Trond Nordfjærn
Main domains of research and supervision:
- Social psychological factors and transportation mode use
- Risk and safety psychology with a particular focus on transport safety
- Substance use and misuse in subgroups, specifically among patients with substance use disorders (SUD) and young adults in the general population
- Quantitative and qualitative research methods
Background and research profile:
Full Professor in Social Psychology, Department of Psychology, NTNU (2017 - ).
20% Senior research position at St.Olav's University Hospital, Clinic of Substance Use and Addiction Medicine (2017 - ).
20% Senior research position at NTNU Social Research/Samfunnsforskning (Studio Apertura). NFR funded position by the Safety and Security in Transport (TRANSIKK) Research Programme. (2013 - 2016).
Senior Researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (Sirus/FHI), Department of Drugs and Addiction (2013 - 2016).
Two doctoral degrees in psychology. PhD June 2011 thesis entitled: "Patients with Substance Use Disorders: An investigation of Relapse, Substance Use and Recovery", Dr. philos September 2011 thesis entitled: "Risk judgements, attitudes and behaviour in transport: Temporal, geographical and cultural differences".
Elected lifetime member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters Academy (DKNVS) 2020 -
Frequently invited reviewer for highly ranked international journals and other committees related to fields of expertise.
Awarded the scientific prize for young excellent researchers in the social sciences who have documented outstanding talent, originality and effort, and who have achieved extremely good results in their fields. Awarded by the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters Academy (DKNVS) (2018)
Awarded the scientific prize from the Regional Health Care Enterprise (Helse Midt-Norge RHF) for excellent research among highly prioritized patient groups (2011).
Head of the Research Group on Transportation at the Department of Psychology, NTNU:
Member of the Citizens, Environment and Safety (CES), Learning and Skill Development and Understanding and improving change processes in psychotherapy groups at the Department of Psychology, NTNU.
Head coordinator of the Introduction and Bachelor programmes at the Department of Psychology, NTNU (2017 - 2021).
Pedagogical development programme for university lecturers (PEDUP), NTNU (2018 - 2019).
Zatsarnaja, Junianna;
Reiter, Katharina;
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nayum, Alim;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Charged Up with Peace in Mind: Unraveling the Factors of Range Anxiety among Norwegian Electric Vehicle Drivers.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Mosti, Mats Peder.
The relationship between the Hopkins symptom checklist-10 and diagnoses of anxiety and depression among inpatients with substance use disorders.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Academic article
Thorsrud, Tora;
Bang, Marit Aspelund;
Dahlgren, Anna Maria Camilla Lindvall;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Weider, Siri.
Cognitive remediation therapy for patients with eating disorders: a qualitative study.
Journal of Eating Disorders
Academic article
Eitrheim, Maren Helene Rø;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Log, Markus Metallinos;
Tørset, Trude.
Risk perception and trust in autonomous vehicles: a case study of ground handling employees at an international airport.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nayum, Alim;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Klöckner, Christian Andreas Nikolaus.
Are Norwegian car users ready for a transition to Vehicle-to-grid technology?.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Klöckner, Christian Andreas Nikolaus.
Estimating financial compensation and minimum guaranteed charge for vehicle-to-grid technology.
Energy Policy
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Mosti, Mats Peder;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Inpatients in substance use treatment with co-occurring psychiatric disorders: a prospective cohort study of characteristics and relapse predictors.
BMC Psychiatry
Academic article
Nilsen, David;
Nissen, Oda;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Hara, Karen Walseth;
Stiles, Tore C.
Who Returns to work? Exploring the Role of Interpersonal Problems in Occupational Rehabilitation.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Nordgård, Amanda;
Mehdizadeh, Milad.
Aberrant driving behaviour among home healthcare workers.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Eitrheim, Maren Helene Rø;
Log, Markus Metallinos;
Tørset, Trude;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Levin, Tomas.
Driver Acceptance of Truck Platooning: State-of-the-Art and Insights from a Field Trial on Rural Roads.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Ardameh, Saleh;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
A hybrid speed choice model: The role of human factors.
Transportation letters
Academic article
Ehteshamrad, Shideh;
Saffarzadeh, Mahmood;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Behaviour of parents and children in the way they use public transport: A case study of Iranian households.
Case Studies on Transport Policy
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Explaining trip generation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A psychological perspective.
Journal of Transport and Health
Academic article
Høydal, Maritha Orseth;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Shared parenting with an individual affected by a substance use disorder: a pilot study.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Kløckner, Christian.
A systematic review of the agent-based modelling/simulation paradigm in mobility transition.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Academic literature review
Nadimi, Navid;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Lori, Hamed Shamsadini;
Khalifeh, Vahid.
Improving attitudes toward cycling in a Middle East and North Africa region city.
Journal of urban planning and development
Academic article
Zabihi, Farimah;
Davoodi, Seyed Rasoul;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Investigating the role of health belief model on seat belt use for front seat passengers on urban and rural roads.
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Klöckner, Christian Andreas Nikolaus.
Drunk or Sober? Number of alcohol units perceived to be safe before riding e-scooter.
Accident Analysis and Prevention
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Mosti, Mats Peder;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Suicidal ideation among inpatients with substance use disorders: Prevalence, correlates and gender differences.
Psychiatry Research
Academic article
Eitrheim, Maren Helene Rø;
Log, Markus Metallinos;
Tørset, Trude;
Levin, Tomas;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Driver Workload in Truck Platooning: Insights from an On-Road Pilot Study on Rural Roads.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Kummeneje, An-Margritt S;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Risk Perception in Transport: A Review of the State of the Art.
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Demand for mitigating the risk of COVID-19 infection in public transport: the role of social trust and fatalistic beliefs.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Johannessen, Dagny Adriaenssen;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Investigating the factor structure of a translated recovery-orientation instrument in inpatient treatment for substance use disorder.
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Zavareh, Mohsen.
Social psychology of Coronavirus disease 2019: Do fatalism and comparative optimism affect attitudes and adherence to sanitary protocols?.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Shoabjareh, Azamsadat Hosseini;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Analysis of Pedestrians’ Behavior: A Segmentation Approach Based on Latent Variables.
Accident Analysis and Prevention
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Melby, Line;
Kaasbøll, Jannike;
Ådnanes, Marian.
The importance of interdisciplinarity in accommodating patient needs among norwegian nurses.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Academic article
Hezaveh, Amin;
Cherry, Christopher;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
A home-based approach to understanding the effect of spatial autocorrelation on seat belt non-use.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Johannessen, Dagny Adriaenssen;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun.
Work-Related Satisfaction among Clinicians Working at Inpatient Treatment Facilities for Substance Use Disorder: The Role of Recovery Orientation.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Active travel as a pro-environmental behaviour: An integrated framework.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Academic article
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
If I know when you will arrive, I will let you walk to school: The role of information technology .
Journal of Safety Research
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Lauvsnes, Anders Dahlen Forsmo;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Emerging adults in inpatient substance use treatment: A prospective cohort study of patient characteristics and treatment outcomes.
European Addiction Research
Academic article
Sheykhfard, Abbas;
Haghighi, Farshidreza;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Soltaninejad, Mostafa.
Structural Equation Modelling of potential risk factors for pedestrian accidents in rural and urban roads.
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
Academic article
Nayum, Alim;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Predictors of Public Transport Use among University Students during the Winter: A MIMIC Modelling Approach.
Travel Behaviour & Society
Academic article
Johannessen, Dagny Adriaenssen;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun.
Substance use disorder patients’ expectations on transition from treatment to post-discharge period.
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD)
Academic article
Dabirinejad, Shahab;
Kashani, Ali Tavakoli;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The association between lifestyle and aberrant driving behavior among Iranian car drivers.
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP)
Academic article
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Abolhasannejad, Vahid;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Barriers to children’s walking to school in Iranian and Chinese samples.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Factors associated with quality of life trajectories among inpatients treated for alcohol use disorders: A prospective cohort study .
Addictive Behaviors Reports
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Shariat-Mohaymany, Afshin;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Driver behaviour and crash involvement among professional taxi and truck drivers: Light passenger cars versus heavy goods vehicles.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Johannessen, Dagny Adriaenssen;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun.
Psychosocial factors associated with coping behaviour after inpatient treatment for substance use disorder (SUD): A systematic review study protocol.
BMJ Open
Academic literature review
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Judgement of Transport Security, Risk Sensitivity and Travel Mode Use in Urban Areas.
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne;
Flemmen, Grete;
Salthammer, Jo Arild;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Assessing health service satisfaction among users with substance use disorders within the municipalities in Norway.
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Academic article
Johannessen, Dagny Adriaenssen;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun.
Change in psychosocial factors connected to coping after inpatient treatment for substance use disorder: A systematic review.
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Academic literature review
Egset, Kaja Solland;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The role of transport priorities, transport attitudes and situational factors for sustainable transport mode use in wintertime.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza.
Environmental norms and sustainable transport mode choice on children’s school travels: The norm-activation theory.
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Egset, Kaja Solland;
Mehdizadeh, Milad.
“Winter is coming”: Psychological and situational factors affecting transportation mode use among university students.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Hezaveh, Amin;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Everett, Jerry;
Cherry, Christopher.
The Correlation Between Education, Engineering, Enforcement, and Self-Reported Seat Belt Use in Tennessee: Incorporating Heterogeneity and Time of Day Effects.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Lind, Hans Brende;
Simsekoglu , Ozlem;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Lund, Ingunn Olea;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
The role of social cognition in perceived thresholds for transport mode change.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Zabihi, Farimah;
Rasoul Davoodi, Seyed;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The role of perceived risk, reasons for non-seat belt use, and demographic characteristics for seat belt use on urban and rural roads.
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Zavareh, Mohsen Fallah;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Mono- and multimodal green transport use on university trips during winter and summer: hybrid choice models on the norm-activation theory.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Zavareh, Mohsen Fallah;
Hezaveh, Amin Mohamadi;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Intention to use bicycle helmet as explained by the Health Belief Model, comparative optimism and risk perception in an Iranian sample.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Acceptance of disincentives to driving and pro-environmental transport intentions: the role of value structure, environmental beliefs and norm activation.
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Wenaas, Merethe;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Relapse after inpatient substance use treatment: A prospective cohort study among users of illicit substances.
Addictive Behaviours
Academic article
Hezaveh, Amin Mohamadi;
Zavareh, Mohsen Fallah;
Cherry, Christopher R;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Errors and Violations in Relation to Bicyclists' Crash Risks: Development of the Bicycle Rider Behavior Questionnaire (BRBQ).
Journal of Transport and Health
Academic article
Hezaveh, Amin;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Simsekoglu , Ozlem.
Predictors of self-reported crashes among Iranian drivers: Exploratory analysis of an Extended Driver Behavior Questionnaire.
Academic article
Ostling, Grete Lauritsen;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Changes in opiate and stimulant use through 10 years: The role of contextual factors, mental health disorders and psychosocial factors in a prospective SUD treatment cohort study.
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
School Travel Mode Use: Direct and Indirect Effects through Attitudes and Transport Priorities.
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
Academic article
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Kummeneje, An-Magritt;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Perception of security and use of public travel modes in an urban Norwegian public.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Steinsbekk, Aslak;
Walderhaug, Espen;
Otterholt, Eli;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Predictors of Dropout From Inpatient Substance Use Treatment: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Shariat, Afshin;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Accident involvement among Iranian lorry drivers: Direct and indirect effects of background variables and aberrant driving behaviour.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Religiosity and alcohol use: Is religiosity important for abstention and consumption levels in the second half of life?.
Substance Use & Misuse
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Transport risk evaluations associated with past exposure to adverse security events in public transport.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Zavareh, Mohsen.
Does the value-belief-norm theory predict acceptance of disincentives to driving and active mode choice preferences for children's school travels among Chinese parents?.
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Salthammer, Jo Arild.
Alcohol intoxication among cannabis users in a school-based adolescent sample.
Drugs: education prevention and policy
Academic article
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Does risk perception really exist?.
Safety Science
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Walking time to school, children’s active school travel and their related factors.
Journal of Transport and Health
Academic article
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The effects of indicating rear-end collision risk via variable message signs on traffic behaviour.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Violence involvement among nightlife patrons: the relative role of demographics and substance use.
Aggressive Behavior
Academic article
Simsekoglu , Ozlem;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The role of safety culture/climate and social cognitive factors for driving behaviors of Turkish professional drivers transporting petroleum products.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Mohaymany, Afshin Shariat.
The role of parental risk judgements, transport safety attitudes, transport priorities and accident experiences on pupils’ walking to school.
Accident Analysis and Prevention
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu , Özlem;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Active transport, public transport and
electric car as perceived alternatives in a
motorized Norwegian sample.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The role of parental attitudes towards walking on children walking to schools.
Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Edland-Gryt, Marit;
Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line;
Buvik, Kristin;
Gripenberg, Johanna.
Recreational drug use in the Oslo nightlife setting: study protocol for a cross-sectional time series using biological markers, self-reported and qualitative data.
BMJ Open
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza.
The role of socio-economic, built environment and psychological factors in parental mode choice for their children in an Iranian setting.
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Zavareh, Mohsen.
Individualism, collectivism and pedestrian safety: A comparative study of young adults from Iran and Pakistan.
Safety Science
Academic article
Gjerde, Hallvard;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line;
Edland-Gryt, Marit;
Furuhaugen, Håvard;
Karinen, Ritva Anneli.
Comparison of drugs used by nightclub patrons and criminal offenders in Oslo, Norway.
Forensic Science International
Academic article
Lund, Ingunn Olea;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Changes in transport risk perception in urban populations in Norway from 2004 to 2013.
Transportation planning and technology (Print)
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line;
Edland-Gryt, Marit;
Gripenberg, Johanna.
Risky substance use among young adults in the nightlife
arena: An underused setting for risk-reducing interventions?.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Environmental norms, transport priorities and resistance to change associated with acceptance of push measures in transport.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Thompson, Jason;
Berk, Michael;
O'Donnell, Meaghan;
Stafford, Lesley;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The association between attributions of responsibility for motor vehicle accidents and patient satisfaction: A study within a no-fault injury compensation system.
Clinical Rehabilitation
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Brunborg, Geir Scott.
Associations between human values and alcohol consumption among Norwegians in the second half of life.
Substance Use & Misuse
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Hezaveh, Amin;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza.
An analysis of reported driver behaviour in samples of domestic and expatriate Iranians.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Lund, Ingunn Olea;
Bukten, Anne;
Storvoll, Elisabet;
Moan, Inger Synnøve;
Skurtveit, Svetlana;
Handal, Marte.
A cohort study on long-term adverse effects of parental drinking: Background and study design.
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Ôzlem S.;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Predictors of car use habit strength in an urban Norwegian public.
Academic article
Lind, Hans Brende;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
The value-belief-norm theory, personal norms and sustainable travel mode choice in urban areas.
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Lind, Hans Brende;
Şimşekoğlu, Özlem;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Lund, Ingunn Olea;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Habitual, safety and security factors related to mode use on two types of travels among urban Norwegians.
Safety Science
Academic article
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
The role of attitudes, transport priorities, and car use habit for travel mode use and intentions to use public transportation in an urban Norwegian public.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Andreas, Jasmina Burdzovic;
Lauritzen, Grete Ostling;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Co-occurrence between mental distress and poly-drug use: A ten year prospective study of patients from substance abuse treatment.
Addictive Behaviours
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Can, Seda;
Somer, Oya.
Social cognition and personality traits related to risky driving in a Turkish sample.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Culture related to road traffic safety: A comparison of eight countries using two conceptualizations of culture.
Accident Analysis and Prevention
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Hezaveh, Amin;
Mamdoohi, Amir;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Road traffic culture and personality traits related to traffic safety in Turkish and Iranian samples.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Şimşekoğlu, Özlem.
Empathy, conformity, and cultural factors related to aberrant driving behaviour in a sample of Urban Turkish drivers.
Safety Science
Academic article
Mamdoohi, Amir;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Hyden, Christer;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
A Comparative Analysis of Safety Performance Indicators Based on Inductive Loop Detector Data.
Academic article
Thompson, Jason;
O’Donnell, Meaghan;
Stafford, Lesley;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Berk, Michael.
Association between attributions of responsibility for motor vehicle crashes, depressive symptoms, and return to work.
Rehabilitation Psychology
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Lind, Hans Brende;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Transport priorities, risk perception and worry associated with mode use and preferences among Norwegian commuters.
Accident Analysis and Prevention
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Personality, risk cognitions and motivation related to demand of risk mitigation in transport among Norwegians.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Bjerkeset, Ottar;
Bratberg, Grete Helen;
Moylan, Steven;
Berk, Michael;
Gråwe, Rolf W..
Socio-demographic, lifestyle and psychological predictors of benzodiazepine and z-hypnotic use patterns.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Academic article
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Hassani, Abolfazl;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
A Monte-Carlo simulation of chain reaction rear end potential collisions on freeways.
International journal of traffic and transportation engineering
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
The role of deliberate planning, car habit and resistance to change in public transportation mode use.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Thompson, Jason;
Berk, Michael;
O'Donnell, Meaghan;
Stafford, Lesley;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Attributions of responsibility and recovery within a no-fault insurance compensation system.
Rehabilitation Psychology
Academic article
Bergly, Tone Helene;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Hagen, Roger.
The dimensional structure of SCL-90-R in a sample of patients with substance use disorder.
Journal of Substance Use
Academic article
Hassel, Anette;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Hagen, Roger.
Psychological and interpersonal distress among patients with substance use disorders: Are these factors associated with continued drug use and do they change during treatment?.
Journal of Substance Use
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Dahl, Hilde;
Flemmen, Grete.
Social influence, health variables, and criminal behaviours associated with substance use among rural Norwegian adolescents.
Drugs: education prevention and policy
Academic article
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Roche-Cerasi, Isabelle.
Objective and Perceived Risk Estimates of Travel Modes in the Norwegian Public.
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem.
The Role of Cultural Factors and Attitudes for Pedestrian Behaviour in an Urban Turkish Sample.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Predictors of demand for risk mitigation in transport.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Hezaveh, Amin;
Mamdoohi, Amir;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Risk perceptions, fatalism and driver behaviors in Turkey and Iran.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Prospective associations between benzodiazepine use and later life satisfaction, somatic pain and psychological health among the elderly.
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Bjerkeset, Ottar;
Moylan, Steven;
Berk, Michael;
Gråwe, Rolf W..
Clusters of personality traits and psychological symptoms associated with later benzodiazepine prescriptions in the general population: The HUNT Cohort Study.
Addictive Behaviours
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Road traffic safety beliefs and driver behaviour among personality subtypes of drivers in the Norwegian population.
Traffic Injury Prevention
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Prevalence of substance use and mental distress among patients on waiting lists for substance use disorder treatment.
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
Academic article
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Traffic risk perception, road safety attitudes, and behaviors among road users: a comparison of Turkey and Norway.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Flemmen, Grete;
Dahl, Hilde.
Psychosocial factors related to mental distress among Norwegian rural adolescents.
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion
Academic article
Lund, Ingunn Olea;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Associations between risk judgments and demand for transport risk mitigation.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
A comparison of road traffic culture, risk assessment and speeding predictors between Norway and Turkey.
Risk Management: An International Journal
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
A population-based cohort study of anxiety, depression, sleep and alcohol outcomes among benzodiazepine and z-hypnotic users.
Addictive Behaviours
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Cultural and Socio-Demographic Predictors of Car Accident Involvement in Norway, Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda.
Safety Science
Academic article
Støver, Morten;
Bratberg, Grete Helen;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Bruk av alkohol og medikamenter blant eldre (60+) i Norge.
HUNT Forskningssenter, NTNU
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Safety attitudes, behaviour, anxiety and perceived control among professional and non-professional drivers.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Moylan, Steven;
Giorlando, Frank;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Berk, Michael.
The role of alprazolam for the treatment of panic disorder in Australia.
Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry (Print)
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
A cross-cultural comparison of road traffic risk perceptions, attitudes towards traffic safety and driver behaviour.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Relapse patterns among patients with substance use disorders.
Journal of Substance Use
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Do severity levels of substance use relate to self-reported variations in psychosocial distress?.
Journal of Substance Use
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Risk judgements, Attitudes and Behaviour in Transport: Temporal, Geographical and Cultural Differences.
Doctoral dissertation
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Roche-Cerasi, Isabelle.
Objective and perceived travel mode risk.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Patients with substance use disorders. An investigation of relapse, substance use and recovery.
Norwegian university of science and technology
Doctoral dissertation
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Iversen, Hilde Hestad;
Oltedal, Sigve;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard.
The role of risk perception and other risk-related judgements in transportation mode use.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
An investigation of driver attitudes and behaviour in rural and urban areas in Norway.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Hole, Reidar;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Interrelations between Patients' Personal Life Events, Psychosocial distress and Substance Use.
Substance Use & Misuse
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Hole, R..
Treatment and recovery as perceived by patients with substance addiction.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Differences in risk perception, priorities, worry and demand for risk mitigation related to transport among Norwegians in 2004 and 2008.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Perceptions of traffic risk in an industrialised and a developing country.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Does Place of Residence Matter in Risk Judgement and Attitudes towards Mode of Transportation?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Perceived risk in an industrialized and a developing country : an examination of risk perception in Norway and Ghana.
Norwegian university of science and technology
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Zatsarnaja, Junianna;
Reiter, Katharina;
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nayum, Alim;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Charged Up with Peace in Mind: Unraveling the Factors of Range Anxiety among Norwegian Electric Vehicle Drivers.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Mosti, Mats Peder.
The relationship between the Hopkins symptom checklist-10 and diagnoses of anxiety and depression among inpatients with substance use disorders.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Academic article
Thorsrud, Tora;
Bang, Marit Aspelund;
Dahlgren, Anna Maria Camilla Lindvall;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Weider, Siri.
Cognitive remediation therapy for patients with eating disorders: a qualitative study.
Journal of Eating Disorders
Academic article
Eitrheim, Maren Helene Rø;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Log, Markus Metallinos;
Tørset, Trude.
Risk perception and trust in autonomous vehicles: a case study of ground handling employees at an international airport.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nayum, Alim;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Klöckner, Christian Andreas Nikolaus.
Are Norwegian car users ready for a transition to Vehicle-to-grid technology?.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Klöckner, Christian Andreas Nikolaus.
Estimating financial compensation and minimum guaranteed charge for vehicle-to-grid technology.
Energy Policy
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Mosti, Mats Peder;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Inpatients in substance use treatment with co-occurring psychiatric disorders: a prospective cohort study of characteristics and relapse predictors.
BMC Psychiatry
Academic article
Nilsen, David;
Nissen, Oda;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Hara, Karen Walseth;
Stiles, Tore C.
Who Returns to work? Exploring the Role of Interpersonal Problems in Occupational Rehabilitation.
Journal of occupational rehabilitation
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Nordgård, Amanda;
Mehdizadeh, Milad.
Aberrant driving behaviour among home healthcare workers.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Ardameh, Saleh;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
A hybrid speed choice model: The role of human factors.
Transportation letters
Academic article
Ehteshamrad, Shideh;
Saffarzadeh, Mahmood;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Behaviour of parents and children in the way they use public transport: A case study of Iranian households.
Case Studies on Transport Policy
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Explaining trip generation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A psychological perspective.
Journal of Transport and Health
Academic article
Høydal, Maritha Orseth;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Shared parenting with an individual affected by a substance use disorder: a pilot study.
Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Kløckner, Christian.
A systematic review of the agent-based modelling/simulation paradigm in mobility transition.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Academic literature review
Nadimi, Navid;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Lori, Hamed Shamsadini;
Khalifeh, Vahid.
Improving attitudes toward cycling in a Middle East and North Africa region city.
Journal of urban planning and development
Academic article
Zabihi, Farimah;
Davoodi, Seyed Rasoul;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Investigating the role of health belief model on seat belt use for front seat passengers on urban and rural roads.
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Klöckner, Christian Andreas Nikolaus.
Drunk or Sober? Number of alcohol units perceived to be safe before riding e-scooter.
Accident Analysis and Prevention
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Mosti, Mats Peder;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Suicidal ideation among inpatients with substance use disorders: Prevalence, correlates and gender differences.
Psychiatry Research
Academic article
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Demand for mitigating the risk of COVID-19 infection in public transport: the role of social trust and fatalistic beliefs.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Johannessen, Dagny Adriaenssen;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Investigating the factor structure of a translated recovery-orientation instrument in inpatient treatment for substance use disorder.
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Zavareh, Mohsen.
Social psychology of Coronavirus disease 2019: Do fatalism and comparative optimism affect attitudes and adherence to sanitary protocols?.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Shoabjareh, Azamsadat Hosseini;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Analysis of Pedestrians’ Behavior: A Segmentation Approach Based on Latent Variables.
Accident Analysis and Prevention
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Melby, Line;
Kaasbøll, Jannike;
Ådnanes, Marian.
The importance of interdisciplinarity in accommodating patient needs among norwegian nurses.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Academic article
Hezaveh, Amin;
Cherry, Christopher;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
A home-based approach to understanding the effect of spatial autocorrelation on seat belt non-use.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Johannessen, Dagny Adriaenssen;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun.
Work-Related Satisfaction among Clinicians Working at Inpatient Treatment Facilities for Substance Use Disorder: The Role of Recovery Orientation.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Academic article
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Active travel as a pro-environmental behaviour: An integrated framework.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Academic article
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
If I know when you will arrive, I will let you walk to school: The role of information technology .
Journal of Safety Research
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Lauvsnes, Anders Dahlen Forsmo;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Emerging adults in inpatient substance use treatment: A prospective cohort study of patient characteristics and treatment outcomes.
European Addiction Research
Academic article
Sheykhfard, Abbas;
Haghighi, Farshidreza;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Soltaninejad, Mostafa.
Structural Equation Modelling of potential risk factors for pedestrian accidents in rural and urban roads.
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
Academic article
Nayum, Alim;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Predictors of Public Transport Use among University Students during the Winter: A MIMIC Modelling Approach.
Travel Behaviour & Society
Academic article
Johannessen, Dagny Adriaenssen;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun.
Substance use disorder patients’ expectations on transition from treatment to post-discharge period.
Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD)
Academic article
Dabirinejad, Shahab;
Kashani, Ali Tavakoli;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The association between lifestyle and aberrant driving behavior among Iranian car drivers.
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP)
Academic article
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Abolhasannejad, Vahid;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Barriers to children’s walking to school in Iranian and Chinese samples.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Factors associated with quality of life trajectories among inpatients treated for alcohol use disorders: A prospective cohort study .
Addictive Behaviors Reports
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Shariat-Mohaymany, Afshin;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Driver behaviour and crash involvement among professional taxi and truck drivers: Light passenger cars versus heavy goods vehicles.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Johannessen, Dagny Adriaenssen;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun.
Psychosocial factors associated with coping behaviour after inpatient treatment for substance use disorder (SUD): A systematic review study protocol.
BMJ Open
Academic literature review
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Judgement of Transport Security, Risk Sensitivity and Travel Mode Use in Urban Areas.
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne;
Flemmen, Grete;
Salthammer, Jo Arild;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Assessing health service satisfaction among users with substance use disorders within the municipalities in Norway.
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Academic article
Johannessen, Dagny Adriaenssen;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Geirdal, Amy Østertun.
Change in psychosocial factors connected to coping after inpatient treatment for substance use disorder: A systematic review.
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Academic literature review
Egset, Kaja Solland;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The role of transport priorities, transport attitudes and situational factors for sustainable transport mode use in wintertime.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza.
Environmental norms and sustainable transport mode choice on children’s school travels: The norm-activation theory.
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Egset, Kaja Solland;
Mehdizadeh, Milad.
“Winter is coming”: Psychological and situational factors affecting transportation mode use among university students.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Hezaveh, Amin;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Everett, Jerry;
Cherry, Christopher.
The Correlation Between Education, Engineering, Enforcement, and Self-Reported Seat Belt Use in Tennessee: Incorporating Heterogeneity and Time of Day Effects.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Lind, Hans Brende;
Simsekoglu , Ozlem;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Lund, Ingunn Olea;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
The role of social cognition in perceived thresholds for transport mode change.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Zabihi, Farimah;
Rasoul Davoodi, Seyed;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The role of perceived risk, reasons for non-seat belt use, and demographic characteristics for seat belt use on urban and rural roads.
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Zavareh, Mohsen Fallah;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Mono- and multimodal green transport use on university trips during winter and summer: hybrid choice models on the norm-activation theory.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Academic article
Zavareh, Mohsen Fallah;
Hezaveh, Amin Mohamadi;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Intention to use bicycle helmet as explained by the Health Belief Model, comparative optimism and risk perception in an Iranian sample.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Acceptance of disincentives to driving and pro-environmental transport intentions: the role of value structure, environmental beliefs and norm activation.
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Wenaas, Merethe;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Relapse after inpatient substance use treatment: A prospective cohort study among users of illicit substances.
Addictive Behaviours
Academic article
Hezaveh, Amin Mohamadi;
Zavareh, Mohsen Fallah;
Cherry, Christopher R;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Errors and Violations in Relation to Bicyclists' Crash Risks: Development of the Bicycle Rider Behavior Questionnaire (BRBQ).
Journal of Transport and Health
Academic article
Hezaveh, Amin;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Simsekoglu , Ozlem.
Predictors of self-reported crashes among Iranian drivers: Exploratory analysis of an Extended Driver Behavior Questionnaire.
Academic article
Ostling, Grete Lauritsen;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Changes in opiate and stimulant use through 10 years: The role of contextual factors, mental health disorders and psychosocial factors in a prospective SUD treatment cohort study.
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
School Travel Mode Use: Direct and Indirect Effects through Attitudes and Transport Priorities.
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
Academic article
Andersson, Helle Wessel;
Steinsbekk, Aslak;
Walderhaug, Espen;
Otterholt, Eli;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Predictors of Dropout From Inpatient Substance Use Treatment: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Shariat, Afshin;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Accident involvement among Iranian lorry drivers: Direct and indirect effects of background variables and aberrant driving behaviour.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Religiosity and alcohol use: Is religiosity important for abstention and consumption levels in the second half of life?.
Substance Use & Misuse
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Transport risk evaluations associated with past exposure to adverse security events in public transport.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Zavareh, Mohsen.
Does the value-belief-norm theory predict acceptance of disincentives to driving and active mode choice preferences for children's school travels among Chinese parents?.
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Salthammer, Jo Arild.
Alcohol intoxication among cannabis users in a school-based adolescent sample.
Drugs: education prevention and policy
Academic article
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Does risk perception really exist?.
Safety Science
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Walking time to school, children’s active school travel and their related factors.
Journal of Transport and Health
Academic article
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The effects of indicating rear-end collision risk via variable message signs on traffic behaviour.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Violence involvement among nightlife patrons: the relative role of demographics and substance use.
Aggressive Behavior
Academic article
Simsekoglu , Ozlem;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The role of safety culture/climate and social cognitive factors for driving behaviors of Turkish professional drivers transporting petroleum products.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Mohaymany, Afshin Shariat.
The role of parental risk judgements, transport safety attitudes, transport priorities and accident experiences on pupils’ walking to school.
Accident Analysis and Prevention
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu , Özlem;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Active transport, public transport and
electric car as perceived alternatives in a
motorized Norwegian sample.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The role of parental attitudes towards walking on children walking to schools.
Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Edland-Gryt, Marit;
Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line;
Buvik, Kristin;
Gripenberg, Johanna.
Recreational drug use in the Oslo nightlife setting: study protocol for a cross-sectional time series using biological markers, self-reported and qualitative data.
BMJ Open
Academic article
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza.
The role of socio-economic, built environment and psychological factors in parental mode choice for their children in an Iranian setting.
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Zavareh, Mohsen.
Individualism, collectivism and pedestrian safety: A comparative study of young adults from Iran and Pakistan.
Safety Science
Academic article
Gjerde, Hallvard;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line;
Edland-Gryt, Marit;
Furuhaugen, Håvard;
Karinen, Ritva Anneli.
Comparison of drugs used by nightclub patrons and criminal offenders in Oslo, Norway.
Forensic Science International
Academic article
Lund, Ingunn Olea;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Changes in transport risk perception in urban populations in Norway from 2004 to 2013.
Transportation planning and technology (Print)
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line;
Edland-Gryt, Marit;
Gripenberg, Johanna.
Risky substance use among young adults in the nightlife
arena: An underused setting for risk-reducing interventions?.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Environmental norms, transport priorities and resistance to change associated with acceptance of push measures in transport.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Thompson, Jason;
Berk, Michael;
O'Donnell, Meaghan;
Stafford, Lesley;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
The association between attributions of responsibility for motor vehicle accidents and patient satisfaction: A study within a no-fault injury compensation system.
Clinical Rehabilitation
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Brunborg, Geir Scott.
Associations between human values and alcohol consumption among Norwegians in the second half of life.
Substance Use & Misuse
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Hezaveh, Amin;
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza.
An analysis of reported driver behaviour in samples of domestic and expatriate Iranians.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Lund, Ingunn Olea;
Bukten, Anne;
Storvoll, Elisabet;
Moan, Inger Synnøve;
Skurtveit, Svetlana;
Handal, Marte.
A cohort study on long-term adverse effects of parental drinking: Background and study design.
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Ôzlem S.;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Predictors of car use habit strength in an urban Norwegian public.
Academic article
Lind, Hans Brende;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
The value-belief-norm theory, personal norms and sustainable travel mode choice in urban areas.
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Lind, Hans Brende;
Şimşekoğlu, Özlem;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Lund, Ingunn Olea;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Habitual, safety and security factors related to mode use on two types of travels among urban Norwegians.
Safety Science
Academic article
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
The role of attitudes, transport priorities, and car use habit for travel mode use and intentions to use public transportation in an urban Norwegian public.
Transport Policy
Academic article
Andreas, Jasmina Burdzovic;
Lauritzen, Grete Ostling;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Co-occurrence between mental distress and poly-drug use: A ten year prospective study of patients from substance abuse treatment.
Addictive Behaviours
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Can, Seda;
Somer, Oya.
Social cognition and personality traits related to risky driving in a Turkish sample.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Culture related to road traffic safety: A comparison of eight countries using two conceptualizations of culture.
Accident Analysis and Prevention
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Hezaveh, Amin;
Mamdoohi, Amir;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Road traffic culture and personality traits related to traffic safety in Turkish and Iranian samples.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Şimşekoğlu, Özlem.
Empathy, conformity, and cultural factors related to aberrant driving behaviour in a sample of Urban Turkish drivers.
Safety Science
Academic article
Mamdoohi, Amir;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Hyden, Christer;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
A Comparative Analysis of Safety Performance Indicators Based on Inductive Loop Detector Data.
Academic article
Thompson, Jason;
O’Donnell, Meaghan;
Stafford, Lesley;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Berk, Michael.
Association between attributions of responsibility for motor vehicle crashes, depressive symptoms, and return to work.
Rehabilitation Psychology
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Lind, Hans Brende;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Transport priorities, risk perception and worry associated with mode use and preferences among Norwegian commuters.
Accident Analysis and Prevention
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Personality, risk cognitions and motivation related to demand of risk mitigation in transport among Norwegians.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Bjerkeset, Ottar;
Bratberg, Grete Helen;
Moylan, Steven;
Berk, Michael;
Gråwe, Rolf W..
Socio-demographic, lifestyle and psychological predictors of benzodiazepine and z-hypnotic use patterns.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Academic article
Mamdoohi, Amir Reza;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Hassani, Abolfazl;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
A Monte-Carlo simulation of chain reaction rear end potential collisions on freeways.
International journal of traffic and transportation engineering
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
The role of deliberate planning, car habit and resistance to change in public transportation mode use.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Thompson, Jason;
Berk, Michael;
O'Donnell, Meaghan;
Stafford, Lesley;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Attributions of responsibility and recovery within a no-fault insurance compensation system.
Rehabilitation Psychology
Academic article
Bergly, Tone Helene;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Hagen, Roger.
The dimensional structure of SCL-90-R in a sample of patients with substance use disorder.
Journal of Substance Use
Academic article
Hassel, Anette;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Hagen, Roger.
Psychological and interpersonal distress among patients with substance use disorders: Are these factors associated with continued drug use and do they change during treatment?.
Journal of Substance Use
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Dahl, Hilde;
Flemmen, Grete.
Social influence, health variables, and criminal behaviours associated with substance use among rural Norwegian adolescents.
Drugs: education prevention and policy
Academic article
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Roche-Cerasi, Isabelle.
Objective and Perceived Risk Estimates of Travel Modes in the Norwegian Public.
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem.
The Role of Cultural Factors and Attitudes for Pedestrian Behaviour in an Urban Turkish Sample.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Predictors of demand for risk mitigation in transport.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Hezaveh, Amin;
Mamdoohi, Amir;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Risk perceptions, fatalism and driver behaviors in Turkey and Iran.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Prospective associations between benzodiazepine use and later life satisfaction, somatic pain and psychological health among the elderly.
Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Bjerkeset, Ottar;
Moylan, Steven;
Berk, Michael;
Gråwe, Rolf W..
Clusters of personality traits and psychological symptoms associated with later benzodiazepine prescriptions in the general population: The HUNT Cohort Study.
Addictive Behaviours
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Road traffic safety beliefs and driver behaviour among personality subtypes of drivers in the Norwegian population.
Traffic Injury Prevention
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Prevalence of substance use and mental distress among patients on waiting lists for substance use disorder treatment.
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
Academic article
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Traffic risk perception, road safety attitudes, and behaviors among road users: a comparison of Turkey and Norway.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Flemmen, Grete;
Dahl, Hilde.
Psychosocial factors related to mental distress among Norwegian rural adolescents.
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion
Academic article
Lund, Ingunn Olea;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Associations between risk judgments and demand for transport risk mitigation.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Simsekoglu, Özlem;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
A comparison of road traffic culture, risk assessment and speeding predictors between Norway and Turkey.
Risk Management: An International Journal
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
A population-based cohort study of anxiety, depression, sleep and alcohol outcomes among benzodiazepine and z-hypnotic users.
Addictive Behaviours
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Cultural and Socio-Demographic Predictors of Car Accident Involvement in Norway, Ghana, Tanzania and Uganda.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Safety attitudes, behaviour, anxiety and perceived control among professional and non-professional drivers.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Moylan, Steven;
Giorlando, Frank;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Berk, Michael.
The role of alprazolam for the treatment of panic disorder in Australia.
Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry (Print)
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
A cross-cultural comparison of road traffic risk perceptions, attitudes towards traffic safety and driver behaviour.
Journal of Risk Research
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Relapse patterns among patients with substance use disorders.
Journal of Substance Use
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Do severity levels of substance use relate to self-reported variations in psychosocial distress?.
Journal of Substance Use
Academic article
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Iversen, Hilde Hestad;
Oltedal, Sigve;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard.
The role of risk perception and other risk-related judgements in transportation mode use.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
An investigation of driver attitudes and behaviour in rural and urban areas in Norway.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Hole, Reidar;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Interrelations between Patients' Personal Life Events, Psychosocial distress and Substance Use.
Substance Use & Misuse
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Hole, R..
Treatment and recovery as perceived by patients with substance addiction.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Differences in risk perception, priorities, worry and demand for risk mitigation related to transport among Norwegians in 2004 and 2008.
Safety Science
Academic article
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Perceptions of traffic risk in an industrialised and a developing country.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
Academic article
Part of book/report
Eitrheim, Maren Helene Rø;
Log, Markus Metallinos;
Tørset, Trude;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Levin, Tomas.
Driver Acceptance of Truck Platooning: State-of-the-Art and Insights from a Field Trial on Rural Roads.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eitrheim, Maren Helene Rø;
Log, Markus Metallinos;
Tørset, Trude;
Levin, Tomas;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Driver Workload in Truck Platooning: Insights from an On-Road Pilot Study on Rural Roads.
Research Publishing Services
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Kummeneje, An-Margritt S;
Zavareh, Mohsen;
Mehdizadeh, Milad;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Risk Perception in Transport: A Review of the State of the Art.
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Kummeneje, An-Magritt;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Perception of security and use of public travel modes in an urban Norwegian public.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rundmo, Torbjørn;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Roche-Cerasi, Isabelle.
Objective and perceived travel mode risk.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jørgensen, Stig Halvard;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Rundmo, Torbjørn.
Does Place of Residence Matter in Risk Judgement and Attitudes towards Mode of Transportation?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støver, Morten;
Bratberg, Grete Helen;
Nordfjærn, Trond;
Krokstad, Steinar.
Bruk av alkohol og medikamenter blant eldre (60+) i Norge.
HUNT Forskningssenter, NTNU
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Risk judgements, Attitudes and Behaviour in Transport: Temporal, Geographical and Cultural Differences.
Doctoral dissertation
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Patients with substance use disorders. An investigation of relapse, substance use and recovery.
Norwegian university of science and technology
Doctoral dissertation
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Perceived risk in an industrialized and a developing country : an examination of risk perception in Norway and Ghana.
Norwegian university of science and technology
Masters thesis
PosterZatsarnaja, Junianna; Reiter, Katharina; Mehdizadeh, Milad; Nayum, Alim; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2025) Charged up with peace in mind: Unraveling the factors of range anxiety among Norwegian electric vehicle drivers. Transportation Research Board 104th annual meeting , Washington DC 2025-01-05 - 2025-01-09
PosterZatsarnaja, Junianna; Mehdizadeh, Milad; Nayum, Alim; Reiter, Katharina; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2025) Charging patterns and motives of electric vehicle drivers: Insights from a large-scale survey in Norway. Transportation Research Board 104th annual meeting , Washington DC 2025-01-05 - 2025-01-09
Academic lectureMehdizadeh, Milad; Nordfjærn, Trond; Klöckner, Christian Andreas Nikolaus. (2024) Plugged-in mobility: willingness to accept vehicle-to-grid technology. 17th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research , Wien 2024-07-14 - 2024-07-18
Academic lectureZatsarnaja, Junianna; Reiter, Katharina; Nayum, Alim; Mehdizadeh, Milad; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2024) Factors influencing the adoption and use of smart charging among electric vehicle drivers in Norway. European Center of Sustainable Development 12th International Conference on Sustainable Development , Roma 2024-09-11 - 2024-09-12
Academic lectureThorsrud, Tora; Marit Asplund, Bang; Dahlgren, Anna Maria Camilla Lindvall; Nordfjærn, Trond; Weider, Siri. (2023) Patient experience with transdiagnostic cognitive remediation therapy. European Council on Eating Disorders European Council on Eating Disorders Conference , Leiden 2023-09-21 - 2023-09-23
Academic lectureMehdizadeh, Milad; Nayum, Alim; Nordfjærn, Trond; Klöckner, Christian A.. (2022) Are Norwegian car users ready for a transition to Vehicle-to-grid technology?. European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy eceee Summer Study proceedings , Hyères, France 2022-06-06 - 2022-09-17
Academic lectureMehdizadeh, Milad; Zavareh, Mohsen; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2022) Towards sustainability: Active mode use on university trips. VTI 7th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology , Gøteborg 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25
Academic lectureMehdizadeh, Milad; Zavareh, Mohsen; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2022) Trip-generation behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. VTI 7th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology , Gøteborg 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25
PosterNordfjærn, Trond; Egset, Kaja Solland; Mehdizadeh, Milad. (2022) Predictors of mode use on university trips in winter time. VTI 7th International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology , Gøteborg 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-25
PosterDabirinejad, Shahab; Kashani, Ali Tavakoli; Nordfjærn, Trond; Afshar, Ali. (2020) Predicting driving behavior by lifestyle factors: A structural equation modeling approach. Transportation Research Board Transportation Research Board 99th annual meeting , Washington DC 2020-01-12 - 2020-01-16
Academic lectureHezaveh, Amin; Nordfjærn, Trond; Everett, Jerry; Cherry, Christopher. (2019) Considering spatial heterogeneity and time of day in self-reported seat belt use. Transportation Research Board 98th annual meeting 2019-01-13 - 2019-01-17
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2019) Acceptance of disincentives to driving and pro-environmental transport intentions: The role of value structure, environmental beliefs and norm activation. 17th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2019) , Moskva 2019-07-02 - 2019-07-05
Academic lectureNayum, Alim; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2019) Predictors of public transport use among university students during the winter: A multiple-group structural equation modelling approach. International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP 2019) , Plymouth 2019-09-04 - 2019-09-06
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Zavareh, Mohsen. (2018) Does the Value-Belief-Norm Theory predict acceptance of car disincentives and active mode choice preferences for children’s school travels among Chinese parents. 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology 2018-06-26 - 2018-06-30
Academic lectureSimsekoglu , Ozlem; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2018) The role of attitudes, transport priorities and car use habit for travel mode use in an urban Norwegian public. the 29th International Congress of Applied Psychology , Montreal 2018-06-26 - 2018-06-30
Academic lectureKaasbøll, Jannike; Nordfjærn, Trond; Melby, Line; Ådnanes, Marian. (2018) The role of nurses' responsibility and interdisciplinarity for their perception of unmet patient needs in specialist mental health and substance abuse treatment services. European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine EAPM 2018-06-27 - 2018-06-30
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Simsekoglu , Ozlem. (2018) Empathy, conformity and cultural factors related to aberrant driving behavior in a sample of Turkish urban drivers. Road safety on Five Continents , Jeju Island 2018-05-16 - 2018-05-18
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Nordfjærn, Trond; Kummeneje, An-Magritt; Jørgensen, Stig Halvard. (2018) Judgement of urban transport security, risk perception, and travel mode use. VTI 18th International conference Road Safety on Five Continents , Jeju Island 2018-05-16 - 2018-05-18
Academic lectureÅdnanes, Marian; Melby, Line; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2018) The role of nurses' responsibility and interdisciplinarity for their perception of unmet patient needs in specialist mental health and substance abuse treatment services. Nasjonalt nettverk for helsetjenesteforskning. Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2018. Den andre nasjonale konferansen i helsetjenesteforskning , Oslo 2018-03-13 - 2018-03-14
Popular scientific lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2017) Bruk av rusmidler i utelivet. Implikasjoner for forebygging. Trondheim Kommune, KORUS Midt Samarbeidsseminar SNOK, politiet og Trondheim kommune , Frimurerlogen 2017-11-15 - 2017-11-15
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Kummeneje, An-Magritt; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2017) Perception of security in pro-environmental public transport. Lillehammer INN 1st Norwegian Conference on Environmental Psychology , Lillehammer 2017-11-29 - 2017-11-30
PosterNordfjærn, Trond; Simsekoglu, Özlem; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2017) Urban travel mode use: The role of habit, safety and security on two types of travels. Lillehammer INN the 1st Norwegian Conference on Environmental Psychology , Lillehammer 2017-11-29 - 2017-11-30
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Simsekoglu, Özlem; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2017) The role of deliberate planning, car habit and resistance to change in sustainable transportation mode use. Lillehammer INN the 1st Norwegian Conference on Environmental Psychology , Lillehammer 2017-11-29 - 2017-11-30
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Berli, Bjørnar; Dalen, Randi; Oldren, Bente; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2017) The effects of a rehabilitation programme on motor functioning and well-being among patients with Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis. EFPA 15th European Congress of Psychology. 'Psychology Addressing Society's Greatest Challenges'. , Amsterdam 2017-07-11 - 2017-07-14
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Salthammer, Jo Arild. (2017) Cannabis use among adolescents: The relative role of alcohol consumption, psychological and demographic factors. 15th European Congress of Psychology (ECP, 2017) 2017-07-11 - 2017-07-14
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2017) Environmental norms, transport priorities and resistance to change associated with acceptance of push measures in transport. 15th European Congress of Psychology (ECP, 2017) , Amsterdam 2017-07-11 - 2017-07-14
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Simsekoglu, Özlem; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2017) Risk sensitivity and judgement of security risks in public transport. 15th European Congress of Psychology (ECP, 2017) , Amsterdam 2017-07-11 - 2017-07-14
Academic lectureZavareh, Mohsen; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2017) How parental road safety concerns are barriers to their children’s walking to school? Evidence from Iran and China. 30th ICTCT Workshop 2017-10-26 - 2017-10-27
Academic lectureHezaveh, Amin; Nordfjærn, Trond; Mamdoohi, Amir Reza; Simsekoglu, Özlem. (2017) Predictors of crash among Iranian drivers: An exploratory analysis of developed driver behavior questionnaire. Transportation Research Board 96th annual meeting , Washington DC 2017-01-08 - 2017-01-12
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2017) The role of risk perception in worry and demand for risk mitigation in transport. 15th European Congress of Psychology (ECP, 2017) , Amsterdam 2017-07-11 - 2017-07-14
Academic lectureHezaveh, Amin; Zavareh, Mohsen; Cherry, Christopher; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2017) Toward developing the bicycle rider behavior questionnaire (BRBQ). 6th annual international cycling safety conference , Davis, California 2017-09-21 - 2017-09-22
Academic lectureZavareh, Mohsen; Mamdoohi, Amir Reza; Hassani, Abolfazl; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2017) Calibration of drivers perceived level of risk in an uninterrupted traffic facility: An experimental study. 27th ICTCT workshop , Karlsruhe 2017-10-16 - 2017-10-17
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Dalen, R; Oldren, B; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2017) The effects of a rehabilitation programme on motor functioning and well-being among patients with Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. 15th European Congress of Psychology (ECP, 2017) , Amsterdam 2017-07-11 - 2017-07-14
Academic lectureZavareh, Mohsen; Hezaveh, Amin; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2016) Towards developing a Bicycle Rider Behaviour Questionnaire. 29th International co-operation on theories and concepts in traffic safety (ICTCT) , Lund 2016-10-20 - 2016-10-21
Academic lectureJørgensen, Stig Halvard; Jones, Andy; Rundmo, Torbjørn; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2016) Critical approaches to road injury trends, forecasts and scenarios: two urban cases in Norway. 17th International Conference Road Safety on Five Continents , Rio de Janeiro 2016-05-17 - 2016-05-19
Academic lectureØiestad, Elisabeth Leere; Nordfjærn, Trond; Edland-Gryt, Marit; Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line; Hovda, Knut Erik; Persett, Per Sverre. (2015) Use of oral fluid for analysis of new psychoactive substances. Karolinska Institutet Joint 19th Nordic Congress on Forensic Medicine and 1st Annual Meeting of the Nordic Association of Forensic Toxicologists , Stockholm 2015-06-10 - 2015-06-13
Academic lectureMehdizadeh, Milad; Mamdoohi, Amir; Zavareh, Mohsen; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2015) Effect of parental attitudes towards walking on children walking to schools. 14th conference on traffic and transportation engineering , Teheran 2015-02-24 - 2015-02-25
Academic lectureAndreas, Jasmina Burdzovic; Lauritzen, Grethe; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2015) Poly-drug use and mental distress comorbidity: A 10-year prospective study of patients from substance abuse treatment in Norway. IV International Congress on Dual Disorders , Barcelona 2015-04-17 - 2015-04-20
Academic lectureGripenberg, Johanna; Nordfjærn, Trond; Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line; Edland-Gryt, Marit. (2015) Prevalence of club drug use and correlates in the Oslo nightlife setting. Club Health 2015: The 9th International Conference on Nightlife, Substance Use and Related Health Issues , Lisboa 2015-06-17 - 2015-06-19
Academic lectureJørgensen, Stig Halvard; Jones, Andrew P.; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2015) Scenarios in Urban Road Transport Risk. - Development in Injuries and Transport Mode Shift. Society for Risk Analyses Society for Risk Analyses - Europe , Maastricht 2015-06-15 - 2015-06-17
PosterGjerde, Hallvard; Nordfjærn, Trond; Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line; Edland-Gryt, Marit; Furuhaugen, Håvard; Karinen, Ritva Anneli. (2015) Analysis of drugs in samples of oral fluid from nightclub patrons in Oslo – Comparison with drug findings in arrested criminal offenders. TIAFT 53rd Annual Meeting of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists , Firenze 2015-08-30 - 2015-09-04
Academic lectureJørgensen, Stig Halvard; Nordfjærn, Trond; Heidenstrøm, Øyvind Teige; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2014) Heuristic approaches for injury reductions by reduced car use in urban areas. International conference on urban transport and environment , Malaga 2014-10-30 - 2014-10-31
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Lind, Hans Brende; Nordfjærn, Trond; Jørgensen, Stig Halvard. (2014) Factors associated with safe and environmentally friendly travel mode use. International conference on urban transport and environment , Malaga 2014-10-30 - 2014-10-31
Academic lectureSimsekoglu, Özlem; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2014) The role of travel mode attitudes, transport priorities, and car use habit for travel mode use in an urban Norwegian sample. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology , Paris 2014-07-08 - 2014-07-13
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Lind, Hans Brende; Simsekoglu, Özlem; Jørgensen, Stig Halvard; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2014) The role of social cognition in perceived thresholds for transportation mode change. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology , Paris 2014-07-08 - 2014-07-13
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2014) Prospective associations between benzodiazepine use and later life satisfaction, somatic pain and psychological health among the elderly. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology , Paris 2014-07-08 - 2014-07-13
Academic lectureThompson, Jason; Berk, Michael; O'Donnell, Meaghan; Stafford, Lesley; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2014) The effect of attributions of responsibility for accidents on physical, psychological and functional recovery. 13th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine , Groningen 2014-08-20 - 2014-08-23
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Simsekoglu, Özlem; Lind, Hans Brende; Jørgensen, Stig Halvard; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2014) Transport priorities, risk perception and worry associated with mode use and preferences among Norwegian commuters. ICTTE International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering , Beograd 2014-11-27 - 2014-11-28
Academic lectureThompson, Jason; Berk, Michael; Stafford, Lesley; O'Donnell, Meaghan; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2014) The effect of attributions of responsibility on mental and physical health outcomes among road trauma survivors. Australasian Society of Health and Behavioural Medicine Australasian Society of Health and Behavioural Medicine , Auckland 2014-03-02 - 2014-03-06
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2013) Treatment Systems for Substance Use Disorders. Izmir University of Economics 18th national psychology student congress , Izmir 2013-06-06 - 2013-06-09
InterviewTvedten, Hilde Marie; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2013) Slår alarm om langtidsbruk: Så farlig er sovepillene. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2013-10-29
InterviewTvedten, Hilde Marie; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2013) Disse bør passe seg for sovepiller. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2013-04-16
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2013) Road traffic safety beliefs and driver behaviour among personality subtypes of drivers in the Norwegian population. 13th European Congress of Psychology. Stockholm 2013-07-09 - 2013-07-12
Academic lectureSimsekoglu, Özlem; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2013) Safety climate, traffic risk perception, road safety attitudes and driver behaviours among professional drivers. 13th European Congress of Psychology 2013-07-09 - 2013-07-12
PosterNordfjærn, Trond; Simsekoglu, Özlem; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2013) Culture, risk assessments and road traffic behaviour: Norway and Turkey compared. 13th European Congress of Psychology 2013-07-09 - 2013-07-12
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2013) The role of personality traits for safety cognitions and driver behaviour among Norwegians. the International Conference on Driver Behaviour and Training , Helsinki 2013-08-19 - 2013-08-20
Academic lectureThompson, Jason; Berk, Michael; Stafford, Lesley; O'Donnell, Meaghan; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2013) How attributions of responsibility affect depressive symptoms and return-to-work. Institute for Safety Compensation & Recovery Institute for Safety Compensation & Recovery Research conference, , Sydney 2013-11-03 - 2013-11-05
Academic lectureSimsekoglu, Özlem; Nordfjærn, Trond; Zavareh, Mohsen; Hezaveh, Amin; Mamdoohi, Amir; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2013) Risk perceptions, fatalism and driver behaviours in Turkey and Iran. International Conference on Driver Behaviour and Training 2013-08-19 - 2013-08-20
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Simsekoglu, Özlem; Can, Seda; Somer, Oya. (2013) Social cognition and personality traits related to risky driving in a Turkish sample. 13th European Congress of Psychology , Stockholm 2013-07-09 - 2013-07-12
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Klempe, Sven Hroar; Granskaya, J.; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2013) Examination of a cultural theory of transport risk. 22nd Meeting for the Society of Risk Analysis Europe (SRA-E Conference) 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-19
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Jørgensen, Stig Halvard; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2013) Associations between risk judgements, risk sensitivity, acceptability, priority of safety and risk reducing measures in transport. 22nd Meeting for the Society of Risk Analysis Europe (SRA-E Conference) 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-18
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Hazaveh, Amin; Mamdoohi, Amir. (2013) An analysis of driver behaviour among domestic and expatriate Iranians. International Conference on Driver Behaviour and Training , Helsinki 2013-08-19 - 2013-08-20
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2013) Traffic risk perceptions in a Ghanaian public. 12th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering , Teheran 2013-02-19 - 2013-02-20
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2013) Human Factors Related to Traffic Safety. 12th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering , Teheran 2013-02-19 - 2013-02-20
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Jørgensen, Stig Halvard; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2013) Associations between Risk Judgements, Risk Sensitivity, Acceptability, Priority of Safety and Risk Reduction Measures in Transportation. SRA-Europe The 22nd Society for Risk Analysis Europe’s Conference. Safe Societies – Coping with Complexity and major Risk , Trondheim 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-19
InterviewNordfjærn, Trond; Tvedten, Hilde Marie. (2012) Sovepiller virker ikke over tid. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2012-06-02
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2012) Tilbakefallsforebygging før, under og etter behandling i TSB. Rusbehandling Midt-Norge Ruskonferansen 2012 , Stjørdalen 2012-03-06 - 2012-03-07
Popular scientific lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2012) Sårbare overganger knyttet til rusbehandling. Fylkesmannen i sør-trøndelag G8 national meeting municipality and prison workers , Trondheim 2012-05-15 - 2012-05-16
Academic lectureStøver, Morten; Bratberg, Grete Helen; Nordfjærn, Trond; Krokstad, Steinar. (2012) Bruk av alkohol og medikamenter blant eldre (60+). Data fra helseundersøkelsen I Nord-Trøndelag, HUNT. Actis Eldre og rus konferanse , Oslo 2012-01-26 - 2012-01-27
Academic lectureThompson, Jason; Berk, Michael; O’Donnell, Meaghan; Stafford, Lesley; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2012) The role of attributions of responsibility in recovery from road-trauma and workplace injury. Australasian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Australasian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Conference 2012-09-08 - 2012-09-08
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Iversen, Hilde Hestad; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2012) The role of culture and cultural theory in risk attitudes and behaviour. 32th Annual Meeting for the Society of Risk Analysis 2012-12-09 - 2012-12-12
InterviewNordfjærn, Trond. (2011) Det er håp for alle med rusproblemer. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2011-02-01
Popular scientific lectureEngen, Håvard; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2011) Hvilke psykologiske faktorer henger sammen med rusbruk blant pasienter med rusavhengighet?. Vestmo behandlingssenter Jubelumskonferanse Vestmo , Ålesund 2011-06-07 - 2011-06-08
Popular scientific lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2011) Tilbakefallsproblematikk blant rusavhengige og pasientenes opplevelse av egen behandlingsnytte. Helse Midt-Norge Regional forskningskonferanse Helse Midt-Norge , Rica Hell, Stjørdalen 2011-05-11 - 2011-05-12
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Jørgensen, Stig Halvard; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2011) A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Road Traffic Risk Perception, Attitudes towards Road Traffic Safety, and Driver Behaviour. 12th European Congress of Psychology , Istanbul 2011-07-04 - 2011-07-08
Academic lectureSimsekoglu, Özlem; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2011) Attitudes, Behaviours and Risk Perception Related to Road Traffic Safety: A Comparison between Norway and Turkey. 12th European Congress of Psychology , Istanbul 2011-07-04 - 2011-07-08
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Nordfjærn, Trond; Cersasi-Roche, I. (2011) Associations between ‘Objective’ Risk, Risk Perception and other Risk-Related Judgements. 12th European Congress of Psychology , Istanbul 2011-07-04 - 2011-07-08
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Jørgensen, Stig Halvard; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2011) Cultural and Demographic Predictors of Car Accident Involvement in Norway, Ghana, Russia, Tanzania and Uganda. 12th European Congress of Psychology , Istanbul 2011-07-04 - 2011-07-08
PosterFoss Sigurdsson, Johannes; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2011) The role of psychosocial challenges, demographics, self-efficacy and substance use characteristics for illicit substance use and alcohol consumption. 12th European Congress of Psychology , Istanbul 2011-07-04 - 2011-07-08
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Bjerkeset, Ottar; Bratberg, Grete Helen; Moylan, Steven; Berk, Michael; Gråwe, Rolf W.. (2011) Socio demographic and psychological predictors of long term use of Benzodiazpines in the general Norwegian population: The HUNT Study. 12th European Congress of Psychology , Istanbul 2011-07-04 - 2011-07-08
Popular scientific lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2011) Geographical and Cultural Perspectives on Road Traffic Safety. Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag , Stjørdalen 2011-05-11 -
PosterØien, Katrin; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2011) The development of self-efficacy and substance use during the course of treatment. NTNU og Helse-Midt Norge Forskningskonferanse Rus og psykisk helse , Stjørdalen 2011-11-16 - 2011-11-17
PosterNordfjærn, Trond; Bjerkeset, Ottar; Bratberg, Grete Helen; Moylan, Steven; Berk, Michael; Gråwe, Rolf W.. (2011) Factors associated with benzodiazepine use in the Norwegian public: The HUNT Study. NTNU og Helse-Midt Norge Konferanse Rus og psykisk helse , Stjørdalen 2011-11-16 - 2011-11-17
PosterSigurdson, Johannes Foss; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2011) The role of psychosocial challenges, demographics, self-efficacy and substance use characteristics for illicit substance use and alcohol consumption. EFPA 12th European Congress of Psychology , Istanbul 2011-07-04 - 2011-07-08
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Jørgensen, Stig Halvard; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2011) Safety attitudes, behaviour, worry and perceived control among professional and non-professional drivers. International conference on driver behaviour and training 2011-11-29 - 2011-11-30
PosterSandberg-Larsen, Viviann; Gråwe, Rolf W.; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2011) The usefulness of MAR-S in a SUD Clinic for adolescents. NTNU og Helse-Midt Norge Forskningskonferanse Rus og psykisk helse , Stjørdalen 2011-11-16 - 2011-11-17
Academic lectureJørgensen, Stig Halvard; Rundmo, Torbjørn; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2011) Is there a geography in drivers' rule violation behaviour?. International conference on driver behaviour and training 2011-11-29 - 2011-11-30
Academic lectureSimsekoglu, Özlem; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2011) A comparison of road traffic culture in Norway and Turkey. International conference on driver behaviour and training 2011-11-29 - 2011-11-30
PosterRundmo, Torbjørn; Foss Sigurdsson, Johannes; Cersasi Roche, Isabelle; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2011) Use of transportation modes and priorities related to mode use and risk perception –A study of an urban Norwegian public. International conference on driver behaviour and training 2011-11-29 - 2011-11-30
Popular scientific lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2011) Tilbakefall blant pasienter med rusavhengighet: Implikasjoner for tidlig intervensjon og oppfølgingstiltak. [Relapse among patients with substance use disorders: Implications for early intervention and treatment follow-up] (in Norwegian). Fylkesmanne Nord-Trøndelag, NAV mfl. Nettverkssamling for klinikere og kommunale praktikere , Stjørdalen 2011-05-03 - 2011-05-04
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2011) Tilbakefall blant rusavhengige pasienter: Betydningen av oppfølging og aktivitet. NAPHA, Fylkesmannen Nettverssamling for kommunalt ansatte, NAPHA, fylkesmannen, psykisk helsevern Sør-Trøndelag , Ørlandet 2011-10-11 - 2011-10-12
Popular scientific lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2011) Psychological, Contextual and Cultural Factors Associated with Substance Use and Misuse. NTNU, Psykologisk institutt Master in Psychology - Specialization in Community Psychology , NTNU, Dragvoll Campus 2011-09-26 - 2011-09-26
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2011) Psykologiske faktirer assosiert med rusmiddelbruk: Forskningsresultater fra den generelle befolkningen og pasienter med rusavhengighet. Rusbehandling Midt-Norge og KS Regional Samhandlingskonferanse 2011 , Britannia Hotel, Trondheim 2011-11-01 - 2011-11-01
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2011) Psykologiske, kontekstuelle og kulturelle faktorer assosiert med rusbruk. Blå Kors Invitert forelesning Lade Behandlingssenter , Trondheim 2011-11-07 - 2011-11-07
InterviewNordfjærn, Trond. (2011) Risikofaktorer for tilbakefall og ettervern blant rusavhengige. NRK P1 NRK P1 [Radio] 2011-09-28
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Iversen, H. H.; Nordfjærn, Trond; Oltedal, S.; Jørgensen, S. H.. (2010) Vizion Zero – On the Road to Improvement of Transport Safety in Norway. 5th International Working on Safety Conference. ‘On the Road to Vision `Zero` , Røros 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-10
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Nordfjærn, Trond; Roche-Cerasi, I.. (2010) Risk Judgement and Objective Risk Related to Transportation Mode Use: A Norwegian Study. International Conference on Infrastructures, Technologies and Human Factors: Multidiciplinary Approach of the Safety in the Means of Transportation , Angers 2010-12-01 - 2010-12-03
Academic lectureJørgensen, Stig Halvard; Rundmo, Torbjørn; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2010) Safe and Vulnerable Road Users by Self-Reported Attitudes, Behaviour and Accident History. Road Safety. Research, Policing and Education Conference , Canberra 2010-08-31 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Iversen, H. H.; Nordfjærn, Trond; Oltedal, S.; Jørgensen, S. H.. (2010) Accidental Risk Judgements and Transport Mode Choices. 5th International Working on Safety Conference. ‘On the Road to Vision `Zero’ , Røros 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-10
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Jørgensen, S. H.; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2010) Vizion Zero – Geographical and Psychological Perspectives on Safety Campaigns. 5th International Working on Safety Conference. ‘On the Road to Vision `Zero’ , Røros 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-10
Academic lectureØien, K.; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2010) The Importance of Self-efficacy in Substance Addiction Treatment. The 12th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim, Dragvoll 2010-11-11 - 2010-11-12
Academic lectureFoss Sigurdssen, J.; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2010) The Role of Psychosocial Challenges, Demographics, Self-Efficacy, and Substance Use Characteristics for Illicit substance use and Alcohol consumption. The 12th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim, Dragvoll 2010-11-11 - 2010-11-12
PosterNordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2010) Risk Assessments in Norway and Ghana: A Study of Road Traffic Safety. The 12th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim, Dragvoll 2010-11-11 - 2010-11-12
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Nordfjærn, Trond; Roche-Cerasi, I.; Moe, D.; Nordtømme, M. E.. (2010) Accidental Risk Factors Related to Transport Mode Choices in Norway. International Conference on Infrastructures, Technologies and Human Factors: Multidiciplinary Approach of the Safety in the Means of Transportation , Angers 2010-12-01 - 2010-12-03
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2010) Differences in risk perception, priorities, worry and demand for risk mitigation among Norwegians: 2004 and 2008 compared. The Australian psychological society International Congress of Applied Psychology , Melbourne 2010-07-11 - 2010-07-16
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Hole, Reidar; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2010) Interrelations between patients' personal life events, psychosocial distress and substance use. The Australian psychological society International Congress of Applied Psychology , Melbourne 2010-07-11 - 2010-07-16
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2010) Accidental risk judgements and choices between private and public transportation. The Australian psychological society International Congress of Applied Psychology , Melbourne 2010-07-11 - 2010-07-16
PosterNordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2010) Cross-country differences in traffic risk judgement: Norway and Ghana compared. The Australian psychological society International Congress of Applied Psychology , Melbourne 2010-07-11 - 2010-07-16
Academic lectureØien, K.; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2009) User evaluations of substance abuse treatment provided by the Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Central Norway. The 11th national conference on social and community psychology , Bergen 2009-11-12 - 2009-11-13
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2009) Does place of residence inluence driver attitudes and behaviour among Norwegians?. The 11th national conference on social and community psychology , Bergen 2009-11-12 - 2009-11-13
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2009) An investigation of driver attitudes and behaviour in rural and urban communities in Norway. The 18th International conference on safe communities , Cali Colombia 2009-08-13 - 2009-08-15
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2009) Relapse patterns and risk factors of relapse among patients in the drug and alcohol treatment in central Norway. Annual autumn meeting - the Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Central Norway and colloborative community service partners , Bårdshaug, Orkanger 2009-10-28 - 2009-10-29
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond; Hole, R.; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2009) Relapse patterns and associations between psychological functioning and relapse among patients with substance addiction. The 11th national conference on social and community psychology , Bergen 2009-11-12 - 2009-11-13
Academic lectureJørgensen, Stig Halvard; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2009) Does Place of Recidence Matter in Risk Judgement and Attitudes towards Mode of Transport? Self-Reported Risks in a Population-Based Survey in Norway. XIIIth International Symposium on Medical Geography , McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario 2009-07-12 - 2009-07-17
Academic lectureRundmo, Torbjørn; Jørgensen, Stig Halvard; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2009) The role of judgment of severity of consequences in demand for risk mitigation. The 11th european congress of psychology , Oslo 2009-07-09 - 2009-07-11
PosterØien, K.; Nordfjærn, Trond; Dyrhaug, T.; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2009) Association between motivation and treatment success among substance abusers under treatment. The 11th european congress of psychology , Oslo 2009-07-09 - 2009-07-11
PosterØien, K.; Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2009) The role of substance addiction treatment for self-efficacy and substance use. The Annual Regional Research Conference in Health Region Central , Stjørdal 2009-06-03 - 2009-06-04
PosterDyrhaug, T.; Nordfjærn, Trond. (2009) The role of social networks during treatment of addiction disorders. The Annual Regional Research Conference in Health Region Central , Stjørdal 2009-06-03 - 2009-06-04
PosterNordfjærn, Trond; Dyrhaug, T.; Øien, K.; Rundmo, Torbjørn; Hole, R.. (2009) Perspectives of treatment and recovery as perceived by patients with substance addiction. The 11th european congress of psychology , Oslo 2009-07-09 - 2009-07-11
PosterNordfjærn, Trond. (2009) Risk factors of relapse among patients with substance use disorders. British division of clinical psychology Annual meeting of the british division of clinical psychology , London 2009-12-10 - 2009-12-11
Academic lectureNordfjærn, Trond. (2008) Pasientutfall i Rusbehandling Midt-Norge HF. The Annual Regional Research Conference in Health Region Central , Ålesund 2008-09-15 - 2008-09-16
PosterNordfjærn, Trond. (2007) A Prospective and Cross-Sectional Investigation of Substance Abuse Treatment Outcomes in Central Norway. The 9th Annual Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim 2007-11-08 - 2007-11-09
PosterNordfjærn, Trond; Lund, I. O.; Rundmo, Torbjørn. (2006) Cross Cultural Comparisons of Traffic Safety Attitudes and Behavior. the Society for Risk Analysis Europe 15th Annual Conference. Innovation and Technical Progress: Benefit Without Risk? , Ljubljana 2006-10-11 - 2006-10-13