Geir Slupphaug
Geir Slupphaug
Proteomics, Genome Dynamics and DNA repair
I entered the field of mammalian DNA repair in the late 1980ies, moving from plant molecular biology. I then joined the group of Professor Hans E. Krokan, and started working on molecular mechanisms underlying repair of base lesions in DNA. A primary focus of the research was to understand how the erroneous DNA base uracil was removed from DNA. Uracil is a mutagenic DNA lesion occurring several hundred times per day in each cell. It is primarily removed by the enzyme uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG), that initiates a multistep enzymatic pathway to restore the original DNA sequence. Thanks to the recent cloning of the human UNG gene we were able produce sufficient amounts of recombinant enzyme for functional and 3D-structure analysis. This laid the basis for several fundamental discoveries concerning the functioning of DNA glycosylases, including the concept of DNA base flipping in DNA repair. Much of this research was conducted in collaboration with Prof. John A. Tainer at the Scripps Research Institute in San Diego. I was also fortunate to spend a year in his lab as a guest researcher in the mid-90ies.
Cocrystal structure of UNG and uracil-containing DNA
Through the years it became clear that the nuclear isoform of UNG, UNG2 is a truly multifunctional enzyme. Moreover, we now know that uracil is not a mere lesion in DNA, but can be enzymatically introduced into specific genes. In activated B-cells, the enzyme AID deaminates cytosine to uracil in the immunoglobulin genes. These uracils are also removed by UNG2. Paradoxically, however, the resulting baseless (AP) site is not repaired, but rather funneled through a mutagenic pathway that enhances the affinity as well as the effector functions of the final antibodies. Thus, both AID and UNG2 are crucial for the normal immune response, and lack of UNG2 results in hyper-IgM syndrome in humans. Moreover, mutagenic processing of genomic uracil encompasses several enzymes that normally act in DNA repair pathways, demonstrating the interplay between different cellular functions by employing common factors for different purposes. This, however, does not come without a cost. Recent large-scale sequencing of human cancers indicates that off-targeted enzymatic deamination of cytosine by the AID/APOBEC family of cytidine deaminases may be involved in the development of a large fraction of human cancers, including B-cell lymphomas. We have also observed a marked increase in B-cell lymphomas in Ung-deficient mice.
Model of B-cell lymphoma development in Ung-deficient mice
Finally, UNG2 is also important in the defense against retrovirus, e.g. HIV-1. High concentrations of dUTP in the target cells promote misincorporation of uracil in the viral DNA and host cell APOBEC proteins may promote deamination of cytosine in the viral DNA. This facilitates degradation of viral DNA by UNG2 and AP-endonuclease. In conclusion, uracil in DNA is both a mutagenic burden and a tool to modify DNA for diversity or degradation.
Employing a cellular protein for different functions can be regulated at several levels, e.g. by directing the protein to various subcellular compartments, adjusting its level through the cell cycle, or by introducing specific post-translational modifications to the protein to alter its interaction with other cellular components to e.g. form novel protein complexes. To study such phenomena in more detail we acquired our first mass spectrometry instrument for proteomic analyses in the early 2000nds. This activity has steadily grown and has allowed us to decipher novel regulatory mechanisms both within DNA repair, but also in other biochemical processes linked to human disease. We have also established analytical pipelines for quantitative determination of >50 modified bases in DNA and RNA. This has allowed us to perform parallel monitoring of DNA/RNA modifications and protein profiling in various diseased tissues to aid e.g. biomarker discovery. A present focus of our studies is to map potential functions of DNA modifications previously considered mere lesions, in the fine-tuning of gene-expression and epigenetic reprogramming.
In 2013 the mass spectrometry laboratory at IKM was appointed a core facility for proteomics and metabolomics (PROMEC) at NTNU, and we currently perform analytical service for several research groups both within and outside NTNU.
Davi at the Orbitrap Elite
Current research group (including core facility personnel)
Vasuthas, Kalaiyarasi;
Kjesbu, Joachim Sebastian;
Brambilla, Alessandro;
Levitan, Maya;
Coron, Abba Elizabeth;
Fonseca, Davi de Miranda.
Fucoidan alginate and sulfated alginate microbeads induce distinct coagulation, inflammatory and fibrotic responses.
Materials Today Bio
Academic article
Iveland, Tobias Solli;
Hagen, Lars;
Sousa, Mirta;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Aas, Per Arne;
Sharma, Animesh.
Cytotoxic mechanisms of pemetrexed and HDAC inhibition in non-small cell lung cancer cells involving ribonucleotides in DNA.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Schwarz, Simon D.;
Xu, Jianming;
Gunasekera, Kapila;
Schürmann, David;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Ferrari, Elena.
Covalent PARylation of DNA base excision repair proteins regulates DNA demethylation.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Berg, Sigrid Ravn;
Demirovic, Aida;
Sharma, Animesh;
Hagen, Lars;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Zatula, Alexey.
Progression of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance to multiple myeloma is associated with enhanced translational quality control and overall loss of surface antigens.
Journal of Translational Medicine
Academic article
Waldum, Helge;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Correctly identifying the cells of origin is essential for tailoring treatment and understanding the emergence of cancer stem cells and late metastases.
Frontiers in Oncology
Academic literature review
Lin, Xiaolin;
Wang, Wei;
Yang, Mingyi;
Damseh, Nadirah;
Sousa, Mirta;
Jacob, Fadi.
A loss-of-function mutation in human Oxidation Resistance 1 disrupts the spatial–temporal regulation of histone arginine methylation in neurodevelopment.
Genome Biology
Academic article
Hayran , Abdul Baset ;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Aas, Per Arne;
Kusnierczyk, Anna;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Sarno, Antonio.
RPA guides UNG to uracil in ssDNA to facilitate antibody class switching and repair of mutagenic uracil at the replication fork.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Gederaas, Odrun Arna;
Sharma, Animesh;
Mbarak, Saide;
Sporsheim, Bjørnar;
Høgset, Anders;
Bogoeva, Vanya.
Proteomic analysis reveals mechanisms underlying increased efficacy of bleomycin by photochemical internalization in bladder cancer cells.
Molecular Omics
Academic article
Coron, Abba Elizabeth;
Fonseca, Davi de Miranda;
Sharma, Animesh;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Strand, Berit Løkensgard;
Rokstad, Anne Mari A..
MS-proteomics provides insight into the host responses towards alginate microspheres.
Materials Today Bio
Academic article
Alswady-Hoff, Mayes;
Erdem, Johanna Maria Samulin;
Phuyal, Santosh;
Knittelfelder, Oskar;
Sharma, Animesh;
Fonseca, Davi de Miranda.
Long-Term Exposure to Nanosized TiO2 Triggers Stress
Responses and Cell Death Pathways in Pulmonary
Epithelial Cells.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Academic article
Olinski, Ryszard;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Foksinski, Marek;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Genomic Uracil and Aberrant Profile of Demethylation Intermediates in Epigenetics and Hematologic Malignancies.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Academic article
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Iveland, Tobias Solli;
Buchinger, Edith;
Hagen, Lars;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Aas, Per Arne.
RPA2 winged-helix domain facilitates UNG-mediated removal of uracil from ssDNA; implications for repair of mutagenic uracil at the replication fork.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Hildrestrand, Gunn Annette;
Rolseth, Veslemøy;
Kunath, Nicolas;
Suganthan, Rajikala;
Jensen, Vidar;
Bugaj, Anna Maria.
NEIL1 and NEIL2 DNA glycosylases modulate anxiety and learning in a cooperative manner in mice.
Communications Biology
Academic article
Iveland, Tobias S.;
Hagen, Lars;
Sharma, Animesh;
Sousa, Mirta M. L.;
Sarno, Antonio;
Wollen, Kristian Lied.
Correction to: HDACi mediate UNG2 depletion, dysregulated genomic uracil and altered expression of oncoproteins and tumor suppressors in B- and T-cell lines (Journal of Translational Medicine, (2020), 18, 1, (159), 10.1186/s12967-020-02318-8).
Journal of Translational Medicine
Alves, Christiano R. R.;
Eichelberger, Eric J.;
das Neves, Willian;
Ribeiro, Márcio A. C.;
Bechara, Luiz R.G.;
Voltarelli, Vanessa A..
Cancer-induced muscle atrophy is determined by intrinsic muscle oxidative capacity.
The FASEB Journal
Academic article
Steen, Kristian Wollen;
Hagen, Lars;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Rabe, Renana;
Iveland, Tobias Solli;
Aas, Per Arne.
ALKBH3 partner ASCC3 mediates P-body formation and selective clearance of MMS-induced 1-methyladenosine and 3-methylcytosine from mRNA.
Journal of Translational Medicine
Academic article
Wang, Qiong;
Karvelsson, Sigurdur Trausti;
Johannsson, Freyr;
Vilhjalmsson, Arnar Ingi;
Hagen, Lars;
Fonseca, Davi de Miranda.
UDP-glucose dehydrogenase expression is upregulated following EMT and differentially affects intracellular glycerophosphocholine and acetylaspartate levels in breast mesenchymal cell lines.
Molecular Oncology
Academic article
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Slupphaug, Geir.
RNA in DNA repair.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Iveland, Tobias Solli;
Hagen, Lars;
Sharma, Animesh;
Sousa, Mirta;
Sarno, Antonio;
Wollen, Kristian Lied.
HDACi Mediate UNG2 Depletion, Dysregulated Genomic Uracil and Altered Expression of Oncoproteins and Tumor Suppressors in B- And T-cell Lines.
Journal of Translational Medicine
Academic article
Yang, Rui;
Elsaadi, Samah;
Misund, Kristine;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Moen, Siv Helen.
Conversion of ATP to adenosine by CD39 and CD73 in multiple myeloma can be successfully targeted together with adenosine receptor A2A blockade.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (JITC)
Academic article
Eldin, Patrick;
Péron, Sophie;
Galashevskaya, Anastasia;
Denis-Lagache, Nicolas;
Cogné, Michel;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Impact of HIV-1 Vpr manipulation of the DNA repair enzyme UNG2 on B lymphocyte class switch recombination.
Journal of Translational Medicine
Academic article
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Genomic Uracil in Biology, Immunity and Cancer.
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alves, Christiano R. R.;
des Neves, Willian;
de Almeida, Ney R;
Eichelberger, Eric J;
Jannig, Paulo R.;
Voltarelli, Vanessa A.
Exercise training reverses cancer-induced oxidative stress and decrease in muscle COPS2/TRIP15/ALIEN.
Molecular Metabolism
Academic article
Steinacher, Roland;
Barekati, Zeinab;
Botev, Petar;
Kusnierczyk, Anna;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Schär, Primo.
SUMOylation coordinates BERosome assembly in active DNA demethylation during cell differentiation.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Macur, Katarzyna;
Hagen, Lars;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Konieczna, Lucyna;
Skokowski, Jaroslaw;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro.
A targeted mass spectrometry immunoassay to quantify osteopontin in fresh-frozen breast tumors and adjacent normal breast tissues.
Journal of Proteomics
Academic article
Pinto, Rita;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Jakobsson, Magnus;
Yeji, Kim;
Baltissen, Marijke P;
O'Donohue, Marie-Francoise.
The human methyltransferase ZCCHC4 catalyses N6-methyladenosine modification of 28S ribosomal RNA.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Genomic Uracil and Immunity.
World Scientific
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Genomic Uracil – Valuable Tool in Molecular Biology but Inherent Problem in Sequencing of Ancient DNA.
World Scientific
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Viral Uracil - Uracil DNA glycosylases and dUTPases.
World Scientific
Slupphaug, Geir;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Routes to Uracil in DNA.
World Scientific
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Genomic Uracil - Evolution, Biology, Immunology and Disease.
World Scientific
World Scientific
Non-fiction book
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir.
DNA Repair is Integrated with Many Cellular Processes.
World Scientific
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Sarno, Antonio;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Enzymology of Genomic Uracil Repair.
World Scientific
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Drabløs, Finn.
The Earth, Life and Genomic Uracil.
World Scientific
Phuyal, Santosh;
Kasem, Mayes;
Knittelfelder, Oskar;
Sharma, Animesh;
Fonseca, Davi de Miranda;
Vebraite, Vaineta.
Characterization of the proteome and lipidome profiles of human lung cells after low dose and chronic exposure to multiwalled carbon nanotubes.
Academic article
Souza, Rodrigo W. A.;
Alves, Christiano R. R.;
Medeiros, Alessandra;
Rolim, Natale Pinheiro Lage;
Silva, Gustavo Jose Justo;
Moreira, Jose Bianco Nascimento.
Differential regulation of cysteine oxidative post-translational modifications in high and low aerobic capacity.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Zhao, Chun-Mei;
Rabben, Hanne-Line;
Zhu, Yanping;
Olsen, Magnus Kringstad;
Wang, Zhiqiang;
Hao, Yanpeng.
390 - A New Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer: Targeting Nervecancer Cell Crosstalk.
Petrovic, Voin;
Olaisen, Camilla;
Sharma, Animesh;
Nepal, Anala;
Bugge, Steffen;
Sundby, Eirik.
Changes in cellular signaling proteins in extracts from A549, H460, and U2OS cells treated with cisplatin or docetaxel.
Data in Brief
Academic article
Buchinger, Edith;
Wiik, Siv Åshild;
Kusnierczyk, Anna;
Rabe, Renana;
Aas, Per Arne;
Kavli, Bodil Merete.
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignment of full-length human uracil DNA glycosylase UNG2.
Biomolecular NMR Assignments
Academic article
Rolseth, Veslemøy;
Gomez, Luisa Fernanda Luna;
Olsen, Ann-Karin;
Suganthan, Rajikala;
Scheffler, Katja;
Neurauter, Christine Gran.
No cancer predisposition or increased spontaneous mutation frequencies in NEIL DNA glycosylases-deficient mice.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Zatula, Alexey;
Dikic, Aida;
Mulder, Teska Celine;
Sharma, Animesh;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Sousa, Mirta.
Proteome alterations associated with transformation of multiple myeloma to secondary plasma cell leukemia.
Academic article
Olsen, Maria Belland;
Hildrestrand, Gunn Annette;
Scheffler, Katja;
Vinge, Leif Erik;
Alfsnes, Katrine;
Palibrk, Vuk.
NEIL3-Dependent Regulation of Cardiac Fibroblast Proliferation Prevents Myocardial Rupture.
Cell reports
Academic article
Rydning, Siri Lynne;
Backe, Paul Hoff;
Sousa, Mirta;
Iqbal, Zafar;
Øye, Ane-Marte;
Sheng, Ying.
Novel UCHL1 mutations reveal new insights into ubiquitin processing.
Human Molecular Genetics
Academic article
Brickner, Joshua R;
Soll, Jennifer M;
Lombardi, Patrick M;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Mudge, Miranda C;
Oyeniran, Clement.
A ubiquitin-dependent signalling axis specific for ALKBH-mediated DNA dealkylation repair.
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Kavli, Bodil Merete.
Genomic Uracil-Dangers and Benefits in processing.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rydning, Siri Lynne;
Backe, Paul Hoff;
Sousa, Mirta;
Iqbal, Zafar;
Øye, Ane-Marte;
Sheng, Ying.
Corrigendum: Novel UCHL1 mutations reveal new insights into ubiquitin processing.
Human Molecular Genetics
Petrovic, Voin;
Olaisen, Camilla;
Sharma, Animesh;
Nepal, Anala;
Bugge, Steffen;
Sundby, Eirik.
On-column trypsinization allows for re-use of matrix in modified multiplexed inhibitor beads assay.
Analytical Biochemistry
Academic article
Iversen, Ole-Jan;
Lysvand, Hilde;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Pso p27, a SERPINB3/B4-derived protein, is most likely a common autoantigen in chronic inflammatory diseases.
Clinical Immunology
Academic article
Skarpengland, Tonje;
Holm, Sverre;
Scheffler, Katja;
Gregersen, Ida;
Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter;
Suganthan, Rajikala.
Neil3-dependent base excision repair regulates lipid metabolism and prevents atherosclerosis in Apoe-deficient mice.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir.
Modulering av cellulær metabolisme bidrar til Melfalan-resistens i myelomaotse.
Best Practice Onkologi/Hematologi
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Helander, Linda;
Sharma, Animesh;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Plaetzer, Kristjan;
Krammer, Barbara;
Tortik, Nicole.
Photodynamic treatment with hexyl-aminolevulinate mediates reversible thiol oxidation in core oxidative stress signaling proteins.
Molecular Biosystems
Academic article
Skarpengland, Tonje;
Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter;
Skjelland, Mona;
Scheffler, Katja;
Sousa, Mirta;
Gregersen, Ida.
Enhanced base excision repair capacity in carotid atherosclerosis may protect nuclear DNA but not mitochondrial DNA.
Free Radical Biology & Medicine
Academic article
Lysvand, Hilde;
Helland, Ronny;
Hagen, Lars;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Iversen, Ole-Jan.
Psoriasis pathogenesis – Pso p27 constitutes a compact structure forming large aggregates.
Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports
Academic article
Pettersen, Henrik Sahlin;
Galashevskaya, Anastasia;
Doseth, Berit;
Sousa, Mirta;
Sarno, Antonio;
Visnes, Torkild.
AID expression in B-cell lymphomas causes accumulation of genomic uracil and a distinct AID mutational signature.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass;
Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad;
Hagen, Lars;
Kommedal, Roald;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Lillo, Cathrine.
Protein phosphatase 2A holoenzyme is targeted to peroxisomes by piggybacking and positively affects peroxisomal β-oxidation.
Plant Physiology
Academic article
Bjørge, Monica Dahl;
Hildrestrand, Gunn Annette;
Scheffler, Katja;
Suganthan, Rajikala;
Rolseth, Veslemøy;
Kusnierczyk, Anna.
Synergistic Actions of Ogg1 and Mutyh DNA Glycosylases Modulate Anxiety-like Behavior in Mice.
Cell reports
Academic article
Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass;
Heidari, Behzad;
Hagen, Lars;
Kommedal, Roald;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Lillo, Cathrine.
Supplemental materials for: Protein phosphatase 2A holoenzyme is targeted to peroxisomes by piggybacking and positively affects peroxisomal β-oxidation.
Plant Physiology
Academic article
Zub, Kamila;
Sousa, Mirta;
Sarno, Antonio;
Sharma, Animesh;
Dikic, Aida;
Rao, Shalini.
Modulation of cell metabolic pathways and oxidative stress signaling contribute to acquired Melphalan resistance in multiple myeloma cells.
Academic article
Rolim, Natale Pinheiro Lage;
Skårdal, Kristine;
Høydal, Morten;
Sousa, Mirta;
Malmo, Vegard;
Skrove, Guri Kaurstad.
Aerobic interval training reduces inducible ventricular arrhytmias in diabetic mice after myocardial infarction.
Basic Research in Cardiology
Academic article
Mjelle, Robin;
Hegre, Siv Anita;
Aas, Per Arne;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Drabløs, Finn;
Sætrom, Pål.
Cell cycle regulation of human DNA repair and chromatin remodeling genes.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Rø, Torstein Baade;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vansemb, Esten;
Hagen, Lars;
Baranowska, Katarzyna Anna.
PRL-3 Mediates Survival of Primary Myeloma Cells.
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Sætrom, Pål;
Aas, Per Arne;
Pettersen, Henrik P Sahlin;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Error-free versus mutagenic processing of genomic uracil-Relevance to cancer.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Hagen, Lars;
Sharma, Animesh;
Aas, Per Arne;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Off-target responses in the HeLa proteome subsequent to transient plasmid-mediated transfection.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics
Academic article
Lysvand, Hilde;
Hagen, Lars;
Klubicka, Lidija;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Iversen, Ole-Jan.
Psoriasis pathogenesis - Pso p27 is generated from SCCA1 with chymase.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease
Academic article
Johannessen, Helene;
Kodama, Yosuke;
Zhao, Chun-Mei;
Sousa, Mirta;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Kulseng, Bård Eirik.
Eating Behavior and Glucagon-Like Peptide-1-Producing Cells in Interposed Ileum and Pancreatic Islets in Rats Subjected to Ileal Interposition Associated with Sleeve Gastrectomy.
Obesity Surgery
Academic article
Johnsen, Anne Berit;
Rolim, Natale Pinheiro Lage;
Stølen, Tomas;
Alves, Marcia;
Sousa, Mirta;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Atrial Myocyte Function and Ca2+ Handling Is Associated with Inborn Aerobic Capacity.
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Ericsson, Ida;
Galashevskaya, Anastasia;
Sarno, Antonio;
Aas, Per Arne.
Genomic uracil - potent mutagen but normal intermediate in adaptive immunity.
The FEBS Journal
Hu, Yi;
Ericsson, Ida;
Torseth, Kathrin;
Methot, Stephen;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate.
A combined nuclear and nucleolar localization motif in activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) controls immunoglobulin class switching.
Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB)
Academic article
Sousa, Mirta;
Zub, Kamila Anna;
Aas, Per Arne;
Hanssen-Bauer, Audun;
Demirovic, Aida;
Sarno, Antonio.
An inverse switch in DNA base excision and strand break repair contributes to melphalan resistance in multiple myeloma cells.
Academic article
Galashevskaya, Anastasia;
Sarno, Antonio;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Aas, Per Arne;
Hagen, Lars;
Slupphaug, Geir.
A robust, sensitive assay for genomic uracil determination by LC/MS/MS reveals lower levels than previously reported.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Torseth, Kathrin;
Doseth, Berit;
Hagen, Lars;
Olaisen, Camilla;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Græsmann, Heidi.
The UNG2 Arg88Cys variant abrogates RPA-mediated recruitment of UNG2 to single-stranded DNA.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Doseth, Berit;
Ekre, Cecilie;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete.
Strikingly different properties of uracil-DNA glycosylases UNG2 and SMUG1 may explain divergent roles in processing of genomic uracil.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Roberts, Victoria A.;
Pique, Michael E.;
Hsu, Simon;
Li, Sheng;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Rambo, Robert P..
Combining H/D exchange mass spectroscopy and computational docking reveals extended DNA-binding surface on uracil-DNA glycosylase.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Steen, Kristian Wollen;
Doseth, Berit;
Westbye, Marianne Pedersen;
Akbari, Mansour;
Kang, D;
Falkenberg, Maria.
mtSSB may sequester UNG1 at mitochondrial ssDNA and delay uracil processing until the dsDNA conformation is restored.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Zeitlin, SG;
Chapados, BR;
Baker, NM;
Tai, C;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Wang, JYJ.
Uracil DNA N-Glycosylase Promotes Assembly of Human Centromere Protein A.
Academic article
Pettersen, Henrik Sahlin;
Visnes, Torkild;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Svaasand, Eva K;
Doseth, Berit;
Slupphaug, Geir.
UNG-initiated base excision repair is the major repair route for 5-fluorouracil in DNA, but 5-fluorouracil cytotoxicity depends mainly on RNA incorporation.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Hanssen-Bauer, Audun;
Solvang-Garten, Karin;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Diaz, Javier Pena;
Andersen, Sonja Benedikte;
Slupphaug, Geir.
XRCC1 Coordinates Disparate Responses and Multiprotein Repair Complexes Depending on the Nature and Context of the DNA Damage.
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Academic article
Doseth, Berit;
Visnes, Torkild;
Wallenius, Anders;
Ericsson, Ida;
Sarno, Antonio;
Pettersen, Henrik Sahlin.
Uracil-DNA Glycosylase in Base Excision Repair and Adaptive Immunity: SPECIES DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MAN AND MOUSE.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Academic article
Sousa, Mirta;
Steen, Kristian Wollen;
Hagen, Lars;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Antibody cross-linking and target elution protocols used for immunoprecipitation significantly modulate signal-to noise ratio in downstream 2D-PAGE analysis.
Proteome Science
Academic article
Baglo, Yan;
Sousa, Mirta;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Hagen, Lars;
Håvåg, Sissel;
Helander, Linda.
Photodynamic therapy with hexyl aminolevulinate induces carbonylation, posttranslational modifications and changed expression of proteins in cell survival and cell death pathways.
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
Academic article
Baglo, Yan;
Gederaas, Odrun Arna;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Effects of Photodynamic Therapy on Protein Expression in Rat Bladder Cancer Cells.
Masters thesis
Monsen, Vivi A Talstad;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Aas, Per Arne;
Westbye, Marianne Pedersen;
Sousa, Mirta;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Divergent ß-hairpins determine double-strand versus single-strand substrate recognition of human AlkB-homologues 2 and 3.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Felberg, Hanne Solvang;
Hagen, Lars;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Batista, Irineu;
Nunes, Maria Leonora;
Olsen, Ragnar Ludvig.
Partial characterisation of gelatinolytic activities in herring (Clupea harengus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) possibly involved in post-mortem autolysis of ventral muscle.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Bergstrøm, Bjarte Aune;
Johnsen, Ingvild Bjellmo;
Nguyen, Thank Thuy Thi;
Hagen, Lars;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Thommesen, Liv.
Identification of a Novel in Vivo Virus-targeted Phosphorylation Site in Interferon Regulatory Factor-3 (IRF3).
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Otterlei, Marit;
Akbari, M.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Aas, Per Arne.
DNA repair and cancer.
European Journal of Cancer
Visnes, Torkild;
Doseth, Berit;
Pettersen, Henrik Sahlin;
Hagen, Lars;
Sousa, Mirta;
Akbari, Mansour.
Uracil in DNA and its processing by different DNA glycosylases.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Academic literature review
Knaevelsrud, I;
Knaevelsrud, I;
Slupphaug, G;
Leiros, Ingar;
Matsuda, A;
Ruoff, P.
Opposite-base dependent excision of 5-formyluracil from DNA by hSMUG1.
International Journal of Radiation Biology
Academic article
Gilljam, Karin Margaretha;
Feyzi, Emadoldin;
Aas, Per Arne;
Sousa, Mirta;
Müller, Rebekka;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg.
Identification of a novel, widespread, and functionally important PCNA-binding motif.
Journal of Cell Biology
Academic article
Langevin, C;
Maidou-Peindara, P;
Aas, Per Arne;
Jacquot, G;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Vpr Modulates Cellular Expression of UNG2 via a Negative Transcriptional Effect.
Journal of Virology
Academic article
Knævelsrud, I.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Leiros, Ingar;
Matsuda, A.;
Ruoff, Peter;
Bjelland, Svein.
Opposite-base dependent excision of 5-formyluracil from DNA by hSMUG1.
International Journal of Radiation Biology
Academic article
Sundheim, Ottar;
Talstad, Vivi A;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
AlkB demethylases flip out in different ways.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Westbye, Marianne;
Feyzi, Emadoldin;
Aas, Per Arne;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Talstad, Vivi A;
Kavli, Bodil Merete.
Human AlkB homolog 1 is a mitochondrial protein that demethylates 3-methylcytosine in DNA and RNA.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Academic article
Visnes, Torkild;
Akbari, Mansour;
Hagen, Lars;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
The rate of base excision repair of uracil is controlled by the initiating glycosylase.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Hagen, Lars;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Sousa, Mirta;
Torseth, Kathrin;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Sundheim, Ottar.
Cell cycle-specific UNG2 phosphorylations regulate protein turnover, activity and association with RPA.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Repair of small base lesions in DNA - From molecular biology to phenotype - Preface.
DNA Repair
Sousa, Mirta;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
DNA-uracil and human pathology.
Molecular Aspects of Medicine
Academic literature review
Feyzi, Emadoldin;
Aas, Per Arne;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Westbye, Marianne;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Otterlei, Marit.
RNA Base Damage and Repair.
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Academic literature review
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Repair of small base lesions in DNA- from molecular biology to phenotype.
DNA Repair
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Akbari, Mansour;
Visnes, Torkild;
Pettersen, Henrik P Sahlin;
Sundheim, Ottar.
Repair og uracil in DNA by UNG2 and SMUG1 - an update.
DNA Repair
Pettersen, Henrik P Sahlin;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Gilljam, Karin Margaretha;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete.
Uracil-DNA glycosylases SMUG1 and UNG2 coordinate the initial steps of base excision repair by distinct mechanisms.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Uracil in DNA - General mutagen, but normal intermediate in acquired immunity.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Parsons, Jason L.;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Dianov, Grigory L..
NEIL1 is the major DNA glycosylase that processes 5-hydroxyuracil in the proximity of a DNA single-strand break.
Academic article
Lu, CC;
Huang, HT;
Wang, JT;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Li, TK;
Wu, MC.
Characterization of the uracil-DNA glycosylase activity of Epstein-Barr virus BKRF3 and its role in lytic viral DNA replication.
Journal of Virology
Academic article
Azizyan, Mahnaz;
Anthonsen, Thorleif;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Studier av human mitokondriell uracil-DNA glukosylase UNG1.
Thesis at a second degree level
Sterten, Heidi;
Krøkje, Åse;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Ekspresjon, rensing og funksjonelle studier av rekombinant humant replikasjonsprotein A (RPA).
Thesis at a second degree level
Hagen, Lars;
Diaz, Javier Pena;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Genomic uracil and human disease.
Experimental Cell Research
Academic literature review
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Akbari, Mansour;
Diaz, Javier Pena;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Otterlei, Marit;
Ericsson, Madelene.
Base excision repair proteins in cancer prevention and acquired immune responses.
The FEBS Journal
Sundheim, Ottar;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Bjørås, Magnar;
Mittelstedt, L.Mirta;
Talstad, Vivi;
Aas, Per Arne.
Human ABH3 structure and key residues for oxidative demethylation to reverse DNA/RNA damage.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Zeitlin, SG;
Patel, S;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Xenopus CENP - A assembly into chromatin requires base excision repair proteins.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Andersen, Sonja Benedikte;
Otterlei, Marit;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Imai, K;
Fischer, A.
B cells from hyper-IgM patients carrying UNG mutations lack ability to remove uracil from ssDNA and have elevated genomic uracil.
Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM)
Academic article
Andersen, Sonja Benedikte;
Ericsson, Maria Elisabeth Madelene;
Dai, HY;
Diaz, Javier Pena;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Nilsen, H.
Monoclonal B-cell hyperplasia and leukocyte imbalance precede development of B-cell malignancies in uracil-DNA glycosylase deficient mice.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Fensgård, Øyvind;
Bones, Atle M;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Separation of UNG-associated repair protein complexes using gradient centrifugation techniques.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Thesis at a second degree level
Andersen, S;
Ericsson, M;
Peña-Diaz, J;
Slupphaug, G;
Nilsen, Hilde.
Monoclonal B-cell hyperplasia and leukocyte imbalance precede development of B-cell malignancies in uracil-DNA glycosylase deficient mice.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Novel aspects of macromolecular repair and relationship to human disease.
Journal of Molecular Medicine
Academic literature review
Drabløs, Finn;
Feyzi, Emadoldin;
Aas, Per Arne;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Kavli, Bodil;
Bratlie, Marit Skyrud.
Alkylation damage in DNA and RNA - repair mechanisms and medical significance.
DNA Repair
Academic literature review
Diaz, Javier Pena;
Akbari, Mansour;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Farez-Vidal, ME;
Andersen, S;
Sneve, R.
Trypanosoma cruzi contains a single detectable uracil-DNA glycosylase and repairs uracil exclusively via short patch base excision repair.
Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB)
Academic article
Akbari, Mansour;
Otterlei, Marit;
Diaz, Javier Pena;
Aas, Per Arne;
Kavli, Bodil;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate.
Repair of U/G and U/A in DNA by UNG2-associated repair complexes takes place predominantly by short-patch repair both in proliferating and growth-arrested cells.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Kavli, Bodil;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Interacting pathways that prevent and repair oxidative DNA damage.
Mutation Research (DNA Repair)
Academic article
Aas, Per Arne;
Otterlei, Marit;
Falnes, P.Ø;
Vågbø, Cathrine;
Skorpen, Frank;
Akbari, Mansour.
Human and bacterial oxidative demethylases repair alkylation damage in both RNA and DNA.
Academic article
Imai, K;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Lee, W-I;
Revy, P;
Nonoyama, S;
Catalan, N.
Uracil-DNA glycosylase deficiency profoundly impairs immunoglobulin class switch.
Nature Immunology
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Drabløs, Finn;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Uracil in DNA, occurrence, consequences and repair.
Academic article
Kavli, Bodil;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Akbari, Mansour;
Otterlei, Marit;
Nilsen, Hilde;
Skorpen, Frank.
hUNG2 is the major repair enzyme for removal of uracil from U:A matchers,U:G mismatches and U in single stranded DNA, with SMUG1 as a broad specificity backup.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Petersen, Idar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Explicit sub-optimal linear quadratic regulation with state and input constraints.
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Damage and repair of DNA in mammalian cells-emphasis on oxidative damage. Proceedings from International Symposium "Natural Ionising Radiation and Health".
Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi : proceedings
Academic article
Grøsvik, K;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
"Characterisation of uracil-exising enzyme activities in organ extracts from UNG knockout and wild-type mice.".
Thesis at a second degree level
Nygård, M;
Nilsen, M;
Remseth, V;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Uttrykk av det membran-modifiserende enzymet UDPDG i E.coli som funksjon av dyrkningsbetingelser og induksjon av DNA-skader.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Thesis at a second degree level
Vada, Jostein;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Efficient Optimal Prioritized Infeasibility Handling in Model Predictive Control - A Parametric Preemptive Multi-objective Linear Programming Approach.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Academic article
Vada, Jostein;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Linear MPC with Optimal Prioritized Infeasibility Handling: Application, Computational Issues and Stability.
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Otterlei, Marit;
Nilsen, Hilde;
Kavli, Bodil;
Skorpen, Frank;
Andersen, Sonja.
Properties and Functions of Human Uracil-DNA Glycosylase from the UNG Gene.
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology
Academic article
Cappelli, E.;
Hazra, T.;
Hill, J.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Bobliolo, M.;
Frosina, G..
Rates of base excision repair are not solely dependent on levels of initiating enzymes.
Academic article
Nilsen, Hilde;
Steinsbekk, Kristin;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Aas, Per Arne;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Analysis of uracil-DNA glycosylases from the murine UNG gene reveals differential expression in tissues and in embryonic development and a subcellular sorting pattern that differs from the human homologues.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Parikh, Sudip S.;
Walcher, Gunter;
Jones, Garry D.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Blackburn, G.Michael.
Uracil-DNA glycosylase-DNA substrate and product structures:Conformational strain promotes catalytic efficiency by coupled stereoelectronic effects.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Nilsen, Hilde;
Skorpen, Frank;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Base excision repair of DNA in mammalian cells.
FEBS Letters
Academic article
Nilsen, Hilde;
Rosewell, Ian;
Robins, Peter;
Skjelbred, Camilla;
Andersen, Sonja;
Slupphaug, Geir.
URACIL-DNA Glycosylase (UNG)-Deficient Mice Reveal a Primary Role of the Enzyme during DNA Replication.
Molecular Cell
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Nonlinear robust constrained control of partially uncontrollable and open-loop unstable systems.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Uncertainty modelling and robust output feedback control of nonlinear discrete systems: a mathematical programming approach.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Nilsen, H.;
Skorpen, Frank;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Base excision repair in mammalian cells.
FEBS Letters
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Comment on "Stability issues on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model - parametric approach".
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems
Academic article
Nilsen, Hilde;
Steinsbekk, Kristin;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Aas, Per Arne;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Analysis of uracil-DNA glycosylases from the murine Ung-gene reveals differential expression in tissues and in embryonic development and a subcellular sorting pattern that differs from the human homologues.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Parikh, S;
Walcher, G;
Jones, G.D;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Blackburn, G.M.
Uracil-DNA glycosylase-DNA substrate and product structures: Conformational strain promotes catalytic efficiency by coupled stereoelectronic effects.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Nilsen, Hilde;
Rosewell, I.;
Robins, P.;
Skjelbred, Camilla;
Andersen, Sonja;
Slupphaug, Geir.
) Ung-deficient mice reveal a primary role of the uracil-DNA glycosylase enzyme during DNA replication.
Molecular Cell
Academic article
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Robust output feedback control for constrained discrete-time nonlinear systems using observer-based controllers.
Slupphaug, Geir;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Constrained quadratic stabilization of discrete-time uncertain non-linear multi-model systems using piecewise affine state-feedback.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Skorpen, Frank;
Otterlei, Marit;
Bhariti, Sangeeta;
Steinsbekk, Kristin;
Nilsen, Hilde.
Human uracil-DNA glycosylase.
NATO Advances Study Institute series. Series A, Life sciences
Academic article
Otterlei, Marit;
Warbrick, Emma;
Nagelhus, Toril;
Haug, Terje;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Akbari, Mansour.
Post-replicative base excision repair in replication foci.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Vada, Jostein;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Efficient optimal prioritized infeasibility handling in model predictive control - a parametric preemptive multi-objective linear programming approach.
Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk, NTNU
Bharati, S.;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kristiansen, L;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Human mitochondrial uracil-DNA glycosylase preform (UNG1) is processed to two forms one of which is resistant to inhibition by AP sites.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Parikh, S.S.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Bharati, S;
Trainer, J.A..
Base excision repair initiation revealed by crystal structures and binding kinetics of human uracil-DNA glycosylase with DNA.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
DNA-reparasjonsenzymer og deres gener.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic article
Otterlei, Marit;
Haug, T.;
Nagelhus, T.A;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Lindmo, T.;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Nuclear and mitochondrial splice forms of human uracil-DNA glycosylase contain a complex nuclear localization signal and a strong classical mitochondrial localizations signal, respectively.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Parikh, S. Sudip;
Mol, Clifford D.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Bharati, Sangeta;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Yainer, John A..
Base excision repair initiation revealed by crystal structures and binding kinetics of human uracil-DNA glycosylase.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir.
On robust constrained nonlinear control and hybrid control : BMI and MPC based state-feedback schemes.
ITK-rapport & 1998:13-W
Doctoral dissertation
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Standal, Rune;
Slupphaug, Geir.
DNA glycosylase in the base excision repair of DNA.
Biochemical Journal
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Standal, Rune;
Bharati, Sangeeta;
Otterlei, Marit;
Haug, Terje;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Uracil in DNA and the family of concerved uracil DNA glycosylases.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dizdaroglu, M.;
Karakaya, A.;
Jaruga, P.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Novel activities of human uracil DNA N-glycosylase for cytosine-derived products of oxidative DNA damage.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Kavli, B.;
Mol, C.D.;
Arvai, A.;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Tainer, J.A..
A nucleotide-flipping mechanism from the structure of human uracil-DNA glycosylase bound to DNA.
Academic article
Kavli, B.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Mol, C.D.;
Arvai, A.S.;
Petersen, S.B.;
Tainer, J.A..
Excision of cytosine and thymine from DNA by mutants of human uracil-DNA glycosylase.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Kavli, Bodil;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Mol, Clifford D.;
Arvai, Andrew S.;
Petersen, Steffen B.;
Tainer, John A..
Excision of cytosine and thymine from DNA by mutants of human uracil-DNA glycosylase.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Mol, Clifford D.;
Kavli, Bodil;
Arvai, Andrew S.;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Tainer, John A..
A nucleotide-flipping mechanism from the structure of human uracil-DNA glycosylase bound to DNA.
Academic article
Dizdaroglu, Miral;
Karakaya, Asuman;
Jaruga, Pawel;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Novel activities of human uracil DNA N-glycosylase for cytosine-derived products of oxidative DNA damage.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Nagelhus, T.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Lindmo, T..
Fading correction for fluorescence quantitation in confocal microscopy.
Academic article
Bouhamdan, M;
Benichou, S.;
Rey, F.;
Navarro, J.M.;
Agostini, I.;
Spire, B..
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpr protein binds to the uracil DNA glycosylase DNA repair enzyme.
Journal of Virology
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Model predictive control for a class of hybrid systems.
Rapport (96-46)
Slupphaug, Geir;
Eftedal, Ingrid;
Kavli, Bodil;
Bharati, Sangeeta;
Helle, Nils M;
Haug, Terje.
Properties of a recombinant human uracil-DNA glycosylase from the UNG gene and evidence that UNG encodes the major uracil-DNA glycosylase.
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir.
A brief introduction to some logics, formal languages and Petri net theory.
Rapport (95-45-W)
Slupphaug, Geir.
A note on hybrid systems emphasizing approaches in the control community.
Rapport (95-46-W)
Slupphaug, Geir;
Halvorsen, Ivar.
Forprosjekt: Regulering og overvåking av komplekse industrianlegg.
Rapport (95-29-P)
Brenne, Wenche;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Immunologiske studier av humant uracil-DNA glycosylase.
Universitetet i Trondheim
Thesis at a second degree level
Slupphaug, Geir;
Alseth, Ingrun;
Eftedal, Ingrid;
Volden, Gunnar;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Low incorporation of dUMP by some thermostable DNA polymerases may limit their use in PCR amplification.
Analytical Biochemistry
Academic article
Slupphaug, G.;
Markussen, F.-H.;
Olsen, Lisbeth Charlotte;
Aasland, Rein;
Aarsæther, Niels;
Bakke, O..
Human Uracil-DNA glycosylase is shared by the nucleus and the mitochondria.
Nucleic Acid Res
Academic article
Eftedal, Ingrid;
Guddal, Per Henrik;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Volden, Gunnar;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Consensus sequences for good and poor removal of uracil from double stranded DNA by uracil-DNA glycosylase.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Iversen, Tor-Henning;
Bones, Atle M.;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Bioteknologi - 2 timers valgfag.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Non-fiction book
Slupphaug, G.;
Olsen, Lisbeth Charlotte;
Helland, Dag Emil;
Aasland, Rein;
Krokan, H. E..
Cell cycle regulation and in vitro hybrid arrest analysis of the major human uracil- DNA glycosylase.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Thangstad, Ole Petter;
Iversen, Tor-Henning;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Bones, Atle M..
Immunocytochemical localization of myrosinase.
Academic article
Journal publications
Vasuthas, Kalaiyarasi;
Kjesbu, Joachim Sebastian;
Brambilla, Alessandro;
Levitan, Maya;
Coron, Abba Elizabeth;
Fonseca, Davi de Miranda.
Fucoidan alginate and sulfated alginate microbeads induce distinct coagulation, inflammatory and fibrotic responses.
Materials Today Bio
Academic article
Iveland, Tobias Solli;
Hagen, Lars;
Sousa, Mirta;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Aas, Per Arne;
Sharma, Animesh.
Cytotoxic mechanisms of pemetrexed and HDAC inhibition in non-small cell lung cancer cells involving ribonucleotides in DNA.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Schwarz, Simon D.;
Xu, Jianming;
Gunasekera, Kapila;
Schürmann, David;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Ferrari, Elena.
Covalent PARylation of DNA base excision repair proteins regulates DNA demethylation.
Nature Communications
Academic article
Berg, Sigrid Ravn;
Demirovic, Aida;
Sharma, Animesh;
Hagen, Lars;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Zatula, Alexey.
Progression of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance to multiple myeloma is associated with enhanced translational quality control and overall loss of surface antigens.
Journal of Translational Medicine
Academic article
Waldum, Helge;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Correctly identifying the cells of origin is essential for tailoring treatment and understanding the emergence of cancer stem cells and late metastases.
Frontiers in Oncology
Academic literature review
Lin, Xiaolin;
Wang, Wei;
Yang, Mingyi;
Damseh, Nadirah;
Sousa, Mirta;
Jacob, Fadi.
A loss-of-function mutation in human Oxidation Resistance 1 disrupts the spatial–temporal regulation of histone arginine methylation in neurodevelopment.
Genome Biology
Academic article
Hayran , Abdul Baset ;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Aas, Per Arne;
Kusnierczyk, Anna;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Sarno, Antonio.
RPA guides UNG to uracil in ssDNA to facilitate antibody class switching and repair of mutagenic uracil at the replication fork.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Gederaas, Odrun Arna;
Sharma, Animesh;
Mbarak, Saide;
Sporsheim, Bjørnar;
Høgset, Anders;
Bogoeva, Vanya.
Proteomic analysis reveals mechanisms underlying increased efficacy of bleomycin by photochemical internalization in bladder cancer cells.
Molecular Omics
Academic article
Coron, Abba Elizabeth;
Fonseca, Davi de Miranda;
Sharma, Animesh;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Strand, Berit Løkensgard;
Rokstad, Anne Mari A..
MS-proteomics provides insight into the host responses towards alginate microspheres.
Materials Today Bio
Academic article
Alswady-Hoff, Mayes;
Erdem, Johanna Maria Samulin;
Phuyal, Santosh;
Knittelfelder, Oskar;
Sharma, Animesh;
Fonseca, Davi de Miranda.
Long-Term Exposure to Nanosized TiO2 Triggers Stress
Responses and Cell Death Pathways in Pulmonary
Epithelial Cells.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Academic article
Olinski, Ryszard;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Foksinski, Marek;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Genomic Uracil and Aberrant Profile of Demethylation Intermediates in Epigenetics and Hematologic Malignancies.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Academic article
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Iveland, Tobias Solli;
Buchinger, Edith;
Hagen, Lars;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Aas, Per Arne.
RPA2 winged-helix domain facilitates UNG-mediated removal of uracil from ssDNA; implications for repair of mutagenic uracil at the replication fork.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Hildrestrand, Gunn Annette;
Rolseth, Veslemøy;
Kunath, Nicolas;
Suganthan, Rajikala;
Jensen, Vidar;
Bugaj, Anna Maria.
NEIL1 and NEIL2 DNA glycosylases modulate anxiety and learning in a cooperative manner in mice.
Communications Biology
Academic article
Iveland, Tobias S.;
Hagen, Lars;
Sharma, Animesh;
Sousa, Mirta M. L.;
Sarno, Antonio;
Wollen, Kristian Lied.
Correction to: HDACi mediate UNG2 depletion, dysregulated genomic uracil and altered expression of oncoproteins and tumor suppressors in B- and T-cell lines (Journal of Translational Medicine, (2020), 18, 1, (159), 10.1186/s12967-020-02318-8).
Journal of Translational Medicine
Alves, Christiano R. R.;
Eichelberger, Eric J.;
das Neves, Willian;
Ribeiro, Márcio A. C.;
Bechara, Luiz R.G.;
Voltarelli, Vanessa A..
Cancer-induced muscle atrophy is determined by intrinsic muscle oxidative capacity.
The FASEB Journal
Academic article
Steen, Kristian Wollen;
Hagen, Lars;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Rabe, Renana;
Iveland, Tobias Solli;
Aas, Per Arne.
ALKBH3 partner ASCC3 mediates P-body formation and selective clearance of MMS-induced 1-methyladenosine and 3-methylcytosine from mRNA.
Journal of Translational Medicine
Academic article
Wang, Qiong;
Karvelsson, Sigurdur Trausti;
Johannsson, Freyr;
Vilhjalmsson, Arnar Ingi;
Hagen, Lars;
Fonseca, Davi de Miranda.
UDP-glucose dehydrogenase expression is upregulated following EMT and differentially affects intracellular glycerophosphocholine and acetylaspartate levels in breast mesenchymal cell lines.
Molecular Oncology
Academic article
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Slupphaug, Geir.
RNA in DNA repair.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Iveland, Tobias Solli;
Hagen, Lars;
Sharma, Animesh;
Sousa, Mirta;
Sarno, Antonio;
Wollen, Kristian Lied.
HDACi Mediate UNG2 Depletion, Dysregulated Genomic Uracil and Altered Expression of Oncoproteins and Tumor Suppressors in B- And T-cell Lines.
Journal of Translational Medicine
Academic article
Yang, Rui;
Elsaadi, Samah;
Misund, Kristine;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vandsemb, Esten;
Moen, Siv Helen.
Conversion of ATP to adenosine by CD39 and CD73 in multiple myeloma can be successfully targeted together with adenosine receptor A2A blockade.
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer (JITC)
Academic article
Eldin, Patrick;
Péron, Sophie;
Galashevskaya, Anastasia;
Denis-Lagache, Nicolas;
Cogné, Michel;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Impact of HIV-1 Vpr manipulation of the DNA repair enzyme UNG2 on B lymphocyte class switch recombination.
Journal of Translational Medicine
Academic article
Alves, Christiano R. R.;
des Neves, Willian;
de Almeida, Ney R;
Eichelberger, Eric J;
Jannig, Paulo R.;
Voltarelli, Vanessa A.
Exercise training reverses cancer-induced oxidative stress and decrease in muscle COPS2/TRIP15/ALIEN.
Molecular Metabolism
Academic article
Steinacher, Roland;
Barekati, Zeinab;
Botev, Petar;
Kusnierczyk, Anna;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Schär, Primo.
SUMOylation coordinates BERosome assembly in active DNA demethylation during cell differentiation.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Macur, Katarzyna;
Hagen, Lars;
Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej;
Konieczna, Lucyna;
Skokowski, Jaroslaw;
Jenssen, Bjørn Munro.
A targeted mass spectrometry immunoassay to quantify osteopontin in fresh-frozen breast tumors and adjacent normal breast tissues.
Journal of Proteomics
Academic article
Pinto, Rita;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Jakobsson, Magnus;
Yeji, Kim;
Baltissen, Marijke P;
O'Donohue, Marie-Francoise.
The human methyltransferase ZCCHC4 catalyses N6-methyladenosine modification of 28S ribosomal RNA.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Phuyal, Santosh;
Kasem, Mayes;
Knittelfelder, Oskar;
Sharma, Animesh;
Fonseca, Davi de Miranda;
Vebraite, Vaineta.
Characterization of the proteome and lipidome profiles of human lung cells after low dose and chronic exposure to multiwalled carbon nanotubes.
Academic article
Souza, Rodrigo W. A.;
Alves, Christiano R. R.;
Medeiros, Alessandra;
Rolim, Natale Pinheiro Lage;
Silva, Gustavo Jose Justo;
Moreira, Jose Bianco Nascimento.
Differential regulation of cysteine oxidative post-translational modifications in high and low aerobic capacity.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Zhao, Chun-Mei;
Rabben, Hanne-Line;
Zhu, Yanping;
Olsen, Magnus Kringstad;
Wang, Zhiqiang;
Hao, Yanpeng.
390 - A New Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer: Targeting Nervecancer Cell Crosstalk.
Petrovic, Voin;
Olaisen, Camilla;
Sharma, Animesh;
Nepal, Anala;
Bugge, Steffen;
Sundby, Eirik.
Changes in cellular signaling proteins in extracts from A549, H460, and U2OS cells treated with cisplatin or docetaxel.
Data in Brief
Academic article
Buchinger, Edith;
Wiik, Siv Åshild;
Kusnierczyk, Anna;
Rabe, Renana;
Aas, Per Arne;
Kavli, Bodil Merete.
Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N chemical shift assignment of full-length human uracil DNA glycosylase UNG2.
Biomolecular NMR Assignments
Academic article
Rolseth, Veslemøy;
Gomez, Luisa Fernanda Luna;
Olsen, Ann-Karin;
Suganthan, Rajikala;
Scheffler, Katja;
Neurauter, Christine Gran.
No cancer predisposition or increased spontaneous mutation frequencies in NEIL DNA glycosylases-deficient mice.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Zatula, Alexey;
Dikic, Aida;
Mulder, Teska Celine;
Sharma, Animesh;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Sousa, Mirta.
Proteome alterations associated with transformation of multiple myeloma to secondary plasma cell leukemia.
Academic article
Olsen, Maria Belland;
Hildrestrand, Gunn Annette;
Scheffler, Katja;
Vinge, Leif Erik;
Alfsnes, Katrine;
Palibrk, Vuk.
NEIL3-Dependent Regulation of Cardiac Fibroblast Proliferation Prevents Myocardial Rupture.
Cell reports
Academic article
Rydning, Siri Lynne;
Backe, Paul Hoff;
Sousa, Mirta;
Iqbal, Zafar;
Øye, Ane-Marte;
Sheng, Ying.
Novel UCHL1 mutations reveal new insights into ubiquitin processing.
Human Molecular Genetics
Academic article
Brickner, Joshua R;
Soll, Jennifer M;
Lombardi, Patrick M;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Mudge, Miranda C;
Oyeniran, Clement.
A ubiquitin-dependent signalling axis specific for ALKBH-mediated DNA dealkylation repair.
Academic article
Rydning, Siri Lynne;
Backe, Paul Hoff;
Sousa, Mirta;
Iqbal, Zafar;
Øye, Ane-Marte;
Sheng, Ying.
Corrigendum: Novel UCHL1 mutations reveal new insights into ubiquitin processing.
Human Molecular Genetics
Petrovic, Voin;
Olaisen, Camilla;
Sharma, Animesh;
Nepal, Anala;
Bugge, Steffen;
Sundby, Eirik.
On-column trypsinization allows for re-use of matrix in modified multiplexed inhibitor beads assay.
Analytical Biochemistry
Academic article
Iversen, Ole-Jan;
Lysvand, Hilde;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Pso p27, a SERPINB3/B4-derived protein, is most likely a common autoantigen in chronic inflammatory diseases.
Clinical Immunology
Academic article
Skarpengland, Tonje;
Holm, Sverre;
Scheffler, Katja;
Gregersen, Ida;
Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter;
Suganthan, Rajikala.
Neil3-dependent base excision repair regulates lipid metabolism and prevents atherosclerosis in Apoe-deficient mice.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir.
Modulering av cellulær metabolisme bidrar til Melfalan-resistens i myelomaotse.
Best Practice Onkologi/Hematologi
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Helander, Linda;
Sharma, Animesh;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Plaetzer, Kristjan;
Krammer, Barbara;
Tortik, Nicole.
Photodynamic treatment with hexyl-aminolevulinate mediates reversible thiol oxidation in core oxidative stress signaling proteins.
Molecular Biosystems
Academic article
Skarpengland, Tonje;
Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter;
Skjelland, Mona;
Scheffler, Katja;
Sousa, Mirta;
Gregersen, Ida.
Enhanced base excision repair capacity in carotid atherosclerosis may protect nuclear DNA but not mitochondrial DNA.
Free Radical Biology & Medicine
Academic article
Lysvand, Hilde;
Helland, Ronny;
Hagen, Lars;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Iversen, Ole-Jan.
Psoriasis pathogenesis – Pso p27 constitutes a compact structure forming large aggregates.
Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports
Academic article
Pettersen, Henrik Sahlin;
Galashevskaya, Anastasia;
Doseth, Berit;
Sousa, Mirta;
Sarno, Antonio;
Visnes, Torkild.
AID expression in B-cell lymphomas causes accumulation of genomic uracil and a distinct AID mutational signature.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass;
Heidari Ahootapeh, Behzad;
Hagen, Lars;
Kommedal, Roald;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Lillo, Cathrine.
Protein phosphatase 2A holoenzyme is targeted to peroxisomes by piggybacking and positively affects peroxisomal β-oxidation.
Plant Physiology
Academic article
Bjørge, Monica Dahl;
Hildrestrand, Gunn Annette;
Scheffler, Katja;
Suganthan, Rajikala;
Rolseth, Veslemøy;
Kusnierczyk, Anna.
Synergistic Actions of Ogg1 and Mutyh DNA Glycosylases Modulate Anxiety-like Behavior in Mice.
Cell reports
Academic article
Kataya, Amr Ramzy Abass;
Heidari, Behzad;
Hagen, Lars;
Kommedal, Roald;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Lillo, Cathrine.
Supplemental materials for: Protein phosphatase 2A holoenzyme is targeted to peroxisomes by piggybacking and positively affects peroxisomal β-oxidation.
Plant Physiology
Academic article
Zub, Kamila;
Sousa, Mirta;
Sarno, Antonio;
Sharma, Animesh;
Dikic, Aida;
Rao, Shalini.
Modulation of cell metabolic pathways and oxidative stress signaling contribute to acquired Melphalan resistance in multiple myeloma cells.
Academic article
Rolim, Natale Pinheiro Lage;
Skårdal, Kristine;
Høydal, Morten;
Sousa, Mirta;
Malmo, Vegard;
Skrove, Guri Kaurstad.
Aerobic interval training reduces inducible ventricular arrhytmias in diabetic mice after myocardial infarction.
Basic Research in Cardiology
Academic article
Mjelle, Robin;
Hegre, Siv Anita;
Aas, Per Arne;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Drabløs, Finn;
Sætrom, Pål.
Cell cycle regulation of human DNA repair and chromatin remodeling genes.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Rø, Torstein Baade;
Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt;
Abdollahi, Pegah;
Vansemb, Esten;
Hagen, Lars;
Baranowska, Katarzyna Anna.
PRL-3 Mediates Survival of Primary Myeloma Cells.
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Sætrom, Pål;
Aas, Per Arne;
Pettersen, Henrik P Sahlin;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Error-free versus mutagenic processing of genomic uracil-Relevance to cancer.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Hagen, Lars;
Sharma, Animesh;
Aas, Per Arne;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Off-target responses in the HeLa proteome subsequent to transient plasmid-mediated transfection.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics
Academic article
Lysvand, Hilde;
Hagen, Lars;
Klubicka, Lidija;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Iversen, Ole-Jan.
Psoriasis pathogenesis - Pso p27 is generated from SCCA1 with chymase.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Basis of Disease
Academic article
Johannessen, Helene;
Kodama, Yosuke;
Zhao, Chun-Mei;
Sousa, Mirta;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Kulseng, Bård Eirik.
Eating Behavior and Glucagon-Like Peptide-1-Producing Cells in Interposed Ileum and Pancreatic Islets in Rats Subjected to Ileal Interposition Associated with Sleeve Gastrectomy.
Obesity Surgery
Academic article
Johnsen, Anne Berit;
Rolim, Natale Pinheiro Lage;
Stølen, Tomas;
Alves, Marcia;
Sousa, Mirta;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Atrial Myocyte Function and Ca2+ Handling Is Associated with Inborn Aerobic Capacity.
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Ericsson, Ida;
Galashevskaya, Anastasia;
Sarno, Antonio;
Aas, Per Arne.
Genomic uracil - potent mutagen but normal intermediate in adaptive immunity.
The FEBS Journal
Hu, Yi;
Ericsson, Ida;
Torseth, Kathrin;
Methot, Stephen;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate.
A combined nuclear and nucleolar localization motif in activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) controls immunoglobulin class switching.
Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB)
Academic article
Sousa, Mirta;
Zub, Kamila Anna;
Aas, Per Arne;
Hanssen-Bauer, Audun;
Demirovic, Aida;
Sarno, Antonio.
An inverse switch in DNA base excision and strand break repair contributes to melphalan resistance in multiple myeloma cells.
Academic article
Galashevskaya, Anastasia;
Sarno, Antonio;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Aas, Per Arne;
Hagen, Lars;
Slupphaug, Geir.
A robust, sensitive assay for genomic uracil determination by LC/MS/MS reveals lower levels than previously reported.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Torseth, Kathrin;
Doseth, Berit;
Hagen, Lars;
Olaisen, Camilla;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Græsmann, Heidi.
The UNG2 Arg88Cys variant abrogates RPA-mediated recruitment of UNG2 to single-stranded DNA.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Doseth, Berit;
Ekre, Cecilie;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete.
Strikingly different properties of uracil-DNA glycosylases UNG2 and SMUG1 may explain divergent roles in processing of genomic uracil.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Roberts, Victoria A.;
Pique, Michael E.;
Hsu, Simon;
Li, Sheng;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Rambo, Robert P..
Combining H/D exchange mass spectroscopy and computational docking reveals extended DNA-binding surface on uracil-DNA glycosylase.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Steen, Kristian Wollen;
Doseth, Berit;
Westbye, Marianne Pedersen;
Akbari, Mansour;
Kang, D;
Falkenberg, Maria.
mtSSB may sequester UNG1 at mitochondrial ssDNA and delay uracil processing until the dsDNA conformation is restored.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Zeitlin, SG;
Chapados, BR;
Baker, NM;
Tai, C;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Wang, JYJ.
Uracil DNA N-Glycosylase Promotes Assembly of Human Centromere Protein A.
Academic article
Pettersen, Henrik Sahlin;
Visnes, Torkild;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Svaasand, Eva K;
Doseth, Berit;
Slupphaug, Geir.
UNG-initiated base excision repair is the major repair route for 5-fluorouracil in DNA, but 5-fluorouracil cytotoxicity depends mainly on RNA incorporation.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Hanssen-Bauer, Audun;
Solvang-Garten, Karin;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Diaz, Javier Pena;
Andersen, Sonja Benedikte;
Slupphaug, Geir.
XRCC1 Coordinates Disparate Responses and Multiprotein Repair Complexes Depending on the Nature and Context of the DNA Damage.
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis
Academic article
Doseth, Berit;
Visnes, Torkild;
Wallenius, Anders;
Ericsson, Ida;
Sarno, Antonio;
Pettersen, Henrik Sahlin.
Uracil-DNA Glycosylase in Base Excision Repair and Adaptive Immunity: SPECIES DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MAN AND MOUSE.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Academic article
Sousa, Mirta;
Steen, Kristian Wollen;
Hagen, Lars;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Antibody cross-linking and target elution protocols used for immunoprecipitation significantly modulate signal-to noise ratio in downstream 2D-PAGE analysis.
Proteome Science
Academic article
Baglo, Yan;
Sousa, Mirta;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Hagen, Lars;
Håvåg, Sissel;
Helander, Linda.
Photodynamic therapy with hexyl aminolevulinate induces carbonylation, posttranslational modifications and changed expression of proteins in cell survival and cell death pathways.
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
Academic article
Monsen, Vivi A Talstad;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Aas, Per Arne;
Westbye, Marianne Pedersen;
Sousa, Mirta;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Divergent ß-hairpins determine double-strand versus single-strand substrate recognition of human AlkB-homologues 2 and 3.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Felberg, Hanne Solvang;
Hagen, Lars;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Batista, Irineu;
Nunes, Maria Leonora;
Olsen, Ragnar Ludvig.
Partial characterisation of gelatinolytic activities in herring (Clupea harengus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) possibly involved in post-mortem autolysis of ventral muscle.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Bergstrøm, Bjarte Aune;
Johnsen, Ingvild Bjellmo;
Nguyen, Thank Thuy Thi;
Hagen, Lars;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Thommesen, Liv.
Identification of a Novel in Vivo Virus-targeted Phosphorylation Site in Interferon Regulatory Factor-3 (IRF3).
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Otterlei, Marit;
Akbari, M.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Aas, Per Arne.
DNA repair and cancer.
European Journal of Cancer
Visnes, Torkild;
Doseth, Berit;
Pettersen, Henrik Sahlin;
Hagen, Lars;
Sousa, Mirta;
Akbari, Mansour.
Uracil in DNA and its processing by different DNA glycosylases.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences
Academic literature review
Knaevelsrud, I;
Knaevelsrud, I;
Slupphaug, G;
Leiros, Ingar;
Matsuda, A;
Ruoff, P.
Opposite-base dependent excision of 5-formyluracil from DNA by hSMUG1.
International Journal of Radiation Biology
Academic article
Gilljam, Karin Margaretha;
Feyzi, Emadoldin;
Aas, Per Arne;
Sousa, Mirta;
Müller, Rebekka;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg.
Identification of a novel, widespread, and functionally important PCNA-binding motif.
Journal of Cell Biology
Academic article
Langevin, C;
Maidou-Peindara, P;
Aas, Per Arne;
Jacquot, G;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Vpr Modulates Cellular Expression of UNG2 via a Negative Transcriptional Effect.
Journal of Virology
Academic article
Knævelsrud, I.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Leiros, Ingar;
Matsuda, A.;
Ruoff, Peter;
Bjelland, Svein.
Opposite-base dependent excision of 5-formyluracil from DNA by hSMUG1.
International Journal of Radiation Biology
Academic article
Sundheim, Ottar;
Talstad, Vivi A;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
AlkB demethylases flip out in different ways.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Westbye, Marianne;
Feyzi, Emadoldin;
Aas, Per Arne;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Talstad, Vivi A;
Kavli, Bodil Merete.
Human AlkB homolog 1 is a mitochondrial protein that demethylates 3-methylcytosine in DNA and RNA.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Academic article
Visnes, Torkild;
Akbari, Mansour;
Hagen, Lars;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
The rate of base excision repair of uracil is controlled by the initiating glycosylase.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Hagen, Lars;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Sousa, Mirta;
Torseth, Kathrin;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Sundheim, Ottar.
Cell cycle-specific UNG2 phosphorylations regulate protein turnover, activity and association with RPA.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Repair of small base lesions in DNA - From molecular biology to phenotype - Preface.
DNA Repair
Sousa, Mirta;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
DNA-uracil and human pathology.
Molecular Aspects of Medicine
Academic literature review
Feyzi, Emadoldin;
Aas, Per Arne;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Westbye, Marianne;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Otterlei, Marit.
RNA Base Damage and Repair.
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Academic literature review
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Repair of small base lesions in DNA- from molecular biology to phenotype.
DNA Repair
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Akbari, Mansour;
Visnes, Torkild;
Pettersen, Henrik P Sahlin;
Sundheim, Ottar.
Repair og uracil in DNA by UNG2 and SMUG1 - an update.
DNA Repair
Pettersen, Henrik P Sahlin;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Gilljam, Karin Margaretha;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete.
Uracil-DNA glycosylases SMUG1 and UNG2 coordinate the initial steps of base excision repair by distinct mechanisms.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Uracil in DNA - General mutagen, but normal intermediate in acquired immunity.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Parsons, Jason L.;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Dianov, Grigory L..
NEIL1 is the major DNA glycosylase that processes 5-hydroxyuracil in the proximity of a DNA single-strand break.
Academic article
Lu, CC;
Huang, HT;
Wang, JT;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Li, TK;
Wu, MC.
Characterization of the uracil-DNA glycosylase activity of Epstein-Barr virus BKRF3 and its role in lytic viral DNA replication.
Journal of Virology
Academic article
Hagen, Lars;
Diaz, Javier Pena;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Genomic uracil and human disease.
Experimental Cell Research
Academic literature review
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Akbari, Mansour;
Diaz, Javier Pena;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Otterlei, Marit;
Ericsson, Madelene.
Base excision repair proteins in cancer prevention and acquired immune responses.
The FEBS Journal
Sundheim, Ottar;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Bjørås, Magnar;
Mittelstedt, L.Mirta;
Talstad, Vivi;
Aas, Per Arne.
Human ABH3 structure and key residues for oxidative demethylation to reverse DNA/RNA damage.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Zeitlin, SG;
Patel, S;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Xenopus CENP - A assembly into chromatin requires base excision repair proteins.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Andersen, Sonja Benedikte;
Otterlei, Marit;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate;
Imai, K;
Fischer, A.
B cells from hyper-IgM patients carrying UNG mutations lack ability to remove uracil from ssDNA and have elevated genomic uracil.
Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM)
Academic article
Andersen, Sonja Benedikte;
Ericsson, Maria Elisabeth Madelene;
Dai, HY;
Diaz, Javier Pena;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Nilsen, H.
Monoclonal B-cell hyperplasia and leukocyte imbalance precede development of B-cell malignancies in uracil-DNA glycosylase deficient mice.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Andersen, S;
Ericsson, M;
Peña-Diaz, J;
Slupphaug, G;
Nilsen, Hilde.
Monoclonal B-cell hyperplasia and leukocyte imbalance precede development of B-cell malignancies in uracil-DNA glycosylase deficient mice.
DNA Repair
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Novel aspects of macromolecular repair and relationship to human disease.
Journal of Molecular Medicine
Academic literature review
Drabløs, Finn;
Feyzi, Emadoldin;
Aas, Per Arne;
Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg;
Kavli, Bodil;
Bratlie, Marit Skyrud.
Alkylation damage in DNA and RNA - repair mechanisms and medical significance.
DNA Repair
Academic literature review
Diaz, Javier Pena;
Akbari, Mansour;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Farez-Vidal, ME;
Andersen, S;
Sneve, R.
Trypanosoma cruzi contains a single detectable uracil-DNA glycosylase and repairs uracil exclusively via short patch base excision repair.
Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB)
Academic article
Akbari, Mansour;
Otterlei, Marit;
Diaz, Javier Pena;
Aas, Per Arne;
Kavli, Bodil;
Liabakk, Nina-Beate.
Repair of U/G and U/A in DNA by UNG2-associated repair complexes takes place predominantly by short-patch repair both in proliferating and growth-arrested cells.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Kavli, Bodil;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Interacting pathways that prevent and repair oxidative DNA damage.
Mutation Research (DNA Repair)
Academic article
Aas, Per Arne;
Otterlei, Marit;
Falnes, P.Ø;
Vågbø, Cathrine;
Skorpen, Frank;
Akbari, Mansour.
Human and bacterial oxidative demethylases repair alkylation damage in both RNA and DNA.
Academic article
Imai, K;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Lee, W-I;
Revy, P;
Nonoyama, S;
Catalan, N.
Uracil-DNA glycosylase deficiency profoundly impairs immunoglobulin class switch.
Nature Immunology
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Drabløs, Finn;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Uracil in DNA, occurrence, consequences and repair.
Academic article
Kavli, Bodil;
Sundheim, Ottar;
Akbari, Mansour;
Otterlei, Marit;
Nilsen, Hilde;
Skorpen, Frank.
hUNG2 is the major repair enzyme for removal of uracil from U:A matchers,U:G mismatches and U in single stranded DNA, with SMUG1 as a broad specificity backup.
Journal of Biological Chemistry
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Petersen, Idar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Explicit sub-optimal linear quadratic regulation with state and input constraints.
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Damage and repair of DNA in mammalian cells-emphasis on oxidative damage. Proceedings from International Symposium "Natural Ionising Radiation and Health".
Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi : proceedings
Academic article
Vada, Jostein;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Efficient Optimal Prioritized Infeasibility Handling in Model Predictive Control - A Parametric Preemptive Multi-objective Linear Programming Approach.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Academic article
Vada, Jostein;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Linear MPC with Optimal Prioritized Infeasibility Handling: Application, Computational Issues and Stability.
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Otterlei, Marit;
Nilsen, Hilde;
Kavli, Bodil;
Skorpen, Frank;
Andersen, Sonja.
Properties and Functions of Human Uracil-DNA Glycosylase from the UNG Gene.
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology
Academic article
Cappelli, E.;
Hazra, T.;
Hill, J.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Bobliolo, M.;
Frosina, G..
Rates of base excision repair are not solely dependent on levels of initiating enzymes.
Academic article
Nilsen, Hilde;
Steinsbekk, Kristin;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Aas, Per Arne;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Analysis of uracil-DNA glycosylases from the murine UNG gene reveals differential expression in tissues and in embryonic development and a subcellular sorting pattern that differs from the human homologues.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Parikh, Sudip S.;
Walcher, Gunter;
Jones, Garry D.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Blackburn, G.Michael.
Uracil-DNA glycosylase-DNA substrate and product structures:Conformational strain promotes catalytic efficiency by coupled stereoelectronic effects.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Nilsen, Hilde;
Skorpen, Frank;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Base excision repair of DNA in mammalian cells.
FEBS Letters
Academic article
Nilsen, Hilde;
Rosewell, Ian;
Robins, Peter;
Skjelbred, Camilla;
Andersen, Sonja;
Slupphaug, Geir.
URACIL-DNA Glycosylase (UNG)-Deficient Mice Reveal a Primary Role of the Enzyme during DNA Replication.
Molecular Cell
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Nonlinear robust constrained control of partially uncontrollable and open-loop unstable systems.
Journal of Process Control
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Uncertainty modelling and robust output feedback control of nonlinear discrete systems: a mathematical programming approach.
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Nilsen, H.;
Skorpen, Frank;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Base excision repair in mammalian cells.
FEBS Letters
Academic article
Johansen, Tor Arne;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Comment on "Stability issues on Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model - parametric approach".
IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems
Academic article
Nilsen, Hilde;
Steinsbekk, Kristin;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Aas, Per Arne;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Analysis of uracil-DNA glycosylases from the murine Ung-gene reveals differential expression in tissues and in embryonic development and a subcellular sorting pattern that differs from the human homologues.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Parikh, S;
Walcher, G;
Jones, G.D;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Blackburn, G.M.
Uracil-DNA glycosylase-DNA substrate and product structures: Conformational strain promotes catalytic efficiency by coupled stereoelectronic effects.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Nilsen, Hilde;
Rosewell, I.;
Robins, P.;
Skjelbred, Camilla;
Andersen, Sonja;
Slupphaug, Geir.
) Ung-deficient mice reveal a primary role of the uracil-DNA glycosylase enzyme during DNA replication.
Molecular Cell
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Constrained quadratic stabilization of discrete-time uncertain non-linear multi-model systems using piecewise affine state-feedback.
International Journal of Control
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Skorpen, Frank;
Otterlei, Marit;
Bhariti, Sangeeta;
Steinsbekk, Kristin;
Nilsen, Hilde.
Human uracil-DNA glycosylase.
NATO Advances Study Institute series. Series A, Life sciences
Academic article
Otterlei, Marit;
Warbrick, Emma;
Nagelhus, Toril;
Haug, Terje;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Akbari, Mansour.
Post-replicative base excision repair in replication foci.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Bharati, S.;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kristiansen, L;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Human mitochondrial uracil-DNA glycosylase preform (UNG1) is processed to two forms one of which is resistant to inhibition by AP sites.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Parikh, S.S.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Bharati, S;
Trainer, J.A..
Base excision repair initiation revealed by crystal structures and binding kinetics of human uracil-DNA glycosylase with DNA.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir.
DNA-reparasjonsenzymer og deres gener.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic article
Otterlei, Marit;
Haug, T.;
Nagelhus, T.A;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Lindmo, T.;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Nuclear and mitochondrial splice forms of human uracil-DNA glycosylase contain a complex nuclear localization signal and a strong classical mitochondrial localizations signal, respectively.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Parikh, S. Sudip;
Mol, Clifford D.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Bharati, Sangeta;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Yainer, John A..
Base excision repair initiation revealed by crystal structures and binding kinetics of human uracil-DNA glycosylase.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Standal, Rune;
Slupphaug, Geir.
DNA glycosylase in the base excision repair of DNA.
Biochemical Journal
Academic article
Dizdaroglu, M.;
Karakaya, A.;
Jaruga, P.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Novel activities of human uracil DNA N-glycosylase for cytosine-derived products of oxidative DNA damage.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Kavli, B.;
Mol, C.D.;
Arvai, A.;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Tainer, J.A..
A nucleotide-flipping mechanism from the structure of human uracil-DNA glycosylase bound to DNA.
Academic article
Kavli, B.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Mol, C.D.;
Arvai, A.S.;
Petersen, S.B.;
Tainer, J.A..
Excision of cytosine and thymine from DNA by mutants of human uracil-DNA glycosylase.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Kavli, Bodil;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Mol, Clifford D.;
Arvai, Andrew S.;
Petersen, Steffen B.;
Tainer, John A..
Excision of cytosine and thymine from DNA by mutants of human uracil-DNA glycosylase.
EMBO Journal
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Mol, Clifford D.;
Kavli, Bodil;
Arvai, Andrew S.;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Tainer, John A..
A nucleotide-flipping mechanism from the structure of human uracil-DNA glycosylase bound to DNA.
Academic article
Dizdaroglu, Miral;
Karakaya, Asuman;
Jaruga, Pawel;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Novel activities of human uracil DNA N-glycosylase for cytosine-derived products of oxidative DNA damage.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Nagelhus, T.;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Lindmo, T..
Fading correction for fluorescence quantitation in confocal microscopy.
Academic article
Bouhamdan, M;
Benichou, S.;
Rey, F.;
Navarro, J.M.;
Agostini, I.;
Spire, B..
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpr protein binds to the uracil DNA glycosylase DNA repair enzyme.
Journal of Virology
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Eftedal, Ingrid;
Kavli, Bodil;
Bharati, Sangeeta;
Helle, Nils M;
Haug, Terje.
Properties of a recombinant human uracil-DNA glycosylase from the UNG gene and evidence that UNG encodes the major uracil-DNA glycosylase.
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Alseth, Ingrun;
Eftedal, Ingrid;
Volden, Gunnar;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Low incorporation of dUMP by some thermostable DNA polymerases may limit their use in PCR amplification.
Analytical Biochemistry
Academic article
Slupphaug, G.;
Markussen, F.-H.;
Olsen, Lisbeth Charlotte;
Aasland, Rein;
Aarsæther, Niels;
Bakke, O..
Human Uracil-DNA glycosylase is shared by the nucleus and the mitochondria.
Nucleic Acid Res
Academic article
Eftedal, Ingrid;
Guddal, Per Henrik;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Volden, Gunnar;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Consensus sequences for good and poor removal of uracil from double stranded DNA by uracil-DNA glycosylase.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Slupphaug, G.;
Olsen, Lisbeth Charlotte;
Helland, Dag Emil;
Aasland, Rein;
Krokan, H. E..
Cell cycle regulation and in vitro hybrid arrest analysis of the major human uracil- DNA glycosylase.
Nucleic Acids Research (NAR)
Academic article
Thangstad, Ole Petter;
Iversen, Tor-Henning;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Bones, Atle M..
Immunocytochemical localization of myrosinase.
Academic article
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Genomic Uracil - Evolution, Biology, Immunology and Disease.
World Scientific
World Scientific
Non-fiction book
Iversen, Tor-Henning;
Bones, Atle M.;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Bioteknologi - 2 timers valgfag.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Genomic Uracil in Biology, Immunity and Cancer.
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Genomic Uracil and Immunity.
World Scientific
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Genomic Uracil – Valuable Tool in Molecular Biology but Inherent Problem in Sequencing of Ancient DNA.
World Scientific
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Viral Uracil - Uracil DNA glycosylases and dUTPases.
World Scientific
Slupphaug, Geir;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Routes to Uracil in DNA.
World Scientific
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir.
DNA Repair is Integrated with Many Cellular Processes.
World Scientific
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Sarno, Antonio;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Enzymology of Genomic Uracil Repair.
World Scientific
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Kavli, Bodil Merete;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Drabløs, Finn.
The Earth, Life and Genomic Uracil.
World Scientific
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Kavli, Bodil Merete.
Genomic Uracil-Dangers and Benefits in processing.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Krokan, Hans Einar;
Standal, Rune;
Bharati, Sangeeta;
Otterlei, Marit;
Haug, Terje;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Uracil in DNA and the family of concerved uracil DNA glycosylases.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Baglo, Yan;
Gederaas, Odrun Arna;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Effects of Photodynamic Therapy on Protein Expression in Rat Bladder Cancer Cells.
Masters thesis
Azizyan, Mahnaz;
Anthonsen, Thorleif;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Studier av human mitokondriell uracil-DNA glukosylase UNG1.
Thesis at a second degree level
Sterten, Heidi;
Krøkje, Åse;
Otterlei, Marit;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Ekspresjon, rensing og funksjonelle studier av rekombinant humant replikasjonsprotein A (RPA).
Thesis at a second degree level
Fensgård, Øyvind;
Bones, Atle M;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Separation of UNG-associated repair protein complexes using gradient centrifugation techniques.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Thesis at a second degree level
Grøsvik, K;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
"Characterisation of uracil-exising enzyme activities in organ extracts from UNG knockout and wild-type mice.".
Thesis at a second degree level
Nygård, M;
Nilsen, M;
Remseth, V;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Krokan, Hans Einar.
Uttrykk av det membran-modifiserende enzymet UDPDG i E.coli som funksjon av dyrkningsbetingelser og induksjon av DNA-skader.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Thesis at a second degree level
Imsland, Lars Struen;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Robust output feedback control for constrained discrete-time nonlinear systems using observer-based controllers.
Vada, Jostein;
Slupphaug, Geir;
Johansen, Tor Arne.
Efficient optimal prioritized infeasibility handling in model predictive control - a parametric preemptive multi-objective linear programming approach.
Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk, NTNU
Slupphaug, Geir.
On robust constrained nonlinear control and hybrid control : BMI and MPC based state-feedback schemes.
ITK-rapport & 1998:13-W
Doctoral dissertation
Slupphaug, Geir;
Foss, Bjarne Anton.
Model predictive control for a class of hybrid systems.
Rapport (96-46)
Slupphaug, Geir.
A brief introduction to some logics, formal languages and Petri net theory.
Rapport (95-45-W)
Slupphaug, Geir.
A note on hybrid systems emphasizing approaches in the control community.
Rapport (95-46-W)
Slupphaug, Geir;
Halvorsen, Ivar.
Forprosjekt: Regulering og overvåking av komplekse industrianlegg.
Rapport (95-29-P)
Brenne, Wenche;
Slupphaug, Geir.
Immunologiske studier av humant uracil-DNA glycosylase.
Universitetet i Trondheim
Thesis at a second degree level
Academic lectureGederaas, Odrun; Dahl, H; Lindgren, Mikael; Stigen, K; Høgset, Anders; Hirschberg, H. (2024) Photochemical internalization with fimaporfin; a summary of in vitro and in vivo models. Photodynamic Therapy & Photodiagnosis Update 2024 , Kochel am See 2024-09-16 - 2024-09-20
PosterSharma, Animesh; Kuśnierczyk, Anna; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Slupphaug, Geir; Hagen, Lars. (2024) PROMEC-Services within Proteomics and DNA/RNA-modomics . IKOM, NTNU Research Day 2024 , NTNU 2024-08-28 - 2024-08-28
LectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2024) Nobelprisen i medisin 2023 og veien frem til effektive mRNA vaksiner. Seminar, Gløshaugen Akademiske Club 2024-02-01 - 2024-02-01
LectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2024) The Nobel Prize in Medicine 2023 and the Path to Effective mRNA Vaccines. IBT, NTNU Seminar, IBT, NTNU 2024-02-28 - 2024-02-28
Popular scientific lectureBrambilla, Alessandro; Coron, Abba Elizabeth; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Sharma, Animesh; Slupphaug, Geir; Strand, Berit Løkensgard. (2023) MS-proteomics provides insight into the host responses towards alginate microspheres. NTNU health A HEALTHY FUTURE , Trondheim 2023-10-05 - 2023-10-05
PosterRagunathan, Kalaiyarasi; Brambilla, Alessandro; Kjesbu, Joachim Sebastian; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Sharma, Animesh; Slupphaug, Geir. (2023) The initial host response to alginate-based microbeads in human whole blood depict by functional response and mass spectrometry. The Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials (ScSB) ScSB meeting - Bioinspiration in biomaterials , Røros 2023-03-21 - 2023-03-24
PosterCoron, Abba Elizabeth; Kjesbu, Joachim Sebastian; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Sharma, Animesh; Slupphaug, Geir; Strand, Berit Løkensgard. (2023) MS-based proteomic profiling of alginate microspheres relevant for cell therapy. The Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials (ScSB) ScSB meeting - Bioinspiration in biomaterials , Røros 2023-03-21 - 2023-03-24
PosterRagunathan, Kalaiyarasi; Brambilla, Alessandro; Kjesbu, Joachim Sebastian; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Sharma, Animesh; Slupphaug, Geir. (2023) Exploring Immunogenicity of Sulphated Alginate Beads: Insights from Whole Blood Model and Protein Adsorption Analysis. NTNU helse A HEALTHY FUTURE , Trondheim 2023-10-05 - 2023-10-05
Academic lectureEldin, Patrick; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Salinas, Sara; Hagiwara, Masatoshi; Slupphaug, Geir; Briant, Laurence. (2022) Le virus Zika reprogramme l'epitranscriptome des ARNt de l'hote pour l'adapter a son biais des codons et faciliter sa traduction. Societe Francaise de Virologie XXIVème Journées Francophones de Virologie , Strasbourg 2022-04-11 - 2022-04-12
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir; Dikic, Aida; Berg, Sigrid Karlsen; Sharma, Animesh; Hagen, Lars; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg. (2022) Enhanced protein translation fidelity – a novel target in multiple myeloma treatment?. Proteomass Scientific Society 8th International Caparica Conference on Analytical Proteomics 2022 , Carparica, Portugal 2022-07-18 - 2022-07-21
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2019) Selective removal of aberrant mRNA methylation may counteract “epitranscriptome confusion”. SBDR Executive Commitee 18th annual Workshop on Structural Biology of DNA Repair (SBDR), Marshall, California , Marshall, CA 2019-05-05 - 2019-05-09
LectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2019) Experiences from sabbatical at Berkeley 2019 – scientific and beyond . Institutt for klinisk og molekylær medisin (IKOM) IKOM onsdagsforedrag , NTNU 2019-11-13 - 2019-11-13
PosterCoron, Abba Elizabeth; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Sharma, Animesh; Slupphaug, Geir; Rokstad, Anne Mari A.; Strand, Berit Løkensgard. (2019) Elucidating host responses towards alginate microspheres using proteomics. Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials 2019 Conference , Kirkkonummi 2019-06-12 - 2019-06-14
LectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2018) Endringer i genomet kontra endringer i proteomet- Hvordan kan proteomanalyser komplementere genetiske analyser? . St Olavs Hospital Seminarserie-medisinsk Genetikk, St Olavs Hospital , Trondheim 2018-10-24 -
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2018) Selective removal of aberrantly methylated mRNA bases may avoid “epitranscriptome confusion”. IKOM, NTNU Onsdagsforedrag IKOM , Trondheim 2018-11-28 -
PosterVågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Kusnierczyk, Anna; Slupphaug, Geir. (2018) DNA and RNA modification profiling using liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry. EMBO EMBO Workshop - From Epigenome towards Epitranscriptome in Cell Fate Choice , Capri 2018-10-14 - 2018-10-17
PosterSlupphaug, Geir; Wollen Steen, Kristian; Rabe, Renana; Hagen, Lars; Aas, Per Arne; Sharma, Animesh. (2018) A role of ASCC3 in the quality control of methylated mRNA. EMBO EMBO Workshop - From Epigenome towards Epitranscriptome in Cell Fate Choice , Capri 2018-10-14 - 2018-10-17
PosterCoron, Abba Elizabeth; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Sharma, Animesh; Slupphaug, Geir; Strand, Berit Løkensgard; Rokstad, Anne Mari. (2018) Identification of adsorbing human plasma proteins on alginate gel beads. Nordic Proteomics Conference , Bergen 2018-04-18 - 2018-04-20
PosterCoron, Abba Elizabeth; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Sharma, Animesh; Slupphaug, Geir; Strand, Berit Løkensgard; Rokstad, Anne Mari. (2018) Identification of adsorbing human plasma proteins on alginate gel beads. BRG Capsule workshop 2018 , Trondheim 2018-09-17 - 2018-09-21
PosterYang, Rui; Elsaadi, Samah; Misund, Kristine; Slupphaug, Geir; Menu, Eline; Hay, Carl. (2018) Role of ectoenzymes CD39 and CD73 in the immune response to multiple myeloma . American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research , Chicago 2018-04-14 - 2018-04-18
PosterGederaas, Odrun Arna; Sharma, Animesh; Bogoeva, Vanya; Mbarak, Saide; Kanamazina, Yusuf; Sporsheim, Bjørnar. (2017) The proteome of endosomes after Bleomycine-mediated photochemical internalization on rat bladder cancer cells. International Photodynamic Association 16th International Photodynamic Association World Congress , Coimbra 2017-06-08 - 2017-06-13
PosterSharma, Animesh; Kusnierczyk, Anna; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Slupphaug, Geir. (2016) PROMEC: Services within Proteomics and DNA/RNA-modomics. NTNU - Faculty of Medicine Seminar for staff at the future Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences , Scandic Lerkendal Hotel, Trondheim 2016-11-10 - 2016-11-11
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir; Steen, Kristian Wollen; Hagen, Lars; Aas, Per Arne; Sharma, Animesh; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg. (2016) MMS-induced modifications in mRNA and potential roles of ASCC3/ALKBH3 . The 10th International 3R (Replication, recombination and repair) Symposium, Matsue, Japan , Matsue 2016-11-13 - 2016-11-17
Academic lectureKrokan, Hans Einar; Kavli, Bodil Merete; Pettersen, Henrik Sahlin; Sætrom, Pål; Galashevskaya, Anastasia; Sarno, Antonio. (2016) Genomic Uracil - Important carcinogenic mutagen but normal intermediate in adaptive immunity. The 10th International 3R (Replication, recombination and repair) Symposium, Matsue, Japan , Matsue 2016-11-13 - 2016-11-17
Academic lectureKrokan, Hans Einar; Pettersen, Henrik Sahlin; Mjelle, Robin; Hegre, Siv Anita; Sætrom, Pål; Drabløs, Finn Sverre. (2016) REGULATION OF BASE EXCISION REPAIR – CANONICAL AND NON-CANONICAL PROCESSING OF GENOMIC URACIL. Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian branch 10th International Multiconference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology , Akademorodok, Novosibirsk 2016-08-29 - 2016-09-03
LectureKrokan, Hans Einar; Slupphaug, Geir; Sætrom, Pål; Sarno, Antonio; Galashevskaya, Anastasia; Lundbæk, Marie Benner. (2016) Genomic uracil - Important carcinogenic mutagen but normal intermediate in adaptive immunity. Turkish Society of Toxicology. Eurotox 2016 , Sivilla 2016-09-04 -
Academic lectureKrokan, Hans Einar; Kavli, Bodil Merete; Slupphaug, Geir. (2016) DNA Repair in diagnosis and therapy of cancer - opportunities and problems. NTNU 1st International NTNU Symposium on Clinical Biomarkers of Cancer , Trondheim 2016-06-16 - 2016-06-17
PosterAachmann, Finn L.; Buchinger, Edith; Slupphaug, Geir. (2016) Interaction studies of UNG2 with its DNA replication fork partners. Euromar 2016 , Aarhus 2016-07-03 -
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2015) Novel aspects of genomic uracil induction and processing. Tomas Lindahl conference on DNA repair , Oslo 2015-06-17 - 2015-06-21
LectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2015) PROMEC Core Facility - Services and ongoing activities. NBS seminar , Åre 2015-03-03 - 2015-03-04
PosterSharma, Animesh; Steven, Lewis; Dahiya, Gurvinder; Slupphaug, Geir. (2015) MS Data Analysis with a Touch of Spark. European Proteomics Association EUPA2015 , Milan 2015-06-23 - 2015-06-28
PosterBuchinger, Edith; Rabe, Renana; Wiik, Siv Åshild; Slupphaug, Geir; Aachmann, Finn Lillelund. (2015) Functional impact of intrinsically disordered N-terminus on uracil-DNA glycosylase UNG2 . Gordon Research Conference Gordon Research Conference Computational Aspects - Biomolecular NMR , Lucca (Barga) 2015-06-06 - 2015-06-12
PosterRø, Torstein Baade; Slørdahl, Tobias Schmidt; Abdollahi, Pegah; Vansemb, Esten; Hagen, Lars; Baranowska, Katarzyna Anna. (2014) PRL-3 Mediates Survival of Primary Myeloma Cells. American Society of Hematology American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting , San Francisco 2014-12-06 - 2014-12-09
PosterMacur, Katarzyna; Hagen, Lars; Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej; Konieczna, Lucyna; Skokowski, Jaroslaw; Jenssen, Bjørn Munro. (2014) Optimization of workflow for targeted MS-based proteomic quantification of osteopontin in healthy and cancerous human breast tissues. 20th International Mass Spectrometry Conference , Geneva 2014-08-24 - 2014-08-29
PosterZatula, Alexey; Demirovic, Aida; Sharma, Animesh; Sousa, Mirta; Sundan, Anders; Slupphaug, Geir. (2014) Biomarker discovery and subtype classification within Multiple Myeloma by Super-SILAC. 2014 Nordic Proteomics Conference , Turku 2014-03-11 - 2014-03-13
LectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2014) PROMEC core facilityWhat can we offer?One example of quantitative protein profiling to identify factors underlying Melphalan resistance in multiple myeloma. Onsdagsforedrag, Institutt for Kreftforskning og Molekylærmedisin 2014-04-30 - 2014-04-30
PosterGebriel, Mohammed; Zatula, Alexey; Sousa, Mirta; Hagen, Lars; Slupphaug, Geir. (2014) From tissue to protein networks in (a bit more than) two hours: an ultrafast and a straightforward single-run LC-MS/MS approach for comprehensive proteome analyses. Norwegian Biochemical Society NBS Contact Meeting 2014 , Røros 2014-01-23 - 2014-01-26
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2014) Novel mechanisms contributing to acquired Melphalan resistance in Multiple Myeloma. Torsdahsforedrag, KG Jebsen center for Myeloma Research 2014-04-24 - 2014-04-24
PosterGebriel, Mohammed; Sousa, Mirta; Slupphaug, Geir. (2014) Global Proteomic monitoring of Phosphoproteome dynamics during rotenone-induced apoptosis in HeLa cells. Norwegian Biochemical Society NBS Contact Meeting 2014 , Røros 2014-01-23 - 2014-01-26
Academic lectureSousa, Mirta; Slupphaug, Geir. (2013) Targeted Quantitation of Proteins by Mass Spectrometry. IKM - NTNU Monday Meeting - IKM 2013-11-25 - 2013-11-25
Academic lectureSousa, Mirta; Slupphaug, Geir. (2013) Biomarker discovery in multiple myeloma by targeted absolute quantitative proteomics. Pr. Trent Northen - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Trent Northen Group Meeting , Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley 2013-03-05 - 2013-03-05
PosterMacur, Katarzyna; Hagen, Lars; Ciesielski, Tomasz Maciej; Konieczna, Lucyna; Skokowski, Jaroslaw; Jensen, Bjørn Munro. (2013) Targeted MS-based proteomic quantitation of osteopontin in healthy and cancerous human breast tissues. 7th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences Interdisciplinary research for pharmacy , Gdansk 2013-05-24 - 2013-05-25
Academic lecture
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2012) Proteomikk-kjernefasilitet ved NTNU/HMNHva kan vi tilby av analyser?. Fredagsforedrag S , St Olavs HospitalTrondheim 2012-05-25 -
PosterAndersen, Martin Vejle; Doseth, Berit; Hem, Cecilie Anne Dahl; Brembu, Tore; Winge, Per; Slupphaug, Geir. (2012) Purification and characterisation of an unusual DNA glycosylase in diatoms. IKM, NTNU 3rd Erling Seeberg Symposium on DNA Repair , Trondheim 2012-06-19 - 2012-06-24
PosterIveland, Tobias Solli; Steen, Kristian Wollen; Hagen, Lars; Slupphaug, Geir. (2012) Ubiquitin independent proteosomal degradation of Uracil DNA Glycosylase 2. 3rd Erling Seeberg Symposium 2012-06-19 - 2012-06-24
PosterAndersen, Martin Vejle; Doseth, Berit; Hem, Cecilie Anne Dahl; Brembu, Tore; Winge, Per; Slupphaug, Geir. (2012) Purification and characterisation of an unusual DNA glycosylase in diatoms. International Diatom Society 22nd International Diatom Symposium , Gent 2012-08-26 - 2012-08-31
PosterBaglo, Yan; Sousa, Mirta; Slupphaug, Geir; Hagen, Lars; Håvåg, Sissel; Helander, Linda. (2011) Photodynamic therapy with hexyl aminolevulinate induces carbonylation, posttranslational modifications and changed expression of proteins in cell survival and cell death pathways. University of Dublin Cancer Proteomics 2011, European Molecular Biology Organization , The Burlington Hotel, Dublin 2011-06-20 - 2011-06-23
PosterSousa, Mirta; Zub, Kamila; Aas, Per Arne; Tian, Erming; Liabakk, Nina-Beate; Young, Clifford. (2011) Switch in ATM/ATR expression and up-regulation of NHEJ proteins contribute to acquired melphalan resistance in RPMI8226 myeloma cells. 2nd nordic proteomics symposium , Copenhagen 2011-11-27 - 2011-11-29
PosterSousa, Mirta; Zub, Kamila; Aas, Per Arne; Young, Clifford; Tian, Erming; Jensen, Ole Nørregaard. (2011) Proteomics screening identifies AKR1C proteins as potential markers for resistance in melphalan resistant RPMI8226-LR5 myeloma cells. 4th EU-USA conference on DNA base damage and repair , Oslo 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-22
PosterPettersen, Henrik Sahlin; Visnes, Torkild; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Svaasand, Eva K; Doseth, Berit; Slupphaug, Geir. (2011) UNG-initiated base excision repair is the major repair route for 5-fluorouracil in DNA, but 5-fluorouracil cytotoxicity depends mainly on RNA incorporation. UiO 4th EU-USA conference on DNA base damage and repair , Holmenkollen Park Hotell 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-22
Academic lectureBergstrøm, Bjarte Aune; Johnsen, Ingvild Bjellmo; Nguyen, Thank Thuy Thi; Hagen, Lars; Slupphaug, Geir; Thommesen, Liv. (2010) Identification of a novel in vivo virus-targeted phosphorylation site in interferon regulatory factor-3 (IRF3). NTNU The 6th Norwegian Proteomics Conference , Trondheim 2010-12-09 - 2010-12-10
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2010) Keynote address. 6th Norwegian National Proteomics meeting 2010-12-09 - 2010-12-10
Academic lectureHagen, Lars; Kavli, Bodil Merete; Sousa, Mirta; Torseth, Kathrin; Slupphaug, Geir. (2010) Post translational modifications of the human DNA repair protein uracil DNA glycosylase, UNG2. 6th Norwegian National Proteomics Meeting 2010-12-09 - 2010-12-10
Academic lectureSousa, Mirta; Steen, Kristian Wollen; Hagen, Lars; Slupphaug, Geir. (2010) Antibody crosslinking and target elution protocols used for immunoprecipitation significantly modulate signal-to noise ratio in downstream 2D-PAGE analysis. NTNU 6th Norwegian National Proteomics Meeting , trondheim 2010-12-09 - 2010-12-10
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2010) Proteomics and Nanomedicine. NTNU nanomedicine seminar , NTNU 2010-02-19 - 2010-02-19
Academic lectureZub, Kamila; Sousa, Mirta; Aas, Per Arne; Young, Clifford; Tian, Erming; Johansen, Jostein. (2010) A proteomics and genomic approach to identify factors associated with melphalan resistance in multiple myeloma cells. NTNU 6th Norwegian National Proteomics Meeting , trondheim 2010-12-09 - 2010-12-10
Academic lectureGilljam, Karin Margaretha; Feyzi, Emadoldin; Aas, Per Arne; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Müller, rebecca; Catterall, Tara C. (2010) Identification of a new and widespread and functionally important PCNA-binding motif. NTNU 6th Norwegian National Proteomics Meeting , trondheim 2010-12-09 - 2010-12-10
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2009) Nye funn innen DNA-reparasjon hos mennesker. Det Konglige Norske Videnskabers Selskab DKNVS foredrag , Trondheim 2009-12-14 - 2009-12-14
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir; Doseth, Berit; Kavli, Bodil Merete; Visnes, Torkild; Hagen, Lars; Torseth, Kathrin. (2009) Genomic uracil processing in mice and men. 2.nd Erling Seeberg symposium on DNA repair , Ålesund/Geiranger 2009-06-20 - 2009-06-25
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2009) Regulation of genomic uracil processing by UNG2. Center for Integrated Protein Science Guest Lecture, Ludwig-Maximillians University, Munich , Ludwig-Maximillians University, Munich 2009-03-10 - 2009-03-10
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2009) Regulation of genomic uracil processing in mammalian cells, multiple levels of control of UNG2. IKM, NTNU Tuesday Lecture, IKM , Trondheim 2009-03-17 - 2009-03-17
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2009) Regulation of Genomic Uracil Processing in Mammalian Cells. NIH, University of Texas Medical Branch 3rd US-EU Conference on Repair of Endogenous Genome Damage, Galveston, Texas , Galveston, Texas 2009-02-21 - 2009-02-25
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2009) Proteomic Tools in the discovery of Biomarkers. Eli Lilly Lily Seminar "An introduction to Cancer Biomarkers in NSCLC" , Stjørdal 2009-02-11 - 2009-02-11
Academic lectureGilljam, Karin Margaretha; Feyzi, Emadoldin; Aas, Per Arne; Westbye, Marianne; Sousa, Mirta; Müller, Rebekka. (2009) The human AlkB homologs 1,2 and 3, localisation and tentative functions. Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet og Universitetet i Oslo 2nd Erling Seeberg Symposium on DNA Repair 2009-06-20 - 2009-06-25
Academic lectureKrokan, Hans Einar; Visnes, Torkild; Doseth, Berit; Akbari, Mansour; Otterlei, Marit; Kavli, Bodil Merete. (2009) Uracil in DNA and its processing. E. Dogliotti, H. Krokan, T. Stevnsner, S. Mitra, S.H. Wilson 3rd US-EU Conference- Repair of Endogenous Genome Damage , Moody Gardens Hotel, Galveston, Texas 2009-02-21 - 2009-02-25
Academic lectureBergstrøm, Bjarte; Johnsen, Ingvild Bjellmo; Nguyen, Thank Thuy Thi; Hagen, Lars; Slupphaug, Geir; Thommesen, Liv. (2009) Exploring phosphorylation of the transcription factor Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 in vivo and in vitro. Norsk Biokjemisk Selskap NBS kontaktmøte 2009 , Røros 2009-01-29 - 2009-02-01
Academic lectureBergstrøm, Bjarte; Nguyen, Thuy Tranh; Hagen, Lars; Slupphaug, Geir; Thommesen, Liv; Anthonsen, Marit W.. (2009) Exploring phosphorylation of the transcription factor Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 in vivo and in vitro. Contact Meeting NBS , Røros 2009-01-22 - 2009-01-25
PosterSousa, Mirta; Tian, Erming; Hanssen-Bauer, Audun; Zub, Kamila; Banica, Ana; Slupphaug, Geir. (2009) MBD4 is a candidate protein in development of drug resistance in multiple myeloma. The norwegian biochemical society 45th contact meeting , Røros 2009-01-29 - 2009-02-01
PosterZub, Kamila; Sousa, Mirta; Young, Clifford; Tian, Erming; Hagen, Lars; Slupphaug, Geir. (2009) Differential protein expression in melphalan sensitive and resistant multiple myeloma cells revealed by SILAC-based quantitative proteomics. 5th Norwegian National Proteomics meeting , Bergen 2009-10-26 - 2009-10-27
PosterZub, Kamila; Sousa, Mirta; Young, Clifford; Tian, Erming; Johansen, Jostein; Hagen, Lars. (2009) What a difference melphalan makes! Differential protein expression in melphalan resistant and sensitive multiple myeloma cells using SILAC analysis. Select Biosciences Proteomics Europe , Barcelona 2009-11-05 - 2009-11-06
Popular scientific lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2009) Molecular mechanisms of host defence. NTNU, DMF Presentation for the Chinese Embassy , Trondheim 2009-05-12 - 2009-05-12
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2008) Proteomic studies in DNA repair. Institutt for Bioteknologi, NTNU Seminar, Institutt for Bioteknologi, NTNU , Trondheim 2008-01-16 - 2008-01-16
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2008) Regulation of uracil-DNA repair by post-translational modification of UNG2. Institutt for Biomedisin, UiB BBB Seminar series, University of Bergen , Bergen 2008-10-16 - 2008-10-16
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2008) The Interactomics of DNA repair. FUGE Midt-Norge og NBS Trøndelag Oppdalsmøte, FUGE Midt-Norge og NBS Trøndelag , Oppdal 2008-03-26 - 2008-03-27
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir; Westbye, Marianne P.; Feyzi, Emadoldin; Aas, Per Arne; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Talstad, Vivi. (2008) Human ABH1 is a predominantly mitochondrial protein that demethylates 3-methylcytosine in DNA and RNA. Ist Russian-EU meeting in Genomic maintenance , St. Petersburg 2008-06-24 - 2008-06-26
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2008) Post-translational modifications regulating DNA repair. NTNU Trondheim Conference on Systems Biology , Trondheim 2008-08-18 - 2008-08-19
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2008) The never-ending story of UNG. Faggr. for molekylærbiologi IKM Mandagsforedrag Faggr. for molekylærbiologi IKM , Laboratoriesenteret, NTNU 2008-12-15 - 2008-12-15
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2007) RNA damage and repair and medical significance. European environmental society, EEMS 37th annual meeting of the European environmental society, EEMS , Basel 2007-09-09 - 2007-09-13
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2007) Proteomics. Institutt for Kreftforskning og Molekylærmedisin, DMF Instituttdag, Institutt for Kreftforskning og Molekylærmedisin, DMF , Stiklestad 2007-06-18 - 2007-06-18
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2007) Cell cycle regulation of Uracil repair. Institutt for kreftforskning og molekylærmedisin Tirsdagsforedrag, Institutt for kreftforskning og molekylærmedisin , Trondheim 2007-10-09 - 2007-10-09
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2007) Cell Cycle Regulated Phosphorylations of Human Uracil-DNA Glycosylase UNG2 Govern Replication-Associated Uracil Removal. Institutt for kreftforskning og molekylærmedisin Mandagsforedrag, Institutt for kreftforskning og molekylærmedisin , Trondheim 2007-01-22 - 2007-01-22
Popular scientific lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2007) Administrative støtteprosesser ved DMF - innspill fra vitenskapelige ansatte. Det Medisinske Fakultet, NTNU Allmøte, DMF , Trondheim 2007-01-30 - 2007-01-30
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2006) Human UNG2 - a uracil DNA glycosylase of many functions. Institute Cochin Invitert foredrag, Departement de Maladies Infectieuses, Institut Cochin , Paris 2006-10-06 - 2006-10-06
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2006) DNA repair and acquired immunity. Norwegian Society for Immunologi Invitert foredrag , Rikshospitalet, Oslo 2006-05-23 - 2006-05-23
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2006) The Proteomics Laboratory at IKM, NTNU. FUGE Midt-Norge FUGE-seminar , Hell, Stjørdal 2006-03-28 - 2006-03-28
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2006) Forskningsaktiviteter ved IKM, Laboratoriesenteret. Inst. for Laboratoriemedisin, NTNU Instituttsamling, Inst. for Laboratoriemedisin, NTNU , Bortistu, Oppdal 2006-03-23 - 2006-03-24
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2006) Regulation of Uracil Base Excision Repair by Post-translational modifications. UiO, NTNU Erling Seeberg Symposium on DNA Repair , Bodø, Henningsvær 2006-05-28 - 2006-06-02
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2006) Phosphorylation of UNG2 and potential functional implications. IKM Tirsdagsforedrag , MTFS, NTNU 2006-01-10 - 2006-01-10
PosterHagen, Lars; Kavli, Bodil Merete; Sundheim, Ottar; Sousa, Mirta; Otterlei, Marit; Liabakk, Nina-Beate. (2006) Regulation of uracil base excision repair by post-translational modifications. Erling Seeberg Symposium on DNA Repair 2006-05-28 - 2006-06-02
PosterSousa, Mirta; Sundheim, Ottar; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Talstad, Vivi; Aslaksen, Petter Broby; Slupphaug, Geir. (2006) Post-translational self-hydroxilation of an active site leucine in human ABH3 may protect against generation of damaging oxygen radicals. Erling Seeberg Symposium on DNA Repair , Bodø og Hennigsvær 2006-05-28 - 2006-06-02
PosterSundheim, Ottar; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Bjørås, Magnar; Sousa, Mirta; Talstad, Vivi; Aas, Per Arne. (2006) Human ABH3 structure and key residues for oxidative demethylation to reverse DNA/RNA damage. Erling Seeberg Symposium on DNA Repair 2006-05-28 - 2006-06-02
PosterSundheim, Ottar; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Bjørås, Magnar; Sousa, Mirta; Aas, Per Arne; Drabløs, Finn. (2006) Crystal structure of hABH3 DNA/RNA demethylase reveals a novel active-site leucine oxidation. Norwegian Biochemical Society (NBS) The Norwegian Biochemical Society 42. Contact Meeting , Storefjell, Storefjell Hotell 2006-01-19 - 2006-01-22
PosterSundheim, Ottar; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Bjørås, Magnar; Sousa, Mirta; Aas, Per Arne; Drabløs, Finn. (2005) Structure of the hABH3 DNA demethylase implicates an oxidized leucine residue in catalysis. 2nd ESF Functional Genomics and disease 2005-09-06 -
PosterDiaz, Javier Pena; Hegre, Siv Anita; Akbari, Mansour; Sousa, Mirta; Sundheim, Ottar; Hanssen-Bauer, Audun. (2005) Recruitment of the chaperone Hsp70 to Base Excision Repair complexes. 2nd EU-US DNA RepairMeeting 2005-11-29 - 2005-12-03
PosterKavli, Bodil Merete; Diaz, Javier Pena; Otterlei, Marit; Liabakk, Nina-Beate; Giljam, Karin Margaretha; Krokan, Hans Einar. (2005) The enzymatic activity of human uracil-DNA glycosylase UNG2 is regulated by N-terminal phosphorylation during cell cycle. Instituto Superiore di Sanita/EMBO 2nd EU-US DNA Repair Meeting: Endogeneous Stress, Base excision repair and related processes , Erice, Sicily 2005-11-28 - 2005-12-03
PosterNguyen, Thank Thuy Thi; Johnsen, Ingvild Bjellmo; Hagen, Lars; Torseth, Kathrin; Espevik, Terje; Slupphaug, Geir. (2005) Identification of novel proteins associated with a pathogen patten recognition receptor mediating antiviral immune responses. NBS The Norwegian Biochemical Society 41st Contact Meeting , Tromsø 2005-01-13 - 2005-01-16
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2005) Post-translational modifications of hABH3 and UNG2 and their biological implications. Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy/ EMBO 2nd EU-US DNA Repair Meeting. Endogeneous stress, base excision repair and related processes , Erice, Sicily 2005-11-28 - 2005-12-03
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2005) Structure of the hABH3 DNA demethylase implicates an oxidized leucine residue in catalysis. FUGE 2nd ESF Functional Genomics conference. Satellite meeting - Functional genomics in the Nordic countries , Oslo 2005-09-06 - 2005-09-06
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2005) Proteomics and the molecular choreography of mammalian DNA base excision repair. FUGE 1st National proteomics meeting , Bergen 2005-05-18 -
InterviewSlupphaug, Geir. (2004) Gen-skrotet som ble til gull. NRK1 Schrødingers Katt NRK1 Schrødingers Katt [TV] 2004-01-14
PosterSundheim, Ottar; Parikh, Sudip S; Lund, Terje; Krokan, Hans Einar; Slupphaug, Geir; Tainer, John A. (2004) Structural and biochemical analysis of the minor-groove recognition loop (MGRL) motif in UDG. American Society for Microbiology DNA repair and mutagenesis: From molecular structure to biological consequences , Southampton 2004-11-14 - 2004-11-20
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2004) Proteomics and the molecular coordination of DNA uracil base excision repair. The 5th Proteome Information Exchange meeting , MÜnster 2004-05-09 - 2004-05-12
PosterKavli, Bodil; Otterlei, Marit; Liabakk, Nina-Beate; Krokan, Hans Einar; Slupphaug, Geir. (2004) The mutant UNG2-F-25 1S associated with HIGM syndrome is abnormally translocated and degraded, and results in impaired nuclear uracil excision and accumulation of genomic uracil. ASM Conference on DNA Repair and Mutagenesis , Bermuda 2004-11-14 - 2004-11-20
PosterSundheim, Ottar; Krokan, Hans Einar; Slupphaug, Geir. (2004) Structural anc biochemical analysis of the major groove recognition loop (MGRL). Gordon Conference on Mutagenesis , Oxford, England 2004-09-12 - 2004-09-17
PosterAndersen, Sonja; Nilsen, Hilde; Grøsvik, K; Kønig, I; Sneve, R; Slupphaug, Geir. (2002) "URACIL-DNAGLYCOSYLASE KNOCKOUT MICE-effects on lifespan and health. Characterisation of uracil removing activities in wild type and Ung deficient mice.". Meeting on DNA repair , Warsaw 2002-09-07 -
Academic lectureAas, Per Arne; Otterlei, Marit; Skorpen, Frank; Akbari, Mansour; Slupphaug, Geir; Krokan, Hans Einar. (2002) Repair of alkylated single-stranded DNA and RNA in living cells. 38.Biokjemiske kontaktmøte Functional genomics-the mosaics of life , Røros 2002-01-20 -
Popular scientific lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2002) Dypdykk i DNA-molekylet - Hva er nå det for slags liv?. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag for medisinerstudenter , Trondheim, Norge 2002-02-18 -
PosterKavli, Bodil; Sundheim, Ottar; Akbari, Mansour; Aas, Per Arne; Otterlei, Marit; Skorpen, Frank. (2002) Biochemical and kinetic analysis of human UNG2 and SMUG1 indicate overlapping functions in DNA-uracil repair in the nucleus. 38. Biokjemiske kontaktmøte Functinal genomics - the mosaics of life , Quality Hotel Røros 2002-01-20 -
PosterAndersen, Sonja; Nilsen, Hilde; Grøsvik, K; Kønig, I; Sneve, R; Slupphaug, Geir. (2002) Uracil-DNA glycosylase knockout mice. 38. Biokjemiske kontaktmøte Functinal genomics - the mosaics of life , Røros, Norge 2002-01-20 -
PosterKavli, Bodil; Otterlei, Marit; Sundheim, Ottar; Akbari, Mansour; Aas, Per Arne; Krokan, Hans Einar. (2002) Biochemical and kinetic analysis of human UNG2 and SMUG1 indicate overlapping functions in uracil-DNA repair in the nucleus. Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis, Gordon Research Conference , Ventura, California, USA 2002-03-08 -
PosterPena-Diaz, Javier; Farez-Vidal, M.E; Sundheim, Ottar; Leal-Cortijo, I; Gonzales-Pacanowska, D; Krokan, Hans Einar. (2002) Kinetic characterisation of the uracil-DNA glycosylase from the protozoa parasite Trypanosome cruziNorsk biokjemis. 38. Biokjemiske kontaktmøte , Røros, Norge 2002-01-20 -
PosterKavli, Bodil; Sundheim, Ottar; Akbari, Mansour; Otterlei, Marit; Nilsen, Hilde; Aas, Per Arne. (2002) Substrate preference and enzyme kinetics reveal distinct properties of UNG2 and SMUG1 in cellular base-excision repair; hUNG2 is the major repair enzyme for removal of uracil from U:A matches, U:G mismatches and U in single stranded DNA, with hSMUG1 as a broad specificity backup. 32nd Annual Meeting of European Environmental Mutagen Society. DNA Damage and Repair Fundamental Aspects and Contribution to Human Disorders , Warsaw. Poland 2002-09-07 -
Programme participationSlupphaug, Geir. (2001) Litt mer avansert enn bananflua. Schrødingers Katt Schrødingers Katt [TV] 2001-02-02
PosterSundheim, Ottar; Otterlei, Marit; Kavli, Bodil; Skorpen, Frank; Aas, Per Arne; Krokan, Hans Einar. (2001) Structure-function analysis of the human uracil-DNA glycosylase hSMUG1. Sixth International School on the Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules. , Como, Italy 2001-05-17 -
PosterSlupphaug, Geir; Skorpen, Frank; Nilsen, H.; Fenstad, M.; Rosello, Ch.; Otterlei, Marit. (2001) Functional implications of the UNG2 regulatory domain in BER and transcription regulation. Workshop DNA repair: Interplay with other cellular processes , Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, February 25 - March 2, 2001
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Slupphaug, Geir; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2001) Robust observer-based output feedback for nonlinear discrete-time systems with constraints. NOLCOS 2001 , St. Petersburg, Russia 2001-07-05 -
Academic lectureImsland, Lars Struen; Slupphaug, Geir; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2001) Piecewise affine observer-based robust controllers for constrained nonlinear systems. European Control Conference 2001 , Porto, Portugal 2001-09-04 -
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2001) Functional implications of the UNG2 regulatory domain in BER and transcription regulation. Workshop DNA repair. , Noordwijkerhout, Nederland 2001-03-02 -
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2001) Functional Genomics and the future. Section for medical Genetics. , Trondheim 2001-04-04 -
Popular scientific lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2001) Functions of different UDGS in mammalian cells. "Tirsdagsmøte" populærvitenskapelig foredrag. , Medisinsk Teknisk Senter 2001-11-06 -
Popular scientific lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2001) Regulering av base-eksisjonsreparasjon. "Tirsdagsmøte" populærvitenskapelig foredrag , Medisinsk Teknisk Senter 2001-02-13 -
Programme participation
Popular scientific lectureParikh, Sudip S; Walcher, Gunter; Jones, Garry D; Slupphaug, Geir; Krokan, Hans Einar; Tainer, John A. (2000) UDG-DNA Uncleaved-Substrate Structure is Strained by Coupled Stereoelectronic Effects. DNA Base Excision Repair Workshop (BER 2000 Workshop) , Galveston, Texas, USA
Popular scientific lectureNilsen, Hilde; Roswell, Ian; Robins, Peter; Slupphaug, Geir; Steinsbekk, Kristin; Otterlei, Marit. (2000) Characterisation Of The Major Murine Uracil-DNA Glycosylase And Expression Patterns And Generation of ung/-Knockout Mice. DNA Base Excision Repair Workshop (BER 2000 Workshop) , Galveston, Texas, USA March 10 - 13, 2000
Popular scientific lectureKrokan, Hans Einar; Otterlei, Marit; Nilsen, Hilde; Kavli, Bodil; Skorpen, Frank; Andersen, Sonja. (2000) Structure-function aspects of human uracil-DNA glycosylase and its interactions with other proteins. DNA Base Excision Repair Workshop (BER 2000 WORKSHOP) , Galveston, Texas, March 10 - 13, 2000
Academic lectureVada, Jostein; Slupphaug, Geir; Johansen, Tor Arne; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2000) Stabilizing linear MPC with efficient prioritized infeasibility handling. IFAC Symposium ADCHEM , Pisa, June 2000
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne; Petersen, Idar; Slupphaug, Geir. (2000) Explicit suboptimal constrained LQR. Workshop on systems with time-domain constraints , Eindhoven, September 2000
Academic lectureJohansen, Tor Arne; Petersen, Idar; Slupphaug, Geir. (2000) On explicit suboptimal LQR with state and input constraints. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Sydney, 12-15 December 2000
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (2000) Frequency Domain Curve Fitting: A Global Approach. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control , Sydney, 12-15 December 2000
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (2000) Multi-model based uncertainty and robust control design. IFAC Symposium ADCHEM , Pisa, June 2000
Academic lectureVada, Jostein; Slupphaug, Geir; Johansen, Tor Arne. (1999) Efficient infeasibility handling in linear MPC subject to prioritized constraints. Proceedings of European Control Conference '99 , Karlsruhe, Germany, Aug/Sept 1999
Academic lectureVada, Jostein; Slupphaug, Geir; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (1999) Infeasibility handling in linear MPC subject to prioritized constraints. Preprints of the 14th World Congress of IFAC , Beijing, China, July 1999
PosterKrokan, Hans Einar; Slupphaug, Geir; Otterlei, Marit; Nilsen, Hilde; Kavli, Bodil; Skorpen, Frank. (1999) Excicion Repar of DNA Damage 1. , 1-7 november 1999
PosterBarikh, S.S.; Lund, T.; Slupphaug, Geir; Krokan, Hans Einar; Ghazal, P.; Tainer, J.A.. (1999) Structural and biochemical analysis of a cytomegalovirus-human UDG chimera created by functional segment exchange. , 1-7 november 1999
Academic lectureBharati, Sangeeta; Krokan, Hans Einar; Kristiansen, Lena; Otterlei, Marit; Slupphaug, Geir. (1998) Human mitochondrial uracil-DNA glycosylase preform (UNG1)is processed to two forms one of which is resistant to inhibition by AP-sites. AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research. Endogeneous sources of Mutations. , Ft. Myers, Florida
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (1998) Robust stabilization of discrete-time multi-model systems using piecewise affine state-feedback. Dynamics and Control for Process Systems , Korfu, Greece
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (1998) Bilinear matrix inequalities and robust stability of nonlinear multi-model MPC. American Control Conference , Philadelphia, USA
Popular scientific lecture
Popular scientific lecture
Popular scientific lectureSlupphaug, Geir. (1998) På kryss og tvers med proteiner. Innledningsforedrag, etterutdanningskurs for bioingeniører , Scandic Hotel, Trondheim
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir; Vada, Jostein; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (1997) MPC in systems with continuous and discrete control inputs. American Control Conference , Albuquerque, N.M.
Academic lectureSlupphaug, Geir; Foss, Bjarne Anton. (1997) Model predictive control for a class of hybrid systems. European Control Conference , Brussel