Ulla Forseth
Research areas: Transformation of work and organizations, sociology of emotions and emotional labour, gender, risk and safety, regulation, power and resistance, the Norwegian/Nordic model of woking life and welfare, sociology of fiance, a variety of methods including narrative analysis and memory work.
I hold a position as Professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology and Political Science at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. Communication across disciplines, languages and cultures has been important in my choice of studies in the humanities and social sciences, and positions in research organizations and academia. I have received over 20 research grants with sole or joint responsibility. I have published in journals such as Evaluation Studies, Gender,Work and Organization, Ingenere, Kvinneforskning, Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift, Safety Science, Safety Science Monitor, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening og Travailler. Among my publications are Paradoxes of Power: Dialogue as a Regulatory Strategy in the Norwegian Oil and Gas Industry (2021) with Ragnar Rosness, Safety Science (forthcoming), “Smile away”: Endringer i emosjonelt arbeid blant kabinansatte (2021) Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift, 5(1), 8-22, Il paradosso norvegese non esiste (2019), InGenere, 3/10, Brave new world? The global financial crisis’ impact on Scandinavian banking’s sales rhetoric and practices” (2015) with Emil A. Røyrvik and Stewart R. Clegg, and ”Boxing and dancing: Tripartite collaboration as an integral part of a regulation regime” with Ragnar Rosness in Risk Governance of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations (Lindøe, Baram and Renn, eds. 2014). I am co-editor of “Arbeid for livet” (2002) with Bente Rasmussen and Den norske modellen – Internasjonalisering som utfordring og vitalisering (2015) with Brita Bungum and Elin Kvande.
I was a visiting professor at the Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Università di Trento, Italia, 2017-2018, during which I had the opportunity to add Italian as my sixth laguage.
Forseth, Ulla.
The Power of dialogue: The regulator-regulatee relationship in the Norwegian oil and gas industry.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla;
Røyrvik, Emil André;
Clegg, Stewart Roger.
Naturalizing, normalizing and neutralizing: metaphors framing the global financial crisis in Nordic banks.
Culture and Organization
Academic article
Forseth, Ulla.
Take-off, turbulence and turnaround.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Academic article
Smeby, Kristine Warhuus;
Forseth, Ulla.
Work-life balance for fathers during parental leave in Norway: a narrative approach.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla;
Rosness, Ragnar.
Paradoxes of power: Dialogue as a regulatory strategy in the Norwegian oil and gas industry.
Safety Science
Academic article
Forseth, Ulla.
“Smile away”: Endringer i emosjonelt arbeid blant kabinansatte.
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Forseth, Ulla.
Il paradosso norvegese non esiste.
Popular scientific article
Forseth, Ulla;
Clegg, Stewart;
Røyrvik, Emil André.
Reactivity and Resistance to Evaluation Devices.
Valuation Studies
Academic article
Forseth, Ulla;
Rosness, Ragnar.
Dialogue in asymmetrical power relations - Modern safety regulation?.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Øversveen, Emil;
Forseth, Ulla.
Fremmed i NAV : arbeidslinja i praksis .
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Dahl, Øyvind;
Rosness, Ragnar;
Forseth, Ulla.
Performance-based regulation of HSE and the role of regulatory guidance.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rosness, Ragnar;
Dahl, Øyvind;
Forseth, Ulla.
Trapped by compliance? The voices of the regulator.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla.
Oljearbeidere om risiko med helikoptertransport.
Feature article
Forseth, Ulla.
Dette opplever oljearbeidere når de flyr med helikopter.
Feature article
Bungum, Brita;
Forseth, Ulla;
Kvande, Elin.
Internasjonalisering og den norske modellen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla;
Rosness, Ragnar.
Trepartssamarbeid i aksjon - kontrovers, konsensus og utfordringer i petroleumsvirksomheten.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla;
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar.
Det norske verneombudet i et globalt arbeidsliv.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bungum, Brita;
Forseth, Ulla;
Kvande, Elin.
Den norske modellen: Internasjonalisering som utfordring og vitalisering.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Forseth, Ulla;
Røyrvik, Emil André;
Clegg, Stewart.
Brave New World? The global financial crisis’ impact on Scandinavian banking’s sales rhetoric and practices.
Scandinavian Journal of Management
Academic article
Rosness, Ragnar;
Forseth, Ulla.
Boxing and Dancing Tripartite Collaboration as an Integral Part of a Regulatory Regime.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rosness, Ragnar;
Forseth, Ulla;
Wærø, Irene.
Operational Managers Build Safety by Creating Favourable Environmental Conditions for Safety Work.
Safety Science Monitor
Academic article
Skarholt, Kari;
Forseth, Ulla;
Hermundsgård, Margit;
Rosness, Ragnar.
The impact of framework conditions on HSE in subcontracting/outsourcing.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rosness, Ragnar;
Blakstad, Helene Cecilie;
Forseth, Ulla;
Dahle, Irene Bergljot;
Wiig, Siri.
Environmental conditions for safety work - Theoretical foundations.
Safety Science
Academic article
Skarholt, Kari;
Rosness, Ragnar;
Forseth, Ulla;
Hermundsgård, Margit.
Rammebetingelsers betydning for HMS i petroleumsindustrien: I driftsforberedelser og i drift.
SINTEF rapport A22328
Rosness, Ragnar;
Blakstad, Helene Cecilie;
Forseth, Ulla.
Rammebetingelsers betydning for storulykkesrisiko og arbeidsmiljørisiko - En litteraturstudie.
SINTEF Rapport
Forseth, Ulla;
Rosness, Ragnar;
Mostue, Bodil Aamnes.
Rammebetingelser for HMS som etableres i kontrakt - En intervjustudie.
SINTEF Rapport
Rosness, Ragnar;
Blakstad, Helene Cecilie;
Forseth, Ulla.
Exploring Power Perspectives on Robust Regulation.
SINTEF Rapport
Herrera, Ivonne;
Håbrekke, Solfrid;
Kråkenes, Tony;
Hokstad, Per Richard;
Forseth, Ulla.
Helikoptersikkerhetsstudie 3.
SINTEF Rapport
Rosness, Ragnar;
Forseth, Ulla;
Wærø, Irene.
Rammebetingelsers betydning for HMS-arbeid.
SINTEF Rapport
Herrera, Ivonne;
Forseth, Ulla.
Helikopter Safety Study 3 (HSS-3) Main Report.
SINTEF Rapport
Berge, Liv;
Forseth, Ulla;
Håpnes, Tove Rigmor.
Salg, salg, salg - over hele linja! Mandag hele året? om mestringsstrategier og arbeidsstiler i salg av forsikringer.
Sosiologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Forseth, Ulla;
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar;
Andersen, Thale Kvernberg.
Stop in the name of safety - The right of the safety representative to halt dangerous work.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Thale Kvernberg;
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar;
Forseth, Ulla.
Safety representative and managers: Partners in health and safety?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ola, Westby;
Forseth, Ulla.
Kartlegging av aktørbildet på norsk sokkel - Tilbakemelding til selskapene.
SINTEF Rapport
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar;
Forseth, Ulla;
Andersen, Thale Kvernberg.
Partner for arbeidsmiljø - det norske verneombudets rolle og funksjon.
SINTEF Rapport (9788214042825)
Forseth, Ulla.
Gender(ed) Bodies and Boundary Setting in the Airline Industry.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla.
Gender Matters? Exploring How Gender is Negotiated in Service Encounters.
Gender, Work & Organization
Academic article
Rosness, Ragnar;
Forseth, Ulla;
Herrera, Ivonne;
Jersin, Erik;
Johnsen, Stig Ole;
Tinmannsvik, Ranveig Kviseth.
Flysikkerhet under omstillingsprosesser.
SINTEF Rapport (STF50 A05102)
Amble, Nina;
Enehaug, Heidi;
Forseth, Ulla;
Gjerberg, Elisabeth;
GRIMSMO, Asbjørn;
Hauge, Torild I..
Arbeidsmiljø og mestring hos frontlinjearbeidere i flytransporttjenesten.
AFI-rapport (6)
Forseth, Ulla.
Fortellinger i SAS. Rapport fra prosjekt Løsninger i Bedrift (LiB).
SINTEF Rapport (STF38 A03513)
Forseth, Ulla;
Rasmussen, Bente.
Arbeid for livet.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Forseth, Ulla;
Dahl-Jørgensen, Carla.
Som logo.
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla;
Dahl, Thomas;
Rasmussen, Bente.
Arbeid for livet - Et kundeliv.
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Saksvik, Per Øystein;
Forseth, Ulla.
Betydningen av kunnskap om arbeidsgruppers kultur for å oppnå vellykkede tiltak for å forbedre arbeid og helse.
Nordisk Psykologi: teori, forskning, praksis
Academic article
Journal publications
Forseth, Ulla;
Røyrvik, Emil André;
Clegg, Stewart Roger.
Naturalizing, normalizing and neutralizing: metaphors framing the global financial crisis in Nordic banks.
Culture and Organization
Academic article
Forseth, Ulla.
Take-off, turbulence and turnaround.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Academic article
Forseth, Ulla;
Rosness, Ragnar.
Paradoxes of power: Dialogue as a regulatory strategy in the Norwegian oil and gas industry.
Safety Science
Academic article
Forseth, Ulla.
“Smile away”: Endringer i emosjonelt arbeid blant kabinansatte.
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Forseth, Ulla.
Il paradosso norvegese non esiste.
Popular scientific article
Forseth, Ulla;
Clegg, Stewart;
Røyrvik, Emil André.
Reactivity and Resistance to Evaluation Devices.
Valuation Studies
Academic article
Øversveen, Emil;
Forseth, Ulla.
Fremmed i NAV : arbeidslinja i praksis .
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Forseth, Ulla.
Oljearbeidere om risiko med helikoptertransport.
Feature article
Forseth, Ulla.
Dette opplever oljearbeidere når de flyr med helikopter.
Feature article
Forseth, Ulla;
Røyrvik, Emil André;
Clegg, Stewart.
Brave New World? The global financial crisis’ impact on Scandinavian banking’s sales rhetoric and practices.
Scandinavian Journal of Management
Academic article
Rosness, Ragnar;
Forseth, Ulla;
Wærø, Irene.
Operational Managers Build Safety by Creating Favourable Environmental Conditions for Safety Work.
Safety Science Monitor
Academic article
Rosness, Ragnar;
Blakstad, Helene Cecilie;
Forseth, Ulla;
Dahle, Irene Bergljot;
Wiig, Siri.
Environmental conditions for safety work - Theoretical foundations.
Safety Science
Academic article
Berge, Liv;
Forseth, Ulla;
Håpnes, Tove Rigmor.
Salg, salg, salg - over hele linja! Mandag hele året? om mestringsstrategier og arbeidsstiler i salg av forsikringer.
Sosiologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Forseth, Ulla.
Gender Matters? Exploring How Gender is Negotiated in Service Encounters.
Gender, Work & Organization
Academic article
Saksvik, Per Øystein;
Forseth, Ulla.
Betydningen av kunnskap om arbeidsgruppers kultur for å oppnå vellykkede tiltak for å forbedre arbeid og helse.
Nordisk Psykologi: teori, forskning, praksis
Academic article
Bungum, Brita;
Forseth, Ulla;
Kvande, Elin.
Den norske modellen: Internasjonalisering som utfordring og vitalisering.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Forseth, Ulla;
Rasmussen, Bente.
Arbeid for livet.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Forseth, Ulla.
The Power of dialogue: The regulator-regulatee relationship in the Norwegian oil and gas industry.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Smeby, Kristine Warhuus;
Forseth, Ulla.
Work-life balance for fathers during parental leave in Norway: a narrative approach.
Edward Elgar Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla;
Rosness, Ragnar.
Dialogue in asymmetrical power relations - Modern safety regulation?.
Taylor & Francis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Dahl, Øyvind;
Rosness, Ragnar;
Forseth, Ulla.
Performance-based regulation of HSE and the role of regulatory guidance.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rosness, Ragnar;
Dahl, Øyvind;
Forseth, Ulla.
Trapped by compliance? The voices of the regulator.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bungum, Brita;
Forseth, Ulla;
Kvande, Elin.
Internasjonalisering og den norske modellen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla;
Rosness, Ragnar.
Trepartssamarbeid i aksjon - kontrovers, konsensus og utfordringer i petroleumsvirksomheten.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla;
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar.
Det norske verneombudet i et globalt arbeidsliv.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rosness, Ragnar;
Forseth, Ulla.
Boxing and Dancing Tripartite Collaboration as an Integral Part of a Regulatory Regime.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skarholt, Kari;
Forseth, Ulla;
Hermundsgård, Margit;
Rosness, Ragnar.
The impact of framework conditions on HSE in subcontracting/outsourcing.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla;
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar;
Andersen, Thale Kvernberg.
Stop in the name of safety - The right of the safety representative to halt dangerous work.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Thale Kvernberg;
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar;
Forseth, Ulla.
Safety representative and managers: Partners in health and safety?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla.
Gender(ed) Bodies and Boundary Setting in the Airline Industry.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla;
Dahl-Jørgensen, Carla.
Som logo.
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Forseth, Ulla;
Dahl, Thomas;
Rasmussen, Bente.
Arbeid for livet - Et kundeliv.
Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skarholt, Kari;
Rosness, Ragnar;
Forseth, Ulla;
Hermundsgård, Margit.
Rammebetingelsers betydning for HMS i petroleumsindustrien: I driftsforberedelser og i drift.
SINTEF rapport A22328
Rosness, Ragnar;
Blakstad, Helene Cecilie;
Forseth, Ulla.
Rammebetingelsers betydning for storulykkesrisiko og arbeidsmiljørisiko - En litteraturstudie.
SINTEF Rapport
Forseth, Ulla;
Rosness, Ragnar;
Mostue, Bodil Aamnes.
Rammebetingelser for HMS som etableres i kontrakt - En intervjustudie.
SINTEF Rapport
Rosness, Ragnar;
Blakstad, Helene Cecilie;
Forseth, Ulla.
Exploring Power Perspectives on Robust Regulation.
SINTEF Rapport
Herrera, Ivonne;
Håbrekke, Solfrid;
Kråkenes, Tony;
Hokstad, Per Richard;
Forseth, Ulla.
Helikoptersikkerhetsstudie 3.
SINTEF Rapport
Rosness, Ragnar;
Forseth, Ulla;
Wærø, Irene.
Rammebetingelsers betydning for HMS-arbeid.
SINTEF Rapport
Herrera, Ivonne;
Forseth, Ulla.
Helikopter Safety Study 3 (HSS-3) Main Report.
SINTEF Rapport
Ola, Westby;
Forseth, Ulla.
Kartlegging av aktørbildet på norsk sokkel - Tilbakemelding til selskapene.
SINTEF Rapport
Torvatn, Hans Yngvar;
Forseth, Ulla;
Andersen, Thale Kvernberg.
Partner for arbeidsmiljø - det norske verneombudets rolle og funksjon.
SINTEF Rapport (9788214042825)
Rosness, Ragnar;
Forseth, Ulla;
Herrera, Ivonne;
Jersin, Erik;
Johnsen, Stig Ole;
Tinmannsvik, Ranveig Kviseth.
Flysikkerhet under omstillingsprosesser.
SINTEF Rapport (STF50 A05102)
Amble, Nina;
Enehaug, Heidi;
Forseth, Ulla;
Gjerberg, Elisabeth;
GRIMSMO, Asbjørn;
Hauge, Torild I..
Arbeidsmiljø og mestring hos frontlinjearbeidere i flytransporttjenesten.
AFI-rapport (6)
Forseth, Ulla.
Fortellinger i SAS. Rapport fra prosjekt Løsninger i Bedrift (LiB).
SINTEF Rapport (STF38 A03513)
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2024) Doing ethnography in Italy aperitivo time. Etnografigruppa ved Inst. for sosiologi og statsvitenskap Seminar med Ugo Corte , Sosiologisk poliklinikk 2024-04-25 - 2024-04-25
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Ingvill, Stuvøy. (2023) Embodying precarity and staying put: The paradox of cabin crew in Scandinavian aviation . European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) Internasjonal konferanse , Cagliari, Sardinia 2023-06-06 - 2023-06-08
Academic lectureJoner Ognedal, Maja; Forseth, Ulla. (2023) Employing emotions and judicial macro narratives: An ethnography of criminal court cases . Ethnography and Qualitative Research , Trento 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-10
PosterForseth, Ulla; Øversveen, Emil Mortensrud; Bahl, Nina Kavita Heggen. (2023) Moral economy, marginalized youth, mapping new margins . Società Italiana di Sociologia Economica Convegno SISEC 2023 , Brescia 2023-02-08 - 2023-02-11
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2022) Aperol spritz: opphav, ritualer og relasjoner. Trøndersosiologene og Inst for sosiologi og statsvitenskap Konferanse , Trondheim 2022-10-26 -
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Øversveen, Emil; Bahl, Nina Kavita Heggen. (2022) Negotiating deservingness. Marginalized youth and the Norwegian unemployment services. NTNU Inst for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, ISA RG17, DGS International Conference of Organizational Sociology (ICOS) , Trondheim 2022-12-07 - 2022-12-09
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2021) The power of dialogue – the regulator-regulatee relationship in the Norwegian oil and gas industry. Fondation pour une Culture de Sécurité Industrielle (FonCSI) Konferanse , Paris 2021-12-15 - 2021-12-17
InterviewForseth, Ulla. (2020) På jakt etter ny jobb? Her er ekspertenes råd av Malene Birkeland. VG VG [Newspaper] 2020-04-14
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2020) Up in the air: Gender, diversity and inequality in cabin work,. European Group for Organizational Studies 35th EGOS Colloquium. Internasjonalt nettverk , Digital (opprinnelig Hamburg) 2020-07-02 - 2020-07-04
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2020) I ukjent terreng og på dypt vann: en fortelling om en forskningsprosess blant oljearbeidere på land og til sjøs. Norsk sosiologforening Vinterseminaret 2020 , Gol 2020-01-31 - 2020-02-02
PosterForseth, Ulla. (2018) Into deep water: Sensory ethnography, sensible knowledge and perceived risk among offshore helicopter passengers. University of Bergamo 7th Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference , Bergamo 2018-06-06 - 2018-06-09
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Røyrvik, Emil André; Clegg, Stewart. (2017) A Fabled Time: Metaphors and Symbols Framing the Global Financial Crisis . European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) , København 2017-07-06 - 2017-07-08
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Røyrvik, Emil Andre; Clegg, Stewart R.. (2016) Money magic - Symbolism and metaphors in accounts of the global financial crisis. Organization Studies 11th Organization Studies Workshop Spirituality, Symbolism, and Storytelling , Mykonos 2016-05-18 - 2016-05-21
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Rosness, Ragnar. (2015) Discourses about regulation and the regulated. Workingonsafety.net Smart prevention for sustainable safety , Porto 2015-09-23 - 2015-09-25
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Rosness, Ragnar. (2015) Den norske modellen i petroleumsnæringen. Nettverk for organisasjonsforskning i Norge (NEON) NEON-konferansen , Trondheim 2015-10-26 - 2015-10-27
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2015) Fra norsk til "Norwegian" modell. Nettverk for organisasjonsforskning i Norge (NEON) Paneldebatt NEON-konferansen (forberedte innlegg) , Trondheim 2015-10-26 - 2015-10-27
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2015) Den norske modellen. Aksel Tjora Sosiologfestival , Dokkhuset, Trondheim 2015-09-03 - 2015-09-03
InterviewForseth, Ulla. (2014) Service og serviceyrker. Kveldsåpent, NRK1 Kveldsåpent, NRK1 [Radio] 2014-01-27
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Clegg, Stewart R.; Røyrvik, Emil André. (2014) "The Moment of Truth" - Valuation devices to promote customer orientation and "right selling" in finance. LAEMOS (Latin American and European Organization Studies) Internasjonal konferanse , Havana 2014-04-02 - 2014-04-05
InterviewForseth, Ulla. (2014) Blir syke av vold og trusler på jobben. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2014-10-13
InterviewForseth, Ulla. (2014) Her er lista: Disse yrkene blir mest syke på jobb. Dagbladet+ Dagbladet+ [Internet] 2014-10-13
LectureForseth, Ulla. (2013) Sosiologiske fortellinger fra finanskrisa. Aksel Tjora, Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskap, NTNU Sosiologifestival , Blæst, Trondheim 2013-09-26 - 2013-09-26
Academic lectureRosness, Ragnar; Forseth, Ulla. (2013) Boxing and Dancing: Tripartite Collaboration as an Integral Part of a Regulatory Regime in Norway. Society Risk Analysis - Europe (SRAE) , Trondheim 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-19
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Røyrvik, Emil André; Clegg, Stewart Roger; Clegg, Stewart Roger. (2013) Heroes and Villains in Bankers' Narratives After the Global Financial Crisis. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) 29th Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) , Montréal 2013-07-04 - 2013-07-06
Academic lectureRosness, Ragnar; Forseth, Ulla; Wærø, Irene. (2012) Operational managers build safety by creating favourable conditions for safety work. www.workingonsafety.net Working on Safety 2012 , Sopot 2012-09-11 - 2012-09-14
Academic lectureSkarholt, Kari; Forseth, Ulla; Hermundsgård, Margit; Rosness, Ragnar. (2011) The impact of framework conditions on HSE in subcontracting/outsourcing. ESREL 2011 , Troyes, France 2011-09-18 - 2011-09-22
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2011) Making sense of the global financial crises in finance. Workshop with Stewart Clegg , SINTEF - Trondheim 2011-06-27 - 2011-06-28
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Håpnes, Tove Rigmor; Berge, Liv. (2010) Sunne arbeidsplasser og robuste arbeidskulturer. NFR Avslutningskonferanse for Arbeidslivsprogrammet , Oslo 2010-01-27 - 2010-01-27
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Håpnes, Tove Rigmor; Berge, Liv. (2010) Globalization, resistance, and diverse work practices in an international finance company. 26th EGOS Colloqium 2010 , Lisboa 2010-06-28 - 2010-07-03
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Rosness, Ragnar. (2010) Arguments about Safety in the Norwegian Petroleum Industry - Discourse Analysis. Working on Safety , Røros 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-10
Academic lectureHerrera, Ivonne; Forseth, Ulla; Håbrekke, Solfrid; Kråkenes, Tony. (2010) Applying safety and risk approaches to improve helicopter operations. Working on Safety , Røros 2010-09-07 - 2010-09-10
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Håpnes, Tove Rigmor; Berge, Liv. (2009) New World of Work - Coping and Control in the Finance Industry. 15th World Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) , Sydney, Australia 2009-08-24 - 2009-08-27
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2009) The Norwegian Safety Representative Mechanism. New Zealand Work & Labour Market Institute , Auckland 2009-09-01 - 2009-09-02
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Andersen, Thale Kvernberg. (2008) Verneombudsprosjektet. HMS-tinget , Oslo 2008-04-09 - 2008-04-09
Academic lectureAndersen, Thale Kvernberg; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Forseth, Ulla. (2008) Safety representative and managers: Partners in health and safety?. ESREL 2008 - 18th European safety and reliability conference , Valencia, Spain 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-25
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2008) Langtidsfriske medarbeidere. Finansnæringens arbeidsgiverforening FAg-dag , Hotell Britannia, Trondheim 2008-10-29 - 2008-10-30
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Berge, Liv. (2008) Healthy workpalce - Changes and Challenges for Customer Service. Presentation for FORBA , Vienna 2008-02-29 - 2008-02-29
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Andersen, Thale Kvernberg. (2008) Stop in the name of safety - The right of the safety representative to halt dangerous work. ESREL 2008 - 18th European safety and reliability conference , Valencia, Spain 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-25
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Torvatn, Hans Yngvar; Andersen, Thale Kvernberg. (2008) Partner for arbeidsmiljøet - det norske verneombudets rolle og funksjon. Arbeidsmiljøkongressen , Bergen 2008-10-16 - 2008-10-17
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2008) Langtidsfriske medarbeidere. DnB NOR Ledersamling DnB NOR Kort , Losby gods, Gardermoen 2008-11-20 - 2008-11-20
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2007) Emosjonelt arbeid - følelsenes betydning i arbeidslivet. Finansforbundet Samling for Finansforbundet , Hell 2007-10-17 - 2007-10-17
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2006) Push this Button to Work, Push that Button to Sleep""-Work, Sleep and Flexibility. University of Warwich ESCR Seminar Series Sleep and Society, Critical Themes, Future Agendas , Warwich, Great Britain 2006-03-14 - 2006-03-14
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2006) Arbeidsmiljø, arbeidsglede og stress. Innledning mandagsmøte SIPÅ , SINTEF 2006-08-14 - 2006-08-14
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2006) Flexibility and Blurring Boundaries in the New Economy. IIRA-konferansen , Lima 2006-09-11 - 2006-09-14
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2006) Det ""nye"" arbeidslivet: Ikke enten eller, ment både - og. Confex Konferanse Arbeidsliv og livskvalitet , Oslo - mai 2006 2006-05-02 - 2006-05-02
Academic lectureTveiten, Camilla Knudsen; Forseth, Ulla; Rosness, Ragnar. (2006) Conflict, Alienation and Human Reliability. ESREL - Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk , Estoril 2006-09-18 - 2006-09-22
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Rosness, Ragnar; Herrera, Ivonne; Jersin, Erik; Johnsen, Stig Ole. (2006) Have a safe journey - omstillingsprosesser og flysikkerhet. Transportforum 2006 , Linköping 2006-01-18 - 2006-01-18
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Gullikstad, Berit. (2005) Magic Moments? Emotions, Gender and Power in Service Encounters. Employment and Society , Manchester, UK 2005-09-01 - 2005-09-03
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Gullikstad, Berit. (2005) Gender, Boundaries and Interactive Service Work. Work and Health Congress , New Dehli, India 2005-11-27 - 2005-11-30
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Gullikstad, Berit. (2005) Boundless Work: Discourses and Flexibility. Boundary Setting and Gender. Women, Work and Health Congress , New Dehli, India 2005-11-27 - 2005-11-30
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2005) Omstilling og inkludering. Hvor butter det ? Inkluderende arbeidsliv - utfordringer mellom samfunnsansvar og effektivitet. Norges forskningsråd Arbeidslivsprogrammet , Oslo 2005-11-09 - 2005-11-09
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Gullikstad, Berit. (2004) Magic Moments? Emotions, Gender and Power in Service Encounters. 22nd Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism , Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada 2004-07-07 - 2004-07-10
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2004) Fortellinger i SAS. Presentasjon av prosjektet Løsninger i Bedrift. Pressekonferanse med Statsministeren , Oslo 2004-03-04 - 2004-03-04
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2004) Nye tider - gamle modeller og det emosjonelle arbeidet. Arbeidsmiljøkongressen , Bergen 2004-09-30 - 2004-09-30
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Gullikstad, Berit. (2004) Ambivalence, Boundary, Setting and Construction of Gender in Service Encounters. Paper at Work, Employment and Society , Manchester 2004-09-01 - 2004-09-03
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2004) Heftig og begeistret. Hvordan mestre emosjonelt arbeid?. NFR-konferansen ""Hva er nytt med det nye arbeidslivet! , Oslo 2004-11-04 - 2004-11-04
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2004) Minnearbeid i en organisatorisk kontekst. IFIM-seminar , Sverresborg, Trondheim 2004-06-14 - 2004-06-14
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2004) Smil og innlevelse i ildlinjen!. Førstehjelpskurs for ansatte i servicetorgene Service 2004 Luft under vingene ! , Gardermoen, Oslo 2004-09-28 - 2004-09-28
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2004) Kundekontakt og kundesamfunn - på godt og vondt. Ansatte ved NTNU/Universitetsbiblioteket , Trondheim 2004-06-03 - 2004-06-03
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2004) Jakten på løsninger i SAS. Styremøte i SINTEF Teknologiledelse , Trondheim 2004-06-28 - 2004-06-28
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2004) Bodies, Gender and Service Work. University of Bristol , UK 2004-10-20 - 2004-10-20
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2003) Heftig og begeistret? Individualisering, kundekontakt og grenseregulering i arbeidslivet. Arbeidslivsprogrammet, Norges forskningsråd , Sørmarka 2003-06-04 - 2003-06-05
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2003) Indivudualization and ""incorporation"" of work in a restructured company. The Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), Organizational Wellness: mens sana in corporate sano? , Cambridge, UK 2003-07-09 - 2003-07-12
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2003) Memory Work as a Research Tool. ESA Conference, Research Network Quualitative Methods , Muncia, Spain 2003-09-23 - 2003-09-26
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2003) Reproducing Stereotypes? Exploring gender and power resources in service encounters. 6th European Sociological association Congress, ""Aging Societies, New Sociology"" , Muncia, Spain 2003-09-23 - 2003-09-26
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Birkeland, A-M. (2002) Løsninger i bedrift - praktiske arbeidsmetoder og rutiner for oppfølging av sykemeldte og forebygging av sykefravær i SAS. Sosialdepartementet Erfaringskonferanse , Hurtigruten 2002-09-10 - 2002-09-11
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla; Rasmussen, Bente. (2002) Med ansvar og muligheter, men individualisert og sårbar? Paradokser og dilemmaer i det nye arbeidslivet. KNUS-konferanse , Trondheim 2002-09-26 - 2002-09-26
Academic lecture
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2002) Arbeidslivets nye slitere - service, helse og omsorg. Rått og brutalt - det nyliberale arbeidslivet , Oslo 2002-03-04 - 2002-03-05
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2002) Det grenseløse arbeidet - om emosjoner som innsatsfaktor i banknæringen og om næringens usynlige kostnader. Studiegruppe for toppledere, Sparebankforeningen , Losby gods 2002-03-19 - 2002-03-19
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2002) Fra psykolog til sirkusartist. Emosjonelt arbeid i flybransen. Nordisk sosiologikonferanse , Reykjavik 2002-08-14 - 2002-08-17
Academic lectureDahl-Jørgensen, Carla; Forseth, Ulla. (2001) Understanding Changes Among Interactive Service Workers. IIRA-konferansen , Oslo 2001-06-25 - 2001-06-29
Academic lectureDahl-Jørgensen, Carla; Forseth, Ulla. (2001) Understanding Changes Among Interactive Service Workers. 6th European Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association , Oslo 2001-06-25 - 2001-06-29
Academic lectureDahl-Jørgensen, Carla; Forseth, Ulla. (2001) From Clerk to Competitive Seller - Transformation of Interactive Service Work in Retail and Banking. Gender, Work and Organization Conference , Keele University, Staffordshire 2001-06-27 - 2001-06-29
Academic lecture
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2000) Hva koster smilene? Emosjonell slitasje i frontlinjeyrker. SINTEF Teknologiledelse KNUS , SINTEF, Trondheim 2000-09-07 - 2000-09-07
Academic lecture
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2000) Smilets organisering i frontlinjeyrker. . , Trondheim kemnerkontor 2000-01-01 - 2000-12-31
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2000) The ambivalence of Emotional Labour in Banking. International Industrial Relations Association , Tokyo, Japan 2000-05-29 - 2000-06-02
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2000) Hva koster smilene i finansnæringen?. Høstmøte i Finansforbundet , Trondheim 2000-10-11 - 2000-10-11
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2000) Hva koster smilene? Emosjonell slitasje i serviceyrker. . , RIT 2000-09-22 - 2000-09-22
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2000) Programmet ""Helse i arbeidslivet"" - utvalgte resultater fra Trondheimsparaplyen. . , Samfunnsmedisinske fag/NTNU, Trondheim 2000-05-11 - 2000-05-11
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (2000) Hva koster smilene ? - om grenseløse jobber og servicetretthet. NIPA-konferanse , Oslo 2000-05-09 - 2000-05-09
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (1999) Boundless work? Emotional Labour in Interactive Service Work. The 4th European Conference of Sociology , Amsterdam, Nederland 1999-08-18 - 1999-08-21
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (1999) Emosjonell utmattelse i servicenæringen. Sparebank 1 . , Trondheim 1999-01-10 - 1999-01-10
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (1999) Hva koster smilene? Emosjonell utmattelse i serviceyrker. Helse i arbeidslivet. . , Oslo 1999-01-01 - 1999-12-31
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (1999) Emotions as tool of labour. Workshop 'Kjønn og makt i arbeidslivet'. NIFU Workshop ""Kjønn og makt i arbeidslivet"" , Oslo 1999-11-11 - 1999-11-11
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (1999) Endringer i arbeidslivet og betydningen av emosjonelt arbeid. Sparebank 1 . , Trondheim 1999-01-01 - 1999-12-31
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (1999) Nye utfordringer for frontlinjepersonell i bank. Kreditkassen For bankansatte , Oslo 1999-01-01 - 1999-12-31
Academic lectureDahl-Jørgensen, Carla; Forseth, Ulla. (1999) Endringer i arbeidslivet - nye utfordringer for interaktivt servicearbeid. . , Trondheim likningskontor 1999-01-01 - 1999-12-31
Academic lectureForseth, Ulla. (1999) Emotional Labour and Emotional Exhaustion in Interactive Service Work. The 2nd International Conference on ""Women, Work, Health"" , Rio de Janeiro 1999-10-27 - 1999-10-31
Academic lectureDahl-Jørgensen, Carla; Forseth, Ulla; Mo, Tone O.; Saksvik, Per Øystein. (1999) An evaluation of the impact of three workplace interventions on the health of service workers. . , Helsinki 1999-05-12 - 1999-05-15