Romain Guillaume Billy
I am a Postdoctoral Fellow in Prof. Daniel B. Müller's group within the Industrial Ecology Program.
I make Material Flow Analysis (MFA) and Stock Dynamics models to monitor and simulate metal cycles and their emissions, with a focus on aluminium and battery materials.
In 2024-2025 I am teaching the courses TEP 4285 - Material Flow Analysis and TEP4290 - Modeling of Built Environment Systems.
In my PhD, I was part of Metal Production, an interdisciplinary Centre for Research-based Innovation (SFI). I worked in the Research Domain 5, whose goal was to study the relationship between metals and society.
I was also contributing to the BATMAN project, in which I developed scenarios for material supply, use, and recycling for Li-ion batteries.
I have also been a Teaching Assistant for the courses TEP 4285 - Material Flow Analysis and TEP4290 - Modeling of Built Environment Systems.
- PhD in Industrial Ecology, NTNU
Monitoring and simulating material cycles and emissions at multiple scales: Case studies for aluminium -
MSc in Industrial Ecology, NTNUMaster thesis: Material Flow Analysis of Extruded Aluminium in French Buildings
MSc in Engineering, Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France)
Barre, Francis Isidore;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Limits to graphite supply in a transition to a post-fossil society.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Marhoon, Ahmed Mohamed Jaffar Marhoon A;
Las Heras Hernandez, Miguel;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Verones, Francesca.
Mapping Plastic and Plastic Additive Cycles in Coastal Countries: A Norwegian Case Study.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Ravi, Basuhi;
Bhuwalka, Karan;
Moore, Elizabeth A.;
Diersen, Isabel;
Malik, Rameen H.;
Young, Eric.
Clean energy demand must secure sustainable nickel supply.
Academic literature review
Langhorst, Moritz;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Schwotzer, Christian;
Kaiser, Felix;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Inertia of Technology Stocks: A Technology-Explicit Model for the Transition toward a Low-Carbon Global Aluminum Cycle.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Cordhomme, Zoe Angele Adele;
Dittrich, Nils Maximilian;
Gedde, Kristina Bringedal;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Approaching building lifetimes and hazard rates through demolition patterns: Case studies for a historical city center.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Desing, Harald;
Widmer, Rolf;
Bardi, Ugo;
Beylot, Antoine;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Gasser, Martin.
Mobilizing materials to enable a fast energy transition: A conceptual framework.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Simoni, Mark Uwe;
Petavratzi, Evi;
Liu, Gang;
Rechberger, Helmut.
Maps of the physical economy to inform
sustainability strategies.
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Evaluating strategies for managing resource use in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles using the global MATILDA model.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Monnier, Louis;
Nybakke, Even;
Isaksen, Morten;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Systemic approaches for emission reduction in industrial plants based on physical accounting: example for an aluminium smelter .
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
McNeil, Brent;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume.
The complex nature of lithium extraction: A dynamic material flow analysis to understand supply constraints in the transition to electrified transport.
NTNU Master thesis
Masters thesis
Langhorst, Moritz;
Schwotzer, Christian;
Kaiser, Felix;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume.
Technology-explicit dynamic material flow analysis of the global aluminium cycle.
RWTH Aachen Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Cormery, Marceau;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mistry, Mark;
Reck, Barbara K..
Global trade-linked nickel cycle. A Material Flow Analysis (MFA) study considering production and trade of nickel at the global and the country level.
NTNU Master thesis
Masters thesis
Genovesi, Sofia;
Garofalo, Paolo S.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando.
Graphite for lithium-ion batteries: mineral analysis and global Material Flow Analysis.
Master's thesis University of Bologna
Masters thesis
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Aluminium use in passenger cars poses systemic challenges for recycling and GHG emissions.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Cullen, Jonathan.
Monitoring and simulating material cycles and emissions at multiple scales: Case studies for aluminium.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral theses at NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Birkeland , Terese;
Torjesen, Stina.
Towards an EU Battery Regulation 2.0?.
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Birkeland , Terese;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Lopez, Fernando;
Torjesen, Stina.
Lithium in the EV battery expansion: How bad is the supply constraint?.
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Birkeland , Terese;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Lopez, Fernando;
Torjesen, Stina.
Reducing the carbon footprint of battery materials - a case of problem shifting?.
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
A product–component framework for modeling stock dynamics and its application for electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Lauinger, Dirk;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Vasquez, Felipe;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
A general framework for stock dynamics of populations and built and natural environments.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Young, Eric;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Petavratzi, Evi;
Reck, Barbara K..
Battery Nickel Bottlenecks: A material flow analysis of the impacts the energy transition will have on the nickel supply system.
NTNU Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Roca Puigros, Marta;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Gerber, Andreas;
Wäger, Patrick;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Pathways toward a carbon-neutral Swiss residential building stock.
Buildings & Cities
Academic article
Journal publications
Barre, Francis Isidore;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Limits to graphite supply in a transition to a post-fossil society.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Marhoon, Ahmed Mohamed Jaffar Marhoon A;
Las Heras Hernandez, Miguel;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Verones, Francesca.
Mapping Plastic and Plastic Additive Cycles in Coastal Countries: A Norwegian Case Study.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Ravi, Basuhi;
Bhuwalka, Karan;
Moore, Elizabeth A.;
Diersen, Isabel;
Malik, Rameen H.;
Young, Eric.
Clean energy demand must secure sustainable nickel supply.
Academic literature review
Langhorst, Moritz;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Schwotzer, Christian;
Kaiser, Felix;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Inertia of Technology Stocks: A Technology-Explicit Model for the Transition toward a Low-Carbon Global Aluminum Cycle.
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Cordhomme, Zoe Angele Adele;
Dittrich, Nils Maximilian;
Gedde, Kristina Bringedal;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Approaching building lifetimes and hazard rates through demolition patterns: Case studies for a historical city center.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Desing, Harald;
Widmer, Rolf;
Bardi, Ugo;
Beylot, Antoine;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Gasser, Martin.
Mobilizing materials to enable a fast energy transition: A conceptual framework.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Evaluating strategies for managing resource use in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles using the global MATILDA model.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Monnier, Louis;
Nybakke, Even;
Isaksen, Morten;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Systemic approaches for emission reduction in industrial plants based on physical accounting: example for an aluminium smelter .
Environmental Science and Technology
Academic article
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Aluminium use in passenger cars poses systemic challenges for recycling and GHG emissions.
Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Academic article
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
A product–component framework for modeling stock dynamics and its application for electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Lauinger, Dirk;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Vasquez, Felipe;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
A general framework for stock dynamics of populations and built and natural environments.
Journal of Industrial Ecology
Academic article
Roca Puigros, Marta;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Gerber, Andreas;
Wäger, Patrick;
Mueller, Daniel Beat.
Pathways toward a carbon-neutral Swiss residential building stock.
Buildings & Cities
Academic article
Part of book/report
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Simoni, Mark Uwe;
Petavratzi, Evi;
Liu, Gang;
Rechberger, Helmut.
Maps of the physical economy to inform
sustainability strategies.
McNeil, Brent;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume.
The complex nature of lithium extraction: A dynamic material flow analysis to understand supply constraints in the transition to electrified transport.
NTNU Master thesis
Masters thesis
Langhorst, Moritz;
Schwotzer, Christian;
Kaiser, Felix;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume.
Technology-explicit dynamic material flow analysis of the global aluminium cycle.
RWTH Aachen Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Cormery, Marceau;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mistry, Mark;
Reck, Barbara K..
Global trade-linked nickel cycle. A Material Flow Analysis (MFA) study considering production and trade of nickel at the global and the country level.
NTNU Master thesis
Masters thesis
Genovesi, Sofia;
Garofalo, Paolo S.;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando.
Graphite for lithium-ion batteries: mineral analysis and global Material Flow Analysis.
Master's thesis University of Bologna
Masters thesis
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Cullen, Jonathan.
Monitoring and simulating material cycles and emissions at multiple scales: Case studies for aluminium.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral theses at NTNU
Doctoral dissertation
Young, Eric;
Mueller, Daniel Beat;
Aguilar Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Petavratzi, Evi;
Reck, Barbara K..
Battery Nickel Bottlenecks: A material flow analysis of the impacts the energy transition will have on the nickel supply system.
NTNU Master's thesis
Masters thesis
Lopez, Fernando;
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Birkeland , Terese;
Torjesen, Stina.
Towards an EU Battery Regulation 2.0?.
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Birkeland , Terese;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Lopez, Fernando;
Torjesen, Stina.
Lithium in the EV battery expansion: How bad is the supply constraint?.
Billy, Romain Guillaume;
Birkeland , Terese;
Müller, Daniel Beat;
Lopez, Fernando;
Torjesen, Stina.
Reducing the carbon footprint of battery materials - a case of problem shifting?.
Academic lectureBarre, Francis Isidore; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2024) Meeting an escalating Lithium-Ion Battery demand: Global Graphite Supply-Demand Scenarios. IRTC IRTC24: Raw materials in a changing world , Turin, Italy 2024-02-21 - 2024-02-23
Academic lectureLanghorst, Moritz; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Schwotzer, Christian; Kaiser, Felix; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Modelling the transition towards a low-carbon global aluminium cycle with technology-explicit material flow analysis. International Society for Industrial Ecology 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE2023) , Leiden 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
PosterBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Industrial Ecology in fictional worlds: The spice and water cycles on the planet Arrakis from Frank Herbert’s Dune. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE2023 - 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Leiden, Netherlands 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
Academic lectureAguilar Lopez, Fernando; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Evaluating strategies for reducing material use in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles . International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE2023 - 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Leiden, Netherlands 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; McNeil, Brent; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Limited lithium supply is likely to slow down the electrification of the transport sector. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE2023 - 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Leiden, Metherlands 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
PosterCord'homme, Zoé; Dittrich, Nils Maximilian; Gedde, Kristina Bringedal ; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Building lifetime in historical city centers. Case study of Trondheim, Norway. NTNU Sustainability Under construction: Circularity in the built environment , Trondheim 2023-11-27 - 2023-11-28
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Applying industrial ecology methods to fictional words - The spice and water cycles on the planet Arrakis from Frank Herbert’s Dune. SAM Society 17th Society and Materials Conference , Karlsruhe, Germany 2023-05-09 - 2023-05-10
LectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Monnier, Louis; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Fostering a low-carbon circular economy: Insight from top-down and bottom-up material flow accounting models. Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) ASI 45 minutes on webinars , Virtual 2023-10-17 - 2023-10-17
Academic lectureYoung, Eric Edward Cameron S Dun; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) The battery demand for nickel creates supply bottlenecks and problem shifts, and increasing emissions . International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE2023 - 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology , Leiden, Netherlands 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-05
LectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Young, Eric Edward Cameron S Dun; Cormery, Marceau Jean-Paul Christian; McNeil, Brent; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2023) Modelling the effects of transport electrification on mineral supply chains. Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) CCG Modelling Transport Demand Workshop , Paris, France 2023-03-28 - 2023-03-28
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2022) The transformation of the passenger car market - Effects on the demand for aluminium and its carbon footprint. Industrial Society for Industrial Ecology 14th ISIE Socio-Economic Metabolism section conference , Vienna 2022-09-19 - 2022-09-21
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Young, Eric Edward Cameron S Dun; Cormery, Marceau; McNeil, Brent; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2022) Carbon footprint & circularity challenges for electric vehicles - Main outcomes from the BATMAN project. European Aluminium SALEMA Workshop - Driving sustainable aluminium: recycling and critical raw materials for aluminium alloys in e-mobility , Virtual 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-09
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Young, Eric Edward Cameron S Dun; Cormery, Marceau; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2022) Aluminium and Nickel uses in electric vehicles pose challenges for recycling and GHG emissions. SAM 16th Society And Materials Conference , Virtual 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-09
LectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat; Aguilar Lopez, Fernando; Young, Eric Edward Cameron S Dun; McNeil, Brent; Cormery, Marceau Jean-Paul Christian. (2022) Introduction to Material Flow Analysis and applications to battery materials. HyProS Geminisenter (Hydrokjemisk prosessteknologi i den sirkulære økonomien) HyProS Geminisenter Seminar , NTNU Trondheim 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-09
PosterAguilar Lopez, Fernando; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Müller, Daniel B.. (2022) Evaluating the strategies for managing resource use in lithium-ion batteries using the global MATILDA model . Gordon Research Conference 2022-06-13 - 2022-06-17
Academic lectureAguilar Lopez, Fernando; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Müller, Daniel B.. (2022) Modelling approaches to product-component systems: A case study of electric vehicles and their batteries. International Society for Industrial Ecology - Socioeconomic Metabolism 2022-09-19 - 2022-09-21
PosterBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2022) Aluminium in cars: highway for decarbonising the transport sector or new climate bottleneck?. Gordon Research Conference Industrial Ecology Gordon Research Conference , Sunday River, ME, USA 2022-06-12 - 2022-06-17
Academic lectureAguilar Lopez, Fernando; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Müller, Daniel B.. (2022) Evaluating strategies for managing resource use in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles using the global MATILDA model. Society and Materials Conference 2022-11-08 - 2022-11-09
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Monnier, Louis; Nybbake, Even; Müller, Daniel; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2019) Benefits of plant-level Substance Flow Analysis Application to carbon reporting in an aluminium smelter. International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2019 , Beijing 2019-07-07 - 2019-07-11
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2019) The influence of stock dynamics on new technology penetration Effects on new technology development in Aluminium production. SAM13: Society And Materials International Conference , Pisa 2019-05-20 - 2019-05-21
LectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2019) Getting a vision through dynamic MFA: The aluminium case . European Aluminium Aluminum Innovation Hub Workshop , Trondheim 2019-06-12 - 2019-06-13
Academic lectureBilly, Romain Guillaume; Mueller, Daniel Beat. (2019) Feedbacks between in-use and technology stocks Effects on new technology development in Aluminium production . International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE SEM 2019 , Berlin 2019-11-13 - 2019-11-15