Sofia Moratti
Group leader, Gender, Science & Technology research group
Coordinator, NTNU GenderHub
Editor, Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies
Recent and ongoing projects:
- GENder perspectives on Physical/Hybrid/Digital working practices at NTNU (GEN-PHD) (project leader)
- Making gender balance from below: Stimulating gender equality among university professors (BALANSE)
- Understanding gender balance among university professors: The shaping and reshaping of epistemic living spaces (GENDIM) (WP leader)
- Risk in the information society: Towards epistemic justice (EpiJustInf)
- A digital hub on gender, the COVID-19 crisis and its aftermath (ProGender) (coordinator for NTNU)
- Responsible robotics in Europe (Robotics4EU)
- Mitigating diversity bias of Artificial Intelligence in the labour market (BIAS)
On gender equality and diversity
- HFO1003 Diversity and Integration: Transcultural dinamics (coordinator)
- KULT2207/08 Gender and Norwegian culture: Questions of equality (coordinator)
- KULT2202/06 Perspectives on gender
- KULT3305 Theories on gender, equality and difference
- KULT3310 Tools for the analysis of gender, equality and diversity
- KULT8873 Gender equality and diversity
- KULT6502 Gender and diversity in organization and management
On science, technology and society
- KULT2201 Digitalisation and social change
- KULT8880 Research, technology & society: RRI-course Digital Life Norway
- KULT8851 Theories of science
On methods
- KULT3300 Project management, research and communication
- KULT3302 Qualitative methods
- KULT8860/61 Speech, text & interpretation. Qualitative methodologies for researchers
In the media: Kifinfo 2019 – Kifinfo 2021 – Forskerforum – NTNU HumSam – Universitetsavisa
Stuvøy, Ingvill;
Kirpichenko, Maria;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Lie, Merete;
Moratti, Sofia.
Bioteknologiske framtider. Refleksjoner over endringene i bioteknologiloven fra et kjønnsforskningsperspektiv.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning
Short communication
Moratti, Sofia.
Contemporary Fairy Tales: Narrating Women Academics Through Metaphors.
Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics
Academic article
Kharas, Mark William;
Søraa, Roger Andre;
Moratti, Sofia.
Societal Readiness Plan for Robotics4EU.
Robotics4EU Project
Moratti, Sofia.
A woman’s place is in the ‘home’? Gender-specific hiring patterns in academia in gender-equal Norway.
Journal of Sociology
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
Do Low-Openness, Low-Transparency Procedures in Academic Hiring Disadvantage Women?.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Sørensen, Knut Holtan;
Moratti, Sofia.
The publication culture at the Faculty of Humanities, NTNU
A survey.
NTNU, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture
Moratti, Sofia.
What's in a word? On the use of metaphors to describe the careers of women academics.
Gender and Education
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia;
Patterson, Dennis.
Legal Insanity and the Brain.
Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Academic
Non-fiction book
Moratti, Sofia.
Fertility control.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moratti, Sofia;
Patterson, Dennis.
Adverse Psychological Effects to Deep Brain Stimulation: Overturning the Question.
AJOB Neuroscience
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
Schmitz, il progressista borghese. Lo Svevo politico [Schmitz, the progressive bourgeois. Svevo's political writings].
Troubador Publishing Ltd
Moratti, Sofia;
Ceva, Emanuela.
Whose self-determination? Barriers to access to Emergency Hormonal Contraception in Italy.
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia;
Baggio, Giosuè.
Brain Imaging as a Diagnostic and as a Communicative Tool in Disorders of Consciousness.
European University Institute Working Papers
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia;
Vezzoni, Cristiano.
Treatment Directives in the Netherlands: The Gap between Legal Regulation and Medical Practice.
Brill Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moratti, Sofia.
Ethical and legal acceptability of the use of neuro-muscular blockers (NMBs) in connection with abstention decisions in Dutch NICUs: interviews with neonatologists.
Journal of Medical Ethics
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
Non-treatment decisions on grounds of ‘medical futility’ and definition of ‘quality of life’: interviews with 14 Dutch neonatologists.
Issues in law & medicine
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
The Englaro case: withdrawal of treatment from a patient in a Permanent Vegetative State in Italy.
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
Management of conflicts with the parents over administration of life-prolonging treatment in two Dutch NICUs: interviews with neonatologists.
Medicine and law : an international journal
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia;
Pignotti, Maria Serenella.
The Italian Ministry of Health recommends resuscitation for all pre-term infants irrespective of gestational age and parental consent.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
End-of-life decisions in Dutch neonatology.
Medical Law Review
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia;
Pignotti, Maria Serenella.
Regulation of treatment of infants at the edge of viability in Italy: the role of the medical profession?.
Journal of Medical Ethics
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
The parents' ability to take care of their baby as a factor in decisions to withhold or withdraw life-prolonging treatment in two Dutch NICUs.
Journal of Medical Ethics
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
The development of medical futility: towards a procedural approach based on the role of the medical profession.
Journal of Medical Ethics
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
La proporzionalità delle cure in neonatologia: un documento della Società Olandese di Pediatria.
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
End-of-life decisions in Italy.
Hart Publishing Ltd
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moratti, Sofia.
Il Protocollo di Groningen: conversazioni con Eduard Verhagen.
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
Ontluikend begrip voor levensbeëindiging in Italië.
Medisch Contact
Popular scientific article
Journal publications
Stuvøy, Ingvill;
Kirpichenko, Maria;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Lie, Merete;
Moratti, Sofia.
Bioteknologiske framtider. Refleksjoner over endringene i bioteknologiloven fra et kjønnsforskningsperspektiv.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning
Short communication
Moratti, Sofia.
Contemporary Fairy Tales: Narrating Women Academics Through Metaphors.
Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
A woman’s place is in the ‘home’? Gender-specific hiring patterns in academia in gender-equal Norway.
Journal of Sociology
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
Do Low-Openness, Low-Transparency Procedures in Academic Hiring Disadvantage Women?.
Social Sciences
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
What's in a word? On the use of metaphors to describe the careers of women academics.
Gender and Education
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia;
Patterson, Dennis.
Adverse Psychological Effects to Deep Brain Stimulation: Overturning the Question.
AJOB Neuroscience
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia;
Ceva, Emanuela.
Whose self-determination? Barriers to access to Emergency Hormonal Contraception in Italy.
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia;
Baggio, Giosuè.
Brain Imaging as a Diagnostic and as a Communicative Tool in Disorders of Consciousness.
European University Institute Working Papers
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
Ethical and legal acceptability of the use of neuro-muscular blockers (NMBs) in connection with abstention decisions in Dutch NICUs: interviews with neonatologists.
Journal of Medical Ethics
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
Non-treatment decisions on grounds of ‘medical futility’ and definition of ‘quality of life’: interviews with 14 Dutch neonatologists.
Issues in law & medicine
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
The Englaro case: withdrawal of treatment from a patient in a Permanent Vegetative State in Italy.
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
Management of conflicts with the parents over administration of life-prolonging treatment in two Dutch NICUs: interviews with neonatologists.
Medicine and law : an international journal
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia;
Pignotti, Maria Serenella.
The Italian Ministry of Health recommends resuscitation for all pre-term infants irrespective of gestational age and parental consent.
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
End-of-life decisions in Dutch neonatology.
Medical Law Review
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia;
Pignotti, Maria Serenella.
Regulation of treatment of infants at the edge of viability in Italy: the role of the medical profession?.
Journal of Medical Ethics
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
The parents' ability to take care of their baby as a factor in decisions to withhold or withdraw life-prolonging treatment in two Dutch NICUs.
Journal of Medical Ethics
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
The development of medical futility: towards a procedural approach based on the role of the medical profession.
Journal of Medical Ethics
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
La proporzionalità delle cure in neonatologia: un documento della Società Olandese di Pediatria.
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
Il Protocollo di Groningen: conversazioni con Eduard Verhagen.
Academic article
Moratti, Sofia.
Ontluikend begrip voor levensbeëindiging in Italië.
Medisch Contact
Popular scientific article
Moratti, Sofia;
Patterson, Dennis.
Legal Insanity and the Brain.
Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Academic
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Moratti, Sofia.
Fertility control.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moratti, Sofia.
Schmitz, il progressista borghese. Lo Svevo politico [Schmitz, the progressive bourgeois. Svevo's political writings].
Troubador Publishing Ltd
Moratti, Sofia;
Vezzoni, Cristiano.
Treatment Directives in the Netherlands: The Gap between Legal Regulation and Medical Practice.
Brill Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Moratti, Sofia.
End-of-life decisions in Italy.
Hart Publishing Ltd
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kharas, Mark William;
Søraa, Roger Andre;
Moratti, Sofia.
Societal Readiness Plan for Robotics4EU.
Robotics4EU Project
Sørensen, Knut Holtan;
Moratti, Sofia.
The publication culture at the Faculty of Humanities, NTNU
A survey.
NTNU, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureMoratti, Sofia. (2021) Women scientists during the pandemic . Panteion University Athens + University of Iceland + NTNU Lecture series, ProGender – A Digital Hub on Gender, the Covid-19 crisis and its Aftermath 2021-01-12 -
LectureHesjedal, Maria Bårdsen; Moratti, Sofia. (2021) Interdisciplinarity in Practice: Experiences from Digital Life Norway (DLN) . Post-webinar workshop - Digital Transformation: How to succeed with cross-disciplinary collaboration? 2021-05-05 -
InterviewSøraa, Roger Andre; Valkenburg, Govert; Moratti, Sofia. (2021) Position structure in the fog home. [Newspaper] 2021-05-09
Academic lectureHesjedal, Maria Bårdsen; Moratti, Sofia. (2021) Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Assumptions, Expectations and Experiences. Webinar - Digital Transformation: How to succeed with cross-disciplinary collaboration? 2021-05-05 -
Academic lectureMoratti, Sofia. (2021) Women, Gender and Science during COVID-19. Panel series, ProGender – A Digital Hub on Gender, the Covid-19 crisis and its Aftermath. Chair of panel discussion , 2021-05-26 -
Popular scientific lecture
Popular scientific lectureSøraa, Roger Andre; Bruijning, Nienke; Moratti, Sofia. (2020) Movie screening: "The Stepford Wives" (1975). Introduction by Sofia Moratti. IMRO-Lab – NTNU Welfare Technology IMRO-Lab Cyborg Cinema Series 2020-02-27 -
LectureMoratti, Sofia. (2020) One size does not fit all: the «academic excellence» standard and its implementation. Forskningsrådet – The Research Council of Norway , Lysaker, Oslo 2020-01-30 -
InterviewMoratti, Sofia. (2020) Hvis alle kvinnelige stipendiater hadde skrevet hver sin kronikk, så hadde man sett at dette ikke bare er anekdoter. ForskerForum ForskerForum [Business/trade/industry journal] 2020-01-02
InterviewMoratti, Sofia. (2020) Vi bestemmer om glasstaket finnes. Metaforer som beskriver kvinners karriere i akademia er verken inkluderende eller maktkritiske. KIFinfo – Committee for Gender and Diversity in Research KIFinfo – Committee for Gender and Diversity in Research [Newspaper] 2020-06-03
LectureMoratti, Sofia. (2020) "Ulysses" and "Penelope": Gendered patterns of professorial recruitment. GENDIM Workshop on gender equality in academia , Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Trondheim 2020-03-09 -
Academic lectureMoratti, Sofia. (2019) Are internationalisation and excellence policies bad for women? . Institute for Social Research, Oslo NORDICORE conference: Endelig likestilling i akademia? 2019-10-07 -
Popular scientific lectureMoratti, Sofia. (2019) From natural events to fairy tales: narrating women academics through metaphors. NTNU Vitenskapsteoretisk Forum talk series 2019-11-19 -
Popular scientific lectureMoratti, Sofia. (2019) A maze of metaphors on women academics. Kjønnsforskerstafett på kvinnedagen – Women's day event, POPUP Feministhus 2019-03-08 -
LectureMoratti, Sofia. (2019) Contemporary fairy tales: narrating women academic through metaphors. 30-year Jubilee of the NTNU Center for Gender Research , Trøndelag Theater, Trondheim 2019-09-27 -
LectureMoratti, Sofia. (2019) Gender-specific career paths in academia in Norway? . Nordic Law & Gender Conference 2019 –– Faculty of Law, University of Oslo 2019-09-23 -