Turid Rustad
Areas of speciality/Fields of responsibility
Research activities are mainly marine oriented. In fish chemistry the research is focused on protein and lipid chemistry related to fish processing and changes in fish quality.
Characterization of the properties of muscle proteins and enzymes is an important topic. Marine lipids is also an important field of research, especially focussed on the stability of lipids/ lipid oxidation. We study the influence of different parameters/factors that are important for fish quality, such as the effect of handling stress on fish quality. We also study the effect of different storage regimes on the quality of fish and marine products (freezing, thawing, superchilling etc.). Many different methods are being used, both physiochemical methods but also modern instrumental methods. Characterisation of marine by-products with regard to increased utilisation of this raw material is also an important field. We also work with seaweed - how processing and storage affects the composition and properties.
- TBT4125 Food Chemistry,
- BT3110 Aquatic food processing and technology,
- BT3119/BT8119 Food chemistry advanced,
Meidell, Line Skontorp;
Falch, Eva;
Rustad, Turid;
Carvajal, Ana Karina.
Valorization of whitefish residuals generated onboard deep-sea vessels – from waste to value.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Hematyar, Nima;
Policar, Tomas;
Rustad, Turid.
Importance of proteins and mitochondrial changes as freshness indicators in fish muscle post-mortem.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Academic literature review
Arlov, Øystein;
Nøkling-Eide, Katharina;
Aarstad, Olav Andreas;
Jacobsen, Synnøve Strand;
Langeng, Anne-Mari;
Borrero Santiago, Ana Rocio.
Variations in the chemical composition of Norwegian cultivated brown algae Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta based on deployment and harvest times.
Algal Research
Academic article
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Sasidharan, Abhilash.
Chapter 2. Peptides and Proteins.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Meidell, Line Skontorp;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
Valorization of Saithe (Pollachius virens) Residuals into Protein Hydrolysates—Silaging as Preservation Technology.
Academic article
Falch, Eva;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Chapter 14 Composition and Calories.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kotsoni, Elissavet;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Rustad, Turid;
Tiwari, Brijesh;
Cropotova, Janna.
Effect of high-pressure pretreatment on enzymatic hydrolysis of a mixture of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) rest raw material.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Academic article
Five, Kathrine Kjos;
Fålun, Ingvild;
Roland, Gabriel J.;
Forshaug, Daniel;
Helgeland-Rossavik, Martin-Kristofer;
Hals, Ragnhild.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken viscera and bones: Rest raw material characterization and evaluation of industrially relevant process parameters on product yields.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
Chapter 7. Lipid Oxidation.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sasidharan, Abhilash;
Tronstad, Elise Rabben;
Rustad, Turid.
Utilization of Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) Skin as a Source for Gelatine Extraction Using Acid Hydrolysis.
Marine Drugs
Academic literature review
Kendler, Sophie;
Sasidharan, Abhilash;
Rustad, Turid.
Extraction of proteinaceous components and biominerals from cold water fish fileting side streams: a review.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Academic literature review
Cropotova, Janna Derks;
Kvangarsnes, Kristine;
Rustad, Turid;
Stangeland, Janne Kristin;
Roda, Gabriella;
Fanzaga, Melissa .
Effect of ultrasound treatment on quality parameters and health promoting activity of fish protein hydrolysates extracted from side streams of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus).
Frontiers in Nutrition
Academic article
Kotsoni, Elissavet;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Rustad, Turid;
Tiwari, Brijesh K.;
Lammi, Carmen.
Antioxidant Activity and DPP-IV Inhibitory Effect of Fish Protein Hydrolysates Obtained from High-Pressure Pretreated Mixture of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Rest Raw Material.
Marine Drugs
Academic article
Stevant, Pierrick Francois Denis;
Aachmann, Finn Lillelund;
Arlov, Øystein;
Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle;
Sarno, Antonio;
Aarstad, Olav Andreas.
Changes in food quality attributes of Saccharina latissima following pre-treatments, frozen storage and subsequent thawing.
Algal Research
Academic article
Kotsoni, Elissavet;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Rustad, Turid;
Tiwari, Brijesh K.;
Cropotova, Janna Derks.
Quality Assessment of Fish Oil Obtained after Enzymatic Hydrolysis of a Mixture of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Rest Raw Material Pretreated by High Pressure .
Marine Drugs
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna Derks;
Kvangarsnes, Kristine;
Stangeland, Janne Kristin;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of ultrasound pre-treatment prior to enzymatic hydrolysis on physicochemical parameters of fish protein hydrolysates (FPH) extracted from side streams of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus).
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Academic article
Sund, Randi;
Rustad, Turid;
Duinker, Arne;
Skipnes, Dagbjørn.
The effects of freezing and thawing on Alaria esculenta.
Journal of Applied Phycology
Academic article
Meidell, Line Skontorp;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid;
Standal, Inger Beate.
Silage for upcycling oil from saithe (Pollachius virens) viscera – Effect of raw material freshness on the oil quality.
Academic article
Øye, Gisle;
Simon, Sebastien Charles Roger;
Rustad, Turid;
Paso, Kristofer Gunnar.
Trends in food emulsion technology: Pickering, nano-, and double emulsions.
Current Opinion in Food Science
Academic article
Stupar, Jelena;
Hoel, Sunniva;
Strømseth, Sigrid;
Lerfall, Jørgen;
Rustad, Turid;
Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng.
Selection of lactic acid bacteria for biopreservation of salmon products applying processing-dependent growth kinetic
parameters and antimicrobial mechanisms
Academic article
Kvangarsnes, Kristine;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Tolstorebrov, Ignat;
Rustad, Turid;
Bartolomei, Martina;
Xu, Ruoxian.
Physicochemical and functional properties of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hydrolysate.
Academic article
Sasidharan, Abhilash;
Rustad, Turid;
Cusimano, Giovanni M..
Tuna sidestream valorization:a circular blue bioeconomy approach.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Academic article
Pleissner, Daniel;
Schönfelder, Stephanie;
Händel, Nicole;
Dalichow, Julia;
Ettinger, Judith;
Kvangarsnes, Kristine.
Heterotrophic growth of Galdieria sulphuraria on residues from aquaculture and fish processing industries.
Bioresource Technology
Academic article
Meidell, Line Skontorp;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
Upgrading Marine Oils from Cod (Gadus morhua) On-Board the Deep-Sea Vessels—From Waste to Value.
Academic article
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha;
Schulte, Henning;
Pleissner, Daniel;
Schönfelder, Stephanie;
Kvangarsnes, Kristine;
Dauksas, Egidijus.
Transformation of Seafood Side-Streams and Residuals into
Valuable Products.
Academic article
Venugopal, Vazhiyil;
Sasidharan, Abhilash;
Rustad, Turid.
Green Chemistry to Valorize Seafood Side Streams: An Ecofriendly Roadmap toward Sustainability.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Tappi, Silvia;
Genovese, Jessica;
Rocculi, Pietro;
Laghi, Luca;
Dalla Rosa, Marco.
Study of the influence of pulsed electric field pre-treatment on quality parameters of sea bass during brine salting.
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies
Academic article
Zhao, Yi-Ming;
Oliveira, Marcia;
Burgess, Catherine M.;
Cropotova, Janna;
Rustad, Turid;
Sun, Da-Wen.
Combined effects of ultrasound, plasma-activated water, and peracetic acid on decontamination of mackerel fillets.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Dalsvåg, Hanne;
Cropotova, Janna;
Režek Jambrak, Anet;
Janči, Tibor;
Španěl, Patrik;
Dryahina, Kseniya.
Mass Spectrometric Quantification of Volatile Compounds Released by Fresh Atlantic Salmon Stored at 4 °c under Modified Atmosphere Packaging and Vacuum Packaging for up to 16 Days.
ACS Food Science & Technology
Academic article
Stupar, Jelena;
Holøymoen, Ingunn Grimsbo;
Hoel, Sunniva;
Lerfall, Jørgen;
Rustad, Turid;
Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng.
Diversity and Antimicrobial Activity towards Listeria spp. and Escherichia coli among Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Ready-to-Eat Seafood.
Academic article
Sivertsen, Edvard;
Thyholt, Kari;
Rustad, Turid;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Josefsen, Kjell Domaas;
Haugen, Eva Johanne.
Analysing multivariate storage data of seafood spreads. A case study based on combining split-plot design, principal component analysis and partial least squares predictions.
Food Control
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Kotsoni, Elissavet;
Cropotova, Janna;
Rustad, Turid.
Low-fat (<50%) oil-in-water emulsions.
Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abualtaher, Moh'd Hasan Moh'd;
Rustad, Turid;
Bar, Eirin Marie Skjøndal.
Systemic Insights on the Integration of UN Sustainable Development Goals within the Norwegian Salmon Value Chain.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Taghizadeh Andevari, Ghasem;
Rezaei, Masoud;
Tabarsa, Mehdi;
Rustad, Turid.
Carotenoprotein from by-product of banana shrimp (Penaeus
merguiensis) extracted using protease from viscera of
rainbow trout: antiradical and angiotensin I-converting
enzyme inhibitory activity.
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences (IJFS)
Academic article
Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer;
Rustad, Turid;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eiken, Elin;
Pettersen, Stine Marie;
Falch, Eva.
Ultrafiltration of Saithe (Pollachius virens) Protein Hydrolysates and Its Effect on Antioxidative Activity.
Academic article
Kvangarsnes, Kristine;
Kendler, Sophie;
Rustad, Turid;
Aas, Grete Hansen.
Induced oxidation and addition of antioxidant before enzymatic hydrolysis of heads of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)–effect on the resulting oil and protein fraction.
Academic article
Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer;
Falch, Eva;
Rustad, Turid.
Hvor bærekraftig er fiskens reise fra hav til middagsbord?.
NTNU TekNat Blogg
Feature article
Sveinsdottir, Hildur I.;
Sverrisdottir, Sandra B;
Karlsdottir, Magnea G.;
Rustad, Turid;
Arason, Sigurjón;
Gudjonsdottir, Maria.
Effects of anatomical variation of muscle on composition and oxidation susceptibility of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus).
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Szulecka, Olga;
Kulikowsk, Tomasz;
Mytlewski, Adam.
Sensory and physicochemical quality characteristics of Haddock fish cake enriched with atlantic mackerel.
Food technology and biotechnology
Academic article
Nielsen, Cecilie Wirenfeldt;
Rustad, Turid;
Holdt, Susan Løvstad.
Vitamin C from seaweed: A review assessing seaweed as contributor to daily intake.
Academic literature review
Cropotova, Janna;
Tappi, Silvia;
Genovese, Jessica;
Rocculi, Pietro;
Dalla Rosa, Marco;
Rustad, Turid.
The combined effect of pulsed electric field treatment and brine salting on changes in the oxidative stability of lipids and proteins and color characteristics of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax).
Academic article
Kvangarsnes, Kristine;
Rustad, Turid;
Barnung, Trygg Normann;
Larssen, Wenche Merete Emblem;
Aas, Grete Hansen.
Effect of rosemary on stabilization of proteins during frozen storage of mackerel (Scomber scombrus).
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Falch, Eva;
Rustad, Turid.
IFoodNet - Student International Innovation Training School.
Website (informational material)
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Ojha, Shikha;
Rustad, Turid;
Tiwari, Brijesh.
Influence of high-pressure processing on quality attributes of haddock and mackerel minces during frozen storage, and fishcakes prepared thereof.
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies
Academic article
Sveinsdottir, Hildur Inga;
Karlsdottir, Magnea G.;
Arason, Sigurjón;
Stefansson, Gudmundur;
Sone, Izumi;
Skåra, Torstein.
Effect of antioxidants on the sensory quality and physicochemical stability of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) fillets during frozen storage.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Greiff, Kirsti.
Utilization of egg-laying hens (Gallus Gallus domesticus) for production of ingredients for human consumption and animal feed.
BMC Biotechnology
Academic article
Stevant, Pierrick Francois Denis;
Ólafsdottir, Adalheidur;
Déléris, Paul;
Dumay, Justine;
Fleurence, Joël;
Ingadóttir, Bergrós.
Data on the sensory characteristics and chemical composition of the edible red seaweed dulse (Palmaria palmata) after dry and semi-dry storage.
Data in Brief
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Cropotova, Janna;
Budzko, Emilia;
Rustad, Turid.
Superchilled, chilled and frozen storage of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) – effect on lipids and low molecular weight metabolites
International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Academic article
Pérez-Andrés, Juan M;
Cropotova, Janna;
Harrison, Sabine M.;
Brunton, Nigel P.;
Cullen, Patrick J.;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of Cold Plasma on Meat Cholesterol and
Lipid Oxidation.
Academic article
Stevant, Pierrick Francois Denis;
Ólafsdottir, Adalheidur;
Déléris, Paul;
Dumay, Justine;
Fleurence, Joël;
Ingadóttir, Bergrós.
Semi-dry storage as a maturation process for improving the sensory characteristics of the edible red seaweed dulse (Palmaria palmata).
Algal Research
Academic article
Tveit, Guro Møen;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Falch, Eva;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Remme, Jannicke;
Grimsmo, Leif.
Increased Utilisation and Value Creation from white Fish Rest Raw Materials. Abstracts - The Third Symposium Sustainable technologies for food processing and preservation.
Thoresen, Petter Paulsen;
Álvarez García, Rebeca;
Vaka, Mette Risa;
Rustad, Turid;
Sone, Izumi;
Noriega Fernández, Estefanía.
Potential of innovative pre-treatment technologies for the revalorisation of residual materials from the chicken industry through enzymatic hydrolysis.
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies
Academic article
Tveit, Guro Møen;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Meldstad, Fataneh;
Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle;
Remme, Jannicke.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of cod heads – effect of freezing and thawing on the quality and composition of protein hydrolysates.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hassoun, Abdo;
Cropotova, Janna;
Rustad, Turid;
Heia, Karsten;
Lindberg, Stein-Kato;
Nilsen, Heidi.
Use of spectroscopic techniques for a rapid and non-destructive monitoring of thermal treatments and storage time of sous-vide cooked cod fillets.
Academic article
Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer;
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
The value chain of the white fish industry in Norway: History, current status and possibilities for improvement – A review.
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Academic literature review
Cropotova, Janna;
Rustad, Turid.
A new fluorimetric method for simultaneous determination of lipid and protein hydroperoxides in muscle foods with the use of diphenyl-1-pyrenylphosphine (DPPP).
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Hassoun, Abdo;
Ojha, Shikha;
Tiwari, Brijesh;
Rustad, Turid;
Nilsen, Heidi;
Heia, Karsten.
Monitoring Thermal and Non-Thermal Treatments during Processing of Muscle Foods: A Comprehensive Review of Recent Technological Advances.
Applied Sciences
Academic literature review
Nielsen, Cecilie Wirenfeldt;
Holdt, Susan Løvstad;
Sloth, Jens Jørgen;
Marinho, Goncalo Silva;
Sæther, Maren;
Funderud, Jon.
Reducing the High Iodine Content of Saccharina latissima and Improving the Profile of Other Valuable Compounds by Water Blanching.
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Rustad, Turid.
The Influence of Cooking Parameters and Chilled Storage Time on Quality of Sous-Vide Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus).
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Rustad, Turid.
Assessment of lipid oxidation in Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)subjected to different antioxidant and sous-vide cooking treatments by conventional and fluorescence microscopy methods.
Food Control
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Aftret, Kari Cecilie;
Rustad, Turid.
The Effect of Sous-vide Cooking Parameters, Chilled Storage and Antioxidants on Quality Characteristics of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus) in Relation to Structural Changes in Proteins. .
Food technology and biotechnology
Academic article
Standal, Inger Beate;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid.
Vi må framsnakke makrellen!.
Feature article
Andevari, Ghasem;
Rezaei, Masoud;
Tabarsa, Mehdi;
Rustad, Turid.
Extraction, partial purification and characterization of alkaline protease from rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus Mykiss) viscera.
Academic article
Kalaydzhiev, Hristo;
Ivanova, Petya;
Stoyanova, Magdalena;
Pavlov, Atanas;
Rustad, Turid;
Silva, Cristina L M.
Valorization of Rapeseed Meal: Influence of Ethanol Antinutrients Removal on Protein Extractability, Amino Acid Composition and Fractional Profile.
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Grøvlen, Magnhild Seim;
Rustad, Turid.
Superchilled, chilled and frozen storage of Atlantic mackerel
(Scomber scombrus) fillets – changes in texture, drip loss, protein solubility and oxidation.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Rustad, Turid.
A novel fluorimetric assay for visualization and quantification of protein carbonyls in muscle foods.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Larsen, Frida;
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
Fish Protein Hydrolysates - two case studies of potential for utilization of rest raw material as food ingredients in Norway and India.
Masters thesis
Brustad, Kristin;
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
Lipid quality and utilization of rest raw material from fish processing - Based on the study of two cases: Norwegian
herring and Indian surimi.
Uten tittel (no)
Masters thesis
Hematyar, Nima;
Rustad, Turid;
Sampels, Sabine;
Dalsgaard, Trine Kastrup.
Relationship between lipid and protein oxidation in fish.
Aquaculture Research
Academic literature review
Abel, Nanna Louise;
Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore;
Rustad, Turid;
Ahlsen, Vidar B.;
Lerfall, Jørgen.
Physiochemical and Microbiological Quality of Lightly Processed Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Stored Under Modified Atmosphere.
Journal of Food Science
Academic article
Stévant, Pierrick Francois Denis;
Indergård, Erlend;
Ólafsdóttir, Aðalheiður;
Marfaing, Hélène;
Larssen, Wenche Merete Emblem;
Fleurence, Joël.
Effects of drying on the nutrient content and physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of the edible kelp Saccharina latissima.
Journal of Applied Phycology
Academic article
Tveit, Guro Møen;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Løes, Anne-Kristin.
Fra restråstoff til verdifulle råvarer.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Chotikachinda, Rutchanee;
Tantikitti, Chutima;
Benjakul, Soottawat;
Rustad, Turid.
Tuna viscera hydrolysate products prepared by different enzyme preparations improve the feed intake and growth of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer, fed total fishmeal replacement diets.
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
Academic article
Ivanova, Petya;
Kalaydzhiev, Hristo;
Dessev, Tzvetelin T.;
Silva, Cristina L M;
Rustad, Turid;
Chalova, Vesela I..
Foaming properties of acid-soluble protein-rich ingredient obtained from industrial rapeseed meal .
Journal of food science and technology
Academic article
Standal, Inger Beate;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Alinasabhematabadi, Leili;
Carlsson, Nils-Gunnar;
Undeland, Ingrid.
Quality of filleted Atlantic mackerel (Scomber Scombrus) during chilled and frozen storage: changes in lipids, vitamin D, proteins, and small metabolites, including biogenic amines.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Abel, Nanna Louise;
Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore;
Rustad, Turid;
Lerfall, Jørgen.
The influence of lipid composition, storage temperature, and modified atmospheric gas combinations on the solubility of CO2 in a seafood model product.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Remman, Tore;
Rustad, Turid.
Two-stage processing of salmon backbones to obtain high-quality oil and proteins.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Rustad, Turid.
A non-invasive approach to assess texture changes in sous-vide
cooked Atlantic mackerel during chilled storage by
Food Control
Academic article
Kaale, Lilian Daniel;
Johansen, Trude;
Rustad, Turid.
Biochemical changes in superchilled storage of salmon (Salmo salar) fillets.
African Journal of Food Science
Academic article
Shumilina, Elena;
Johansen, Trude;
Glasner, Christoph;
Robert, Joseph;
Rustad, Turid;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Application of NMR Spectroscopy and Conventional Analytical Methods for the Assessment of Wastewater from Food Industry.
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Academic article
Stévant, Pierrick Francois Denis;
Marfaing, Hélène;
Duinker, Arne;
Fleurence, Joël;
Rustad, Turid;
Sandbakken, Ingrid.
Biomass soaking treatments to reduce potentially undesirable compounds in the edible seaweeds sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) and winged kelp (Alaria esculenta) and health risk estimation for human consumption.
Journal of Applied Phycology
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Kristinova, Vera;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Evensen, Henning;
Rustad, Turid.
Applicability of traditional and advanced methods for oxidative quality and stability on marine phospholipids.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Academic article
Stévant, Pierrick Francois Denis;
Marfaing, Hélène;
Rustad, Turid;
Sandbakken, Ingrid;
Fleurence, Joël;
Chapman, Annelise Sabine.
Nutritional value of the kelps Alaria esculenta and Saccharina latissima and effects of short-term storage on biomass quality.
Journal of Applied Phycology
Academic article
Felix, Manuel;
Romero, A.;
Rustad, Turid;
Guerrero, A.
Rheological properties and antioxidant activity of protein gels-like systems made from crayfish concentrate and hydrolysates.
Food and Bioproducts Processing
Academic article
Tveit, Guro Møen;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Løes, Anne-Kristin.
Fra restråstoff til verdifull råvare.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid.
Utrangerte verpehøner - En uutnyttet ressurs i Norge.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ivanova, Petra;
Kalaydzhiev, Hristo;
Rustad, Turid;
Silva, Cristina L M;
Chalova, Vesela.
Comparative biochemical profile of protein-rich products obtained from industrial rapeseed meal.
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture (EJFA)
Academic article
Felix, Manuel;
Romero, A;
Rustad, Turid;
Guerrero, A..
Influence of Transglutaminase (TGase) Enzyme on Mechanical and Bioactive Porperties of Crayfish Protein Gels.
Food Biophysics
Academic article
Felix, Manuel;
Romero, A.;
Rustad, Turid;
Guerrero, A.
Physiochemical, microstructure and bioactive characterization of gels made from crayfish protein.
Food Hydrocolloids
Academic article
Ivanova, Petya;
Chalova, Vesela;
Kalaydzhiev, Hristo;
Perifanova-Nemska, Mariana;
Rustad, Turid;
Koleva, Lidia.
Pepsin-Assisted Transglutaminase Modification of Functional Properties of a Protein Isolate Obtained from Industrial Sunflower Meal.
Food technology and biotechnology
Academic article
Yang, Fang;
Xia, Wengshui;
Rustad, Turid;
Xu, Yanshun;
Jiang, Qixing.
Changes in myofibrillar structure of silver carp (Hypophtalmichthys molitrix) as affected by endogenous proteolysis under acidic conditions.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Academic article
Digre, Hanne;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Kristinova, Vera;
Hyldig, Grete;
Undeland, Ingrid;
Rustad, Turid.
Preserving the positive health effects in innovative pelagic fish products through the value chain (ProHealthPelagic).
SINTEF Fiskeri og Havbruk
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rommi, Katariina;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Eck, Peter;
Five, Kathrine;
Rustad, Turid.
Bioactivities of fish protein hydrolysates from defatted salmon backbones.
Biotechnology Reports
Academic article
Andreetta-Gorelkina, Irina Victorovna;
Greiff, Kirsti;
Rustad, Turid;
Aursand, Ida Grong.
Reduction of salt in haddock mince: Effect of different salts on the solubility of proteins.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Andreetta-Gorelkina, Irina Victorovna;
Gorelkin, Ilya Viktorovich;
Rustad, Turid.
Determination of apparent diffusion coefficient in balls made from haddock mince during brining.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Kristinova, Vera;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
The role of iron in peroxidation of PUFA: Effect of pH and chelators.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Tobiassen, Torbjørn;
Aas-Hansen, Øyvind;
Tran, Minh Phu;
Rustad, Turid.
Muscle quality and proteolytic enzymes of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)during storage: Effects of pre-storage handling and increased storage temperature.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Greiff, Kirsti;
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Erikson, Ulf Gøran;
Josefsen, Kjell Domaas;
Rustad, Turid.
Effects of type and concentration of salts on physicochemical properties in fish mince.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Rustad, Turid;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Grønstad, Christina.
Varmebehandling av makrell
Effekt på proteinstabilitet
Masters thesis
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Taraldsvik, Kristine;
Rustad, Turid;
Baron, Caroline P..
Reduction of salt during marinating of herring and the effect on stability of lipids.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Masters thesis
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Kristinova, Vera;
Rustad, Turid.
Oxidation of food components.
Encyclopedia article
Yang, Fang;
Rustad, Turid;
Xu, Yanshun;
Jiang, Qixing;
Xia, Wenshui.
Endogenous proteolytic enzymes - A study of their impact on cod (Gadus morhua) muscle proteins and textural properties in a fermented product.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Petrova, Inna;
Aasen, Inga Marie;
Rustad, Turid;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne.
Manufacture of dry-cured ham: a review. Part 1. Biochemical changes during the technological process.
European Food Research and Technology
Academic article
Greiff, Kirsti;
Staurem, Charlotte Jatteau;
Nordvi, Berit;
Rustad, Turid.
Novel utilization of milk-based ingredients in salt reduced fish pudding.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Shumilina, Elena;
Ciampa, Alessandra;
Capozzi, Francesco;
Rustad, Turid;
Dikiy, Alexander.
NMR approach for monitoring post-mortem changes in Atlantic salmon fillets stored at 0 and 4 °c.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Kristinova, Vera;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Aaneby, Jorunn;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Iron-mediated peroxidation in marine emulsions and liposomes studied by dissolved oxygen consumption.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Academic article
Skjermo, Jorunn;
Aasen, Inga Marie;
Arff, Johanne;
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Christie, Hartvig C.
A new Norwegian bioeconomy based on cultivation and processing of seaweeds: Opportunities and R&D needs.
SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Rustad, Turid;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Larsen, Rune.
Health benefits of seafood consumption
- with special focus on household preparations and bioactivity in animal
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Rahaman, Atikur;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of processing parameters on salting of herring.
Masters thesis
Lars Haugen, Aardal;
Rustad, Turid.
Studies of enzymatic processes important for ripening of herring.
Masters thesis
Rustad, Turid;
Ólafsdóttir, G.;
Jónsdottir, G.A.;
Ómarsdóttir, I.L.;
Trygvadóttir, G.B.;
Fredriksen, M..
InTerAct - Industry - Academis Interaction in the Marine Sector.
Nordic Innovation publication
Kristinova, Vera;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Oxidation of marine lipids in liposomes and emulsions mediated by iron and methemoglobin.
NTNU Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Kristinova, Vera;
Aaneby, Jorunn;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
The effect of dietary antioxidants on iron-mediated peroxidation in emulsions studied by dissolved oxygen consumption.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Academic article
Kaale, Lilian Daniel;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne;
Rustad, Turid;
Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle.
Changes in water holding capacity and drip loss of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) muscle during superchilled storage.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Kaale, Lilian Daniel;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne;
Rustad, Turid;
Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle;
Bardal, Tora;
Kjørsvik, Elin.
Ice crystal development in pre-rigor Atlantic salmon fillets during superchilling process and following storage.
Food Control
Academic article
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Larsen, Rune;
Rustad, Turid;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Nutritional content and bioactive properties of wild and farmed cod (Gadus morhua L.) subjected to food preparation.
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
Academic article
Gudjonsdottir, Maria;
Karlsdottir, MG;
Arason, Sigurjón;
Rustad, Turid.
Injection of fish protein solutions of fresh saithe (Pollachius virens) fillets studied by low field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and physicochemical measurements.
Journal of food science and technology
Academic article
Chotikachinda, R.;
Tantikitti, Chutima;
Benjakul, Soottawat;
Rustad, Turid;
Kumarnsit, E..
Production of protein hydrolysates from skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) viscera as feeding attractants for Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer).
Aquaculture Nutrition
Academic article
Kristinova, Vera;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Influence of human gastric juice on oxidation of marine lipids - in vitro study.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Bergvik, Maria;
Overrein, Ingrid;
Bantle, Michael;
Evjemo, Jan Ove;
Rustad, Turid.
Properties of Calanus finmarchicus biomass during frozen storage after heat inactivation of autolytic enzymes.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Tran, Minh Phu;
Tobiassen, Torbjørn;
Aas-Hansen, Øyvind;
Rustad, Turid.
Effects of pre-slaughter stress on proteolytic enzyme activities and muscle quality of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Vodyanova, Irina ;
Storrø, Ivar;
Olsen, Anna ;
Rustad, Turid.
Mathematical modelling of mixing of salt in minced meat by bowl-cutter.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Nguyen, Huy Quang;
Reinertsen, Helge;
Rustad, Turid;
Tran, Thien Mai;
Kjørsvik, Elin.
Evaluation of egg quality in broodstock cobia Rachycentron canadum L.
Aquaculture Research
Academic article
Rustad, Turid;
Hayes, Maria.
Marine bioactive peptides and protein hydrolysates: Generation, isolation procedures, and biological and chemical characterizations - Protein and peptides from marine byproducts.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Medina, Isabel;
Undeland, Ingrid;
Larsson, Karin;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid;
Jacobsen, Charlotte.
Activity of caffeic acid in different fish lipid matrices: A review.
Food Chemistry
Academic literature review
Kaale, Lilian Daniel;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne;
Rustad, Turid;
Kolsaker, Kjell.
Superchilling of food: A review.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic literature review
Gudjonsdottir, Maria;
Lauzon, H.L.;
Magnusson, Hannes;
Sveinsdottir, Kolbrun;
Arason, Sigurjon;
Martinsdottir, Emilia.
Low field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance on the effect of salt and modified atmosphere packaging on cod (Gadus morhua) during superchilled storage.
Food Research International
Academic article
Gudjonsdottir, Maria;
Arason, Sigurjón;
Rustad, Turid.
The effects of pre-salting methods on water distribution and protein denaturation of dry salted and rehydrated cod - A low-field NMR study.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Rustad, Turid.
Hva med ferske lammelår på nyttårsaften?.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Rustad, Turid.
Oppdrettstorsk ulik villtorsk.
Popular scientific article
Gudjonsdottir, Maria;
Jónsson, Ásbjörn;
Bergsson, Arnljótur Bjarki;
Arason, Sigurjón;
Rustad, Turid.
Shrimp Processing Assessed by Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Near Infrared Spectroscopy, and Physicochemical Measurements-The Effect of Polyphosphate Content and Length of Prebrining on Shrimp Muscle.
Journal of Food Science
Academic article
Digre, Hanne;
Erikson, Ulf Gøran;
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Misimi, Ekrem;
Rustad, Turid.
Rested and stressed farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) chilled in ice or slurry and effects on quality.
Journal of Food Science
Academic article
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar;
Slizyte, Rasa.
Possibilities for the utilisation of marine by-products.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Academic literature review
Rustad, Turid;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Storrø, Ivar;
Kristinova, Vera.
Oxidation of marine phosholipids.
Chemické listy (Print)
Academic article
Digre, Hanne;
Erikson, Ulf Gøran;
Misimi, Ekrem;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Riebroy, Siriporn.
Bleeding of farmed Atlantic cod: Residual blood, color, and quality attributes of pre- and postrigor fillets as affected by perimortem stress and different bleeding methods.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Rustad, Turid;
et al., diverse.
Nordisk samarbeid for bedre utnyttelse av fiskefangst.
Kaale, Lilian Daniel;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne;
Rustad, Turid.
Superchilling of food, a review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Storrø, Ivar.
Lipid oxidation of marine phospholipids induced by hemoglobin.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of raw material freshness in superchilled salmon (Salmo salar).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Kristinova, Vera;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Storrø, Ivar.
Oxidative stability of marine lipids: Possibilities and challanges.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Slizyte, Rasa;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
High quality bulk products from ultra fresh herring rest raw material.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rustad, Turid;
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Tobiassen, Torbjørn;
Tran, Minh Phu.
Effects of handling stress in farmed cod.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bantle, Michael;
Bergvik, Maria;
Rustad, Turid.
Lipid class changes and lipid oxidation in Calanus finmarchicus during Vacuum, Atmospheric and Nitrogen freeze drying.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stevik, Astrid Myckland;
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Rustad, Turid;
O'Farrell, Marion;
Schulerud, Helene;
Ottestad, Silje.
Ice fraction assessment by near-infrared spectroscopy enhancing automated superchilling process lines.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Gudjonsdottir, Maria;
Gunnlaugsson, Valur N.;
Finnbogadottir, Gudrun A.;
Sveinsdottir, Kolbrun;
Magnusson, Hannes;
Arason, Sigurjon.
Process Control of Lightly Salted Wild and Farmed Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) by Brine Injection, Brining, and Freezing—A Low Field NMR Study.
Journal of Food Science
Academic article
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Storrø, Ivar.
Kinetic Studies of Lipid Oxidation Induced by Hemoglobin Measured by Consumption of Dissolved Oxygen in a Liposome Model System.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Martinez-Alvarez, Oscar;
Falch, Eva;
Fouchereau-Peron, Martine;
Rustad, Turid.
Functional, bioactive and antioxidative properties of hydrolysates obtained from cod (Gadus morhua) backbones.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Veliyulin, Emil;
Böcker, Ulrike;
Ofstad, Ragni;
Rustad, Turid;
Erikson, Ulf.
Water and Salt Distribution in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Studied by Low-Field H-1 NMR, H-1 and Na-23 MRI and Light Microscopy: Effects of Raw Material Quality and Brine Salting.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Kristinova, Vera;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Antioxidant Activity of Phenolic Acids in Lipid Oxidation Catalyzed by Different Prooxidants.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Riebroy, Siriporn;
Benjakul, Soottawat;
Visessanguan, Wonnop;
Erikson, Ulf;
Rustad, Turid.
Acid-induced gelation of natural actomyosin from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and burbot (Lota lota).
Food Hydrocolloids
Academic article
Rygh Refseth, Ingun;
Johansen, Berit;
Arbo, Ingerid Brænne;
Rustad, Turid.
Multiplex analyse av biomarkører relatert til kosthold i humant plasma og serum.
NTNU, Institutt for bioteknologi
Masters thesis
Rustad, Turid.
Peptides and proteins.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rustad, Turid.
Lipid oxidation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jacobsen, Charlotte;
Rustad, Turid;
Nielsen, Nina Skall;
Falch, Eva;
Jansson, Stig;
Storrø, Ivar.
Processing of marine lipids and factors affecting their quality when used for functional foods.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristinova, Vera;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Antioxidant activity of phenolic acids in lipid oxidation catalyzed by different prooxidants.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Bantle, Michael;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne;
Rustad, Turid.
Atmospheric freez-drying of calanus finmarchicus and its effects on proteolytic and lipolytic activities.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Axelson, David;
Veliyulin, Emil;
Rustad, Turid;
Böcker, Ulrike;
Ofstad, Ragni.
Water and salt distribution in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) studied by low-field NMR T2 relaxation, 1H/23Na MR imaging and light microscopy - Effects of raw material quality and brine salting.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Hoy, M;
Høy, Martin;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Segtnan, Vegard;
Storro, I;
Storrø, Ivar.
The use of experimental design methodology for investigating a lipid oxidation rate assay.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
The role of iron in peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in liposomes.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Rustad, Turid.
Quality of superchilled vacuum packed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fillets stored at -1.4 and -3.6 degrees C.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Dybvik, Anette Israelsen;
Falch, Eva;
Rustad, Turid.
Solid phase extraction as a tool to separate lipid classes and study deterioration of marine lipids.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Hemmingsen, Anne Karin Torstveit;
Haugland, Anders;
Rustad, Turid.
Quality changes during superchilled storage of pork roast.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Riebroy, Siriporn;
Benjakul, Soottawat;
Visessanguan, Wonnop;
Erikson, Ulf;
Rustad, Turid.
Comparative study on acid-induced gelation of myosin from Atlantic cod (Gardus morhua) and burbot (Lota lota).
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Erikson, Ulf;
Axelson, David E.;
Rustad, Turid.
Water distribution in brine salted cod (Gadus morhua) and salmon (Salmo salar): A low-field 1H NMR study.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Rustad, Turid;
Sivertsen, E.;
Tyholt, K.;
Storrø, Ivar;
Josefsen, K.D.;
Grimsmo, L..
Compositional characteristics of brown crab (Cancer pagurus).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rustad, Turid;
Duun, Anne Sissel.
Quality changes during superchilled storage of cod (Gadus morhua) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fillets.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jacobsen, C.;
Undeland, I.;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid;
Hedges, N.;
Medina, I..
Preventing lipid oxidation in seafood.
Woodhead Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Kristinova, V.;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Storrø, Ivar.
Iron and haemoglobin induced oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Tobiassen, T.;
Esaiassen, M.;
Rustad, Turid.
Quality characteristics of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) during iced storage, after exposure to handling stress.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tyholt, K.;
Sivertsen, E.;
Rustad, Turid;
Josefsen, K.D.;
Haugen, E.;
Susort, S..
Impact of variables through the value chain on the end product quality of sea food.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Rustad, Turid.
Quality changes during superchilled storage of cod (Gadus morhua) fillets.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Claussen, Ingrid Camilla;
Strømmen, Ingvald;
Hemmingsen, Anne Karin Torstveit;
Rustad, Turid.
Relationship of product structure, sorption characteristics, and freezing point of atmospheric freeze-dried foods.
Drying Technology
Academic article
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Barat, José Manuel;
Rustad, Turid;
Erikson, Ulf;
Escriche, Isabel;
Fito, Pedro.
A comparative study of brine salting of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Barat, José Manuel;
Rustad, Turid;
Erikson, Ulf;
Escriche, Isabel;
Fito, Pedro.
Influence of brine concentration on Atlantic salmon fillet salting.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Iotti, M.;
Fava, P.;
Ballance, Simon;
Christensen, Bjørn Erik;
Rustad, Turid.
Absorbent pads for food trays made from Sphagnum moss.
Italian journal of food sciences
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Rustad, Turid.
Effects of temperature abuse on textural properties and proteolytic activities during post mortem iced storage of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Greco, L.;
Capri, E.;
Rustad, Turid.
Biochemical responses in Salmo salar muscle following exposure to ethynylestradiol and tributyltin.
Academic article
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Rustad, Turid;
Barat, José Manuel;
Fito, Pedro;
Escriche, Isabel.
Effect of superchilled storage on the freshness and salting behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fillets.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Rustad, Turid.
Effects of temperature abuse on textural properties and protelytic activities during post mortem iced storage of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
The mechanism of iron in oxidation of mariine phospholipids.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Martinez-Alvarez, Oscar;
Fouchereau-Peron, Martine;
Rustad, Turid.
Functional, bioactive and antioxidative properties of hydrolysates obtained from cod (Gadus morhua) backbones.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Rustad, Turid;
Erikson, Ulf.
Water distribution in brine salted cod and salmon fillets studies by LF 1H NMR.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Rustad, Turid;
Erikson, Ulf.
LF 1H NMR: Various applications on salmon and cod.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Rustad, Turid.
Quality changes during superchilled storage of cod (Gadus morhua) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fillets.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rustad, Turid.
Physical and chemical properties of protein seafood by-products.
Woodhead Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Riebroy, Siriporn;
Benjakul, Soottawat;
Visessanguan, Wonnop;
Tanaka, Munehiko;
Erikson, Ulf;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of irradiation on properties and storage stability of Som-fug produced from bigeye snapper.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Søvik, Siri Lise;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of season and fishing ground on the activity of cathepsin B and collagenase in by-products from cod species.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Oxidation of cod phospholipids in liposomes: Effects of salts, pH and zeta potential.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Pro-oxidant activity of Fe2+ in oxidation of cod phospholipids in liposomes.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Academic article
Falch, Eva;
Rustad, Turid;
Jónsdóttir, R.;
Shaw, N.B.;
Dumay, J.;
Berge, J.P..
Geographical and seasonal differences in lipid composition and relative weight of by-products from gadiform species.
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
Academic article
Falch, Eva;
Rustad, Turid;
Aursand, Marit.
By-products from gadiform species as raw material for production of marine lipids as ingredients in food or feed.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Falch, Eva;
Øverby, Anders;
Rustad, Turid.
Natural antioxidants in cod liver oil: Pitfalls during oxidative stability assessment.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products. Optimization of yield and properties of lipid and protein fractions.
Academic article
Falch, Eva;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Rustad, Turid.
Composition of fatty acids and lipid classes in bulk products generated during enzymic hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Falch, Eva;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Yield and composition of different fractions obtained after enzymatic hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Rørå, Anna Maria Bencze;
Birkeland, Sveinung;
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Rustad, Turid;
Skåra, Torstein;
Bjerkeng, Bjørn.
Quality characteristics of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed diets high in soybean or fish oil as affected by cold-smoking temperature.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Søvik, Siri Lise;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of season and fishing ground on the activity of lipases in byproducts from cod (Gadus morhua).
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Søvik, Siri Lise;
Rustad, Turid.
Proteolytic activity in byproducts from cod species caught at three different fishing grounds.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Falch, Eva;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Characteristics of protein fractions generated from hydrolysed cod (Gadus morhua) by-products.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Søvik, Siri Lise;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of species, season and fishing ground on the activity of elastase in viscera from cod species.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products. Optimization of yield and properties of lipid and protein fractions.
Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Falch, Eva;
Aursand, Marit;
Rustad, Turid.
Application of resonance spectroscopy in the quality assessment of marine lipids.
Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (RIVO)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Jornet, Lorena Gallart;
Rustad, Turid;
Candela, Loredana;
Barat, José Manuel;
Escriche, Isabel;
Fito, Pedro.
Differences in total weight changes of fatty (Salmo salar) and lean fish (Gadus morhua) during brine salting.
Netherlands Institute for fisheries Research
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Veliyulin, Emil;
Erikson, Ulf;
Rustad, Turid.
Low field NMR: Detection of changes in water distribution in Atlantic salmon fillets during salting.
Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Rustad, Turid.
Quality of superchilled vacuum packed salmon fillets stored at -2 oC and -4 oC.
Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (RIVO)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Characterisation of Fe2+ as pro-oxidant in oxidation of phospholipids.
Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (RIVO)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products. Optimization of yield and properties of lipid and protein fractions.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Rørå, Anna Maria Bencze;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Skåra, Torstein;
Rustad, Turid.
Proteolytic activity and properties of proteins in smoked salmon (Salmo salar) - effects of smoking temperature.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Bitterness in fish protein hydrolysates and methods for removal.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Søvik, Siri Lise;
Rustad, Turid.
Seasonal changes in trypsin and chymotrypsin activity in viscera from cod species.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Nguyen, Johnny;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products: Influence of initial heat inactivation, concentration and separation conditions.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Rustad, Turid.
Iced storage of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) - effects on endogenous enzymes and their impact on muscle proteins and texture.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Rustad, Turid;
Aursand, Ida Grong.
Studentposter fra NTNU: Utviklet ny hurtigmetode.
Popular scientific article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Van Nguyen, Johnny;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products: influence of initial heat inactivaton, concentration and separation conditions.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Egidijus, Dauksas;
Falch, Eva;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Yield and composition of different fractions obtained after enzymatic hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Bitterness in Fish Protein Hydrolysates and Methods for Removal.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
Making the most of fish catches.
Food science and technology research
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Rustad, Turid.
Textural changes during iced storage of salmon (Salmo salar) and cod (Gadus morhua).
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Aursand, Marit;
Falch, Eva;
Skjetne, Tore;
Rustad, Turid.
Effekt av lipidoksidasjon på proteiner i fryselagret fet fisk studert ved bruk av NMR spektroskopi.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Rustad, Turid.
Fish Roe Processing, Chemical and biochemical changes during storage of cod roe preserved by the new Mills-process.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Josefsen, Kjell D.;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of the degree of cod roe grain destruction on the ripening of cod roe preserved by the new Mills process.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Josefsen, Kjell D.;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of storage time prior to processing on the ripening of cod roe preserved by the new Mills process.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Skåra, T.;
Bjerkeng, B.;
Rustad, Turid.
Fokus på røykelaks.
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett
Popular scientific article
Aasen, I M.;
Rustad, Turid;
Aursand, M.;
Indergård, E.;
Seljseskog, M.;
Samseth, J..
Proteinkonsentrat-karakterisering og egenskaper.
SINTEF Energiforskning AS
Erikson, U.;
Sigholt, T.;
Rustad, Turid;
Einarsdóttir, Ingibjörg E.;
Jørgensen, L..
Contribution of bleeding to total handling stress during slaughter of Atlantic salmon.
Aquaculture International
Academic article
Sigholt, Trygve;
Erikson, Ulf;
Rustad, Turid;
Johansen, Solfrid;
Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle;
Seland, Aina.
Handling stress and storage temperature affect meat quality of farmed-raised Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar).
Journal of Food Science
Academic article
Rustad, Turid.
Proteinrike næringsmidler.
Norges tekniske høgskole
Rustad, Turid.
Norges tekniske høgskole
Rustad, Turid.
Kvalitet og sensorikk.
Norges tekniske høgskole
Rustad, Turid;
et al., [Mangler fornavn].
Physiological effects of a simulated high density transport of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
SINTEF Rapport
Non-fiction book
Rustad, Turid;
Padget, Erna;
Halvorsen, Johanna.
Vannbinding i fiskemuskel.
Norges tekniske høgskole. Institutt for bioteknologi
Journal publications
Hematyar, Nima;
Policar, Tomas;
Rustad, Turid.
Importance of proteins and mitochondrial changes as freshness indicators in fish muscle post-mortem.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Academic literature review
Arlov, Øystein;
Nøkling-Eide, Katharina;
Aarstad, Olav Andreas;
Jacobsen, Synnøve Strand;
Langeng, Anne-Mari;
Borrero Santiago, Ana Rocio.
Variations in the chemical composition of Norwegian cultivated brown algae Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta based on deployment and harvest times.
Algal Research
Academic article
Meidell, Line Skontorp;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
Valorization of Saithe (Pollachius virens) Residuals into Protein Hydrolysates—Silaging as Preservation Technology.
Academic article
Kotsoni, Elissavet;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Rustad, Turid;
Tiwari, Brijesh;
Cropotova, Janna.
Effect of high-pressure pretreatment on enzymatic hydrolysis of a mixture of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) rest raw material.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Academic article
Five, Kathrine Kjos;
Fålun, Ingvild;
Roland, Gabriel J.;
Forshaug, Daniel;
Helgeland-Rossavik, Martin-Kristofer;
Hals, Ragnhild.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of chicken viscera and bones: Rest raw material characterization and evaluation of industrially relevant process parameters on product yields.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Sasidharan, Abhilash;
Tronstad, Elise Rabben;
Rustad, Turid.
Utilization of Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) Skin as a Source for Gelatine Extraction Using Acid Hydrolysis.
Marine Drugs
Academic literature review
Kendler, Sophie;
Sasidharan, Abhilash;
Rustad, Turid.
Extraction of proteinaceous components and biominerals from cold water fish fileting side streams: a review.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Academic literature review
Cropotova, Janna Derks;
Kvangarsnes, Kristine;
Rustad, Turid;
Stangeland, Janne Kristin;
Roda, Gabriella;
Fanzaga, Melissa .
Effect of ultrasound treatment on quality parameters and health promoting activity of fish protein hydrolysates extracted from side streams of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus).
Frontiers in Nutrition
Academic article
Kotsoni, Elissavet;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Rustad, Turid;
Tiwari, Brijesh K.;
Lammi, Carmen.
Antioxidant Activity and DPP-IV Inhibitory Effect of Fish Protein Hydrolysates Obtained from High-Pressure Pretreated Mixture of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Rest Raw Material.
Marine Drugs
Academic article
Stevant, Pierrick Francois Denis;
Aachmann, Finn Lillelund;
Arlov, Øystein;
Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle;
Sarno, Antonio;
Aarstad, Olav Andreas.
Changes in food quality attributes of Saccharina latissima following pre-treatments, frozen storage and subsequent thawing.
Algal Research
Academic article
Kotsoni, Elissavet;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen;
Rustad, Turid;
Tiwari, Brijesh K.;
Cropotova, Janna Derks.
Quality Assessment of Fish Oil Obtained after Enzymatic Hydrolysis of a Mixture of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Rest Raw Material Pretreated by High Pressure .
Marine Drugs
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna Derks;
Kvangarsnes, Kristine;
Stangeland, Janne Kristin;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of ultrasound pre-treatment prior to enzymatic hydrolysis on physicochemical parameters of fish protein hydrolysates (FPH) extracted from side streams of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus).
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Academic article
Sund, Randi;
Rustad, Turid;
Duinker, Arne;
Skipnes, Dagbjørn.
The effects of freezing and thawing on Alaria esculenta.
Journal of Applied Phycology
Academic article
Meidell, Line Skontorp;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid;
Standal, Inger Beate.
Silage for upcycling oil from saithe (Pollachius virens) viscera – Effect of raw material freshness on the oil quality.
Academic article
Øye, Gisle;
Simon, Sebastien Charles Roger;
Rustad, Turid;
Paso, Kristofer Gunnar.
Trends in food emulsion technology: Pickering, nano-, and double emulsions.
Current Opinion in Food Science
Academic article
Stupar, Jelena;
Hoel, Sunniva;
Strømseth, Sigrid;
Lerfall, Jørgen;
Rustad, Turid;
Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng.
Selection of lactic acid bacteria for biopreservation of salmon products applying processing-dependent growth kinetic
parameters and antimicrobial mechanisms
Academic article
Kvangarsnes, Kristine;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Tolstorebrov, Ignat;
Rustad, Turid;
Bartolomei, Martina;
Xu, Ruoxian.
Physicochemical and functional properties of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hydrolysate.
Academic article
Sasidharan, Abhilash;
Rustad, Turid;
Cusimano, Giovanni M..
Tuna sidestream valorization:a circular blue bioeconomy approach.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Academic article
Pleissner, Daniel;
Schönfelder, Stephanie;
Händel, Nicole;
Dalichow, Julia;
Ettinger, Judith;
Kvangarsnes, Kristine.
Heterotrophic growth of Galdieria sulphuraria on residues from aquaculture and fish processing industries.
Bioresource Technology
Academic article
Meidell, Line Skontorp;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
Upgrading Marine Oils from Cod (Gadus morhua) On-Board the Deep-Sea Vessels—From Waste to Value.
Academic article
Siddiqui, Shahida Anusha;
Schulte, Henning;
Pleissner, Daniel;
Schönfelder, Stephanie;
Kvangarsnes, Kristine;
Dauksas, Egidijus.
Transformation of Seafood Side-Streams and Residuals into
Valuable Products.
Academic article
Venugopal, Vazhiyil;
Sasidharan, Abhilash;
Rustad, Turid.
Green Chemistry to Valorize Seafood Side Streams: An Ecofriendly Roadmap toward Sustainability.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Tappi, Silvia;
Genovese, Jessica;
Rocculi, Pietro;
Laghi, Luca;
Dalla Rosa, Marco.
Study of the influence of pulsed electric field pre-treatment on quality parameters of sea bass during brine salting.
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies
Academic article
Zhao, Yi-Ming;
Oliveira, Marcia;
Burgess, Catherine M.;
Cropotova, Janna;
Rustad, Turid;
Sun, Da-Wen.
Combined effects of ultrasound, plasma-activated water, and peracetic acid on decontamination of mackerel fillets.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Dalsvåg, Hanne;
Cropotova, Janna;
Režek Jambrak, Anet;
Janči, Tibor;
Španěl, Patrik;
Dryahina, Kseniya.
Mass Spectrometric Quantification of Volatile Compounds Released by Fresh Atlantic Salmon Stored at 4 °c under Modified Atmosphere Packaging and Vacuum Packaging for up to 16 Days.
ACS Food Science & Technology
Academic article
Stupar, Jelena;
Holøymoen, Ingunn Grimsbo;
Hoel, Sunniva;
Lerfall, Jørgen;
Rustad, Turid;
Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng.
Diversity and Antimicrobial Activity towards Listeria spp. and Escherichia coli among Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Ready-to-Eat Seafood.
Academic article
Sivertsen, Edvard;
Thyholt, Kari;
Rustad, Turid;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Josefsen, Kjell Domaas;
Haugen, Eva Johanne.
Analysing multivariate storage data of seafood spreads. A case study based on combining split-plot design, principal component analysis and partial least squares predictions.
Food Control
Academic article
Abualtaher, Moh'd Hasan Moh'd;
Rustad, Turid;
Bar, Eirin Marie Skjøndal.
Systemic Insights on the Integration of UN Sustainable Development Goals within the Norwegian Salmon Value Chain.
Applied Sciences
Academic article
Taghizadeh Andevari, Ghasem;
Rezaei, Masoud;
Tabarsa, Mehdi;
Rustad, Turid.
Carotenoprotein from by-product of banana shrimp (Penaeus
merguiensis) extracted using protease from viscera of
rainbow trout: antiradical and angiotensin I-converting
enzyme inhibitory activity.
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences (IJFS)
Academic article
Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer;
Rustad, Turid;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eiken, Elin;
Pettersen, Stine Marie;
Falch, Eva.
Ultrafiltration of Saithe (Pollachius virens) Protein Hydrolysates and Its Effect on Antioxidative Activity.
Academic article
Kvangarsnes, Kristine;
Kendler, Sophie;
Rustad, Turid;
Aas, Grete Hansen.
Induced oxidation and addition of antioxidant before enzymatic hydrolysis of heads of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)–effect on the resulting oil and protein fraction.
Academic article
Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer;
Falch, Eva;
Rustad, Turid.
Hvor bærekraftig er fiskens reise fra hav til middagsbord?.
NTNU TekNat Blogg
Feature article
Sveinsdottir, Hildur I.;
Sverrisdottir, Sandra B;
Karlsdottir, Magnea G.;
Rustad, Turid;
Arason, Sigurjón;
Gudjonsdottir, Maria.
Effects of anatomical variation of muscle on composition and oxidation susceptibility of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus).
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Szulecka, Olga;
Kulikowsk, Tomasz;
Mytlewski, Adam.
Sensory and physicochemical quality characteristics of Haddock fish cake enriched with atlantic mackerel.
Food technology and biotechnology
Academic article
Nielsen, Cecilie Wirenfeldt;
Rustad, Turid;
Holdt, Susan Løvstad.
Vitamin C from seaweed: A review assessing seaweed as contributor to daily intake.
Academic literature review
Cropotova, Janna;
Tappi, Silvia;
Genovese, Jessica;
Rocculi, Pietro;
Dalla Rosa, Marco;
Rustad, Turid.
The combined effect of pulsed electric field treatment and brine salting on changes in the oxidative stability of lipids and proteins and color characteristics of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax).
Academic article
Kvangarsnes, Kristine;
Rustad, Turid;
Barnung, Trygg Normann;
Larssen, Wenche Merete Emblem;
Aas, Grete Hansen.
Effect of rosemary on stabilization of proteins during frozen storage of mackerel (Scomber scombrus).
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Ojha, Shikha;
Rustad, Turid;
Tiwari, Brijesh.
Influence of high-pressure processing on quality attributes of haddock and mackerel minces during frozen storage, and fishcakes prepared thereof.
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies
Academic article
Sveinsdottir, Hildur Inga;
Karlsdottir, Magnea G.;
Arason, Sigurjón;
Stefansson, Gudmundur;
Sone, Izumi;
Skåra, Torstein.
Effect of antioxidants on the sensory quality and physicochemical stability of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) fillets during frozen storage.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Greiff, Kirsti.
Utilization of egg-laying hens (Gallus Gallus domesticus) for production of ingredients for human consumption and animal feed.
BMC Biotechnology
Academic article
Stevant, Pierrick Francois Denis;
Ólafsdottir, Adalheidur;
Déléris, Paul;
Dumay, Justine;
Fleurence, Joël;
Ingadóttir, Bergrós.
Data on the sensory characteristics and chemical composition of the edible red seaweed dulse (Palmaria palmata) after dry and semi-dry storage.
Data in Brief
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Cropotova, Janna;
Budzko, Emilia;
Rustad, Turid.
Superchilled, chilled and frozen storage of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) – effect on lipids and low molecular weight metabolites
International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Academic article
Pérez-Andrés, Juan M;
Cropotova, Janna;
Harrison, Sabine M.;
Brunton, Nigel P.;
Cullen, Patrick J.;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of Cold Plasma on Meat Cholesterol and
Lipid Oxidation.
Academic article
Stevant, Pierrick Francois Denis;
Ólafsdottir, Adalheidur;
Déléris, Paul;
Dumay, Justine;
Fleurence, Joël;
Ingadóttir, Bergrós.
Semi-dry storage as a maturation process for improving the sensory characteristics of the edible red seaweed dulse (Palmaria palmata).
Algal Research
Academic article
Thoresen, Petter Paulsen;
Álvarez García, Rebeca;
Vaka, Mette Risa;
Rustad, Turid;
Sone, Izumi;
Noriega Fernández, Estefanía.
Potential of innovative pre-treatment technologies for the revalorisation of residual materials from the chicken industry through enzymatic hydrolysis.
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies
Academic article
Hassoun, Abdo;
Cropotova, Janna;
Rustad, Turid;
Heia, Karsten;
Lindberg, Stein-Kato;
Nilsen, Heidi.
Use of spectroscopic techniques for a rapid and non-destructive monitoring of thermal treatments and storage time of sous-vide cooked cod fillets.
Academic article
Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer;
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
The value chain of the white fish industry in Norway: History, current status and possibilities for improvement – A review.
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Academic literature review
Cropotova, Janna;
Rustad, Turid.
A new fluorimetric method for simultaneous determination of lipid and protein hydroperoxides in muscle foods with the use of diphenyl-1-pyrenylphosphine (DPPP).
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Hassoun, Abdo;
Ojha, Shikha;
Tiwari, Brijesh;
Rustad, Turid;
Nilsen, Heidi;
Heia, Karsten.
Monitoring Thermal and Non-Thermal Treatments during Processing of Muscle Foods: A Comprehensive Review of Recent Technological Advances.
Applied Sciences
Academic literature review
Nielsen, Cecilie Wirenfeldt;
Holdt, Susan Løvstad;
Sloth, Jens Jørgen;
Marinho, Goncalo Silva;
Sæther, Maren;
Funderud, Jon.
Reducing the High Iodine Content of Saccharina latissima and Improving the Profile of Other Valuable Compounds by Water Blanching.
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Rustad, Turid.
The Influence of Cooking Parameters and Chilled Storage Time on Quality of Sous-Vide Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus).
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Rustad, Turid.
Assessment of lipid oxidation in Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)subjected to different antioxidant and sous-vide cooking treatments by conventional and fluorescence microscopy methods.
Food Control
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Aftret, Kari Cecilie;
Rustad, Turid.
The Effect of Sous-vide Cooking Parameters, Chilled Storage and Antioxidants on Quality Characteristics of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus) in Relation to Structural Changes in Proteins. .
Food technology and biotechnology
Academic article
Standal, Inger Beate;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid.
Vi må framsnakke makrellen!.
Feature article
Andevari, Ghasem;
Rezaei, Masoud;
Tabarsa, Mehdi;
Rustad, Turid.
Extraction, partial purification and characterization of alkaline protease from rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus Mykiss) viscera.
Academic article
Kalaydzhiev, Hristo;
Ivanova, Petya;
Stoyanova, Magdalena;
Pavlov, Atanas;
Rustad, Turid;
Silva, Cristina L M.
Valorization of Rapeseed Meal: Influence of Ethanol Antinutrients Removal on Protein Extractability, Amino Acid Composition and Fractional Profile.
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Grøvlen, Magnhild Seim;
Rustad, Turid.
Superchilled, chilled and frozen storage of Atlantic mackerel
(Scomber scombrus) fillets – changes in texture, drip loss, protein solubility and oxidation.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Rustad, Turid.
A novel fluorimetric assay for visualization and quantification of protein carbonyls in muscle foods.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Hematyar, Nima;
Rustad, Turid;
Sampels, Sabine;
Dalsgaard, Trine Kastrup.
Relationship between lipid and protein oxidation in fish.
Aquaculture Research
Academic literature review
Abel, Nanna Louise;
Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore;
Rustad, Turid;
Ahlsen, Vidar B.;
Lerfall, Jørgen.
Physiochemical and Microbiological Quality of Lightly Processed Salmon (Salmo salar L.) Stored Under Modified Atmosphere.
Journal of Food Science
Academic article
Stévant, Pierrick Francois Denis;
Indergård, Erlend;
Ólafsdóttir, Aðalheiður;
Marfaing, Hélène;
Larssen, Wenche Merete Emblem;
Fleurence, Joël.
Effects of drying on the nutrient content and physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of the edible kelp Saccharina latissima.
Journal of Applied Phycology
Academic article
Tveit, Guro Møen;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Løes, Anne-Kristin.
Fra restråstoff til verdifulle råvarer.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Chotikachinda, Rutchanee;
Tantikitti, Chutima;
Benjakul, Soottawat;
Rustad, Turid.
Tuna viscera hydrolysate products prepared by different enzyme preparations improve the feed intake and growth of Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer, fed total fishmeal replacement diets.
Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
Academic article
Ivanova, Petya;
Kalaydzhiev, Hristo;
Dessev, Tzvetelin T.;
Silva, Cristina L M;
Rustad, Turid;
Chalova, Vesela I..
Foaming properties of acid-soluble protein-rich ingredient obtained from industrial rapeseed meal .
Journal of food science and technology
Academic article
Standal, Inger Beate;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Alinasabhematabadi, Leili;
Carlsson, Nils-Gunnar;
Undeland, Ingrid.
Quality of filleted Atlantic mackerel (Scomber Scombrus) during chilled and frozen storage: changes in lipids, vitamin D, proteins, and small metabolites, including biogenic amines.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Abel, Nanna Louise;
Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore;
Rustad, Turid;
Lerfall, Jørgen.
The influence of lipid composition, storage temperature, and modified atmospheric gas combinations on the solubility of CO2 in a seafood model product.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Remman, Tore;
Rustad, Turid.
Two-stage processing of salmon backbones to obtain high-quality oil and proteins.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Academic article
Cropotova, Janna;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Rustad, Turid.
A non-invasive approach to assess texture changes in sous-vide
cooked Atlantic mackerel during chilled storage by
Food Control
Academic article
Kaale, Lilian Daniel;
Johansen, Trude;
Rustad, Turid.
Biochemical changes in superchilled storage of salmon (Salmo salar) fillets.
African Journal of Food Science
Academic article
Shumilina, Elena;
Johansen, Trude;
Glasner, Christoph;
Robert, Joseph;
Rustad, Turid;
Dikiy, Alexander.
Application of NMR Spectroscopy and Conventional Analytical Methods for the Assessment of Wastewater from Food Industry.
Waste and Biomass Valorization
Academic article
Stévant, Pierrick Francois Denis;
Marfaing, Hélène;
Duinker, Arne;
Fleurence, Joël;
Rustad, Turid;
Sandbakken, Ingrid.
Biomass soaking treatments to reduce potentially undesirable compounds in the edible seaweeds sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) and winged kelp (Alaria esculenta) and health risk estimation for human consumption.
Journal of Applied Phycology
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Kristinova, Vera;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Evensen, Henning;
Rustad, Turid.
Applicability of traditional and advanced methods for oxidative quality and stability on marine phospholipids.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Academic article
Stévant, Pierrick Francois Denis;
Marfaing, Hélène;
Rustad, Turid;
Sandbakken, Ingrid;
Fleurence, Joël;
Chapman, Annelise Sabine.
Nutritional value of the kelps Alaria esculenta and Saccharina latissima and effects of short-term storage on biomass quality.
Journal of Applied Phycology
Academic article
Felix, Manuel;
Romero, A.;
Rustad, Turid;
Guerrero, A.
Rheological properties and antioxidant activity of protein gels-like systems made from crayfish concentrate and hydrolysates.
Food and Bioproducts Processing
Academic article
Tveit, Guro Møen;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Løes, Anne-Kristin.
Fra restråstoff til verdifull råvare.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hjellnes, Veronica Hammer;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid.
Utrangerte verpehøner - En uutnyttet ressurs i Norge.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ivanova, Petra;
Kalaydzhiev, Hristo;
Rustad, Turid;
Silva, Cristina L M;
Chalova, Vesela.
Comparative biochemical profile of protein-rich products obtained from industrial rapeseed meal.
Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture (EJFA)
Academic article
Felix, Manuel;
Romero, A;
Rustad, Turid;
Guerrero, A..
Influence of Transglutaminase (TGase) Enzyme on Mechanical and Bioactive Porperties of Crayfish Protein Gels.
Food Biophysics
Academic article
Felix, Manuel;
Romero, A.;
Rustad, Turid;
Guerrero, A.
Physiochemical, microstructure and bioactive characterization of gels made from crayfish protein.
Food Hydrocolloids
Academic article
Ivanova, Petya;
Chalova, Vesela;
Kalaydzhiev, Hristo;
Perifanova-Nemska, Mariana;
Rustad, Turid;
Koleva, Lidia.
Pepsin-Assisted Transglutaminase Modification of Functional Properties of a Protein Isolate Obtained from Industrial Sunflower Meal.
Food technology and biotechnology
Academic article
Yang, Fang;
Xia, Wengshui;
Rustad, Turid;
Xu, Yanshun;
Jiang, Qixing.
Changes in myofibrillar structure of silver carp (Hypophtalmichthys molitrix) as affected by endogenous proteolysis under acidic conditions.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rommi, Katariina;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Eck, Peter;
Five, Kathrine;
Rustad, Turid.
Bioactivities of fish protein hydrolysates from defatted salmon backbones.
Biotechnology Reports
Academic article
Andreetta-Gorelkina, Irina Victorovna;
Greiff, Kirsti;
Rustad, Turid;
Aursand, Ida Grong.
Reduction of salt in haddock mince: Effect of different salts on the solubility of proteins.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Andreetta-Gorelkina, Irina Victorovna;
Gorelkin, Ilya Viktorovich;
Rustad, Turid.
Determination of apparent diffusion coefficient in balls made from haddock mince during brining.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Kristinova, Vera;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
The role of iron in peroxidation of PUFA: Effect of pH and chelators.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Tobiassen, Torbjørn;
Aas-Hansen, Øyvind;
Tran, Minh Phu;
Rustad, Turid.
Muscle quality and proteolytic enzymes of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)during storage: Effects of pre-storage handling and increased storage temperature.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Greiff, Kirsti;
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Erikson, Ulf Gøran;
Josefsen, Kjell Domaas;
Rustad, Turid.
Effects of type and concentration of salts on physicochemical properties in fish mince.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Yang, Fang;
Rustad, Turid;
Xu, Yanshun;
Jiang, Qixing;
Xia, Wenshui.
Endogenous proteolytic enzymes - A study of their impact on cod (Gadus morhua) muscle proteins and textural properties in a fermented product.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Petrova, Inna;
Aasen, Inga Marie;
Rustad, Turid;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne.
Manufacture of dry-cured ham: a review. Part 1. Biochemical changes during the technological process.
European Food Research and Technology
Academic article
Greiff, Kirsti;
Staurem, Charlotte Jatteau;
Nordvi, Berit;
Rustad, Turid.
Novel utilization of milk-based ingredients in salt reduced fish pudding.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Shumilina, Elena;
Ciampa, Alessandra;
Capozzi, Francesco;
Rustad, Turid;
Dikiy, Alexander.
NMR approach for monitoring post-mortem changes in Atlantic salmon fillets stored at 0 and 4 °c.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Kristinova, Vera;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Aaneby, Jorunn;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Iron-mediated peroxidation in marine emulsions and liposomes studied by dissolved oxygen consumption.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Academic article
Kristinova, Vera;
Aaneby, Jorunn;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
The effect of dietary antioxidants on iron-mediated peroxidation in emulsions studied by dissolved oxygen consumption.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Academic article
Kaale, Lilian Daniel;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne;
Rustad, Turid;
Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle.
Changes in water holding capacity and drip loss of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) muscle during superchilled storage.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Kaale, Lilian Daniel;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne;
Rustad, Turid;
Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle;
Bardal, Tora;
Kjørsvik, Elin.
Ice crystal development in pre-rigor Atlantic salmon fillets during superchilling process and following storage.
Food Control
Academic article
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Larsen, Rune;
Rustad, Turid;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik.
Nutritional content and bioactive properties of wild and farmed cod (Gadus morhua L.) subjected to food preparation.
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
Academic article
Gudjonsdottir, Maria;
Karlsdottir, MG;
Arason, Sigurjón;
Rustad, Turid.
Injection of fish protein solutions of fresh saithe (Pollachius virens) fillets studied by low field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and physicochemical measurements.
Journal of food science and technology
Academic article
Chotikachinda, R.;
Tantikitti, Chutima;
Benjakul, Soottawat;
Rustad, Turid;
Kumarnsit, E..
Production of protein hydrolysates from skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) viscera as feeding attractants for Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer).
Aquaculture Nutrition
Academic article
Kristinova, Vera;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Influence of human gastric juice on oxidation of marine lipids - in vitro study.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Bergvik, Maria;
Overrein, Ingrid;
Bantle, Michael;
Evjemo, Jan Ove;
Rustad, Turid.
Properties of Calanus finmarchicus biomass during frozen storage after heat inactivation of autolytic enzymes.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Tran, Minh Phu;
Tobiassen, Torbjørn;
Aas-Hansen, Øyvind;
Rustad, Turid.
Effects of pre-slaughter stress on proteolytic enzyme activities and muscle quality of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Vodyanova, Irina ;
Storrø, Ivar;
Olsen, Anna ;
Rustad, Turid.
Mathematical modelling of mixing of salt in minced meat by bowl-cutter.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Nguyen, Huy Quang;
Reinertsen, Helge;
Rustad, Turid;
Tran, Thien Mai;
Kjørsvik, Elin.
Evaluation of egg quality in broodstock cobia Rachycentron canadum L.
Aquaculture Research
Academic article
Medina, Isabel;
Undeland, Ingrid;
Larsson, Karin;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid;
Jacobsen, Charlotte.
Activity of caffeic acid in different fish lipid matrices: A review.
Food Chemistry
Academic literature review
Kaale, Lilian Daniel;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne;
Rustad, Turid;
Kolsaker, Kjell.
Superchilling of food: A review.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic literature review
Gudjonsdottir, Maria;
Lauzon, H.L.;
Magnusson, Hannes;
Sveinsdottir, Kolbrun;
Arason, Sigurjon;
Martinsdottir, Emilia.
Low field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance on the effect of salt and modified atmosphere packaging on cod (Gadus morhua) during superchilled storage.
Food Research International
Academic article
Gudjonsdottir, Maria;
Arason, Sigurjón;
Rustad, Turid.
The effects of pre-salting methods on water distribution and protein denaturation of dry salted and rehydrated cod - A low-field NMR study.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Rustad, Turid.
Hva med ferske lammelår på nyttårsaften?.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Rustad, Turid.
Oppdrettstorsk ulik villtorsk.
Popular scientific article
Gudjonsdottir, Maria;
Jónsson, Ásbjörn;
Bergsson, Arnljótur Bjarki;
Arason, Sigurjón;
Rustad, Turid.
Shrimp Processing Assessed by Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Near Infrared Spectroscopy, and Physicochemical Measurements-The Effect of Polyphosphate Content and Length of Prebrining on Shrimp Muscle.
Journal of Food Science
Academic article
Digre, Hanne;
Erikson, Ulf Gøran;
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Misimi, Ekrem;
Rustad, Turid.
Rested and stressed farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) chilled in ice or slurry and effects on quality.
Journal of Food Science
Academic article
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar;
Slizyte, Rasa.
Possibilities for the utilisation of marine by-products.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Academic literature review
Rustad, Turid;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Storrø, Ivar;
Kristinova, Vera.
Oxidation of marine phosholipids.
Chemické listy (Print)
Academic article
Digre, Hanne;
Erikson, Ulf Gøran;
Misimi, Ekrem;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Riebroy, Siriporn.
Bleeding of farmed Atlantic cod: Residual blood, color, and quality attributes of pre- and postrigor fillets as affected by perimortem stress and different bleeding methods.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Stevik, Astrid Myckland;
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Rustad, Turid;
O'Farrell, Marion;
Schulerud, Helene;
Ottestad, Silje.
Ice fraction assessment by near-infrared spectroscopy enhancing automated superchilling process lines.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Gudjonsdottir, Maria;
Gunnlaugsson, Valur N.;
Finnbogadottir, Gudrun A.;
Sveinsdottir, Kolbrun;
Magnusson, Hannes;
Arason, Sigurjon.
Process Control of Lightly Salted Wild and Farmed Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) by Brine Injection, Brining, and Freezing—A Low Field NMR Study.
Journal of Food Science
Academic article
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Storrø, Ivar.
Kinetic Studies of Lipid Oxidation Induced by Hemoglobin Measured by Consumption of Dissolved Oxygen in a Liposome Model System.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Martinez-Alvarez, Oscar;
Falch, Eva;
Fouchereau-Peron, Martine;
Rustad, Turid.
Functional, bioactive and antioxidative properties of hydrolysates obtained from cod (Gadus morhua) backbones.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Veliyulin, Emil;
Böcker, Ulrike;
Ofstad, Ragni;
Rustad, Turid;
Erikson, Ulf.
Water and Salt Distribution in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Studied by Low-Field H-1 NMR, H-1 and Na-23 MRI and Light Microscopy: Effects of Raw Material Quality and Brine Salting.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Kristinova, Vera;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Antioxidant Activity of Phenolic Acids in Lipid Oxidation Catalyzed by Different Prooxidants.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Riebroy, Siriporn;
Benjakul, Soottawat;
Visessanguan, Wonnop;
Erikson, Ulf;
Rustad, Turid.
Acid-induced gelation of natural actomyosin from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and burbot (Lota lota).
Food Hydrocolloids
Academic article
Kristinova, Vera;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Antioxidant activity of phenolic acids in lipid oxidation catalyzed by different prooxidants.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Axelson, David;
Veliyulin, Emil;
Rustad, Turid;
Böcker, Ulrike;
Ofstad, Ragni.
Water and salt distribution in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) studied by low-field NMR T2 relaxation, 1H/23Na MR imaging and light microscopy - Effects of raw material quality and brine salting.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Hoy, M;
Høy, Martin;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Segtnan, Vegard;
Storro, I;
Storrø, Ivar.
The use of experimental design methodology for investigating a lipid oxidation rate assay.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
The role of iron in peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in liposomes.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Rustad, Turid.
Quality of superchilled vacuum packed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fillets stored at -1.4 and -3.6 degrees C.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Dybvik, Anette Israelsen;
Falch, Eva;
Rustad, Turid.
Solid phase extraction as a tool to separate lipid classes and study deterioration of marine lipids.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Hemmingsen, Anne Karin Torstveit;
Haugland, Anders;
Rustad, Turid.
Quality changes during superchilled storage of pork roast.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Riebroy, Siriporn;
Benjakul, Soottawat;
Visessanguan, Wonnop;
Erikson, Ulf;
Rustad, Turid.
Comparative study on acid-induced gelation of myosin from Atlantic cod (Gardus morhua) and burbot (Lota lota).
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Erikson, Ulf;
Axelson, David E.;
Rustad, Turid.
Water distribution in brine salted cod (Gadus morhua) and salmon (Salmo salar): A low-field 1H NMR study.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Rustad, Turid.
Quality changes during superchilled storage of cod (Gadus morhua) fillets.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Claussen, Ingrid Camilla;
Strømmen, Ingvald;
Hemmingsen, Anne Karin Torstveit;
Rustad, Turid.
Relationship of product structure, sorption characteristics, and freezing point of atmospheric freeze-dried foods.
Drying Technology
Academic article
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Barat, José Manuel;
Rustad, Turid;
Erikson, Ulf;
Escriche, Isabel;
Fito, Pedro.
A comparative study of brine salting of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Barat, José Manuel;
Rustad, Turid;
Erikson, Ulf;
Escriche, Isabel;
Fito, Pedro.
Influence of brine concentration on Atlantic salmon fillet salting.
Journal of Food Engineering
Academic article
Iotti, M.;
Fava, P.;
Ballance, Simon;
Christensen, Bjørn Erik;
Rustad, Turid.
Absorbent pads for food trays made from Sphagnum moss.
Italian journal of food sciences
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Rustad, Turid.
Effects of temperature abuse on textural properties and proteolytic activities during post mortem iced storage of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Greco, L.;
Capri, E.;
Rustad, Turid.
Biochemical responses in Salmo salar muscle following exposure to ethynylestradiol and tributyltin.
Academic article
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Rustad, Turid;
Barat, José Manuel;
Fito, Pedro;
Escriche, Isabel.
Effect of superchilled storage on the freshness and salting behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fillets.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Riebroy, Siriporn;
Benjakul, Soottawat;
Visessanguan, Wonnop;
Tanaka, Munehiko;
Erikson, Ulf;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of irradiation on properties and storage stability of Som-fug produced from bigeye snapper.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Søvik, Siri Lise;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of season and fishing ground on the activity of cathepsin B and collagenase in by-products from cod species.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Oxidation of cod phospholipids in liposomes: Effects of salts, pH and zeta potential.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Academic article
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Pro-oxidant activity of Fe2+ in oxidation of cod phospholipids in liposomes.
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Academic article
Falch, Eva;
Rustad, Turid;
Jónsdóttir, R.;
Shaw, N.B.;
Dumay, J.;
Berge, J.P..
Geographical and seasonal differences in lipid composition and relative weight of by-products from gadiform species.
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
Academic article
Falch, Eva;
Rustad, Turid;
Aursand, Marit.
By-products from gadiform species as raw material for production of marine lipids as ingredients in food or feed.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products. Optimization of yield and properties of lipid and protein fractions.
Academic article
Falch, Eva;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Rustad, Turid.
Composition of fatty acids and lipid classes in bulk products generated during enzymic hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Falch, Eva;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Yield and composition of different fractions obtained after enzymatic hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Rørå, Anna Maria Bencze;
Birkeland, Sveinung;
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Rustad, Turid;
Skåra, Torstein;
Bjerkeng, Bjørn.
Quality characteristics of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fed diets high in soybean or fish oil as affected by cold-smoking temperature.
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Søvik, Siri Lise;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of season and fishing ground on the activity of lipases in byproducts from cod (Gadus morhua).
Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie
Academic article
Søvik, Siri Lise;
Rustad, Turid.
Proteolytic activity in byproducts from cod species caught at three different fishing grounds.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Falch, Eva;
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Characteristics of protein fractions generated from hydrolysed cod (Gadus morhua) by-products.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Søvik, Siri Lise;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of species, season and fishing ground on the activity of elastase in viscera from cod species.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products. Optimization of yield and properties of lipid and protein fractions.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Rørå, Anna Maria Bencze;
Steinsland, Ingelin;
Skåra, Torstein;
Rustad, Turid.
Proteolytic activity and properties of proteins in smoked salmon (Salmo salar) - effects of smoking temperature.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Bitterness in fish protein hydrolysates and methods for removal.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Søvik, Siri Lise;
Rustad, Turid.
Seasonal changes in trypsin and chymotrypsin activity in viscera from cod species.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Nguyen, Johnny;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products: Influence of initial heat inactivation, concentration and separation conditions.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Rustad, Turid.
Iced storage of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) - effects on endogenous enzymes and their impact on muscle proteins and texture.
Food Chemistry
Academic article
Rustad, Turid;
Aursand, Ida Grong.
Studentposter fra NTNU: Utviklet ny hurtigmetode.
Popular scientific article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Van Nguyen, Johnny;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products: influence of initial heat inactivaton, concentration and separation conditions.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Egidijus, Dauksas;
Falch, Eva;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid.
Yield and composition of different fractions obtained after enzymatic hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products.
Process Biochemistry
Academic article
Dauksas, Egidijus;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Bitterness in Fish Protein Hydrolysates and Methods for Removal.
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
Making the most of fish catches.
Food science and technology research
Academic article
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Rustad, Turid.
Textural changes during iced storage of salmon (Salmo salar) and cod (Gadus morhua).
Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology
Academic article
Skåra, T.;
Bjerkeng, B.;
Rustad, Turid.
Fokus på røykelaks.
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett
Popular scientific article
Erikson, U.;
Sigholt, T.;
Rustad, Turid;
Einarsdóttir, Ingibjörg E.;
Jørgensen, L..
Contribution of bleeding to total handling stress during slaughter of Atlantic salmon.
Aquaculture International
Academic article
Sigholt, Trygve;
Erikson, Ulf;
Rustad, Turid;
Johansen, Solfrid;
Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle;
Seland, Aina.
Handling stress and storage temperature affect meat quality of farmed-raised Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar).
Journal of Food Science
Academic article
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of cod (Gadus morhua) by-products. Optimization of yield and properties of lipid and protein fractions.
Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Falch, Eva;
Aursand, Marit;
Rustad, Turid.
Application of resonance spectroscopy in the quality assessment of marine lipids.
Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (RIVO)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Jornet, Lorena Gallart;
Rustad, Turid;
Candela, Loredana;
Barat, José Manuel;
Escriche, Isabel;
Fito, Pedro.
Differences in total weight changes of fatty (Salmo salar) and lean fish (Gadus morhua) during brine salting.
Netherlands Institute for fisheries Research
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Veliyulin, Emil;
Erikson, Ulf;
Rustad, Turid.
Low field NMR: Detection of changes in water distribution in Atlantic salmon fillets during salting.
Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Rustad, Turid.
Quality of superchilled vacuum packed salmon fillets stored at -2 oC and -4 oC.
Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (RIVO)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Characterisation of Fe2+ as pro-oxidant in oxidation of phospholipids.
Netherlands Institute for Fisheries Research (RIVO)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Rustad, Turid;
et al., [Mangler fornavn].
Physiological effects of a simulated high density transport of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
SINTEF Rapport
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Sasidharan, Abhilash.
Chapter 2. Peptides and Proteins.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Falch, Eva;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Rustad, Turid;
Jensen, Ida-Johanne.
Chapter 14 Composition and Calories.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
Chapter 7. Lipid Oxidation.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Kotsoni, Elissavet;
Cropotova, Janna;
Rustad, Turid.
Low-fat (<50%) oil-in-water emulsions.
Academic Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tveit, Guro Møen;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Meldstad, Fataneh;
Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle;
Remme, Jannicke.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of cod heads – effect of freezing and thawing on the quality and composition of protein hydrolysates.
International Institute of Refrigeration
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Kristinova, Vera;
Rustad, Turid.
Oxidation of food components.
Encyclopedia article
Rustad, Turid;
Hayes, Maria.
Marine bioactive peptides and protein hydrolysates: Generation, isolation procedures, and biological and chemical characterizations - Protein and peptides from marine byproducts.
Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kaale, Lilian Daniel;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne;
Rustad, Turid.
Superchilling of food, a review.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Storrø, Ivar.
Lipid oxidation of marine phospholipids induced by hemoglobin.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of raw material freshness in superchilled salmon (Salmo salar).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Kristinova, Vera;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Storrø, Ivar.
Oxidative stability of marine lipids: Possibilities and challanges.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Slizyte, Rasa;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
High quality bulk products from ultra fresh herring rest raw material.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rustad, Turid;
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Tobiassen, Torbjørn;
Tran, Minh Phu.
Effects of handling stress in farmed cod.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bantle, Michael;
Bergvik, Maria;
Rustad, Turid.
Lipid class changes and lipid oxidation in Calanus finmarchicus during Vacuum, Atmospheric and Nitrogen freeze drying.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rustad, Turid.
Peptides and proteins.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rustad, Turid.
Lipid oxidation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jacobsen, Charlotte;
Rustad, Turid;
Nielsen, Nina Skall;
Falch, Eva;
Jansson, Stig;
Storrø, Ivar.
Processing of marine lipids and factors affecting their quality when used for functional foods.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bantle, Michael;
Eikevik, Trygve Magne;
Rustad, Turid.
Atmospheric freez-drying of calanus finmarchicus and its effects on proteolytic and lipolytic activities.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rustad, Turid;
Sivertsen, E.;
Tyholt, K.;
Storrø, Ivar;
Josefsen, K.D.;
Grimsmo, L..
Compositional characteristics of brown crab (Cancer pagurus).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rustad, Turid;
Duun, Anne Sissel.
Quality changes during superchilled storage of cod (Gadus morhua) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fillets.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jacobsen, C.;
Undeland, I.;
Storrø, Ivar;
Rustad, Turid;
Hedges, N.;
Medina, I..
Preventing lipid oxidation in seafood.
Woodhead Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Kristinova, V.;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Storrø, Ivar.
Iron and haemoglobin induced oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Tobiassen, T.;
Esaiassen, M.;
Rustad, Turid.
Quality characteristics of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) during iced storage, after exposure to handling stress.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tyholt, K.;
Sivertsen, E.;
Rustad, Turid;
Josefsen, K.D.;
Haugen, E.;
Susort, S..
Impact of variables through the value chain on the end product quality of sea food.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hultmann, Lisbeth;
Rustad, Turid.
Effects of temperature abuse on textural properties and protelytic activities during post mortem iced storage of farmed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
The mechanism of iron in oxidation of mariine phospholipids.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Slizyte, Rasa;
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Martinez-Alvarez, Oscar;
Fouchereau-Peron, Martine;
Rustad, Turid.
Functional, bioactive and antioxidative properties of hydrolysates obtained from cod (Gadus morhua) backbones.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Rustad, Turid;
Erikson, Ulf.
Water distribution in brine salted cod and salmon fillets studies by LF 1H NMR.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Aursand, Ida Grong;
Gallart-Jornet, Lorena;
Rustad, Turid;
Erikson, Ulf.
LF 1H NMR: Various applications on salmon and cod.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Duun, Anne Sissel;
Rustad, Turid.
Quality changes during superchilled storage of cod (Gadus morhua) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fillets.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rustad, Turid.
Physical and chemical properties of protein seafood by-products.
Woodhead Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Falch, Eva;
Øverby, Anders;
Rustad, Turid.
Natural antioxidants in cod liver oil: Pitfalls during oxidative stability assessment.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Meidell, Line Skontorp;
Falch, Eva;
Rustad, Turid;
Carvajal, Ana Karina.
Valorization of whitefish residuals generated onboard deep-sea vessels – from waste to value.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Tveit, Guro Møen;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Falch, Eva;
Slizyte, Rasa;
Remme, Jannicke;
Grimsmo, Leif.
Increased Utilisation and Value Creation from white Fish Rest Raw Materials. Abstracts - The Third Symposium Sustainable technologies for food processing and preservation.
Larsen, Frida;
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
Fish Protein Hydrolysates - two case studies of potential for utilization of rest raw material as food ingredients in Norway and India.
Masters thesis
Brustad, Kristin;
Rustad, Turid;
Falch, Eva.
Lipid quality and utilization of rest raw material from fish processing - Based on the study of two cases: Norwegian
herring and Indian surimi.
Uten tittel (no)
Masters thesis
Digre, Hanne;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Kristinova, Vera;
Hyldig, Grete;
Undeland, Ingrid;
Rustad, Turid.
Preserving the positive health effects in innovative pelagic fish products through the value chain (ProHealthPelagic).
SINTEF Fiskeri og Havbruk
Rustad, Turid;
Standal, Inger Beate;
Grønstad, Christina.
Varmebehandling av makrell
Effekt på proteinstabilitet
Masters thesis
Mozuraityte, Revilija;
Taraldsvik, Kristine;
Rustad, Turid;
Baron, Caroline P..
Reduction of salt during marinating of herring and the effect on stability of lipids.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Masters thesis
Skjermo, Jorunn;
Aasen, Inga Marie;
Arff, Johanne;
Broch, Ole Jacob;
Carvajal, Ana Karina;
Christie, Hartvig C.
A new Norwegian bioeconomy based on cultivation and processing of seaweeds: Opportunities and R&D needs.
SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture
Jensen, Ida-Johanne;
Eilertsen, Karl-Erik;
Rustad, Turid;
Elvevoll, Edel Oddny;
Larsen, Rune.
Health benefits of seafood consumption
- with special focus on household preparations and bioactivity in animal
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
UiT Norges arktiske universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Rahaman, Atikur;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of processing parameters on salting of herring.
Masters thesis
Lars Haugen, Aardal;
Rustad, Turid.
Studies of enzymatic processes important for ripening of herring.
Masters thesis
Rustad, Turid;
Ólafsdóttir, G.;
Jónsdottir, G.A.;
Ómarsdóttir, I.L.;
Trygvadóttir, G.B.;
Fredriksen, M..
InTerAct - Industry - Academis Interaction in the Marine Sector.
Nordic Innovation publication
Kristinova, Vera;
Rustad, Turid;
Storrø, Ivar.
Oxidation of marine lipids in liposomes and emulsions mediated by iron and methemoglobin.
NTNU Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Rygh Refseth, Ingun;
Johansen, Berit;
Arbo, Ingerid Brænne;
Rustad, Turid.
Multiplex analyse av biomarkører relatert til kosthold i humant plasma og serum.
NTNU, Institutt for bioteknologi
Masters thesis
Aursand, Marit;
Falch, Eva;
Skjetne, Tore;
Rustad, Turid.
Effekt av lipidoksidasjon på proteiner i fryselagret fet fisk studert ved bruk av NMR spektroskopi.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Rustad, Turid.
Fish Roe Processing, Chemical and biochemical changes during storage of cod roe preserved by the new Mills-process.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Josefsen, Kjell D.;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of the degree of cod roe grain destruction on the ripening of cod roe preserved by the new Mills process.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Josefsen, Kjell D.;
Rustad, Turid.
Effect of storage time prior to processing on the ripening of cod roe preserved by the new Mills process.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Aasen, I M.;
Rustad, Turid;
Aursand, M.;
Indergård, E.;
Seljseskog, M.;
Samseth, J..
Proteinkonsentrat-karakterisering og egenskaper.
SINTEF Energiforskning AS
Rustad, Turid.
Proteinrike næringsmidler.
Norges tekniske høgskole
Rustad, Turid.
Norges tekniske høgskole
Rustad, Turid.
Kvalitet og sensorikk.
Norges tekniske høgskole
Rustad, Turid;
Padget, Erna;
Halvorsen, Johanna.
Vannbinding i fiskemuskel.
Norges tekniske høgskole. Institutt for bioteknologi
Falch, Eva;
Rustad, Turid.
IFoodNet - Student International Innovation Training School.
Website (informational material)
Rustad, Turid;
et al., diverse.
Nordisk samarbeid for bedre utnyttelse av fiskefangst.
- BT3115 - Primary production - Aquaculture and Fisheries
- BT3125 - Safety and Human Health Effects of Aquatic Food
- TBT4125 - Food Chemistry
- BT3110 - Aquatic Food Processing and Technology
- BT3121 - Marine resources- research and innovation
- KJ6005 - Biochemistry
- BT8119 - Food Science, Advanced
- TMMT5003 - Master Thesis in Food Science,Technology and sustainability
- BT3119 - Food Science, Advanced
Academic lectureCusimano, Giovanni M.; Rustad, Turid; Sasidharan, Abhilash; Jacobsen, Charlotte; Dalgaard, Paw; Che-Chiang, Jui. (2024) Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus thynnus side-streams as potential raw ingredient for aquafeed. University of Malta Being Sea- EU conference , Malta 2024-06-10 - 2024-06-12
Academic lectureKotsoni, Elissavet; Dauksas, Egidijus; Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen; Rustad, Turid; Cropotova, Janna Derks. (2024) Characterization of fractions obtained from the enzymatically hydrolysed mixture of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) side streams pretreated by high-pressure. Section on Food of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology , Aachen, Germany 2024-04-23 - 2024-07-24
PosterKotsoni, Elissavet; Dauksas, Egidijus; Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen; Rustad, Turid; Cropotova, Janna Derks. (2024) Evaluation of the quality of fish oil extracted by enzymatic hydrolysis from a mixture of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) side streams after high-pressure pretreatment . Nordic Forum for Lipid Research and Technology 2nd Nordic Lipidforum Symposium , Turku, Finland 2024-06-09 - 2024-06-12
Academic lectureJakobsen, Anita Nordeng; Stupar, Jelena; Irfan, Atika; Røsten, Synne Hylen; Lerfall, Jørgen; Rustad, Turid. (2024) APPLICATION OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM READY-TO-EAT SEAFOOD FOR BIOLOGICAL GROWTH CONTROL OF LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES IN READY-TO-EAT ATLANTIC SALMON PRODUCTS . IUFOST 22nd World Congress of Food Science and Technology 2024-09-08 - 2024-09-12
LectureRustad, Turid. (2023) Utilization of chicken rest raw material – challenges and possibilities. NTNU, Dep Biotechnology and Food Science Provide open day Trondheim , Trondheim 2023-10-09 - 2023-10-09
Academic lectureSund, Randi; Rustad, Turid; Skipnes, Dagbjørn. (2023) The Effects of Freezing and Thawing on Alaria esculenta. DTU og Royal Greenland WEFTA 2023 , Copenhagen 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-19
PosterMozuraityte, Revilija; Rustad, Turid; Standal, Inger Beate; Kopczyk, Monika. (2023) Lipid oxidation during ensilaging of salmon by-products and effect of pH and antioxidants. CONFERENCE OF THE WESTERN EUROPEAN FISH TECHNOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION WEFTA 2023 , Copenhagen, Denmark 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-19
Academic lectureKotsoni, Elissavet; Dauksas, Egidijus; Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen; Rustad, Turid; Cropotova, Janna Derks. (2023) Influence of high-pressure processing in the chemical composition and yield of fractions from a mixture of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) rest raw material after enzymatic hydrolysis. WEFTA Conference of the Western European Fish Technologists' Association , Copenhagen, Denmark 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-20
PosterKotsoni, Elissavet; Dauksas, Egidijus; Aas, Grete Kristine Følsvik Hansen; Rustad, Turid; Cropotova, Janna Derks. (2023) Enzymatic hydrolysis of the mixture of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) by-products pre-treated by high-pressure. EFFoST EFFoST International Conference 2023 , Valencia, Spain 2023-11-06 - 2023-11-08
PosterSasidharan, Abhilash; Tronstad, Elise Rabben; Rustad, Turid. (2023) Utilization of Atlantic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) skin as a source for gelatine extraction. DTU National food Institute 51th WEFTA conference , København 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-19
Academic lectureSasidharan, Abhilash; Tronstad, Elise Rabben; Rustad, Turid. (2023) Utilization of Atlantic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) skin a s a source for gelatine extraction. DTU National food Institute 51th WEFTA conference , København 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-19
Academic lectureMozuraityte, Revilija; Rustad, Turid; Standal, Inger Beate; Kopczyk, Monika. (2023) Silage of salmon by-products: pH and antioxidants. DTU National food Institute 51th WEFTA conference , København 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-19
LectureRustad, Turid. (2023) Superchilling of fish - effect on shelf life and quality. NTNU, Dep. Biological Sciences (IBA) Advanced BlueBiotraining course Resilient Blue Bio Biorefinery technologies: innovatve solutions to valorise fishery side streams , Ålesund 2023-10-24 - 2023-10-26
PosterMozuraityte, Revilija; Rustad, Turid; Standal, Inger Beate; Kopczyk, Monika. (2023) Lipid oxidation during ensilaging of salmon by-products and effect of pH and antioxidants. DTU National food Institute 51th WEFTA conference , København 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-19
PosterHoldt, Susan Løvstad; Wirenfeldt, Cecilie Bay; Sletta, Maria Stavnes; Sæther, Maren; Arlov, Øystein; Aasen, Inga Marie. (2023) Blanching of two commercial Norwegian brown seaweeds - for reduction of iodine and other compounds of importance for food safety and quality. DTU National food Institute 51th WEFTA conference , København 2023-10-16 - 2023-10-19
Academic lectureMeidell, Line Skontorp; Carvajal, Ana Karina; Rustad, Turid; Falch, Eva. (2022) Increasing the utilization of whitefish rest raw materials generated on board the deep-sea vessels - effect of sorting and storage on the oil quality produced by thermal treatment and silaging. Stiftelsen Nor-Fishing Nor-Fishing 2022 , Trondheim, Norway 2022-08-25 - 2022-08-25
PosterMeidell, Line Skontorp; Slizyte, Rasa; Carvajal, Ana Karina; Rustad, Turid; Falch, Eva. (2022) Increasing the utilization of whitefish rest raw materials generated on board the deep-sea vessels - effect of sorting and storage on the oil quality produced by thermal treatment and silaging. Nordic food forum Nordic Food Forum Conference 2022 , Trondheim, Norway 2022-09-22 - 2022-09-22
PosterSund, Randi; Rustad, Turid. (2022) The Effects of Freezing and Thawing of Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta. Dr. Herminia Domínguez, Dr María Dolores Torres, Dr. Noelia Flórez Fernández, Susan Løvstad Holdt, Stefan Kraan, Ditte B. Hermund, Michela Caprani Seaweed for Health , Ourense, Spania 2022-08-24 - 2022-08-26
LectureFalch, Eva; Rustad, Turid. (2022) Ambitions for full utilisation of marine resources. Prosjekt iFOOD net Training school for Japanese and Norwegian students , Tokyo 2022-10-03 - 2022-10-07
PosterSund, Randi; Rustad, Turid. (2022) The Effects of Freezing and Thawing of Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta. DIS Congress Service A/S Seaweed4Health , Ourense 2022-08-24 - 2022-08-25
Academic lectureMeidell, Line Skontorp; Slizyte, Rasa; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Carvajal, Ana Karina; Rustad, Turid; Standal, Inger Beate. (2022) Silage as a preservation technology for residual raw materials from saithe (Pollachius virens) – effect of raw material freshness on the oil quality. WEFTA WEFTA conferance , Rotterdam, Netherlands 2022-10-17 - 2022-10-21
PosterMeidell, Line Skontorp; Slizyte, Rasa; Carvajal, Ana Karina; Rustad, Turid; Falch, Eva. (2022) Increasing the utilization of whitefish rest raw materials generated on board the deep-sea vessels - effect of sorting and storage on the oil quality produced by thermal treatment and silaging. The Nordic LipidForum Nordic Lipidforum Symposium 2022 , Ålesund, Norway 2022-06-12 - 2022-06-15
PosterStupar, Jelena; Hoel, Sunniva; Strømseth, Sigrid; Lerfall, Jørgen; Rustad, Turid; Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng. (2022) Temperature-dependent growth kinetic as a selection criterion for protective cultures of cold-stored seafood products . Food Micro2022 2022-08-28 - 2022-08-31
Academic lectureHjellnes, Veronica Hammer; Rustad, Turid; Falch, Eva. (2021) How partnering with the whitefish industry can promote sustainable development. Biotech North, Cod Cluster and NCE Blue Legasea WebiMar - Development in the fish and ingredient processing industry , Digitalt 2021-08-31 - 2021-08-31
PosterMari, Varhaug; Noriega Fernández, Estefanía; Sivertsvik, Morten; Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore; Langfoss, Kari Helgetun; Rustad, Turid. (2020) Smart yoghurt – Combining innovative technologies towards more efficient yoghurt manufacturing. European Federation of Food Science and Technology International Online Conference 34th EFFoST - European Federation of Food Science and Technology International Online Conference , Online 2020-11-10 - 2020-11-12
Academic lectureTveit, Guro Møen; Carvajal, Ana Karina; Slizyte, Rasa; Meldstad, Fataneh; Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle; Remme, Jannicke. (2020) ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS OF COD HEADS – effect of freezing and thawing on the quality and composition of protein hydrolysates. IRR 6th IIR Conference on Sustainability and the cold chain, Session on Food Quality , Nantes 2020-08-26 - 2020-08-28
PosterTveit, Guro Møen; Carvajal, Ana Karina; Slizyte, Rasa; Meldstad, Fataneh; Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle; Remme, Jannicke. (2020) Enzymatic hydrolysis of cod heads – effect of freezing and thawing on the quality and composition of protein hydrolysates. EFFoST 34th EFFoST Online Conference, 10-12 November 2020 , Online Conference 2020-11-10 - 2020-11-12
Academic lectureStevant, Pierrick Francois Denis; Ólafsdottir, Adalheidur; Dumay, Justine; Fleurence, Joël; Ingadóttir, Bergrós; Jonsdottir, Rosa. (2019) Semi-Dry Storage as a Maturation Process to Develop the Sensory Characteristics of the Red Seaweed Dulse (Palmaria palmata). International Seaweed Association International Seaweed Symposium , Jeju 2019-04-28 - 2019-05-03
LectureCropotova, Janna; Rustad, Turid; Hassoun, Abdo; Lindberg, Stein-Kato; Heia, Karsten; Nilsen, Heidi. (2019) Assessing changes in quality parameters of sous-vide cooked Atlantic cod by spectroscopic techniques coupled with conventional methods of analysis . Fiskivinnu og Fiskimálaráðið 49th Conference of the West European Fish Technologists Association – WEFTA , Tórshavn 2019-10-14 - 2019-10-18
PosterHjellnes, Veronica Hammer; Falch, Eva; Rustad, Turid. (2019) Whitefish proteins for human consumption. ReValue/ReFOOD ReValue/ReFOOD symposium 2019 , Kolkata 2019-12-04 - 2019-12-05
Academic lectureThoresen, Petter Paulsen; Álvarez, Rebecka García; Vaka, Mette Risa; Rustad, Turid; Sone, Izumi; Noriega Fernández, Estefanía . (2019) Potential of innovative processing technologies for the revalorisation of rest raw materials from the chicken industry. European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) The 33rd EFFoST International Conference 2019 , Rotterdam 2019-11-12 - 2019-11-14
Academic lectureNielsen, Cecilie Wirenfeldt; Holdt, Susan Løvstad; Sloth, Jens Jørgen; Sæther, Maren; Funderud, Jon; Rustad, Turid. (2019) Decreasing iodine content in Saccharina Latissima by hydrothermal processing and determining the possible loss of nutritive and bioactive compounds . International Seaweed association International Seaweed Symposium , Jeju 2019-04-28 - 2019-05-03
Academic lectureHjellnes, Veronica Hammer; Rustad, Turid; Falch, Eva. (2019) Improving the value chain of the white fish industry in Norway: from capture to holistic utilization and functional products. . SINTEF ReValue Open Day 2019 , SMN Kvartalet, Trondheim 2019-09-19 - 2019-09-19
LectureRustad, Turid. (2019) Seafood processing-adapting processing parameters to raw material properties. IBT IBT's weekly Department lunch , IBT's lunch room, NV Faculty, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2019-01-23 -
PosterKvangarsnes, Kristine; Kendler, Sophie; Rustad, Turid; Aas, Grete Hansen. (2019) Properties of hydrolysates made from stored heads of farmed trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). AMITY University The 3rd ReFood Symposium , AMITY Kolkata 2019-12-04 - 2019-12-05
PosterHjellnes, Veronica Hammer; Rustad, Turid; Falch, Eva. (2019) Improving the value chain of the white fish industry in Norway: from capture to holistic utilization and functional products. West European Fish Technologists Association 49th WEFTA meeting , Torshavn 2019-10-15 - 2019-10-18
PosterHjellnes, Veronica; Rustad, Turid; Falch, Eva. (2018) Improving the value chain of the Norwegian Fish industry. ReFOOD project, SINTEF Ocean, NTNU, Bits Pilani 2nd International Symposium: Sustainable technologies for food processing an preservation. , Mumbai 2018-11-28 - 2018-11-29
Academic lectureRustad, Turid. (2018) Seafood processing – adapting processing parameters to raw material properties. IPMA 48th Conference of the West European FishTechnologists' Association , Lisboa 2018-10-16 - 2018-10-19
Academic lectureCropotova, Janna; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Standal, Inger Beate; Rustad, Turid; Tiwari, Brijesh. (2018) Protein oxidation affecting quality parameters of haddock and mackerel minces subjected to high-pressure pre-treatment and frozen storage. ProDal and University of Salerno IFT-EFFoST 2018 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short course , Sorrento-Salerno 2018-09-25 - 2018-09-27
PosterHjellnes, Veronica Hammer; Rustad, Turid; Falch, Eva. (2018) Improving the value chain of the Norwegian fish industry - from capture to holistic utilization and functional products. Re-FOOD Symposium 2018 , Mumbai 2018-11-28 - 2018-11-29
Academic lectureCropotova, Janna; Aftret, Kari Cecilie; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Standal, Inger Beate; Rustad, Turid. (2018) Assessing changes in quality characteristics of sous-vide cooked Atlantic mackerel during chilled storage by multiple regression analysis. West European Fish Technologists Association 48th West European Fish Technologists Association Conference (WEFTA) , Lisbon 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-19
Academic lectureCropotova, Janna; Aftret, Kari Cecilie; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Standal, Inger Beate; Rustad, Turid. (2018) Protein oxidation in sous-vide cooked Atlantic mackerel and its potential implications for the fish quality. University of Zagreb The 9th International Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists , Zagreb 2018-10-03 - 2018-10-05
Academic lectureStandal, Inger Beate; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Cropotova, Janna; Rustad, Turid. (2018) Quality changes of Atlantic mackerel during superchilled, chilled and frozen storage . IPMA 48th West European Fish Technologists Association Conference (WEFTA) 2018 , Lisboa 2018-10-15 - 2018-10-18
PosterCropotova, Janna; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Standal, Inger Beate; Tiwari, Brijesh; Rustad, Turid. (2018) Changes in quality characteristics of haddock and mackerel minces, and fishcakes prepared thereof as affected by high-pressure processing. EFFOST The 32nd EFFoST International Conference , Nantes 2018-11-06 - 2018-11-08
Academic lectureCropotova, Janna; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Rustad, Turid. (2018) Application of fluorescence spectroscopy techniques for fast and non-destructive analysis of lipid oxidation in fish products. EFFOST The 32nd EFFoST International Conference , Nantes 2018-11-06 - 2018-11-08
Academic lectureJalili, Mahsa; Johansen, Trude; Løvmo, Signe Dille; Olsen, Rolf Erik; Bones, Atle M.; Rustad, Turid. (2018) The effects of Different Feedings on Chemical Characteristics of Atlantic Salmon Fillet. ICFDP 2018 : 20th International Conference on Food Design and Production 2018-03-27 - 2018-03-28
PosterStévant, Pierrick Francois Denis; Marfaing, Hélène; Duinker, Arne; Fleurence, Joël; Rustad, Turid; Sandbakken, Ingrid. (2018) Tungmetaller og jod i makroalger: utgjør de en risiko for konsumenten?. Norges Forskningsrådet Havbruk konferansen , Oslo 2018-04-18 - 2018-04-20
PosterStévant, Pierrick Francois Denis; Indergård, Erlend; Ólafsdóttir, Aðalheiður; Marfaing, Hélène; Larssen, Wenche Merete Emblem; Fleurence, Joël. (2018) Effekt av tørking på kvalitet av sukkertare (Saccharina latissima) til mat. Norges Forskningsrådet Havbruk konferansen , Oslo 2018-04-18 - 2018-04-20
LectureStandal, Inger Beate; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Cropotova, Janna; Digre, Hanne; Rustad, Turid. (2018) Preservation and processing of fish for maintaining quality and health beneficial compounds. SINTEF Ocean Re-FOOD and ReValue 2nd Symposium , Mumbai 2018-11-28 - 2018-11-29
Academic lectureRustad, Turid; Cropotova, Janna; Grøvlen, Magnhild Seim. (2017) Texture changes in Atlantic mackerel during chilled and superchilled storage. BIM, Ireland 47th West European Fish Technologists Association Conference, , Dublin 2017-10-09 - 2017-10-13
Academic lectureCropotova, Janna; Rustad, Turid. (2017) An integrated approach to assess textural changes of sous-vide cooked mackerel in relation to breakdown of its connective tissue. BIM Ireland 47th West European Fish Technologists Association Conference , Dublin 2017-10-09 -
Academic lectureMozuraityte, Revilija; Standal, Inger Beate; Cropotova, Janna; Rustad, Turid. (2017) Quality changes in mackerel during cold storage, freezing, chilling and super-chilling temperatures. BIM Ireland 47th West European Fish Technologists Association Conference , Dublin 2017-10-09 - 2017-10-13
Academic lectureCropotova, Janna; Rustad, Turid. (2017) Potential of fluorescence microscopy technique to assess lipid peroxidation status in sous-vide cooked Atlantic mackerel during chilled storage. Univ. Chemistry and Technol. Prague + Wageningen Univ. The 8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis , Prague 2017-10-07 - 2017-10-10
PosterCropotova, Janna; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Rustad, Turid. (2017) Studying the development of lipid oxidation in Sous-vide cooked Atlantic mackerel during chilled storage. European Federation for the science and technology of lipids 15th Euro Fed lipid congress , Uppsala 2017-08-27 - 2017-08-30
LectureRustad, Turid. (2017) Utnyttelse av restråstoff. ArenaNorway Bluefish , Ålesund 2017-08-29 - 2017-08-31
Academic lectureStandal, Inger Beate; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Janna, Cropotova; Rustad, Turid. (2017) High resolution NMR to study changes relevant for nutritional quality and food safety during storage and processing of mackerel. EFFoST 31st EFFoST International Conference , Sitges 2017-11-13 - 2017-11-16
PosterRustad, Turid; Cropotova, Janna; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Standal, Inger Beate; Tiwari, Brijesh; Mytlewski, Adam. (2017) Innovative processing to preserve positive health effects in pelagic fish products - ProHealth. WEFTA , Dublin 2017-10-09 - 2017-10-12
InterviewSandberg, Henriette; Rustad, Turid. (2017) Sank og presever din egen mat. Under Dusken Under Dusken [Newspaper] 2017-04-11
Academic lectureCropotova, Janna; Grøvlen, Magnhild Seim; Rustad, Turid. (2017) Application of fluorescence microscopy for non-invasive assessment of fish tissue degradation due to enzyme activity during superchilled storage. The European Federation of Food Science & Technology The 31st EFFoST international conference , Sitges 2017-11-13 - 2017-11-16
PosterAbel, Nanna; Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore; Rustad, Turid; Lerfall, Jørgen. (2016) Influence of modified atmosphere, storage temperature, and fatty acid composition on carbon dioxide solubility in fish mince. 46th WEFTA meeting , Split 2016-10-12 - 2016-10-14
PosterMozuraityte, Revilija; Kristinova, Vera; Greiff, Kirsti; Rustad, Turid; Undeland, Ingrid; Digre, Hanne. (2015) Stability of marine lipids during marinating of herring: effect of headspace, temperature and salt concentration in the marinade. 28th Lipidforum Symposium, Reykjavik, June 3-6, 2015 2015-06-03 - 2015-06-06
Academic lectureGreiff, Kirsti; Staurem, Charlotte Jatteau; Rustad, Turid; Nordvi, Berit. (2015) Novel utilization of milka based ingredients in salt reduced fish pudding. National Technnical University of Athens, Greece 29th EFFOST Food Science Research and Innovation , Athen 2015-11-10 - 2015-11-12
LectureRustad, Turid. (2015) Processing of cultivated macroalgae. SusAquaBrazil Workshop on macroalgae aquaculture: Synergies between Brazil and Norway , SINTEF Sealab 2015-08-20 -
LectureLeroi, Francoise; Le Fur, Bruno; Reynisson, Eyjólfur; Rustad, Turid; Rohloff, Jens; Sivertsvik, Morten. (2015) Improved microbial quality and safety of fish. WEFTA, AFTC and SST TAFT - 5th Trans-Atlantic Fisheries Technology Conference , Nantes 2015-10-12 - 2015-10-15
Academic lectureMozuraityte, Revilija; Kristinova, Vera; Standal, Inger Beate; Evensen, Henning; Rustad, Turid. (2015) Traditional and advanced methods for oxidative quality and stability of marine phospholipids. 28th Nordic Lipidforum Symposium 2015-06-03 - 2015-06-06
Popular scientific lectureRustad, Turid; Dalheim, Marianne Øksnes; Johansen, Trude; Høyen, Caroline Dybwad; Driveklepp, Malin. (2014) Bioteknologi i mat – prøve litt og smake litt. NTNU Åpen dag 2014 , Trondheim 2014-04-29 - 2014-04-29
Popular scientific lectureRustad, Turid. (2014) Næringsmiddelkjemi - Prøve litt og smake litt. Ocean Space Race Campusbesøk , NTNU, Trondheim 2014-03-06 - 2014-03-06
Popular scientific lectureRustad, Turid. (2014) Blir fisk stresset og kan det smakes?. Trondheim kommune Miljøenheten forsker til lunsj , Trondheim 2014-10-27 - 2014-10-27
Academic lectureMozuraityte, Revilija; Digre, Hanne; Aursand, Ida Grong; Greiff, Kirsti; Rustad, Turid; Hyldig, Grethe. (2014) Reduction of salt in marinated herring (Clupea harengus L.)products. AZTI-Tecnalia WEFTA 2014. SEAFOOD Science for changing demand , Bilbao 2014-06-09 - 2014-06-11
Popular scientific lectureRustad, Turid. (2014) Blir fisk stresset og kan det smakes?. Birralee International School Trondheim Forsker til lunsj , Trondheim 2014-09-18 - 2014-09-18
PosterYang, Fang; Rustad, Turid; Xia, Wenshui. (2014) Application of fermentation techniques for fish processing. AZTI-Tecnalia WEFTA 2014. SEAFOOD Science for changing demand , Bilbao 2014-06-09 - 2014-06-11
PosterKaale, Lilian Daniel; Eikevik, Trygve Magne; Rustad, Turid; Nordtvedt, Tom Ståle. (2013) Quality changes in Atlantic salmon muscle (Salmo salar) during superchilled storage. 43rd WEFTA Meeting , Tromsø 2013-10-09 - 2013-10-11
Academic lectureSlizyte, Rasa; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Five, Kathrine; Rustad, Turid. (2013) Bioactive peptides from salmon by-products: with focus on antioxidative and ACE inhibition properties. 43rd WEFTA Meeting , Tromsø 2013-10-09 - 2013-10-11
PosterDigre, Hanne; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Standal, Inger Beate; Aursand, Ida Grong; Greiff, Kirsti; Rustad, Turid. (2013) Preserving the positive health effects in innovative pelagic fish products through the value chain. 43rd WEFTA Meeting , Tromsø 2013-10-09 - 2013-10-11
Academic lectureMozuraityte, Revilija; Rustad, Turid; Undeland, Ingrid; Digre, Hanne. (2013) Retention of health promoting components in Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) at different steps during the production of a canned product. 43rd WEFTA Meeting , Tromsø 2013-10-09 - 2013-10-11
Academic lectureBaron, Caroline; Dalgaard, Paw; Petterson, Andreas; Lekang, Odd-Ivar; Olafsdottir, Gudrun; Rustad, Turid. (2013) AQFOOD INTERNATIONAL MASTER PROGRAMME: SHARING KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE BY USING DISTANCE TEACHING & LEARNING. European Aquaculture Society (EAS) Aquaculture Europe 2013 2013-08-09 - 2013-08-12
InterviewRustad, Turid. (2013) Forsker og fisk på dagens meny. Universitetsavisa.no Universitetsavisa.no [Internet] 2013-10-03
Popular scientific lectureRustad, Turid. (2013) Hva kan vi bruke resten av fisken til etter å ha spist fileten?. Direktoratet for økonomistyring (DFØ) Forsker til lunch , Statens Hus, Trondheim 2013-10-01 - 2013-10-01
Academic lectureMozuraityte, Revilija; Kristinova, Vera; Norveel Semb, Thea; Rustad, Turid; Storrø, Ivar. (2013) Methods to evaluate lipid oxidation: Strengths and weaknesses. International Marine Ingredients Conference , Holmenkollen Park Hotel, Oslo 2013-09-22 - 2013-09-24
InterviewRustad, Turid. (2013) Improving collaboration between industry and academia. Eurofish Magazine 5/2013 Eurofish Magazine 5/2013 [Newspaper] 2013-11-01
Academic lectureKristinova, Vera; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Storrø, Ivar; Rustad, Turid. (2013) Measurement of oxygen consumption as a tool for assessing hurdles for lipid oxidation. 43rd WEFTA Meeting , Tromsø 2013-10-09 - 2013-10-11
Academic lectureKristinova, Vera; Rustad, Turid; Storrø, Ivar. (2013) Oxidation of marine lipids in gastric juice - in vitro study. International Marine Ingredients Conference , Holmenkollen Park Hotel, Oslo 2013-09-22 - 2013-09-24
Academic lectureRustad, Turid. (2013) Bruk av Bioteknologi i Næringsmiddelindustrien. TEKNA BIOTEK SEMINAR I TRONDHEIM , Medisinsk teknisk senter, Olav Kyrres gate 3, Trondheim 2013-03-18 - 2013-03-18
Popular scientific lectureRustad, Turid. (2013) Næringsmiddelkjemi - prøve litt og smake litt. NTNU MARINDAGEN , NTNU-GLØSHAUGEN, Trondheim 2013-03-07 - 2013-03-07
Academic lectureKristinova, Vera; Storrø, Ivar; Rustad, Turid. (2013) The fate of marine lipids in gastric juice - in vitro study of lipid oxidation and the effect of antioxidants. University of Helsinki 27th Nordic LipidForum Symposium , Helsinki 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-19
PosterMozuraityte, Revilija; Kristinova, Vera; Norveel Semb, Thea; Rustad, Turid; Storrø, Ivar. (2013) Methods to evaluate lipid oxidation: Strengths and weaknesses. University of Helsinki 27th Nordic LipidForum Symposium , Helsinki 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-19
Popular scientific lectureStavrum, Siri; Amundsen, Johanna Kristina; Vadseth, Merethe Christensen; Dalheim, Marianne Øksnes; Vestrum, Ragnhild Inderberg; Utgård, Randi. (2013) «Bioteknologi i hav og vann». Researcher’s Night – ungdommens forskernatt , NTNU 2013-09-27 - 2013-09-27
Popular scientific lectureRustad, Turid. (2013) Blir fisk stresset og kan det smakes?. Charlottenlund veteranklubb Forsker til lunch , "Kultursentret for eldre i Strinda." (Brundalen) 2013-10-29 - 2013-10-29
Popular scientific lectureSætrom, Gerd Inger; Rasmussen, Kjetil; Formo, Kjetil Ødegård; Stavne, Tonje; Rustad, Turid. (2012) Bærekraftig utvikling. Bioteknologi Mentorvirksomhet for VG1 studiespesialiering med entreprenørskap , NTNU, Trondheim 2012-03-15 - 2012-03-15
Popular scientific lectureRustad, Turid. (2012) Næringsmiddelkjemi. Bioteknologi Campusbesøk , NTNU, Trondheim 2012-02-15 - 2012-02-15
Academic lectureHultmann, Lisbeth; Phu, Tran Minh; Tobiassen, Torbjørn; Aas-Hansen, Øyvind; Jessen, Flemming; Hagen, Lars. (2012) Håndteringsstress og lagringstemperatur påvirker kvaliteten til oppdrettstorsk. Forskningsrådet Programkonferansen HAVBRUK 2012 , Stavanger 2012-04-16 - 2012-04-18
InterviewNielsen, Michael Engelbrecht; Olafsdottir, Gudrun; Petterson, Andreas; Rustad, Turid; Baron, Caroline P.; Dalgaard, Paw. (2012) AQFood, a new Nordic master’s degree within aquatic food. Eurofish Magazine Eurofish Magazine [Newspaper] 2012-01-17
Popular scientific lectureRustad, Turid; Hultmann, Lisbeth. (2012) NÆRINGSMIDDELKJEMI - SMAKE LITT, PRØVE LITT. NTNU Campusbesøk , NTNU, Trondheim 2012-10-19 - 2012-10-19
Academic lectureMozuraityte, Revilija; Kristinova, Vera; Norvik, Thea; Rustad, Turid; Storrø, Ivar. (2012) Methods to evaluate lipid oxidation: strengths and weaknesses. 10th Euro Fed Lipid Congress , Krakow 2012-09-23 - 2012-09-26
Academic lectureKristinova, Vera; Rustad, Turid; Storrø, Ivar. (2012) Oxidation of marine lipids in gastric juice – in vitro study. 10th Euro Fed Lipid Congress , Krakow 2012-09-23 - 2012-09-26
Programme participationRustad, Turid; Ekiz, Selda. (2012) Kan man lage gelé av grisehud? Og stemmer det at okser blir sinte av rødfarge? Vi tester begge deler - med ekte gris og ekte okse. Newton Newton [TV] 2012-11-11
Popular scientific lectureRustad, Turid. (2012) Næringsmiddelkjemi – smake litt, prøve litt. Campusbesøk , NTNU, Trondheim 2012-10-05 - 2012-10-05
Popular scientific lectureRustad, Turid. (2012) Næringsmiddelkjemi – smake litt, prøve litt. NTNU Campusbesøk , NTNU, Trondheim 2012-11-20 - 2012-11-20
Academic lectureRustad, Turid; Sivertsen, Ida Karoline; Andreetta-Gorelkina, Irina Victorovna. (2012) Proteinløselighet i ulike saltløsninger. Avslutningsmøte i KMB Low salt products , NOFIMA, Ås 2012-10-31 - 2012-10-31
Popular scientific lectureRustad, Turid. (2011) Næringsmiddelkjemi – smake litt og prøve litt. NTNU Campusbesøk - omvisning videregående , K24, NTNU, Trondheim 2011-11-21 - 2011-11-21
PosterRustad, Turid. (2011) "Stress and Cod". Faktaark for NTNU/SINTEFs stand under akvakulturmessen Aqua Nor 2011. Nor-Fishing Aqua Nor 2011 , Trondheim 2011-08-16 - 2011-08-19
Popular scientific lectureSætrom, Gerd Inger; Rustad, Turid; Aachmann, Finn Lillelund; Utgård, Randi. (2011) Proteiner - molekylære maskiner. Researchers` Night , NTNU, Trondheim 2011-09-23 - 2011-09-23
Academic lectureMozuraityte, Revilija; Rustad, Turid; Kristinova, Vera; Storrø, Ivar. (2011) Oksidasjon og stabilisering av marine lipider. Norsk Kjemisk Selskap Det 19. Landsmøte i kjemi , Norges Varemesse, Lillestrøm 2011-09-28 - 2011-09-29
Academic lectureKristinova, Vera; Skrabalova, L.; Storrø, Ivar; Rustad, Turid. (2011) Methemoglobin in oxidation of marine lipids. 41st WEFTA Meeting , Gøteborg 2011-09-27 - 2011-09-30
PosterBaron, Caroline; Rustad, Turid; Lekang, Odd-Ivar; Kiessling, Anders; Olafsdottir, Gudrun. (2011) Nordic Master Aquatic Food Production Safety & Quality - AQFood. 41st WEFTA Meeting , Gøteborg 2011-09-27 - 2011-09-30
Academic lectureBergvik, Maria; Overrein, Ingrid; Bantle, Michael; Evjemo, Jan Ove; Rustad, Turid. (2011) Effect of heat treatment on enzymes, chemical composition and long time storage in the marine zooplankton Calanus finmarchicus. 41st WEFTA Meeting , Gøteborg 2011-09-27 - 2011-09-30
Academic lectureGreiff, Kirsti; Aursand, Ida Grong; Erikson, Ulf; Draget, Kurt Ingar; Rustad, Turid. (2011) Sodium reduction in minced fish products: Effect on physicochemical properties. 41st WEFTA Meeting , Gøteborg 2011-09-27 - 2011-09-30
Academic lectureKristinova, Vera; Skrabalova, Lada; Mozuraityte, Revilija; Storrø, Ivar; Rustad, Turid. (2011) The role of added compounds in oxidation of marine lipids - Methemoglobin. 26th Nordic Lipid Forum Symposium , Ålesund 2011-06-19 - 2011-06-22
PosterAndreetta-Gorelkina, Irina Victorovna; Storrø, Ivar; Olsen, A.; Rustad, Turid. (2011) Mathematical Modelling of Mixing of Salt and Meat by Pilot Bowl-cutter. 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF11) , Aten 2011-05-22 - 2011-05-26