Hilde Storrøsæter
University Lecturer in Geography, Head of Practicum, and Coordinator for the 3rd Year of the Master's Degree in Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education year 5-10.
Hilde Storrøsæter is employed as a university lecturer in Geography at NTNU, where she serves as the head of practicum and coordinator for the 3rd year in the university's master's program in primary and lower secondary teacher education, years 5-10. Hilde teaches geography in various social studies courses both years 1-7 and 5-10, as well as to exchange students. A significant part of her work is related to the ongoing reorganization of practicum for primary and lower secondary school teacher education at the Department of Teacher Education (ILU).
Hilde’s teaching philosophy centers on didactics that promote mastery, curiosity, exploration, and active learning. She emphasizes highlighting different perspectives and facilitating a community where there is room for agreement and disagreement. Especially in the field of sustainability, she is keen on avoiding a moralizing and indoctrinating approach, and focuses on all three dimensions of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic.
Before her current position at NTNU, Hilde worked for nine years in upper secondary school, both in Trøndelag and Oslo. There, she taught geography, human geography, social studies, social science, economics, and English. During the work on LK20, Hilde was also involved in the development of geography curricula through subject committees.
- Assessment of students in clinical practice
- Curricula in geography
- Didactics for the social sciences
- Educational guidance
- Formative assessment
- Geography
- Geography education
- Geography in school
- LK20
- Newly qualified school teachers
- Practicum
- Praksis i lærerutdanning
- Samfunnsfagdidaktikk
- Student evaluation
- Summative assessment
- Sustainability didactics
- Utforsking i samfunnsfag
- peer counselling
- practice supervision
Storrøsæter, Hilde.
Fremtidens grunnskole har behov for lærere med mastergrad.
Feature article
Storrøsæter, Hilde;
Jøssund, Morten Alexander.
Praksislærerne er en viktig nøkkel til fremtidens skole som ikke må undervurderes.
Feature article
Journal publications
Storrøsæter, Hilde.
Fremtidens grunnskole har behov for lærere med mastergrad.
Feature article
Storrøsæter, Hilde;
Jøssund, Morten Alexander.
Praksislærerne er en viktig nøkkel til fremtidens skole som ikke må undervurderes.
Feature article
- MGLU2507 - Introduction to Social Studies Education Part 2 (5-10)
- MGLU3520 - Field Practice, Teacher Education (5-10) Year 3
- MGLU5522 - Field Practice, Teacher Education (5-10) Year 4 and 5
- MGLU4520 - Field Practice, Teacher Education (5-10) Year 4
- MGLU5520 - Field Practice, Teacher Education (5-10) Year 5
- MGLU3111 - Specialization in social studies (1-7)
- MGLU3511 - Specialization in social studies (5-10)
- MGLU2520 - Field Practice, Teacher Education (5-10) Year 2
- MGLU3510 - Introduction to Social Studies Education Part 2 (5-10)
- MGLU1520 - Field Practice, Teacher Education (5-10) Year 1
Utforsking i møte med spenninger i samfunnsfaget.
En tverrfaglig og praktisk innfallsvinkel til bærekraftsundervisning
Underveisvurdering med fokus på ferdigheter.
Hva kjennetegner lærerstudenters forståelse av utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling?
Studenters mestringsforventning til egen undervisning rundt bærekraft
LectureStorrøsæter, Hilde. (2024) Developing young people’s geographical thinking in Norway: Curriculum, pedagogical strategies, and tools . Institutt for geografi, NTNU Geography research seminar , Trondheim 2024-05-13 -
Academic lectureDille, Karen Birgitte; Storrøsæter, Hilde; Hellesnes, Gro. (2024) På hvilken måte kan oppfølgingslærer i større grad inkluderes i trepartssamarbeidet? . Nord Universitet Praksiskonferansen 2024 , Stjørdal 2024-05-22 - 2024-05-23
Academic lectureBendl, Tomáš; Storrøsæter, Hilde. (2024) Developing young people´s geographical thinking: Curriculum, pedagogical strategies, and tools - a summary of the white paper. IGU Commission on Geographical Education IGU-CGE Research Symposium , Galway 2024-08-22 - 2024-08-24
Academic lectureStorrøsæter, Hilde; Dille, Karen Birgitte. (2024) Bridging the Gap: Understanding Stakeholders' Perspectives on Future Teacher Competencies. European Educational Research Association (EERA) Emerging Researchers Conference , Nicosia 2024-08-26 - 2024-08-27
Academic lecturePettersen, Anne Rakstad; Storrøsæter, Hilde. (2024) Exploring Geographical Enquiry: Insights from an upper secondary school in Norway. Institutt for geografi, NTNU Geography research seminar , Trondheim 2024-05-13 - 2024-05-13
PosterDille, Karen Birgitte; Storrøsæter, Hilde. (2024) PSTs´ expectations and experiences of professional development in field practice . International Society for Cultural Historical Activity Research International Society for Cultural Historical Activity Research , Rotterdam, Nederland 2024-08-28 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureStorrøsæter, Hilde. (2024) Geografisk tenking i LK20. Norsk Geografisk Selskap Sted i Geografiundervisningen , Polhøgda - Fridtjof Nansens Institutt 2024-12-10 - 2024-12-10
Academic lecturePettersen, Anne Rakstad; Storrøsæter, Hilde. (2024) Analyse av et steds arealbruksendringer gjennom bruk av observasjon i møte med ortofoto og kart. Norsk Geografisk Selskap NGS-seminaret: "Sted i geografiundervisningen" , Polhøgda, Lysaker 2024-12-10 - 2024-12-10
LectureStorrøsæter, Hilde. (2023) Utforsking i møte med spenninger i samfunnsfaget. Høyskolen på Vestlandet Samfunnsfagkonferansen , Bergen 2023-11-30 - 2023-12-01
LectureStorrøsæter, Hilde. (2023) Underveisvurdering med fokus på ferdigheter. Eksempel på hvordan man kan tenke rundt lærings,- og vurderingsprosesser. Ny som Lærer Samling for nyutdannede lærere i Trøndelag , Trondheim 2023-03-23 - 2023-03-23
LectureStorrøsæter, Hilde; Bye-Bakke, Sigrid. (2023) En tverrfaglig og praktisk innfallsvinkel til bærekraftsundervisning - Et samarbeid mellom ILU og Credo Kompetansesenter . SEG: Sustainability, Education and, Geography Workshop , Trondheim 2023-05-31 - 2023-06-01
LectureStorrøsæter, Hilde. (2022) Hva kjennetegner lærerstudenters forståelse av utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling?. Norsk Geografisk Selskap Norsk Geografisk Selskap Konferanse 2022 , Oslo 2022-10-27 - 2022-10-28
LectureStorrøsæter, Hilde. (2021) Studenters mestringsforventning til egen undervisning rundt bærekraft. OsloMet Samfunnsfagkonferansen , Oslo 2021-11-25 - 2021-11-26