Tone Åse
Tone Åse is working with voice, improvisation and live electronics. As part of the Norwegian Artistic Resarch Programme 2008-2012, she has researched new roles for the improvising vocalist in the musical interplay, through use of live electronics. The resarch is presented on her website, She is currently teaching group improvising, vocal performance and reflection on artistic work at Department of Music.
Åse has for 2012-2018 been taking part in several artsitic reserach projects with the ensemle T-EMP led by professor Øyvind Brandtsegg at department of music, program of music technology
Åse is from 2018 representing NTNU in the steering board for the Norwegian Artistic Research School
As part of the Norwegian Artistic Resarch Programme 2008-2012, she has explored new roles for the improvising vocalist in the musical interplay, through use of live electronics.
Åse has for 2012-2018 been taking part in several artsitic reserach projects with the ensemle T-EMP led by professor Øyvind Brandtsegg at department of music, program of music technology
As part of her work with the improivising vocal ensemble Trondheim Voices, she is researching how the work with wireless midi-controllers (Maccatrol by Asle Karstad and Arnvid Lau Karstad) is implemented in and changing the ensemble's work with improvisation and composing in the creative collective.
In her interdiciplinary work with the solo perfomance "Samtalen" she is exploring the hybrid format of sound installation/performance/concert in the meeting with documentary sound material. Here she collaborates with dramaturg Tale Næss and sound artist Eirik Arthur Bleikesaunet.
Åse is from 2018 representing NTNU in the steering board for the Norwegian Artistic Research School
Brandtsegg, Øyvind;
Engum, Trond;
Waadeland, Carl Haakon;
Duch, Michael Francis;
Kaldestad, Gyrid Nordal;
Puckette, Miller.
Poke it with a stick / Joining the bots.
Music – recorded product
Åse, Tone.
Det kunne vært deg .
Music - composition
Brandtsegg, Øyvind;
Engum, Trond;
Ratkje, Maja Solveig Kjelstrup;
Waadeland, Carl Haakon;
Åse, Tone;
Duch, Michael Francis.
Å gripe inn i en annens lyd.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone.
Snakke om det, komposisjon for Trondheim Jazzorkester.
Music - composition
Åse, Tone;
Kaasbøll, Anita;
Gjære, Siri;
Lode, Ingrid;
Pettersen, Sissel Vera;
Skjerve, Heidi.
Konsert med Trondheim Voices på Illiosfestivalen: Ekkokammer 2.0.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone;
Haugerud, Tor;
Hegdal, Eirik;
Hulbækmo, Alf;
Pettersen, Sissel Vera;
Vågan, Ole Morten.
Konsert med Trondheim Jazzorkester, Dokkhuset.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone.
Solo og duokonsert på Other Minds Festival, San Fransisco.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone;
Haugerud, Tor.
Konsert med Bol&Snah på Sojo, Leuven, Belgia.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone.
Ut =Inn.
Music - composition
Kaasbøll, Anita;
Åse, Tone;
Pettersen, Sissel Vera;
Abrahamsen Garner, Natali;
Skjerve, Heidi;
Sævik, Torunn.
Konsert: Trondheim Voices "Folklore" (Molde Jazzfestival).
Musical performance
Sten, Helge;
Storløkken, Ståle;
Åse, Tone;
Skjerve, Heidi;
Lode, Ingrid;
Eskild Havenstrøm, Kari.
Konsert: Trondheim Voices "Folklore" (Skopje Jazz Festival).
Musical performance
Åse, Tone;
Roggen, Live Maria;
Skjerve, Heidi;
Kaasbøll, Anita;
Pettersen, Sissel Vera.
Turne med Trondheim Voices.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone;
Balke, Jon;
Skjerve, Heidi;
Roggen, Live Maria;
Sævik, Torunn;
Kaasbøll, Anita.
On Anodyne.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone;
Storløkken, Ståle;
Ryan, Hans Magnus;
Haugerud, Tor.
Turne i Italia, Bol&Snah.
Musical performance
Engum, Trond;
Åse, Tone;
Hoemsnes, Rune;
Formo, Daniel Buner.
Konsert med The Soundbyte Festival Internacional Chihuahua 2016 (Mexico).
Musical performance
Gjære, Siri;
Åse, Tone.
Stedsspesifikk Vokal performance over 5 dager med Trondheim Voices
Other presentation
Åse, Tone.
Expanding the vocalist’s role through the use of live electronics in realtime improvisation.
International Computer Music Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Åse, Tone.
The voice and the machine- and the voice in the machine – now you see me, now you don’t- Artistic Research in voice, live electronics and improvised interplay.
Brandtsegg, Øyvind;
Waadeland, Carl Haakon;
Saue, Sigurd;
Engum, Trond;
Wærstad, Bernt Isak;
Åse, Tone.
T-EMP: Trondheim Electroacoustic Music Performance. Communication and interplay in an electronically based ensemble.
Åse, Tone.
The voice and the machine- and the voice in the machine- now you see me, now you don't.
Doctoral dissertation
Bergsland, Andreas;
Åse, Tone.
Using a seeing/blindfolded paradigm to study audience experiences of live-electronic performances with voice.
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Academic article
Åse, Tone.
Musikalsk improvisasjon og tverrfaglig arbeid - det kreative møtet. På hvilke områder kan arbeidet med musikalsk improvisasjon og kreativt tverrfaglig samarbeid belyse hverandre?.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Bergsland, Andreas;
Åse, Tone.
Using a seeing/blindfolded paradigm to study audience experiences of live-electronic performances with voice.
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Academic article
Artistic productions
Åse, Tone.
Det kunne vært deg .
Music - composition
Brandtsegg, Øyvind;
Engum, Trond;
Ratkje, Maja Solveig Kjelstrup;
Waadeland, Carl Haakon;
Åse, Tone;
Duch, Michael Francis.
Å gripe inn i en annens lyd.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone.
Snakke om det, komposisjon for Trondheim Jazzorkester.
Music - composition
Åse, Tone;
Kaasbøll, Anita;
Gjære, Siri;
Lode, Ingrid;
Pettersen, Sissel Vera;
Skjerve, Heidi.
Konsert med Trondheim Voices på Illiosfestivalen: Ekkokammer 2.0.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone;
Haugerud, Tor;
Hegdal, Eirik;
Hulbækmo, Alf;
Pettersen, Sissel Vera;
Vågan, Ole Morten.
Konsert med Trondheim Jazzorkester, Dokkhuset.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone.
Solo og duokonsert på Other Minds Festival, San Fransisco.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone;
Haugerud, Tor.
Konsert med Bol&Snah på Sojo, Leuven, Belgia.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone.
Ut =Inn.
Music - composition
Kaasbøll, Anita;
Åse, Tone;
Pettersen, Sissel Vera;
Abrahamsen Garner, Natali;
Skjerve, Heidi;
Sævik, Torunn.
Konsert: Trondheim Voices "Folklore" (Molde Jazzfestival).
Musical performance
Sten, Helge;
Storløkken, Ståle;
Åse, Tone;
Skjerve, Heidi;
Lode, Ingrid;
Eskild Havenstrøm, Kari.
Konsert: Trondheim Voices "Folklore" (Skopje Jazz Festival).
Musical performance
Åse, Tone;
Roggen, Live Maria;
Skjerve, Heidi;
Kaasbøll, Anita;
Pettersen, Sissel Vera.
Turne med Trondheim Voices.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone;
Balke, Jon;
Skjerve, Heidi;
Roggen, Live Maria;
Sævik, Torunn;
Kaasbøll, Anita.
On Anodyne.
Musical performance
Åse, Tone;
Storløkken, Ståle;
Ryan, Hans Magnus;
Haugerud, Tor.
Turne i Italia, Bol&Snah.
Musical performance
Engum, Trond;
Åse, Tone;
Hoemsnes, Rune;
Formo, Daniel Buner.
Konsert med The Soundbyte Festival Internacional Chihuahua 2016 (Mexico).
Musical performance
Part of book/report
Åse, Tone.
Expanding the vocalist’s role through the use of live electronics in realtime improvisation.
International Computer Music Association
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Åse, Tone.
Musikalsk improvisasjon og tverrfaglig arbeid - det kreative møtet. På hvilke områder kan arbeidet med musikalsk improvisasjon og kreativt tverrfaglig samarbeid belyse hverandre?.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Åse, Tone.
The voice and the machine- and the voice in the machine – now you see me, now you don’t- Artistic Research in voice, live electronics and improvised interplay.
Brandtsegg, Øyvind;
Waadeland, Carl Haakon;
Saue, Sigurd;
Engum, Trond;
Wærstad, Bernt Isak;
Åse, Tone.
T-EMP: Trondheim Electroacoustic Music Performance. Communication and interplay in an electronically based ensemble.
Åse, Tone.
The voice and the machine- and the voice in the machine- now you see me, now you don't.
Doctoral dissertation
Gjære, Siri;
Åse, Tone.
Stedsspesifikk Vokal performance over 5 dager med Trondheim Voices
Other presentation
Brandtsegg, Øyvind;
Engum, Trond;
Waadeland, Carl Haakon;
Duch, Michael Francis;
Kaldestad, Gyrid Nordal;
Puckette, Miller.
Poke it with a stick / Joining the bots.
Music – recorded product
- MUSP4718 - Theory of Jazz D
- MUSP4716 - Jazzensemble D
- MUSP4714 - Reflection in Musical Performance and Artistic Research
- MUSP4744 - Artistic In-Depth topic studies & project documentation
- MUSP4712 - Aural Training Jazz E
- MUSP4335 - Ensemble Conducting Jazz
- MUSP4731 - Artistic In-Depth Studies - international variant
- MUSP4720 - Self Study - Compensatory Course for Experts in Teamwork
- MUSP4742 - Artistic In-Depth Studies 2
- MUSP4740 - Artistic In-Depth Studies 1
- MUSP4333 - Arranging Jazz
- MUSV3006 - Master's Thesis in Musicology
- MUSP4153 - Aural Training A
- MUSP4099 - Principal Instrument and music studies for exchange students
- MUSP4162 - Aural training B
- MUSV1018 - Ear Training and Improvisation
- MUSV1019 - Principal Instrument 1 with Improvisation
LectureÅse, Tone. (2016) The digital musician and higher music education - in sync ?. CEMPE, Norges Musikkhøgskole Symposium , Universitetet i Agder 2016-10-01 - 2016-10-01
InterviewÅse, Tone; Stenvik, Bård. (2016) Maskinsang. Forskerforum Forskerforum [Business/trade/industry journal] 2016-02-01
PosterÅse, Tone. (2014) Expanding the vocalist’s role through the use of live electronics in realtime improvisation. University of Athens Joint ICMC-SMC 2014 , Athen 2014-09-14 - 2014-09-20