Melania Bucciarelli
I was born and educated in Italy, where I combined performance studies (Pianoforte Diploma, 1983) with studies in Music History and the Humanities at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ (Laurea di Dottore in Lettere, 1991). I obtained my PhD in Historical Musicology at Kings College (University of London) in 1998 and joined the Musikkinstitutt at NTNU in 2016, after Senior Lectureships in the music departments at Oxford Brookes University and City University London.
I specialise in Italian opera, theatre and literature from a variety of musicological and interdisciplinary perspectives: from studies on genre, literature and dramaturgy, period acting and staging practices, to cultural history. I have explored the concept of ‘Italianità’ and ways in which Italian baroque opera could function as a medium of cultural transfer, a mediator of public perceptions of otherness, gender roles, and ideologies, with particular foucs on the context of opera in London, Venice and central Europe in the eighteenth century. Recent publications focus on the phenomenon of the castrato and singers’s agency in Eighteenth-century opera.
I currently lead the research project WOVEN - Women, Opera and the Public Stage in Eighteenth-Century Venice, funded by the NFR.
Possible areas for doctoral supervision within Western Art Music traditions include: music history, opera studies, early music, music exoticism and gender studies; philosophy of music; music and literature; music and rhetoric, music and theatre (including commedia dell’arte, acting and staging practices); music and psychoanalysis; cultural studies of music; reception and social history of music.
Current projects
Women, Opera and the Public Stage in Eighteenth-Century Venice (WoVen). Norges Forskningsråd, Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal. Project leader and principal investigator
Research groups
'Opera in Venice at the time of Antonio Vivaldi'. Istituto Antonio Vivaldi, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice.
'La drammaturgia musicale a Venezia (1678-1792)'. Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi, Venice.
Literary and Cultural Eighteenth-Century Studies (LACES)
PhD supervision
Brad Carlton Sisk: Varieties of Musical Dramaturgy in the Serious Operas of Giuseppe Maria Orlandini (1676-1760) and His Collaborators
Alene Mari Holder: Vivaldi’s cross-gender casting: An analysis- and practice-based study of trouser role repertoire in Eighteenth-century Venice
Lars Henrik Johansen: '...chanter un discours'. The Eloquence of Marc-Antoine Charpentier's Leçons de Ténebres
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Italian Singers on the Move: Networks, Social Support, and Contact with the Native Land during Senesino’s London Years
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania;
Butler, Margaret.
Women on Stage in Eighteenth-Century Venice: A New Research Collaborative.
Society for Eighteenth-Century Music Newsletter
Short communication
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Kvinner, opera og den offentlege scena i Venezia på 1700-tallet.
Musikk & Historie
Academic article
Bucciarelli, Melania.
La Collana 'Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta', in: Lettera da San Giorgio, 40 (2019), 21-25.
Bucciarelli, Melania.
'Farò il possibile per vincer l’animo di M.r Handel': Senesino’s arrival in London and Arsace’s rhetoric of passions.
Eighteenth-Century Music
Academic literature review
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Senesino's negotiations with the Royal Academy of Music: further insight into the Riva-Bernardi correspondence and the role of singers in the practice of eighteenth-century opera.
Cambridge Opera Journal
Academic article
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Luigi Nono, Omaggio a Emilio Vedova.
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Niccolò Castiglioni, Tre Misteri.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Luigi Nono, Intolleranza 1960.
Bucciarelli, Melania.
From Rinaldo to Orlando, or Senesino's Path to Madness.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
From Rinaldo to Orlando, or Senesino's Path to Madness.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Ludovico Ariosto.
Cambridge University Press
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Eleanor Selfridge Field, The Calendar of Venetian Opera: A New Chronology of Venetian Opera and Related Genres, 1660-1760, Stanford University Press: Stanford, 2007).
Eighteenth-Century Music
Book review
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Giovanni Bononcini.
Cambridge University Press
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Giovanni Bononcini, Griselda.
Cambridge University Press
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Francesco Nicola Haym.
Cambridge University Press
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Taming the Exotic: Vivaldi’s Armida al campo d’Egitto.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Classical Tragedy in the Italian Manner: The Case of Polidoro.
BWV - Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Venice and the East: Operatic Readings of Tasso’s Armida in early Eighteenth-Century Venice.
Boydell & Brewer
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania;
Joncus, Berta.
Music as Social and Cultural Practice.
Boydell & Brewer
Boydell & Brewer
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bucciarelli, Melania.
From Venice to London: On the Trail of Luigi Riccoboni and Italian Opera.
BWV - Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Echi tassiani e rappresentazioni dell'Oriente al Teatro S. Angelo di Venezia.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania;
Dubowy, Norbert;
Strohm, Reinhard.
Italian Opera in Central Europe, 1614-c.1780, vol. 1: Institutions and Ceremonies.
BWV - Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
BWV - Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Conference Report: Le arti della scena e l'esotismo in età moderna (Naples, 6-9 May 2004).
Eighteenth-Century Music
Short communication
Bucciarelli, Melania.
"Parto o bella, ma con qual cuore…". Riflessioni sulla drammaturgia del dramma per musica e il suo rapporto con l'arte comica.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Italian Opera and European Theatre, 1680-1720: Plots, Performers, Dramaturgies.
Academic monograph
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Radamisto's Theatrical Sources and their Influence on Handel's Creative Process.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Il Matrimonio Segreto ovvero Il Segreto di un Matrimonio Riuscito. Teatro di San Carlo, Naples.
Introduction, musical or theatrical programme
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Michelangelo Rossi, Erminia sul Giordano (bd 5).
Piper Verlag
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Conference-Workshop Report, Ariodante: Baroque Drama and Handel Opera (London, 13-18 April 1993).
Current Musicology
Short communication
Journal publications
Bucciarelli, Melania;
Butler, Margaret.
Women on Stage in Eighteenth-Century Venice: A New Research Collaborative.
Society for Eighteenth-Century Music Newsletter
Short communication
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Kvinner, opera og den offentlege scena i Venezia på 1700-tallet.
Musikk & Historie
Academic article
Bucciarelli, Melania.
'Farò il possibile per vincer l’animo di M.r Handel': Senesino’s arrival in London and Arsace’s rhetoric of passions.
Eighteenth-Century Music
Academic literature review
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Senesino's negotiations with the Royal Academy of Music: further insight into the Riva-Bernardi correspondence and the role of singers in the practice of eighteenth-century opera.
Cambridge Opera Journal
Academic article
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Eleanor Selfridge Field, The Calendar of Venetian Opera: A New Chronology of Venetian Opera and Related Genres, 1660-1760, Stanford University Press: Stanford, 2007).
Eighteenth-Century Music
Book review
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Conference Report: Le arti della scena e l'esotismo in età moderna (Naples, 6-9 May 2004).
Eighteenth-Century Music
Short communication
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Conference-Workshop Report, Ariodante: Baroque Drama and Handel Opera (London, 13-18 April 1993).
Current Musicology
Short communication
Bucciarelli, Melania;
Joncus, Berta.
Music as Social and Cultural Practice.
Boydell & Brewer
Boydell & Brewer
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bucciarelli, Melania;
Dubowy, Norbert;
Strohm, Reinhard.
Italian Opera in Central Europe, 1614-c.1780, vol. 1: Institutions and Ceremonies.
BWV - Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
BWV - Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Italian Opera and European Theatre, 1680-1720: Plots, Performers, Dramaturgies.
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Italian Singers on the Move: Networks, Social Support, and Contact with the Native Land during Senesino’s London Years
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Luigi Nono, Omaggio a Emilio Vedova.
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Niccolò Castiglioni, Tre Misteri.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Luigi Nono, Intolleranza 1960.
Bucciarelli, Melania.
From Rinaldo to Orlando, or Senesino's Path to Madness.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
From Rinaldo to Orlando, or Senesino's Path to Madness.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Ludovico Ariosto.
Cambridge University Press
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Giovanni Bononcini.
Cambridge University Press
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Giovanni Bononcini, Griselda.
Cambridge University Press
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Francesco Nicola Haym.
Cambridge University Press
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Taming the Exotic: Vivaldi’s Armida al campo d’Egitto.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Classical Tragedy in the Italian Manner: The Case of Polidoro.
BWV - Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Venice and the East: Operatic Readings of Tasso’s Armida in early Eighteenth-Century Venice.
Boydell & Brewer
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
From Venice to London: On the Trail of Luigi Riccoboni and Italian Opera.
BWV - Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Echi tassiani e rappresentazioni dell'Oriente al Teatro S. Angelo di Venezia.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
"Parto o bella, ma con qual cuore…". Riflessioni sulla drammaturgia del dramma per musica e il suo rapporto con l'arte comica.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Radamisto's Theatrical Sources and their Influence on Handel's Creative Process.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Il Matrimonio Segreto ovvero Il Segreto di un Matrimonio Riuscito. Teatro di San Carlo, Naples.
Introduction, musical or theatrical programme
Bucciarelli, Melania.
Michelangelo Rossi, Erminia sul Giordano (bd 5).
Piper Verlag
Bucciarelli, Melania.
La Collana 'Drammaturgia Musicale Veneta', in: Lettera da San Giorgio, 40 (2019), 21-25.
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2024) "Si può cosa bramar, ch'ei non ti doni?". Faustina Bordoni and the 1729 Carnival Season. WoVen/NTNU Women, Opera and the Public Stage in Eighteenth-Century Venice , Trondheim 2024-04-10 - 2024-04-14
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2024) “Virtuous Competitions". The Interaction between Dramatic Role, Performer and Public Image in Italian Opera during the First Half of the Eighteenth Century”. University of Florence Personaggi, ruoli ed interpreti nello spettacolo musicale, teatrale e cinematografico. , Florence 2024-05-21 - 2024-05-21
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2023) WoVen: Le donne, l'opera e la scena pubblica nella Venezia del Settecento. Conservatorio di Musica 'Santa Cecilia' Musicologia oggi (Musicology Today) , Rome 2023-06-14 - 2023-06-14
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2023) «Un soggetto con sei donne, pensando in tal guisa d’incontrar forse più facilmente il tuo genio». Presenze femminili al teatro Sant’Angelo durante i primi anni della gestione Vivaldi. Fondazione Levi; IIAV at the Fondazione Cini; WoVen Il Teatro Sant'Angelo ai tempi di Antonio Vivaldi / The Sant'Angelo Theatre at the time of Antonio Vivaldi , Venice 2023-11-16 - 2023-11-18
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2021) Il gioco delle parti: Personaggi e interpreti dell’Engelberta veneziana . Conservatorio B. Marcello; Teatro La Fenice; Fondazione Levi 'Ombre romite, taciti orrori'. Convegno internazionale di studi in occasione della prima esecuzione in tempi moderni di Engelberta (Venezia, 1708) , Venice 2021-10-15 - 2021-10-17
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2021) The WoVen project and the castrato . Centro Italo-Tedesco per il Dialogo Europeo Castrato Singers in Opera: The Current State of Research , Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio (Como) 2021-10-21 - 2021-10-24
LectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2019) “‘lo sistema antico ch’ei sempre propone per mostrare che quanto si fa è il medesimo ch’era prima’. Negotiating practices on the London Stage during the early years of the Royal Academy of Music”. Freie Universität Berlin Mapping Artistic Networks of Italian Theatre and Opera across Europe: 1600-1800 , Berlin 2019-04-11 - 2019-04-12
LectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2019) “Travelling North of the Alps: Senesino’s career from Italy to Dresden and London”. Danish Academy in Rome Music, Performing Arts and Artists in the North: The French and Italian Diasporas (1600-1900) , Rome 2019-01-29 - 2019-01-30
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2018) "Knowing voices we cannot hear". Grieg Research School / NTNU Knowing Music – Musical Knowing: Cross disciplinary dialogue on epistemologies. International Music Research School 2018 , NTNU, Trondheim 2018-10-23 - 2018-10-26
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2015) A Clash of Interests? Writing for Senesino on the London Stage. Händel-Haus Händel und seine Interpreten / Handel and His Interpreters. Internationale Wissenschaftliche Konferenz zu den Händel-Festspielen in Halle (Saale) , Halle 2015-06-08 - 2015-06-10
InterviewBucciarelli, Melania. (2014) David Hansen. Kronjuvelen. Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Newspaper] 2014-02-01
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2014) Farò il possibile per vincer l’animo di M.r Handel” (I will do my best to win over M.r Handel’s heart): Arsace (1721) and Senesino’s arrival in London. Royal Musical Association Royal Musical Association 50th annual conference , School of Music, University of Leeds 2014-09-04 - 2014-09-06
Popular scientific lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2014) Farinelli and his brothers: Castrati in eighteenth-century Europe. Senter for Tidligmusikk, Trondheim Senter for Tidligmusikk Barokkfest 2014 , Frimurerlogen, Trondheim 2014-02-01 -
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2012) Senesino: An Italian Castrato in Dresden, 1717-1720. Institut fur Musikwissenschaft, Universitat des Saarlandes Symposium Italienischer Music in Deutschland und Frankreich - Diagonale und Parallelen , Saarbrücken 2012-10-26 - 2012-10-28
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2010) Spinalba, opera buffa and the tradition of commedia dell’arte. Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London Day Study on Spinalba , Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London 2010-10-24 -
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2008) Armida’s Mirror: Literary (and non-literary) motifs in Vivaldi’s Armida al campo d’Egitto (Venice, 1718). Institute of Musical Research, University of London New Directions in Musical Research Series , Senate House, University of London 2008-04-24 -
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2007) Soggetti, storie e immagini nell’opera veneziana al tempo di Antonio Vivaldi. Istituto Antonio Vivaldi, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice Conference Istituto Antonio Vivaldi , Istituto Antonio Vivaldi, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice 2007-06-13 - 2007-06-16
Popular scientific lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2006) From Rinaldo to Orlando, or Senesino's path to madness. Foundling Museum, London Public Lectures Series, Foundling Museum , Foundling Museum, London 2006-06-21 -
Popular scientific lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2006) Singers, Voices and Props: How should we ‘do’ Handel opera?. Institute of Musical Research, University of London Bloomsbury Festival, School of Advanced Studies, Debates series , London House, Goodenough College, London 2006-10-22 -
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2005) Venice and the East: Exotic Motives in Early Eighteenth-Century Opera. Concert- en congresgebouw de Doelen, Rotterdam Symposium on Motezuma, Vivaldi and Opera Seria , Concert- en congresgebouw de Doelen, Rotterdam 2005-06-11 - 2005-06-12
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2004) Echi tassiani e rappresentazioni dell'Oriente al Teatro S. Angelo di Venezia. Centro di Musica Antica 'Pietà dei Turchini', et alii International conference Le arti della scena e l'esotismo in età moderna , Naples 2004-05-06 - 2004-05-09
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2004) Opera, Politics and Intertextuality. Faculty of Music, University of Oxford Postgraduate Seminars , Faculty of Music, University of Oxford 2004-11-08 -
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2004) From Rinaldo to Orlando, or Senesino's path to madness. Holland Festival Oude Muziek, Utrecht Symposium Italian Voices and European Practice , Utrecht 2004-08-28 - 2004-08-30
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2001) From Venice to London: On the Trail of Luigi Riccoboni and Italian Opera. Centre for Italian Studies, University College London Words and music: a symposium on Eighteenth-century Italian opera in memory of Giovanna Gronda , London 2001-02-23 -
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2001) From Venice to London: On the Trail of Luigi Riccoboni and Italian Opera. European Science Foundation, University of Warsaw European Science Foundation International Conference Opera subjects and European Relationships , Warsaw 2001-10-12 - 2001-10-14
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2001) Parto o bella, ma con qual cuore…: Riflessioni sulla drammaturgia del dramma per musica e il suo rapporto con l'arte comica. Centro di Musica Antica 'Pietà dei Turchini' et alii International conference Commedia dell'Arte e Spettacolo in musica tra Sei e Settecento , Naples 2001-09-28 - 2001-09-29
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2000) Classical Tragedy in the Italian Manner: The Case of Polidoro. European Science Foundation, University of Wien European Science Foundation International Conference Italianità: Image and Practice in Central European Opera in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centur , Baden/Wien 2000-09-22 - 2000-09-24
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (2000) Parole e Musica: Corneille, Capece e il melodramma d’ispirazione francese a Roma prima di Metastasio. Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Accademia dell’Arcadia,etc International Conference Le Arti in gara. Roma nel Settecento , Rome 2000-09-18 - 2000-09-22
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (1999) French Drama in the Italian Manner: Dramaturgy, Spectacle and Literary Standards of Early 18th Century Italian Opera. Department of Music, University of Natal, SA Research seminars at the University of Natal , Durban 1999-06-17 -
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (1998) Luigi Riccoboni: Drama and Opera in Italy, France and England. ESF, University of Oxford European Science Foundation International Workshop-Conference European Baroque Opera: Institutions and Ceremonies , Oxford 1998-11-27 - 1998-11-29
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (1998) Italian tragedy and dramma per musica: attempts at a reform of Italian theatre (1694-1715). Royal Musical Association, New College University of Oxford Royal Musical Association Annual Conference Music and Theatre , Oxford 1998-03-27 - 1998-03-29
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (1998) Representation of nature in early 18th-century Italian opera: Albinoni-Gasparini's Engelberta (1709). Cardiff University of Wales Centre for 18th-Century Musical Studies International Conference Music in Eighteenth-Century Italy , Cardiff 1998-07-12 - 1998-07-15
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (1996) Commedia dell'Arte and Opera Seria. Italian Cultural Institute and Wimbledon School of Art International Conference Commedia dell'Arte: Actors and Artists , London 1996-05-09 - 1996-05-10
Academic lectureBucciarelli, Melania. (1995) Radamisto's Theatrical Sources and their Influence on Handel's Creative Process. University of London 11th Annual Conference on Music in Eighteenth-Century Britain , London 1995-11-24 -