Ben David Normann
I have a masters degree in theoretical physics from NTNU and a phd from the university of Stavanger (UiS). A main focus in my research has been anisotropic cosmology, and also bulk-viscous cosmology. However, I am always open to applying my knowledge to different kinds of problems as well. We use dynamical systems a lot, which, after all, is aplicable in many other areas.
I also do an extensive bit of dissemination of science. I also engage publically in society's more philosophically oriented topics.
Schaathun, Hans Georg;
Normann, Ben David;
Solevåg-Hoti, Kenny.
Om å kartleggja mørk materie med maskinlæring.
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning
Academic article
Schaathun, Hans Georg;
Normann, Ben David;
Austnes, Einar Leite;
Ingebrigtsen, Simon;
Remøy, Sondre Westbø;
Runde, Simon Nedreberg.
Simulation of gravitational lensing in the roulette formalism.
Proceedings - European Council for Modelling and Simulation (ECMS)
Academic article
Normann, Ben David.
Medias heksejakt på prester.
Avisa Vårt land
Reader opinion piece
Normann, Ben David.
En felles formidlingsplattform?.
Reader opinion piece
Normann, Ben David;
Ricciardone, Angelo;
Hervik, Sigbjørn;
Thorsrud, Mikjel.
A study of inhomogeneous massless scalar gauge fields in cosmology.
International Journal of Modern Physics, Conference Series
Academic article
Normann, Ben David;
Brevik, Iver Håkon.
Can the Hubble tension be resolved by bulk viscosity?.
Modern Physics Letters A
Academic article
Kvellestad, Anders;
Normann, Ben David;
Holm, Sverre.
Om Gud, fysikk og de dype spørsmålene.
Avisa Vårt land
Reader opinion piece
Normann, Ben David;
Hervik, Sigbjørn.
Collins in Wonderland.
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Academic article
Normann, Ben David;
Clarkson, Chris S..
Recursion relations for gravitational lensing .
General Relativity and Gravitation
Academic article
Normann, Ben David;
Hervik, Sigbjørn.
Approaching Wonderland.
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Academic article
Thorsrud, Mikjel;
Normann, Ben David;
Pereira, Thiago dos Santos.
Extended FLRW models: dynamical cancellation of cosmological anisotropies.
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Academic article
Brevik, Iver Håkon;
Normann, Ben David.
Remarks on cosmological bulk viscosity in different epochs.
Academic article
Normann, Ben David;
Hervik, Sigbjørn;
Ricciardone, Angelo;
Thorsrud, Mikjel.
Bianchi cosmologies with p-form gauge fields.
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Academic article
Normann, Ben David;
Brevik, Iver Håkon.
Characteristic properties of two different viscous cosmology models for the future universe.
Modern Physics Letters A
Academic article
Normann, Ben David;
Brevik, Iver Håkon.
General bulk-viscous solutions and estimates of bulk viscosity in the cosmic fluid.
Academic article
Journal publications
Schaathun, Hans Georg;
Normann, Ben David;
Solevåg-Hoti, Kenny.
Om å kartleggja mørk materie med maskinlæring.
NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning
Academic article
Schaathun, Hans Georg;
Normann, Ben David;
Austnes, Einar Leite;
Ingebrigtsen, Simon;
Remøy, Sondre Westbø;
Runde, Simon Nedreberg.
Simulation of gravitational lensing in the roulette formalism.
Proceedings - European Council for Modelling and Simulation (ECMS)
Academic article
Normann, Ben David.
Medias heksejakt på prester.
Avisa Vårt land
Reader opinion piece
Normann, Ben David.
En felles formidlingsplattform?.
Reader opinion piece
Normann, Ben David;
Ricciardone, Angelo;
Hervik, Sigbjørn;
Thorsrud, Mikjel.
A study of inhomogeneous massless scalar gauge fields in cosmology.
International Journal of Modern Physics, Conference Series
Academic article
Normann, Ben David;
Brevik, Iver Håkon.
Can the Hubble tension be resolved by bulk viscosity?.
Modern Physics Letters A
Academic article
Kvellestad, Anders;
Normann, Ben David;
Holm, Sverre.
Om Gud, fysikk og de dype spørsmålene.
Avisa Vårt land
Reader opinion piece
Normann, Ben David;
Hervik, Sigbjørn.
Collins in Wonderland.
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Academic article
Normann, Ben David;
Clarkson, Chris S..
Recursion relations for gravitational lensing .
General Relativity and Gravitation
Academic article
Normann, Ben David;
Hervik, Sigbjørn.
Approaching Wonderland.
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Academic article
Thorsrud, Mikjel;
Normann, Ben David;
Pereira, Thiago dos Santos.
Extended FLRW models: dynamical cancellation of cosmological anisotropies.
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Academic article
Brevik, Iver Håkon;
Normann, Ben David.
Remarks on cosmological bulk viscosity in different epochs.
Academic article
Normann, Ben David;
Hervik, Sigbjørn;
Ricciardone, Angelo;
Thorsrud, Mikjel.
Bianchi cosmologies with p-form gauge fields.
Classical and Quantum Gravity
Academic article
Normann, Ben David;
Brevik, Iver Håkon.
Characteristic properties of two different viscous cosmology models for the future universe.
Modern Physics Letters A
Academic article
Normann, Ben David;
Brevik, Iver Håkon.
General bulk-viscous solutions and estimates of bulk viscosity in the cosmic fluid.
Academic article
LectureNormann, Ben David. (2024) LCDM in light of observations. KLC KLC annual conference , Cambridge 2024-06-11 - 2024-06-14
InterviewNormann, Ben David. (2024) Er mirakel fake news - eller har dei ei forklaring?. NRK NRK [Radio] 2024-06-03
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2024) Fra big bang til KI og tilbake. IBA ved NTNU Fagfestivalen IBA , NTNU, Ålesund 2024-03-15 - 2024-03-15
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2024) Fra big bang til KI og tilbake. Institutt for IKT og realfag (NTNU) Endelig Fredag , NTNU, Ålesund 2024-02-02 - 2024-02-02
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2024) Verdensrommet!. Valderøya skole Global Science Opera , Valderøya Skole 2024-02-27 - 2024-02-27
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2024) Beginnings of Change . Giske skoler Fagdag i forbindelse med Global Science Opera , Valderøya barneskole 2024-10-24 - 2024-10-24
LectureNormann, Ben David. (2024) Forskningsformidling. Helse Møre og Romsdal Ph.d.- og forskersamling i Molde , Molde 2024-11-14 - 2024-11-14
Programme participationJemterud, Torkild; Normann, Ben David; Swang, Ole; Delsett, Lene Liebe. (2024) Abels tårn 18. november 2024. NRK P2 NRK P2 [Radio] 2024-11-15
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David; Øi, Truls Helge. (2023) Atle og Christian tviler og tror. Trondheim kristelig studentlag Skepsisuka , NTNU, Trondheim 2023-09-28 - 2023-09-28
Academic lectureNormann, Ben David; Schaathun, Hans Georg. (2023) Higher-order lensing. UiS NPACT-foredrag 2023-11-30 - 2023-11-30
InterviewKjølle, Gerd Hovin; Normann, Ben David. (2023) Grønn omstilling - forsyningssikkerhet. Nyans (YouTube kanal) Nyans (YouTube kanal) [Internet] 2023-10-12
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David; Rekdalsbakken, Webjørn. (2023) Store spørsmål. Instituttsamling 2023-05-31 - 2023-05-31
InterviewSvensson, Ann Mari; Normann, Ben David. (2023) Batteri og batterifabrikker i Norge. [Internet] 2023-09-14
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2023) Universet. Valderøya barneskole Invitasjon til Valderøya barneskole 2023-10-06 - 2023-10-06
LectureNormann, Ben David. (2023) Clear communication. ICT and Natural Sciences, NTNU Internal seminar 2023-03-20 - 2023-03-20
Academic lecture
Programme management
Programme managementNormann, Ben David; Strumke, Inga; Kleppe, Adam Leon; Haugen, Pål. (2023) Nyans — Vil vi ha maskiner som tenker?!. YouTube YouTube [Internet] 2023-09-05
Programme managementNormann, Ben David; Bolsø, Agnes; Kalvig, Anne Kathrine; Sætre, Glenn-Peter; Benestad, Esben Esther Pirelli. (2023) Nyans — Hvordan bør vi prate om kjønn?. YouTube YouTube [Internet] 2023-12-07
Programme managementNormann, Ben David; Wesche, Julius Paul; Moe, Espen; Tomasgard, Asgeir; Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Sabatino, Marisa Di. (2023) Nyans — Grønn omstilling og kraftkrise. YouTube YouTube [Internet] 2023-10-01
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2022) What is reality?!. Mensa Norge Landstrefffor Mensa 2022 , Trondheim 2022-11-03 - 2022-11-06
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2022) Matte -- er det så viktig da?!. Trøndelag fylkeskommune, Rådgiverforum Trøndelag og NTNU Rådgiverseminar , Trondheim 2022-05-04 - 2022-05-04
InterviewNormann, Ben David. (2022) Forfatter hevder vitenskap har blitt mer positiv til Gud. Kristen kosmolog er uenig. Vårt land Vårt land [Newspaper] 2022-08-03
LectureNormann, Ben David. (2022) Is modern cosmology science?. Department of physics, NTNU Friday Physics Colloquia , Trondheim 2022-11-04 - 2022-11-04
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2022) Moderne kosmologi. Vitenskapsteoretisk forum ved NTNU Vitforum-kveld , Trondheim 2022-08-30 - 2022-08-30
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2021) Snakk! Om universet og virkeligheten. Snakk! Bryne Om Universet og virkeligheten , Bryne 2021-03-23 - 2021-03-23
Programme participationNormann, Ben David. (2020) Scientific concepts you can relate to business. LinkedIN and Youtube LinkedIN and Youtube [Internet] 2020-12-16
Programme participationNormann, Ben David. (2020) What is reality? (Tedx-talk). TED Youtube channel TED Youtube channel [Internet] 2020-09-12
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2019) Min hverdag som kosmolog. Universitetet i Stavanger Åpen dag på UiS , Stavanger 2019-03-05 - 2019-03-05
InterviewNormann, Ben David. (2019) Er universet pølseforma?. NRK Radio, Distriktsprogram - Rogaland NRK Radio, Distriktsprogram - Rogaland [Radio] 2019-04-15
Academic lectureNormann, Ben David. (2019) A p-form in Bianchi space-times. Michael Kachelriess, Jens Oluf Andersen Teoriseminar , NTNU 2019-04-26 - 2019-04-26
Academic lectureNormann, Ben David. (2019) Title: a j-form lost in space(time). Queen Mary Un. of London, astrophys. Ph.D. student seminar Student Seminar , London 2019-12-07 - 2019-12-07
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2019) Elefanten i verdensrommet. Forskningsdagene i Stavangerregionen , Stavanger 2019-09-24 -
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2019) Hva i all verdensrommet?. Kontaktkonferansen 2019 2019-01-15 - 2019-01-15
LectureNormann, Ben David. (2019) What the Cosmos?!. NPA Nordic Planetarium Association Conference 2019 , Sandnes 2019-09-06 - 2019-09-08
Programme participation
InterviewNormann, Ben David. (2018) Hvordan gikk universet fra lite til uendelig?. NRK P2 EKKO NRK P2 EKKO [Radio] 2018-10-16
InterviewNormann, Ben David. (2018) Forskar Grand Prix. NRK P1 Radio, Distriktsprogram - Rogaland NRK P1 Radio, Distriktsprogram - Rogaland [Radio] 2018-10-01
InterviewNormann, Ben David. (2018) Forsker ser på universet som avlang pølse. [Internet] 2018-04-10
Popular scientific lectureNormann, Ben David. (2018) "Hva i all verdensrommet?". Validé Validé-dagen , Stavanger 2018-11-13 - 2018-11-13
Academic lectureNormann, Ben David. (2018) Bianchi Cosmologies with p-Form Gauge Fields. International organizing committee Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting , Rome 2018-07-01 - 2018-07-07
Academic lectureNormann, Ben David. (2017) Do we live in Wonderland?. Asorey, Elizalde and Odintsov Cosmology and the Quantum Vacuum , Rhodes 2017-07-04 - 2017-07-08