Liselott Aarsand
My research mainly takes a discourse analytical perspective and addresses the interactive work of adult learning and subjectification in everyday practices (e.g. education, family life, the media, popular culture). Recently I have investigated family life and parenting as lifelong learning practices, and I am currently working on the pedagogics of lifestyle change portrayed in popular culture. I am interested in methodological debates on qualitative research, for instance, the socially interactive aspects of ethnographies and interviews, analysis and reflexivity. I regularly conduct reviews for several international journals, and I am a member of the editorial advisory board for Pedagogy, Culture and Society.
Together with some colleagues I run the Discourse Seminar where researchers within various research fields come together to analyse interactional data:
I have initiated the research group Learning in Everyday Practices focusing on learning beyond formal education:
I am also part of a research group highlighting the role of dialogue in adult learning and counselling practices:
Næss, Siri Christine Kvernmo;
Aarsand, Liselotte Eva Anna.
På tide med et opprør mot unyansert datingsnakk?.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Næss, Siri Christine Kvernmo;
Aarsand, Liselotte Eva Anna.
«Heller hurpe enn haremsdame»: En kvalitativ analyse av ekspertise i norske podkaster om dating.
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselotte Eva Anna;
Jarvis, Christine.
Teaching parenting in a pandemic: social and pedagogical discourses.
International Journal of Lifelong Education
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott.
"Are you good at dating?" The emergence of learning discourses in dating television.
Academic article
Aarsand, Pål;
Aarsand, Liselott.
«Innenfor», «utenfor» og «i grenseland»: samtaler om sosiale normer og vurderinger i en pandemi.
Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk
Academic article
Madsen, Gyrid Otnes;
Tønseth, Christin;
Aarsand, Liselott.
Læring som livsstil og normalitet: Konstruksjoner av samfunnsborgere i kompetansereformens grunnlagsdokumenter.
Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål.
Doing Data Analysis – Collaboration, Creativity and Critique.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wallin, Patric;
Aarsand, Liselott.
Challenging Spaces: Liminal Positions and Knowledge Relations in Dynamic Research Partnerships.
International Journal for Students as Partners (IJSaP)
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål.
The joint production of confession in qualitative research interviews.
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål.
Framing and switches at the outset of qualitative research interviews .
Qualitative Research
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott.
Confessional talk on parenting.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aarsand, Liselott;
Håland, Erna.
Balancing freedom and commitment - making higher education matter to working life.
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott.
The knowledgeable parenting style: stance takings and subject positions in media encounters.
International Journal of Lifelong Education
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott.
Parental self-work: governing enactments in family life.
European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott.
Book review: The Confessing Society - Foucault, confession and practices of lifelong learning.
European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults
Book review
Aarsand, Liselott.
Föräldraidentiteter och (själv)disciplineringens dynamik.
Studentlitteratur AB
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål.
Familjeliv och lärande.
Studentlitteratur AB
Studentlitteratur AB
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Assarsson Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål.
Lärandepraktiker i familjen.
Studentlitteratur AB
Assarsson Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål.
Med lärandeblick på familjers vardagsliv.
Studentlitteratur AB
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aarsand, Liselott.
Föräldraskapets noviser, erfarna och expertis.
Studentlitteratur AB
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Assarsson Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål-Andre.
'How to be good': media representations of parenting.
Studies in the Education of Adults
Academic article
Assarsson Aarsand, Liselott;
Håland, Erna;
Tønseth, Christin;
Tøsse, Sigvart.
Voksne, læring og kompetanse.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Assarsson Aarsand, Liselott.
Parents, expertise and identity work: the media conceptualised as a lifelong learning practice.
Pedagogy, Culture & Society
Academic article
Assarsson Aarsand, Liselott.
Foreldreskapets identitetsarbeid - om media som ressurs i voksnes læring.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Næss, Siri Christine Kvernmo;
Aarsand, Liselotte Eva Anna.
På tide med et opprør mot unyansert datingsnakk?.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Næss, Siri Christine Kvernmo;
Aarsand, Liselotte Eva Anna.
«Heller hurpe enn haremsdame»: En kvalitativ analyse av ekspertise i norske podkaster om dating.
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselotte Eva Anna;
Jarvis, Christine.
Teaching parenting in a pandemic: social and pedagogical discourses.
International Journal of Lifelong Education
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott.
"Are you good at dating?" The emergence of learning discourses in dating television.
Academic article
Aarsand, Pål;
Aarsand, Liselott.
«Innenfor», «utenfor» og «i grenseland»: samtaler om sosiale normer og vurderinger i en pandemi.
Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk
Academic article
Madsen, Gyrid Otnes;
Tønseth, Christin;
Aarsand, Liselott.
Læring som livsstil og normalitet: Konstruksjoner av samfunnsborgere i kompetansereformens grunnlagsdokumenter.
Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk
Academic article
Wallin, Patric;
Aarsand, Liselott.
Challenging Spaces: Liminal Positions and Knowledge Relations in Dynamic Research Partnerships.
International Journal for Students as Partners (IJSaP)
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål.
The joint production of confession in qualitative research interviews.
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål.
Framing and switches at the outset of qualitative research interviews .
Qualitative Research
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott;
Håland, Erna.
Balancing freedom and commitment - making higher education matter to working life.
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott.
The knowledgeable parenting style: stance takings and subject positions in media encounters.
International Journal of Lifelong Education
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott.
Parental self-work: governing enactments in family life.
European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott.
Book review: The Confessing Society - Foucault, confession and practices of lifelong learning.
European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults
Book review
Assarsson Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål-Andre.
'How to be good': media representations of parenting.
Studies in the Education of Adults
Academic article
Assarsson Aarsand, Liselott.
Parents, expertise and identity work: the media conceptualised as a lifelong learning practice.
Pedagogy, Culture & Society
Academic article
Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål.
Familjeliv och lärande.
Studentlitteratur AB
Studentlitteratur AB
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Assarsson Aarsand, Liselott;
Håland, Erna;
Tønseth, Christin;
Tøsse, Sigvart.
Voksne, læring og kompetanse.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål.
Doing Data Analysis – Collaboration, Creativity and Critique.
Sage Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aarsand, Liselott.
Confessional talk on parenting.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aarsand, Liselott.
Föräldraidentiteter och (själv)disciplineringens dynamik.
Studentlitteratur AB
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Assarsson Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål.
Lärandepraktiker i familjen.
Studentlitteratur AB
Assarsson Aarsand, Liselott;
Aarsand, Pål.
Med lärandeblick på familjers vardagsliv.
Studentlitteratur AB
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aarsand, Liselott.
Föräldraskapets noviser, erfarna och expertis.
Studentlitteratur AB
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Assarsson Aarsand, Liselott.
Foreldreskapets identitetsarbeid - om media som ressurs i voksnes læring.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic lectureAarsand, Liselotte Eva Anna. (2023) «Singel och redo att mingla?» Om kunskapsrelationer, subjektspositioner och dejtingpraktiker . Högre seminarium , Linköpings universitet 2023-11-28 - 2023-11-28
Academic lectureAarsand, Liselotte Eva Anna; Næss, Siri Christine Kvernmo. (2023) «Single and ready to mingle?» Exploring dating practices through the lens of learning in everyday life. NERA NERA congress , Oslo 2023-03-15 - 2023-03-17
Academic lectureAarsand, Liselott. (2019) The emergence of 'learning talk' in popular culture. ESREA Life History and Biographical Network: 'Artful language and narratives of adult learning' , Bergen 2019-02-28 - 2019-03-03
Academic lectureAarsand, Liselott. (2018) Changing lifestyles: Exploring the pedagogies of popular culture. NERA NERA Congress , Oslo 2018-03-08 - 2018-03-10
Academic lectureAarsand, Liselott. (2017) Adult learning in the social practices of everyday life. UCL Knowledge Lab Academic talk , London 2017-03-02 - 2017-03-02
Academic lectureAarsand, Pål André; Aarsand, Liselott Assarsson. (2016) Opening up the opening: Exploring framings of qualitative research interviews. PAperpresentasjon 2016-11-23 - 2016-11-25
Academic lectureAarsand, Liselott. (2015) Confessional talk: The shaping of parental selves. NERA NERA Conference , Gothenburg 2015-03-04 - 2015-03-06
Academic lectureAarsand, Liselott. (2014) Communicative Styles in Media Encounters: Adults Negotiating the Parental Subjectivity. NERA NERA conference , Lillehammer 2014-03-05 - 2014-03-07
Academic lectureAssarsson Aarsand, Liselott. (2012) Identity work in family life. Conceptualising parenting as a learning practice. NERA/NFPF NERA conference , Copenhagen 2012-03-08 - 2012-03-10
Academic lectureAssarsson Aarsand, Liselott. (2010) Changeable parents and responsible adults: On negotiating 'good' parenting in media settings. ESREA ESREA conference , Linköping 2010-09-23 - 2010-09-26
Popular scientific lectureAssarsson Aarsand, Liselott. (2010) Vuxnas lärande - möjligheter & dilemman i kommunikativa möten. Antenn Coachutbildning , Stockholm 2010-05-11 - 2010-05-11
Popular scientific lectureAssarsson Aarsand, Liselott. (2010) Vuxna i studier - deltagande, dialog & möten. HiST Kompetensutvecklingsdag , Trondheim 2010-04-29 - 2010-04-29
Academic lectureAssarsson Aarsand, Liselott; Aarsand, Pål-Andre. (2010) How to be good? Media images, parenting and learning. NERA/NFPF NERA conference , Malmö 2010-03-11 - 2010-03-13
Popular scientific lectureAssarsson Aarsand, Liselott. (2009) Vuxnas lärande - möjligheter & dilemman i kommunikativa möten. Antenn Coachutbildning , Stockholm 2009-11-24 - 2009-11-24
Popular scientific lectureAssarsson Aarsand, Liselott. (2009) Vuxna i studier: flexibilitet - hur då & för vem?. Fyrkantens vuxenutbildning Kompetensutvecklingsdag , Piteå 2009-10-28 - 2009-10-28