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The Ethics Portal

The Ethics Portal

The Ethics Portal is a website for all NTNU employees, and focuses on ethical dilemmas relating to research and personnel issues.

The aim is to stimulate ethical reflection at all levels at NTNU: by the individual employee/PhD candidate/student, by the various units, and by management at different levels in the organization.

The points below present specific cases based on episodes and constellations of cases from NTNU. The presentation of these cases has been recast to some extent where this was necessary to protect anonymity. What the cases have in common is that they represent dilemmas and issues that are not easy to resolve by referring to ethical guidelines and regulations. You are welcome to use these cases as a starting point for discussion.

Each case is followed by questions, comments, and relevant links to guidelines and regulations.

The 11 focus points


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In a dilemma?
If you have landed in an ethical dilemma and need help, you should contact your immediate superior.

If you have done this and it has not worked, you can contact Professor May Thorseth at the Department of Philosophy and Religous Studies, and she will help you with the next step.