Research activity from NTNU Team Hydropower

Research activity from NTNU Energy Team Hydropower

Installation of a PIV testrig. Photo: Juliet Landrø/Hydrocen

Norway is world-leading on several aspects related to planning, design and operation of hydropower plants, energy systems dominated by hydropower production and how hydropower projects affect the natural environment and society. NTNU and connected partners play an important role in the development of new knowledge.

The two research centers CEDREN and HydroCEN have been instrumental in the development of new knowledge related to environmental design of renewable energy production (in particular hydropower) and hydropower technology in a future energy system with a much large share of renewable energy production. NTNU is the coordinating institution of HydroCEN and was a key partner in CEDREN until the center formally closed in 2018. HydroCEN and CEDREN have both been initiated and operated in close cooperation with the hydropower industry, management authorities and NGOs.

The group of scientists at NTNU is also an active and attractive partner in international research projects, including projects funded by EU.

Research centers and projects of special interest

  • HydroCEN - Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology
  • CEDREN - Centre for environmental Design of Renewable Energy


  • HydroFlex - Hydropower in climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • FITHydro - Fish friendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower
  • HYPOS - Satellite data for Hydropower applications
  • ALPHEUS - Augmented grid stability through low-head pumped Hydro Energy utilization and storage
  • DeGas – A new technological solution for preventing environmental effects of air supersaturation downstream hydropower plants
  • EERA Joint Programme Hydropower – Europe-wide coalition on Hydropower research
  • Dirt-X - Evaluating sediment delivery impacts on reservoirs in changing climate and society
  • SediPass - Sustainable design and operation of hydropower plants exposed to high sediment yield
  • Tunnel Roughness - Linking physical wall roughness of unlined tunnels to hydraulic resistance
  • HiFrancis – High head francis turbines
  • FranSed – Francis turbines for sediment laden waters

Research activity from NTNU Energy Team Hydropower

Research activity