Course - Physical Prototyping - IDG1006
IDG1006 - Physical Prototyping
This course is no longer taught and is only available for examination.
Examination arrangement
Examination arrangement: Process report
Grade: Letter grades
Evaluation | Weighting | Duration | Grade deviation | Examination aids |
Process report | 100/100 |
Course content
In this subject, students must follow the various phases of a design framework to build a small physical system that solves a problem. The design framework is iterative, so students will repeat the phases several times to further develop the quality of the system they create.
The work is individual, but the students meet in groups for formative-iterative guidance to discuss their own work and that of others. Students are also encouraged to collaborate with other students in the class along the way.
In the course, students build a physical prototype using various materials, e.g. electronics, at the institute's design workshop in Gjøvik. Before the work can start, the students must complete the necessary safety training to gain access to the workshop's resources.
Learning outcome
After completing the course, students must have:
Basic knowledge of...
- framework for managing an iterative design process, including simple methods for gathering insights, defining a problem, driving creative idea development, developing prototypes and testing
-, environment and safety challenges and solutions in a workshop environment
- ...the role of the prototype in a design process
- ...the concept of sustainability in general and specifically in the production of physical prototypes
- ...various forms of production methods and approaches to the production of physical parts
- ...simple electronics used in a prototyping context
Basic skills
- Use a simple design framework and document a work with associated methods to develop a technological system
- Combine knowledge, experiences and a reflection framework to develop a reflective project documentation
- Design simple parts in 2D and 3D tools to produce parts in different materials and with different processes/machines
- Build a small electronic system from simple electronic components and simple code
- Combine physical parts and simple electronics to build a physical prototype
- Work in a safe and secure manner in a workshop
Basic general competence
The national qualification framework for lifelong learning defines general competence as follows: "General competence is understood as the ability to apply knowledge and skills independently in various situations by showing cooperation, responsibility, ability to reflect and critical thinking in educational and professional contexts." In this subject, the student is measured on his/her ability to...
- reflect and think critically about the process of using a design framework to build a system that solves a problem or provides an opportunity to a user
- familiarize themselves with the work of other students and provide constructive input to, the work done by other students
- document their own work and reflect on the choices the student has made and the work that has been done, including thoughts about sustainability
Learning methods and activities
See the section on "Faglig innhold"
Further on evaluation
The students complete two compulsory tasks related to health and safety in the workshop at the start of the course. This will also include training in the safe and secure use of technical equipment and processes.
Furthermore, the students deliver a series of compulsory assignments in which they document and reflect on their own work, and which prepare them for the examination submission.
Finally, the students will hand in a larger written or video-based reflection work in which the students will document and reflect on their design process and prototype. This work will be graded on a scale from A-F.
Students that need to re-take the course does that by enrolling to the course again, and completing the remaining mandatory exercises and exam project according to the latest delivery requirements.
Compulsory work that is not delivered by the deadline
Students can contact the lecturer to apply for an extended deadline for submitting a compulsory assignment. The application must arrive before the submission deadline. If there is a valid reason for granting a deferred submission, he/she will then be given the opportunity to submit the compulsory work late and within 3 working days (or 3 working days after e.g. the end of a sick leave). If this deadline is not met without good reason, the student will not be registered for final assessment in the subject in the current semester. Compulsory exercises accompany the student if the student chooses to take the subject later if the subject has not undergone significant changes in the meantime.
Compulsory work that is assessed as not passed
Students who have not had a submitted compulsory work approved receive an oral or written justification for the decision, and are given the opportunity to improve the compulsory work within 3 working days. If the new submission is also assessed as failing and there are no significant circumstances that indicate otherwise, the student will be left without an approved work requirement and will lose the right to sit for the final assessment in the course.These rules apply to this subject, but other subjects may have different rules relating to compulsory works.
Specific conditions
Admission to a programme of study is required:
Interaction Design (BIXD)
Recommended previous knowledge
This course requires no previous special skills.
Required previous knowledge
This course is limited to students in the program Bachelor in Interaction Design.
Course materials
Information about learning aids in the course will be provided in connection with the start of the course.
Credit reductions
Course code | Reduction | From | To |
IDG1060 | 7.5 | AUTUMN 2024 |
Version: 1
7.5 SP
Study level: Foundation courses, level I
Language of instruction: English, Norwegian
Location: Gjøvik
- Design Methodology
Examination arrangement: Process report
- Term Status code Evaluation Weighting Examination aids Date Time Examination system Room *
- Autumn ORD Process report 100/100 INSPERA
Room Building Number of candidates
- * The location (room) for a written examination is published 3 days before examination date. If more than one room is listed, you will find your room at Studentweb.
For more information regarding registration for examination and examination procedures, see "Innsida - Exams"