Mats Ingulstad
Ongoing research projects
Fate of Nations. Natural resources and historical development, 1880-2015. Research Council of Norway, FRIPRO Toppforsk, Project leader).
The high seas and the deep oceans. 3ROceans: Representations, resources and regulatory governance. (Member of the research group, co-editor of the project book)
The Deep Dilemmas: Deep Sea Mining for the new Deep Transition? (TripleDeep)
Teaching development projects
Ingulstad, Mats.
Muddy Waters, Messy Places and Muddled Concepts: The Co-Production of Marine Resources, Sovereignty and Security in the Western Pacific.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Frøland, Hans Otto;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Sandvik, Pål Thonstad;
Storli, Espen.
The aluminium state: how have
Norwegian governments shaped
the country’s aluminium industry?.
Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium
Academic article
Perchard, Andrew;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Storli, Espen.
The Mining Industry: Expanding, Deepening, and Widening since the 1750s.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve;
Aberle-Malzahn, Nicole;
Hagspiel, Verena;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Aasly, Kurt.
Marine minerals' role in future holistic mineral resource management.
Geological Society Special Publication
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats.
Blod og myr. Midtnorske arbeidstjenesteleire i krise og krig.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats Asklund;
Lixinski, Lucas.
Contingent Economic Ordering: Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources and International Commodity Agreements.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Frøland, Hans Otto;
Ingulstad, Mats Asklund.
Be prepared!
Emergency stockpiles of oil among Western
consumer countries prior to the International
Energy Agency system.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Frøland, Hans Otto;
Ingulstad, Mats Asklund.
"Europe cannot engage in autarchical policies": European Raw Materials Strategy from 1945 to the Present.
University of British Columbia Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats Asklund.
Regulating the Regulators. The League of Nations and the Problem of Raw Materials.
University of British Columbia Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brandt, Thomas;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Mangset, Marte;
Larsen, Eirinn;
Schwach, Vera.
Avhengig av forskning - De norske forskningsrådenes historie.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ingulstad, Mats.
Forskning og styring mot nye tider.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats.
Industriens råd.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats;
Lixinski, Lucas.
Pan-American Exceptionalism: Regional International Law as a Challenge to International Institutions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats Asklund.
Under the Hard Law of War: Norwegian Social Reforms under German Influence.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats Asklund.
I nyordningens tegn?
Organisation Todt og reguleringen av den norske byggebransjen.
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge)
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats.
The Shovel is our Weapon: The Norwegian Labour Service and the paradox of nationalist internationalism.
Scandinavian Journal of History
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats.
Recyclage des déchets en aluminium : de la saisie et de la récupération pour les besoins de guerre à l’économie circulaire.
Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats;
Hatlehol, Gunnar D.;
Frøland, Hans Otto.
Regimenting Labour in Norway during Nazi Germany's Occupation.
Working Papers of the Independent Commission of Historians Investigating the History of the Reich Ministry of Labour (Reichsarbeitsministerium) in the National Socialist Period
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats;
Frøland, Hans Otto;
Scherner, Jonas.
Perfecting the Art of Stealing: Nazi Exploitation and Industrial Collaboration in Occupied Western Europe.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats;
Frøland, Hans Otto;
Scherner, Jonas.
Industrial Collaboration in Nazi-Occupied Europe: Norway in Context.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ingulstad, Mats;
Sanders, Andreas R. D..
Hitler’s Achilles Heel? Norwegian Molybdenum
as a Bottleneck in the German War Economy.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats .
Forestillinger om fred : den norske Nobelkomiteen og den europeiske integrasjonsprosessens historiedidaktikk.
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats .
The Interdependent Hegemon: the United States and the Quest for Strategic Raw Materials during the Early Cold War.
International History Review
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Grant, Andrew;
Compaore, W. R. N.;
Mitchell, Matthew D..
'New' Approaches to the Governance of Africa's Natural Resources.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats .
Banging the Tin Drum. The United States and the Quest for Strategic Self-sufficiency in Tin, 1840-1945.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Storli, Espen;
Perchard, Andrew.
Tin and Global Capitalism, 1850-2000: A History of "the Devil's Metal".
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Storli, Espen;
Perchard, Andrew.
"The Path of Civilization is Paved with Tin Cans": The Political Economy of the Global Tin Industry.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Storli, Espen;
Gendron, Robin S..
Opening Pandora's Bauxite: A Raw Materials Perspective on Globalization Processes in the Twentieth Century.
University of British Columbia Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gendron, Robin S.;
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Storli, Espen.
Aluminum Ore: The Political Economy of the Global Bauxite Industry.
University of British Columbia Press
University of British Columbia Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ingulstad, Mats .
National Security Business? The United States and the Creation of the Jamaican Bauxite industry.
University of British Columbia Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Lixinski, Lucas.
Raw Materials, Race and Legal Regimes: The Development of the Principle of Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources in the Americas.
World History Bulletin
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Frøland, Hans Otto.
‘An Age of Aluminium’: The Political Economy of the Aluminium Industry in the Twentieth Century.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats .
"We Want Aluminum, Not Excuses." Business-Government Relations in the American Aluminium Industry, 1917-1957.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Frøland, Hans Otto.
From warfare to welfare : business-government relations in the aluminium industry.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Trondheim Studies in History (Skriftserien fra Historisk institutt) (0)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ingulstad, Mats .
Sunndal Verk: Et norsk smelteverk i amerikansk storpolitikk.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats .
Cold War and Hot Metal; American Strategic Materials Policy, the Marshall Plan, and the Loan to the Sunndal Smelter.
Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium
Academic article
Journal publications
Frøland, Hans Otto;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Sandvik, Pål Thonstad;
Storli, Espen.
The aluminium state: how have
Norwegian governments shaped
the country’s aluminium industry?.
Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium
Academic article
Ellefmo, Steinar Løve;
Aberle-Malzahn, Nicole;
Hagspiel, Verena;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Aasly, Kurt.
Marine minerals' role in future holistic mineral resource management.
Geological Society Special Publication
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats Asklund.
I nyordningens tegn?
Organisation Todt og reguleringen av den norske byggebransjen.
Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge)
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats.
The Shovel is our Weapon: The Norwegian Labour Service and the paradox of nationalist internationalism.
Scandinavian Journal of History
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats.
Recyclage des déchets en aluminium : de la saisie et de la récupération pour les besoins de guerre à l’économie circulaire.
Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats;
Hatlehol, Gunnar D.;
Frøland, Hans Otto.
Regimenting Labour in Norway during Nazi Germany's Occupation.
Working Papers of the Independent Commission of Historians Investigating the History of the Reich Ministry of Labour (Reichsarbeitsministerium) in the National Socialist Period
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats .
Forestillinger om fred : den norske Nobelkomiteen og den europeiske integrasjonsprosessens historiedidaktikk.
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats .
The Interdependent Hegemon: the United States and the Quest for Strategic Raw Materials during the Early Cold War.
International History Review
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Lixinski, Lucas.
Raw Materials, Race and Legal Regimes: The Development of the Principle of Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources in the Americas.
World History Bulletin
Academic article
Ingulstad, Mats .
Cold War and Hot Metal; American Strategic Materials Policy, the Marshall Plan, and the Loan to the Sunndal Smelter.
Cahiers d'histoire de l'aluminium
Academic article
Brandt, Thomas;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Mangset, Marte;
Larsen, Eirinn;
Schwach, Vera.
Avhengig av forskning - De norske forskningsrådenes historie.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ingulstad, Mats;
Frøland, Hans Otto;
Scherner, Jonas.
Industrial Collaboration in Nazi-Occupied Europe: Norway in Context.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Storli, Espen;
Perchard, Andrew.
Tin and Global Capitalism, 1850-2000: A History of "the Devil's Metal".
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Gendron, Robin S.;
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Storli, Espen.
Aluminum Ore: The Political Economy of the Global Bauxite Industry.
University of British Columbia Press
University of British Columbia Press
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Frøland, Hans Otto.
From warfare to welfare : business-government relations in the aluminium industry.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Trondheim Studies in History (Skriftserien fra Historisk institutt) (0)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Ingulstad, Mats.
Muddy Waters, Messy Places and Muddled Concepts: The Co-Production of Marine Resources, Sovereignty and Security in the Western Pacific.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Perchard, Andrew;
Ingulstad, Mats;
Storli, Espen.
The Mining Industry: Expanding, Deepening, and Widening since the 1750s.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats.
Blod og myr. Midtnorske arbeidstjenesteleire i krise og krig.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats Asklund;
Lixinski, Lucas.
Contingent Economic Ordering: Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources and International Commodity Agreements.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Frøland, Hans Otto;
Ingulstad, Mats Asklund.
Be prepared!
Emergency stockpiles of oil among Western
consumer countries prior to the International
Energy Agency system.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Frøland, Hans Otto;
Ingulstad, Mats Asklund.
"Europe cannot engage in autarchical policies": European Raw Materials Strategy from 1945 to the Present.
University of British Columbia Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats Asklund.
Regulating the Regulators. The League of Nations and the Problem of Raw Materials.
University of British Columbia Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats.
Forskning og styring mot nye tider.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats.
Industriens råd.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats;
Lixinski, Lucas.
Pan-American Exceptionalism: Regional International Law as a Challenge to International Institutions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats Asklund.
Under the Hard Law of War: Norwegian Social Reforms under German Influence.
Oxford University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats;
Frøland, Hans Otto;
Scherner, Jonas.
Perfecting the Art of Stealing: Nazi Exploitation and Industrial Collaboration in Occupied Western Europe.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats;
Sanders, Andreas R. D..
Hitler’s Achilles Heel? Norwegian Molybdenum
as a Bottleneck in the German War Economy.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Grant, Andrew;
Compaore, W. R. N.;
Mitchell, Matthew D..
'New' Approaches to the Governance of Africa's Natural Resources.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats .
Banging the Tin Drum. The United States and the Quest for Strategic Self-sufficiency in Tin, 1840-1945.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Storli, Espen;
Perchard, Andrew.
"The Path of Civilization is Paved with Tin Cans": The Political Economy of the Global Tin Industry.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Storli, Espen;
Gendron, Robin S..
Opening Pandora's Bauxite: A Raw Materials Perspective on Globalization Processes in the Twentieth Century.
University of British Columbia Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats .
National Security Business? The United States and the Creation of the Jamaican Bauxite industry.
University of British Columbia Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats ;
Frøland, Hans Otto.
‘An Age of Aluminium’: The Political Economy of the Aluminium Industry in the Twentieth Century.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats .
"We Want Aluminum, Not Excuses." Business-Government Relations in the American Aluminium Industry, 1917-1957.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingulstad, Mats .
Sunndal Verk: Et norsk smelteverk i amerikansk storpolitikk.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats Asklund; Aasly, Kurt; Tjåland, Egil; Bakken, Torkild. (2024) Seabed mining – savior or scourge?. NTNU 63 Degrees North Podcast , Internett 2024-02-06 - 2024-02-06
Programme managementBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Ingulstad, Mats; Bakken, Torkild; Tjåland, Egil; Aasly, Kurt. (2024) Seabed Mining – Savior or Scourge?. [Internet] 2024-02-06
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2024) "Where the pepper grows." The spatiality and governability of Resource Islands . Universitetet i Stavanger Maritime Workshop 2024-01-24 - 2024-01-26
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats; Bakken, Torkild. (2024) Havbunnsmineraler fra norsk sone. Er det mulig å gjøre det bærekraftig?. NTNU Stortingets arktiske delegasjon, besøk ved NTNU , Trolla Biologiske Stasjon 2024-02-12 - 2024-02-12
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2024) Historical perspectives on law, sovereignty and resources. Norsk senter for havrett, NCLOS Research seminar , Juridisk fakultet, Universitetet i Tromsø 2024-04-25 - 2024-04-25
LectureIngulstad, Mats. (2024) Tverrfaglig tilnærming til gruvedrift på havbunnen: Historiske perspektiver og lærdommer. . Bølgen bærekraftsenter Gruvedrift på havbunnen , Kristiansand 2024-06-04 - 2024-06-04
LectureIngulstad, Mats. (2024) Fremtidsindustrien under horisonten. lærdommer fra 150 år med havbunnsmineraler. Det Kongelige Norske Vitenskapers Selskap Akademimøte: Trenger vi virkelig mineraler fra havbunnen , Trondheim 2024-04-29 - 2024-04-29
InterviewIngulstad, Mats. (2024) Norge går i front for gruvedrift på havbunnen. Forskningen ligger på etterskudd. Forskerforum Forskerforum [Business/trade/industry journal] 2024-09-05
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats; Sanders, Andreas R. Dugstad; Storli, Espen. (2024) Erfaringer med Casebasert læring (CBL) i teknologifag og tverrfaglig historieundervisning. HIFO Midtnorsk historieseminar , Trondheim 2024-10-01 - 2024-10-01
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2024) The Log Function. On the properties of driftwood in Ocean models. Maritime Modernities: Formats of Oceanic Knowledge Models and the Maritime Modernities , Trondheim 2024-09-16 - 2024-09-17
Popular scientific lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2024) TEKNOLOGIEN. . SALT Er det gull alt som glimrer? En debattserie om gruvedrift på havbunnen , Trondheim 2024-10-23 -
InterviewMacEwen, Alasdair; Ingulstad, Mats. (2023) Should we mine the deep Sea. Land and Climate Review Land and Climate Review [Internet] 2023-08-04
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2023) Regulation of the Permanent Frontier. Reconfiguring Islands as resource spaces. . Political Regulation of Natural Resources 2023-08-28 - 2023-08-28
LectureIngulstad, Mats. (2023) Fra det skrekkelige og endeløse havet til klima- og naturkrise. Innspill til Klima- og Miljødepartementets arbeid med forvaltningsplan for norske havområder. Dialogmøte om Hav og Klima 2023-08-28 - 2023-08-28
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2023) Sustaining the Dream of the Extractive Frontier. A history of resources, law, politics and the technology of tomorrow . Universitetssenteret på Svalbard (UNIS) Ocean Week Svalbard , Longyearbyen 2023-05-21 - 2023-05-26
Popular scientific lectureSelzter, Thomas; Ingulstad, Mats. (2023) Thomas Seltzer- Amerikansk karmageddon – Tanker om mitt fordømte fedreland. Litteraturhuset i Trondheim Bokbad 2023-03-09 - 2023-03-09
InterviewEllefmo, Steinar Løve; Carson, Siri Granum; Ingulstad, Mats; Haugan, Idun. (2023) Trenger mye mer kunnskap om mineralutvinning på havbunnen. Gemini Gemini [Internet] 2023-06-20
Popular scientific lectureIngulstad, Mats; Kammen, Daniel M.; Fjærtoft, Kaja Lønne; Carson, Siri Granum. (2023) Open meeting: Sustainability and resource extraction on Svalbard. The University Center in Svalbard Open meeting: Sustainability and resource extraction on Svalbard , Longyearbyen 2023-05-24 -
InterviewHaugan, Idun; Ellefmo, Steinar Løve; Carson, Siri Granum; Ingulstad, Mats. (2023) Forskere advarer: – Tiden er definitivt ikke moden nå for å starte mineralutvinning på havbunnen. [Internet] 2023-06-22
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2023) Old Data in New Bottles: Mapping the Norwegian Sea as a Resource Space. IFIKK, UiO Maps, Charts and Maritime Modernities , Oslo 2023-06-05 - 2023-06-06
InterviewHaugan, Idun; Ellefmo, Steinar Løve; Carson, Siri Granum; Ingulstad, Mats. (2023) Researchers warn: The time is definitely not yet ripe to start deep sea mining. Science Norway Science Norway [Internet] 2023-06-29
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2023) Naturressourcer og internationale organisationer. Selskabet for Samtidshistorisk Forskning INTERNATIONALE ORGANISATIONER OG GLOBAL (U)ORDEN HISTORISKE PERSPEKTIVER , Saxo-instituttet, Københavns Universitet 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-07
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats; Carboex, Yoram; Sparenberg, Ole. (2023) A European Job? (Dis)integrating the European Approaches to Deep-sea Mining. University of Sevilla CIENCIAS MARÍTIMAS, MEDIOAMBIENTE Y ESTRATEGIA 2023-06-15 - 2023-06-17
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats; Maiolo, Joeseph. (2023) Towards a history of international organizations and natural resources. Fate of Nations Natural Resource Supply Chains and Competing Visions of Global Order: Future Directions for Research 2023-05-02 - 2023-05-03
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2023) Sustainability transitions as a historical challenge. Fate of Nations Natural Resource Supply Chains and Competing Visions of Global Order: Future Directions for Research , Trondheim 2023-05-02 - 2023-05-03
Popular scientific lectureSørensen, Asgeir Johan; Barron, Elizabeth Sanna; Ingulstad, Mats; Eikemo, Terje Andreas; Ødegård, Rune Strand; Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud. (2023) Hva har ammunisjonsdumping, gamle skipsvrak, alger, satellitter, drikkevann og droner til felles?. NTNU Gjøvik/NTNU Ocean Week Ocean Week Gjøvik , Gjøvik 2023-05-04 - 2023-05-05
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats; Frøland, Hans Otto; Sandvik, Pål Thonstad; Storli, Espen. (2023) The Aluminium State and its Smelting Pact. State Intervention in the Norwegian Aluminium Industry, 1906-2010. Norsk Økonomisk Historisk Forening The Winter Games in Economic History , OsloMet 2023-01-20 - 2023-01-20
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2023) Da fascismen kom til Trøndelag ... med sekk og sovepose. DHS, Det Historiske Selskap Minervas Ugle 2023-08-21 -
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2023) Historical approaches to marine resource regulation. Universidade dos Açores TripleDeep Workshop , Ponta Delgada 2023-09-16 - 2023-09-18
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2023) Opening the Deep Sea//Abrindo o Mar Profundo. Universidade dos Açores TripleDeep Workshop , Ponta Delgada 2023-09-16 - 2023-09-18
Popular scientific lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2023) Norges historiske rolle som gruvenasjon - og fremover?. Hyfer Hyfer: Grønt skifte uten inngrep i norsk natur? , Trondheim 2023-09-22 - 2023-09-22
LectureIngulstad, Mats. (2023) Innspill fra NTNU Oceans , Mineralverksemd på norsk kontinentalsokkel – opning av areal og strategi for forvaltning av ressursane. Energi- og miljøkomiteen Høring i energi- og miljøkomiteen vedr Meld. St. 25 (2022-2023) , Stortinget 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-26
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2022) From Shitty Places to Muddy Waters. The co-production of Marine Resources, Sovereignty, and Security in the Pacific Ocean. Meiji Gakuin University/NTNU Japan Programme Technology as a Driver of Maritime Conflict and Environmental Insecurity in East Asia and Possible Solutions 2022-01-20 - 2022-01-21
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2022) The Old Economy and the Sea. Historical paradigms of Deep Sea Mining, 1872-2022 . NTNU Oceans NTNU Ocean Week , Trondheim 2022-05-02 - 2022-05-04
Popular scientific lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2022) Norge og EU gjennom femti år Integrasjon og globale utfordringer i norsk europapolitikk. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab Gunnerusforelesningene 2022 , Trondheim 2022-03-02 - 2022-03-03
Academic lectureStorli, Espen; Perchard, Andrew; Ingulstad, Mats. (2022) The Mining Industry. Chapter development workshop for Oxford Handbook of Industry Dynamics , CUNEF, Madrid 2022-06-25 -
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2022) EU policymaking on natural resources. Challenges, possibilities and historical experiences. University of Pretoria Navigating Complex Pluriversal Relations: Indigeneity, Natural Resources Governance and Intercontinental Relations in the 21st century 2022-07-05 - 2022-07-07
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2022) Mining in Inner and Outer Space. Commodity governance in the global Commons. King´s College London Natural Resources and International Politics , London 2022-12-08 - 2022-12-09
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2022) Messy Concepts and Messy Places . From Guano to Biogenic Minerals. East Asian Maritime Conflicts and Cooperation:Technology, Sustainability, and UNCLOS , Meiji Gakuin University 2022-09-15 - 2022-09-16
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2022) Mining the common and not so common spaces: The Deep Sea, Antarctica and Space. . The Economic History of Natural Resources , Trondheim 2022-11-24 - 2022-11-25
Academic lectureFrøland, Hans Otto; Ingulstad, Mats; Sandvik, Pål Thonstad; Storli, Espen. (2022) The Aluminium State: How have Norwegian governments shaped the country's aluminium industry?. XIX World Economic History Congress , Paris 2022-07-29 -
Popular scientific lectureBoasson, Frode Lerum; Rasch, Astrid; Ingulstad, Mats. (2022) Men er det bra? Kritisk Panel vurderer de nominerte til NTNUs litteraturpris. Basta. Sakprosafestivalen i Trondheim , Trondheim 2022-11-11 - 2022-11-12
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2022) Forsyningssikkerhet og -usikkerhet. Luftmakt og globale verdikjeder i strategi og politikk. Luftkrigsskolen Reistadforedrag nr. 43 , Trondheim 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-09
Popular scientific lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2022) The Ocean & History: Resource conflicts in the Pacific Ocean (Birds, Poop, Oil, Nodules & Mud) . Forskningsdagene & Akademiet for Yngre Forskere Young Researchers Night 2022-09-30 - 2022-09-30
LectureIngulstad, Mats. (2021) Siste nytt fra Østfronten. Nye retninger i historiefaglig forskning og didaktikk. Fagseksjonen for historie ved Strinda VGS Seminar med fagseksjonen for historie ved Strinda VGS 2021-11-19 -
PosterScherner, Jonas; Frøland, Hans Otto; Ingulstad, Mats. (2021) War, resource transitions and the circular economy. Circular Economy & Resource Efficiency group of NTNU Circular Economy & Resource Efficiency Seminar - launcihing event , NINA 2021-11-29 -
Popular scientific lectureBoasson, Frode Lerum; Rasch, Astrid; Ingulstad, Mats. (2021) Kan sakprosa redde verden? Litteraturhusets kritiske panel diskuterer nyere norsk klimasakprosa. . Litteraturhuset i Trondheim Sakprosafestivalen , Litteraturhuset i Trondheim 2021-10-29 - 2021-10-29
LectureIngulstad, Mats. (2021) What is past is prologue. Researching and teaching sustainability as historical processes. Gjærevoll Centre Workshop 2021-11-01 - 2021-11-01
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2021) The Scramble for Uranium in the Early Cold War. Cambridge History of the Nuclear Age (CHNA) Cambridge History of the Nuclear Age (CHNA), Environmental Issues Workshop 2021-10-28 - 2021-10-28
Academic lectureStorli, Espen; Ingulstad, Mats; Perchard, Andrew. (2021) The Mining Industries. Oxford Handbook of Industry Dynamics Workshop 2021-07-20 - 2021-07-20
Popular scientific lectureBoasson, Frode Lerum; Rasch, Astrid; Ingulstad, Mats Asklund. (2020) Men er det bra? Kritisk panel . Litteraturhuset i Trondheim Sakprosafestivalen i Trondheim , Trondheim 2020-10-31 - 2020-10-31
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats Asklund. (2020) Høyreradikalt teltiv? Arbeidsleire i Midt-Norge i krise og krig. HIFO Midtnorsk historieseminar 2020-03-05 - 2020-03-05
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2019) The Laws of the Sea. Historicizing the Minamitorishima "Semi-infinite" Rare Earth Elements. . NTNU Japan program Technology, the rule of Law and East Asian Maritime Cooperation , Trondheim 2019-10-10 - 2019-10-10
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats Asklund. (2019) Roundtable. Merging environmental history, business history, and history of science and technology in the study of natural resources. European Society of Environmental History Boundaries in/of Environmental History , Tallinn 2019-08-21 - 2019-08-25
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats Asklund. (2019) By Boundless Bounty Blessed. Making Marine Mineral Markets. 3ROceans Ocean transformations. , Frøya 2019-09-16 - 2019-09-18
Popular scientific lectureLahlum, Hans Olav; Ingulstad, Mats Asklund. (2019) Bokbad. Hans Olav Lahlum Om Reiulf Steen. Samtale med Mats Ingulstad. Trondheim Litteraturfest , Litteraturhuset i Trondheim. 2019-10-26 - 2019-10-26
Popular scientific lectureBoasson, Frode Lerum; Rasch, Astrid; Ingulstad, Mats Asklund. (2018) Men er det bra? Litteraturhuset i Trondheims kritiske panel diskuterer de nominerte til NTNUs litteraturpris: Marit Paasche - Hannah Ryggen, Morten Søberg - Eidsvold-Ekofisk, Dag Hoel - Fred er ei det beste, Maria Berg Reinertsen - Reisen til Bretton Woods. NFFO Fakta F. Sakprosafestivalen i Trondheim , Kunsthall Trondheim 2018-11-03 - 2018-11-03
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats Asklund. (2018) A New International History of Natural Resources. Oxford Centre for Global History, University of Oxford Contemporary International History: Current Perspectives, Future Directions 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-11
Popular scientific lectureHutchison, Ragnhild; Sandvik, Pål Thonstad; Ingulstad, Mats Asklund. (2018) Det trønderske gull – Hutchison, Ingulstad og Thonstad Sandvik. Kunsthall Trondheim Det trønderske gull – Hutchison, Ingulstad og Thonstad Sandvik 2018-10-23 - 2018-10-23
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2017) Organisation Todt Einsatzgruppe Wiking and the Norwegian construction industry. Teknisk Museum Texts and Things , Oslo 2017-02-15 - 2017-02-17
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2017) The Inexhaustible mine. Imaginary markets for marine minerals. NAFC Marine Center, University of Islands and Highlands 3ROceans Methodological workshop , Lerwick 2017-09-21 - 2017-09-24
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats; Frøland, Hans Otto. (2017) The Specter of Supply Dependency. A Comparative Analysis Across Commodity Sectors in the 20th Century. NYU Abu Dhabi OPEC and the Global Energy Order , Abu Dhabi 2017-04-18 - 2017-04-20
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2017) Regionalism in research policy: Fueling growth through Nordic, European and Atlantic research cooperation. Leiden University Global Regionalism , Leiden 2017-01-27 - 2017-01-28
Popular scientific lectureReinertsen, Maria Berg; Ingulstad, Mats. (2017) Reisen til Bretton Woods: Båtturen som la grunnlaget for verdensøkonomien. Maria Berg Reinertsen i samtale med Mats Ingulstad. Litteraturhuset i Trondheim Bokbad på Litteraturhuset 2017-12-09 - 2017-12-10
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2017) The problem of inexhaustibility: International Commodity Agreements as a tool of ocean governance. 3ROOceans workshop. Ocean Narratives 2017-12-07 - 2017-12-08
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2017) En dobbeltvirkende støtdemper? EUs økonomiske og strategiske oljelagre. HIFO Historikerdagene 2017 , Trondheim 2017-06-23 - 2017-06-25
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2017) International Institutions and the Fate of Nations. Fate of Nations Opening Conference , Royal Norwegian Air Force Academy 2017-03-03 - 2017-03-04
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2017) Cartelizing the Commons. The UN as a global Minerals Cartel. Magdalene College, University of Cambridge Sovereignty, Economy and the Global Histories of Natural Resources , Cambridge 2017-12-18 - 2017-12-19
Popular scientific lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2016) "Hvad er mitt kald? Du skal blive historiker." Veien til å bli forsker. Kommunikasjonsavdelingen, NTNU Alumni NTNU Alumni-kompass 2016-10-25 - 2016-10-25
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2016) The Fate of Nations. Natural Resources and Historical Development, 1870-2020. Department of Geography, NTNU TrAcRevenues , Trondheim 2016-08-23 - 2016-08-25
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2016) EUResources. The European Union and access to external Natural Resources, 1945-2015. Resource policies and regulation in national, regional and global perspectives. , Trondheim 2016-08-29 - 2016-08-31
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2016) Historical approaches to the Global Political Economy of natural resources. Aarhus Universitet International Politics and Political Organization - New Approaches and perspectives , Aarhus 2016-12-13 - 2016-12-13
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2016) “Building the Next State”: Towards a Transnational History of Labour and Social Policy in Norway. Unabhängigen Historikerkommission, Reichsarbeitsministerium Das Reichsarbeitsministerium als globales Propaganda- und Herrschaftsinstrument, 1933–1945 , Berlin 2016-03-17 - 2016-03-19
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2016) Knowledge capture or resource rentierism. Technology transfer in the Norwegian oil sector. Oxford Brooks University Space, place and the management of scarce resources symposium , Oxford 2016-11-02 - 2016-11-03
Popular scientific lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2016) Hele folket i arbeid! - på tysk regning. Den norske byggebransjen under okkupasjonsårene. HIFO Trøndelag Bygde Nazi-Tyskland landet? Tysk byggeaktivitet i Norge under okkupasjonen , Rustkammeret, Trondheim 2016-11-09 - 2016-11-10
LectureIngulstad, Mats. (2016) Norsk gruveindustri i en global ressurskonflikt: Perspektiver og tilnærminger. DKNVS Det Kongelige Norske Vitenskapers Selskap Akademi , Trondheim 2016-09-05 -
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2016) Building the next state. A transnational history of social policy experimentation . 20th Century History Seminar , Trondheim 2016-05-10 - 2016-05-10
Academic lectureFrøland, Hans Otto; Ingulstad, Mats. (2015) "Europe cannot engage in autarchical policies": The EU's Raw Material Initiative in Historical Perspective. International Economic History Association World Economic History Congress , Kyoto 2015-08-03 - 2015-08-07
InterviewStorli, Espen; Ingulstad, Mats; Perchard, Andrew. (2015) Exploring Environmental History podcast: Podcast 64: Tin: a historical perspective on a networked resource. [Internet] 2015-01-24
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats; Hatlehol, Gunnar D.; Frøland, Hans Otto. (2015) Regimenting Unfree Labour - Norway. Unabhängigen Historikerkommissiom Reichsarbeitsministeriums Regimenting Unfree Labour in Europe During the Second World War , Humboldt Graduate School in Berlin 2015-12-03 - 2015-12-05
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2015) Pyramids for Grain Storage? Commodity Market Interventions in Historical Perspective. Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society Making markets. Histories of Commodity Trading and Grading , UC Berkeley 2015-11-20 - 2016-03-20
InterviewIngulstad, Mats. (2015) Unge forskere får millioner. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2015-12-04
InterviewIngulstad, Mats. (2015) Innfører digital eksamen på NTNU. Under Dusken Under Dusken [Newspaper] 2015-09-29
InterviewIngulstad, Mats. (2015) Krigens 25 ledende norske nazister. Dagbladet Magasinet Dagbladet Magasinet [Newspaper] 2015-05-09
Popular scientific lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2015) Fredens byggesteiner. Folkeforbundet, FN og internasjonal handel i et historisk perspektiv. FN-studentene i Trøndelag Åpent møte om handel og handelsavtaler , Trondheim 2015-04-27 - 2015-04-27
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats. (2015) The Internationalization of Nazi Labor and Social Policy, 1933-1945: Norway. German Historical Institute Negotiating the Nazi Model. , London 2015-06-03 - 2015-06-05
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2014) Organisation Todt and the Norwegian Construction Industry. The Political Economy of Organisation Todt. Einsatzgruppe Wiking in Context , Trondheim 2014-10-07 - 2015-10-08
Academic lectureFrøland, Hans Otto; Ingulstad, Mats ; Sæveraas, Torgeir Ekerholt. (2014) "Det er rent så en kan miste arbeidslysten." Om den norske entreprenørbransjens økononomiske kollaborasjon. HL-senteret Kollaborasjonens irrganger , Oslo 2014-02-25 - 2014-05-25
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats ; Frøland, Hans Otto. (2014) The EU Raw Materials Initiative: An imperialist synthesis between government and business?. European Business History Association European Business History Association, 18th Annual Congress , Utrecht 2014-08-21 - 2014-08-23
Programme participationIngulstad, Mats . (2014) Terra Verde: Social and environmental impact of bauxite mining. KPFA 94.1 FM , California KPFA 94.1 FM , California [Radio] 2014-12-05
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2014) “In the absence of justice, what is sovereignty but organized robbery?” Natural Resources, Sovereignty and International Law. University of New South Wales, Department of Law Gjesteforelesning , Sydney 2014-06-05 - 2014-06-05
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2014) Banging the Tin Drum. The United States and the Quest for Strategic self-sufficiency in tin, 1840-1945. Business History Conference , Frankfurt 2014-03-13 - 2014-03-15
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2013) "Tin Rush!" The trials and tribulations of the American tin sector, 1840-1940. History and Strategic Raw Materials Initiative Tin in the Global Economy , StrathclydeUniversity Business School 2013-06-24 - 2013-06-24
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats ; Dugstad, Andreas R. Sanders. (2013) Hitlers Akilleshæl. Knaben Molybdengruve i den tyske rustningsøkonomien. Teknisk Museum Seminar, Organisasjon Todt og Den norske okkupasjonsøkonomien i kontekst , Oslo 2013-12-09 - 2013-12-10
Popular scientific lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2013) Kan en neve dollar redde verden? Amerikansk økonomisk utenrikspolitikk og delingen av Europa. Fagutvalget for historiske studier, NTNU Fagkveld, den tidlige kalde krigen , Trondheim 2013-10-21 - 2013-10-21
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats ; Lixinski, Lucas. (2013) A Raw Deal? An Interdisciplinary Study on the Development of the Principle of Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources in the Americas. European University Institute From the League of Nations to the United Nations: New Approaches to International Institutions , Firenze 2013-03-21 - 2013-03-23
Academic lectureDugstad, Andreas R. Sanders; Ingulstad, Mats . (2013) Choke point? The Knaben molybdenum mine, forced labor, and the transnational debate over targeted bombing. History and Strategic Raw Materials Initiative HSRMI 2013 conference: Strategizing Raw Materials , University of Strathclyde, Glasgow 2013-06-24 - 2013-06-26
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2013) Permanent resource ownership in international law. A historical revisionist approach. NTNU Globalization program NTNU 2013 Globalization Conference: Natural resources, global justice, and obstacles to sustainability , Trondheim 2013-06-13 - 2013-06-14
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2013) Stretching it? Prepared comment to Mark Finlay´s "Strategizing National Security through Rubber Policy. Adjusting to a postwar World of imported, synthetic and domestic sources of rubber in the United States, 1945-55". History and Strategic Raw Materials Initiative Strategizing Raw Materials. Business, Government, History and Planning , Strathclyde Business School 2013-06-24 - 2013-06-26
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2013) Squaring the circle of international obligations and domestic development. Sovereignty over natural resources in the twentieth century. NTNU The history of regulation of natural resources in a global perspective , Trondheim 2013-08-20 - 2013-08-21
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2013) "Her praktiseres de reneste gangster-metoder." Organisation Todt og entreprenørbransjen i Norge. Narviksenteret Organisation Todt og tvangsarbeid under krigen , Høgskolen i Narvik 2013-05-14 - 2013-05-15
Popular scientific lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2012) De glade amatørers aften? Et kritisk blikk på fredsprisen, EU og historiefaget. Det Historiske Selskab Minervas Ugle , NTNU 2012-11-21 - 2012-11-21
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats ; Lixinski, Lucas. (2012) A Raw Deal. The Development of the Principle of Sovereignty over Natural Resources in the Americas. Stanford Law School Harvard-Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum , Stanford 2012-10-18 - 2012-10-20
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2012) Banging the Tin Drum. Tin and the American quest for strategic self-sufficiency. Harvard Business School Tin and the Global Economy workshop , Boston 2012-07-26 - 2012-12-27
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2012) A boon for business? The US strategic materials program and the post-war expansion of American enterprise. Europan Business History Association EBHA-BHSJ , Paris 2012-08-30 - 2012-09-01
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2012) Tribute in Kind? The Marshall Plan and the American Strategic Materials Program. Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, 2012 Annual Meeting , Hartford 2012-06-28 - 2012-06-30
Academic lectureFrøland, Hans Otto; Hatlehol, Gunnar D.; Sæveraas, Torgeir Ekerholt; Ingulstad, Mats . (2012) Organization Todt i Norge 1942-45: Landets største byggherre. Den Norske Historiske Forening De norske historiedagene , Bodø 2012-05-05 -
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2007) The U.S. Strategic Materials Program and its Impact on Allied Countries; Stockpiling and Norway 1950-1962. The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, 2007 Annual Meeting , Chantilly, Virginia 2007-06-21 - 2007-06-23
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats . (2007) "Kald krig, løgn og lettmetall: ÅSV og USA, Marshallplanen og finansieringen av Sunndal Verk". HIFO HIFO-seminaret 2007 , Tønsberg 2007-05-11 - 2007-05-13
Academic lectureIngulstad, Mats Asklund. (2006) War, lies, and light metals. The Sunndal smelter and the US strategic stockpiling program. Comparative aluminium research program Comparative perspectives on the Norwegian and Canadian aluminium industries , NTNU 2006-11-13 - 2006-11-14