Ronald Mubirigwe Kibirige
Ronald Mubirigwe Kibirige
Associate Professor of Arts Education (Music, Dance, and Dance-Music)
Nesami, Maryam Bagheri;
Hast, Susanna;
Moraes, Janaína;
Barolsky, Kathy;
Kibirige, Ronald;
Lawal, Olaolu.
Ways of arriving aRound (a) Table – Listening to stories with care.
Performing Arts
Bakka, Egil;
Karoblis, Gediminas;
Kibirige, Ronald;
Gwerevende, Solomon.
Cultural sustainability—Art and Ubuntu as rationales for dancing.
Cogent Social Sciences
Academic article
Kibirige, Ronald;
Karoblis, Gediminas;
Nannyonga-Tamusura, Sylvia.
Dancing Reconciliation and Reintegration: Lamokowang and Dance-Musicking in the Oguda-Alel Post-war Communities of Northern Uganda.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2020/37)
Doctoral dissertation
Kibirige, Ronald.
To Notate, or Not to Notate: Another Safeguarding and Formal Transmission Tool for East African Dance Traditions?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kibirige, Ronald;
Mabingo, Alfdaniels;
Ssemaganda, Gerald;
Ssembatya, Edward.
Decolonising Dance Teacher Education: Reflections of Four Teachers of Indigenous Dances in African Postcolonial Environments.
Journal of Dance Education
Academic article
Kibirige, Ronald.
Drumology: Norwegian - Ugandan Student Artistic Collaborative Production 2016. Makerere University and the Norwegian University College of Dance.
Musical performance
Kibirige, Ronald.
Dance Theater Uganda - “Drumology” .
Performing Arts
Kibirige, Ronald.
Insider-Outsider Phenomenon in Traditional Dance Research in Indigenous Communities.
Acta Ethnographica Hungarica
Academic article
Kibirige, Ronald.
Children's Performance .
Performing Arts
Journal publications
Bakka, Egil;
Karoblis, Gediminas;
Kibirige, Ronald;
Gwerevende, Solomon.
Cultural sustainability—Art and Ubuntu as rationales for dancing.
Cogent Social Sciences
Academic article
Kibirige, Ronald;
Mabingo, Alfdaniels;
Ssemaganda, Gerald;
Ssembatya, Edward.
Decolonising Dance Teacher Education: Reflections of Four Teachers of Indigenous Dances in African Postcolonial Environments.
Journal of Dance Education
Academic article
Kibirige, Ronald.
Insider-Outsider Phenomenon in Traditional Dance Research in Indigenous Communities.
Acta Ethnographica Hungarica
Academic article
Artistic productions
Nesami, Maryam Bagheri;
Hast, Susanna;
Moraes, Janaína;
Barolsky, Kathy;
Kibirige, Ronald;
Lawal, Olaolu.
Ways of arriving aRound (a) Table – Listening to stories with care.
Performing Arts
Kibirige, Ronald.
Drumology: Norwegian - Ugandan Student Artistic Collaborative Production 2016. Makerere University and the Norwegian University College of Dance.
Musical performance
Kibirige, Ronald.
Dance Theater Uganda - “Drumology” .
Performing Arts
Kibirige, Ronald.
Children's Performance .
Performing Arts
Part of book/report
Kibirige, Ronald.
To Notate, or Not to Notate: Another Safeguarding and Formal Transmission Tool for East African Dance Traditions?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kibirige, Ronald;
Karoblis, Gediminas;
Nannyonga-Tamusura, Sylvia.
Dancing Reconciliation and Reintegration: Lamokowang and Dance-Musicking in the Oguda-Alel Post-war Communities of Northern Uganda.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2020/37)
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureAngelo, Elin; Bandlien, Bjørn-Terje; Heide, Anne-Lise; Waagen, Wenche; Stranden, Marit; Knutsen, Trine. (2024) Universitetskulturskoleprosjektet. NTNU, Instutitt for lærerutdanning Cutting Edge Kulturskole 2024 , Trondheim 2024-10-21 - 2024-10-22
LectureØstern, Tone Pernille; Kibirige, Ronald; Lund, Nuka Alice; Fjeldstad, Mari Ystanes; Khachik, Therese. (2023) Moderation of panel session at "Lift Every Voice: Opening up Music Communities". RILM Ressursgruppe for inkludering, likestilling og mangfold Lift Every Voice: Opening up Music Communities , Department for Music, NTNU, Trondheim 2023-11-23 - 2023-11-23
Academic lectureHeide, Anne Lise; Reistadbakk, Egil; Jenssen, Runa Hestad; Stranden, Marit; Kibirige, Ronald; Reistadbakk, Egil Furu. (2023) Antologi i prosess: Livsmestring gjennom musikk, kunst og kultur i utdanningen. Leder av Symposium med 4 kapittelbidrag. MiU, DMMH MiU-konferansen 2023 , Trondheim 2023-10-26 - 2023-10-27
Academic lectureBakka, Egil; Karoblis, Gediminas; Kibirige, Ronald. (2022) Roundtable "Dance as Personal Data". 32nd Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology, Brežice, Slovenia 2022 2022-07-29 - 2022-08-05
Academic lectureKibirige, Ronald; Karoblis, Gediminas. (2022) ROUNDTABLE SESSION Educational environment in which diverse dance and music traditions meet. SAMTIDENS MUSIKKUTDANNING SEMINAR 3. – 4. FEBRUAR 2022 2022-02-03 - 2022-02-04
Academic lectureKibirige, Ronald. (2021) Realising "a Dance": Transmitting Coexistence Among the Acholi of Post-Conflict Northern Uganda. ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology 31st Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology , Klaipėda 2021-07-12 - 2021-07-18
LectureKibirige, Ronald. (2021) Inherent Community-Based Agendas in Dancing and Dance-Musicking Traditions in East Africa. Department of Dance, School of Performing Arts, University Visiting Scholars' Seminar , Legon 2021-06-03 - 2021-06-03
Academic lectureGilbertson, Simon; Kibirige, Ronald. (2021) Micro-interactions in creative practices as social and cultural regeneration: Interdisciplinary approaches from early neurological rehabilitation and post-war reconciliation. Grieg Research School for Interdisciplinary Music Studies Grieg Research School for Interdisciplinary Music Studies Autumn Course , University of Stavanger 2021-11-30 - 2021-12-02
Academic lectureKibirige, Ronald. (2020) Musicking and Dance-Musicking as Communal Mitigative Interactions: Reflections on a Lifetime, a Phase, a Phrase. or Moments in Interdisciplinary Events of Practice. Grieg Akademiet - University of Bergen (UiB) Grieg Research School (UiB) Doctoral Students' Course , Bergen 2020-07-18 - 2020-07-18
Academic lectureKibirige, Ronald. (2020) From Oral to Written Inscriptions: Reflection on Translation as a Process of Interpretation in Interdisciplinary Communal Music and Dance Events of Practice . University of Oslo (UiO) - ATTR Research School Doctoral Students' Seminar , Oslo 2020-10-21 - 2020-10-21
Academic lectureKibirige, Ronald. (2015) Notation of an African Indigenous Dance: An Inquiry on the Application of Labanotation Theory to Understand Myel Bwola from the Acholi Sub-region of Northern Uganda. International Council for Kinetorology International Council for Kinetology Laban, Proceedings of the 29th Conference. Tours France , Tours 2015-07-24 - 2015-07-30
Academic lectureKibirige, Ronald. (2014) Continuity Challenges in Traditional Dancing in Multi-Ethnic Uganda: The Case of Myel Bwola. ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology 28th Symposium ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology , Korčula 2014-07-07 - 2014-07-17