Kurt Georg Rachlitz
The long-term goal of my research is a better understanding of a rather controversial research subject: world society. Since organizations are considered to be of paramount importance in this world society, I focus primarily on the sociology of organizations. In particular, I am interested in specific types of organizations such as so-called meta-organizations and digital platforms as well as the relationship between organizational and non-organizational social forms.
My current research focuses on (meta-)organizations involved in ocean governance. This includes not only political actors responsible for setting and enforcing regulations, such as fishing quotas. Of particular interest to me in this context are organizations that bridge different sectors of society, such as scientific organizations that collect and disseminate ocean-related knowledge to advise actors in other sectors of society.
Based on this empirical interest, I seek to develop sociological theory, especially systems theory and institutional theory, and explore the variants of functional analysis.
Rachlitz, K., Grossmann-Hensel, B., & Gehrmann, J. (2024): Functional Theorizing: Die Methode funktionaler Analyse als Theorietechnik und Forschungsheuristik [The method of functional analysis in theory construction and research practice], in: André Armbruster & Fabian Anicker (ed.): Die Praxis soziologischer Theoriebildung, Springer Fachmedien, pp. 155-187. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-44055-8_7
Rachlitz, K, Wilderotter, K. (2023): Einbindung von Zusatzfunktionalitäten in Enterprise Software Plattformen [Integration of peripheral functionalities in enterprise software platforms], in: Uta Mathis et al. (ed.): Konferenzband der SAP Academic Community Conference 2023 (D-A-CH), pp. 127-135. https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1719876
Rachlitz, K. (2023): Platform Organising and Platform Organisations, in: Barbara Czarniawska, Gianluca Miscione, Elena Raviola, Rafael Alcadipani da Silveira, Emre Tarim (ed.), Special Issue of puntOorg. International Journal 8(1): Organising Outside Organisations, pp. 3-35. https://doi.org/10.19245/25.05.pij.8.1.2
Rachlitz, K., Gehrmann, J., Waag, P. & Grossmann-Hensel, B. (2022): Digitale Plattformen als soziale Systeme? Vorarbeiten zu einer allgemeinen Theorie [Digital platforms as social systems? Preliminary work for a general theory], in: Veronika Tacke & Sven Kette (ed.): Special Issue of Soziale Systeme 26(1/2): Die Organisation im Zoo der Digitalisierungsforschung, pp. 54-94. https://doi.org/10.1515/sosys-2021-0003
Porschen-Hueck, S., Rachlitz, K. (ed.) (2022). Plattformbasierte Ökosysteme partizipativ gestalten. Ein Framework [A framework on how to design platform-based ecosystems in a participatory manner], online publication (ISF Munich) https://www.isf-muenchen.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/SmartGenoLab_Framework_INQA-1.pdf
Porschen-Hueck, S., Rachlitz, K., Rieger, S., Ritter, T. (2022). Agilität in der öffentlichen Verwaltung? [Agile organizing in public administration?], in: Computer und Arbeit (3), pp. 21-23
Rachlitz, K.: Digitalisierung von und durch Organisationen [Digitalization of and by organizations] (2022), in: Rita Stein-Redent et al. (ed.): Organisationen in Zeiten der Digitalisierung, Springer Verlag (published), pp. 23-61. https://www.springerprofessional.de/digitalisierung-von-und-durch-organisationen/20269354
Rachlitz, K., Grossmann-Hensel, B & Friedl, R. (2021). The Demoralization of Society and the Proliferation of Organization, Kybernetes 51(5), pp. 1849-1867. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-12-2020-0895
Rachlitz, K. (2021): Interorganisationale Kooperation über Innovationsplattformen [Interorganizational cooperation on innovation platforms], in: Olaf Geramanis et al. (ed.): Verlässliche Kooperation in Zeiten der Digitalisierung, Springer Verlag, pp. 89-106. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-34497-9_6
Rachlitz, K., Zimmermann, W. & Stuer, A. (2021). PS-starke Unternehmensführung – SIXT im Spannungsfeld von Hierarchie und Selbstorganisation, in: Torsten Groth et al. (ed.): New Organizing. Wie Großorganisationen Agilität, Holacracy & Co einführen – und was man daraus lernen kann, Carl Auer Verlag, pp. 197-212.
Richter, T., Ingerfeld A., Menchau, M. & Rachlitz, K. (2021). Agilität ist gut – ein konzerneigener Softwaredienstleister erfindet sich neu, in: Torsten Groth et al. (ed.): New Organizing. Wie Großorganisationen Agilität, Holacracy &Co einführen – und was man daraus lernen kann, Carl Auer Verlag, pp. 85-102.
Rachlitz, K. (2013): Ein soziologischer Kongress im Zwischen. In: Soziale Welt. 64 (1-2), p. 227-235. https://doi.org/10.5771/0038-6073-2013-1-2-227
Rachlitz, Kurt Georg.
Platform Organising and Platform Organisations.
puntOorg International Journal
Academic article
Rachlitz, Kurt Georg;
Waag, Philipp;
Gehrmann, Jan;
Grossmann-Hensel, Benjamin.
Digitale Plattformen als soziale Systeme? Vorarbeiten zu einer allgemeinen Theorie.
Soziale Systeme: Zeitschrift für Soziologische Theorie
Academic article
Rachlitz, Kurt Georg;
Grossmann-Hensel, Benjamin;
Friedl, Ronja.
The Demoralization of Society and the Proliferation of Organization.
Academic article
Journal publications
Rachlitz, Kurt Georg.
Platform Organising and Platform Organisations.
puntOorg International Journal
Academic article
Rachlitz, Kurt Georg;
Waag, Philipp;
Gehrmann, Jan;
Grossmann-Hensel, Benjamin.
Digitale Plattformen als soziale Systeme? Vorarbeiten zu einer allgemeinen Theorie.
Soziale Systeme: Zeitschrift für Soziologische Theorie
Academic article
Rachlitz, Kurt Georg;
Grossmann-Hensel, Benjamin;
Friedl, Ronja.
The Demoralization of Society and the Proliferation of Organization.
Academic article