Anders Lervik
I use computers and molecular simulations to understand how chemical reactions and transport processes behave at the atomic level. My research sits at the intersection of chemistry, physics, biology and computer science, allowing me to investigate both fundamental theoretical questions and real-world challenges. From exploring transport in batteries and mechanisms of phase transitions, to enzymatic catalysis and energy conversion at the nanoscale, I aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of both the microscopic and macroscopic world - one simulation at a time.
My research uses molecular simulations to investigate the kinetics and thermodynamics of reactions and transport processes, under both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions.
Price, Sebastian Everard Nordby;
Lervik, Anders;
Davies, Catharina de Lange;
Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Modelling the effect of acoustic streaming and ultrasound-enhanced diffusion on nanoparticle transport in a soft porous media.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Price, Sebastian Everard Nordby;
Einen, Caroline;
Moultos, Othonas A.;
Vlugt, Thijs J. H.;
Davies, Catharina de Lange;
Eiser, Erika.
Ultrasound enhanced diffusion in hydrogels: An experimental and non-equilibrium molecular dynamics study.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Gullbrekken, Øystein;
Gunnarshaug, Astrid Fagertun;
Lervik, Anders;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Schnell, Sondre Kvalvåg.
Effect of the Ion, Solvent, and Thermal Interaction Coefficients on Battery Voltage.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Academic article
Zhang, Daniel Tianhou;
Baldauf, Lukas;
Roet, Sander Johannes Simon;
Lervik, Anders;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
Highly parallelizable path sampling with minimal rejections using asynchronous replica exchange and infinite swaps.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Kjelstrup, Signe Helene;
Gunnarshaug, Astrid Fagertun;
Gullbrekken, Øystein;
Schnell, Sondre Kvalvåg;
Lervik, Anders.
Transport coefficients for ion and solvent coupling. The case of the lithium-ion battery electrolyte.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Gaardløs, Margrethe;
Lervik, Anders;
Samsonov, Sergey A..
Computational modeling of the molecular basis for the calcium-dependence of the mannuronan C-5 epimerase AvAlgE6 from Azotobacter vinelandii.
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Wang, Zhaohui;
Cabriolu, Raffaela;
Riccardi, Enrico;
Andersson, Stefan.
The role of pressure and defects in the wurtzite to rock salt transition in cadmium selenide.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Granerud, Selma Tofte;
Lervik, Anders.
Analyse glycol ether and pesticide metabolites in Norwegian children and their potential determinants.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
Torstensen, Jonathan Økland;
Ottesen, Vegar;
Rodríguez-Fabià, Sandra;
Syverud, Kristin;
Johansson, Lars;
Lervik, Anders.
The influence of temperature on cellulose swelling at constant water density.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Bering, Eivind;
Torstensen, Jonathan Økland;
Lervik, Anders;
de Wijn, Astrid S..
Computational study of the dissolution of cellulose into single chains: the role of the solvent and agitation.
Academic article
Sæther, Sandra;
Erichsen, Merete Falck;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lervik, Anders;
He, Jianying.
Phonon thermal transport in copper: The effect of size, crystal orientation, and grain boundaries.
AIP Advances
Academic article
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan;
rossvoll, jostein;
Lervik, Anders.
Extracting Dynamical Information from Complex Systems using Advanced Path Sampling Techniques
Masters thesis
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan;
selavko, katrina;
Lervik, Anders.
Protein Folding of Chignolin.
Masters thesis
Sæther, Sandra;
Erichsen, Merete Falck;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lervik, Anders;
He, Jianying.
Thermal transport in polyethylene: The effect of force fields and crystallinity.
Academic article
Kopplin, Georg;
Lervik, Anders;
Draget, Kurt Ingar;
Aachmann, Finn Lillelund.
Alginate gels crosslinked with chitosan oligomers - a systematic investigation into alginate block structure and chitosan oligomer interaction.
RSC Advances
Academic article
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Lervik, Anders.
The energy conversion in active transport of ions.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Short communication
Dahlen, Oda;
Lervik, Anders;
Aarøen, Ola;
Cabriolu, Raffaela;
Lyng, Reidar;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
Teaching complex molecular simulation algorithms: Using self‐evaluation to tailor web‐based exercises at an individual level
Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Academic article
Stanisci, Annalucia;
Tøndervik, Anne;
Gaardløs, Margrethe;
Lervik, Anders;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Sletta, Håvard.
Identification of a Pivotal Residue for Determining the Block Structure-Forming Properties of Alginate C-5 Epimerases.
ACS Omega
Academic article
Ok, Salim;
Mahmoodinia, Mehdi;
Rajasekaran, Navvamani;
Sabti, Mohamed A.;
Lervik, Anders;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
Molecular Structure and Solubility Determination of Asphaltenes.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Cruz, Carolina;
Barragán, Daniel;
Magnanelli, Elisa;
Lervik, Anders;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics as a tool to compute temperature at the catalyst surface.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Riccardi, Enrico;
Lervik, Anders;
Roet, Sander;
Aarøen, Ola;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
PyRETIS 2: An improbability drive for rare events.
Journal of Computational Chemistry
Academic article
Moqadam, Mahmoud;
Lervik, Anders;
Riccardi, Enrico;
Venkatraman, Vishwesh;
Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
Local initiation conditions for water autoionization.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Wilhelmsen, Øivind;
Trinh, Thuat;
Lervik, Anders.
Temperature anisotropy at equilibrium reveals nonlocal entropic contributions to interfacial properties.
Physical Review E (PRE)
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Riccardi, Enrico;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
PyRETIS: A well-done, medium-sized python library for rare events.
Journal of Computational Chemistry
Academic article
Moqadam, Mahmoud;
Riccardi, Enrico;
Trinh, Thuat;
Lervik, Anders;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
Rare event simulations reveal subtle key steps in aqueous silicate condensation.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Rubi, Miguel;
Lervik, Anders;
Bedeaux, Dick;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Entropy facilitated active transport.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan;
Moqadam, Mahmoud;
Riccardi, Enrico;
Lervik, Anders.
Analyzing Complex Reaction Mechanisms Using Path Sampling.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Wilhelmsen, Øivind;
Trinh, Thuat;
Blokhuis, Edgar M..
Note: A new truncation correction for the configurational temperature extends its applicability to interaction potentials with a discontinuous force.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Letter to the editor
Wilhelmsen, Øivind;
Trinh, Thuat;
Lervik, Anders;
Badam, Vijay Kumar;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Bedeaux, Dick.
Coherent description of transport across the water interface: From nanodroplets to climate models.
Physical Review E (PRE)
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Qian, Hong.
Michaelis-Menten kinetics under non-isothermal conditions.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
Gluing Potential Energy Surfaces with Rare Event Simulations.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Wilhelmsen, Øivind;
Trinh, Thuat;
Nagel, Henrik Rojas.
Finite-size and truncation effects for microscopic expressions for the temperature at equilibrium and nonequilibrium.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Bedeaux, Dick;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Active transport of the Ca2+-pump: introduction of the temperature difference as a driving force.
European Biophysics Journal
Academic article
Armstrong, Jeff;
Lervik, Anders;
Bresme, Fernando.
Enhancement of the Thermal. Polarization of Water via Heat Flux and Dipole Moment Dynamic Correlations.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Describing transport across complex biological interfaces.
The European Physical Journal Special Topics
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Bresme, Fernando.
Energy dissipation in biomolecular machines.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (231)
Doctoral dissertation
Lervik, Anders;
Bedeaux, Dick;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Kinetic and mesoscopic non-equilibrium description of the Ca2+ pump: A comparison.
European Biophysics Journal
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Bresme, Fernando.
Molecular dynamics simulations of the Ca2+-pump: A structural analysis.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Römer, Frank;
Lervik, Anders;
Bresme, Fernando.
Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of the thermal conductivity of water: A systematic investigation of the SPC/E and TIP4P/2005 models.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Bresme, Fernando;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Rubi, J. Miguel.
On the Thermodynamic Efficiency of Ca2+-ATPase Molecular Machines.
Biophysical Journal
Academic article
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Lervik, Anders;
Bresme, Fernando.
Molecular dynamics simulations of the molecular calcium pump.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Lervik, Anders;
Bresme, Fernando;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Bedeaux, Dick;
Rubi, J. Miguel.
Heat transfer in protein-water interfaces.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Bresme, Fernando;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Heat transfer in soft nanoscale interfaces: the influence of interface curvature.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Bresme, F;
Lervik, Anders;
Bedeaux, Dick;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Water polarization under thermal gradients.
Physical Review Letters
Academic article
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Lervik, Anders.
Energy dissipation in biomolecular motors.
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Price, Sebastian Everard Nordby;
Einen, Caroline;
Moultos, Othonas A.;
Vlugt, Thijs J. H.;
Davies, Catharina de Lange;
Eiser, Erika.
Ultrasound enhanced diffusion in hydrogels: An experimental and non-equilibrium molecular dynamics study.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Gullbrekken, Øystein;
Gunnarshaug, Astrid Fagertun;
Lervik, Anders;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Schnell, Sondre Kvalvåg.
Effect of the Ion, Solvent, and Thermal Interaction Coefficients on Battery Voltage.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Academic article
Zhang, Daniel Tianhou;
Baldauf, Lukas;
Roet, Sander Johannes Simon;
Lervik, Anders;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
Highly parallelizable path sampling with minimal rejections using asynchronous replica exchange and infinite swaps.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Kjelstrup, Signe Helene;
Gunnarshaug, Astrid Fagertun;
Gullbrekken, Øystein;
Schnell, Sondre Kvalvåg;
Lervik, Anders.
Transport coefficients for ion and solvent coupling. The case of the lithium-ion battery electrolyte.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Gaardløs, Margrethe;
Lervik, Anders;
Samsonov, Sergey A..
Computational modeling of the molecular basis for the calcium-dependence of the mannuronan C-5 epimerase AvAlgE6 from Azotobacter vinelandii.
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene;
Wang, Zhaohui;
Cabriolu, Raffaela;
Riccardi, Enrico;
Andersson, Stefan.
The role of pressure and defects in the wurtzite to rock salt transition in cadmium selenide.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Torstensen, Jonathan Økland;
Ottesen, Vegar;
Rodríguez-Fabià, Sandra;
Syverud, Kristin;
Johansson, Lars;
Lervik, Anders.
The influence of temperature on cellulose swelling at constant water density.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Bering, Eivind;
Torstensen, Jonathan Økland;
Lervik, Anders;
de Wijn, Astrid S..
Computational study of the dissolution of cellulose into single chains: the role of the solvent and agitation.
Academic article
Sæther, Sandra;
Erichsen, Merete Falck;
Xiao, Senbo;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lervik, Anders;
He, Jianying.
Phonon thermal transport in copper: The effect of size, crystal orientation, and grain boundaries.
AIP Advances
Academic article
Sæther, Sandra;
Erichsen, Merete Falck;
Zhang, Zhiliang;
Lervik, Anders;
He, Jianying.
Thermal transport in polyethylene: The effect of force fields and crystallinity.
Academic article
Kopplin, Georg;
Lervik, Anders;
Draget, Kurt Ingar;
Aachmann, Finn Lillelund.
Alginate gels crosslinked with chitosan oligomers - a systematic investigation into alginate block structure and chitosan oligomer interaction.
RSC Advances
Academic article
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Lervik, Anders.
The energy conversion in active transport of ions.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Short communication
Dahlen, Oda;
Lervik, Anders;
Aarøen, Ola;
Cabriolu, Raffaela;
Lyng, Reidar;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
Teaching complex molecular simulation algorithms: Using self‐evaluation to tailor web‐based exercises at an individual level
Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Academic article
Stanisci, Annalucia;
Tøndervik, Anne;
Gaardløs, Margrethe;
Lervik, Anders;
Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund;
Sletta, Håvard.
Identification of a Pivotal Residue for Determining the Block Structure-Forming Properties of Alginate C-5 Epimerases.
ACS Omega
Academic article
Ok, Salim;
Mahmoodinia, Mehdi;
Rajasekaran, Navvamani;
Sabti, Mohamed A.;
Lervik, Anders;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
Molecular Structure and Solubility Determination of Asphaltenes.
Energy & Fuels
Academic article
Cruz, Carolina;
Barragán, Daniel;
Magnanelli, Elisa;
Lervik, Anders;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics as a tool to compute temperature at the catalyst surface.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Riccardi, Enrico;
Lervik, Anders;
Roet, Sander;
Aarøen, Ola;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
PyRETIS 2: An improbability drive for rare events.
Journal of Computational Chemistry
Academic article
Moqadam, Mahmoud;
Lervik, Anders;
Riccardi, Enrico;
Venkatraman, Vishwesh;
Alsberg, Bjørn Kåre;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
Local initiation conditions for water autoionization.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Wilhelmsen, Øivind;
Trinh, Thuat;
Lervik, Anders.
Temperature anisotropy at equilibrium reveals nonlocal entropic contributions to interfacial properties.
Physical Review E (PRE)
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Riccardi, Enrico;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
PyRETIS: A well-done, medium-sized python library for rare events.
Journal of Computational Chemistry
Academic article
Moqadam, Mahmoud;
Riccardi, Enrico;
Trinh, Thuat;
Lervik, Anders;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
Rare event simulations reveal subtle key steps in aqueous silicate condensation.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Rubi, Miguel;
Lervik, Anders;
Bedeaux, Dick;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Entropy facilitated active transport.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan;
Moqadam, Mahmoud;
Riccardi, Enrico;
Lervik, Anders.
Analyzing Complex Reaction Mechanisms Using Path Sampling.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Wilhelmsen, Øivind;
Trinh, Thuat;
Blokhuis, Edgar M..
Note: A new truncation correction for the configurational temperature extends its applicability to interaction potentials with a discontinuous force.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Letter to the editor
Wilhelmsen, Øivind;
Trinh, Thuat;
Lervik, Anders;
Badam, Vijay Kumar;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Bedeaux, Dick.
Coherent description of transport across the water interface: From nanodroplets to climate models.
Physical Review E (PRE)
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Qian, Hong.
Michaelis-Menten kinetics under non-isothermal conditions.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan.
Gluing Potential Energy Surfaces with Rare Event Simulations.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Wilhelmsen, Øivind;
Trinh, Thuat;
Nagel, Henrik Rojas.
Finite-size and truncation effects for microscopic expressions for the temperature at equilibrium and nonequilibrium.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Bedeaux, Dick;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Active transport of the Ca2+-pump: introduction of the temperature difference as a driving force.
European Biophysics Journal
Academic article
Armstrong, Jeff;
Lervik, Anders;
Bresme, Fernando.
Enhancement of the Thermal. Polarization of Water via Heat Flux and Dipole Moment Dynamic Correlations.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Describing transport across complex biological interfaces.
The European Physical Journal Special Topics
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Bedeaux, Dick;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Kinetic and mesoscopic non-equilibrium description of the Ca2+ pump: A comparison.
European Biophysics Journal
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Bresme, Fernando.
Molecular dynamics simulations of the Ca2+-pump: A structural analysis.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Römer, Frank;
Lervik, Anders;
Bresme, Fernando.
Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of the thermal conductivity of water: A systematic investigation of the SPC/E and TIP4P/2005 models.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Bresme, Fernando;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Rubi, J. Miguel.
On the Thermodynamic Efficiency of Ca2+-ATPase Molecular Machines.
Biophysical Journal
Academic article
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Lervik, Anders;
Bresme, Fernando.
Molecular dynamics simulations of the molecular calcium pump.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Lervik, Anders;
Bresme, Fernando;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Bedeaux, Dick;
Rubi, J. Miguel.
Heat transfer in protein-water interfaces.
Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP
Academic article
Lervik, Anders;
Bresme, Fernando;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Heat transfer in soft nanoscale interfaces: the influence of interface curvature.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Bresme, F;
Lervik, Anders;
Bedeaux, Dick;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Water polarization under thermal gradients.
Physical Review Letters
Academic article
Price, Sebastian Everard Nordby;
Lervik, Anders;
Davies, Catharina de Lange;
Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Modelling the effect of acoustic streaming and ultrasound-enhanced diffusion on nanoparticle transport in a soft porous media.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Mikkelsen, Øyvind;
Granerud, Selma Tofte;
Lervik, Anders.
Analyse glycol ether and pesticide metabolites in Norwegian children and their potential determinants.
Institutt for kjemi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Masters thesis
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan;
rossvoll, jostein;
Lervik, Anders.
Extracting Dynamical Information from Complex Systems using Advanced Path Sampling Techniques
Masters thesis
van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan;
selavko, katrina;
Lervik, Anders.
Protein Folding of Chignolin.
Masters thesis
Lervik, Anders;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Bresme, Fernando.
Energy dissipation in biomolecular machines.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (231)
Doctoral dissertation
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Lervik, Anders.
Energy dissipation in biomolecular motors.
Masters thesis
This spring (2025), I teach Chemometrics (TKJ4175).
Master's Students Supervised
- 2024
- Lise Kaulum: Optimal Size Selection of Electrolyzer and Buffer Tank for Hydrogen Production Supplied to an Aluminum Casthouse
- Julie Myrmo Lervik: Simulations of Nanoparticle Diffusion in a Coarse Grained Collagen Network and the Effect of Ultrasound
- 2023
- 2022:
- Tord Skanke: A computational study of a ionic liquid and its ability to dissolve cellulose A computational study of a ionic liquid and its ability to dissolve cellulose
- Lukas Baldauf: An implicit solvent coarse-grained model for alginate hydrogels crosslinked with chitosan oligomers
- Julie Lovise Tiller: Alchemical Non-Equilibrium Free Energy Calculations Of CSF-1R Inhibitors
- 2022 (as co-supervisor)
- Katrina Selavko: Protein Folding of Chignolin
- Jostein Rossvoll: Extracting Dynamical Information from Complex Systems using Advanced Path Sampling Techniques
PhD Students Supervised
- In progress
- Lukas Baldauf
- Alexey Berdyuzhenko (Jotun)
- 2024
- Sebastian Everard Nordby Price: Modelling the effect of acoustic streaming and ultrasound-enhanced diffusion on nanoparticle transport in a soft porous media
PosterPrice, Sebastian Everard Nordby; Einen, Caroline; Moultos, Othonas A.; Vlugt, Thijs J. H.; Davies, Ruth Catharina de Lange; Eiser, Erika. (2024) Ultrasound-Enhanced Diffusion in Hydrogels. Delft University of Technology The 28th Thermodynamics Conference , Delft 2024-09-04 - 2024-09-06
Academic lectureGullbrekken, Øystein; Gunnarshaug, Astrid Fagertun; Kjelstrup, Signe; Lervik, Anders; Schnell, Sondre Kvalvåg. (2023) Ion transport in lithium-ion battery electrolytes. The effect of gradients on battery voltage. Norwegian NanoSymposium 2023 , Trondheim 2023-11-28 - 2023-11-29
PosterZhang, Daniel Tianhou; Baldauf, Lukas; Roet, Sander Johannes Simon; Lervik, Anders; van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan. (2023) Highly Parallel Path Sampling with Asynchronous and Infinite Replica Exchange. Norwegian Chemical Society TRAINS conference , Oslo 2023-11-27 - 2023-11-30
Academic lectureGullbrekken, Øystein; Gunnarshaug, Astrid Fagertun; Kjelstrup, Signe; Lervik, Anders; Schnell, Sondre Kvalvåg. (2023) The effect of ion, solvent and thermal interaction coefficients on battery voltage. The case of the lithium-ion battery electrolyte. InterPore 2023 , Edinburgh 2023-05-22 - 2023-05-25
Academic lectureLervik, Anders. (2021) The Soret Effect in Li-Ion Battery Electrolytes. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Joint ASME-A Twenty-First Symposium on Thermophysical Properties , Boulder, CO 2021-06-20 - 2021-06-25
PosterStanisci, Annalucia; Gaardløs, Margrethe; Lervik, Anders; Tøndervik, Anne; Sletta, Håvard; Skjåk-Bræk, Gudmund. (2019) Identification of a pivotal residue for determining the block structure forming properties of alginate C-5 epimerases . LISBP - INSA/INRA/CNRS/University of Toulouse CBM 13 - CARBOHYDRATE BIOENGINEERING MEETING , Toulouse 2019-05-19 - 2019-05-22
PosterGaardløs, Margrethe; Tøndervik, Anne; Lervik, Anders; Hjørnevik, Maya; Sætrom, Gerd Inger; Aachmann, Finn Lillelund. (2019) Enzymatic design of biopolymers with alginate epimerases. University of Groningen Biotrans 2019 , Groningen 2019-07-07 - 2019-07-11
PosterGaardløs, Margrethe; Tøndervik, Anne; Lervik, Anders; Hjørnevik, Maya; Sætrom, Gerd Inger; Aachmann, Finn Lillelund. (2019) Enzymatic design of biopolymers with alginate epimerases. LISBP - INSA/INRA/CNRS/University of Toulouse CBM13 - Carbohydrate bioengineering meeting , Toulouse 2019-05-19 - 2019-05-22
Academic lectureWilhelmsen, Øivind; Trinh, Thuat; Lervik, Anders; Magnanelli, Elisa; Kjelstrup, Signe; Bedeaux, Dick. (2018) Transport of Heat and Mass across Planar and Curved Vapor-Liquid Interfaces: from the Lennard Jones Fluid to Water and Beyond . NIST Twentienth Symposium on Thermophysical Properties 2018-06-25 - 2018-06-29
PosterRiccardi, Enrico; Lervik, Anders; van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan. (2018) Multiscale resolution -in time- rare events simulations. Theo Murphy international scientific Multi-resolution simulations of intracellular processes , The Royal Society at Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire 2018-08-24 - 2018-08-25
Academic lecturevan Erp, Titus Sebastiaan; Lervik, Anders; Riccardi, Enrico. (2018) Reaching long time scales with PyRETIS: A well-done, medium-sized python library for rare events. SCM: Software for Chemistry and Materials SCM developers day , Amsterdam 2018-03-26 - 2018-03-29
Academic lectureSvenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Wang, Zhaohui; Lervik, Anders; Armstrong, Jeff; van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan; Andersson, Stefan. (2018) Modelling phase transformations in silicon materials. Norwegian Solar Cell Conference , Son 2018-05-02 - 2018-05-03
Academic lectureGaardløs, Margrethe; Tøndervik, Anne; Lervik, Anders; Hjørnevik, Maya; Sætrom, Gerd Inger; Aachmann, Finn Lillelund. (2018) Using alginate epimerases as a basis to understand polymer and protein design. Norwegian Biochemical Society Norwegian Biochemical Society 54th Contact Meeting , Hafjell 2018-01-18 - 2018-01-21
Academic lecturevan Erp, Titus Sebastiaan; Lervik, Anders; Moqadam, Mahmoud; Riccardi, Enrico. (2017) Concerted and stepwise autoionization of water . ICCMSE 2017 2017-04-21 - 2017-04-25
Academic lecturevan Erp, Titus Sebastiaan; Moqadam, Mahmoud; Lervik, Anders; Riccardi, Enrico; Trinh, Thuat. (2017) Rare event simulations reveal subtle key steps in aqueous silicate condensation . FEMEX-NL 2017 2017-06-22 - 2017-06-25
PosterWilhelmsen, Øivind; Trinh, Thuat; Lervik, Anders; Magnanelli, Elisa; Aasen, Ailo; Kjelstrup, Signe Helene. (2017) Transport of heat and mass across planar and curved vapor-liquid interfaces: From the Lennard Jones fluid to water and beyond. CECAM Physics and Chemistry at Fluid/Fluid Interfaces , Wien 2017-12-11 - 2017-12-13
Academic lecturevan Erp, Titus Sebastiaan; Moqadam, Mahmoud; Riccardi, Enrico; Lervik, Anders. (2016) Reaction coordinates from molecular trajectories. Lorentz center WORKSHOP: “Reaction coordinates from molecul Lorentz center WORKSHOP: Reaction coordinates from molecular trajectories , Leiden 2016-08-29 - 2016-09-02
Lecturevan Erp, Titus Sebastiaan; Riccardi, Enrico; Lervik, Anders. (2015) A new approach to analyze path ensembles. From trajectories to reaction coordinates: making sense of molecular simulation data, CECAM workshop at the Erwin Schrodinger Institute in Vienna , Vienna 2015-09-16 - 2015-09-18
PosterLervik, Anders; van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan. (2015) Gluing potential energy surfaces with rare event simulations. Norsk kjemisk selskap Årsmøte NKS , Bergen 2015-06-29 - 2015-06-30
PosterLervik, Anders; van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan. (2015) Gluing potential energy surfaces with rare event simulations. Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research Mainz Materials Simulation Days 2015 , Mainz 2015-06-10 - 2015-06-12
PosterLervik, Anders; van Erp, Titus Sebastiaan. (2015) Gluing potential energy surfaces with rare event simulations. CECAM CECAM Workshop - From trajectories to reaction coordinates: making sense of molecular simulation data , Wien 2015-09-16 - 2015-09-18
Academic lectureWilhelmsen, Øivind; Trinh, Thuat; Lervik, Anders; Bedeaux, Dick; Kjelstrup, Signe; Reguera, David. (2015) The Role of Curvature in Vapor-Liquid Nucleation. NIST 19th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties 2015-06-21 - 2015-06-26
Academic lectureLervik, Anders; Kjelstrup, Signe; Bedeaux, Dick. (2012) Active transport of the calcium pump: Introduction of the temperature difference as a driving force. Norwegian University of Science and Technology IWNET 2012 6th International Workshop on Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and 3rd Onsager Symposium, Røros, Norway , Røros 2012-08-19 - 2012-08-24
Academic lectureBresme, Fernando; Lervik, Anders; Bedeaux, Dick; Kjelstrup, Signe. (2009) Non-equilibrium studies of "hot" water:from bulk to interfaces. D. Bedeaux, T. Bruvoll, T. Holt, S. Møller-Holst, P. Vie International Workshop on Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics on the occasion of Prof. Signe Kjelstrup's 60th birthday, Trondheim, Norway. , Institutt for Kjemi, NTNU, Trondheim 2009-09-03 - 2009-09-04
PosterLervik, Anders; Bresme, Fernando; Kjelstrup, Signe; Bedeaux, Dick; Rubi, Miguel. (2008) Heat transfer through the Ca2+-ATPase/ water interface. CCP5 Annual Meeting Surfaces and Interfaces , Bankside Conference Centre, London, UK 2008-09-08 - 2008-09-10
PosterLervik, Anders; Bresme, Fernando; Kjelstrup, Signe; Bedeaux, Dick; Rubi, Miguel. (2008) Heat transfer through the Ca2+-ATPase/ water interface. University of Aarhus 12th Internationale ATPase Conference , Helnan Marselis Hotel, Aarhus 2008-08-05 - 2008-08-10