Bengt Martin Staffan Wahlgren
Building 11, room 11537, Dragvoll, Edvard Bulls veg 1
Wahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan.
Theodore Metochites and Language.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan.
Word Order in Byzantine Literary Greek.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan.
Die Geschichte geht weiter: Die Zusätze zu Symeon Logothetes/Theophanes continuatus und ihre sprachliche Form.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan.
Rewriting History: The Metaphrasis of a Mid-Byzantine Chronicle.
Symbolae Osloenses - Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Byzantine Chronicles and Metaphrasis.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Monk, the Logothete, and the Vremennik: a Greek chronicle and its Slavonic translation (George the Monk-Symeon the Logothete Version B).
Travaux et mémoires - Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Arguing and Narrating: Text type and linguistic variation in tenth-century Greek.
De Gruyter Mouton
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Symeon the Logothete and Theophanes continuatus.
Jahrbuch der Østerreichischen Byzantinistik
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Von traditioneller Textkritik bis New Philology und Digital Humanities: von Herbert Hunger bis heute.
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Chronicle of the Logothete. Symeon Magistros and Logothetes.
Liverpool University Press
Liverpool University Press
Academic monograph
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Database Design and Sociolinguistics: Considerations for ByzTec (the Byzantine Tagged Electronic Corpus).
AION: Annali dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli «L'Orientale»
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Late Byzantine Knowledge, and Attitudes Towards, Foreigners and their Lands: evidence from the writings of the Grand Logothete Theodore Metochites (1270-1332).
Journal of Ancient Civilizations
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Frédéric Lambert, Rutger J. Allan, Theodore Markopoulos (ed.), The Greek Future and its History. Le futur grec et son histoire. Bibliothèque des cahiers de linguistique de Louvain, 139. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters, 2017.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR)
Book review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Christos Karvounis. Diglossie, Sprachideologie, Wertekonflikte.
Zur Geschichte der neugriechischen Standardsprache (1780 bis 1930).
Neograeca bohemica
Academic literature review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Theodore Metochites´ Sententious Notes: Semeioseis gnomikai 61-70&72-81.
Göteborgs universitet. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis
Göteborgs universitet. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis
Academic monograph
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Mischa Meier, Christine Radtki, Fabian Schulz (ed.), Die Weltchronik des Johannes Malalas. Autor - Werk - Überlieferung. Malalas Studien, 1. Schriften zur Chronik des Johannes Malalas, rev. by S. Wahlgren.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR)
Book review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
James Clackson, Language and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Key themes in ancient history, rev. by S. Wahlgren.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR)
Book review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Close to the Author - But How Close? Theodorus Metochites, Semeioseis gnomikai.
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Istoriografija srednevizantijskogo perioda: traditsija, innovatsija i reseptsija.
Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International relations
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Past and Present in Mid-Byzantine Chronicles: Change in Narrative Technique and the Transmission of Knowledge.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Rara avis in Ultima Thule og Paradeigmata: festskrifter til to klassiske filologer (Synnøve des Bouvrie og Øivind Andersen).
Klassisk Forum
Academic literature review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Warren Treadgold, The Middle Byzantine Historians.
Byzantinische Zeitschrift
Book review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Remembering the Palace in Byzantine Chronicles.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Nicetas David, The Life of Patriarch Ignatius. Text and translation by A. Smithies, with notes by J. M. Duffy (Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae 51 = Dumbarton Oaks Texts 13).
Jahrbuch der Østerreichischen Byzantinistik
Academic literature review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Editing the Miscellanea of Theodorus Metochites.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Case, Style and Competence in Byzantine Greek.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Literature of Palaiologan Byzantium.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
New Philology and the Chronicle of Symeon the Logothete.
Uppsala universitet
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Et norsk antikkleksikon - en anmeldelse.
Book review
Hult, Karin;
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Traderingen av grekiska texter och grekisk textkritik.
Svenska vitterhetssamfundet
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Leif Inge Ree;
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Siege Warfare in the Successor States: Byzantium, the West, and Islam, 400-800 A.D. Volum I; Volum II: Corpus Obsidionum.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (327)
Doctoral dissertation
Wahlgren, Staffan;
Pouech, Pierre-Hugues.
La population et la guerre dans la Grèce antique.
Masters thesis
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Om antikkens musikk.
Klassisk Forum
Academic article
Pedersen, Helge;
Wahlgren, Staffan.
I skyggen av Justinian. Romersk utenrikspolitikk 565 - 602.
Masters thesis
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Byzantine Literary Language and Classical Antiquity.
Georg Olms Verlag AG
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Byzantine Literature and the Classical Past.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lervik, Marius;
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Brødrene Gracchus - makstsyke aristokrater eller folkevennlige reformatorer?.
Masters thesis
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Iulius Africanus: Chronographie. The Extant Fragments.
Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum
Book review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
On the Palimpsestation of Historical Texts: the Chronicle of Symeon the Logothete and others.
Peeters Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Att gå till historien.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Bysantinsk byhistorie og bygningshistorie.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Symeonis magistri et logothetae chronicon.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Academic monograph
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Die Logotheten-Chronik: Form - Inhalt - Ideologie.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Modern Greek in the 10th c. AD.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Old Slavonic Translations of the Chronicle of Symeon the Logothete.
Acta Byzantina Fennica
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Resension av G. Walser, The Greek of the Ancient Synagogue. An Investigation of the Greek of the Septuagint, the Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament, Lund 2001 (Studia graeca et latina lundensia 8).
Gnomon. Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft
Academic literature review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Original und Archetypus: zu Zustandekommen und Transformation einer byzantinischen Weltchronik (Pseudo-Polydeukes/Symeo.
Byzantinische Zeitschrift
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Particles in Byzantine Chronicles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Towards a Grammar of Byzantine Greek.
Symbolae Osloenses - Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Bysantinsk historieskriving och arvet från antiken.
Klassisk Forum
Popular scientific article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Languages of the Synagogue: An Evaluation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Symeon the Logothete: some philological remarks.
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Return of Nicholas I Mystikos to the Patriarchate.
Classica et Mediaevalia
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Aristoteles och Pseudo-Xenofon om athenarnas stadsförfattning, med översättning, inledning och noter.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Academic monograph
Journal publications
Wahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan.
Rewriting History: The Metaphrasis of a Mid-Byzantine Chronicle.
Symbolae Osloenses - Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Monk, the Logothete, and the Vremennik: a Greek chronicle and its Slavonic translation (George the Monk-Symeon the Logothete Version B).
Travaux et mémoires - Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Symeon the Logothete and Theophanes continuatus.
Jahrbuch der Østerreichischen Byzantinistik
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Database Design and Sociolinguistics: Considerations for ByzTec (the Byzantine Tagged Electronic Corpus).
AION: Annali dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli «L'Orientale»
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Late Byzantine Knowledge, and Attitudes Towards, Foreigners and their Lands: evidence from the writings of the Grand Logothete Theodore Metochites (1270-1332).
Journal of Ancient Civilizations
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Frédéric Lambert, Rutger J. Allan, Theodore Markopoulos (ed.), The Greek Future and its History. Le futur grec et son histoire. Bibliothèque des cahiers de linguistique de Louvain, 139. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters, 2017.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR)
Book review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Christos Karvounis. Diglossie, Sprachideologie, Wertekonflikte.
Zur Geschichte der neugriechischen Standardsprache (1780 bis 1930).
Neograeca bohemica
Academic literature review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Mischa Meier, Christine Radtki, Fabian Schulz (ed.), Die Weltchronik des Johannes Malalas. Autor - Werk - Überlieferung. Malalas Studien, 1. Schriften zur Chronik des Johannes Malalas, rev. by S. Wahlgren.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR)
Book review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
James Clackson, Language and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds. Key themes in ancient history, rev. by S. Wahlgren.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR)
Book review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Istoriografija srednevizantijskogo perioda: traditsija, innovatsija i reseptsija.
Science Journal of Volgograd State University. History. Area Studies. International relations
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Rara avis in Ultima Thule og Paradeigmata: festskrifter til to klassiske filologer (Synnøve des Bouvrie og Øivind Andersen).
Klassisk Forum
Academic literature review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Warren Treadgold, The Middle Byzantine Historians.
Byzantinische Zeitschrift
Book review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Nicetas David, The Life of Patriarch Ignatius. Text and translation by A. Smithies, with notes by J. M. Duffy (Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae 51 = Dumbarton Oaks Texts 13).
Jahrbuch der Østerreichischen Byzantinistik
Academic literature review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Et norsk antikkleksikon - en anmeldelse.
Book review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Om antikkens musikk.
Klassisk Forum
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Iulius Africanus: Chronographie. The Extant Fragments.
Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum
Book review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Old Slavonic Translations of the Chronicle of Symeon the Logothete.
Acta Byzantina Fennica
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Resension av G. Walser, The Greek of the Ancient Synagogue. An Investigation of the Greek of the Septuagint, the Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament, Lund 2001 (Studia graeca et latina lundensia 8).
Gnomon. Kritische Zeitschrift für die gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft
Academic literature review
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Original und Archetypus: zu Zustandekommen und Transformation einer byzantinischen Weltchronik (Pseudo-Polydeukes/Symeo.
Byzantinische Zeitschrift
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Towards a Grammar of Byzantine Greek.
Symbolae Osloenses - Norwegian Journal of Greek and Latin Studies
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Bysantinsk historieskriving och arvet från antiken.
Klassisk Forum
Popular scientific article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Symeon the Logothete: some philological remarks.
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Return of Nicholas I Mystikos to the Patriarchate.
Classica et Mediaevalia
Academic article
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Chronicle of the Logothete. Symeon Magistros and Logothetes.
Liverpool University Press
Liverpool University Press
Academic monograph
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Theodore Metochites´ Sententious Notes: Semeioseis gnomikai 61-70&72-81.
Göteborgs universitet. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis
Göteborgs universitet. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis
Academic monograph
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Symeonis magistri et logothetae chronicon.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Academic monograph
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Aristoteles och Pseudo-Xenofon om athenarnas stadsförfattning, med översättning, inledning och noter.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Wahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan.
Theodore Metochites and Language.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan.
Word Order in Byzantine Literary Greek.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan.
Die Geschichte geht weiter: Die Zusätze zu Symeon Logothetes/Theophanes continuatus und ihre sprachliche Form.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Byzantine Chronicles and Metaphrasis.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Arguing and Narrating: Text type and linguistic variation in tenth-century Greek.
De Gruyter Mouton
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Von traditioneller Textkritik bis New Philology und Digital Humanities: von Herbert Hunger bis heute.
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Close to the Author - But How Close? Theodorus Metochites, Semeioseis gnomikai.
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Past and Present in Mid-Byzantine Chronicles: Change in Narrative Technique and the Transmission of Knowledge.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Remembering the Palace in Byzantine Chronicles.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Editing the Miscellanea of Theodorus Metochites.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Case, Style and Competence in Byzantine Greek.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Literature of Palaiologan Byzantium.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
New Philology and the Chronicle of Symeon the Logothete.
Uppsala universitet
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hult, Karin;
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Traderingen av grekiska texter och grekisk textkritik.
Svenska vitterhetssamfundet
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Byzantine Literary Language and Classical Antiquity.
Georg Olms Verlag AG
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Byzantine Literature and the Classical Past.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
On the Palimpsestation of Historical Texts: the Chronicle of Symeon the Logothete and others.
Peeters Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Att gå till historien.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Bysantinsk byhistorie og bygningshistorie.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Die Logotheten-Chronik: Form - Inhalt - Ideologie.
Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Modern Greek in the 10th c. AD.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Particles in Byzantine Chronicles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wahlgren, Staffan.
The Languages of the Synagogue: An Evaluation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Petersen, Leif Inge Ree;
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Siege Warfare in the Successor States: Byzantium, the West, and Islam, 400-800 A.D. Volum I; Volum II: Corpus Obsidionum.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (327)
Doctoral dissertation
Wahlgren, Staffan;
Pouech, Pierre-Hugues.
La population et la guerre dans la Grèce antique.
Masters thesis
Pedersen, Helge;
Wahlgren, Staffan.
I skyggen av Justinian. Romersk utenrikspolitikk 565 - 602.
Masters thesis
Lervik, Marius;
Wahlgren, Staffan.
Brødrene Gracchus - makstsyke aristokrater eller folkevennlige reformatorer?.
Masters thesis
- GRE1101 - Innføring i gresk
- KLAS2004 - Nygresk litteratur og kultur
- KLAS2000 - Bacheloroppgave i klassiske fag
- KLAS2101 - Klassisk fordypning
- KLAS2002 - Europas middelalder
- LAT1004 - Tekstkurs III i latin: Antikk prosa II
- LAT1002 - Tekstkurs I i latin: Middelalderlatin
- ANT1102 - Antikkens litteratur
- ANT1104 - Antikkens religion og mytologi
- LAT1006 - Latinske oversettelser
Academic lectureWahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan. (2024) Comments on the Interplay of Philology and Linguistics for the Analysis of Postclassical Greek. Postclassical Greek Network Postclassical Greek Network, 8th meeting , Würzburg 2024-07-19 - 2024-07-19
Academic lectureWahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan. (2024) The Emperor's Greek: Constantine VII Porfyrogenitus' literary production in context. Università di Genova Conference on Constantine VII , Genova 2024-10-25 - 2024-10-25
LectureWahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan. (2023) Musikk i antikken. Trondheims klassiske studentforening Gjesteforelesning , Trondheim 2023-11-10 - 2023-11-10
Academic lectureWahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan. (2023) Negations in Tenth-Century Greek. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki Second Postclassical Greek Conference , Thessaloniki 2023-10-12 - 2023-10-14
Academic lectureWahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan. (2023) Come scrivere una cronaca bizantina? Metodi di lavoro nella storiografia dell'epoca di Costantino VII Porfirogenito. Università di Genova Gjesteforelesning , Genova, Italia 2023-04-13 - 2023-04-13
Academic lectureWahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan. (2023) Linguistic Thought in Moschopulean Schedography. Universiteit Gent Teaching and Learning Greek in Byzantium , Ghent, Belgia 2023-06-02 - 2023-06-02
Academic lectureWahlgren, Bengt Martin Staffan. (2023) Between Symeon the Logothete and Theophanes Continuatus: how to edit the intermediary versions (Logothete B). Universiteit Gent Workshop of Editorial Practices of Byzantine Texts , Ghent, Belgia 2023-05-24 - 2023-05-24
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2022) The Tenth-Century-Greek Project. Postclassical Greek Network Postclassical Greek Network Meeting , Köln 2022-12-02 - 2022-12-02
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2022) How to write history in the tenth century. Univ. Tübingen Tübingen Byzantine and Near Eastern Seminar , Tübingen 2022-11-24 - 2022-11-24
LectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2022) Hva vet vi om indoeuropeerne?. Studenterforening, NTNU Studenterforening, NTNU , Trondheim 2022-11-16 - 2022-11-16
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2021) Byzantine grammarians and syntactic normativity. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Correctness in comparison: Negotiating linguistic norms in Greek , Wien 2021-06-18 - 2021-06-19
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2021) Word Order in Formal Byzantine Greek. Universität Köln 1st Postclassical Greek Conference Cologne , Köln 2021-03-24 - 2021-03-26
LectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2020) Silention: The Emperor Speaks. North East Normal University The fourth international Byzantine seminar of IHAC , Changchun 2020-11-10 - 2020-11-10
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2019) Futures of the Past: the secondary versions of the Chronicle of the Logothete from a philologist's point of view. Oxford University Late Antique and Byzantine Studies Seminar , Oxford 2019-05-03 - 2019-05-03
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2019) Variation in Learned Byzantine Greek. Oxford University Late Antique and Byzantine Studies Seminar , Oxford 2019-05-08 - 2019-05-08
LectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2019) Fragments of History: selected fragmentary historians of early Byzantium. North East Normal University The third international Byzantine seminar of IHAC , Changchun 2019-10-07 - 2019-10-15
LectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2019) Fragments of History: a general overview. North East Normal University The third international Byzantine seminar of IHAC , Changchun 2019-10-07 - 2019-10-15
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2018) Procopius on Foreigners. North-East Normal University Second National Chinese Byzantine Seminar , Changchun 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-21
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2018) Malalas on Foreigners. North-East Normal University Second National Chinese Byzantine Seminar , Changchun 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-21
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2018) The secondary versions of the Chronicle of Symeon the Logothete. Sorbonne/Collège de France Byzantine seminar of the Sorbonne , Paris 2018-05-16 - 2018-05-16
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2018) Agathias on Foreigners. North-East Normal University Second National Chinese Byzantine Seminar , Changchun 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-21
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2018) Foreigners, Barbarians, Pagans, Heretics: being different in Early Byzantium. North-East Normal University Second National Chinese Byzantine Seminar , Changchun 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-21
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2016) Diachrony of a Literary Register: Byzantine Greek of the 10th and 14th centuries. Univ. Mainz Postclassical Greek: Intersections of Philology and Linguistics , Mainz 2016-02-15 - 2016-02-17
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2016) Byzantine Digital Studies. Northeastern Normal University Classics/Byzantine Seminar , Changchun 2016-10-13 - 2016-10-13
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2016) Describing, Narrating, Arguing: Text Type and Linguistic Variation in 10th c. Greek. Universiteit Gent Varieties in Post-Classcial and Byzantine Greek , Gent 2016-12-01 - 2016-12-02
LectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2016) An Introduction to Theophanes the Confessor. Northeastern Normal University Classics/Byzantine Seminar , Changchun 2016-10-05 - 2016-10-05
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2016) The Future of Editing Byzantine Texts: The Mid-Byzantine Chronicles. Association Iinternationale des études byzantines International congress of AIEB , Belgrad 2016-08-21 - 2016-08-27
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2016) Digital Humanities and Byzantine Studies. Association Iinternationale des études byzantines International congress of AIEB , Belgrad 2016-08-21 - 2016-08-27
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2016) Byzantine Chronicles and Metaphrasis. Association Iinternationale des études byzantines International congress of AIEB , Belgrad 2016-08-21 - 2016-08-27
LectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2016) Historical, Byzantine and Classical Studies in Scandinavia/The Nordic Countries. Northeastern Normal University Classics/Byzantine Seminar , Changchun 2016-10-19 - 2016-10-19
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2016) Database Design and Sociolinguistics: considerations for ByzTec (the Byzantine Tagged electronic Corpus). Association Iinternationale des études byzantines International congress of AIEB , Belgrad 2016-08-21 - 2016-08-27
LectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2015) Language and Identity in the Mediterranean. Institute for Ancient Civilizations Byzantine Lecture Series , Changchun 2015-10-19 - 2015-10-19
LectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2015) Greatness Remembered: the 6th c. in later Byzantine historiography. Institute for Ancient Civilizations Byzantine Lecture Series , Changchun 2015-10-14 - 2015-10-14
LectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2015) John Malalas and Other Historians of the Sixth Century. Institute for Ancient Civilizations Byzantine Lecture Series , Changchun 2015-10-12 - 2015-10-12
LectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2015) Middle Byzantine Historiography: tradition, innovation, and reception. Institute for Ancient Civilizations Byzantine Lecture Series , Changchun 2015-10-15 - 2015-10-15
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2015) Middle Byzantine Historiography: tradition, innovation, and reception. State University Wolgograd Wolgograd Byzantine Conference , Wolgograd 2015-05-11 - 2015-05-15
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2015) Digital Humanities and Byzantine Studies. Senter for teologi og religion, LU Instituttseminar , Lund 2015-11-23 - 2015-11-23
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2015) From Theophanes to Psellos: transformations of Byzantine historiography. Centre of Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies CBOMGS Seminar Series , Birmingham 2015-02-26 - 2015-02-26
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2014) Herbert Hunger und die Textkritik. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Herbert-Hunger-Tagung , Wien 2014-12-09 - 2014-12-10
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2014) Sprache und Macht: das Beispiel Griechenland. Universität zu Köln Seminarserie , Köln 2014-05-26 - 2014-05-26
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2013) Empire under Threat: late Byzantium through the eyes of its prime minister (Theodore Metochites, 1270-1332). Northeastern Normal University European Medieval Studies Conference , Changchun 2013-09-14 - 2013-09-14
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2013) Dekadenz, Tod, Triumph: Byzanz im europäischen und türkischen Film. Universität Köln "Death by Camera": der Tod im Film , Köln 2013-12-02 - 2013-12-02
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2013) The Historian's Workshop: from ancient manuscript to modern book. Northeastern Normal University Department Seminar , Changchun 2013-09-12 - 2013-09-12
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2013) Past and Present in mid-‐Byzantine Chronicles: change of narrative technique and the transmission of knowledge. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies Past and Present in Medieval Chronicles , Helsinki 2013-01-24 - 2013-01-25
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2013) Byzantine Historiography and its Classical Heritage. Northeastern Normal University Department Seminar , Changchun 2013-09-10 - 2013-09-10
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2011) Byzantinisches Griechisch. Deutsches Historisches Institut, Paris/Univ. Frankfurt Politische Diglossie im Mittelalter , Paris 2011-02-24 -
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2011) Teori og praksis i antikk musikk: intervall, skalaer, rytmer, fremføring. Norsk Klassisk Forbund Temadag om antikkens musikk , Oslo 2011-04-02 - 2011-04-02
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2011) The Chronicle of the Logothete: the sequel. King's College, London Centre of Hellenic Studies Seminar , London 2011-02-01 - 2011-02-01
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2011) New Philology and Byzantine Studies: introductory address. Association internationale des études byzantines 22nd International Congress og Byzantine Studies , Sofia 2011-08-20 - 2011-08-26
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2010) The Literature of Paleologan Byzantium. Turkish Historical Society Istanbulun dogu Roma günleri , Istanbul 2010-05-21 - 2010-05-23
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2009) Byzantine Literary Language and Classical Antiquity. University of St. Andrews Symposion in Honour of A. Jannaris , St. Andrews 2009-06-14 - 2009-06-17
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2009) Introductory address. Institutt for historie og klassiske fag, NTNU Greek and Roman Games in the Computer Age , Trondheim 2009-02-20 - 2009-02-21
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2009) Aristoteles og Athenenes Statsforfatning. Linjeforening. Apeiron og Trondheim Klassisk Studentforening Antikkens filosofi , Trondheim 2009-03-27 - 2009-03-27
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2009) To Study a Dead Language: the case of Greek. Norske institutt i Athen 20 years anniversary, Norwegian Institute at Athens , Athen 2009-05-08 - 2009-05-08
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2008) Bilder av korstogene i greske tekster. Klassiske fag, IHK, NTNU Foredrag , Trondheim 2008-10-16 - 2008-10-16
InterviewWahlgren, Staffan. (2008) Om klassiske fag ved NTNU og gresk sang fra antikken. NRK2 NRK2 [Radio] 2008-09-26
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2008) The chronicle of Symeon the Logothete. Late antique and Byzantine studies seminar, Univ. of Oxford Foredrag , Oxford 2008-11-19 - 2008-11-19
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2008) The Morea Chronicle from a philologist´s point of view. Univ. of Cambridge, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages Foredrag , Cambridge 2008-11-13 - 2008-11-13
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2008) Gresk musikk. Studentforening for klassiske fag Foredrag , Trondheim 2008-09-25 - 2008-09-25
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2007) Die Weltchronik des Symeon Logothetes: Form - Inhalt - Entstehung - Ideologie. Universität zu Köln Foredrag , Köln 2007-05-21 - 2007-05-21
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2007) Konstantinopel genom tiderna. Svenska humanistiska förbundet foredrag , Göteborg 2007-10-16 - 2007-10-16
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2007) Konstantinopel - Istanbul: berättelsen om en stad mellan öst och väst. Vuxenskolan i Väst foredrag , Göteborg 2007-03-15 - 2007-03-15
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2007) Om antikens musik. Svenska Athenvännernas förening foredrag , Lund 2007-03-29 - 2007-03-29
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2006) History in the Mid-Byzantine Period: the case of the Chronicle of Symeon the Logothete. Association internationale des Études byzantines foredrag , London 2006-08-19 - 2006-08-25
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2006) Theodorus Metochites: semeioseis gnomikai 76-81. Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lunds universitet foredrag , Lund 2006-10-18 - 2006-10-18
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2006) Antike Vorbilder der byzantinischen Hochsprache. Universität Greifswald foredrag , Greifswald 2006-10-22 - 2006-10-24
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2006) Filologi och editionsteknik. Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lunds universitet husseminar , Lund 2006-11-06 - 2006-11-06
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2006) Vad vet vi om antikens musik?. Klassiska föreningen, Göteborg foredrag , Göteborg 2006-12-06 - 2006-12-06
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2005) Die Logothetenchronik: Form - Inhalt - Ideologie. Universität Jena Julius Africanus und die mittelalterliche Chronistik , Eisenach 2005-05-19 - 2005-05-21
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2005) Teknologi och vetenskap i Bysans. Greek Ministry of Culture Course for School Teachers , Delfi 2005-07-24 - 2005-08-05
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2005) Archilochos och Sapfo. Greek Ministry of Culture Summer Course for Teachers , Delfi 2005-07-24 - 2005-08-05
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2005) Herodotos och historiens drivkrafter. Greek Ministry of Culture Summer Course for Teachers , Delfi 2005-07-24 - 2005-08-05
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2005) Arkeologi og filologi. Institutt for arkeologi, NTNU Kurs for arkeologistudenter , Trondheim 2005-02-17 - 2005-02-17
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2004) Homeros i den moderna forskningen. Lunds universitet Seminar i gresk , Lund 2004-04-26 -
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2004) Gresk litteratur og den antikke virkeligheten. Institutt for arkeologi og religionsvitenskap Gjesteforelesing , Suhmhuseet, Trondheim 2004-09-30 -
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2004) Bysants - eksotisk og aktuelt. NTNU-videre Fagpedagogisk dag , Dragvoll, NTNU 2004-11-26 -
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2003) Om the Palimpsestation of Historical Texts: Symeon the Logothete and Others. Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Institut orientaliste, , Leuven, Belgia 2003-09-06 -
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2002) Bysantinsk historieskriving og arven fra antikken. Klassisk forbund , Oslo 2002-03-02 -
Popular scientific lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2002) Hellas og Norge i antikken og middelalderen. Gresk uke, arr. Trondheim kommune , Trondheim 2002-11-29 -
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2001) Towards a Grammar of Byzantine Greek. 20e congrès international des études byzantines , Paris 2001-08-23 -
Academic lecture
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2001) Palimpsestforschung in Skandinavien. Rinascimento virtuale , Roma 2001-02-03 -
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2001) Å edere Theodoros Metochites. Årsmøte til norsk komite for bysantinske studier , Bergen 2001-12-15 -
Popular scientific lecture
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2000) Att skriva en bysantinsk grekisk grammatik. 4. svenska filologkongressen. , Uppsala 2.-4.juni
Academic lectureWahlgren, Staffan. (2000) Symeon Logotheten och den mellanbysantinska krönikeskrivningen. Årsmøte: Nasjonal komite for bysantinske studier , Bergen 31.oktober