Eivind Almaas
My interest is in basic research in systems biology, focusing on complex biological networks, epidemiological spread, and cellular metabolism. In my group, we make use of both computational and experimental approaches. We also engage in applied research, specifically to identify alternatives to antibiotics through experimental bacteriophage evolution, and in the computational/ experimental analysis of interactions between yeast and nutrients in beer brewing. More information is available at my research group pages.
Jouhten, Paula;
Konstantinidis, Dimitrios;
Pereira, Filipa;
Andrejev, Sergej;
Grkovska, Kristina;
Castillo, Sandra.
Correction to: Predictive evolution of metabolic phenotypes using model‐designed environments (Molecular Systems Biology, (2022), 18, 10, (e10980), 10.15252/msb.202210980).
Molecular Systems Biology
Almaas, Eivind;
Hall, Martina.
Applied statistical methods and network analysis for identifying similarities and differences in biological data for various traits.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Hall, Martina;
Skogholt, Anne Heidi;
Surakka, Ida;
Dalen, Håvard;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-wide association studies reveal differences in genetic susceptibility between single events vs. recurrent events of atrial fibrillation and myocardial infarction: the HUNT study.
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Academic article
Ghiaci, Payam;
Jouhten, Paula;
Martyushenko, Nikolay;
Roca-Mesa, Helena;
Vázquez, Jennifer;
Konstantinidis, Dimitrios.
Highly parallelized laboratory evolution of wine yeasts for enhanced metabolic phenotypes.
Molecular Systems Biology
Academic article
Hall, Martina;
Skinderhaug, Marit K.;
Almaas, Eivind.
Phenome-wide association network demonstrates close connection with individual disease trajectories from the HUNT study.
Academic article
Pettersen, Jakob Peder;
Castillo, Sandra;
Jouhten, Paula;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-scale metabolic models reveal determinants of phenotypic differences in non-Saccharomyces yeasts.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Karlsen, Emil;
Gylseth, Marianne Cieslik;
Schulz, Christian;
Almaas, Eivind.
A study of a diauxic growth experiment using an expanded dynamic flux balance framework.
Academic article
Pettersen, Jakob Peder;
Almaas, Eivind.
Parameter inference for enzyme and temperature constrained genome-scale models.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Fiedler, Alexander Willi;
Gundersen, Madeleine S.;
Vo, Toan Phuc;
Almaas, Eivind;
Vadstein, Olav;
Bakke, Ingrid.
Phage therapy minimally affects the water microbiota in an Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) rearing system while still preventing infection.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Simensen, Vetle;
Schulz, Christian;
Karlsen, Emil;
Bråtelund, Signe;
Burgos, Idun Maria Tokvam;
Thorfinnsdottir, Lilja Brekke.
Experimental determination of Escherichia coli biomass composition for constraint-based metabolic modeling.
Academic article
Voigt, Andre;
Omholt, Stig William;
Almaas, Eivind.
Comparing the impact of vaccination strategies on the spread of COVID-19, including a novel household-targeted vaccination strategy.
Academic article
Pettersen, Jakob Peder;
Almaas, Eivind.
csdR, an R package for differential co-expression analysis.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Wolowczyk, Camilla;
Neckmann, Ulrike;
Aure, Miriam Ragle;
Hall, Martina;
Johannessen, Bjarne;
Zhao, Sen.
NRF2 drives an oxidative stress response predictive of breast cancer.
Free Radical Biology & Medicine
Academic article
Jouhten, Paula;
Konstantinidis, Dimitrios;
Pereira, Filipa;
Andrejev, Sergej;
Grkovska, Kristina;
Castillo, Sandra.
Predictive evolution of metabolic phenotypes using model-designed environments.
Molecular Systems Biology
Academic article
Simensen, Vetle;
Seif, Yara;
Almaas, Eivind.
Phenotypic response of yeast metabolic network to availability of proteinogenic amino acids.
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
Academic article
Sulheim, Snorre;
Fossheim, Fredrik A.;
Wentzel, Alexander;
Almaas, Eivind.
Correction to: Automatic reconstruction of metabolic pathways from identified biosynthetic gene clusters (BMC Bioinformatics, (2021), 22, 1, (81), 10.1186/s12859-021-03985-0).
BMC Bioinformatics
Simensen, Vetle;
Voigt, Andre;
Almaas, Eivind.
High‐quality genome‐scale metabolic model of Aurantiochytrium sp. T66.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Academic article
Voigt, Andre;
Martyushenko, Nikolay;
Karlsen, Emil;
Hall, Martina;
Nyhamar, Kristen;
Omholt, Stig William.
Containing pandemics through targeted testing of households.
BMC Infectious Diseases
Academic article
Schulz, Christian;
Kumelj, Tjasa;
Karlsen, Emil;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-scale metabolic modelling when changes in environmental conditions affect biomass composition.
PLoS Computational Biology
Academic article
Pettersen, Jakob Peder;
Gundersen, Madeleine S.;
Almaas, Eivind.
Robust bacterial co-occurence community structures are independent of r- and K-selection history.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Voigt, Andre;
Martyushenko, Nikolay;
Karlsen, Emil;
Hall, Martina;
Nyhamar, Kristen;
Omholt, Stig William.
Correction to: Containing pandemics through targeted testing of households (BMC Infectious Diseases, (2021), 21, 1, (548), 10.1186/s12879-021-06256-8).
BMC Infectious Diseases
Joudeh, Nadeem;
Saragliadis, Athanasios;
Schulz, Christian;
Voigt, Andre;
Almaas, Eivind;
Linke, Dirk.
Transcriptomic Response Analysis of Escherichia coli to Palladium Stress.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Academic article
Voigt, Andre;
Almaas, Eivind.
Vaksinering av voksne er ikke nok.
Feature article
Voigt, Andre;
Almaas, Eivind;
Omholt, Stig William.
Med smartere vaksinestrategi kan vi åpne Norge raskere – prioriter store husholdninger.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Ofaim, Shany;
Sulheim, Snorre;
Almaas, Eivind;
Sher, Daniel;
Segrè, Daniel.
Dynamic Allocation of Carbon Storage and Nutrient-Dependent Exudation in a Revised Genome-Scale Model of Prochlorococcus.
Frontiers in Genetics
Academic article
Sulheim, Snorre;
Fossheim, Fredrik A.;
Wentzel, Alexander;
Almaas, Eivind.
Automatic reconstruction of metabolic pathways from identified biosynthetic gene clusters.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Bernstein, David B.;
Sulheim, Snorre;
Almaas, Eivind;
Segrè, Daniel.
Addressing uncertainty in genome-scale metabolic model reconstruction and analysis.
Genome Biology
Academic literature review
Omholt, Stig William;
Almaas, Eivind;
Voigt, Andre;
Hovd, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Steinsland, Ingelin.
Omfattende og rettet testing for covid-19 er en billig, lite inngripende og effektiv intervensjonsstrategi.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Omholt, Stig William;
Almaas, Eivind;
Voigt, Andre;
Hovd, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Steinsland, Ingelin.
Derfor bør norske myndigheter endre sin teststrategi.
Feature article
Gysi, Deisy Morselli;
de Miranda Fragoso, Tiago;
Zebardast, Fatemeh;
Bertoli, Wesley;
Busskamp, Volker;
Almaas, Eivind.
Whole transcriptomic network analysis using Co-expression Differential Network Analysis (CoDiNA).
Academic article
Røkke, Gunvor Bjerkelund;
Hohmann-Marriott, Martin Frank;
Almaas, Eivind.
An adjustable algal chloroplast plug-and-play
model for genome-scale metabolic models.
Academic article
Hall, Martina;
Kültz, Dietmar;
Almaas, Eivind.
Identification of key proteins involved in stickleback environmental adaptation with system-level analysis.
Physiological Genomics
Academic article
Schulz, Christian;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-scale reconstructions to assess metabolic phylogeny and organism clustering.
Academic article
Sulheim, Snorre;
Kumelj, Tjasa;
van Dissel, Dino;
Salehzadeh-Yazdi, Ali;
Du, Chao;
Van Wezel, Gilles P..
Enzyme-Constrained Models and Omics Analysis of Streptomyces coelicolor Reveal Metabolic Changes that Enhance Heterologous Production.
Academic article
Voigt, Andre;
Almaas, Eivind.
Assessment of weighted topological overlap (wTO) to improve fidelity of gene co-expression networks.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Martyushenko, Nikolay;
Almaas, Eivind.
ModelExplorer - software for visual inspection and inconsistency correction of genome-scale metabolic reconstructions.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Kumelj, Tjasa;
Sulheim, Snorre;
Wentzel, Alexander;
Almaas, Eivind.
Predicting strain engineering strategies using iKS1317: a genome-scale metabolic model of Streptomyces coelicolor.
Biotechnology Journal
Academic article
Martyushenko, Nikolay;
Almaas, Eivind.
ErrorTracer: an algorithm for identifying the origins of inconsistencies in genome-scale metabolic models.
Academic article
Neckmann, Ulrike;
Wolowczyk, Camilla;
Hall, Martina;
Almaas, Eivind;
Ren, Jiang;
Zhao, Sen.
GREM1 is associated with metastasis and predicts poor prognosis in ER-negative breast cancer patients.
Cell Communication and Signaling
Academic article
Gysi, Deisy Morselli;
Voigt, Andre;
Fragoso, Tiago de Miranda;
Almaas, Eivind;
Nowick, Katja.
wTO: An R package for computing weighted topological overlap and a consensus network with integrated visualization tool.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Karlsen, Emil;
Schulz, Christian;
Almaas, Eivind.
Automated generation of genome-scale metabolic draft reconstructions based on KEGG.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Olaisen, Camilla;
Kvitvang, Hans Fredrik Nyvold;
Lee, Sungmin;
Almaas, Eivind;
Bruheim, Per;
Drabløs, Finn.
The role of PCNA as a scaffold protein in cellular signaling is functionally conserved between yeast and humans.
FEBS Open Bio
Academic article
Eidsaa, Marius;
Stubbs, Lisa;
Almaas, Eivind.
Comparative analysis of weighted gene co-expression networks in human and mouse.
Academic article
MacGillivray, Michael;
Ko, Amy;
Gruber, Emily;
Sawyer, Miranda;
Almaas, Eivind;
Holder, Allen.
Robust analysis of fluxes in genome-scale metabolic pathways.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Voigt, Andre;
Nowick, Katja;
Almaas, Eivind.
A composite network of conserved and tissue specific gene interactions reveals possible genetic interactions in glioma.
PLoS Computational Biology
Academic article
Martyushenko, Nikolay;
Johansen, Sigurd Hagen;
Ghim, Cheol-Min;
Almaas, Eivind.
Hypothetical biomolecular probe based on a genetic switch with tunable symmetry and stability.
BMC Systems Biology
Academic article
Cvijovic, Marija;
Höfer, Thomas;
Acimovic, Jure;
Alberghina, Lilia;
Almaas, Eivind;
Besozzi, Daniela.
Strategies for structuring interdisciplinary education in Systems Biology: an European perspective.
npj Systems Biology and Applications
Academic article
Kültz, Dietmar;
Li, Johnathon;
Paguio, Darlene;
Pham, Tuan;
Eidsaa, Marius;
Almaas, Eivind.
Population-specific renal proteomes of marine and freshwater three-spined sticklebacks.
Journal of Proteomics
Academic article
Eidsaa, Marius;
Almaas, Eivind.
Investigating the relationship between k-core and s-core network decompositions.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Academic article
Maleki, Susan;
Almaas, Eivind;
Zotchev, Sergey;
Valla, Svein;
Ertesvåg, Helga.
Alginate Biosynthesis Factories in Pseudomonas fluorescens
: Localization and Correlation with Alginate Production Level.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Academic article
Almaas, Eivind;
Brautaset, Trygve.
Syntetisk biologi.
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S
Popular scientific chapter/article
Drejer, Eivind Bøe;
Almaas, Eivind.
Modelling and Analysis of Osmotic Stress in Escherichia Coli.
Masters thesis
Ebrahim, Ali;
Almaas, Eivind;
Bauer, Eugen;
Bordbar, Aarash;
Burgard, Anthony P.;
Chang, Roger L..
Do genome-scale models need exact solvers or clearer standards?.
Molecular Systems Biology
Letter to the editor
Lale, Rahmi;
Drejer, Eivind Bøe;
Hesthammer, Ronja;
Omtvedt, Line;
Lamb, Jacob Joseph;
Røynestad, Pål.
Only two days away from the competition.
Website (informational material)
Lale, Rahmi;
Drejer, Eivind Bøe;
Hesthammer, Ronja;
Omtvedt, Line;
Lamb, Jacob Joseph;
Røynestad, Pål.
We won the gold medal at the iGEM competiton.
Website (informational material)
Lale, Rahmi;
Drejer, Eivind Bøe;
Hesthammer, Ronja;
Omtvedt, Line;
Lamb, Jacob Joseph;
Røynestad, Pål.
Competing in Synthetic biology.
Website (informational material)
Kucharova, Veronika;
Aakvik, Trine;
Almaas, Eivind;
Naas, Adrian Ertsås;
Brautaset, Trygve;
Valla, Svein.
Non-Invasive Analysis of Recombinant mRNA Stability in Escherichia coli by a Combination of Transcriptional Inducer Wash-Out and qRT-PCR.
Academic article
Eidsaa, Marius;
Almaas, Eivind.
s-core network decomposition: A generalization of k-core analysis to weighted networks.
Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Academic article
Almaas, Eivind;
Brevik, Iver Håkon.
Possible sorting mechanism for microparticles in an evanescent field.
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA)
Academic article
Almaas, Eivind;
Bruheim, Per;
Lale, Rahmi;
Valla, Svein.
Dynamics and robustness of metabolic networks: A systems biology review of Escherichia coli metabolism.
Caister Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Navid, Ali;
Almaas, Eivind.
Yersinia pestis Metabolic Network.
Caister Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zavareh, Zahra;
Almaas, Eivind.
Complex Network Analysis in Microbial Systems: Theory and Examples.
Humana Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Navid, Ali;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-level transcription data of Yersinia pestis analyzed with a New metabolic constraint-based approach.
BMC Systems Biology
Academic article
Almaas, Eivind.
SÅ lite skiller oss fra sjimpansene.
VG : Verdens gang
Interview Journal
Almaas, Eivind.
Sjimpansens gener - og våre.
Interview Journal
Almaas, Eivind.
Evolution of metabolic networks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghim, CM;
Almaas, Eivind.
Two-Component Genetic Switch as a Synthetic Module with Tunable Stability.
Physical Review Letters
Academic article
Nowicka, Katja;
Gernata, Tim;
Almaas, Eivind;
Stubbs, Lisa.
Differences in human and chimpanzee gene expression patterns define an evolving network of transcription factors in brain.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Journal publications
Jouhten, Paula;
Konstantinidis, Dimitrios;
Pereira, Filipa;
Andrejev, Sergej;
Grkovska, Kristina;
Castillo, Sandra.
Correction to: Predictive evolution of metabolic phenotypes using model‐designed environments (Molecular Systems Biology, (2022), 18, 10, (e10980), 10.15252/msb.202210980).
Molecular Systems Biology
Hall, Martina;
Skogholt, Anne Heidi;
Surakka, Ida;
Dalen, Håvard;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-wide association studies reveal differences in genetic susceptibility between single events vs. recurrent events of atrial fibrillation and myocardial infarction: the HUNT study.
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Academic article
Ghiaci, Payam;
Jouhten, Paula;
Martyushenko, Nikolay;
Roca-Mesa, Helena;
Vázquez, Jennifer;
Konstantinidis, Dimitrios.
Highly parallelized laboratory evolution of wine yeasts for enhanced metabolic phenotypes.
Molecular Systems Biology
Academic article
Hall, Martina;
Skinderhaug, Marit K.;
Almaas, Eivind.
Phenome-wide association network demonstrates close connection with individual disease trajectories from the HUNT study.
Academic article
Pettersen, Jakob Peder;
Castillo, Sandra;
Jouhten, Paula;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-scale metabolic models reveal determinants of phenotypic differences in non-Saccharomyces yeasts.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Karlsen, Emil;
Gylseth, Marianne Cieslik;
Schulz, Christian;
Almaas, Eivind.
A study of a diauxic growth experiment using an expanded dynamic flux balance framework.
Academic article
Pettersen, Jakob Peder;
Almaas, Eivind.
Parameter inference for enzyme and temperature constrained genome-scale models.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Fiedler, Alexander Willi;
Gundersen, Madeleine S.;
Vo, Toan Phuc;
Almaas, Eivind;
Vadstein, Olav;
Bakke, Ingrid.
Phage therapy minimally affects the water microbiota in an Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) rearing system while still preventing infection.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Simensen, Vetle;
Schulz, Christian;
Karlsen, Emil;
Bråtelund, Signe;
Burgos, Idun Maria Tokvam;
Thorfinnsdottir, Lilja Brekke.
Experimental determination of Escherichia coli biomass composition for constraint-based metabolic modeling.
Academic article
Voigt, Andre;
Omholt, Stig William;
Almaas, Eivind.
Comparing the impact of vaccination strategies on the spread of COVID-19, including a novel household-targeted vaccination strategy.
Academic article
Pettersen, Jakob Peder;
Almaas, Eivind.
csdR, an R package for differential co-expression analysis.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Wolowczyk, Camilla;
Neckmann, Ulrike;
Aure, Miriam Ragle;
Hall, Martina;
Johannessen, Bjarne;
Zhao, Sen.
NRF2 drives an oxidative stress response predictive of breast cancer.
Free Radical Biology & Medicine
Academic article
Jouhten, Paula;
Konstantinidis, Dimitrios;
Pereira, Filipa;
Andrejev, Sergej;
Grkovska, Kristina;
Castillo, Sandra.
Predictive evolution of metabolic phenotypes using model-designed environments.
Molecular Systems Biology
Academic article
Simensen, Vetle;
Seif, Yara;
Almaas, Eivind.
Phenotypic response of yeast metabolic network to availability of proteinogenic amino acids.
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
Academic article
Sulheim, Snorre;
Fossheim, Fredrik A.;
Wentzel, Alexander;
Almaas, Eivind.
Correction to: Automatic reconstruction of metabolic pathways from identified biosynthetic gene clusters (BMC Bioinformatics, (2021), 22, 1, (81), 10.1186/s12859-021-03985-0).
BMC Bioinformatics
Simensen, Vetle;
Voigt, Andre;
Almaas, Eivind.
High‐quality genome‐scale metabolic model of Aurantiochytrium sp. T66.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Academic article
Voigt, Andre;
Martyushenko, Nikolay;
Karlsen, Emil;
Hall, Martina;
Nyhamar, Kristen;
Omholt, Stig William.
Containing pandemics through targeted testing of households.
BMC Infectious Diseases
Academic article
Schulz, Christian;
Kumelj, Tjasa;
Karlsen, Emil;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-scale metabolic modelling when changes in environmental conditions affect biomass composition.
PLoS Computational Biology
Academic article
Pettersen, Jakob Peder;
Gundersen, Madeleine S.;
Almaas, Eivind.
Robust bacterial co-occurence community structures are independent of r- and K-selection history.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Voigt, Andre;
Martyushenko, Nikolay;
Karlsen, Emil;
Hall, Martina;
Nyhamar, Kristen;
Omholt, Stig William.
Correction to: Containing pandemics through targeted testing of households (BMC Infectious Diseases, (2021), 21, 1, (548), 10.1186/s12879-021-06256-8).
BMC Infectious Diseases
Joudeh, Nadeem;
Saragliadis, Athanasios;
Schulz, Christian;
Voigt, Andre;
Almaas, Eivind;
Linke, Dirk.
Transcriptomic Response Analysis of Escherichia coli to Palladium Stress.
Frontiers in Microbiology
Academic article
Voigt, Andre;
Almaas, Eivind.
Vaksinering av voksne er ikke nok.
Feature article
Voigt, Andre;
Almaas, Eivind;
Omholt, Stig William.
Med smartere vaksinestrategi kan vi åpne Norge raskere – prioriter store husholdninger.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Ofaim, Shany;
Sulheim, Snorre;
Almaas, Eivind;
Sher, Daniel;
Segrè, Daniel.
Dynamic Allocation of Carbon Storage and Nutrient-Dependent Exudation in a Revised Genome-Scale Model of Prochlorococcus.
Frontiers in Genetics
Academic article
Sulheim, Snorre;
Fossheim, Fredrik A.;
Wentzel, Alexander;
Almaas, Eivind.
Automatic reconstruction of metabolic pathways from identified biosynthetic gene clusters.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Bernstein, David B.;
Sulheim, Snorre;
Almaas, Eivind;
Segrè, Daniel.
Addressing uncertainty in genome-scale metabolic model reconstruction and analysis.
Genome Biology
Academic literature review
Omholt, Stig William;
Almaas, Eivind;
Voigt, Andre;
Hovd, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Steinsland, Ingelin.
Omfattende og rettet testing for covid-19 er en billig, lite inngripende og effektiv intervensjonsstrategi.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Omholt, Stig William;
Almaas, Eivind;
Voigt, Andre;
Hovd, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge;
Steinsland, Ingelin.
Derfor bør norske myndigheter endre sin teststrategi.
Feature article
Gysi, Deisy Morselli;
de Miranda Fragoso, Tiago;
Zebardast, Fatemeh;
Bertoli, Wesley;
Busskamp, Volker;
Almaas, Eivind.
Whole transcriptomic network analysis using Co-expression Differential Network Analysis (CoDiNA).
Academic article
Røkke, Gunvor Bjerkelund;
Hohmann-Marriott, Martin Frank;
Almaas, Eivind.
An adjustable algal chloroplast plug-and-play
model for genome-scale metabolic models.
Academic article
Hall, Martina;
Kültz, Dietmar;
Almaas, Eivind.
Identification of key proteins involved in stickleback environmental adaptation with system-level analysis.
Physiological Genomics
Academic article
Schulz, Christian;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-scale reconstructions to assess metabolic phylogeny and organism clustering.
Academic article
Sulheim, Snorre;
Kumelj, Tjasa;
van Dissel, Dino;
Salehzadeh-Yazdi, Ali;
Du, Chao;
Van Wezel, Gilles P..
Enzyme-Constrained Models and Omics Analysis of Streptomyces coelicolor Reveal Metabolic Changes that Enhance Heterologous Production.
Academic article
Voigt, Andre;
Almaas, Eivind.
Assessment of weighted topological overlap (wTO) to improve fidelity of gene co-expression networks.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Martyushenko, Nikolay;
Almaas, Eivind.
ModelExplorer - software for visual inspection and inconsistency correction of genome-scale metabolic reconstructions.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Kumelj, Tjasa;
Sulheim, Snorre;
Wentzel, Alexander;
Almaas, Eivind.
Predicting strain engineering strategies using iKS1317: a genome-scale metabolic model of Streptomyces coelicolor.
Biotechnology Journal
Academic article
Martyushenko, Nikolay;
Almaas, Eivind.
ErrorTracer: an algorithm for identifying the origins of inconsistencies in genome-scale metabolic models.
Academic article
Neckmann, Ulrike;
Wolowczyk, Camilla;
Hall, Martina;
Almaas, Eivind;
Ren, Jiang;
Zhao, Sen.
GREM1 is associated with metastasis and predicts poor prognosis in ER-negative breast cancer patients.
Cell Communication and Signaling
Academic article
Gysi, Deisy Morselli;
Voigt, Andre;
Fragoso, Tiago de Miranda;
Almaas, Eivind;
Nowick, Katja.
wTO: An R package for computing weighted topological overlap and a consensus network with integrated visualization tool.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Karlsen, Emil;
Schulz, Christian;
Almaas, Eivind.
Automated generation of genome-scale metabolic draft reconstructions based on KEGG.
BMC Bioinformatics
Academic article
Olaisen, Camilla;
Kvitvang, Hans Fredrik Nyvold;
Lee, Sungmin;
Almaas, Eivind;
Bruheim, Per;
Drabløs, Finn.
The role of PCNA as a scaffold protein in cellular signaling is functionally conserved between yeast and humans.
FEBS Open Bio
Academic article
Eidsaa, Marius;
Stubbs, Lisa;
Almaas, Eivind.
Comparative analysis of weighted gene co-expression networks in human and mouse.
Academic article
MacGillivray, Michael;
Ko, Amy;
Gruber, Emily;
Sawyer, Miranda;
Almaas, Eivind;
Holder, Allen.
Robust analysis of fluxes in genome-scale metabolic pathways.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Voigt, Andre;
Nowick, Katja;
Almaas, Eivind.
A composite network of conserved and tissue specific gene interactions reveals possible genetic interactions in glioma.
PLoS Computational Biology
Academic article
Martyushenko, Nikolay;
Johansen, Sigurd Hagen;
Ghim, Cheol-Min;
Almaas, Eivind.
Hypothetical biomolecular probe based on a genetic switch with tunable symmetry and stability.
BMC Systems Biology
Academic article
Cvijovic, Marija;
Höfer, Thomas;
Acimovic, Jure;
Alberghina, Lilia;
Almaas, Eivind;
Besozzi, Daniela.
Strategies for structuring interdisciplinary education in Systems Biology: an European perspective.
npj Systems Biology and Applications
Academic article
Kültz, Dietmar;
Li, Johnathon;
Paguio, Darlene;
Pham, Tuan;
Eidsaa, Marius;
Almaas, Eivind.
Population-specific renal proteomes of marine and freshwater three-spined sticklebacks.
Journal of Proteomics
Academic article
Eidsaa, Marius;
Almaas, Eivind.
Investigating the relationship between k-core and s-core network decompositions.
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Academic article
Maleki, Susan;
Almaas, Eivind;
Zotchev, Sergey;
Valla, Svein;
Ertesvåg, Helga.
Alginate Biosynthesis Factories in Pseudomonas fluorescens
: Localization and Correlation with Alginate Production Level.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Academic article
Ebrahim, Ali;
Almaas, Eivind;
Bauer, Eugen;
Bordbar, Aarash;
Burgard, Anthony P.;
Chang, Roger L..
Do genome-scale models need exact solvers or clearer standards?.
Molecular Systems Biology
Letter to the editor
Kucharova, Veronika;
Aakvik, Trine;
Almaas, Eivind;
Naas, Adrian Ertsås;
Brautaset, Trygve;
Valla, Svein.
Non-Invasive Analysis of Recombinant mRNA Stability in Escherichia coli by a Combination of Transcriptional Inducer Wash-Out and qRT-PCR.
Academic article
Eidsaa, Marius;
Almaas, Eivind.
s-core network decomposition: A generalization of k-core analysis to weighted networks.
Physical Review E. Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Academic article
Almaas, Eivind;
Brevik, Iver Håkon.
Possible sorting mechanism for microparticles in an evanescent field.
Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA)
Academic article
Navid, Ali;
Almaas, Eivind.
Genome-level transcription data of Yersinia pestis analyzed with a New metabolic constraint-based approach.
BMC Systems Biology
Academic article
Almaas, Eivind.
SÅ lite skiller oss fra sjimpansene.
VG : Verdens gang
Interview Journal
Almaas, Eivind.
Sjimpansens gener - og våre.
Interview Journal
Ghim, CM;
Almaas, Eivind.
Two-Component Genetic Switch as a Synthetic Module with Tunable Stability.
Physical Review Letters
Academic article
Nowicka, Katja;
Gernata, Tim;
Almaas, Eivind;
Stubbs, Lisa.
Differences in human and chimpanzee gene expression patterns define an evolving network of transcription factors in brain.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Part of book/report
Almaas, Eivind;
Brautaset, Trygve.
Syntetisk biologi.
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S
Popular scientific chapter/article
Almaas, Eivind;
Bruheim, Per;
Lale, Rahmi;
Valla, Svein.
Dynamics and robustness of metabolic networks: A systems biology review of Escherichia coli metabolism.
Caister Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Navid, Ali;
Almaas, Eivind.
Yersinia pestis Metabolic Network.
Caister Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Zavareh, Zahra;
Almaas, Eivind.
Complex Network Analysis in Microbial Systems: Theory and Examples.
Humana Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Almaas, Eivind.
Evolution of metabolic networks.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Almaas, Eivind;
Hall, Martina.
Applied statistical methods and network analysis for identifying similarities and differences in biological data for various traits.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Drejer, Eivind Bøe;
Almaas, Eivind.
Modelling and Analysis of Osmotic Stress in Escherichia Coli.
Masters thesis
Lale, Rahmi;
Drejer, Eivind Bøe;
Hesthammer, Ronja;
Omtvedt, Line;
Lamb, Jacob Joseph;
Røynestad, Pål.
Only two days away from the competition.
Website (informational material)
Lale, Rahmi;
Drejer, Eivind Bøe;
Hesthammer, Ronja;
Omtvedt, Line;
Lamb, Jacob Joseph;
Røynestad, Pål.
We won the gold medal at the iGEM competiton.
Website (informational material)
Lale, Rahmi;
Drejer, Eivind Bøe;
Hesthammer, Ronja;
Omtvedt, Line;
Lamb, Jacob Joseph;
Røynestad, Pål.
Competing in Synthetic biology.
Website (informational material)
Vaksinering av voksne er ikke nok
Vaksinering av voksne er ikke nok. Skal vi oppnå flokkimmunitet, er det helt nødvendig å vaksinere barn.
Med smartere vaksinestrategi kan vi åpne Norge raskere – prioriter store husholdninger
Store husholdninger gir mer smittespredning og bør prioriteres, særlig der smittetrykket er lavt. Det kan gi flokkimmunitet med færre vaksinedoser enn det dagens strategi vil kreve.
Derfor bør norske myndigheter endre sin teststrategi
Omfattende og rettet testing for covid-19 er en billig, lite inngripende og effektiv intervensjonsstrategi.
Omfattende og rettet testing for covid-19 er en billig, lite inngripende og effektiv intervensjonsstrategi
Slik testing fanger opp asymptomatiske og symptomatiske tilfeller tidlig i sykdomsforløpet, og den fjerner behovet for smittesporing.
Korona - åpning av samfunnet
NRK Kveldsnytt, 7.5.2020, Innslag 1
Kan kloakken gi svar på hvor utbredt koronasmitten er i samfunnet?
NRK Dagsrevyen 21, 4.8.2020 @ 5min15sek
Systematisk spytt-testing for covid-19
NRK Dagsrevyen, 22.02.2021 kl. 19, Innslag 8
Bedre koronatesting med fokus på store husstander
Dagsnytt 18 debatt, 2.11.2020
Ny teststrategi mot korona
NRK Dagsnytt 18 debatt, 22.2.2021, Innslag 3
LectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2023) Insights from computational modelling of whole-cell metabolism. MISC exchange program MISC Workshop , Oslo 2023-02-06 - 2023-02-10
Academic lectureFiedler, Alexander Willi; Gundersen, Madeleine S.; Vo, Toan; Almaas, Eivind; Vadstein, Olav; Bakke, Ingrid. (2023) Phage therapy has little influence on the water microbiota while still preventing infection in Atlantic salmon. 4th International Fish microbiota Workshop , Wageningen 2023-09-06 - 2023-09-08
PosterSchulz, Christian; Simensen, Vetle; Karlsen, Emil; Almaas, Eivind. (2022) Analyzing the Biomass for an organism. DLN conference , Trondheim 2022-10-20 - 2022-10-21
PosterSchulz, Christian; Simensen, Vetle; Karlsen, Emil; Almaas, Eivind. (2022) Analyzing the Biomass for an organism. Cobra conference , Galway 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-30
PosterKarlsen, Emil; Gylseth, Marianne; Schulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2022) Investigating Diauxic Growth Using Dynamic Enzyme-Constrained Flux Balance Analysis. 8th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA 2022) | AIChE , Galway 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-30
PosterPettersen, Jakob Peder; Almaas, Eivind. (2022) What Are Enzyme and Temperature Dependent Genome-Scale Models (etcGEMs) and How Do They Behave?. Society for Biological Engineering 8th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA 2022) , Galway 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-30
Academic lectureKarlsen, Emil; Almaas, Eivind. (2021) Modeling bacteria for production of sustainable bioconcrete. Department of Biotechnology and Food Science (NTNU) Regular department seminar, IBT NTNU , NTNU Trondheim 2021-04-28 - 2021-04-28
Academic lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2021) How computational models of epidemic spread can inform decision-making dilemmas. Programme for Applied Ethics, NTNU The ethics of the Covid-19 pandemic , Online 2021-06-03 - 2021-06-04
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; van Dissel, Dino; Salehzadeh-Yazdi, Ali; Du, Chao; Van Wezel, Gilles P.. (2021) A systems comparison of Streptomyces coelicolor M1152 and M145 reveals major metabolic rewiring. Aiche COBRA 2021 , Virtuellt 2021-03-01 - 2021-03-02
Academic lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2020) Stories of network analysis: Cellular metabolism to COVID-19. Karolinska Institutet What is Life? Lecture series 2020 , Online video presentation 2020-05-12 - 2020-05-12
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2020) Combining Theory and Praxis: Measuring (Microbial) Biomass Composition for Genome-Scale Metabolic Modelling. NBS contact meeting 2020-01-23 - 2020-01-26
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2020) Beer in the NMR - Who left Fingerprints?. NORBIS anual conference 2020-11-03 - 2020-11-03
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2020) First project meeting presentation. BedPan project meeting 2020-03-04 - 2020-03-05
PosterPettersen, Jakob Peder; Vadstein, Olav; Almaas, Eivind. (2020) What do co-occurence network actually tell us? A case study. The Network Science Society NetSci 2020 , Online 2020-09-14 - 2020-09-27
Academic lectureSulheim, Snorre; Fredrik A., Fossheim; Almaas, Eivind. (2020) Automatic reconstruction of metabolic pathways from annotated biosynthetic gene clusters. NORBIS NORBIS annual national conference 2020 , Trondheim / online 2020-11-03 - 2020-11-04
PosterHall, Martina; Skogholt, Anne Heidi; Almaas, Eivind. (2020) Network approach for identifying the most common paths of cardiovascular disease history. The Network Science Society NetSci , Online (Rome) 2020-09-21 - 2020-09-25
Academic lectureSimensen, Vetle; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model for the analysis of the oleaginous phenotype of Aurantiochytrium sp. T66. NORBIS NORBIS annual conference , Oscarsborg Festning 2019-09-30 - 2019-10-02
PosterSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Genome-scale metabolic reconstructions for phylogeny?. Multivariate analysis of omics data with special emphasis on metabolomics Summerschool 2019-05-17 - 2019-05-21
PosterSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Genome-scale metabolic reconstructions for phylogeny?. Fish under stress - Systems biology and mathematical modelling 2019-05-24 - 2019-05-28
PosterErtesvåg, Helga; Haslene-Hox, Hanne; Aasen, Inga Marie; Almaas, Eivind; Bartosova, Zdenka; Heggeset, Tonje Marita Bjerkan. (2019) Industrial microbiology – 'omics methods and modelling as tools for process optimization . Digital Life Norway DigitalLife 2019 , Tromsø 2019-09-05 - 2019-09-06
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Salehzadeh-Yazdi, Ali; van Dissel, Dino; Chao, Du; Nieselt, Kay. (2019) An enzyme-constrained genome-scale metabolic model of Streptomyces coelicolor reveals global effects of gene cluster deletion and rpoB mutation. Digital Life Norway Digital Life Norway Conference 2019 , Tromsø 2019-09-05 - 2019-09-06
LectureVoigt, Andre; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Online platform for biological network analysis in ELIXIR . Norwegian Biochemical Society NBS Contact Meeting, 2019 , Røros 2019-01-25 - 2019-01-25
PosterSimensen, Vetle; Voigt, Andre; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Genome-scale modeling of Auranthochytrium sp. T66 for increased fatty acid production. Digital Life Norway Digital Life 2019 , Tromsø 2019-09-05 - 2019-09-05
Academic lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2019) Genome to phenotypes through computational modeling. Prof. Bernhard Palsson Guest Lecture , Dept. of Bioengineering, UC San Diego 2019-09-11 - 2019-09-11
Academic lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2019) On the mapping of genome to phenotypes through computational modeling. Prof. Dietmar Kueltz Guest Lecture , Dept. of Animal Science, UC Davis 2019-09-23 - 2019-09-23
Academic lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2019) On the mapping of genome to phenotypes through computational modeling. Dr. Ali Navid Guest Lecture , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 2019-09-24 - 2019-09-24
PosterKarlsen, Emil; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Metabolic modeling for microbial production of bio-concrete . NBS Contact Meeting 2019 2019-01-24 - 2019-01-27
PosterZehner, Jennifer Simone; Karlsen, Emil; Razbani, Mohammad Amin; Jettestuen, Espen; Malthe-Sørensen, Anders; Wentzel, Alexander. (2019) The quest for bio-concrete: crossing disciplinary boundaries and wrangling bacteria to enable cleaner construction. DigitalLife 2019 2019-09-05 - 2019-09-06
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Genome-scale metabolic modelling 3. Bianual project meeting 2019-03-11 - 2019-03-11
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Genome-scale metabolic modeling: Metabolic engineering to increase production of nylon precursors in Pseudomonas. NBS NBS meeting 2019 2019-01-24 - 2019-01-27
PosterSchulz, Christian; Karlsen, Emil; Kumar, Kanhaiya; Bartosova, Zdenka; Schmid, Jochen; Bruheim, Per. (2019) Measuring Biomass Composition for Modelling. DLN anual conference 2019-09-05 - 2019-09-06
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Combining Genome-Scale modelling with HUNT. Jebsen Center meeting 2019-10-25 - 2019-10-25
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Genome-Scale modelling - No4. Bianual project meeting 2019-10-30 - 2019-10-30
LectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Beer'omics - Kveik for Christmas. IBT department Seminar 2019-12-18 - 2019-12-18
Academic lectureHall, Martina; Almaas, Eivind. (2019) Differential network analysis of subtypes and stages of breast cancer. Norsk statistisk forening Det 20. norske statistikermøtet , Sola 2019-06-15 - 2019-06-20
LectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2019) How to go on a sabbatical. IBT IBT's weekly Department lunch , IBT's lunch room, NV Faculty, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2019-08-21 -
Academic lectureWentzel, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Nordborg, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sulheim, Snorre. (2019) Expanding the (meta)genomics toolbox for the discovery and production of novel natural products from microbial resources. SINTEF/NTNU Functional Metageomics 2019 , Trondheim 2019-06-16 - 2019-09-19
Academic lectureWentzel, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Nordborg, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sulheim, Snorre. (2019) Expanding the (meta)genomics toolbox for the discovery and production of novel natural products from microbial resources. Fusion Conferences 2nd Synthetic Biology for Natural Products Conference , Puerto Vallarta 2019-06-02 - 2019-06-05
Academic lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2019) Computational analysis & prediction of phenotypes.. and some experiments. Center for Complex Network Research, Northeastern University Guest Lecture , Boston 2019-11-15 - 2019-11-15
Academic lectureKarlsen, Emil; Schulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Automatic assembly of genome-scale metabolic draft reconstructions from KEGG data. NORBIS NORBIS Annual Conference 2018 , Voss 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-19
PosterSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Genome-scale metabolic reconstructions for phylogeny?. COBRA conference 2018 , Seattle, WA 2018-10-14 - 2018-10-16
Academic lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2018) Differential network analysis as approach to study human disease. ERASysAPP workshop combined with the DLN Volterra lecture Systems Biology for Industrial Biotechnology , Trondheim 2018-11-09 - 2018-11-09
Academic lectureAlmaas, Eivind; Karlsen, Emil; Schulz, Christian; Martyushenko, Nikolay. (2018) Dynamic FBA with Global Constraints on Cellular Protein Fraction. 5th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis , Seattle 2018-10-14 - 2018-10-16
Academic lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2018) Genome-scale metabolic models with uncertainty and global constraints. International Study Group for Systems Biology (ISGSB) International Study Group for Systems Biology (ISGSB) Conference 2018 , Tromsø 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-28
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Sletta, Håvard; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Predicting phenotypes using iKS1317: a genome-scale metabolic model of Streptomyces coelicolor . Centre for Digital Life Norway Digital Life Conference 2018 , Bergen 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-21
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) A network approach to efficient drug discovery. Network Science society International School and Conference on Network Science , Paris 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureKarlsen, Emil; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Modeling the developmental physiology of plants. BioCat 2nd annual BioCat conference , Hurdal 2018-06-04 - 2018-06-06
Academic lectureKarlsen, Emil; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) In silico evolution of plant-like structures. The Network Science Society NetSci 2018 Satellite: Games on Networks , Paris 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureVoigt, Andre; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Pyramid scheme or currency? Time-dependent directed modelling of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies . NetSci 2018 , Paris 2018-06-15 - 2018-06-15
LectureVoigt, Andre; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Using Python for complex network analysis. Elixir Norge Elixir Norge All Hands 2018 , Drøbak 2018-10-23 - 2018-10-23
PosterSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Virtual biological cell engineering: Differences and similarities in genome-scale metabolic models shown for the Pseudomonas case. DigitalLife anual conference 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-21
PosterKarlsen, Emil; Zehner, Jennifer Simone; Razbani, Mohammad Amin; Jettestuen, Espen; Malthe-sørenssen, Anders; Wentzel, Alexander. (2018) Metabolic modelling, reactive transport modelling, and experimental verification of microbial-induced processes in the production of bio-concrete. Senter for Digitalt Liv Norge DigitalLife 2018 , Bergen 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-21
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Genome-Scale metabolic modelling. Bianual PolyBugs project meeting , Trondheim 2018-08-13 - 2018-08-13
PosterSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Using reaction networks to identify cross-organism-wide genes with conserved functions. Summer School Systems and Synthetic Biology , Sienna 2018-07-24 - 2018-07-30
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Modelling the metabolic switch S. coelicolor triggered by phosphate depletion. Society for Biological Engineering 5th Conference on Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA 2018) , Seattle 2018-10-14 - 2018-10-16
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling for Biotechnology: What We Need to Conduct Our Magic. Micobial Biotechnology Division meeting 2018-03-09 - 2018-03-09
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Using reactions networks to identify cross organism-wide genes with conserved functions. NetSci 2018 Conference Paris 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Cross-organism-wide network comparison to identify conserved gene functions. Digital Life Annual PhD School meeting 2018-05-30 - 2018-06-01
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Discovery of conserved functions within cross-organism-wide genes using reaction networks. BioCat annual conference 2018-06-03 - 2018-06-06
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Combining phylogeny with genome-scale metabolic networks: Another tree of life and infinite engineering possibilities?. Micobial Biotechnology Division meeting 2018-06-22 - 2018-06-22
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) PolyBugs – WP2 Genome-Scale Metabolic Modelling. Project meeting 2018-01-16 - 2018-01-17
Academic lectureSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) From Zero to Hero: The Story of Modeling Pseudomonas. Department meeting IBT and Food Science 2018-05-16 - 2018-05-16
PosterHall, Martina; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Comparison of statistical methods and network analysis for detecting genes related to breast cancer. DLN DLN Annual Conference , Bergen 2018-03-20 - 2018-03-21
Academic lectureHall, Martina; Almaas, Eivind. (2018) Constructing gene co-expression network using penalized regression. The Network Science Society NetSci , Paris 2018-06-01 - 2018-06-15
LectureWentzel, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Nordborg, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sulheim, Snorre. (2017) New bioactive compounds from environmental microbial resources by an integrated functional (meta)genomics approach. FUSION conferences Synthetic Biology of Natural Products , Hotel Fiesta Americana Condesa, Cancun 2017-03-05 - 2017-03-08
LectureWentzel, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Nordborg, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sulheim, Snorre. (2017) New bioactive compounds from environmental microbial resources by an integrated functional (meta)genomics approach. SINTEF, RG Biotechnology Meeting with the ReDig project , SINTEF, RG Biotechnology 2017-09-19 - 2017-09-19
LectureWentzel, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Nordborg, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sulheim, Snorre. (2017) New bioactive compounds from environmental microbial resources by an integrated functional (meta)genomics approach. UiT BioProsp 2017, the 8th International Conference on Marine Biotechnology , UiT, Tromsø 2017-03-08 - 2017-03-10
Academic lectureSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor. Institutt for bioteknologi og matvitenskap, NTNU Lunsj-seminar , Trondheim 2017-09-20 - 2017-09-20
PosterKumelj, Tjasa; Sulheim, Snorre; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor. Chalmers University of Technology Advanced course on Metabolic engineering and Systems Biology , Gøteborg 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-22
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor. Senter for Digitalt Liv Norge Methodologies for Digital Life - Focus on Metabolic Systems , Bergen 2017-10-06 -
Academic lectureKarlsen, Emil; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) A method for dynamic flux balance analysis with global constraints. Senter for Digitalt Liv Norge Methodologies for Digital Life - Focus on Metabolic Systems , Bergen 2017-10-06 - 2017-10-06
PosterSchulz, Christian; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) Comparison of publicly available Pseudomonas genome scale metabolic models. Norbis anual Conference 2017-11-08 - 2017-11-10
PosterKarlsen, Emil; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) Dynamic Flux Balance Analysis with Global Constraints. NORBIS 3rd annual meeting of NORBIS , Tromsø 2017-10-08 - 2017-10-10
Academic lectureHall, Martina; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) Using network analysis for studying motion variables of infants at high risk of developing cerebral palsy. NORBIS NORBIS Reseach School Annual Conference , Tromsø 2017-11-08 - 2017-11-10
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Almaas, Eivind; Kumelj, Tjasa. (2017) A genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of S. coelicolor. NORBIS NORBIS annual national conference 2017 , Hillesøy, Troms 2017-11-08 - 2017-11-10
LectureWentzel, Alexander; Lewin, Anna; Nordborg, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sulheim, Snorre. (2017) New bioactive compounds from environmental microbial resources by an integrated functional (meta)genomics approach. Centre for Digital Life Norway Centre for Digital Life Norway - Annual conference , Hotel Bristol, Oslo 2017-03-20 - 2017-03-21
Academic lectureSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor. Senter for Digitalt Liv Norge Modelling living systems - From foundational problems to applications , Bergen 2017-09-07 - 2017-09-08
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) Extended GEM of Streptomyces coelicolor for production of secondary metabolites. International conference on systems biology 2017 (ICSB 2017) , Blacksburg, Virgina 2017-08-06 - 2017-08-12
PosterSulheim, Snorre; Kumelj, Tjasa; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) A genome-scale metabolic model for Streptomyces coelicolor. Chalmers University of Technology Advanced course on Metabolic engineering and Systems Biology , Gøteborg 2017-06-18 - 2017-06-22
Academic lectureKumelj, Tjasa; Sulheim, Snorre; Wentzel, Alexander; Almaas, Eivind. (2017) Extended GEM of Streptomyces coelicolor for production of secondary metabolites. International Society for Systems Biology International conference on systems biology 2017 (ICSB 2017) , Blacksburg, Virgina 2017-08-06 - 2017-08-12
PosterHeggeset, Tonje Marita Bjerkan; Lewin, Anna; Nguyen, Giang-Son; Nordborg, Anna; Degnes, Kristin Fløgstad; Sletta, Håvard. (2016) INBioPharm - Integrated Novel Natural Product Discovery and Production Platform for Accelerated Biopharmaceutical Innovation from Microbial Biodiversity. SINTEF Functional Metagenomics 2016 , Jægtvolden Fjordhotell, Inderøy 2016-09-25 - 2016-09-28
Academic lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2014) A story of biological networks. Forskningssamarbeid om EØS-Norge midler , Riga 2014-02-25 - 2014-02-25
Programme participationAlmaas, Eivind; Lale, Rahmi; Andersen, Maria; Moghaddam, Shiva; Stormo, Ellen; Adl, Patricia. (2014) Syntetisk biologi. Schrödingers Katt Schrödingers Katt [TV] 2014-03-27
Popular scientific lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2014) NTNU iGEM: Syntetisk biologi. NTNU Åpen dag 2014 , Trondheim 2014-04-29 - 2014-04-29
Popular scientific lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2013) "Nettverk i hverdagen: Fra det opplagte til det overraskende". Forsker til lunsj , KIM senteret, Trondheim 2013-09-18 - 2013-09-18
Popular scientific lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2013) "Nettverk i hverdagen: Fra det opplagte til det overraskende". Forsker til lunsj , Trondheim Kommune, Trondheim 2013-09-19 - 2013-09-19
Popular scientific lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2013) "Nettverk i hverdagen: Fra det opplagte til det overraskende". Forsker til lunsj , Atelier Ilsvika, Trondheim 2013-09-20 - 2013-09-20
Popular scientific lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2013) "Nettverk i hverdagen: Fra det opplagte til det overraskende". Forsker til lunsj , GK Rør AS, Trondheim 2013-09-21 - 2013-09-21
Popular scientific lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2013) "Nettverk i hverdagen: Fra det opplagte til det overraskende". Forsker til lunsj , Rektors stab, NTNU, Trondheim 2013-09-26 - 2013-09-26
Popular scientific lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2013) "Nettverk i hverdagen: Fra det opplagte til det overraskende". Forsker til lunsj , Næringsforeningen i Trondheim, Trondheim 2013-09-27 - 2013-09-27
Popular scientific lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2012) Bacterial Anti-Cancer Kamikaze explained. European iGEM Jamboree 2012 , Vrije University, Amsterdam 2012-10-05 - 2012-10-07
Popular scientific lectureAlmaas, Eivind. (2010) Hva gjør oss smartere?. Foredrag på Universitetet i Stavanger , Stavanger 2010-01-21 - 2010-01-21
InterviewAlmaas, Eivind; Hjorthol, Lars Martin. (2010) Nettverksgener skiller mennesker og sjimpanser. [Internet] 2010-02-21
Programme participationAlmaas, Eivind. (2010) Fanget i nettet. Historien om hvordan alt henger sammen. http://www.nrk.no/p2_akademiet/ http://www.nrk.no/p2_akademiet/ [Radio] 2010-04-24
PosterTripathi, Sushil; Thommesen, Liv; Skjøndal-Bar, Nadav; Almaas, Eivind; Kuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid. (2010) Modelling the gastrin signalling pathways. 22nd International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology , Trondheim 2010-09-02 - 2010-09-04
PosterTripathi, Sushil; Thommesen, Liv; Skjøndal-Bar, Nadav; Almaas, Eivind; Kuiper, Martin; Lægreid, Astrid. (2010) Modelling the gastrin signalling pathways. 11th International Conference on Systems Biology , Edinburgh 2010-10-10 - 2010-10-16