Gustav Grimstad
Research topics:
Various projects concerning soil modelling. This includes:
Modelling and understanding creep in soft clays and other aspects of soil behaviour.
Development and implementation of a number of soil models, including the NGI-ADP model that is now part of a commercial finite element program (
Progressive failure in sensitive clays. This includes:
Work with the implementation of a regularisation technique for modelling of brittle material behaviour in finite element calculations
Back calculations to landslides involving quick clay
Dadrasajirlou, Davood;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Houlsby, G. T..
Modified cam clay bounding surface hyper-viscoplastic model.
Academic article
Sukuvara, Dan Sergei;
Vaslestad, Jan;
Scibilia, Elena;
Baardvik, Gunvor;
Grimstad, Gustav.
A Critical Review of Methods for Backfill Soil Modulus in Design of Flexible Culverts.
Transportation Research Record
Academic article
Tran, Quoc Anh;
Sørlie, Erik Ravik;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar;
Takahashi, Hidenori;
Sassa, Shinji.
Influence of sediment permeability in seismic-induced submarine landslide mechanism: CFD-MPM validation with centrifuge tests and analysis.
Computers and geotechnics
Academic article
Dadrasajirlou, Davood;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Nordal, Steinar.
A set of hyper-viscoplastic critical state models with different friction mobilisation criteria.
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Academic article
Rødvand, Laura Anne;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Andresen, Lars.
Modelling mesh independent failure loads of a soft strain-softening clay using a rate dependent model.
Computers and geotechnics
Academic article
Tran, Quoc Anh;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali.
MPMICE: A hybrid MPM-CFD model for simulating coupled problems in porous media. Application to earthquake-induced submarine landslides.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Academic article
Hov, Sølve;
Paniagua Lopez, Ana Priscilla;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Pan, Yutao.
Kan forsterkning av bløt grunn bli bærekraftig?.
Feature article
Hov, Sølve;
Paniagua Lopez, Ana Priscilla;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Pan, Yutao.
Kan forsterkning av bløt grunn bli bærekraftig?.
Feature article
Long, Michael;
Paniagua Lopez, Ana Priscilla;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Sponås, Egil Berg Antoniazzi;
Bjertness, Endre;
Ritter, Stefan.
Behaviour of 60-year-old trial embankments on peat.
Engineering Geology
Academic article
Attari, Yeganeh;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar.
Evaluation of Pile Driving Effects on Slope Stability in Clay.
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
Academic article
Gao, Hao;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Loranger, Benoit;
Scibilia, Elena.
Formation and growth of multiple, distinct ice lenses in frost heave.
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics (Print)
Academic article
Dadrasajirlou, Davood;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali.
Hyper-Viscoplastic Modelling of Clay Behaviour.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral theses at NTNU (1)
Doctoral dissertation
Long, Mike;
Paniagua Lopez, Ana Priscilla;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Trafford, Andrew;
Degago, Samson Abate;
L Heureux, Jean-Sebastien.
Engineering properties of Norwegian peat for calculation of settlements.
Engineering Geology
Academic article
Tran, Quoc Anh;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali.
MPMICE: A hybrid MPM-CFD model for simulating coupled problems in porous media. Application to earthquake-induced submarine landslides.
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar;
Solberg, Inger-Lise;
Ottesen, Hanne Bratlie.
Om kvikkleire og skredet den 30. desember 2020 i Gjerdrum.
Academic article
Long, Michael;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Trafford, Andrew.
Prediction of embankment settlement on Swedish peat using the soft soil creep model.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers : Geotechnical Engineering
Academic article
Rødvand, Laura Anne;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Andresen, Lars.
Strain localisation in sensitive clays: can rate dependency provide mesh independent results?.
Computers and geotechnics
Academic article
Dadrasajirlou, Davood;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali.
On the isotache viscous modelling of clay behaviour using the hyperplasticity approach.
Academic article
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Lubbad, Raed Khalil.
Report on calibrated and validated numerical models to estimate site specific stability of coastal infrastructure in a changing climate with thawing permafrost.
Grimstad, Gustav;
Long, Michael;
Dadrasajirlou, Davood;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali.
Investigation of Development of the Earth Pressure Coefficient at Rest in Clay During Creep in the Framework of Hyper-Viscoplasticity.
International Journal of Geomechanics
Academic article
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Loranger, Benoit;
Gao, Hao;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Transport coefficients and pressure conditions for growth of ice lens in frozen soil.
Acta Geotechnica
Academic article
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Gao, Hao;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Numerical modelling of distinct ice lenses in frost heave.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Lyu, Chuangxin;
Nishimura, Satoshi;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Zhu, Feng;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Pore-water pressure development in a frozen saline clay under isotropic loading and undrained shearing.
Acta Geotechnica
Academic article
Aamodt, Magnus Træland;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar.
Effect of Strength Anisotropy on the Stability of Natural Slopes .
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Lyu, Chuangxin;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nishimura, Satoshi.
Pore pressure coefficient in frozen soils.
Academic article
Tistel, Joar;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar.
A macro model for shallow foundations on granular soils describing non-linear foundation behavior.
Computers & structures
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Dadrasajirlou, Davood;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali.
Modelling creep in clay using the framework of hyper-viscoplasticity.
Géotechnique Letters
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Paniagua Lopez, Ana Priscilla;
De Weerdt, Klaartje.
På vegen mot karbonnegativ stabil grunn.
Popular scientific article
Hoogstraten, Sara C. van;
Hermans, Sebastiaan J.;
Versteijlen, Willem G.;
Page, Ana M. ;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Pisanò, Federico.
The Macro-Element Method for Offshore Wind Turbines Exposed to Extreme Loads in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Deep Foundations Institute (DFI)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lyu, Chuangxin;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Høyland, Knut Vilhelm;
Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas.
Comparison of Geoacoustic Models for Unfrozen Water Content Estimation.
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Nordal, Steinar.
Relations and links between soil mechanics, porous media physics, physiochemical theory, and effective medium theory.
Frontiers in Physics
Academic literature review
Lyu, Chuangxin;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Gao, Hao;
Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Joint Acoustic and Electrical Measurements for Unfrozen Water Saturation Estimate—A Review.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rødvand, Laura Anne;
Andresen, Lars;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Case study of a road bridge hit by a landslide in highly sensitive clay.
Page, Ana M. ;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
A macro-element model for multidirectional cyclic lateral loading of monopiles in clay.
Computers and geotechnics
Academic article
Skau, Kristoffer Skjolden;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Page, Ana M. ;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
A macro-element for integrated time domain analyses representing bucket foundations for offshore wind turbines.
Marine Structures
Academic article
Page, Ana M. ;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
A macro-element pile foundation model for integrated analyses of monopile-based offshore wind turbines.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Rønningen, Jon Abusland;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar.
On the convexity of yield and potential surfaces in rotational hardening critical state models.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjerre, Jesper;
Rønningen, Jon Abusland;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar.
Effective Stress based Model for Natural Soft Clays incorporating Restructuration.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cicchetti, Lorenzo;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas.
Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical simulations of Artificial Ground Freezing.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Watn, Arnstein;
Hoff, Inge.
Frost protection in roads using insulation materials.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Rønningen, Jon Abusland;
Nordal, Steinar.
Application of a generalized continuous Mohr–Coulomb criterion.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nordal, Steinar;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jordbakke, Tormod;
Rabstad, Kristoffer;
Isachsen, Marit.
On modelling of anisotropic undrained strength for non-horizontal terrain.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tistel, Joar;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar.
Testing and modeling of cyclically loaded rock anchors.
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Academic article
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Constitutive Model for Long-Term Behavior of Saturated Frozen Soil.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ervik, Åse;
Høyland, Knut Vilhelm;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nord, Torodd Skjerve.
A continuum model of large deformation continuous ductile ice crushing.
Proceedings - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions
Academic article
Rostami, Hooman;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Back analysis of Caen’s test by the recently developed frozen/unfrozen soil.
Plaxis Bulletin
Popular scientific article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Karstunen, Minna;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Sivasithamparam, Nallathamby;
Mehli, Magne;
Zwanenburg, Cor.
Creep of geomaterials – some finding from the EU project CREEP.
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (EJECE)
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Haji Ashrafi, Mohammad Ali;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Nordal, Steinar;
Emdal, Arnfinn.
Discussion of ‘Soil creep effects on ground lateral deformation and pore water pressure under embankments’.
Geomechanics and Geoengineering
Academic article
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Kadivar, Mehdi.
An elastic-viscoplastic model for saturated frozen soils.
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (EJECE)
Academic article
Tistel, Joar;
Grimstad, Gustav.
A macro model description of the non-linear anchor block foundation behavior.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Kadivar, Mehdi;
Nordal, Steinar.
Constitutive model for rate-independent behavior of saturated frozen soils.
Canadian geotechnical journal (Print)
Academic article
Rønningen, Jon A.;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar.
Modelling soft Scandinavian clay behavior using the asymptotic state.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Kadivar, Mehdi;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Enhanced permafrost creep model– user manual and documentation.
Grimstad, Gustav;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Boumezerane, Djamalddine.
Discussion of “Viscous behaviour of clays in one-dimensional compression”.
Canadian geotechnical journal (Print)
Short communication
Degago, Samson Abate;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Discussion of “Experimental investigation on the creep behavior of an unsaturated clay”.
Canadian geotechnical journal (Print)
Short communication
Haji Ashrafi, Mohammad Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Implementation of a critical state soft soil creep model with shear stiffness.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Mehli, Magne;
Degago, Samson Abate.
Is creep analysis creeping into practice?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Boumezerane, Djamalddine;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Makdisi, Andrew.
A framework for peat behaviour based on hyperplasticity principles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Kadivar, Mehdi;
Grimstad, Gustav.
A Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Constitutive Model for Saturated Frozen Soil.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Mehli, Magne;
Degago, Samson Abate.
Creep in Clay During the First Few Years After Construction.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Boumezerane, Djamalddine;
Grimstad, Gustav.
A Rheological Model for Peat That Accounts for Creep.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Kadivar, Mehdi;
Grimstad, Gustav.
A new concept in developing a constitutive model for frozen soils.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Haji Ashrafi, Mohammad Ali;
Kadivar, Mehdi.
PROFILE: Creep of geomaterials.
PAN european networks science and technology
Popular scientific article
Grimstad, Gustav.
Bjørvika synker.
Popular scientific article
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Andersen, Knut H;
Sivasithamparam, Nallathamby.
A FE procedure for calculation of cyclic behaviour of offshore foundations under partly drained conditions.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Rønningen, Jon A.;
Nøst, Hilde Aas.
Use of IWAN models for modelling anisotropic and cyclic behavior of clays.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bonadies, F.;
Nordal, Steinar;
Gylland, Anders Samstad;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Cuomo, S..
Numerical methods for simulation of downward progressive landslides.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Significance of sample quality in settlement analysis of field cases.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cai, Fang;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
An anisotropic shear strength model for cyclic accumulated plastic strain of overconsolidated clay.
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
Academic article
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Andersen, Knut H;
Saue, Morten;
Shin, Yunsup;
You, D.
A FE Procedure for Foundation Design of Offshore Structures - Applied to Study a Potential OWT Monopile Foundation in the Korean Western Sea.
Geotechnical Engineering
Academic article
Rønningen, Jon A.;
Gavel-Solberg, Vegard;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Effective stress model for soft Scandinavian clays.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Mehli, Magne;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
Forskningstemaet: krypoppførsel av geomaterialer og innlemmelse i geoteknisk prosjektering.Hvordan best utføre krypmodellering?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fornes, Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
Effekt av progressiv bruddutvikling for utbygging i områder med kvikkleire: Tilbakeregning av Vestfossenskredet.
Norges vassdrags‐ og energidirektorat i et samarbeid med Statens vegvesen og
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
Effekt av progressiv bruddutvikling for utbygging i områder med kvikkleire: Numerisk metode for beregning av udrenert brudd i sensitive materialer.
Norges vassdrags‐ og energidirektorat i et samarbeid med Statens vegvesen og
Skau, Kristoffer Skjolden;
Andresen, Lars;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Fornes, Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Page, Ana.
Stability and deformations of Zelazny Most dam - One of the world's largest deponies for copper tailings.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson Abate;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Evaluation of creep hypotheses A and B based on relevant laboratory tests.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Rønningen, Jon A.;
Benz, Thomas;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Den Haan, Evert;
Qi, Jilin.
User manual for the creep database.
Grimstad, Gustav.
Creep of geomaterials webpage.
Website (informational material)
Grimstad, Gustav;
Rønningen, Jon A..
Creep database.
Grimstad, Gustav;
Melhus, Ole;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Ebeltoft, Roger Guldvik.
Modeling of rock fall impact using discrete element method (DEM.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Nordal, Steinar.
Misconceptions about experimental substantiation of creep hypothesis A.
Presses des Ponts
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Nordal, Steinar.
Misconceptions about experimental substantion of creep hypotheis A.
Presses des Ponts
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
Stability analyses of quick clay using FEM and an anisotropic strain softening model with internal length scale.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bujulu, Pancras Mugishagwe Syldion;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Generalized constitutive model for stabilized quick clay.
Global Journal of Engineering Research
Academic article
Bujulu, Pancras Mugishagwe Syldion;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Constitutive Model for Cemented Quick Clay in Deep-Mix Stabilization.
Global Journal of Engineering Research
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Andresen, Lars;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
NGI-ADP: Anisotropic shear strength model for clay.
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics (Print)
Academic article
Andresen, Lars;
Saygili, Gökhan;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Finite element analysis of the Saint-Alban embankment failure with an anisotropic undrained strength model.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
Effekt av progressive brudd i sensitive leirer.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Comparison of distribution functions for the non-local strain approach.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson Abate;
Nordal, Steinar;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
Analyses of Väsby test fill according to creep hypothesis A and B.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson Abate;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Nordal, Steinar;
Olsson, Mats.
Use and misuse of the isotache concept with respect to creep hypotheses A and B.
Academic article
Degago, Samson Abate;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Olsson, Mats;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar.
Time- and stress-compressibility of clays during primary consolidation.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Degago, Samson Abate.
A non-associated creep model for structured anisotropic clay (n-SAC).
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Nordal, Steinar;
Karstunen, Minna.
Modeling creep and rate effects in structured anisotropic soft clays.
Acta Geotechnica
Academic article
Degago, Samson Abate;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Nordal, Steinar.
The non-uniqueness of the end-of-primary (EOP) void ratio-effective stress relationship.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav.
Development of effective stress based anisotropic models for soft clays.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2009:169)
Doctoral dissertation
Grimstad, Gustav;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Nordal, Steinar;
Karstunen, Minna.
Modelling creep and rate effects using the time resistance concept in a model for anisotropy and destructuration.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bujulu, Pancras Mugishagwe Syldion;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar;
Grande, Lars Olav.
An experimentally-based constitutive model for deep-mix stabilized quick clay.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Bujulu, Pancras Mugishagwe Syldion;
Nordal, Steinar.
A generalized constitutive model for stabilized quick clay.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Emdal, Arnfinn;
Priol, Gregoire;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Lohren, A.H..
Numerical analysis of the effect of sleepers on the lateral displacement of railway track.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar;
Athanasiu, Corneliu.
A constitutive model for undrained anisotropic behaviour of clays.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh;
Nordal, Steinar;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Phenomenological issues related to strain localization in sensitive clays.
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh;
Nordal, Steinar.
Experimental observation on formation and propagation of shear zone in Norwegian quick clay.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Dadrasajirlou, Davood;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Houlsby, G. T..
Modified cam clay bounding surface hyper-viscoplastic model.
Academic article
Sukuvara, Dan Sergei;
Vaslestad, Jan;
Scibilia, Elena;
Baardvik, Gunvor;
Grimstad, Gustav.
A Critical Review of Methods for Backfill Soil Modulus in Design of Flexible Culverts.
Transportation Research Record
Academic article
Tran, Quoc Anh;
Sørlie, Erik Ravik;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar;
Takahashi, Hidenori;
Sassa, Shinji.
Influence of sediment permeability in seismic-induced submarine landslide mechanism: CFD-MPM validation with centrifuge tests and analysis.
Computers and geotechnics
Academic article
Dadrasajirlou, Davood;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Nordal, Steinar.
A set of hyper-viscoplastic critical state models with different friction mobilisation criteria.
International Journal of Solids and Structures
Academic article
Rødvand, Laura Anne;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Andresen, Lars.
Modelling mesh independent failure loads of a soft strain-softening clay using a rate dependent model.
Computers and geotechnics
Academic article
Tran, Quoc Anh;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali.
MPMICE: A hybrid MPM-CFD model for simulating coupled problems in porous media. Application to earthquake-induced submarine landslides.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Academic article
Hov, Sølve;
Paniagua Lopez, Ana Priscilla;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Pan, Yutao.
Kan forsterkning av bløt grunn bli bærekraftig?.
Feature article
Hov, Sølve;
Paniagua Lopez, Ana Priscilla;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Pan, Yutao.
Kan forsterkning av bløt grunn bli bærekraftig?.
Feature article
Long, Michael;
Paniagua Lopez, Ana Priscilla;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Sponås, Egil Berg Antoniazzi;
Bjertness, Endre;
Ritter, Stefan.
Behaviour of 60-year-old trial embankments on peat.
Engineering Geology
Academic article
Attari, Yeganeh;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar.
Evaluation of Pile Driving Effects on Slope Stability in Clay.
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
Academic article
Gao, Hao;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Loranger, Benoit;
Scibilia, Elena.
Formation and growth of multiple, distinct ice lenses in frost heave.
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics (Print)
Academic article
Long, Mike;
Paniagua Lopez, Ana Priscilla;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Trafford, Andrew;
Degago, Samson Abate;
L Heureux, Jean-Sebastien.
Engineering properties of Norwegian peat for calculation of settlements.
Engineering Geology
Academic article
Tran, Quoc Anh;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali.
MPMICE: A hybrid MPM-CFD model for simulating coupled problems in porous media. Application to earthquake-induced submarine landslides.
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar;
Solberg, Inger-Lise;
Ottesen, Hanne Bratlie.
Om kvikkleire og skredet den 30. desember 2020 i Gjerdrum.
Academic article
Long, Michael;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Trafford, Andrew.
Prediction of embankment settlement on Swedish peat using the soft soil creep model.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers : Geotechnical Engineering
Academic article
Rødvand, Laura Anne;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Andresen, Lars.
Strain localisation in sensitive clays: can rate dependency provide mesh independent results?.
Computers and geotechnics
Academic article
Dadrasajirlou, Davood;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali.
On the isotache viscous modelling of clay behaviour using the hyperplasticity approach.
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Long, Michael;
Dadrasajirlou, Davood;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali.
Investigation of Development of the Earth Pressure Coefficient at Rest in Clay During Creep in the Framework of Hyper-Viscoplasticity.
International Journal of Geomechanics
Academic article
Kjelstrup, Signe;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Loranger, Benoit;
Gao, Hao;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Transport coefficients and pressure conditions for growth of ice lens in frozen soil.
Acta Geotechnica
Academic article
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Gao, Hao;
Kjelstrup, Signe.
Numerical modelling of distinct ice lenses in frost heave.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Lyu, Chuangxin;
Nishimura, Satoshi;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Zhu, Feng;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Pore-water pressure development in a frozen saline clay under isotropic loading and undrained shearing.
Acta Geotechnica
Academic article
Aamodt, Magnus Træland;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar.
Effect of Strength Anisotropy on the Stability of Natural Slopes .
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Lyu, Chuangxin;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nishimura, Satoshi.
Pore pressure coefficient in frozen soils.
Academic article
Tistel, Joar;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar.
A macro model for shallow foundations on granular soils describing non-linear foundation behavior.
Computers & structures
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Dadrasajirlou, Davood;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali.
Modelling creep in clay using the framework of hyper-viscoplasticity.
Géotechnique Letters
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Paniagua Lopez, Ana Priscilla;
De Weerdt, Klaartje.
På vegen mot karbonnegativ stabil grunn.
Popular scientific article
Lyu, Chuangxin;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Høyland, Knut Vilhelm;
Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas.
Comparison of Geoacoustic Models for Unfrozen Water Content Estimation.
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Nordal, Steinar.
Relations and links between soil mechanics, porous media physics, physiochemical theory, and effective medium theory.
Frontiers in Physics
Academic literature review
Page, Ana M. ;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
A macro-element model for multidirectional cyclic lateral loading of monopiles in clay.
Computers and geotechnics
Academic article
Skau, Kristoffer Skjolden;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Page, Ana M. ;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
A macro-element for integrated time domain analyses representing bucket foundations for offshore wind turbines.
Marine Structures
Academic article
Page, Ana M. ;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
A macro-element pile foundation model for integrated analyses of monopile-based offshore wind turbines.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Tistel, Joar;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar.
Testing and modeling of cyclically loaded rock anchors.
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Academic article
Ervik, Åse;
Høyland, Knut Vilhelm;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nord, Torodd Skjerve.
A continuum model of large deformation continuous ductile ice crushing.
Proceedings - International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic Conditions
Academic article
Rostami, Hooman;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Back analysis of Caen’s test by the recently developed frozen/unfrozen soil.
Plaxis Bulletin
Popular scientific article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Karstunen, Minna;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Sivasithamparam, Nallathamby;
Mehli, Magne;
Zwanenburg, Cor.
Creep of geomaterials – some finding from the EU project CREEP.
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (EJECE)
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Haji Ashrafi, Mohammad Ali;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Nordal, Steinar;
Emdal, Arnfinn.
Discussion of ‘Soil creep effects on ground lateral deformation and pore water pressure under embankments’.
Geomechanics and Geoengineering
Academic article
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Kadivar, Mehdi.
An elastic-viscoplastic model for saturated frozen soils.
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering (EJECE)
Academic article
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Kadivar, Mehdi;
Nordal, Steinar.
Constitutive model for rate-independent behavior of saturated frozen soils.
Canadian geotechnical journal (Print)
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Boumezerane, Djamalddine.
Discussion of “Viscous behaviour of clays in one-dimensional compression”.
Canadian geotechnical journal (Print)
Short communication
Degago, Samson Abate;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Discussion of “Experimental investigation on the creep behavior of an unsaturated clay”.
Canadian geotechnical journal (Print)
Short communication
Grimstad, Gustav;
Haji Ashrafi, Mohammad Ali;
Kadivar, Mehdi.
PROFILE: Creep of geomaterials.
PAN european networks science and technology
Popular scientific article
Grimstad, Gustav.
Bjørvika synker.
Popular scientific article
Cai, Fang;
Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
An anisotropic shear strength model for cyclic accumulated plastic strain of overconsolidated clay.
Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
Academic article
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Andersen, Knut H;
Saue, Morten;
Shin, Yunsup;
You, D.
A FE Procedure for Foundation Design of Offshore Structures - Applied to Study a Potential OWT Monopile Foundation in the Korean Western Sea.
Geotechnical Engineering
Academic article
Bujulu, Pancras Mugishagwe Syldion;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Generalized constitutive model for stabilized quick clay.
Global Journal of Engineering Research
Academic article
Bujulu, Pancras Mugishagwe Syldion;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Constitutive Model for Cemented Quick Clay in Deep-Mix Stabilization.
Global Journal of Engineering Research
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Andresen, Lars;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
NGI-ADP: Anisotropic shear strength model for clay.
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics (Print)
Academic article
Degago, Samson Abate;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Nordal, Steinar;
Olsson, Mats.
Use and misuse of the isotache concept with respect to creep hypotheses A and B.
Academic article
Grimstad, Gustav;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Nordal, Steinar;
Karstunen, Minna.
Modeling creep and rate effects in structured anisotropic soft clays.
Acta Geotechnica
Academic article
Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh;
Nordal, Steinar;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Phenomenological issues related to strain localization in sensitive clays.
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
Academic article
Part of book/report
Hoogstraten, Sara C. van;
Hermans, Sebastiaan J.;
Versteijlen, Willem G.;
Page, Ana M. ;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Pisanò, Federico.
The Macro-Element Method for Offshore Wind Turbines Exposed to Extreme Loads in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Deep Foundations Institute (DFI)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lyu, Chuangxin;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Gao, Hao;
Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Joint Acoustic and Electrical Measurements for Unfrozen Water Saturation Estimate—A Review.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rødvand, Laura Anne;
Andresen, Lars;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Case study of a road bridge hit by a landslide in highly sensitive clay.
Rønningen, Jon Abusland;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar.
On the convexity of yield and potential surfaces in rotational hardening critical state models.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjerre, Jesper;
Rønningen, Jon Abusland;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar.
Effective Stress based Model for Natural Soft Clays incorporating Restructuration.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cicchetti, Lorenzo;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas.
Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical simulations of Artificial Ground Freezing.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Watn, Arnstein;
Hoff, Inge.
Frost protection in roads using insulation materials.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Rønningen, Jon Abusland;
Nordal, Steinar.
Application of a generalized continuous Mohr–Coulomb criterion.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nordal, Steinar;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jordbakke, Tormod;
Rabstad, Kristoffer;
Isachsen, Marit.
On modelling of anisotropic undrained strength for non-horizontal terrain.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Constitutive Model for Long-Term Behavior of Saturated Frozen Soil.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tistel, Joar;
Grimstad, Gustav.
A macro model description of the non-linear anchor block foundation behavior.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rønningen, Jon A.;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar.
Modelling soft Scandinavian clay behavior using the asymptotic state.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haji Ashrafi, Mohammad Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Implementation of a critical state soft soil creep model with shear stiffness.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Mehli, Magne;
Degago, Samson Abate.
Is creep analysis creeping into practice?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Boumezerane, Djamalddine;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Makdisi, Andrew.
A framework for peat behaviour based on hyperplasticity principles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Kadivar, Mehdi;
Grimstad, Gustav.
A Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Constitutive Model for Saturated Frozen Soil.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Mehli, Magne;
Degago, Samson Abate.
Creep in Clay During the First Few Years After Construction.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Boumezerane, Djamalddine;
Grimstad, Gustav.
A Rheological Model for Peat That Accounts for Creep.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Kadivar, Mehdi;
Grimstad, Gustav.
A new concept in developing a constitutive model for frozen soils.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Andersen, Knut H;
Sivasithamparam, Nallathamby.
A FE procedure for calculation of cyclic behaviour of offshore foundations under partly drained conditions.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Rønningen, Jon A.;
Nøst, Hilde Aas.
Use of IWAN models for modelling anisotropic and cyclic behavior of clays.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bonadies, F.;
Nordal, Steinar;
Gylland, Anders Samstad;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Cuomo, S..
Numerical methods for simulation of downward progressive landslides.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Significance of sample quality in settlement analysis of field cases.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rønningen, Jon A.;
Gavel-Solberg, Vegard;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Effective stress model for soft Scandinavian clays.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Mehli, Magne;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
Forskningstemaet: krypoppførsel av geomaterialer og innlemmelse i geoteknisk prosjektering.Hvordan best utføre krypmodellering?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skau, Kristoffer Skjolden;
Andresen, Lars;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Fornes, Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Page, Ana.
Stability and deformations of Zelazny Most dam - One of the world's largest deponies for copper tailings.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson Abate;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Evaluation of creep hypotheses A and B based on relevant laboratory tests.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Melhus, Ole;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Ebeltoft, Roger Guldvik.
Modeling of rock fall impact using discrete element method (DEM.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Nordal, Steinar.
Misconceptions about experimental substantiation of creep hypothesis A.
Presses des Ponts
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Nordal, Steinar.
Misconceptions about experimental substantion of creep hypotheis A.
Presses des Ponts
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
Stability analyses of quick clay using FEM and an anisotropic strain softening model with internal length scale.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andresen, Lars;
Saygili, Gökhan;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Finite element analysis of the Saint-Alban embankment failure with an anisotropic undrained strength model.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
Effekt av progressive brudd i sensitive leirer.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Comparison of distribution functions for the non-local strain approach.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson Abate;
Nordal, Steinar;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
Analyses of Väsby test fill according to creep hypothesis A and B.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson Abate;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Olsson, Mats;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar.
Time- and stress-compressibility of clays during primary consolidation.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Degago, Samson Abate.
A non-associated creep model for structured anisotropic clay (n-SAC).
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Degago, Samson Abate;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Nordal, Steinar.
The non-uniqueness of the end-of-primary (EOP) void ratio-effective stress relationship.
IOS Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Degago, Samson Abate;
Nordal, Steinar;
Karstunen, Minna.
Modelling creep and rate effects using the time resistance concept in a model for anisotropy and destructuration.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bujulu, Pancras Mugishagwe Syldion;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar;
Grande, Lars Olav.
An experimentally-based constitutive model for deep-mix stabilized quick clay.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Bujulu, Pancras Mugishagwe Syldion;
Nordal, Steinar.
A generalized constitutive model for stabilized quick clay.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Emdal, Arnfinn;
Priol, Gregoire;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Lohren, A.H..
Numerical analysis of the effect of sleepers on the lateral displacement of railway track.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Nordal, Steinar;
Athanasiu, Corneliu.
A constitutive model for undrained anisotropic behaviour of clays.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grimstad, Gustav;
Thakur, Vikas Kumar Singh;
Nordal, Steinar.
Experimental observation on formation and propagation of shear zone in Norwegian quick clay.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dadrasajirlou, Davood;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali.
Hyper-Viscoplastic Modelling of Clay Behaviour.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral theses at NTNU (1)
Doctoral dissertation
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Lubbad, Raed Khalil.
Report on calibrated and validated numerical models to estimate site specific stability of coastal infrastructure in a changing climate with thawing permafrost.
Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali;
Kadivar, Mehdi;
Grimstad, Gustav.
Enhanced permafrost creep model– user manual and documentation.
Fornes, Petter;
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
Effekt av progressiv bruddutvikling for utbygging i områder med kvikkleire: Tilbakeregning av Vestfossenskredet.
Norges vassdrags‐ og energidirektorat i et samarbeid med Statens vegvesen og
Grimstad, Gustav;
Jostad, Hans Petter.
Effekt av progressiv bruddutvikling for utbygging i områder med kvikkleire: Numerisk metode for beregning av udrenert brudd i sensitive materialer.
Norges vassdrags‐ og energidirektorat i et samarbeid med Statens vegvesen og
Grimstad, Gustav;
Rønningen, Jon A.;
Benz, Thomas;
Jostad, Hans Petter;
Den Haan, Evert;
Qi, Jilin.
User manual for the creep database.
Grimstad, Gustav.
Development of effective stress based anisotropic models for soft clays.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2009:169)
Doctoral dissertation
Grimstad, Gustav;
Rønningen, Jon A..
Creep database.
Grimstad, Gustav.
Creep of geomaterials webpage.
Website (informational material)
- BA8304 - Jordmodellering
- TBA5150 - Geohazards and risks
- TBA4116 - Geoteknikk, videregående kurs
- BA8301 - Marin geoteknikk
- BA6064 - Geoteknikk - Beregningsmetoder
- TBM4241 - Numeriske og analytiske metoder i geoteknikk
- BA6063 - Geoteknikk - Introduksjon
- TBM4540 - Geotechnics and Geohazards, fordypningsprosjekt
- TBM4342 - Geoteknikk 2
- TBM4541 - Geotechnics and Geohazards, fordypningsprosjekt
- BM6400 - Jordmodellering
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureGhoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali; Dadrasajirlou, Davood; Grimstad, Gustav. (2023) Direct integration method for hyperplastic models. 10th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering , Imperial College London 2023-06-26 - 2023-06-28
Academic lectureTran, Quoc Anh; Grimstad, Gustav; Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali. (2022) Coupled CFD-MPM simulation of soil-fluid interaction in geotechnics. Presentations and videos to 7th edition of the International Conference on Particle Meothds 2022-06-06 - 2022-08-06
Academic lectureTran, Quoc Anh; Rogstad, Agnete; Grimstad, Gustav; Nordal, Steinar; Alene, Gebray Habtu. (2022) Preliminary study of 3D large deformation modeling of the Gjerdrum 2020 sensitive clay landslide . the 8th Canadian Conference on Geotechnique and Natural HazardsAt: Quebec, Canada 2022-06-06 - 2022-06-08
Academic lectureTorgersrud, Øyvind; Mohus, Oda; Eikebrokk, Anna; Grimstad, Gustav; Jostad, Hans Petter. (2021) Critical state line from level set discrete element method. University of Alberta Geotechnical Centre Tailings and Mine Waste 2021 , Virtual 2021-11-06 - 2021-11-10
Academic lectureAamodt, Magnus T; Grimstad, Gustav; Nordal, Steinar. (2021) Effect of Strength Anisotropy on the Stability of Natural Slopes. 18th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting 18-19 January 2021, Helsinki, Finland , On Web 2021-01-18 -
LectureKjelstrup, Signe; Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali; Gao, Hao; Grimstad, Gustav; Loranger, Benoit. (2020) Dynamic of ice lens formation in frozen soil. InterPore 2020 2020-08-31 - 2020-09-04
LectureLyu, Chuangxin; Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas; Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali; Eiksund, Gudmund Reidar; Grimstad, Gustav. (2020) Joint Acoustic and Electrical Measurements for Unfrozen Water Saturation of Frozen Saline Soil. EGU General Assembly 2020 2020-05-04 - 2020-05-08
Academic lectureDegago, Samson Abate; Grimstad, Gustav. (2019) Potential application of satellite data in evaluation of field creep calculation. 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering , Seoul 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-21
LectureGhoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali; Gao, Hao; Grimstad, Gustav; Kjelstrup, Signe. (2019) A discontinuous approach for modelling distinct ice lenses in frost heave phenomenon. Int. Workshop on Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Porous Media , Trondheim 2019-08-29 - 2019-08-30
Academic lectureGrimstad, Gustav. (2018) On the constitutive modelling of clay soils. Ruhr-Universität Bochum 3. Deutsche Bodenmechanik Tagung 2018 , Ruhr-Universität Bochum 2018-05-29 - 2018-05-29
LectureGhoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali; Grimstad, Gustav; Nordal, Steinar. (2018) Porous media in a geotechnical context: constitutive modeling and effective stress measure. 2nd National Interpore Workshop , Oslo 2018-11-09 - 2018-11-09
LectureGhoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali; Grimstad, Gustav. (2018) Computational Model for Freezing and Thawing Processes in Fully Saturated Soils. China – Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering , Vienna 2018-08-13 - 2018-08-16
LectureGhoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali; Grimstad, Gustav. (2017) Coupled THM constitutive model for porous materials under frost action: Application to frost heave simulation. 9th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting (InterPore 2017) , Rotterdam 2017-05-08 - 2017-05-11
Academic lectureGrimstad, Gustav; Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali. (2016) Constitutive modeling of frozen soils. UiB Norwegian chapter InterPore Kick-off Workshop , Bergen 2016-09-23 - 2016-09-23
PosterGhoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali; Grimstad, Gustav. (2016) Elastic-ViscoPlastic Model for Saturated Frozen Soils. UiB Norwegian chapter InterPore Kick-off Workshop , Bergen 2016-09-23 - 2016-09-23
PosterGhoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali; Grimstad, Gustav. (2016) Elastic-ViscoPlastic Model for Saturated Frozen Soils. Alert Geomaterials Alert Workshop , Assois 2016-10-03 - 2016-10-05
Academic lectureDegago, Samson Abate; Grimstad, Gustav. (2016) Evaluation of soil parameters for creep calculations of field cases. The 17th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting 2016-05-25 - 2016-05-28
PosterKadivar, Mehdi; Grimstad, Gustav; Ghoreishian Amiri, Seyed Ali; Jostad, Hans Petter; Birkeland, Ellen. (2016) Study of frost susceptibility of normally consolidated clay using NGI frost heave cell. XI. International Conference on Permafrost , Potsdam 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-24
Academic lectureGrimstad, Gustav. (2015) Parameter selection for creep models. Norwegian Geotechnical Institute CREEP workshop , Oslo 2015-01-08 - 2015-01-08
LectureGrimstad, Gustav; Ashrafi, Mohammad Ali Haji. (2014) Back calculation of embankments with OCR determined from prediction of initial strain rate rather than from OCR determined from disturbed samples in oedometer tests under unknown (different than the in-situ) stress condition, with a simple creep model. Deltares CREBS IV , Delft 2014-01-08 - 2014-01-09
Academic lectureGrimstad, Gustav. (2014) GFT: CREEP of Geomatrials. GFT GFT Årsmøte , Trondheim 2014-01-29 - 2014-01-29
Academic lectureGrimstad, Gustav; Degago, Samson. (2012) Modeling of soft clay with focus on anisotropy and creep. NGF Yngres dag , Trondheim 2012-05-24 -
Academic lectureGrimstad, Gustav. (2012) Stability analyses of quick clay using FEM and an anisotropic strain softening model with internal length scale. NGI 3rd GEO-INSTALL workshop , Oslo 2012-06-07 - 2012-06-08
Academic lectureDegago, Samson; Grimstad, Gustav. (2012) Implication of sample quality in settlement analysis of field cases. Indian Geotechnical Society Delhi Chapter Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) , New Delhi 2012-12-13 - 2012-12-15
Academic lectureGrimstad, Gustav. (2011) A non-associated creep model for structured anisotropic clay (n-SAC). 2nd GEO-INSTALL workshop , Glasgow 2011-05-31 - 2011-06-03
Academic lectureGrimstad, Gustav. (2011) NGI-ADP Anisotropic undrained shear strength model. PDC ( PDC meeting, 2011 , Delft 2011-02-22 -
Academic lectureGrimstad, Gustav; Jostad, Hans Petter; Andresen, Lars. (2010) Undrained capacity analyses of sensitive clays using the non-local strain approach. HSTAM 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, VARDOULAKIS MINI-SYMPOSIA , Limassol 2010-07-12 - 2010-07-14
Academic lectureGrimstad, Gustav. (2007) STUDY OF THE FRICTION SLEEPER PERFORMANCE USING 3D FEM. BAW 14th European PLAXIS users meeting , Karlsruhe 2007-11-07 - 2007-11-09
PosterThakur, Vikas Kumar Singh; Grimstad, Gustav; Nordal, Steinar. (2006) Instability in soft sensitive clays. ECI ( 2006 ECI Conference on Geohazards , Lillehammer 2006-06-18 - 2006-06-21