Mrudhula Soe Koshy
Mrudhula Koshy is an urbanist and Assistant Professor in the Urban Ecological Planning Group based at the Department of Architecture and Planning, at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. She has a PhD in Planning under Uncertainty from NTNU (Norway), a Postmaster’s Degree in Urbanism from TU Delft (The Netherlands) and IUAV Venice (Italy), and a Bachelor's in Architecture from the College of Engineering, Trivandrum (India). Her research examines the conceptual, methodological and empirical links between uncertainty, resilience, adaptation, and contingency to bridge planning, decision-making and governance approaches in resource-scarce contexts prone to high-impact, low-probability environmental crises, shocks, and stresses.
She has also explored spatial-temporal strategies for energy landscapes, urban metabolism, and post-fossil energy scenarios for transitioning to renewable energy use, circular economy, productive cities, and gender-inclusive built environment practices. Her core interests lie in developing context-based, multi-scalar planning and design strategies and methodologies for complex spatial research to address structural ambiguities and inequities in both Global South and North contexts.
Dutton, Jenna;
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe;
Tomaselli, Chiara.
Ageing and gender: An intersectional lens for inclusive city-building practices in the Global North and Global South.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe.
Running Towards the Fire: Navigating Compounded Uncertainty through Contextualised Contingency Planning during Unprecedented Flooding in Wayanad, Kerala.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe.
Social Infrastructure: Principles, Diagnosis and Toolbox in Valencia.
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe;
Smith, David.
Community resilience implications for institutional response under uncertainty: Cases of the floods in Wayanad, India and the earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sustainable Development
Academic article
Koshy, Mrudhula;
Aranya, Rolee;
Refstie, Hilde.
Handling Compounded Uncertainty in Spatial Planning and Humanitarian Action in Unexpected Floods in Wayanad, Kerala: Towards a Contextualised Contingency Planning Approach.
Planning Theory & Practice
Academic article
Koshy, Mrudhula.
“After the floods, he says he is an environmentalist”: Understanding blended roles and organizational boundaries in decision-making under uncertainty during unprecedented floods in Wayanad, India.
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
Academic article
Dutton, Jenna;
Tomaselli, Chiara;
Koshy, Mrudhula;
Agnello, Kristin;
Johnston-Zimmerman, Katrina;
Morphet, Charlotte.
Feminist Planning and Urbanism: Understanding the Past for an Inclusive Future.
Palgrave Macmillan
Encyclopedia article
Koshy, Mrudhula.
Shifting national narratives'; Borderscapes in 'Roads are often made by walking'.
International Society of City and Regional Planners
Koshy, Mrudhula.
Territorial spatial strategies: A case for dispersal .
Urban Design Collective
Koshy, Mrudhula.
Shifting centralities, shared lines: A redefined role for the peri-urban space in Delhi, National Capital Region.
Delft University of Technology
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe;
Smith, David.
Community resilience implications for institutional response under uncertainty: Cases of the floods in Wayanad, India and the earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sustainable Development
Academic article
Koshy, Mrudhula;
Aranya, Rolee;
Refstie, Hilde.
Handling Compounded Uncertainty in Spatial Planning and Humanitarian Action in Unexpected Floods in Wayanad, Kerala: Towards a Contextualised Contingency Planning Approach.
Planning Theory & Practice
Academic article
Koshy, Mrudhula.
“After the floods, he says he is an environmentalist”: Understanding blended roles and organizational boundaries in decision-making under uncertainty during unprecedented floods in Wayanad, India.
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
Academic article
Part of book/report
Dutton, Jenna;
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe;
Tomaselli, Chiara.
Ageing and gender: An intersectional lens for inclusive city-building practices in the Global North and Global South.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe.
Social Infrastructure: Principles, Diagnosis and Toolbox in Valencia.
Dutton, Jenna;
Tomaselli, Chiara;
Koshy, Mrudhula;
Agnello, Kristin;
Johnston-Zimmerman, Katrina;
Morphet, Charlotte.
Feminist Planning and Urbanism: Understanding the Past for an Inclusive Future.
Palgrave Macmillan
Encyclopedia article
Koshy, Mrudhula Soe.
Running Towards the Fire: Navigating Compounded Uncertainty through Contextualised Contingency Planning during Unprecedented Flooding in Wayanad, Kerala.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Doctoral dissertation
Koshy, Mrudhula.
Shifting national narratives'; Borderscapes in 'Roads are often made by walking'.
International Society of City and Regional Planners
Koshy, Mrudhula.
Territorial spatial strategies: A case for dispersal .
Urban Design Collective
Koshy, Mrudhula.
Shifting centralities, shared lines: A redefined role for the peri-urban space in Delhi, National Capital Region.
Delft University of Technology
Masters thesis
- AAR5230 - Fordypning i Urban Ecological Planning - selvprogrammert
- AAR5220 - Byplanleggingspraksis i uforutsigbare forhold
- AAR5210 - Teorier i Byøkologisk Planlegging
- AAR5270 - Globalisering og byutvikling
- AAR4525 - Byøkologisk planlegging - prosjektemne
- AAR5390 - Praktisk arbeidserfaring
- AAR5400 - M.Sc. Thesis in Urban Ecological Planning
- TPD4202 - Humanitær design og teknologi
InterviewKoshy, Mrudhula; Krishnan, Malavika. (2022) Feminist Urbanism – A chat with Mrudhula Koshy. [Internet] 2022-01-09
Academic lectureKoshy, Mrudhula. (2022) Ambiguity in action: Handling compounded uncertainty in spatial planning and humanitarian action in the unexpected floods in Wayanad, India . Harokopio University RC21 Conference Athens 'Ordinary cities in exceptional times' , Athens 2022-08-24 - 2022-08-26
Academic lectureDutton, Jenna; Koshy, Mrudhula. (2022) Aging Gracefully: An Intersectional lens for inclusive city building practices in the Global North and Global South. University of Milano-Bicocca European Feminist Gender Conference, Social Change in a Feminist Perspective , Milan 2022-06-15 - 2022-06-18
Academic lectureKoshy, Mrudhula. (2022) Contingency Practice and Planning: An introduction. Université Laval Master's course in Urban Planning , Quebec 2022-02-15 - 2022-02-15
Programme participationDutton, Jenna; Koshy, Mrudhula; Tomaselli, Chiara. (2022) We need to talk about ageing in cities: the importance of gender for inclusive city building practices. [Internet] 2022-09-14
Academic lectureKoshy, Mrudhula. (2022) Experience of writing a PhD. Department of Architecture and Planning AAR 8320 Introductory course in theories of science and research methods for PhD- candidates , Trondheim 2022-01-26 - 2022-01-26
Academic lectureKoshy, Mrudhula. (2022) 'Finding your way in the field': Qualitative case study writing, field notes and summaries of interviews . Meth Lab, Department of Sociologu PhD Seminar series , KU Leuven 2022-03-08 - 2022-03-08
LectureKoshy, Mrudhula. (2021) Community and Local Governance Perspective of Flood Risk Management in India: A case of the 2018 and 2019 Kerala Floods . University of Hull Flood Adaptation and Mitigation , Hull 2021-03-22 - 2021-03-22
Academic lectureKoshy, Mrudhula; Smith, David. (2021) Community resilience implications for institutional response under uncertainty: Vignettes from the floods in Wayanad, India and the earthquake in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Polis University AESOP Young Academics Conference: Governing the Unknown: Adaptive Spatial Planning in the age of uncertainty , Tirana 2021-03-29 - 2021-04-02
Academic lectureKoshy, Mrudhula. (2021) Towards localized contingent decision-making in uncertainty during unexpected floods in Wayanad, India . University of Antwerp RC-21 Conference: Sensing the City , Antwerp 2021-07-14 - 2021-07-16
InterviewKoshy, Mrudhula; Angheloiu, Corina; Tomaselli, Chiara. (2021) Vulnerability: Urban Resilience Podcast . [Internet] 2021-03-21
Popular scientific lectureKoshy, Mrudhula. (2020) Learning from crisis: A case of COVID in Kerala, India. . Delft University of Technology The New Urban Normal: Urban Sustainability and Resilience Post COVID19 , Delft 2020-06-17 - 2020-06-17
LectureKoshy, Mrudhula. (2020) Tools and methods for making cities sustainable and resilient . University of South Denmark Webinar series: 'Urban Resilience. Facing global crisis at time of pandemic , Odense 2020-05-28 - 2020-06-26
Academic lectureKoshy, Mrudhula. (2019) Countering the hegemonic narrative: Using urban living labs to deal with uncertainty due to heavy monsoon floods in Wayanad, India . Department of Geography, NTNU Nordic Geographers Meeting , Trondheim 2019-06-16 - 2020-06-19
Programme participationKoshy, Mrudhula. (2017) Cities without billboards . Rotterdam, The Netherlands Rotterdam, The Netherlands [Internet] 2017-04-20
PosterKoshy, Mrudhula. (2015) Shifting national narratives: Borderscapes . ISOCARP: International society of city and regional planners Cities save the planet: Let's reinvent planning , Rotterdam 2015-10-19 - 2015-10-23