Sverre Stikbakke
Beryll-bygget, Rom 337, Gjøvik
Zubinaite, Vilma;
Ødegård, Rune Strand;
Stikbakke, Sverre;
Storie, Joni;
Storie, Christopher;
Henry, Christopher.
Geomatics Field Course for Norwegian Civil Engineers: A Norway-Canada Collaboration.
Læring om læring
Academic article
Huang, Xiongwei;
Liu, Yongping;
Huang, Lizhen;
Stikbakke, Sverre;
Onstein, Erling.
BIM-supported drone path planning for building exterior surface inspection.
Computers in industry (Print)
Academic article
Zhou, Wenji;
Hagos, Dejene Assefa;
Stikbakke, Sverre;
Huang, Lizhen;
Cheng, Xu;
Onstein, Erling.
Assessment of the impacts of different policy instruments on achieving the deep decarbonization targets of island energy systems in Norway – The case of Hinnøya.
Academic article
Onstein, Erling;
Stikbakke, Sverre.
Exploring subset profile and validation procedures of geographical markup language (GML) for 3D areal plan information.
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM ...
Academic article
Journal publications
Zubinaite, Vilma;
Ødegård, Rune Strand;
Stikbakke, Sverre;
Storie, Joni;
Storie, Christopher;
Henry, Christopher.
Geomatics Field Course for Norwegian Civil Engineers: A Norway-Canada Collaboration.
Læring om læring
Academic article
Huang, Xiongwei;
Liu, Yongping;
Huang, Lizhen;
Stikbakke, Sverre;
Onstein, Erling.
BIM-supported drone path planning for building exterior surface inspection.
Computers in industry (Print)
Academic article
Zhou, Wenji;
Hagos, Dejene Assefa;
Stikbakke, Sverre;
Huang, Lizhen;
Cheng, Xu;
Onstein, Erling.
Assessment of the impacts of different policy instruments on achieving the deep decarbonization targets of island energy systems in Norway – The case of Hinnøya.
Academic article
Onstein, Erling;
Stikbakke, Sverre.
Exploring subset profile and validation procedures of geographical markup language (GML) for 3D areal plan information.
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM ...
Academic article
- TVB4105 - Geographic Information for Building Processes
- GEOM2910 - Bachelors thesis - Geomatics
- GEOM2900 - Bachelors thesis - Geomatics
- GEOM1210 - Land Surveying Calculations
- TVB4100 - Information Structuring for AEC/FM
- GEOM2790 - Geomatics Project Work
- GEOM2240 - Geographical infrastructure and information processing
- GEOM2550 - Geomatics Project Work
- GEOM2430 - Geographical infrastructure and information processing
Popular scientific lectureStikbakke, Sverre; Ødegård, Rune Strand. (2003) Hvor er sentrum i Oppland og Hedmark? En geografisk analyse [Foredrag forskningsdagene 2003]. Høgskolen i Gjøvik utenTitteltekst , Gjøvik 2003-09-22 - 2003-09-22
Academic lectureStikbakke, Sverre. (2002) GIS i skogbruksplanlegging [Gjesteforelesning]. Høgskolen i Hedmark, Avdeling for skog- og utmarksfag. utenTitteltekst , Evenstad 2002-11-08 - 2002-11-08
Popular scientific lectureStikbakke, Sverre. (2002) Hvordan ser skogen ut om 100 år? Visualisering av framtidig skogtilstand med GIS. [Foredrag forskningsdagene 2002]. Høgskolen i Gjøvik utenTitteltekst , Gjøvik 2002-09-23 - 2002-09-23
Academic lectureStikbakke, Sverre; Gobakken, Terje. (1998) Verktøy for langsiktige fler-ressursanalyser i skog. Norges forskningsråd, kontakt- og informasjonsmøte. , Norges Forskningsråd, kontakt og informasjonsmøte. Oslo
Academic lectureStikbakke, Sverre. (1998) Planlegging på landskapsnivå. Økonomi og planlegging i skogbruket , Økonomi og planlegging i skogbruket. Skogbrukts kursinstitutt, Biri