Wheelchair Activity Monitoring project (WHAM)

WHeelchair Activity Monitoring project (WHAM)

Wham Img

About the project

About the project


The aim of this Marie Curie Global Postdoctoral fellowship is to develop valid digital markers for monitoring of and providing feedback on physical activity, paving the way for implementation and intervention.


Fellowship timeline


* RCT = randomized controlled clinical trial



  • Measure the effect of a pragmatic exercise intervention trial on self-reported physical activity levels and cardio-respiratory fitness in wheelchair users with spinal cord injury.
  • Develop valid algorithms for tracking physical activity markers in wheelchair users (continuation of the DigiW project)
  • Co-create a framework that outlines how physical activity can be conjointly monitored and provided feedback on in wheelchair users



2024 - 2028



To come



Blogpost: «I got a Marie Curie Global Fellowship. How did that happen – and why do I have mixed feelings?»
