberg, Asta. (2011) Longitudinal study of the effect of traumatic brain injury on lateral ventricle and hippocampal volumes using fully automated MRI volumetry. German Neuroscience Society Ninth Gottingen meeting of the German Neuroscience Society , Gottingen 2011-03-11 - 2011-03-15
Academic lectureBrezova, Veronika; Olsen, Alexander; Skandsen, Toril; Vik, Anne; Håberg, Asta. (2011) Longitudinal study of grey and white matter changes from the acute to the chronic phase following moderate to severe TBI. Norwegian Research School in Medical Imaging The 3rd Norwegian PhD Conference in Medical Imaging , Oslo 2011-11-21 - 2011-11-22
PosterEvensen, Kari A. Indredavik; Hamborg, Inger Helene; Olsen, Alexander; Håberg, Asta; Skranes, Jon; Brubakk, Ann-Mari. (2011) HIGH LEVEL MOBILITY ASSESSMENT TOOL USED IN ADULTS WITH VERY LOW BIRTH WEIGHT. Pediatric Academic Societies Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting , Denver 2011-04-30 - 2011-05-03
PosterEvensen, Kari A. Indredavik; Hamborg, Inger Helene; Olsen, Alexander; Håberg, Asta; Skranes, Jon; Brubakk, Ann-Mari. (2011) MOTOR SKILLS IN YOUNG ADULTS WITH VERY LOW BIRTH WEIGHT. Pediatric Academies Societies Pediatric Academies Societies Annual Meeting , Denver 2011-04-30 - 2011-05-03
PosterEvensen, Kari A. Indredavik; Lund, Selma; Hamborg, Inger Helene; Olsen, Alexander; Håberg, Asta; Skranes, Jon. (2011) MOTOR SKILLS AND ADVANCED GROSS MOTOR PERFORMANCE IN ADULTS WITH VERY LOW BIRTH WEIGHT. European Academy of Childhood Diseases European Academy of Childhood Diseases , Roma 2011-06-08 - 2011-06-11
Academic lectureEvensen, Kari A. Indredavik; Lund, Selma; Olsen, Alexander; Eikenes, Live; Håberg, Asta; Skranes, Jon. (2011) Motor skills and advanced gross motor performance correlate with white matter microstructure in adults with very low birth weight. European Society of Pediatric Research ESPR annual meeting 2011 , Newcastle 2011-10-14 - 2011-10-17
Academic lectureOlsen, Alexander. (2010) Advanced MRI in diagnosis and prediction of outcome in survivors with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Klinikk for Bildediagnostikk, St. Olavs Hospital Klinikk for bildediagnostikk, St. Olavs Hospital , Trondheim 2010-11-04 - 2010-11-04
Academic lectureOlsen, Alexander. (2010) Undersøkelse av oppmerksomhetsfunksjon hos hodeskadepasienter ved hjelp av fMRI. Klinikk for fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering, St. Olavs H Undervisning for ass.leger, klinikk for fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering, St. Olavs Hospital , Trondheim 2010-10-28 - 2010-10-28
Academic lectureOlsen, Alexander. (2010) Traumatiske hodeskader: vanlige problemer i senfase og aktuelle tiltak. Klinikk for fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering, St. Olavs H Undervisning for ass.leger, klinikk for fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering, St. Olavs Hospital , Trondheim 2010-02-25 - 2010-02-25
Academic lectureOlsen, Alexander. (2010) Kan funksjonell MRI bidra til økt forståelse av kognitive plager etter traumatisk hjerneskade?. St. Olavs Hospital Fredagsforelesning ved St. Olavs Hospital , Trondheim 2010-12-10 -
Academic lectureOlsen, Alexander. (2010) Cognitive control in survivors with traumatic brain injury: an fMRI study. University of California, Berkeley Vitenskapelig foredrag ved Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, University of California, Berkeley , Berkeley 2010-11-22 - 2010-11-22
PosterBrunner, Jan Ference; Olsen, Alexander; Kropotov, Yury; Håberg, Asta. (2010) Survivors of moderate to servere traumatic brain injury demonstrate decreased event related P3 NOGO amplitude during conflict prosessing compared to healthy controls. Society for Neuroscience The Society for Neuroscience 2010 Annual Meeting , San Diego 2010-11-13 - 2010-11-13
PosterOlsen, Alexander; Brunner, Jan Ference; Evensen, Kari A. Indredavik; Finnanger, Torun G; Skandsen, Toril; Vik, Anne. (2010) Survivors of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury demonstrate increased event-related activity during conflict processing and decreased block-related activity during sustained attention in an fMRI adapted continuous performance test. Society for Neuroscience The Society for Neuroscience 2010 Annual Meeting , San Diego 2010-11-13 - 2010-11-17
PosterBrunner, Jan; Rochmann, Lone; Olsen, Alexander. (2009) ERP-component as a possible marker of visuo-spatial neglect. Society for Neuroscience The Society for Neuroscience 2009 Annual Meeting , Chicago 2009-10-17 - 2009-10-21
PosterOlsen, Alexander; Hollup, Stig Arvid; Hestad, Knut; Kropotov, Yury. (2007) Theta synchronization related to human spatial navigation in a real environment. Society for Neuroscience annual meeting 2007-11-03 - 2007-11-07
PosterHollup, Stig Arvid; Olsen, Alexander; Hestad, Knut; Kropotov, Juri. (2006) Neural Activity During a Mental Rotation Task; Parameters for Individually Adapted Neurofeedback Training. The Society of Applied Neuroscience The Society of Applied Neuroscience 2006 Inaugural Conference , Swansea, Wales 2006-09-13 - 2006-09-19
PosterOlsen, Alexander; Thorsen, Linda; Hollup, Stig Arvid; Kropotov, Yury. (2006) The effect of individually adapted neurofeedback protocols for enhancing cognitive performance in normal subjects. The Society for Neuroscience The Society for Neuroscience 2006 Annual Meeting , Atlanta, Georgia 2006-10-14 - 2006-10-18